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BA-3365 Marketing Management (Section 001)

Spring 2006

Class hours Sat 9:00 – 11:45 AM in SOM 1.212

Office Hours Thursday 2:00 – 4:00 PM or by appointment
Office SOM 3.618
Telephone Number 972-883-4418
E-mail Address - best method of contact


Textbook: Marketing, 8th edition, by Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz, and Rudelius


This course is about the fundamentals of marketing principles. Through a series of

lectures and cases which describe the decision problems encountered by marketing
managers, the course emphasizes marketing strategy, planning, and control, as well as
marketing operation. The specific topics that will be covered include marketing
management, buyer behavior, product policy, pricing strategy, distribution,
communications, sales management, promotion, competitive strategy, and marketing
research. The course will cover marketing mostly in the context of products and services.

Class Format & Expectation

Throughout the course of the semester you will be exposed to a variety of informative
marketing videos, articles and business cases. Most class gatherings will be comprised of
instruction on the relevant material for the day and class discussion regarding an in-class
video or assigned topic. All assigned readings should be read by the day they appear on
the syllabus, as this is the day the material will be covered in class. We will use the
course page on WebCT ( as the major communication medium
for the class. You can send/receive course-related emails, download lecture notes, check
your grades, and participate in course-related discussions on this site. Power Point lecture
notes for each class will be available for downloading before the class. I recommend you
bring the print-out of the notes when you attend the class. Help on WebCT access can be
found on the web site:, or from UTD IT help desk (Tel:
972-883-2911, Email:

Course grades will be determined by your performance on marketing news reports, scores
on examinations, project, class participation, and bonus questions. The weight given to
each of the above is given below.

Class participation 5%
Project report 15 %
Project presentation 10 %
Quiz + Homework 15%
Midterm exam 25%
Final exam 25 %
Marketing issues presentation 5%

Class participation grade is subjective and will be based on your participation and
attendance. You are expected to attend every class as well as to participate in in-class
discussions. 5% of your total grade is determined by your class attendance and another
5% will be evaluated by me according to the overall quantity and quality of your answers
to the questions I ask in class.

Homework will be given according to the class schedule. Homework is due at the
beginning of the corresponding class in class schedule regardless of whether you attend
class or not. Emergencies should be addressed with me prior to the due date. Late
submissions will automatically be lowered by one letter grade. On-line homework will be
on line through WebCT.

Exams are closed book, combination of multiple choice, short answer, and short essay
questions. Emphasis will be on testing of basic concepts and understanding of case
analysis. There will be no make-up final exam!

Marketing issues presentation will be graded mainly on the clarity of understanding

key issues. Presenting individual will submit 1 page long report including following
1. Key issues
2. Recommendation or your thought
The report will be electronically submitted to the instructor one day before the
corresponding class.

Project report and project presentation must be submitted by April 22, 2006. Both the
hard copy and e-copy of project report and presentation must be received by the
beginning of the class on April 22, 2005. The length of the report is normally 10 double-
spaced pages, including reference, tables and figures. Time allocated to presentation is
approximately 25 minutes including Q&A.

Final Project

Develop a new product idea (product, service, way of doing marketing) by brainstorming
in your group. Screen the ideas to come up with one idea that has the best chance of
being marketed. Prepare a marketing plan covering all aspects of marketing such as
product, packaging, brand name, advertising theme, slogan, promotion, price, and
distribution. The group will present this idea to the class at the end of the semester and
the class will evaluate both the presentation and the merit of the idea.

What the report should ideally have:

1. An introduction to the topic.

2. Problem Definition:
ü What is the consumer need that you aim to satisfy?

3. Situation analysis:
ü What is currently available in the market to satisfy the need?
ü What are the problems and why is there a need for a new product?
ü Who is the target market? In short justify the new product.
ü Also state the assumptions about your company, i.e. whether you are a startup
company or an established company.

4. Potential market in terms of dollars, profits, or sales.

ü Brief description of what assumptions you made and how you arrive at these

5. Marketing plan for the introduction:

ü Product: Brand name, package, warranty, etc.
ü Promotions: Message, targeted to, media (TV, radio, print).
ü Distribution
ü Price: Includes discounts, incentives, etc.
ü Time frame: National or regional rollout
Provide brief justification for your choice in each case.

6. Limitations or potential threats to success. What if a big company copies the new

Points will be awarded for presentation of information and the flow of arguments.

Evaluation of the Presentation:

1. Content: Is the idea intuitively appealing?

ü Would you invest money in the project?
ü How do you evaluate the idea on novelty or creativity?

2. Presentation: Was the presentation interesting? engaging?

ü Confidence of the speakers - relaxed.
ü Clarity of the talk - speed, loudness.
ü Were the visuals presented clearly?
ü Clear conclusion provided?

Peer Evaluation:
To ensure that each group member performs responsibly, I request that you evaluate your
group members including yourself on their contribution to the group’s success. The
evaluations will be held strictly confidential. It should be filled out and returned to the
instructor on the day of final presentation.

Academic Honesty

UTD has clear policies on academic dishonesty, which includes cheating on an exam,
plagiarism, collusion, and falsifying academic records. These activities will not be
tolerated in this class. Please look at the catalog for more information on this topic.
In this course, collaboration is permitted on all group projects including case analysis and
final project. No cooperation or collaboration is allowed on exams & assignments.
Appropriate action will be initiated against students who violate this policy.
Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline.
Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, colluding,
submitting for credit any work or materials that are attributable in part or fully to another
party, taking an exam for another person, and engaging in or attempting to engage in any
act designed to give unfair advantage to a student. The University of Texas at Dallas has
several procedures to deal with students who commit acts of scholastic dishonesty. Refer
to for further information on this topic.
Particularly, please note that plagiarism is a serious offense and points will be deducted
for committing it. If a student is not sure what plagiarism is or how to properly recognize
sources, he/she is strongly encouraged to talk with the instructor regarding this issue.
Tentative Class Schedule:

Week Date Topics Chapters

1 Jan 14 Introduction, Marketing Principles Ch1

Marketing Strategy, Ch2

2 Jan 21
Marketing Environment, Group Meeting Ch 3

Marketing Ethics, Ch 4
3 Jan 28
Consumer Behavior, Quiz Ch 5

Homework (project plan) due

4 Feb 4 Organizational Behavior Ch 6
Market Research Ch 8

Segmentation & Targeting

5 Feb 11 Ch 9

6 Feb 18 Midterm Exam

New Product Development Ch 10

7 Feb 25
Managing Brand & Services Ch 11, 12

Pricing I Ch 13
8 Mar 4
Pricing II Ch 14

9 Mar 11 Spring Break

Marketing Channels, Ch 15
10 Mar 18
Retailing Ch 17

Advertisement & Promotion Ch 19

11 Mar 25 Discussion of Group Projects

Integrated marketing communications Ch 18

12 Apr 1
Discussion of Group Projects
13 Apr 8 Project Presentation

Apr 15
14 Project Presentation

Apr 22 Project Presentation, All Reports Due

Final Exam review

Apr 29 Final Exam

(No make-up exam will be given)

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