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Dr.Roshanlal Aggarwal & Sons Pvt.Ltd.

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Representing Dr.Reckeweg in India, Nepal & Bangladesh

Pioneers in Homoeopathy for over 60 years

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No.1 German Homoeopathic Brand in India

Symptoms Group

Home World famous Specialities R1 to R89

Dr. Reckeweg R7


Liver and Gallbladder Drops


Size : 22ml


Price : Rs.200


Product Range
World famous Specialities
R1 to R89
Biochemic Tablets
Biocombination Tablets

Organic and functional complaints of liver and gallbladder, hepatopathy, cholecystophathy, calculi,
disturbances of the biliary secretion, hepatitis, swelling of the abdomen, premature satiety, lack of
appetite, bitter taste in mouth, flatulence, constipation, weariness after meals, irritation,

Homoeo Tablets
Mother Tinctures



Carduus marianus: Painful swelling of the liver, jaundice, biliary calculi, cholangitis.

Cineraria Eye Drops

Chelidonium: Swelling of the liver with sensation of pressure on licer and biliary vesicle and
extending to right shoulderblade, cholagogue.

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Cholesterinum: Enlargement of the liver, jaundice and formation of gallstones.

By Symptoms

Colocynthis: Cramplike pains in abdomen, cannot stand pressure of clothes. At the time a pain
occurs, improvement is obtained through strong pressure on abdomen and through bending over.

By Name

Lycopodium: Meteorism and flatulence, bitter taste in mouth, bad humour, constipation.

By Keyword

Nux vomica: Hypochondria, liver constriction and congestion, nausea, abuse of tobacco, icterus,
gastro-duodenal catarrh, constipation.

Enter first 3 letters of the medicine.

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- Generally 3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
- If no improvement occurs within 8-14 days take 10-15 drops 4-6 times a day and reduce the dose
when improving. Even after complete disappearance of the complaints, take 10-15 drops
- 1-3 times a day for a longer period of time, watching diet rigorously.

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- In inflammatory diseases of liver and biliary vesicle, additional use of R1.

- In simultaneous gastric diseases (gastritis, ulcers), use also R5.

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- In ulcers, take 10-15 drops of R5 3 times a day before meals, and 10-15 drops of R7 2-4 times a day
between meals

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- In hemorroids, additional use of R13

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Info for Registered practitioners only

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Initially setup with an objective to make available Quality products to every nook and corner of our country where regular distribution could never reach, today along with its

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family and friends. It is no wonder that today every 3 seconds someone somewhere buys a Reckeweg product in India !
Company behind was adjudged best RECKEWEG importer worldwide in the year 1994, 1997, 1999 and 2005. It won the marketing awards for the year 1996, 1997, 2003 and
several others. In 2009 received 'Best-Partner' award from Dr.Reckeweg & Co, Germany.


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