Networked Control Systems

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EE777I - Midterm assignment

Survey on Networked Controlled Systems with

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260, USA

AbstractCommunication delay in networked control systems

is investigated in this paper for a solution of random time delay
with Bernoulli distribution. The closed-loop networked control
system is found stochastically exponentially stable by designing
observer-based controller and satisfying the H disturbance
attenuation level. Further expansion of theory were investigated
including the quantized H control for networked control
systems with random time delay, network-based controller for
systems with both time delays and data loss, and designing
networked controller for large-scale systems and systems with
random measurement and actuation delays.
Index Terms decentralized control system, H control, linear
matrix inequalities (LMIs), networked systems, observer-based
controller, quantized H control, random communication delays,
stochastic stability.


etworked control systems (NCS) are those systems whose

feedback control loop is based on a communication over
network. Because the network is dynamic system and subject
to delays and/or data losses, a robust control system should
take in consideration an error induced by delay or data loss.
The structure of a networked control system consists of
sensors to collect and send information via a communication
channel to the controller. The controller makes a decision and
sends commands to actuators to perform required actions [1].
A deterministic time-delay method is not appropriate for such
systems as the delay in networks is usually unknown and
random. Significant research efforts considered networks
delay to have Bernoulli distribution due to its simplicity and
the nature of digital communication. Although most
researches investigate the sensor-to-controller delay, delay can



Ch. Delay



Ch. Delay

Fig.1: Structure of a networked control system with communication delays.

occur between controller and actuator as shown in figure (1)

Reference [1] investigated random network delays as an H
control problem with both sensor to controller and controller
to actuator delays in consideration. The closed-loop networked
control system need to be stochastically exponentially stable

using an observer-based controller. The authors of [1] have

used Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) approach to achieve the
robustness of H disturbance rejection performance.
There is considerable effort of research have been done to
enhance the performance of networked control systems with
random delays. Researchers studied the problem using the
closed-loop networked control system [1]. Other researchers
investigated a quantized state feedback control problem where
the feedback signal is quantized and coded for transmission.
For more details about quantized control and quantizer types
refer to [2], [3] and the references therein. Researches on
quantized H expanded to nonlinear stochastic time delay
network-based systems [3]. Another considerable networking
problem for networked control systems is the loss of data.
Stabilization criteria were studied for networked control
systems with random communication delays and data packet
dropouts [3], [4]. Networked control systems were studied for
large scale systems where a decentralized controller is
designed to avoid the necessity to receive all packets at the
same time where this controller doesnt need to be the same
order of the large system itself [5]. In shared communication
channels such as those for networked control systems; the
communication delay can be larger than the sampling period.
Systems with such large delay can encounter other stability
problems. Suggested stabilization algorithm was proposed
using observer-based stabilizing control algorithm designed to
estimate the states and control input [6].
The link between all these problems and suggested
solutions is the random delay occurs in the shared
communication channel. In this paper the stabilization and
robustness of the networked control system will be studied
using the previously listed controllers with the possible
consideration for further improvement of the networked
controlled systems.
Notation: In this paper, the notation means the
transpose of matrix M and 1 is the inverse of matrix M.
For the system shown Figure 1, the system model is
assumed to have the following form:
+1 = + 2 , + 1
{, = (1 ) + 1
Where is the state, , is the control input, is the

EE777I - Midterm assignment

controlled output, is the disturbance input, , is
measured output, is the output, , 2 , 1 , ,
known real matrices with appropriate dimensions. Using
observer-based control algorithm, the compact form of
closed-loop system was found as follows:


+1 = ( + ) +

issue, so solving this problem by designing a decentralized

controller was proposed with the probability distribution of the
communication delay considered. The problem can be solved
depending on the network topology and the probability
distribution of the random delay which should be known prior
to the design process [5].

Where , 11 , 1 , , are known matrices, and is the

diagonal non-zeros singular values of2 .

E. Stabilizing NCS with random delay

The previously mentioned model depends on the sampling
period, only for short time delay, which will limit the solution
to short time delay or large sampling period. This is not
practical enough for most of communication networks where
sampling can be small compared to channel delay. To
overcome the presence of random measurement and actuation
delays, a less conservative stabilization conditions should be
achieved. A controller was designed using non-convex matrix
inequality algorithm and solving the optimization problem
using linear matrix inequality [6].



In the previous section a design of controller to stabilize the

system using observer-based controller satisfying Bernoulli
random binary distribution. Unfortunately, the system can still
be improved and various different design algorithms can be
applied. A picks of some of other approaches that improve the
performance of the controller are provided in this section.

In this paper, the random time delay in networked control

systems with Bernoulli distribution was studied and several
solutions found for different system types. The observer-based
controller stabilized the closed-loop networked control system
and satisfied the H disturbance attenuation level. Other
models investigated include the quantized H control for
networked control systems with random time delay, networkbased controller for systems with both time delays and data
loss, large-scale system and systems with random
measurement and actuation delays. Time delay in wireless
NCSs can be very long due to the nature of wireless
communication channel, this can trigger an open area of

Reference [1] shows that the mentioned system is

exponentially mean-square stable and satisfies the H
performance constraint. Using LMI an H controller was
designed with the parameters given as:
= 1 11

= 11 .

A. Quantized H controller
Using quantized H control for networked control systems
with random communication delays can solve the problem for
quantized systems with a logarithmic quantizer. The quantized
state-feedback controller was able to achieve the H
disturbance rejection and results in a closed-loop
exponentially mean-square stable system [2].
B. Networked control systems with delays and data loss
Taking in consideration any data loss can occur in the
communication channel, an improved model was obtained that
can handle both time delay and data loss. This model used
Lyapunov-Krasovskii function to stabilize the system. A
feasible solution was obtained using matrix inequality and no
parameters need to be assigned [3].
C. Quantized H control for Nonlinear System with losses
Expanding the quantized H control problem to solve data
loss and also to be applied for a nonlinear stochastic timedelay network-based systems where the systems output and
input signals are quantized by logarithmic quantizers. That
was done using a matrix of Bernoulli distributed stochastic
variables describing the lost data with different probabilities.
The sufficient condition was derived using sector-bounded
uncertainties, which guarantees that the closed-loop system is
stochastically stable and the H performance constraint were
met and verified to assure that the quantized H controllers
were designed successfully [4].
D. Handling time delay in large systems
In large scale systems, communication delay is a common







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