Fundamentals of World Regional Geography: Project: Alan Rowch, Instructor Geography

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Fundamentals of World Regional

Geography: Project
Alan Rowch, Instructor
(r -1-13)

Value: 100 pts.

Time estimate for research: approximately 4-5 hrs. (research and
written report).
Due: ________________________
We use geography every day but may not know it. As you travel,
observe the world around you. Geography gives us a framework or
point of view that may add understanding to a subject or it may lead
to many interesting questions to pursue!!
Choose one topic you would like to explore! The original geographers
were curious and adventuresome. Try something that you would
really like to know more about. Use your imagination and creativity!
1. Trade Area Study: (Range of the Good) Go by a local
shopping district and look at license plates. Survey the plates of
100 or more cars. (Obviously, you dont need numbers but
merely record geographic information. Please obtain
permission from local security.)
How many are from Omaha? ___________
Surrounding counties that you can identify. __________
Date of observation: _______________Time: ________________
Location: __________________________
Write your conclusions of what you observed. Was the
shopping area busy? If you were the advertising director
of the store or shopping area, how would this information
affect advertising? What other conclusions can you draw!
Did the shopping area look inviting..upscale..dated? Was
this what you expected? What surprises did you find? (2
pages, typed)

Map your results. The spatial distribution will help you
understand your findings!
--Or-2. Small Town Study: (Urban Issues) Choose a small town (less
than 2-3000) and study the land uses. Suggestions:
What is the population? _______________
Is there a post office? ______________
Schools? __________How many? ______________
Restaurants/cafes? _________
Jewelry store? ____________
Grocery store? _________
Churches? _______________List some of the businesses..
Perhaps take a photo of the main commercial area (C.B.D./
central business district) Are there vacant storefronts?
(Perhaps draw a map of the downtown and land uses.)
What can you find out about the history? Why did people
settle here? (Site/Situation factors)
What appears to be their main economic activity? Is there
any manufacturing? How many businesses offer services
(like barber shop, beauty shop, car repair.)
What conclusions can you make about this town? Is it
growing? Is it declining? Why? Write a 2 page summary,
--Or-3. Location Study: (Business Location Theory) (You will
need a fairly detailed road map of Omaha.)
Pick a type of business in Omaha from the phone book
that has at least 30 or more listings. (Example: Bakeries,
gas stations, restaurants, veterinarians,
Plot these addresses on the map using a dot or star or
other marking. (Make a title and key for your map.)
What pattern seems to emerge?
Describe the concentration or distribution. Does it appear
uniform, or random, or clustered? Why??
What might explain the pattern or distribution of this type
of economic activity? Does it need access to a lot of traffic

If you were starting a similar business, how would this
affect where you might build or locate? (Submit map and
write a 1.52 page summary.)
--Or-4. Interview:
(World View) Find someone from another
country, perhaps a friend, acquaintance, friend of a friend. (2
pages, typed) Include:
Primary language
Country, capital
Major economic activities
What customs are different from ours?
Main religions
What customs seemed strange when they came to this
What was hard to adjust to when they arrived?
What are their impressions of this country and culture?
Do they speak English? How did they learn?
Other observationsany anecdotal information
What preconceived ideas did you have of their country?
What preconceived ideas did they have about our
What was the biggest surprise about our country!
****Include a map of their country.
--Or-5. Report: Report on a local business/factory. (2 pages/typed)
Where is the business?
How old is the business?
Where are their customers? Where do they get their raw
How many are employed?
Is the company growing?
Why did the business locate where it did?
Other information and observations.
Include you sources.
--Or-6. Photos: (Understanding the Cultural and Urban Landscape)
If you have an interest in photography, take some pictures of
Omaha that reflect the diversity of our community (architectural
styles/ethnic groups) that show the history and economic
activity. Display these on a poster board. (Submit 1.52

pages/typed about your project, a type of journal of what you
did, where you went, what you discovered!)
--Or-7. Report on a country: Become knowledgeable about one
country in the world. Choose a country that you have a special
interest in studying, perhaps a country of a grandparent or
other relative, or perhaps it is a place that you want to visit. In
your own words, write 5 or more pages (typed) about that
country, including major points about the people,
climate/environment, and customs. What is the main economic
activity? Have people migrated? Why? (List your sources. Use
two or more.) (Remember to use quotation marks and list
references for direct quotes!)
Include a map of the country.
--Or-8. Other (as approved by instructor)
**Note: Reports should be 12 pt., double-spaced. Make two
copies. (One to submit and one for your records. Keep the graded
copy to review as needed.)

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