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Biochemistry II (Bio 3362)

Spring Semester 2006

Tuesday & Thursday, 9:30 -10:45
Room CN 1.120

Text: “Biochemistry ” by R.H. Garrett and C.M. Grisham, 3 rd edition (2005)

There are two instructors in the course, Drs. S. Gavva and R. Draper. There are four midterm exams on dates listed in the schedule below.
The final grade will be the average of the four midterms. Make-up exams will be allowed only in exceptional cases, and only if evidence
documenting the reason is supplied. Make-up exams may have a verbal component.

Dates Class Instructor Lecture Reading Topics

Jan. 10 1 S. Gavva 1 G&G Ch. 21 Photosynthesis and photophosphorylation
Jan. 12 2 S. Gavva 2 G&G Ch. 21 CO 2 fixation
Jan. 17 3 S. Gavva 3 G&G Ch. 25 The nitrogen cycle, nitrogen acquisition, ammonia
assimilation, and glutamine synthetase
Jan. 19 4 S. Gavva 4 G&G Ch. 25 Amino acid synthesis I: transaminases, the glutamate
family and the urea cycle
Jan. 24 5 S. Gavva 5 G&G Ch. 25 Amino acid synthesis II: the aspartate and pyruvate
Jan. 26 6 S. Gavva 6 G&G Ch. 25 Amino acid synthesis III: the 3-P-glycerate and
aromatic amino acids, sulfur metabolism, histidine
Jan. 31 7 S. Gavva 7 G&G Ch. 25 Amino acid synthesis IV: Aspects of amino acid
Feb. 2 8 S. Gavva Midterm Exam I
Feb. 7 9 S. Gavva 8 G&G Ch. 26 Purine synthesis to IMP
Feb. 9 10 S. Gavva 9 G&G Ch. 26 Purine synthesis (continued), salvage and degradation
Feb. 14 11 S. Gavva 10 G&G Ch. 26 Pyrimidines and deoxyribonucleotide synthesis
Feb. 16 12 S. Gavva 11 G&G Ch. 10 Nucleotides and nucleic acids
Feb. 21 13 S. Gavva 12 G&G Ch. 11 Structures of nucleic acids
Feb. 23 14 R. Draper 13 G&G Ch. 8 Lipid structures figures
Feb. 28 15 S. Gavva Midterm Exam 2
March 2 16 R. Draper 14 G&G Ch. 9 Membrane structure: lipids and proteins figures
March 14 17 R. Draper 15 G&G Ch. 9 Membrane structure: lipids and proteins figures
March 16 18 R. Draper 16 G&G Ch. 9 Membrane transport figures
March 21 19 R. Draper 17 G&G Ch. 9 Membrane transport figures
March 23 20 R. Draper 18 G&G Ch. 23 Fatty acid catabolism figures
March 28 21 R. Draper 19 G&G Ch. 23 Fatty acid catabolism figures
March 30 22 R. Draper 20 G&G Ch. 24 Biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids: sterols and
sterol metabolism figures
April 4 23 R. Draper Midterm Exam 3
April 6 24 R. Draper 21 G&G Ch. 24 Biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids: sterols and
sterol metabolism figures
April 11 25 R. Draper 22 G&G Ch. 24 Biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids: sterols and
sterol metabolism
April 13 26 R. Draper 23 G&G Ch. 27 Integration of metabolism figures
April 18 27 R. Draper 24 Review
April 20 28 R. Draper 25 Midterm Exam 4

Syllabus Addendum
This course is the second of a two-course sequence that provides students with a working knowledge of the
macromolecules and fundamental metabolic pathways of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with emphasis on human
systems. Biochemistry II is devoted to mastering 1) photosynthesis; 2) the metabolism of amino acids, and nucleic
acids; 3) the structure, function and metabolism of lipids with emphasis on biological membranes and how lipid
metabolism is integrated with carbohydrate metabolic pathways. Relevance to human physiology, medicine, and
understanding diseases are used to stimulate students to begin the integration of biochemistry with other disciplines.
The goal is to provide students with the fundamental biochemical knowledge and insight needed for them to
constructively use biochemistry, both as a means of understanding biological processes in general and for creative
problem solving.

Student Conduct
Each student in this course is expected to exercise independent scholarly thought, expression and aptitude. This
addendum to the course syllabus is provided to assist you in developing and maintaining academic integrity while
seeking scholastic success.

General Comments:
l All academic exercises ( including assignments, essays, laboratory experiments and reports, examinations, etc.) require

individual, independent work. Any exception(s) will be clearly identified.

l Be sure your name or identifying number is on your paper.

l Complete and turn in academic exercises on time and in the required format ( hardcopy, electronic, etc. ).

l Retain confirmation of document delivery if submitted electronically.

l Retain all research notes and drafts until the project or assignment has been graded.

l Obtain written authorization from your instructor prior to submitting a portion of academic work previously

submitted for any academic exercise. ( This includes an individual or group project submitted for another course or at another

Essays and Significant Papers:

Be prepared
To present periodic drafts of work in process
To correctly and completely reference all sources of information using the citation format prescribed
To turn your completed assignment in timely and in the prescribed manner (electronic, hardcopy, etc. )

Be prepared
To leave all personal belonging at the front of the room or other designated location (this includes cell phones,
turned off of course, and beverage containers)
To present your UTD Comet Card
To remove your cap or hat
To remove the batteries from any electronic device (e.g. calculator)
To exchange blue books or bring them early as required
To change seating
To sign out when exiting the testing room
To be escorted for lavatory use

All episodes of suspected scholastic dishonesty will be reported according to University policy. Students who violate
University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the
course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the
University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Penalties that may be assessed for scholastic
dishonesty may be reviewed in Subchapter D. Penalties at

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