Icom4015, A3

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Student 1: Francisco Morales

Student 2: Enrique Cintron Diaz

File -> New -> Java Project

To create a new program in

File -> New -> Project

To create a new Enterprise

Application Project which
ties together the resources
that are required to deploy
a J2EE enterprise
Creates a New Java
Creates a new class for the
Java Project

File -> New -> Package

File -> New -> Class

File -> New -> Interface

File -> New -> Enun
File -> New -> Annotation
File -> New -> Source
File -> New -> Java
Working Set
File -> New -> Folder

File -> New -> File

File -> New -> Untitled Text
File -> New -> JUnit Test

File -> New -> Other

File -> Open File

Creates a new Java

Creates a new Enun type
Allows you to create an
annotation to the project
Looks for the directory of
the folder where the project
is located
Allows you to add
Workspace content to the
working set and vice versa
To create a new Folder

To create a new File

Creates a new untitled file
It involves taking features
that have been tested
independently, combining
them into components, and
verifying if they work
together as expected
It allows you to create other
kind of projects and the
ones mentioned before
To open a file or project
that already exist

Used to start every
programming assignment in
this class
Used to start a Enterprise
Application Project

Start a new java Package

Used to create a class in
order to apply methods in
every java program
Start a new Interface
Start a new Enun type
Creates an annotation to
the project
Used to create a new
Source folder for the project
Used to create a new Java
Working set
Used to create a folder in
order to store the files of
the created program
Used to create a new file
Used to create a new
Untitled Text file
Used to create a new JUnit
Test case in order to test
the program

Allows you to create other

types of projects
Open a project already
created in order to make

File -> Close

To close a project or file

File -> Close All

Closes all programs or files

opened in eclipse
Saves a project or file that
already exist
Allows you to save a new
file or project and change
its name and type
Saves all opened projects
or files at the same time
Revert the content of the
project in used back to the
content of the saved file
Moves a resource

File -> Save

File -> Save As

File -> Save All

File -> Revert

File -> Move

changes to it
Closes an specific project
that you have finished or
you would continue working
on it later
Closes every project
Saves the current project
youre working on
If you want to make an
extra copy it allows you to
do so
Saves all the projects
opened at the moment
It allows you to go back to
the last time the project was
It allows you to move
certain part of the code to
other place in the project
If you want to name of the
project it allows you to do
Refresh the project

File -> Rename

Allows you to rename a


File -> Refresh

It refresh the program and

the project you are currently
Converts the Delimiters to
Converts the Delimiters to
Windows based system

File -> Convert Lines

Delimiters To -> Windows
(CRLF, \r\n, 0D0A, )
File -> Convert Lines
Delimiters To -> Unix (LF,
\n, 0A,
File -> Convert Lines
Delimiters To -> MacOS9
(CR, \r, 0D,
File -> Print
File -> Switch Workspace > Other
File -> Restart
File -> Import

Converts the Delimiters to

Unix based system

Converts the Delimiters to

Unix or Linux

Converts the Delimiters to

MacOS based system

Converts the Delimiters to


Prints the project

Allows you to print your

Change the folder from the
user folder to Documents
It restart Eclipse
Imports dialog to the project

Changes the location of the

Workspace folder
Restarts the application
Opens the import wizard
dialog. JDT does not
contribute any import

File -> Export

File -> Properties

File -> Exit

Edit -> Undo
Edit -> Redo
Edit -> Cut

Edit -> Copy

Edit -> Copy Qualified
Edit -> Paste

Edit -> Delete

Edit -> Select All
Edit -> Expand selection to
-> Enclosing Element
Edit -> Expand selection to
-> Next Element
Edit -> Expand selection to
-> Previous Element
Edit -> Expand selection to
-> Restore Last Selection
Edit -> Find/ Replace

Opens the export wizard

dialog. JDT contributes the
JAR file export wizard and
the Javadoc generation
Shows you the info and
details of the project

Close Eclipse
Revert the last step made
Repeats a step that you
undo earlier
Copies the currently
selected text or element to
the clipboard and removes
the element. On elements,
the remove is not
performed before the
clipboard is pasted.
Copies a selected parts of
the code
Copies the qualified name
of the selected element
Writes in the project a code
or something that you copy
from elsewhere
Deletes the text currently
Selects everything on the
Selects all the element in
where the cursor is
Selects the element next to
where is the cursor
Selects the element
previous the one where the
cursor is
Restore the previous
selected element
Helps you to replace an
specific word with a desired
word in all the project

Exports dialog from the


Shows you the info of the

project like the location of it
in your computer, size and
Closes Eclipse
It goes backs one step
It repeats a step that you
previously undo
It removes the selected text
or element

Copy the selected part of

the code
Copies the names of the
selected elements
Allows you to move code or
something already writing
else where
It deletes the selected part
of the code
Selects all the code at once
Selects the enclosing
current method, expression
or block
Selects the current and
next elements
Selects the current and
previous elements
Restores the previous
selection after an invocation
of Expand Selection To
Example is replace the
word Rectangle with Ellipse

Edit -> Find Next

Edit -> Find Previous

Edit -> Incremental Find

Edit -> Incremental Find
Edit -> Add Bookmark
Edit -> Add Task

Edit -> Smart Insert Mode

Edit -> Show tooltip

Edit -> Content Assist ->

Finds the next occurrence

of the selected part of the
Finds the previous
occurrence of the selected
part of the project
Starts the incremental find
Starts the incremental find
Adds a Bookmark to a
selected line
Add a user defined task to
the current text selection or
selected element.
Alternates the insert mode

Shows the value of a hover

that appears in the exact
position of the cursor
Union of all the proposals

Edit -> Content Assist ->

Java Type Proposal

Type of proposal

Edit -> Content Assist ->

Java Non-Type Proposal

Type of proposal

Edit -> Content Assist ->

Java Proposal

Type of proposal

Edit -> Content Assist ->

Template Proposal

iterate over array template

Edit -> Content Assist ->

Word Proposal

Proposes words which

have been typed already

Edit -> Content Assist ->

SWT Template Proposal

It always empty

Edit -> Word Completion

Propose completions to
words of the current string

Find the next time a method

is used
Find the previous time a
method is used
Finds the search text as
instructed in the status bar
Finds the search text as
instructed in the status bar
Makes a certain text easier
to find
Adds a task or a function to
a given text
Its the reason that Eclipse
often fix indentations,
closes brackets and other
stuff of that nature
Show the value of the
selected hover
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Opens a content assist
dialog at the current cursor
Completes the current
string youre writing

Edit -> Quick Fix

Edit -> Set encoding

Source -> Toggle Comment

Source -> Add Block
Source -> Remove Block
Source -> Generate
Element Comment

Source -> Shift Right

Source -> Shift Left

Source -> Correct


Opens a dialog with a

possible solution if the
cursor is near an error or a
Alternates the encoding of
the currently shown text
Comment or uncomment all
lines of a selected area
Blocks comments around
the selected area
Removes the block
comment feature on the
selected area
Allows you to add a
comment on the selected

Increase the indentation of

the current line
Decrease the indentation of
the current line
Fix the indentation of the
current line

Source -> Format

Formats the current text

Source -> Format Element
Formats the Java element
comprising the current text
Source -> Add Imports
Creates an import
declaration for a type
reference currently
Source -> Organize Imports Organizes the import
declarations in the
compilation opened or
Source -> Sort Members Sorts members of a type
Source -> Clean Up

Cleans up your code

Helps to fix errors

On/Off encoding switch

Converts the line where the

cursor is into a comment
Converts the selected text
into a block of comment
Converts a block of
comment to regular text
If an object has fields color,
year, type, one may use
fields color and type to
make a default constructor
for that object
Its like using the tab key
Its like using the
backspace key after using
the tab key
If one does not indent the
body of an if statement this
feature do it for you
Formats the current text
Formats the Java element
comprising the current text
Creates an import

Organizes the import


Puts the member of a type

in order
Makes changes in order to
clean up your code

Source ->
Source -> Generate Getters
and Setters

Opens the Override Method Allows you to override or

implement a method in the
current type
Opens the Generate Getter Allows you to create
and Setters dialog
Getters and Setters for
fields in the current type
Source -> Generate
Opens the Generate
Allows you to create
Delegate Methods
Delegate Methods dialog
method delegates for fields
in the current type
Source -> Generate
Opens the Generate
Allows you to start and
toString() dialog
control the generation of a
toString() method in the
current type.
Source -> Generate
Opens the Generate
Allows you to start and
hashCode() and equals() HashCode and Equals
control the generation of
hashCode and equals
methods in the current type.
Source -> Generate
Adds constructors which
Available on types, fields or
Constructor using Fields
initialize fields for the
on a text selection inside a
current selected types
Source -> Generate
Adds constructors as
Available on types or on a
Constructors from
defined in the supper class text selection inside a type
for the selected type
Source -> Surround with -> Surrounds the selected
Allows you to use templates
Try/catch Block
statement with a code
in order to make
programing easier
Source -> Surround with -> Allows you to create your
Allows you to create your
Configure Templates
own template
own templates in order to
make programing easier
Source -> Externalize
Opens the Externalize
Opens the Externalize
string dialog
string dialog
Source -> Find Broken
Finds the broken
Shows the broken strings
Externalized Strings
externalized strings on a
so you can fix them
selected project
Refactor -> Rename
Renames the selected
Changes the name of the
element and fix all
references to the element
Refactor -> Move
Move the selected element Moves the selected
and fix all references to the element
Refactor -> Change Method Changes the parameter
Used to changes the
names, types, order and
parameters, type, name or
order of a method
Refactor -> Extract
Allows you to create a new Allows you to create a new
method containing the
method containing the
statements or expressions

Refactor -> Extract Local


Refactor -> Extract


Refactor -> Inline

Refactor -> Convert Local
Variable to Field
Refactor -> Convert
Anonymous Class to
Refactor -> Move Type to
New File

Refactor -> Extract

Refactor -> Extract

Refactor -> Use Super type

Where Possible

Refactor -> Push Down

Refactor -> Pull Up

selected and replaces the

selection with a reference
to the new one
Creates a new variable
assigned to the expression
currently selected

Creates a new variable

replacing the one selected
and makes a reference to
the new one
Creates a static final field
Constant expressions or
from the selected
text selections which
expression and substitutes resolve to constant
a field reference, and
optionally rewrites other
This refactoring is also
places where the same
available as quick assist on
expression occurs
expressions selected in the
Inline local variables,
Inline local variables,
methods or constants
methods or constants
Turns a local variable to
Turns a local variable to
Converts an anonymous
Converts an anonymous
inner class to a member
inner class to a member
Creates a new Java
For non-static member
compilation unit for the
types, a field is added to
selected member type
allow access to the former
updating all references
enclosing instance, if
Extracts a common
Extracts a common
superclass from a set of
superclass from a set of
siblings types
siblings types
Creates a new interface
Enable 'Use the extracted
with a set of methods
interface type where
possible' to use the newly
created interface wherever
possible. See Use
Supertype Where Possible.
Replace occurrences of a
Replace occurrences of a
type with one of its super
type with one of its super
types after identifying all
types after identifying all
places where this
places where this
replacement is possible
replacement is possible
Moves a set of methods
Moves a set of methods
and fields from a class to its and fields from a class to its
Moves a field or method to
One or more methods,
a superclass
fields and member types

Refactor -> Extract Class

Replace a set of fields with

a new container object

Refactor -> Introduce

Parameter Object

Replace a set of
parameters with a new
class and updates all
callers of the method to
pass an instance of the new
class as the value to the
introduce parameter
Creates a static indirection
method delegating to the
selected method

Refactor -> Introduce


Refactor -> Introduce


Refactor -> Encapsulate


Creates a new factory

method which will call a
selected constructor and
return the created object
Replace all references to a
field with getter and setter

Refactor -> Generalize

Declared Type

Allows the user to choose a

super type of the reference
current type

Refactor -> Infer Generic

Type Arguments

Replaces the type

occurrences of generic
types by parameterized
types after identifying all
places where this
replacement is possible

Refactor -> Migrate JAR


Migrates a JAR file on the

build path of a project in

declared in the same type

or on a text selection inside
a field, method or member
The set of fields or a type
containing fields. Enable
'Create Getter and Setters'
to add accessor methods to
the new type
Text selections that resolve
to expressions

Enable 'Redirect all method

invocations' to replace all
calls to the original method
by calls to the indirection
Constructor declarations

Field or a text selection

resolving to a field.
This refactoring is also
available as quick assist on
field declarations and
references selected in the
Type references and
declarations of fields, local
variables, and parameters
with reference types
Assume clone() returns an
instance of the receiver
type'. Well-behaved classes
generally respect this rule,
but if you know that your
code violates it, uncheck
the box.
Migrates a JAR file on the
build path of a project

Refactor -> Create Script

Refactor -> Apply Script
Refactor -> History

Navigate -> Go Into

Navigate -> Go To -> Back

Navigate -> Go To ->


Navigate -> Go To -> Up

one level
Navigate -> Go To ->
Navigate -> Go To ->
Navigate -> Go To ->
Navigate -> Open

Navigate -> Open Type


Navigate -> Open Call


your workspace to a newer

Crates a script of the
refactoring that have been
applied in the workspace
Applies a refactoring script
to projects in your
Browse the workspace
refactoring history and
offers the option to delete
the refactoring history
Sets the view input to the
currently selected element

Crates a script of the

refactoring that have been
applied in the workspace
Applies a refactoring script
to projects
Offers the option to delete
the refactoring history

Allow you to see the input

parameters of the selected
Sets the view input to the
Sets the view input to the
input back in history
input back in history but
only works when Go Into
was used
Sets the view input to the
Sets the view input to the
input forward in history
input forward in history,
only works when Go
Into, Go To > Back were
Sets the input of the current Sets the input of the current
view to its input's parent
view to its input's parent
Browse for a type and
Browse for a type and
reveal it in the current view. reveal it in the current view.
Browse for a package and
Browse for a package and
reveal it in the current view reveal it in the current view
Browse for a resource and
Browse for a resource and
reveal it in the current view reveal it in the current view
Tries to resolve the element Opens the file declaring the
referenced at the selected
code and opens the file
declaring the reference
Tries to resolve the element Opens the element in the
referenced at the selected
Type Hierarchy view
code and opens the
element in the Type
Hierarchy view
Tries to resolve the method Opens the element in
referenced at the current
the Call Hierarchy view.
code selection and opens
the element in the Call

Navigate -> Open

Navigate -> Open Super
Navigate -> Open Attached

Navigate -> Open from

Navigate -> Open Type

Navigate -> Open Type in


Navigate -> Open

Navigate -> Show in
Navigate -> Show in ->
Package Explorer
Navigate -> Show in ->
Navigate -> Show in ->
Navigate -> Show in ->
Project Explorer
Navigate -> Show in ->
Navigate -> Show in ->
Navigate -> Quick Outline

Navigate -> Quick type

Navigate -> Next

Hierarchy view.
Opens the implementation
of the currently selected
Open an editor for the
super implementation of the
current selected method
Opens the Javadoc
documentation of the
current selected element or
text selection
Tries to open the matching
Java element in the editor
Brings up the Open Type
dialog to open a type in the
Brings up the Open Type
dialog to open a type in the
editor and the Type
Hierarchy view
Opens the Open Resource
dialog to open any resource
in your workspace
Shows the current selected
element in the breadcrumb
bar of the Java editor
Opens Package Explorer
on the workplace
Opens the history on the
Opens Navigator on the
Opens Project Explorer on
the workplace
Opens the Outline on the
Opens Properties on the
Opens the lightweight
outliner for the currently
selected type
Opens the lightweight
hierarchy viewer for the
currently selected type
Allows you to jump to the
next annotation in the

Opens the implementation

of the currently selected
Open an editor for the
super implementation of the
current selected method
Example, used it to pen the
Javadoc documentation of
the class Rectangle
Tries to open the matching
Java element in the editor
The Open Type selection
dialog shows all types
existing in the workspace.
Brings up the Open Type
dialog to open a type in the
editor and the Type
Hierarchy view
Opens the Open Resource
dialog to open any resource
in your workspace
Shows the current selected
element in the breadcrumb
bar of the Java editor
Opens Package Explorer
on the workplace
Opens the history on the
Opens Navigator on the
Opens Project Explorer on
the workplace
Opens the Outline on the
Opens Properties on the
Opens the lightweight
outliner for the currently
selected type
Opens the lightweight
hierarchy viewer for the
currently selected type
Allows you to jump to the
next annotation in the

Navigate -> Previous

Navigate -> Last Edit
Navigate -> Go to Line

Navigate -> Back

Navigate -> Forward

Search -> search

Search -> file

Search -> Java

Search -> Text ->


Search -> Text -> Project

Search -> Text -> File

Search -> Text -> Working


Search -> References ->

Allows you to jump to the
previous annotation in the
Reveals the location where
the last edit occurred
Opens a dialog which
allows entering the line
number in order to jump
Reveals the previous editor
location in the location
Reveals the next editor
location in the location
Opens the search window

Allows you to jump to the
previous annotation in the
Reveals the location where
the last edit occurred
Opens a dialog which
allows entering the line
number in order to jump
Reveals the previous editor
location in the location
Reveals the next editor
location in the location
Opens the search window
in which you can select
different ways of searching
for information regarding
projects or java code.
Search for files in the
Allows you to search for
files with specific keywords
in the name in your
Search for java code in the Allows you to search for
specific code be it methods,
packages, constructors, etc
in the workspace.
Search for a selected word Enables you to select a
in the workspace.
word from your project and
search the workspace for
that specific word.
Search for a selected word Enables you to select a
in the project you are
word from your project and
currently on.
search the project for that
specific word.
Search for a selected word Enables you to select a
in the file you are currently
word from your project and
search the file for that
specific word.
Search for a selected word Enables you to select a
in the working set
word from your project and
search the working set for
that specific word.
Search for references in the We use it if we want to

Search -> References ->
Search -> References ->
Search -> References ->
working set
Search -> Declarations ->


search for references in the

entire workspace.
Search for references in a
We use it if we want to
search for references in the
current or project we open.
Search for references
We use it if we want to
search for references in the
entire workspace.
Search for references in the We use it if we want to
working set
search for references in the
working set we made.
Search for declarations in
We use it if we want to
the workspace
search for different
declarations in the

Search -> Declarations ->


Search for declarations in

the Project

We use it if we want to
search for different
declarations in a Project we
are working on or have

Search -> Declarations ->


Search for declarations in

the Hierarchy

Search -> Declarations ->

Working set

Search for declarations in

the working set

We use it if we want to
search for different
declarations in the
We use it if we want to
search for different
declarations our working

Search -> Implementors ->


Search for Implementors in

the workspace

If we need to find all the

implementers we have in
our workspace

Search -> Implementors ->


Search for Implementors

inside the project

Search -> Implementors ->

Working set

Search for Implementors in

the working set

Search -> Read Access ->


Search for Read Access in

the workspace

Search -> Read Access ->

Search for Read Access in

If we need to find all the

implementers we have in
the current project
If we need to find all the
implementers we have in
the working set
We use this if we want to
find the different things in
the workspace that have
read access
We use this if we want to


the Project

find the different things in a

Project that have read
We use this if we want to
find the different things in
the hierarchy that have
read access
We use this if we want to
find the different things in
the working set that have
read access
We use this if we want to
find the different things in
the workspace that have
write access
We use this if we want to
find the different things in a
Project that have write
We use this if we want to
find the different things in
the Hierarchy that have
write access
We use this if we want to
find the different things in
the working set that have
write access

Search -> Read Access ->


Search for Read Access in

the Hierarchy

Search -> Read Access ->

Working set

Search for Read Access in

the Working set

Search -> Write Access ->


Search for write access

permissions in the

Search -> Write Access ->


Search for write access

permissions in the Project

Search -> Write Access ->


Search for write access

permissions in the

Search -> Write Access ->

Working set

Search for write access

permissions in the Working

Search -> Occurrences in

file -> Identifier

Search for identifiers in the

current file

If we need to find all the

times an identifier appears
in the current file

Search -> Occurrences in

file -> Implementing

Search for implementing

methods in the current file

Search -> Occurrences in

file -> Throwing exceptions

Search for any Throwing

exceptions in the current

If we need to find all the

times implementing
methods appear in the
current file
If we need to find all the
times a Throwing exception
appears in the current file

Search -> Occurrences in

file -> Method exits

Search for Method exits in

the current file

Search -> Occurrences in

file -> Break/Continue

Search for Break/Continue

targets in the current file

If we need to find all the

times a Method exit
appears in the current file
If we need to find all the
different Break/Continue
targets that appear in the

Search -> Referring Tests

Search for Referring tests

Project -> Open Project

Open a specific Project

Project -> Close Project

Closes the current Project

Project -> Build All

Builds all projects open

Project -> Build Project

Builds the current Project

Project -> Build Working


Builds a Working Set from

the current project

Project -> Clean

Cleans the selected


Project -> Build


Selects if you want the

program to build
automatically or not
Generate a Javadoc for the
project you are working on
The Properties of the
current project
Runs the currently open
Runs the debug on the
current project
Shows the run history

Project -> Generate

Project -> Properties
Run -> Run
Run -> Debug
Run -> Run History

Run -> Run As

Run -> Run Configurations

Run -> Debug History

Presents us with different

run options
Presents us with different
run configurations we can
Shows the debugging

current file
If we wish to search for
Referring tests
We use this for example to
open an existing project we
If we wish to close the
current project were
working on but not exit the
We can select this if we
want to build all the current
open Projects
We can select this if we
want to build only currently
selected Project
We can select this if we
want to build a working set
from the current Project
We can select this if we
want to clean either all or
only the selected Projects,
rebuilds from scratch
We can use this checkbox
to enable or disable the
build automatically option
If we want to generate a
javadoc for our project
If we wish to find out the
properties of our project
When we want to run the
currently open project
Whenever we want to
debug our project
We can see the history of
the different times weve
run something
We can select to run the
project in different ways
We can configure the
different run configuration
we may have
Shows us a list of the
recent launch configuration
in debug mode

Run -> Debug As

Presents us with different

debug options

Run -> Debug


Presents us with different

debug configurations we
can select
Toggles breakpoints in the

Run -> Toggle Breakpoint

We can use this to select

what type of Debug we
wish to use
If the default debug mode is
not sufficient we can find
We use this to set the
appropriate type of
breakpoint based on what
is currently selected
We use this to toggle a line
breakpoint on the current
line of code
We use this to toggle a
method breakpoint on the
currently selected method
Toggles a watch point in
the current selection

Run -> Toggle Line


Toggles line breakpoints in

the project

Run -> Toggle Method


Toggles the method

breakpoints for the project

Run -> Toggle Watchpoint

Toggles a watchpoint we
can set

Run -> Skip all Breakpoints

Skips all the breakpoints in

the project

We use this if we need to

skip all the breakpoints we
have made in the project

Run -> Remove all


Removes all the

breakpoints in the project

Run -> Add Java Exception


Adds a java exception


Run -> Add Class Load


Adds class load


Run -> All References

Runs all the references in

the project

Run -> All Instances

Runs all instances in the


Run -> Instance Count

Runs a count of all the


Run -> Watch

Creates a watch item

We use this if we need to

remove all the breakpoints
we have made in the
We use it to select the java
exception breakpoint type
we wish to create
We use this if we want to
select a java type to add a
class load breakpoint to
Displays all the references
of the selected type
currently open
Displays all the instances of
the selected type currently
If we need to find out the
count of instances in the
We can use this if we need
to watch a specific portion
of code and it updates as

Run -> Inspect

Inspects the selection

Run -> Display

Runs the selection in the

display view

Run -> Execute

Helps evaluate a selected


Run -> Force Return

Forces the return of a

specified value

Run -> Step into Selection

Steps us into the selection

Run -> External Tools ->


Shows the history of the

external tools

Run -> External Tools ->

Run As

Gives s different run

options for the external
Shows the configuration for
the external tools

Run -> External Tools ->

External Tools
Run -> External Tools ->
Organize Favorites

Allows organization of
different favorite external

Window -> New Window

Opens a new workbench


Window -> New Editor

Opens a new editor

Window -> Open

Perspective -> Debug

Opens the Debug


Window -> Open

Perspective -> Java
Window -> Open
Perspective -> Other

Opens the Java Browsing


Window -> Show View ->

Place to view Ant buildfiles

Opens Other Perspectives

we debug
Shows in the expressions
view the result of inspecting
the selected expression
We use this to view the
result in the display view of
running the selection
Allows us to evaluate a
selected expression without
having to display it
We can use this to force a
method to return a specific
We select this when we
need to step into a selected
statement in the editor
If we need to find out the
history of the different
external tool weve used
Allows us to select different
run options for the external
Lets us configure different
things for the external tools
We can use this to organize
the any way we like the
favorites list of external
Opens a new workbench
window with the same
perspective as the original
If we need to open a new
editor based on the
currently active editor
We use this to open the
debugging perspective for
our Project
We use this to open the
Java Browsing perspective
for our Project
We use this to open other
available perspectives for
our Project
If we need to select or

Window -> Show View ->

Opens the Console view

Window -> Show View ->


Shows the source of the

element selected in the
Java editor or in a Java

Window -> Show View ->

Error Log

Opens the error log view

Window -> Show View ->


Window -> Show View ->

Window -> Show View ->
Window -> Show View ->
Window -> Show View ->
Package Explorer

Window -> Show View ->


Window -> Show View ->


Window -> Show View ->

Project Explorer

Window -> Show View ->

check what ant buildfiles

are available
Displays a variety of
console types depending
on the type of development
and the current set of user
With this we can see where
an element in the java
editor or java view comes

If we need to find the

different errors that
occurred in the program
Shows the Javadoc of the
Allow us to search open
element selected in the
and view the Javadoc for
Java editor or in a Java
any element we select in
the java editor or view
Opens the JUnit view
This view shows you the
test run progress and status
of the JUnit test
Shows the hierarchal file
We can find out the
structure of every project
structure of the files open in
open in the workbench
our projects
Display outline of a
We can see the outline and
structured file that is open
overview of a structured file
in editor
that is open
Shows a java element
If we need a hierarchical
hierarchy perspective
view of a certain element to
help find information about
Shows all system
We open this window to
generated errors warning or check if we had any errors
information associated with and what those were
a resource
provide feedback for
Gives us a progress
activities occurring in the
indicator of the different
processes we have running
at the same time
Hierarchical view of the
With this we can see an
resources in the workbench organized hierarchical view
of all resources in the
Displays the results of a
If we need to find


Window -> Show View ->

Task List
Window -> Show View ->
Window -> Show View ->

Window -> Show View ->

Type Hierarchy
Window -> Show View ->

Window -> Customize


Window -> Save

Perspective As
Window -> Reset
Window -> Close
Window -> Close all

Window -> Navigation ->

Show System Menu

Window -> Navigation ->

Show View Menu
Window -> Navigation ->
Quick Access


something in our
workbench or program we
can see the results in this
Displays the list of tasks
All the tasks we had
you have entered
entered are listed here for
easy access
Displays tasks you add
All the tasks we had
entered manually are listed
here for easy access
This view shows the
If we need to find a
different templates
template for a part of our
program we can look for
available ones here
This view shows the
We can find the hierarchy
hierarchy of a type
of a type so we can find
related things easier
Has all other views not
If there are any other views
listed in the main window
we have we can look for
them and open them from
Opens the customize
With this we open the
Perspective window
customize perspective so
we can change the default
actions for each
Saves the current
We can save the current
Perspective weve edited as
a custom new one
Changes the layout of the
Resets the current
current perspective
perspective to the default
Close the active
We use this to close the
current perspective
Closes all open
We use this so we can
close all perspectives at
once and dont need to
close one by one
Shows the system menu
We might need to change
with options for the current
something in the view or
view or editor
editor we have open the
available option are here
Opens the drop down menu If we wish to access the
in the toolbar of the active
drop down menu in our
active view
Easier access to many
Faster way for us to access
program features
UI elements such as views,

Window -> Navigation ->

Maximize Active View or
Window -> Navigation ->
Minimize Active View or

Makes the current view or

Editor take up the whole
Makes the current view or
Editor become minimized

Window -> Navigation ->

Activate Editor

Makes the current Editor


Window -> Navigation ->

Next Editor

Activates the next open


Window -> Navigation ->

Previous Editor

Activates the previous open


Window -> Navigation ->

Switch to Editor

Opens a dialog allowing

you to switch to open
Activates the next open
Activates the previous open
Activates the next open
Activates the previous open

Window -> Navigation ->

Next View
Window -> Navigation ->
Previous View
Window -> Navigation >Next Perspective
Window -> Navigation ->
Previous Perspective

commands, preference
pages, and others
So we can better use the
current view and work
So we can better access
other views or editor that
are behind the one we are
using now
Activates the editor we
have open right now so we
can use it
Faster way to jump forward
and use the next editor we
have open
Faster way to go back and
use the previous editor we
Faster way to change
editors that are open
We can jump to our next
open view
We can go to the previous
view we had open
We can jump to our next
open perspective
We can go to the previous
perspective we had open

Window -> Preferences

Opens the preferences

window with a wide
selection of options

We can change many

program, view and editor
settings in this window

Help -> Welcome

Takes us to the welcome

page for the eclipse

Help -> Help Contents

Opens a window with a list

of the different help topics
the program has

Help -> Search

Opens a search function for

the help topics

Help -> Dynamic Help

Opens a help pane in the

We can check the welcome

page of the program and
get an overview and check
new features and news
We use this if we wish to
find different help topics to
answer a question we may
Allows us to use keywords
to search the help database
for information
Lets us look for help articles

Help -> Key Assist

Help -> Tips and Tricks

Help -> Report Bug or


Help -> Cheat Sheets

Help -> Check for Updates

Help -> Install New


Help -> Eclipse


Help -> About Eclipse

and explanation while we

continue to work on our
Opens a list of the different We use this if we need to
keyboard shortcuts we can find a specific keyboard
shortcut we can use to help
make our work more
efficient and fast
Opens a window with
When we start using the
common tips and tricks we
program we can use this
can use in eclipse
feature to help us use
eclipse more efficiently and
avoid common mistakes
Allows us to help report
With this we can report
bugs in the program or and bugs or errors that have
enhancement that could be happened to us while using
done to it
eclipse or if we have ideas
for features in future
Opens the cheat sheet
If we wish to open and use
selection window
a cheat sheet with our
Opens and checks for new We can use this to check if
updates to the program
there are updates to
eclipse, this may fix errors
were having or fix stability
issues in the precious
Opens a window so we can If we have plug-ins or
install new software or plug- software we can use with
eclipse we can use this
window to install them and
add them to the program
Opens the eclipse
We can go to this
marketplace to search and
acquire plug-ins and
programs for eclipse
Shows the about window
If we need to find the
for Eclipse
version number, company
that makes the program or
other information

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