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J Street, the pro-Israel, pro-peace lobbying and advocacy organization

headquartered in Washington, D.C., is hiring Regional Field Directors in the
following regions:

Northeast (based in NYC)

Midwest (based in Chicago)
Mid-Atlantic (based in Washington, DC)
West/Rocky Mountains (based in Los Angeles)

This is an outstanding opportunity for an individual who is an effective

organizer and team builder, and is committed to Israel and progressive
Jewish values. The Regional Field Directors will be part of a comprehensive
and integrated grassroots program of a young, fast-growing nonprofit
organization that, in its second year, had a budget of $4.3 million and a staff
of nearly 40. Further growth is anticipated in 2010.


J Street is the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement. Its

mission is to change the dynamics of American politics regarding Israel and
the Middle East, to promote the peaceful resolution of Israel’s conflicts with
its neighbors, and to open up greater debate and discussion in the American
Jewish community and the broader American community on what it means
to be pro-Israel.

J Street believes that Israel’s most vital security interest is to reach a

negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is not
only a necessity for securing Israel’s future as a democratic, Jewish
homeland, but also vital to America’s diplomatic and security interests with
respect to the broader Middle East. J Street seeks to promote American
leadership to resolve conflicts in the Middle East through diplomacy and
achieve security for Israel and the United States through peace.
J Street is an American organization, primarily but not exclusively Jewish,
that believes American, Israeli, Palestinian, and global interests are best
served by a comprehensive, regional resolution to the region’s conflicts
through assertive American diplomacy.

The J Street family of organizations includes J Street – a 501(c)(4) nonprofit

that is responsible for lobbying and advocacy; JStreetPAC – a legally
independent and unconnected federal political action committee that
endorses and raises money for federal candidates; and the J Street
Education Fund – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs education programs on
campuses, speakers tours, and trips to Israel. The Regional Field Directors
will be employees of the J Street Education Fund.


J Street Local – J Street’s National Grassroots and Field Program, to be

launched on February 4, 2010, will be a key component of its integrated
campaign to demonstrate significant support for a two state solution and to
support President Obama’s in pursuit of a Middle East peace initiative. The
program will complement other facets of J Street’s work - from DC-based
lobbying, to online communications, to building the robustness and reach of
a legally independent PAC, as well as engaging and supporting a growing
network of political activists and donors. Over the long-term, J Street aims
to ensure that there is a broader discourse regarding Israel and a broader
conception of what it means to be pro-Israel in all aspects of the Jewish

Organizing and mobilizing pro-Israel, pro-peace supporters at the grassroots

level is an essential element to all of this work and at the core of this work
will be mobilizing the 140,000+ supporters of the organization. In order to
enhance its mission and move aggressively to build a strong and vibrant
grassroots base, J Street has recently brought the grassroots operation of
Brit Tzedek v'Shalom into the J Street Family under the banner of its new
national field program - J Street Local. J Street Locals will be be responsible
for implementing a robust field plan including grassroots advocacy,
educational programming, outreach to individuals and Jewish organizations
and other allies, as well as grassroots fundraising in local communities
around the country. There are currently 25 active locals and another dozen
locales where organizations are just launching. In addition, J Street will be
looking to launch new Locals in strategically important cities and regions
throughout the country throughout 2010 with a goal of achieving over 50
active Locals.

For more information about J Street, please go to


The primary focus of the J Street Regional Field Directors will be to organize
and maximize the potential of J Street Local operations around the country
and new. There are currently over 25 J Street Locals in cities and regions
and the RFDs will work with the leadership of these existing organizations,
as well as identify new leaders and develop new locals in areas that are
being targeted for growth by the organization. Other responsibilities will
include leadership development, training, educational & persuasion
programming, maintaining a presence with elected officials and outreach to
both individuals and allied organizations. Regional Field Directors will also
be asked to support national programs and initiatives as necessary and to
implement these efforts in their regions.

Regional Field Directors will serve as an integral part of the J Street Team
and as such will be asked to coordinate and work in tandem with other
members of the J Street family and most specifically with the JNet, which
has responsibility for J Street's political activity.

Amongst the specific responsibilities of the Regional Field Director:

• implement the field plan

• work with existing J Street Locals
• organize new J Street Locals in target cities/regions
• identify and build new leadership for the organization
• develop and deliver skills based training for activists and community
• coordinate with JNet staff and members
• build relationships with local Jewish community leaders and other
allied organizations
• build strong advocacy networks that will have strong and trusted
relationships with targeted electeds
• provide assistance to Locals with database and online communications
• engage online activists and help translate them to offline
• participate in a series of national staff calls as well as regional calls
• travel within the region to support and monitor various grassroots
• speak persuasively and effectively on behalf of J Street
• provide support for national initiatives in the region
• assist with grassroots fundraising
• promote local media efforts on the ground
• develop and meet daily/weekly/monthly goals;
• provide regular tracking and reports to national
• manage budget and operations of assigned region

The Regional Field Directors will report to the National Field Director of J


Successful candidates will have significant grassroots field experience at the

regional or state level. Demonstrated ability to successfully manage field
operations as evidenced by the ability to work independently and in a team,
juggle multiple tasks, manage staff, build relationships and coalition build,
solve problems, think creatively, take initiative, and set priorities.
Candidates must have excellent political judgment and the ability to interact
with activists, donors and grass top leaders, press and Jewish communal
professionals at a high level. Excellent time management and strong
communication skills required. Willingness and ability to travel. Candidates
must also be extremely tech savvy and able to manipulate data,
spreadsheets and have a comfort level with constituent relationship
software. Specific experience in online to offline activism is a plus.

Salary is dependent on skills and experience.


Due to the pace of this search, candidates are encouraged to apply as soon
as possible, but no later than January 31, 2010. Applications including a
cover letter, your resume, salary history and and relevant references.
Please indicate where you learned of the position. All submissions should be
sent to: Please type Regional Field Director in the subject
line of the application.

J Street is an equal opportunity employer.

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