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CNPJ/MF: 04.423.567/0001-21
Publicly-held Company
Rio de Janeiro, December 09, 2014 ENEVA S.A. (ENEVA or Company) (BM&FBovespa:
ENEV3, GDR I: ENEVY), in accordance with Article 157, Paragraph Four, of the Brazilian
Corporations Law and CVM Resolution N. 358/02, as amended, hereby informs to its
shareholders and the market in general that the Company, by orientation of its controlling
shareholders, decided to file as of today at the Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro, request for
judicial recovery, in accordance with Article 51 and following of Law N. 11.101/05, on an
emergency basis, pursuant to Article 122, Sole Paragraph, of the Brazilian Corporations Law.
The request for judicial recovery is a result of (i) the non-revalidation of the agreement to
suspend the amortization and payment of interests of financial transactions entered into by
the Company and certain subsidiaries with financial creditors, due on November 21, 2014; and
(ii) the failure to reach an agreement between the Company and financial institutions to
execute a financial stabilization plan of the Company aimed for the capital structure
strengthening and the debt re-profiling of the Company.
Over the past months, as part of the efforts made by the Management of the Company to
implement its financial stabilization, relevant achievements were reached, as disclosed in the
Material Facts Notices released on May 12, 2014, July 14, 2014, September 26, 2014, October
17, 2014, November 11, 2014 and December 9, 2014 and in the Notices to the Market
disclosed on May 20, 2014, June 6, 2014, June 18, 2014, August 1, 2014, August 5, 2014 and
September 5, 2014, in particular: (i) the private capital increase of the Company, amounting to
approximately R$175 million; (ii) the sale of 50% of the shares issued by Pecm II TPP,
amounting to R$408 million; (iii) the change in unavailability verification and payment
methodology (ADOMP) of the plants and the reimbursement for overpayments by Pecm I and
Itaqui TPPs, in a total amount of more than R$360 million; (iv) the execution of a settlement
agreement with Aneel - Brazils National Electric Energy Agency to adjust power supply
obligations of Parnaba II CCGT, which construction has been concluded allowing the start of
operations in testing phase of such power plant; (v) the execution of a contract to sale
ENEVAs interest in Pecm I TPP for R$300 million; (vi) significant availability improvement in
the operations of the power plants controlled by the Company; (vii) significant reduction in the
operating expenses of the Company, among other measures.

CNPJ/MF: 04.423.567/0001-21
Publicly-held Company
Once the request for judicial recovery is granted, the payment enforceability of all non-priority
debts shall be suspended for the Company and its subsidiary ENEVA Participaes S.A.
(Subsidiary), totaling R$2.33 billion, as of November 30, 2014. The other Companys
subsidiaries were not part of the judicial recovery request and the power plants remain in
normal operation.
The Company will have 60 days, as of the date of the approval of the judicial recovery request,
to submit its judicial recovery plan. The Cash and Cash Equivalent position of the Company, as
of November 30, 2014, amounts to a total of R$78.3 million.
Changes in Management
In view of the resignations of the officers of the Company, Messrs. Fabio Bicudo and Frank
Possmeier, submitted as of this date, the Board of Directors of the Company has elected
Messrs. Alexandre Americano and Ricardo Levy to the positions of Chief Executive Officer and
Vice-President Officer and Investor Relations Officer, respectively.
Fabio Bicudo was invited by the controlling shareholders of the Company to assume the
position of chairman of the Board of Directors, to be elected on an extraordinary shareholders
meeting. Frank Possmeier will take over the position as Managing Director at E.ON Brasil Ltd.
and thereby continue supporting the Company in his new position.
The resignations of Messrs. Luiz do Amaral de Frana Pereira, Adriano Castello Branco and Luiz
Fernando Vendramini Fleury were also presented to their respective positions as members of
the Board of Directors of the Company.
The Companys Extraordinary General Meeting will be duly convened in the next days to (i)
confirm the judicial recovery request of the Company and Subsidiary approved by the
Management of the Company, in accordance to Article 122, Sole Paragraph, of the Brazilian
Corporations Law; and (ii) elect new members of the Board of Directors of the Company, in
accordance to article 150 of Brazilian Corporations Law and the Novo Mercado Listing Rules of
Ventures in Operation
Notwithstanding the Companys level of indebtedness, as already disclosed, in 2014 the
Company has concluded all ventures related to the projects that have contracted power in the

CNPJ/MF: 04.423.567/0001-21
Publicly-held Company
Brazils regulated market, of which (i) a total of 2.4GW is related to the power plants Pecm I,
Itaqui, Parnaba I, Parnaba III, Pecm II and Parnaba IV, currently in operation; and (ii) a total
of 518MW is related to Parnaba II power plant, which is currently operating in test and
commissioning mode.
Conference Call with the Market
ENEVA will hold a conference call tomorrow, December 10, 2014, at 12:00 (Braslia time) / 9:00
(US ET).
Telephone (USA): +1 786 924-6977
Telephone (Brazil): +55 11 3193-1001 / +55 11 2820-4001
Webcasting: (English) (Portuguese)

The information regarding the processing of the judicial recovery request, as well as other
relevant facts and information will be duly disclosed to the market, in accordance with the
applicable legislation.
The Company will keep its shareholders and the market informed of developments related to
this Material Fact.


CNPJ/MF: 04.423.567/0001-21
Publicly-held Company
ENEVA is a power generation and trading company, with complementary businesses in natural gas exploration and production.
The Company currently has approximately 2.4GW of gross installed capacity in operation and 518MW under test and
commissioning operation mode, which places it among the largest private power generation companies in Brazil. ENEVA also owns
an interest in natural gas onshore blocks in the Parnaba Basin.
Investor Relations:
Rodrigo Vilela
Carlos Cotrim
+55 21 3721-3030
Carla Assemany +55 21 3721-3359 / +55 21 999537255
Marina Duarte +55 21 3721-3373 / + 55 21 98132-0459

This document contains Company-related statements and information that reflect the current vision and/or expectations the
Company and its management have regarding its business plan. These include, among others, all forward-looking statements that
involve forecasts and projections, indicate or imply results, performance or future achievements and may contain words such as
believe foresee expect consider is likely to result in or other words or expressions of similar meaning. Such state ments
are subject to a series of expressive risks, uncertainty and premises. Please be advised that several important factors can cause the
actual results to diverge materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimations and intentions expressed in this
document. In no event shall the Company or the members of its board, directors or employees be liable to any third party
(including investors) for investment decisions or acts or business carried out based on the information and statements that a ppear
in this material fact, or for indirect damage, lost profit or related issues. The Company does not intend to prov ide to potential
shareholders with a revision of the statements or an analysis of the differences between the statements and the actual result s.
Each investor must conduct and rely on its own evaluation, including of the associated risks in making an inves tment decision.

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