CH 04 Summary

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Ch 04 Summary.


Name _____________________________

Applications of Differentiation
Polynomial, rational and transcendental functions are differentiable at all points in their domains.

(And remember differentiability implies continuity.)

I. The Behavior of Functions
Absolute = Global Max/Min

could be at CNs or endpoints, closed intervals

absolute extremum can also be local extremum
Evaluate function values at CNs and endpoints
to determine, largest and smallest y-values.

Relative = Local Max/Min

defined on open intervals (interior points)

can extend to endpoints on half-open intervals
Use 1st or 2nd derivative test to determine.

Test for Increasing and

Decreasing on an interval

First Derivative Test

(sign change from one to next interval)

If f(x) is continuous, CN at c:
1. f changes sign from + to at c

Critical Numbers (local extrema)

If f defined at c
and f (c) = 0 or f (c) = DNE
then c is a CN of f.

Relative extrema occur only

at CNs

Points of Inflection
If f continuous, has a tangent line
at c, and

( c, f (c) ) is a POI, then

f (c) = 0 or f (c) = DNE .

then local max at c.

2. f changes sign from to + at c
then local min at c.
3. f does not change sign at c
then no local extreme at c.

Second Derivative Test

(sign of second derivative at c, w/ CNs!)
If f (c) = 0 and f exists on open I

1. If f (c) < 0 ,
then local max at c.
2. If f (c) > 0 ,
then local min at c.
3. If f (c) = 0 , the test fails. So try
the 1st Derivative Test.

(Need the sign change in f from

one interval to the next)

Other considerations:
Domain when f ( x) = DNE
No 0 in denominator

Over y-axis: f ( x) = f ( x)
About the origin: f ( x) = f ( x)

Vertical Asymptotes (at c)

lim f ( x) = Set denominator = 0.
Horizontal Asymptotes
lim f ( x) approaches a value.

x-intercept let y = 0, ( x, 0)

Oblique Asymptotes
Examine end behavior: lim f ( x) =

S. Stirling 2013

Use 1st derivative sign chart to

analyze behavior in the intervals:
use f ( x) = 0 or f ( x) = DNE .
Basically, same procedure.

Test for Concavity on an open


Let f be a twice-differentiable on
open interval I.
1. If f ( x) > 0 ( f increasing),
then f is convave upward in I
2. If f ( x) < 0 ( f decreasing),
then f is convave downward
in I
Use 2nd derivative sign chart to
analyze behavior in the intervals:
use f ( x) = 0 or f ( x) = DNE .

x c

No negative
No log of 0 or negative
Behavior of Trig. and Inverse
Trig functions.

y-intercept let x = 0, ( 0, y )

Let f be continuous on [a, b]

and differentiable on (a, b).
If f ( x) > 0 for all x in (a, b),
then f increases on [a, b].
If f ( x) < 0 for all x in (a, b),
then f decreases on [a, b].
If f ( x) = 0 for all x in (a, b),
then f is constant on [a, b].

f (c) = lim f ( x)
x c

No holes, infinite or jumps.

Use end behavior.

Use long division to find the equation for it.

No discontinuity
No sharp points
No vertical tangents
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Ch 04 Summary.doc

II. Optimization Problems

Guidelines for Solving Applied Minimum and
Maximum Problems
1. Identify given quantities and variables. Make
a sketch, if needed.
2. Write a primary equation involving the
quantities to be maximized or minimized.
3. Use secondary equations to get the primary
equation in terms of a single variable.
4. Determine the feasible domain of the primary
equation, f. (You may need to use the
secondary equation to help you.)
5. Find maximum or minimum by using calculus
Closed: Test critical numbers and endpoints in f.
Open: 1st derivative test OR 2nd derivative test.

Name _____________________________

III. Related Rates Problems

Related Rates Best Practices Procedure
1. Analysis
Picture appropriately labeled.
Identify variables are defined along with known
List the rates you KNOW and WANT.
2. Problem Explanation
a) Equation(s) that relate the variables, simplified.
Get the equation in terms of ONLY the
variable(s) involved in the rates you know and
b) Find the derivative with respect to time,
implicitly, and simplify if needed.
c) Find and substitute the known values in to solve
for the rate you want.
3. Interpretation
Summarize what your answer(s) mean in terms of
the context of the problem.

6. Summarize your findings.

IV. Motion Problems

s(t ) position function
v(t ) = s(t ) velocity function
v(t ) > 0 s increasing, moving up or right
v(t ) < 0 s decreasing, moving down or left
a(t ) = v(t ) = s(t ) acceleration function
a(t ) > 0 s concave up, v increasing, accelerating
a(t ) < 0 s concave down, v decreasing, decelerating
V. Differentials and Linear Approximation
Definition of Differentials
Let y = f ( x) represent a function that is
differentiable on an open interval containing x.
The differential of x, dx, is any nonzero real number.
The differential of y, dy, is dy = f ( x)dx
Tangent line approximation of f at c,
where f is differentiable at c.
The equation for the tangent line at the
point ( c, f (c) ) is given by

Actual Error: y = f (c + x) f (c)

Approximate Error: dy = f (c) dx

Approximate Function Values

f ( x + x) f ( x) + f ( x)dx

y = f (c) + f (c)( x c)

S. Stirling 2013

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Ch 04 Summary.doc

Name _____________________________

Existence Theorems. Always check the hypothesis of a theorem before applying it! Remember:
Polynomial, rational and transcendental functions are differentiable at all points in their domains. And that
differentiability implies continuity.)
EVT (check hypothesis!)
guarantees an absolute max
and min on a closed interval
extreme values can occur at
CNs and/or at the endpoints.

The Extreme Value Theorem

If f is continuous on a closed interval [a, b],
then f has both an absolute maximum value and an
absolute minimum value on the interval.
(could be the same value and occur at many places = horizontal line)

Rolles (check hypothesis!)

guarantees at least one extreme value in an
open interval (a, b) when f (a) = f (b) .
guarantees that between two consecutive zeros
there is a place where the derivative is zero.
If you find 2 function values that are the same,
then must be at least one c where f (c) = 0

Rolles Theorem
Let f be continuous on a closed interval [a, b] and
differentiable on the open interval (a, b).
If f (a) = f (b)
then there exists at least one number c in (a, b)
such that f (c) = 0 .

The Mean Value Theorem

Let f be continuous on a closed interval [a, b]
and differentiable on the open interval (a, b).
then there exists at least one point c in (a, b) at

f (c) =

f (b) f (a)

MVT (check hypothesis!)

Graphically: tangent slope = secant slope for at

least one point in [a, b]
To find where tangent lines are parallel to secant
Instantaneous rate of change = average rate of
given 2 distances and times, see if speed reaches a
given mph
given 2 velocities and times see if acceleration
reaches a given mph2
see if a functions slope will reach a value, given
two points on f.

The Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous

If a function f is continuous on a closed interval [a, b]
and k is any number between f(a) and f(b),
then there exists at least one number c in [a, b] such
that f(c) = k.

The Intermediate Value Theorem for Derivatives

A derivative must have the intermediate value property.
If a and b are any two points in an interval on which f is
then f ' takes on every value between f '(a) and f '(b).

S. Stirling 2013

IVT (check hypothesis!)

guarantees a function value

between two given values.
If f changes sign, then f must have
at least one zero.
use with other theorems to show at
least one real solution exists

IVT Derivatives (check hypothesis!)

guarantees a function has to have a

slope that is between the slopes
toward the ends of the interval

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