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Kompetencat profesionale pr Drejtimin ELEKTROTEKNIK, Niveli III

Nxnsi sht i aft:

t hartoj nj plan-biznesi q lidhet me veprimtarit profesionale t drejtimit
t kryej llogaritje ekonomike q lidhen me veprimtarit profesionale t drejtimit
t kryej menaxhimin e burimeve njerzore, materiale dhe financiare gjat
veprimtarive profesionale t drejtimit elektroteknik;
t interpretoj, plotsoj dhe prgatis dokumentacion q lidhen me veprimtarit
profesionale t drejtimit elektroteknik;
t zbatoj bazn ligjore q i referohet veprimtarive profesionale t drejtimit
t zbatoje standardet teknike t profesionit t drejtimit elektroteknik;
t zbatoj parimet e etiks gjat ushtrimit t veprimtarive profesionale t drejtimit
t realizoj instalimin elektrik t nj supermarketi;
t kryej procedurat pr hapjen dhe mbylljen e nj biznesi n fushn e
t kryej procedurat pr administrimin dhe menaxhimin e nj biznesi elektroteknik;
t hartoj nj plan marketing dhe t zhvilloj marketingun n biznesin
t prdor programin AutoCAD pr t realizuar me kompjuter vizatime t
ndryshme q lidhen me profesionin e elektroteknikut;
t prdor programet CAD elektrik dhe Crocodile pr ndrtimin, ekzekutimin dhe
testimin e skemave elektrike;
t prdor dhe mirmbaj veglat, pajisjet dhe materialet e puns;
t kryej sakt veprimet kryesore pr t dhn ndihmn e shpejt;
t zbatoj rregullat e siguris n pun dhe t mbrojtjes s mjedisit.

Vocational Competencies obtained in ELECTROTECHNICS branch, Level III

The student is able to:
Draft a business plan related to the vocational activity of an electrotechnician.
Perform the economic calculations related to the vocational activity of an
Perform the management of human, material, and financial resources during the
vocational activity of an electrotechnician.
Interpret, fill up, and prepare the documentation related to the vocational activity of
an electrotechnician.
Implement the legal framework related to the vocational activity of an
To apply the technical standards required by his or her vocation.
Apply the ethical principles in the process of their vocational activity as an
Complete the electrical installations of a supermarket.
Complete the procedures for opening and closing an electrotechnics business.
Complete the procedures for administering and managing an electronics business.
Draft a marketing plan and to conduct marketing in an electrotechnics business.
Use the autocad computer program in order to draw the designs needed for his
vocation as an electrotechnician.
Use the electric cad and crocodile programs for building, implementing, and testing
electrical diagrams.
Use and maintain the work instruments, equipment and materials.
Carry out correctly the key actions for offering the first aid.
Apply the work safety and environment protection rules.

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