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EC O LO GIC A L E CO N O M ICS 6 6 ( 2 00 8 ) 6 2 8 6 37

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e c o l e c o n


Sustainability of nations by indices: Comparative study

between environmental sustainability index, ecological
footprint and the emergy performance indices
J.R. Siche a , F. Agostinho b , E. Ortega b,, A. Romeiro c

Escuela de Ingeniera Agroindustrial, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Av. Juan Pablo II s/n, Ciudad
Universitaria, Trujillo, Peru
Laboratory of Ecological Engineering, FEA (College of Food Eng), Unicamp, CP 6121, CEP 13083-862, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Ncleo de Economia Agrcola, NEA, UNICAMP, CP 6135, Campinas, SP, Brazil



Article history:

The present work makes a comparison between the two most used environmental

Received 24 July 2006

sustainability indices of nations: ecological footprint and environmental sustainability

Received in revised form

index, with two emergy ratios (renewability and emergy sustainability index). All of them

26 August 2007

are gaining space within the scientific community and government officials. Despite the

Accepted 27 October 2007

efforts for obtaining an index that adequately represents the sustainability of a region,

Available online 11 December 2007

according to the result of this research, nowadays there is not yet a completely satisfactory
index. We consider that all of them need to be improved, but the results point out the


possibility of obtaining one better index of sustainability through the junction of ecological

Ecological footprint

footprint with renewability emergy index.

Emergy analysis

2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Environmental sustainability index

Sustainability of nations



In the 60's decade, the book Silent Spring by Carson (1962)

became emblematic and contributed decisively for a change of
perspective of the environmentalist movement, changing it
from conservationism to ecology activism. Ten years later
another book caused great impact, The Limits to Growth
prepared by a group of researchers of The Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (Meadows et al., 1972). This book uses
modeling and simulation of ecological and economic systems
of the Earth at the end of 20th century and points out the
serious problems that humanity should solve, probably
through a new development model to overcome an ecological
and social disaster. Among the critical problems they cited

were: the intensive use of fossil energy with the consequent

end of reserves; reduction of supply of natural resources;
increment of the industrial activity and pollution; increase
and collapse of population; and, the limitation of the capacity
of food production.
The term sustainability was introduced as an international issue by the book The World Conservation Strategy in
1980 (IUCN et al., 1980). Since that date the term begin to be
used with increased frequency and its economic, social and
environmental dimensions were debated as well as its
importance in the search for a new form of development.
This concept was deeply discussed in a study prepared for the
World Commission on the Environment of the United Nations
known as the Brundtland Report (World Commission on the

Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 19 35214035; fax: +55 19 3521 4027.

E-mail address: (E. Ortega).
0921-8009/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

EC O L O G IC A L E C O N O M IC S 6 6 ( 2 0 08 ) 62 8 6 37

Environment and Development, 1987). This report, among

others things, concludes that it is necessary to make a big
change in the concept and approach of human development,
since all the ecological systems of the planet are suffering
serious and irreversible damage.
The idea of indicators to evaluate the sustainability
appeared in the World Conference on the Environment
Rio 92, in one of its final documents, Agenda 21 that registers
in chapter 40: commonly used indicators such as the gross
national product (GNP) and measurements of individual
resource or pollution flows do not provide adequate indications of sustainability. Methods for assessing interactions
between different parameters (environmental, demographic,
social and developmental) are not sufficiently developed or
applied. Indicators of sustainable development need to be
developed to provide solid bases for decision-making at all
levels and to contribute to a self-regulating sustainability of
integrated environment and development systems (United
Nations, 1992). The proposal was to define sustainable
standards of development that considered ambient, economic, social, ethical and cultural aspects; for this, it became
necessary to define indicators that could measure and
evaluate all the important aspects of the question.
Interesting studies about the development of indices to
evaluate the sustainability of countries had been published in
the journal Ecological Economics (Pearse and Atkinson, 1993;
Gilbert and Feenstra, 1994; Nilsson and Bergstrm, 1995; Azar
et al., 1996; Stockhammer et al., 1997; Bicknell et al., 1998;
Neumayer, 2001; Baloccoa et al., 2004) and other influential
journals (Steinborn and Svirezhev, 2000; Moser, 1996;
Krotscheck and Narodoslawsky, 1996; Barrera and Saldvar,
One of the most important contributions to the development of a sustainability indicator was given by Rees (1992)
with the development of an index called ecological footprint
or EF. The original methodology consisted in the construction
of a matrix consumption/use of land. The objective of this
index is to calculate the necessary land area for the production
and the maintenance of goods and services consumed by a
determined community (Wackernagel and Rees, 1996).
Another index considered of importance in the debate
on sustainability is the environmental sustainability index
or ESI (Samuel-Johnson and Esty, 2000). This index, when
proposed quickly originated discussions and controversies
at academy and political level (Jesinghaus, 2000; The Ecologist, 2001; Jha and Bhanu-Murthy, 2003; Morse and Fraser,
The scientific community considers these two indices (the EF
and ESI) as of bigger impact in the evaluation of the sustainability of countries (Jha and Bhanu-Murthy, 2003; Sutton and
Costanza, 2002; Morse, 2004).
Finally, the emergy performance indices known as renewability and emergy sustainability index (Brown and Ulgiati,
1997), which we will refer as EMPIs, that consider the economic system as an open thermodynamic system within the
biosphere and account for all the flows in units of aggregate
energy. These indices are based on the emergy theory proposed by Odum (1996).
The focus of this work was to compare all the indices above
cited (EF, ESI and EMPIs), analyzing its methodology and


application, in qualitative and quantitative form, identifying

the strengths and weakness of each of them.


Comparative analysis


Ecological footprint (EF)

The concept of the ecological footprint was introduced by Rees

(1992) and elaborated by Wackernagel and Rees (1996, 1997)
among others.
The EF can be compared with the productive biological
capacity of the available land and the sea to this population
(WWF, 2005). The EF measures the demand for natural
resources. For its creators, the EF is a measure of the impact
of the population expressed in terms of the appropriate area; it
is the surface of ecologically productive territory in the diverse
categories (arable lands, pastures, forests, sea and CO2
absorption area), necessary to supply the resources of energy
and matter that a population consume and to absorb its
wastefulness considering its current technology (Wackernagel
and Rees, 1996).
One characteristic term of this methodology is the biocapacity or interest from natural capital. Thus, the biocapacity
measures the bioproductivity or biological productivity in an
area. The average biological productivity of a hectare of the
earth's productive surface area is called global hectare (gha)
and is used as the common unit of comparison. Bioproductivity is the ability of a biome (e.g., arable land, pasture land,
forest land, productive sea) to produce biomass, which is
defined as the weight of organic matter, including animals,
plants and micro-organism (living and dead), above or below
the soil surface. Thus, the biomes have different levels of
bioproductivity. Some of it is built or degraded land. Biocapacity is dependent not only on natural conditions but also on
prevailing land use (e.g., farming use, forest use). The use of
bioproductive area as an aggregate unit is a powerful and
resonant means of measuring and communicating environmental impact and sustainability. It is crucial to note that the
biocapacity represents the theoretical maximum sustainable
capacity for a year. While ecological overshoot by definition
reveals the degradation of natural capital, the ecological
remainder does not guarantee the sustainability of production. Rather, as the Footprint of production approaches the
biocapacity and the ecological remainder narrows, the likelihood that the country will experience environmental stress
or degradation escalates, at least over longer periods of time.
In the EF, by comparing the demand with the available
supply it is possible to estimate the ecological sustainability
of territories or countries. A nation's ecological footprint correspond to the aggregate land and water area in various
ecosystem categories to produce all the resources it consumes, and to absorb all the waste it generates on a continuous basis, using prevailing technology.
The calculation of the EF for a country implies basically: (a)
Calculation of the footprint ( = Consumption Equivalence
Factor / Global Yield), considering categories of products (e.g.,
cropland, forest land, and fishing); (b) Calculation of the
Biocapacity ( = bioproductive area Yield Factor Equivalence
Factor) for each category. Finally, it is possible to calculate the


EC O LO GIC A L E CO N O M ICS 6 6 ( 2 00 8 ) 6 2 8 6 37

Ecological Balance ( = Biocapacity Footprint). According to

Monfreda et al. (2004) a Footprint greater than total Biocapacity indicates that demands exceed the regenerative capacity
of existing natural capital. For example, the products from a
forest harvested at twice its natural regeneration rate have a
Footprint twice the size of the forest. They call the amount of
overuse ecological deficit. Ecological deficits are compensated in two ways: (a) Either the deficit is balanced through
imports, resulting in ecological trade deficit or, as in this
forest product example; (b) The deficit is met through the
overuse of domestic resources, leading to natural capital depletion (ecological overshoot).
A detailed description of this index can be found in
Wackernagel and Rees (1996, 1997) and Monfreda et al.
(2004), some recent modifications by the calculation in
Wiedmann et al. (2006), Venetoulis and Talberth (in press),
and the calculation for 149 countries in the Living Planet
Report 2006 (Hails et al., 2006).


Environmental sustainability index (ESI)

The ESI was developed by a group of researchers of the

universities of Yale and Columbia and presented formally in
2000 in World Economic Forum (Annual meeting 2000, Davos
Switzerland) for Kim Samuel-Johnson and Daniel C. Esty. The
ESI, first published in 2001 and subsequently in 2002 and 2005,
has seen increasing popularity at least in the popular media
(Morse, 2004; Morse and Fraser, 2005) and has been overtly
linked in the press to the rule of law (Economist, 2002). The
increasing popularity of the ESI is in part related to the fact
that it is promoted by the powerful World Economic Forum
(WEF), and its release coincides with high-profile WEF meetings. For Sutton and Costanza (2002) the ESI is by no means the
only index or indicator of sustainability, and an approach also
gaining in interest is the estimation of Critical Natural Capital.
According to ESI, environmental sustainability is a fundamentally multi-dimensional concept. Environmental sustainability is the ability to maintain valued environmental assets
over the next several decades and to manage problems that
emerge from changing environmental conditions (Esty et al.,
In the construction of the ESI-2005, 21 indicators and 76
variables have been used. It is important to say that the
ecological footprint is considered as a variable in the calculation of this index. Values of the ESI for each country vary
between 0 (most unsustainable) and 100 (most sustainable).
The ESI-2005 considers five dimensions: environmental
systems (air, water, land and biodiversity); stresses (situations
very critical of pollution or any excessive level of exploration
of natural resources); human vulnerability (nutritional situation and the illnesses related to environment); social and
institutional capacity (capacities that allows the dealing with
of problems and environmental challenges); and global
stewardship (efforts and representative projects of international cooperation of the global responsibility).
The ESI is an index applied in the evaluation of nations'
sustainability, being its main objective to establish a way for
comparison of the sustainability of countries. To assist in the
comparisons across countries with similar profiles, a cluster
analysis is used. Cluster analysis provides a basis for identify-

ing similarities among countries across multiple dimensions.

The cluster analysis performed on the ESI-2005 data set reveal
seven groups of countries that had distinctive patterns of
results across the 20 indicators.
The method for the calculation of the ESI is the following
one: (a) Election of the countries (based in the country size,
variable coverage and indicator coverage); (b) Standardization
of the variables for cross-country comparisons; (c) Transformation of the variables (for imputation and aggregation
procedures); (d) Substitution of missing data using the multiple imputation algorithm; (e) Winsorization of the data; and,
(f) Aggregation of the data to indicator scores and the final ESI
In the web site of ESI (
ESI/) historical data, reports, methodology and detailed
descriptions of this index can be found.


Emergy performance indices (EMPIs)

We used the EMPIs nomenclature when referring to emergy

accounting indices used in the sustainability evaluation of
an economic system: renewability (REN) and emergy sustainability index (EmSI), suggested by Brown and Ulgiati (1997).
Emergy analysis was formalized, after many studies, as a
method of ecosystem valuation from the point of view of
the biophysical economy. The bases are the works of Lotka
(1925), Bertalanffy (1968) and others. Odum (1986) used for
the first time the term emergy (written with m) with
the meaning of EMbodied enERGY, also called EnERGY
Memory (Scienceman, 1987).
In practice, emergy analysis includes geophysics to value
the amount of energy connected to the production and use of
natural and anthropic resources. The aim of this methodology
is to obtain a thermodynamical measure of the energy used to
produce a resource. It uses a common unit for all the
resources: the equivalent solar energy Joule (seJ). Solar emergy
is used to give value to natural resources that the economy
does not evaluate correctly (rain, raw materials from nature,
water from rivers, biodiversity) and also to resources provided
by human economy, mainly fossil fuels and their derivatives
(goods and services of industrial economies). Emergy analysis,
by this characteristic, is used to make studies of the environmental inventory and human impact on them.
Emergy analysis consists of: (a) Identification of all the
materials and energy flows that participate in the processes
carried out within a system and calculation of emergy flows
through the use of the conversion factor named transformity. Transformity is the solar emergy required to make 1 J of
product or service (Odum, 1996). Thus, Energy flow Transformity = Emergy flow; (b) Aggregation of flows of the same
kind, for example, emergy of the local renewable resources (R)
and total emergy used in the system (U).1 A sustainability
index can be calculated with these two aggregated flows, the
Renewability (REN = R / U); (c) Calculation of emergy yield ratio,

U = N0 + N1 + R + F + G + S. (N0: dispersed rural non-renewable

resources, mainly soil and forest; N1: concentrated non-renewable resources urban, industrial uses; R: renewable resources; F:
imported fuels and minerals; G: imported goods; S: services in
imported goods and fuels.)

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Fig. 1 Ecological footprint: (a) Capacity and Consumption.

(b) Ecological deficit. Source: Own elaboration based on Hails
et al. (2006).

EYR = U / (F + G + S), and environmental loading ratio, ELR = (N0 +

N1 + F + G + S) / R; and finally; (d) Calculation of emergy sustainability index (EmSI = EYR / ELR).
EYR measures the system's net contribution to the
economy beyond (Odum, 1996). EYR is an indicator of the
yield of a process compared to inputs other than local, giving a
measure of the ability of a process to make use of local
resources (Brown and Ulgiati, 1997). The ELR is a measure of
the pressure on the systems because it evaluates the relationship between the purchased from outside (F) and locally nonrenewable emergies (N) to the locally renewable emergy (R).
High values of ELR mean a large flow of emergy due to human
activities, resulting in a high load on the ecosystem. This
indicator has been used widely in different emergy evaluations to assess the long-term sustainability of the systems
(Brown and Ulgiati, 1997; Ulgiati and Brown, 1998; Brown and
Ulgiati, 1999; Brown and Ulgiati, 2001).
The EmSI is an aggregate measure of yield and environmental loading of a system (Ulgiati and Brown, 1998). This
ratio relies on the assumption that sustainability is a function
of yield, renewability and load on the environment (Brown
and Ulgiati, 1997). To be sustainable, a process or system must
obtain the highest yield ratio (EYR) at the lowest environmental loading (ELR) (Ulgiati and Brown, 1998). The EmSI is
considered an aggregate measure of yield and environmental
loading of a system (Ulgiati and Brown, 1998), because it
incorporates two indices in its calculation: EYR and ELR. This
aggregate index assumes that to achieve sustainability it is
necessary to obtain the highest yield ratio at the lowest environmental loading.
On the other hand, the REN index has also been suggested
as an indicator of the stress on the ecosystem (Ulgiati and
Brown, 1998), in the sense that a low value of REN means a
high pressure on the environment. At country level, REN and
ELR are seemed, with REN not only providing information on
the reliance on renewable resources (a measure of sustainability), but also indicating the relative pressure of a process
on the ecosystem, as another measure to assess sustainability


(Brown and Ulgiati, 1997). The REN index is able to provide

more information about the sustainability in the use of local
resources, while ELR can reveal something about the ecological sustainability of the actual local system due to the human
activities. For example, the ELR could provide information on
the dependence of a local system on the renewable and
external (non-local) part of the feedback from the society. This
dependence might be high and contribute to an increase in the
environmental load and reduce the integrity of a local system.
The REN is not able to capture this aspect. The ESI is a more
complex index, it aggregates emergy yield and environmental
stress, so it claims to inform about both economic and
ecological sustainability. Thus, sustainability, according to
REN, implies that in the long run, only processes with high
REN will be sustainable (Brown and Ulgiati, 1997) and
sustainability, according to EmSI, implies to achieve the
highest energy balance with the lesser environmental impact;
the higher this is, the more an economy relies on renewable
energy sources, minimizing the importations and environmental load.
More detailed descriptions of the method and applications
can be found in Odum (1996).



A set of 12 countries were selected whose sustainability has

been previously evaluated with the three methods chosen for
this research.
Fig. 1 shows the results of ecological footprint. In this
figure, two different scales are included: consumption (EF)
and biocapacity (BC) in hectares/capita for each country
(Fig. 1a), and the difference between EF and BC expressed as
ecological deficit (ED) or ecological reserve (ER) (Fig. 1b). In the
case of the United States it was observed that a great
consumption (EF = 9.5) and low local biocapacity to support
its consumption (BC = 4.9) (Fig. 1a), results in a high ED (4.6)
(Fig. 1b). In the opposite case, Sweden also has a high value of
consumption (EF = 7.0) but a bigger biocapacity (BC = 9.8) that
results in an ER = 2.8, defining itself as a sustainable country.
This index was calculated for Chile, Peru, Argentina and Brazil
and the results show low consumptions compared with high

Fig. 2 Environmental sustainability index (Score and Rank).

Source: Own elaboration based on Esty et al. (2005).


EC O LO GIC A L E CO N O M ICS 6 6 ( 2 00 8 ) 6 2 8 6 37

Fig. 3 Emergy performances indices: Renewability (REN) and

Emergy Sustainability Index (EmSI). Source: Own elaboration
based in the studies of Brown and McClanahan (1996),
Cuadra (2005), Haden (2003), Lagerberg (1999), Siche and
Ortega (2007), Scatena et al. (2002).

biocapacity, locating them between the more sustainable

countries on the planet.
Fig. 2 shows the ESI calculated for each country. In this
analysis, the countries of high ESI value are sustainable
countries and the countries of low value are unsustainable;
thus, Sweden, according to ESI-2005, has an ESI score of 71.7
(4th in the ESI rank), is one of the sustainable countries.
Mexico, with ESI score of 46.2 (95th in the ESI rank), is one of
the unsustainable countries. United States, with ESI score of
52.9 (45th in ESI rank), is considered an intermediate country
in the ESI scale. Argentina, Brazil and Peru, 9th, 11th and 16th
respectively in the ESI ranking are sustainable countries.
Fig. 3 shows the EMPIs (EmSI and REN) for each country.
The countries that have high values of EmSI and REN are
sustainable and the countries with low values of EmSI and
REN are unsustainable. Thus, Denmark (EmSI = 0.14 and
REN = 0.09), Italy (EmSI = 0.17 and REN = 0.10), Sweden
(EmSI = 0.19 and REN = 0.12) and United States (EmSI = 0.48
and REN = 0.11) are unsustainable countries. Countries such
as Argentina (EmSI = 8.20 and REN = 0.56), Nicaragua
(EmSI = 13.86 and REN = 0.77), Ecuador (EmSI = 15.48 and
REN = 0.50) and Brazil (EmSI = 16.50 and REN = 0.70) are sustainable countries.
In Fig. 4, sustainability values of the three evaluated
methods are plotted in a scale from 0 to 100. Linear normalization of data (UNDP, 2005) was used to convert the values of
the evaluated indices in comparable scales but conserve the
relative importance of its original measurement. In the case of
the EF that has a contrary trend to indices ESI and REN, its
complementary value to one was calculated (EFr = 1 EF) to
keep the consistency.
Fig. 4 shows the concentration of obtained data. At the right
side, Brazil and Argentina show consistency in results; the
values of sustainability obtained with the three methods are
similar. On the left, the discrepancies between the results of
each index are evident. Thus, meanwhile the ESI calculates
a good value of sustainability for Sweden, REN and EFr show
a low sustainability. In the opposite case, Mexico which

according to ESI has a low sustainability, while using the EF

shows a high sustainability.
In Fig. 5 the regressions between pairs of these indices are
presented. The correlation coefficient (R2) is used here as a tool
to define, beyond the similarity between the methods, also the
degree of dependence. A R2 = 0.0004 (Fig. 5a) indicates that the
comparative methods (ESI and EmSI) give very different
results, or that the ESI is explained in 0.04% for the EmSI, or
vice versa, the EmSI is explained in 0.04% for the ESI. A
R2 = 0.5156 (Fig. 5e) indicates that the methods EF and REN give
similar results; EF is explained in 52% for the REN and vice
Finally, in order to compare the methods two tables were
prepared. Table 1 shows the processing of raw data in each
method to achieve its final index. Table 2 describes the main
characteristics of each method.



The three methods studied show advantages and limitations,

they show different approaches, different levels of complexity
and they use different units in their calculations.
The EF is expressed in units easy to understand (land area).
The ESI doesn't have a specific dimension, its value is obtained
from a complex expression that includes many concepts, each
one with different units, including land area, since this
methodology includes the EF as one of its 146 variables, thus,
ESI is the most complex index and the more laborious to
calculate. The EMPIs are obtained from equations that consider only one unit of measure: solar emergy (equivalent solar
Joule or seJ).
As it can be seen in Table 1, the three indices give as final
result a numerical value that is a consequence of the aggregation of other indicators.
The three indices can reveal critical situations of the
evaluated systems. Usually they are used as static methods;
they interpret a system's situation at the current moment.
Since the nature and the economy are dynamic systems, these
indices do not catch certain phenomena on course, as
technological or social systems changes. The emergy analysis developed a specific method for dynamic modeling and

Fig. 4 Comparative radar of the sustainability values.

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Fig. 5 Correlations between the indices. (a) ESIEmSI; (b) ESIREN; (c) ESIEF; (d) EFEmSI; (e) EFEN.

simulation (Odum and Odum, 2000; Valyi and Ortega, 2004),

since this methodology considers the change of internal
stocks as a consequence of the alterations of the external
forces or the establishment of new internal arrangements.
This makes it possible to model and to simulate an ecosystem
or economies.
The creators of EF say that prediction never was their
intention. The EF can be seen as an ecological camera; each
analysis supplies a picture instantaneous of current demands
on nature, demands of dominant technology and social values
(Rees and Wackernagel, 1996). They reiterate in this paper that
ecological footprint is not a window of the future, but a skill to
evaluate the current reality and to construct scenarios in the
search of sustainability.
EF as EMPIs have been applied to make environmental
evaluations at all scales (Table 2), for example, the global
situation has been evaluated with the EF (WWF, 2005) and
with the EMPIs (Brown and Ulgiati, 1999). These two tools also

are being used to evaluate countries, regions and also small

enterprises. On the other hand, the ESI has been only used to
evaluate the sustainability of countries.
An important strength of the ESI is the presentation of all
this rich information alongside the final values of the index
(Jesinghaus, 2000), but as Welsch (2004) points out, in the ESI
there are concerns over the quality of the data that are
employed. Only single values for each variable are used for
each country and one can question whether this is realistic or
desirable. For some variables, such as membership of an
international agreement to protect the environment, the
values are likely to be both accurate and reasonable at
national level.
The EMPIs demand certain knowledge of emergy concepts
based on open system thermodynamics but are easy to
calculate. The EF is the more simple method because it does
not use sub-indicators (Table 1), but behind the apparent
simplicity of EF there is a complex calculation of land indices


EC O LO GIC A L E CO N O M ICS 6 6 ( 2 00 8 ) 6 2 8 6 37

Table 1 Aggregation of the data

Pyramid of


sustainability performance
index (ESI)
indices: EmSI,

Sub-indices or Not use

Not use
Variables or
Not use
added data

5 dimensions

Not use

21 indicators
146 variables


Not use


U (total
N, R, F, G, S, E

Primary data

Flows of
materials and
energy of the
system under

All available data

including other
indices or

Flows of
energy and
money, that
enter, leave

N: Non-renewable resources; R: renewable resources; F: imported

fuels and minerals; G: imported goods; S: services in imported
goods and fuels; E: Value of Goods and Service Exports.

for many human and natural activities. The ESI includes the
use of the multiple imputation algorithms to substitute
missing data and other statistical tools and assumptions
that make difficult the reproduction of their data.
Respect to wastes, emissions and recycling (IDER, Table 2),
EF accounts for the area to absorb the carbon dioxide formed
during the combustion of fossil fuels, but without considering
another kind of contamination, at least directly. Thus, the EF
fails when not considering or to underestimate important
factors such as waste emissions and recycling. In the EMPIs,
any flow or stock can be accounted for; however, in practice,
the emergy analysis of national systems does not account
atmospheric emissions and residue stocks.
In relation to the concept of how renewable is a resource
(DEFR, Table 2), only the emergy method makes this differentiation. The EMPIs establish a clear differentiation between
finite power sources (non-renewable) and renewable continuous sources. EF when considering biocapacity includes this
consideration, but not in other calculations. Therefore EF is
not able to explicit the degree of sustainability in the final
indicator. In the case of the ESI, this concept is used in an
indirect form, first, because in its calculations EF is considered
as a variable (maybe with low weight); and second, because
many other variables used in the calculation represent somehow the use of renewable resources, as the variable hydropower and renewable energy production as percentage of total
energy consumption.
It can be said that, all of them obtain an estimative of
sustainability in a general way and in some cases the three
studied indices can supply similar results. But, it is necessary
to be careful when making conclusions and proposals. For
example, in accordance with the report Living Planet Report
2004 countries as Thailand, Peru, Nicaragua and Ecuador

register very good values of EF (Fig. 1a), that is, these regions
posses more area than is necessary to support the lifestyle of
its inhabitants. But this fact is connected with their situations
of poverty and underdevelopment. On the other hand, in
countries such as the United States, Denmark and Italy there
is an area deficit (Fig. 1b); because the lifestyle of its
inhabitants cannot be supported with the local resources. In
practice, the countries with high consumption survive with
the resources of other countries (oil of the Arab countries,
minerals, fuels and natural raw materials from Latin America
and Africa, etc.).
A similarity between EF and EMPIs is the fact that both
accept the hypothesis that the inhabitants of a region are not
isolated, they consume what it is produced plus imported
minus exported. The difference is that the EMPIs consider
imported and exported emergy as variables (Table 1) of the
evaluated system and insert them in some of its indicators;
this is not the case with EF which accounts them in indirect
form as part of the consumption calculation but is not reflected in the final index.
The mathematical analysis (Figs. 4 and 5) shows that EF
and EMPIs have similar behavior. One of the main results in
the mathematical analysis is that ESI obtains very good values
for some countries that have proven a big participation in the
pollution of the planet, such as the United States and
Denmark, in contrast to bad values of EF and EMPIs for these
countries (Fig. 4).
The indices with high relationships are EF and EMPIs
(R2 = 0.3148 for EFEmSI, Fig. 5d; R2 = 0.5156 for EFREN, Fig. 5e)
and those with worse relationships are ESI and EMPIs
(R2 = 0.0004 for ESIEmSI, Fig. 5a; R2 = 0.009 for ESIREN,
Fig. 5b). It can be said, that 32% of EF variation is explained
by EmSI and 52% of the EF variation is explained by REN.
Fig. 5c shows a low correlation of ESI with EF (R2 = 0.0768),
lesser value in comparison with the value calculated by Esty
et al. (2005) between the ESI and the EF (R2 = 0.15) and greater in

Table 2 Main characteristics of the methods





Unit of measure
Level of

Land area





Scale a

G, N, SN, L,
B and P
Only emission CO2

Static and
G, N, SN, L,
B and P



Scales: it represents the geographic level in what the index is

being applied (G: Global; N: national; SN: sub-national; L: place; B:
businesses; P: products).
The method includes in its methodology: wastefulness,
emissions and recycling.
The method considers the effect of the emissions on the
The method recognizes the difference between fossil and
renewable energy.

EC O L O G IC A L E C O N O M IC S 6 6 ( 2 0 08 ) 62 8 6 37

comparison with the value calculated between the ESI and the
Environmental Vulnerability Index (R2 = 0.03). Thus, in all the
cases, the lesser relationships is given between the ESI and
any another sustainability index, and the biggest relationships
between the EF and any another sustainability index.
The creators of the ESI (Esty et al., 2005) had found a bigger
relationship between the ESI and wealth (measured through
GDP) (R2 = 0.23) and a similar relationship between the ESI
and the Global Competitive Index (R2 = 0.34). Worse still, Morse
and Fraser (2005), working with all of the ESI data and the
assumption of equal weighting found a great relationship
between ESI and GDP (R2 = 0.82 of linear relationship and
R2 = 0.86 of quadratic relationship). These results, added to
ours, add to the criticism of the ESI not to give a good interpretation of the sustainability of a country, and on how well a
given country can deal with threats to its own sustainability,
by using its wealth.
It is given that in ESI there is a preponderance of variables
having a strong positive correlation with wealth; it could then
be argued that the ESI is based in favor of the richer countries
(The Ecologist, 2001). This could greatly facilitate the use of the
ESI for relating environmental sustainability to economic
performance (Morse and Fraser, 2005) as well as corruption
(Morse, 2006). In addition, the ESI seems to focus on how well a
given country can deal with threats to its own sustainability,
while the EF can be applied at individual, local, regional, or
global levels; it really focuses on impacts on global sustainability. For this, the United States has a huge EF, but achieves
this by stepping on other countries. On the other hand, the ESI
of the United States looks so good, since it does not consider
the effect of global sustainability. Or as Schaefer and Schavey
(2002) say, the ESI represents a country's success in coping
with environmental challenges and cooperating with other
countries in the management and improvement of common
environmental problems. The main criticism of ESI is about
the decision over what variables to include within some
justification that the selection of the variables (Jha and BhanuMurthy, 2003; Morse and Fraser, 2005) that make up the ESI is a
subjective process and hence the ESI is largely reflecting what
its creators feel is important. In practical terms, the ESI's
attempt to measure sustainability fails because it seeks to fold
too many disparate phenomena under the same conceptual
umbrella (The Ecologist, 2001).



The ecological footprint is based on the comparison of

consumption versus resources, but one evident imperfection of this index is the low use of information associated to
sustainability (e.g., soil loss, consumption of fresh water and
loss of forests), aspects that EMA e ESI methods compute. On
the other hand, the demand of information in the ESI is
excessive; however ESI can be considered very informative.
Despite the limitations of the ESI, some analyses could take
advantage of their impact and response indicators as well as
state and pressure. We think that the ESI would be more useful
if it disaggregated into its individual components, allowing the
user to decide on appropriate weights. Emergy analysis (EMA)
applied for countries, until the present moment, does not


consider some important variables, specifically the calculation of natural biomass energy, deforestation and consumption of fresh water, but could be included with ease, because
EMA is very adaptable and could include relevant variables
according to requirements. Thus, EMA gives an approximate
solution of the system sustainability that can be refined. An
important issue is that EMA separates renewable and nonrenewable resources.
The correlation analysis indicates that the ESI compared
with any another sustainability index presents the lesser
relationships (R2ESIEmSI = 0.0004; R2ESIEF = 0.0768), in contrast of
the EF, that presents the best relationships with any index
(R2ESIEF = 0.0768; R2EFREN = 0.5156). Thus, of the three evaluated
methods, the indices that show better relationships are
the ecological footprint (EF) and the emergy performance indices (EMPIs). In this way, to improve and to refine the methodology of the ecological footprint (static method), considering
the strong points of the emergy methodology (as dynamic
component), could be a good alternative. Research about this
line was published recently (Zhao et al., 2005; Chen and Chen,
2006), but these new mixed methods maintain some deficiencies of the original methodologies. Recently new alternatives
of convergence between EF and EMA are being proposed to
improve the deficiencies of the initial approaches (Siche et al.,
2007; Agostinho et al., 2007).
It is possible to say that the three methods are important
alternatives to calculate the sustainability of nations, but they
need to be refined in order to think in a new better alternative
derived from them.

The authors are grateful to the CNPQ (Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico) of Brazil for
providing financial support for the development of the present

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