Lesson Plan: Curriculum Design 2014 Fall 1

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Curriculum Design

2014 Fall

Lesson Plan
School/Institution: American Study Center, Ningbo, China
Grade/Level: Intermediate
Language: English
Course: Academic English 1.5
Time: 60 minutes
Number of Ss: 10
Objectives- SWBAT
Content Objectives (CO)
1. Display an understanding of the
elements that define e-commerce by
making a list
2. Compare different shopping styles
3. Explore the aspects in our life that has
been influenced by e-commerce
4. Give reasons why e-commerce is
successful in China

Language Objectives (LO)

1. Use the simple past tense to describe
previous purchasing experience with
verbs such as buy, go, pay and
monetary vocabulary like cash, credit
card, and names of the items they
2. Use phrases such as in my opinion, in
my experience, as far as my concerned
to express opinions on their preferred
purchasing style

Computer (with Internet, projection device)
Poster paper*3
Several markers
One tablet or laptop per Ss
http://tinyurl.com/kmab2cp Google Sheet
http://youtu.be/lbfjNTo624Y Jack Mas Speech
Handout 1 (Appendix A)
Handout 2 (Appendix B)
http://projects.wsj.com/alibaba/#chapter1 (for T)
http://youtu.be/AhgtoQIfuQ4 What is E-Commerce? (for T)
Pre-Activity: Description
What is E-Commerce?
T asks Ss where they can buy (clothes, accessories, travel
itineraries, automobiles, etc.)? T writes down the answers on the
T guide Ss to locate themselves to the Google sheet and
demonstrate how to use the sheet
Ss navigate around the Alibaba website (English version)
Ting-An Lin

Time Objective(s)
Frame Targeted

Curriculum Design
2014 Fall

Ss each choose one category and complete the Google sheet

During activity: Description
How it works in China?
Before viewing
Students will activate prior knowledge by brainstorming how
e-commerce is influencing and changing human life. Groups
(3;3;4) will present their results on a poster paper drawing a
mind map. This will serve to provide students with some of the
vocabulary (both verbs and nouns) necessary to understand the
video. It also makes connection between prior and future
learning experiences.

Time Objective(s)
Frame Targeted

During viewing
Ss are divided into small groups (3;2;3;2). The first half (21 min)
of the video will be divided among the groups. (About 5 min per
group) Each group will watch the clip and take notes on
Handout 1. Ss may need to watch it more than once.
T helps explaining vocabulary Ss do not know or encourages
using reference tools. Ss jot down the key points they get from
the clip and check understanding by discussing in the group.
After viewing
T draws Ss attention to the language they can use to express
opinions by writing them on the blackboard.
Ss assemble pieces of information from each part of the video
and puzzle out the whole picture of the speech by grouping Ss
in two steps (5;5 and then as a class).
Ss predict what questions will be asked in the second half of the
video and how the speakers going to answer them.
Post Activities: Description
How does Ma do it?
Ss complete Handout 2 reflecting on the video and discussion
How about America?
To segue to the next lesson, T asks Ss their knowledge of
Americans online shopping websites and lets Ss explore such
like Amazon.com, Target.com, eBay, etc
WWW Exit Ticket
Ss answer the three questions on a piece of paper and stick it on
the blackboard before they leave the classroom

Ting-An Lin


Time Objective(s)
Frame Targeted

Curriculum Design
2014 Fall

Informal assessment of students' understanding of e-commerce can be done during group
discussions. The teacher should monitor group interaction and participation as the groups
work together.

WWW exit ticket:

o Why is e-commerce so popular in China?
o What is the maximum amount of money you are willing to pay to shop online?
o What kind of person do you think the Jack Ma is?

Ting-An Lin

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