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outstAndinG locAl neWspAper

For Five consecutive Years
St. peter Baptist catholic Mass Media awards

vol. XXii, no. 11

reGionAl eXponent for proGress

bicol, the philippines

nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014



CamSur still Cocolisap-free

NAGA CITY --- After the cocolisap scare in
the province of Quezon, a Philippine Coconut
Authority (PCA) official here expressed strong
resolve not to allow the coconut scale insect to
gain grounds in the Bicol soil through the formation of a taskforce to particularly focus on
the matter.
(Turn to page 6)

Cayetano, Marcos in Reg'l

Dec. 5-6

City Mayor Noel rosal, assisted by members of the city

council, lead the ceremonial ground breaking ceremony for
the planned city hospital in furtherance of its most livable
city character.

Senator Alan Peter

Cayetano is the keynote speaker of, while
Senator Ferdinand R.
Marcos, Jr. will address, the First Regional Youth Entrepreneurship Congress
at the CamSur Convention Center in Pili,
Camarines Sur on December 5-6, 2014.


Sen. MArCoS

Engr. NGo

The congress has the

theme: Laying down the
building blocks of tomorrows economy, today and

is presented by the Camarines Sur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CSCCI)

in partnership with Gov. Luis

Miguel Migz Villafuerte,

the Province of Camarines
Sur, the Philippine Cham(Turn to page 6)

3rd floor, GerONiMO blDG., bArliN sT., NAGA CiTY TelefAX: (054) 475-62-62 CP 0921-3183720 / 0919-2822901 / 0920-5337766


bikol reporter

A pork by any
other name
To paraphrase Shakespeare, a pork
by any other name, would still be pork.
This is in essence what Sen. Miriam
Defensor Santiago recently pointed out
in the 2015 budget passed by the Senate
which voted 13-0 in favor.
Santiago argued that there are pork
barrel-like insertions in the budget
and this is in violation of the recent
Supreme Court decisions declaring
unconstitutional the Priority Development
Assistance Fund or PDAF.
These funds, regardless of the name,
may be considered pork barrel, because
they are national funds used for local
projects selected by legislators, and they
are granted in lump sums, she said.
Like a knight in shining armor out to
rescue the embattled budget, however,
Sen. Chiz Escudero, brushed aside the
woman senators accusations.
While there may be lump sum
appropriations in the 2015 budget he
said, they are not necessarily pork.
And so that was what transpired in the
Senate the other week.
Ask any veggie, and he or she will tell
you smell carnivorous.
That this kind of debate came up in the
Senate, only shows that nothing is over
yet on the PDAF issue.
Lawyers call the act of skirting the
provision of law as circumvention.
We call this budgetary gobbledygook.
If indeed there are pork barrel insertions
in next years budget, as shown in the PhP
37.3 billion lump sums appropriations
to five government departments, that is
clearly a pre-election preparation.
This is also shows that the Presidents
Tuwid na Daan is actually crooked. He
is not being forthright with the people he
swore to serve with honesty. That is not
transparency, that is obfuscation.
It is about time that a child among us
tell President PNoy, he is naked after all.
And smells pork.


Tel. No. (054) 475-6262

ed g. yu


Lee G. Dullesco II

Head, Advertising Associates


nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014

Lower Eco-Fundamentals
(PICPA past president and Hall-ofFamer, and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement
LIQUIDITY: Our domestic liquidity
(M3 in technical terms) continued to
ease last month (October) even as the
Bangko Sentral adjusted upwards the
reserve requirements of bank deposits
and special deposit accounts (SDA). M3
the broadest measuring stick of liquidity
expanded by 15.4% to P7.208 trillion last
month. The rate is slower than those for
the previous two months (18.3% in August,
and 16.2% in September, 2014).
There was a recorded expansion of
credit to the private sector. Its good,
because the loans during the month were
channeled to key production sectors
wholesale and retail trade, real estate,
renting, manufacturing, business services,
utilities and financial intermediation. On
the other side of stratum, public sector
loans also went up (to P1.07 trillion) as
government deposits with BSP were
withdrawn to pay maturing obligations.
POLICIES: Threats of inflation surface
when money supply exceeds credit
demands of the economy. To siphon in
excess liquidity the Monetary Board
raised the reserve requirements on
deposits (which reduce the banks credit
utilization of deposits that they received
from their customers.
The reserve
requirements on deposits were increased
by 200 points (2%), while the reserves for
SDAs were raised by 0.25%,
The liquidity tightening was actually
in response to the Monetary Boards trial
moves last year of reducing the SDA rate by

150 basis points and restricting deposits of
investment management accounts or the
singular fund accounts usually offered to
retail investors in the facility. The purpose
then was to encourage the moneyed
people to use their funds in economic
activities that are beneficial to economic
growth. But then, the risks of inflation
subsequently came about!
APEC 2015: The Philippines will host
the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) meeting next year. This early, the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
launched programs in cooperation with
the private sector to take advantage of
opportunities that go with the hosting of
this big international event. One of the
main programs is the 23rd APEC Economic
Leaders Forum which we will be leading.
DTI hopes to underscore therein
the significance of small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) in our countrys
economy, and their possible integration
into the global supply chain. With stronger

SMEs the Philippines can draw

supplies from global sources even
as local enterprises may export abroad
products that we can produce cheaper
and with better quality. Philippine SMEs
account for 99% of total economic
entities, even as they provide 65% of
domestic jobs.
ELECTIONS: My wife and I are
regular voters in all the past national
and local elections. But we were
threatened (like other voters) with
disenfranchisement if we dont reregister with COMELEC under their
digitalized system (with picture to
boot). So we went to one of Lucena
Citys malls where the electoral
office set up a temporary registration
station. As old voters, we had our
records checked using our senior
citizens IDs.
The registration for new voters
and the re-registration of old voters
were systematic (patterned after
the systems adopted by the NBI
and DFA). After revalidation (through
computerized records) of our voters
registration we were endorsed to
the digital photo-section where our
photos and fingerprints were inputted
into a computer. We were done in
fifteen minutes! Amazed at the positive
change, we asked when our Voters
IDs will be issued. The curt answer
maybe in one years time po. Aray
GODS ADVICES: Be alert and
watchful! We dont know when our
time will come. So, stay awake!

Is nature sending us a message?

Many people are getting sick and
we can do many things for a healthy
living. The following are excerpts taken
from the column of a health guru, Cory
Quirino entitled Is nature sending us
a message? , in the Philippine Daily
Inquirer dated October 14, 2014 which
are helpful:
So many questions about healthy
living and so little time to answer them
all. But yes, there is a practical answer
for every practical question.
Learn a little more with me today. You
can only benefit from it.
Question: I sleep early and hardly
stay out late. But why am I so sickly? I
am home most of the time because I am
a hands-on mom of five kids.
Answer: There are many possibilities.
For one, you could be stressed and
overworked as a full-time mother.
But there are other areas you should
explore, like the air you breathe or the
food you eat.
Do you know that about 80 percent of
any health challenge can be attributed to
ones eating habits?
And that there is a chance to turn
around your condition simply by making
adjustments on the quality of your
Are you eating enough vegetables?
Are they organic?
Do you drink enough water?
Do you exercise at all?
One crucial truth about environmental
effects on ones health is the poor air
quality within the home. A tropical climate
can be damp. High humidity is a perfect
condition for molds to accumulate.
If you are asthmatic, you must address
the mold air levels in your home.
Solution: Ionizing air filters are now
Also, leaking roofs that damage
ceilings can become damp and create a
proliferation of molds.
Consider putting a water filter in your
Increase your vegetable intake,

nenita fuentebella-peones
exercise, drink lots of water. Above all,
consult your doctor.
Remember that toxic burdens on
the body can manifest into disease with
Question: How can I have a beautiful
Answer: The best way is to detoxify
your body. Remove a buildup of toxins
from within.
Try this proven regimen:
Sweat it outExercise three times
a week, daily if possible.
Increase green vegetable intake,
preferably raw, to 75 percent of your
meal intake.
HydrateDrink 10-15 glasses
Increase vitamin C intake to 1,000
mg daily.
Consider intravenous drip therapy of
vitamin C and glutathione.
Have a cleaning facial once a
Try a 20-minute session inside an
infrared sauna.
Question: What does it mean when
you say You are what you eat?
Answer: There is a Doctrine of
Signatures, meaning that every whole
food is symbolic of a vital organ in the
If within nature there is a code, maybe
we should heed the signs.
For example:

CarrotWhen sliced, it resembles

the eye. Take note that carrots are
rich in vitamin A which benefits the
WalnutIt looks like a small brain.
This nut is known as a helper to three
dozen neurotransmitters in the brain.
FigsFilled with seeds, figs hang
in a pair from a tree, resembling the
scrotum. Figs stimulate the health and
number of sperm cells.
Sweet potatoesResembling the
pancreas (which produces insulin),
sweet potatoes are the best food
for diabetics as it brings down the
glycemic index.
Avocados (like eggplant and
pears)These look like the female and
male organs. Research has proven
that when a woman eats one whole
avocado once weekly, it helps balance
hormones, prevents cervical cancer
and helps in reducing excess weight
brought on by pregnancy.
GrapesWhen clustered together,
they look like the shape of the heart.
Every single grape looks like a blood
cell. Todays research shows that
grapes are a blood-revitalizing food
benefiting the heart.
Grapefruit, oranges, citrus fruits
They look like breasts. They contribute
to breast health and the movement
of the lymph within the mammary
TomatoWhen sliced, it resembles
a heart with four chambers. Tomatoes
are rich in lycopene, considered blood
Celery (bokchoy and rhubarb)
They look like bones.
Trivia: Bones contain 23 percent
sodium and celery contains 23 percent
sodiumnatures message contained
in food.
Kidney beansThey look like
kidney replicas. These beans maintain
kidney function.
This weeks affirmation: I am open
to limitless possibilities

Visit our website:

nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014

bikol reporter

Phl Eagles welcome back 2009 Nat'l

prexy Kuya Vic S. Avila to its wings

Kuya Emil Tumala - past NMR 1 Governor & 2014 Congress Secretary, Kuya Lino Chan-2009 National Treasurer, Kuya
Gilbert Gille-2007 National President, Kuya Nilo Raymundo-Charter National President, Kuya Jojo Longcob-2008 &
2010 National President, Kuya Vicente S. Avila-2009 National President, Kuya Oliver S. Coronado-1993 National Exec.
VP, Kuya Sultan Cosme-2009 National Officer. (inset photo) 2013-2014 PE Nat'l Pres. Sainoden 'Enoy' A. Balindong.

The Fraternal Order of Eagles

(Philippine Eagles) headed by its
Founder and National Charter
President Kuya NIlo Raymundo,
2013-2014 National President and
Kuya Sultan Sainoden Enoy Alonto
Balindong represented by Kuya Ferdie
Bernasor-2014 Congress Chairman,
Kuya Gilbert Gille, 2007 National
President and Kuya Jojo Longcob, 2008
& 2010 National President welcomed
back Kuya Vic S. Avila to the Fraternal
Order of Eagles after 5 long years of
hibernation from the group due to
hectic activities in Bicol Region.

Kuya Ferdie Bernasor, children Eric, Eidrif, Ella and Ate Jo Bernasor, Kuya Vic Avila, Kuya Lino
Chan, Oliver Coronado, Linson Chan.

Kuya Vic S. Avila, Kuya Ferdie Bernasor, Congress Chairman 2014, and Kuya Earl Lim, 2009 National
Executive President with daugther Sherl Dania B. Lim.

The affair was faciliated during the

sentimental visit to Cagayan de Oro City
hosted by 2009 National Treasurer Kuya
Lino Chan & Family who personally
took care of their trip, itinerary and
accommodations, which coincided
with the 33rd National Congress of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles held in Grand
Caprice Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City.
He was awarded a plaque and trophy
by the National President and National
Congress Chairman in recognition of his
performance during his term as National
President in 2009, and for living up to the
ideals of the organization.


bikol reporter

nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014


A Piece
of WIT
Marisse tria san felipe
First, I would like to thank my publisher Ben Babar for having
faith in me that I am never too old to continue proving my craft.
In itself, writing is not just a passion but it is more than setting
a fulfilling career.
I had columns in the past telling readers about the importance
of reading. And over a year, I valued the things I learned from
reading articles about a woman who built the National Book
Store (NBS). This person herself who never ashamed telling the
people that she never had a college degree. And this woman I
am saying is Socorro Nanay Ramos who caught my interest
reading the last article she wrote at the Philippine Star sometime
last year. She retired as a writer when she turned 90 last 2013.
The same time I embraced her as my new inspiration who said
that she started doing columns at the age of 83. Her words
inspired me with a golden thought as she said: Whether you
want to start a career or you want to say sorry, remember..its
NEVER TOO LATE. So guys! I dont regret, neither feels sorry
that I am still here for my PIECE OF WIT to inculcate within me
the joy and wonder in this journey; to bring fulfillment not only for
myself but for others as well.
Somehow, it makes me sad, because I was averse to reading
in the past. I should have achieved more if I was not a person
who loved pleasure than read books. So..opposite of what I
used to be, now I instigate reading to every young people. Im
just thankful I have children who read a lot. And more thankful
I have a granddaughter who loves books most. I remember
reading The Alchimist by Paolo Coehlo which took me days
before I finished the book. My 9 year old granddaughter took
it just overnight! My eldest daughter who is her mom, would
always buy books for her. While I am the strict mentor in
English speaking. At home she cant speak bicol or tagalog,
not to pretend that we are Americans, but because I knew its
an investment. You reap what you sow. Im not surprised she
is launching her first article, which she wrote in school recently
during her journalism workshop at Naga Central School. My
granddaughter is turning 10 on December 13.
I may have failed to become the person I wanted to be, I hope

(Turn to page 6)


*sarong tataramon sa Rinconada na boot sabihon,

baga, na tinatahuban nin abo nganing magdanay asin
magkaigwang pampapamakot o pantao sa mga daing
kalayong pagtaraid harong. Mawot palaadon giraray
sa espasyong ini an pagsurat sa tataramon na Bikol,
siring sa suanoy asin mitikong pagdara nin kalayo ni
Prometheus sa mga tawo. Ipadara an rawit-dawit asin
rikastorya (flash fiction) na may 100 na tataramon,
kaiba an halipot na bio-data asin malinaw na retrato

By Irmina V. Torres

Paghuna ko
magkaiba kitang kinaban.
Digdi ako sa abot tulang na lipot
na saro an parong kan
bado sa buhok.
Ika sa luwas
d'yan sa abot tuhod tubig na malipot
na saro an parong kan
bado sa buhok.
Hasta sa igurit
kan tubig uran
an satung lalawgon
na magkapandok.
About the author: Irmina V. Torres

Sarong court stenographer kan Regional

Trial Court, Branch 33, Pili, Camarines Sur
si MIna. Tinatapos niya an masters degree
(MLLP) sa Ateneo de Naga University. Nagadal man siyang Pagkaparasurog sa University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City.
Nagin writing fellow sa Osipon sa Juliana
Arejola-Fajardo Workshop sa Literaturang
Bikol (JAFWLB) kan Abril 2012 dangan sa
9th Lamiraw Creative Writing Workshop sa
Calbayog City, Samar kan Nobyembre 2012.
Nagpipinta man siya.
Sa duwa niyang aki na sinda Melbert dangan Rafael idinudulot an librong ini.

Kun magkaibanan an duwang

parehong may bansag, siguradong
makurab iyan. Arog lang kaini
minapoon iyan: halimbawa, si X
na may bansag na Champorado
titinohon ni Y na may bansag na
Y: perteng mamahaw
ngonyan nin champorado. X: Tano,
siisay apurado asin boot pagitpit na
Siring kaiyan an gayon kan bansag,
yaon sa tarom kan isip, sa marikas na
simbag asin sa pangirit na sipa.
panahon na inaapod na oral, o
an komunikasyon pataram, kaya
an inpormasyon sa paagi man na
sinasabi o sinasaysay. Naging uso
ini sa panahon na dai pang gayo
taratao an mga tawo na magsururat,
asin sa panahon na hayahay asin
bako pang siribot an mga tawo sa
mga kasiribotan na pigkakasiribotan
kan mga kontemporaryong tawo.

frank peones jr.
Kan panahon na tatao pa sindang
makipagulay asin makisubahan
dawa sa kanto o sa tindahan.
pagkabuhay an bansag, na sa hiling
ko, sarong paagi man kan satong
mga apoon laban sa kolonisasyon.
Kan panahon ni Gobernador Heneral
Narcisco Claveria, nagmanda ini
na an mga apelyido kan mga indio

sanglian asin gamiton an mga

apelyidong Kastila.
An paggamit nin bansag, sarong
paagi nin pagolog-olog sa kabotan
kan awtoridad. Kaya embes na
Nacario o Marpuri, mas nagin
midbid an mga ini sa bansag na
baduya o kaya pagitpit. Saro pa
ining teknik nganing mabuhay.
Kan panahon nin Hapon, dakul
na mga Pinoy an naisalbar huli ta
tinago an saindang pagkamidbidan
kan bansag.
nagbutwa sa mga politiko o
mga artista o mga sikat. Nahali
na ini sa mga ordinaryong tawo,
na iyong ginikanan kaini. An
mga bansag ngonyan pano na
nin politika asin panraraot. Dai
na si pangirit, si kaosongan
na iyong nagtatao digdi nin
karakter asin gayon.

UNEP gets PACUCOA nod for 5 consecutive years

IRIGA CITY --- For five
years in a row, the University of Northeastern
Philippines (UNEP) has
maintained its stature as an
Institution with the highest
number of accredited programs in Region V. This is
for religiously maintaining
their quality of education
based on the standards set
by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation or PACUCOA.
UNEP President Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Moraleda received the good news early

this November. She was also

invited to receive the award
and grace PACUCOAs 41st
Founding Anniversary celebration slated on December 4 at Solaire Resorts and
Casino, Aseana Avenue,
Paranaque City, Metro Manila. The event also coincides
with PACUCOAs 25th Annual General Assembly.
The honor given to the
university only speaks of its
unceasing desire to excel in
their field of endeavor and
continuously improve on
their craft. UNEP has gained
the nod of the members of

inner chess
by j. henry danican

PACUCOA Awards Committee for five consecutive years

for their compliance of their
set rules and standards.
The honor is indeed given
to learning institutions that
deserve the said accolade.
Committee is headed by Jaime M. Buzar M.D.
UNEP sees to it that they
are consistently raising their
academic structure, including a constant review of their
educational philosophy, curriculum offerings and programs year after year. This
is to ensure that students are

given opportunity to level up

their learning and be at par
with the standards set by the
university itself and by PACUCOA.
They continuously pursue their core values which
include love of God and Professionalism, Accountability,
commitment, unity, care, outcomes orientation and agility.
UNEPs banner programs
which were accredited by
PACUCOA includes Liberal
Arts, Bachelor of Elementary
Education, Bachelor of Sec(Turn to page 7)

nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014

bikol reporter


Growing up With booKS

by Jahzara DAWNDAy SF Endriga

This writer is a 10 year

old pupil of Naga Central
School who was chosen as
the youngest writer of THE
GRADER, the official publication of the school. The
selection was held during
the recent journalism workshop held sometime last
week. The said young writer
will compete in the Regional
Press Con on January 2015.
Thank you to her mentors,
teachers and relatives for
the support and prayers.
I grew up reading books.
I feel that I can't live without
reading. Everyone calls me
How did I find interest in
reading? Well, when I was
still a baby my Mom started
reading me stories and she did
that as I was growing up. Then
finally when I was old enough
to read books by myself, she
let me explore it on my own.
My mother, relatives and
friends would always give me
books. They just know how I
love books more than toys.
When we are in a mall, a treat

Legacion joins bikol bible

centennial anniversary
by PAuL JoHN F. bArroSA

for me would be staying in a

bookstore for several hours.
Bookstore is always a favorite
spot for a booklover like me.
Without the ability to read,
we would not know a thing
or two. Reading help us add
knowledge and information
that we can use in a daily basis. Most of kids today, dont
find interest reading books.
They prefer playing games
and read by using the latest
technology like WATTPAD- a
trend style of reading nowadays. Even though it is very
much trending I still prefer
the old fashioned way which
is for me, better than Wattpad,
(Turn to page 7)

The Budget Officer in

Educational Development
Admin. Officer III (Supply)
DepEd, Iriga City

In any undertaking much more in a big agency, whether

private or public, a budget officer is of prime importance.
In him lies the day-to-day transactions, month by month
and ever more crucial are the yearlong doings. That is
how necessary and critical rthe budget officer is. If he is
not careful enough he can even shoulder the blame of a
companys poor undertaking. But budget officers, knowing their roles are trained more than enough to ccope with
the demands of their works and their bosses.
The budget officer is the logical choice and a key participant in any economic endeavor such as those pointed for development.. He is backed up by a financial and
conditioned training and experience in common budget
matters and must not have a vested a vested interest as
a proponent of any particular development plan or project. This, in effect, is telling us that a budget officer is a
very objective person and his position is one of trust. He is
someone who has the capability to weigh things whether
they need to be given rooms for inclusion in any program
or not. He is never subjective in his decision so that his
accountability cannot be questioned.
He is burdened by the responsibilities among which are
creating financial incentives, analyzing and/or assisting
with creating individual development properly, reporting
development agreements, monitoring compliance of ongoing development agreement and facilitating the development and ongoing economic development programs.
Addendum to his bigger tasks and responsibilities
are : he must justify means of estimating economic and
fiscal impact of a plan or strategy before they are implemented. He assesses financial and economic impact of
proposed plan, participate in the development of various
financial incentive tool , identify the general financial cost
and financial impact and risk of using the capacity of the
tool used, coordinating internal analysis of development
programs and assisting in creating an economic development plan or strategy.
It cannot be said that the job of aa budget officer is
easy but with a budget officer armed with the proper credentials and a full knowledge of the responsibilities of his
position, the agency where he serves in that capacity can
say that the agency cannot go wrong and neither will the
programs planned by the agency.
In the education sector with many projects and programmed designed the year round duration or for a longer time, the financial officer is indeed a kay person. The
budget officer takes the challenge of his position with confidence.

NAGA CITY --- Vice

Mayor Nelson S. Legacion of this city received
copies of the Bible, written in Bikol, from the
Philippine Bible Society
in view of the centennial
celebration of the translation of the Holy Bible into
the dialect of this region
and the 115th Foundation
Anniversary of PBS as a
bible society.
Legacion said the Bibles,
given to him on Nov. 26 at
the Universidad de Sta. Isabel Auditorium will serve
as the inspiration as well as
the reason why Naga shall
continue to strive to make
the best better.
All the systems we have
established in the city for
the empowerment and in-

volvement of our constituencies in charting the citys

future are all anchored on
the principles of discipleship and servant-leadership
shared by Jesus Christ,
Legacion said.
In his speech, the vice
mayor thanked the members of the Philippine Bible
Society for being reliable
partners of the city government in its programs on
good and principled governance.
It is refreshing to have
someone as your organization to remind us
about the value of reading
again and again the Bible
to strengthen further our
foundation. Naga, as seen
in our practice, is in one
with the Philippine Bible


Naga City Vice Mayor Nelson S. Legacion, a lawyer by

profession, poses with former Chief Justice reynato Puno
during the celebrations of the centenary of the bikol bible and
the 115th anniversary of the Philippine bible Society at the
universidad de Sta. Isabel Auditorium, Naga City.

Society in dreaming of A
Transformed Philippines
Through Gods Word, he
Aside from Legacion,
like former Chief Justice

Reynato Puno, Most Reverend Rolando Tria-Tirona,

archbishop of Caceres,
and Most Reverend Arturo
Bastes, archbishop of Sorsogon, also attended the

bicol LGus honored in Corn Congress

CITY Bicol local government unit agriculturists
were cited during the 10th
Philippine National Corn
Congress. held in Cagayan
de Oro City, Limketkai
Center on November 19 to
21, 2014.
Baao, Naga City, Tigaon,
Ligao City and Calabanga
received project grants worth
P1M each plus trophy.
The municipal /city agriculturists of said LGUs except
Tigaon were also awarded and
received cash prize of P30,000
each. These include Ramon
Bitao of Baao who topped the

list of winners under this category, Ma. Edna B. Bongalonta

of Naga city, Cesar D. Sodsod
of Ligao city and Gil Gabriel
H. Bordado III of Calabanga.
Lea M. Beltran and Menandro
U. Calingacion of Naga city
were awarded as municipal/
city coordinators and received
P25,000 each and trophy.
The Corn Congress was
attended by Department of
Agriculture top officials led
by Undersecretary for Operations Atty. Emerson U. Palad;
Undersecretary for Administration and Finance Antonio
A. Fleta; Assistant secretary
for Field Operations and Na-

The Philippine Press Club of ontario (PPCo)

Commemoration of Maguindanao Massacre and

tional Rice and Corn Program

Coordinator, Edilberto M. de
Luna; Assistant secretary for
Finance Ophelia P. Agawin
and DA Reg. 10 regional executive director, Lealyn A.
Ramos and PhilMaize president, Roger V. Navarro attended the event.
It was convened by the
Philippine Maize Federation,
the Department of Agriculture Field Office No.5, the
city government of Cagayan
de Oro and the province of
Misamis Oriental. It gathered
the corn industry players and
stakeholders: the corn farmers, business group, agri-input

from the government, private
sector and academe.
Seventeen (17) Bicolano
corn technicians were also
awarded P20,000 cash prize
each and trophy. They are:
Jonafel Taduran, Elena N.
Salvamante, Marly Corporal,
Carlos Samar, Lourdes Ibarbia, Noel G. Manaog, Amelita
O. Palacio, Dely B. Nocos,
Elsa N. Bonagua, Magdalena
P. Pobocan, Santiago B. Enrique, Victor B. Cortez, Felicisima M. Obiasca, Joshua T.
Ipo, Teresita A. Barce, Lilibeth O. Patoc and Benedicto
C. Heraldo.

dinner with Cheche Lazaro, the 2014 Marshall

McLuhan Fellow, at the Casa Manila in Toronto.

Yuletide Message
Calling all members of UNC H/S Class '68.
There will be a CHRISTMAS PARTY of our batch, to be held
at Children Educational Center, Magsaysay Ave., Naga City on
Dec. 13 at 3 p.m.
Please attend.

nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014

bikol reporter

cAyetAno, MArcos in reG'l youth . . .

cAMsur still cocolisAp-free. . .

ber of Commerce and Indus-

PCA Bicol Regional

Manager III Mateo B. Zipagan initiated the organization of a Provincial
Taskforce on Coconut Scale
insect (COCOLISAP) , in
cooperation with the Provincial Government of
Camarines Sur headed by
Governor Miguel Migz
Villafuerte and invited representatives from the media, private and government
agencies to be a part of the
newly-formed taskforce.
The creation of the Provincial Taskforce on COCOLISAP composed of different line agencies and local
government units endeavors
to protect, preserve and continuously develop the coconut
industry in Camarines Sur.
We intend to keep the region,

try (PCCI), the Department of

Tourism (DoT), the Department
of Trade and Industry (DTI),
the Junior Chamber International (JCI) and the GMA Network and sponsored by NGO &
Sons, Vast, Excelsure, LYRR
Deca Homes, Chef Mama, Caramel, Philippine Island Resort,
Prime Digital Print Center, the
Province of Camarines Norte,
AI, the University of Saint Anthony, Innoserve, Regal Plaza
Hotel, Most Reliable Metal Industry, Bank of the Philippine
Island, MetroBank, Lucky 9,
Avenue Plaza Hotel, Kimstore,
Board Member of the third district of Camarines Sur Son SJ
Julia, and Desny Grill.
The main activities of the
congress include plenary sessions, workshops, a fellowship
night --- since the congress is
for the youth --- and trade fair
and exhibits.
On the first day, to welcome the delegates, guests and

participating organizations to
the congress is Camarines Sur
Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Engr. Solomon
C. Ngo while to acknowledge
the participants and to give
the overview of the congress
is Congress Director Mr. Raymond L. Concepcion. Likewise,
to address the congress are: Camarines Sur Governor Miguel
Luis R. Villafuerte, PCCI South
Luzon Area Vice President Mr.
Eduardo R. Nicolas.
In the afternoon of the first
day of the congress, plenary
sessions will feature speakers
on IT Solutions and Digital
Marketing and on Entertainment and INDE Film Making
Production. These speakers are:
Mr. Jordan Imutan, Executive
Director of iAcademys School
of Continuing Education, on IT
Industry and e-Learning; Ms.
Penny Bongato, the Executive
Director of IT & Business Process Association, on IT Solutions and Business Process; Mr.


Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the
heirs of the deceased ELSIE E. DAGPA who died on July
4, 1998 had left at the time of her death a JITNEY WITH
FRANCHISE described as follows: UNIT: Make-Fuso,
Body Type-Jitney, Chassis No. SPMM-61305-93-C, Motor
No.227707, Plate No.EVE922; FRANCHISE: Case No.
05-93-0495, MVFile:0476 5-B33691-93-UV, Route: Naga
City-Del Rosario via Diversion and from said places to any
point of Bicol Region when used as cargo service. The
HEIRS hereby SETTLE and ADJUDICATE the mentioned
JITNEY WITH FRANCHISE for and in consideration of
the amount of EIGHTy THouSAND (P80,000.00) pesos,
receipt is hereby acknowledged from GEMMA M. rIVEro
(Vendee) by ANNIE C. SANTIAGo (Vendor), hereby
described MOTOR VEHICLE, as acknowledged before
Notary Public Atty. Carlo C. Villanueva, Doc. No. 276,
Page No. 56, Book No. 90, Series of 2014.
bIKoL rEPorTEr
Published: November 23, 30 and Dec. 7, 2014


Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the
legitimate heirs of the late AuGuSTo b. borJA, the
heirs have executed an Extrajudicial Settlement Among
Heirs with Waiver of Rights under Doc. No. 183, Book No.
35, Page No. 6, Series of 2010 before Notary Public Atty.
Jose T. Rojas; said deceased left another real property of
which he is a co-owner a parcel of land covered by TCT No.
6384, in the name of Cesar H. Federizon, et. al. containing
ONE (60,461); a portion of said real property under (TCT
No. 6384) containing an area of THIrTy THouSAND
TWo HuNDrED THIrTy oNE (30,231) square meters,
more or less, the parties all of legal age with full civil
capacity to contract agree to divide and adjudicate the
described property in favor of TErESITA F. borJA with
the other parties waiving their rights on the said property;
as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Jose T. Rojas,
Doc. No. 171, Page No. 35, Book No. 19, Series of 2014.
bIKoL rEPorTEr
Published: November 16, 23 and 30, 2014


Notice is hereby given that the JESUS NATE is the widower,
legitimate and surviving heir of the deceased FLorENCIA
M. NATE, who died on August 30, 2002 at Concepcion
Grande, Naga City, that JESUS NATE is the registered
owner of parcels of land situated at Concepcion Grande,
Naga City; that pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Revised
Rules of Court of the Philippines, the surviving heir do hereby
adjudicate said real property; that for and in consideration
of the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND (P30,000.00) pesos, in
hand paid by RIZALINA BERMEO-SOBREVILLA, of legal
age, with postal address at Concepcion Grande, Naga
City, do hereby sell, cede, transfer and convey by way of
Absolute Sale unto Rosalina Bermejo-Sobrevilla, he heirs,
assigns and successors -in-interest, said parcel of land
being Lot 1-A, Psd-05-036837, situated at Concepcion
Grande, Naga City; as acknowledged before Notary Public
Atty. Leoncio M. Clemente, Doc. No. 499, Page No. 101,
Book No. 181, Series of 2009.
bIKoL rEPorTEr
Published: November 16, 23 and 30, 2014

Stephen Jagger, Co-Founder of

Business Development, Payroll
Hero, on Techno-preneurship;
Mr. Alvin Kingson Tan, Proprietor of Chinoy TV, on Entertainment and Production;
Mr. Alvin Yapan, writer and
Inde filmmaker, on INDE FilmMaking; Mr. Kent V. Osial,
CEO of Quesworks, Inc., on 3D
Graphic Arts.
On the second day, the plenary sessions will feature Fashion, Lifestyle, Culinary Arts and
Agri-preneurship. The resource
speakers are: from GMA Network, on Restaurant Concept
and Management; Ms. Tim
Yap, on Lifestyle; Mr. Ronald
Costales, Chairman of Costales
Nature Farm, on Agripreneurship; Ms. Allison Howard, an
International Fashion Model
and American artist, on Fashion; Ms. Steph Stefanowitz,
CEO of Miss Global International, on Lifestyle and Fashion,
; Mr. Avel Bacudio, on Fashion,
On the same day the fourth
plenary will be on Franchising. To give an overview of
the Philippine Franchising
Sector is the Philippine Franchising Association. Here the
President of PCCI Mr. Alfred
Yao and Senator Bongbong
Marcos will give their messages. A resource person from
the Bank of the Philippine Island will speak on Financial
Breakout sessions on Culinary Arts by GMA Network and
on Investing in the Right Franchise by the Philippine Franchise Association will be held
after the lunch break which
will feature video presentation
from the congress corporate
To cap the congress is the
closing ceremony to be presided by PCCI Region V Governor
Mr. Jeremie S. Lo.
As of press release time,
various associations and organizations of students, numbering several hundreds, taking
up Entrepreneurship, Computer
Science, Hotel and Restaurant
Management in colleges and
universities in Camarines Sur
have filed reservations and
signified their attendance in
the congress. Come December
5, 2014, all roads will lead to
the Camarines Sur Convention
Center in Pili town.

cocolisap- free and equip our

planters with the correct knowhow on how we can avoid this
menace, Zipagan added.
He said the task force will
perform various functions
from quarantine checkpoint,
regular checking of coconut
crops for the presence of cocolisap and widening their
campaign to inform the community of the dangers of cocolisap and how to avoid the
said pest.
Members of the taskforce
include the Office of the Presidential Assistant for Food
Security and Agricultural
Modernization (OPAFSAM),
Department of Agriculture
(DA), Department of Science
and Technology (DOST),
Maging ang Department of

Department of Interior and

Local Government (DILG),
Philippine National Police
(PNP), non-Government Organizations, Local Government Units (LGUs), media
group and the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) as
information arm.
Zipagan said that Bicol
remains free from cocolisap
infestation. This, he said is
a good news but everyone
should help to secure the entry points so as not to allow
infected-coco seedlings from
entering the perimeters of Bicol.
The creation of the Task
Force is in support of Executive Order No. 169 series of
2014 or an act that establishes
emergency measures to control and manage the spread of
damage caused by infestation.

Balatas Road, Brgy. Balatas, Naga City

A piece of Wit . . .
someday my granddaughter
will not just be the echo of
myself, but the realization
of my passion and dreams.
A month ago she said to her
mom..Before I used to dream
of becoming a pilot. Now, I wish
to become a famous writer
and a book author someday. I
felt graciously proud as I wrote
her in a private message on
FACEBOOK: Just believe in
your dream. Have FAITH and
just be humble. Use writing
as a blessing from God, and
value your craft as your own
giftedness. Make praises on
others achievements; NO,
And when you want
something, all the universe
CONSPIRES in helping you to
achieve it.. says Paolo Coehlo
in his book THE ALCHIMIST.
While Nanay Socorro Ramos
said: Whenever I want
something I really work hard to
get it. There is no such thing

For NoVEMbEr

November 3, 2014
JuDITo LorENZo M. boTor
November 4, 2014
November 5, 2014
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
November 8, 2014
November 7, 2014
November 7, 2014
November 15, 2014
November 19, 2014
November 21, 2014
November 19, 2014
November 22, 2014
rICHArD FrANCIS A. CLEMENTE November 26, 2014
November 26, 2014
November 24, 2014
November 26, 2014
November 28, 2014

nov. 30 - dec. 6, 2014

bikol reporter

15,000 join anti-drug abuse rally in Legazpi

By Manny P. Solis

least 15,000 people from
various sectors joined
the foot parade and rally
against drug abuse here on
Friday afternoon in observance of the Drug Abuse
and Control Week, prompting City Mayor Noel Rosal to declare the residents
of the city are up against
This is a clear testimony
that Legazpenos are ready to
fight and crack down on drug
addiction in the community
and make this city a drug-free
locality, he said.
Rosal was joined by Vice

Mayor Vitorrio Roces and

other city officials led the activity which had for its theme
A message of Hope: Drug
use disorders are preventable
and treatable. No to Marijuana Legalization.
The participants included
barangay officials, students
from different schools and
universities, police and military personnel, city government officials and employees,
personnel of the Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency,
non-government organizations, government agencies,
senior citizens and women,
among others.
The four-kilometer march
started at the citys down-

town area in Barangay Rizal

and ended at the Penaranda
Park in Old Albay District.
The Drug and Prevention and Control Week is an
annual activity of the city
administration as part of the
support to the enforcement
of anti-drug abuse policies,
programs and projects of the
national government to keep
away the people, especially
the youth and minors, from
the dangerous effects of illegal drugs.
Rosal expressed gratitude
for the huge turnout of participants, saying, it was the
biggest attendance so far in
the history of the city.
He said the grand rally

UNEP gets PACUCOA nod for 5 . . .

ondary Education, Business
Administration, High School,
Hotel and Restaurant Management, Nursing, Criminology, Master of Public Administration, Master of Business
Administration, Master of
Arts in Education, and Doctor of Education.
Currently, program which
are still under Candidate status include Architecture, Elementary and Doctor of Public
PACUCOA is an organization that pursues high

standards of excellence, particularly in providing timely

accreditation to deserving educational institutions. Their
group is composed of highlyprofessional individuals who
excel in their respective fields
of endeavors, making the organization more legitimate
and credible.
PACUCOA also see to it
that they keep their association abreast of the new forms
of learning. It has developed
new outcomes-based self-survey instruments for various

courses like Fine Arts, Industrial Design, Interior Design,

BS Social Work, MS Social
Work, Animation, BS Library
and Information Science, MS
Library and Information Science, Elementary, Junior and
Senior High School.
It has also enhanced its
survey instrument for Hotel
and Restaurant Management,
Tourism, Food Technology
and Nutrition and Dietetics.

ebooks or other hi- tech version of reading. Why?...OH,
OF BOOKS! Reading brings
me to a new world. It equips
me with so much information
and enhances my imagination.
It is also my way of relaxation.
It takes away all the stress I
had for the day. It is an exposure to new words, widens my
vocabulary which I can use in
my studies & conversing with
people. Reading also enhances my memory and help me
better in my writing skills.
Using hi-tech gadgets for
gaming may be handy and
lighter, but too much exposure to it may cause radiation
which is bad for our health.
In my case, reading through
my tablet cause me headaches
that is why I prefer reading
using a real book, may it be
hardbound or softbound.
If reading cannot be developed, then how could we
speak and communicate efficiently? We learned words
from books. I like reading
very much, you can tell that
with the number of books in
my room. I dont judge people who choose to read thru
gadgets because its still
reading. But it should be
done less, because for me
its harmful to our health.
Reading is one of the most
important thing in our life
to which some people dont
find it convincing. But it
is true! If not for reading,
KNOW things around us.
It must be part of our life.
We were made to live fully
& think for greater things.
We should grow up reading,
as long as we breathe

would serve as an information tool to the public and

make them more aware of the
ill effects of illegal drugs to
the society and to the health

of the people.
The city chief executive
urged all officers and members of the Barangay AntiDrug Abuse Councils (BA-

DACs) of the 70 villages of

this city to strictly enforce the
citys curfew ordinance and
closely monitor youth activities in their respective areas.

Be a real Estate Salesperson and Earn a

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APPLY NOW at Estate Quest Realty Services, Bulusan
Street, Dayangdang, Naga City.
Kindly bring your resume.
Interview is being conducted every Saturday.
Please contact Felix G. Morandarte Jr. at 09209099334
for prior appointment.

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