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Fall, 2005 H.H.A.

Mondays: 7 – 9:45PM School of General Studies

AMS 4310 – 501

Call # 10139


Terrorism, an age-old phenomenon, has come to assume a distinctive, recogni zable,

modern form. Its manifestations have become, in our times, a constant background
against which the affairs of nations are played out. Terrorism has acquired an
importance for the conduct of those affairs far beyond what is suggested by mere
statistics. This course will explore, in depth, the ways in which critical areas of
American foreign policy have been influenced by terroristic events, often protagonized
by shadowy, insubstantial forces that are, notionally, hardly a match for those opposing
them. Because of its nature, terrorism in its modern guise is capable of humbling
mighty nation states. It turns many of our notions of government upon their heads.
America’s fight against terrorism has been frustrating, disappointing, and, in the main,

This course requires a lively, informed interest in current events, a sense of history of
the place of the United States in world affairs. Substantial reading of current news
sources and periodicals is demanded so as to keep pace with a fast-moving, ever-
shifting subject.


The course grade will be based upon a final term paper on a carefully defined
topic, designed to test the student’s comprehension of the course matter, the
ability to conduct extensive research and to articulate its results.

Required Text

Pillar, Paul R., Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy, Brookings, 1 st Edition.
AMS 4310-501 H.H.A. Cooper
Fall 2005



Week 1 Introduction. Definitions. The significance of the subject for the

United States. The events of September 11, 2005.

Week 2 Forms of terrorism: Assassinations; bombings; kidnappings;

hostage-takings; et al.

Week 3 Terrorism and the Media; the contagion effect. Where do terrorists
get their ideas? How do they translate them into action?

Week 4 What are terrorists like? How do they become terrorists? What are
their motives? How do we know the answers to these questions.

Week 5 International terrorism. The risks for the United States and its
interests at home and abroad. Have United States policies
increased the risks?

Week 6 Domestic terrorism; the “Patriot Movement.” What do they want?

How are they going about it? Is domestic terrorism still a great

Week 7 Hi-tech terrorism; nuclear and bio-chemical forays into the future.
How serious are the dangers?

Week 8 Counter-terrorism, strategies and tactics; the place of intelligence in

the war on terrorism. Cooperation with other countries.

Week 9 Legislative efforts to combat terrorism; how effective are they? Do

we need more laws?

Week 10 The financing of terrorism; is the United States implicated? Has it

been implicated in the past?

Week 11 Terrorism and the Cold War. How valuable is the old literature in a
new day and age? How has terrorism changed?

Week 12 What will fuel international terrorism now that the Cold War is over?
Are we over-emphasizing the clash of civilizations?
Week 13 Terrorism: Where is it going? How big a problem is it going to be
as the 21st century develops?

Week 14 Review and Revision

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