Heather L. Tapia - The Five Steps To Abundance-An Introduction

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The Five Steps to

An Introduction to Love in
Heather L. Tapia ~ Prosperity

The Five Steps to Abundance

An Introduction to Love in Business

All rights reserved,

COPYRIGHT 2013 Heather L. Tapia
Cover design by Ramon Vinson-Videographer
Cover photo: by Heather L. Tapia

Book Editing by Tati Buso & Cathy Kline

Printed on demand, Columbus, OH

Inspired by Love & Being of Service.
http://www.AbundanceNetwork.webs.com &

Copyright 2013 Heather L. Tapia

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems,
without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a
reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

All rights reserved.

To all the loving individuals who have shared their stories,
inspired me along my journey and continue to appear in my



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Authors Foreword

Questions to Ask Yourself

The Five Steps to Abundance

The Abundance Prayer

The Abundance Principle

Chapter One: Love in Business

Chapter Two: Gratitude

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Chapter Three: Believing You Deserve

What you Desire
Chapter Four: Identify and Release
Chapter Five: Putting Action Behind
Your Desires
Chapter Six: Allowing and Receiving
Authors Note
About the Author

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~ Authors Foreword ~
My name is Heather L. Tapia. I am a Prosperity Adviser. I
have learned to live my life in a constant state of Love and
Abundance. My idea for humanity is to share with you the
5 steps I have discovered to creating Prosperity and
Abundance in my life so you can co-create with me a new

reality for everyone- especially YOU.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

What if you could easily embrace five steps to Abundance
that would allow you to fulfill your lifes purpose?
What would your life look like?
This book captures the heartbeat of living your life in
constant joy and complete abundance. I appreciate you
taking the time to review my gift to you: The Five Steps to

~ The Five Steps to Abundance ~

Step One: Gratitude

Step Two: Believe You Deserve What You are Asking
Step Three: Identify and Let Go of Fears
Step Four: Putting Action Toward Your Desire
Step Five: Allowing and Receiving
This is beyond the Law of Attraction or simple positive
thought. This is about being in the vibration of abundance
on a moment by moment basis. These steps will support
you to create the reality you desire and deserve.
My intention is to offer you support to uplift yourself and
those around you.

The Abundance Prayer

Abundance is:
The perception you have everything you need and that life
is an adventure to be enjoyed and cherished not of hardship.
The understanding we are all connected and deserving of
greatness. The awareness that Love is a state of being and to
vibrate at this frequency opens doors and opportunity to
achieve our dreams.
The realization we are all one and completely perfect in our
expression of this oneness. It is through this-our
uniqueness- we can become whole.
By clearing your mind of negative thoughts, by clearing
your bodies of unwanted waste and by raising your
vibration all things are possible. You choose this time this

now for a reason- don't you think you should enjoy it

Love is a state of BEING.
Abundance is a state of BEING.

~ The Abundance Principle ~

Abundance resides in us all-the ebb and flow of energy
which sustains us on our path. It is not a wish that we will
never attain or a dream we can only sleep with. Abundance
is our divine right to be taken care of from every imaginable

Chapter One:
Love in Business

How do we create a global family future?

How can you impact outcomes where each precious person
is in the winning circle?
How could all of us experience constant,

lasting joy?
Here is an idea or two to wrap your compass and heart


What does Love in Business refer to?

It is the term I have given to the style of business I
maintain and attract. It is based on the awareness that we are
in a Divine Feminine field of co-creative energy.
Translated, this means that we can learn to let go of the
need for competition, struggle and fear based mentality of
the last 50 thousand years and move toward a realization of
ease and flow of material needs, spiritual awakenings and
the acceptance of who we are- our true authentic self. Now,
there are many books out there to offer you guidance, yet I
wish to offer another way of connecting and receiving the
information you desire- through the heart.
The process of opening, awakening or simply connecting
with your Divine Heart center can be achieved by many
methods. I have had tremendous personal awakenings by
using sound as a bridge between my mind and heart. By
toning the sound of Ah and sending your consciousness
into the heart chakra you can achieve a sense of peace, flow
of loving vibration and a renewed sense of clarity.
Lets talk about this concept called Love. How many of
you think it is an emotion we feel? Ok- How many of you

feel it is a state of being? Great! You are all basically

human. What I mean is we have been conditioned to accept
that love is one of our emotions and that we can control the
outcome of this process through sheer desire of will (mind).
I would like to offer another perspective to support you in
experiencing more love into your reality. What if Love was
a vibration you could feel- like the bass beat of a drum?
Wouldnt you be interested in learning to play the drums? I
was, once I actually felt what Living in the Love
Vibration felt like. It was such a sense of joy-one which
you can practice achieving just like a field goal, a dance
move or a deeper state of meditation.
You ask yourself why I talk about the state of vibrating at
the frequency of love. The answer is once you can achieve
the awareness of this vibration; you can experience the
vibration of abundance. That is right-Abundance is a State
of Being!
Hallelujah! You mean I can now not only vibrate at the
frequency of Love whenever I choose, I can now call in the
vibration of Abundance? Absolutely!
How do I do this you ask? It is simple- practice and
holding space for what you wish to feel, experience and
attract. Use all these wonderful tools you have at your

disposal and be the open minded child-like student of life.

Revel in the joy around you and say thank you for the gifts
of experience you receive.

Tips for Abundance Thinking

1. Acknowledge when you are being negative and change
the statement to one of allowing, hope or being positive.
2. Hang out with others who are on your
journey to the best of your ability. They will suddenly find
you and negative critical ones will fade away.
3. Use Affirmations around your home, your car and your
4. Create Vision Board and Goal setting
5. Join a Mastermind Group-http://www.MMTPP.com
6. Make Gratitude Lists
7. Support groups and gatherings on
http://www.MeetUp.com or http://www.eEvent.com (never
heard of it? Check it out! Its free) and many other sites you
can search. Basically it is about community and connecting
with others so you may better connect with yourself.

Visit http://www.TheAbundanceNetwork.net, a membership

site for additional tips, community and support.

Chapter Two:
By making a gratitude list you are letting the Universe
know you are grateful for where you are and ready to receive
more. When you add this practice to your daily routine in
some fashion the Universe will continue to listen and
provide you with more gifts. Notice how quickly things
show up in your reality.
Other techniques of creating positive flow of energy in your
reality are to use basic tools like affirmations and positive
thoughts. Joining support groups and interacting with
others of a like hearted frequency and vibration will also
support you in attracting that which you desire. The
application of the Law of Attraction and the understanding
that you already have everything you need, want or desire
directly at your disposal is the secret behind receiving your
requests instantly and without conscious thought.
What if the creator, the universe, God already knew exactly

what you needed and was willing to supply all to you if

you would only ask? What would your life look like? How
much fear would you be feeling? How generous and less
judgmental of others would you become?
Would you suddenly be aware of all of the beauty you are
surrounded by-the air you breathe, the hum of the train, the
smell of the grass and the laughter of children?
Would you even allow these wondrous events to occur in
your life and continue to manifest? Do not worry if you
have already noticed that some of this sounds familiar. We
are all in this journey together and are co-creating the
experience on many levels of awareness. This is a process of
awakening. On earth we enjoy perceiving it can take time to
evolve and shift our belief systems. It is up to you to allow
for change.
I am here to share with you these simple concepts I have
discovered, the Five Steps to Abundance. When these
principles are applied consistently they can support you in
awakening to that which you already have- the ease of
receiving food, opportunity, prosperity, wealth,
enlightenment, peace and above all love.
Go to www.TheAbundanceBook.webs.com and sign The
Abundance Petition (Guestbook), to share your request with

the Universe. Allow the co-creative energies surrounding us

to work with you to help manifest your dreams.
Download Your Gift Journal so you can keep a daily record
of the wonderful gifts the Universe provides you daily,
reaffirming your connection to the flow of prosperity.

Chapter Three:
Believing You Deserve What You Desire
Simply put it is shifting your fear based mentality to one of
deserving and receiving. It is in this step that you also
determine what you want out of your reality. Have you ever
been in a place of confusion and unsure of what direction to
turn? Was it hard to describe exactly what you were seeking
for fulfillment in your life to another person? What if you
had a clear channel of communication with your higher self
which enabled you to surpass blocks to your future and
happiness? What would this look like? Feel Like?
The answers to these questions have popped up for you
before and you were able to get the answers-right? What is

different now? Why do these times seem so overwhelming

and different? It is because you are no longer asleep and
unaware of the potential power within that you possess to
achieve the greatest reality of your dreams. You are learning
to release limiting fears and beliefs and acknowledge the
incredible power of co-creative thought for manifestation
you have always possessed. Now it becomes a simple
journey. Visualize it as a metamorphosis into your divine
self on earth.
How do I know this? I am living it with each breath and
enjoy each moment that I experience through understanding
that I am supported completely by God, the Creator,
Mother Earth and the Universe. All my desires have been
known and answered in some way. The key is incorporating
the power of the Law of Manifestation, this understanding
that the energy around us is in flux and available for us to
co-create with others. This is a powerful technique practiced
in group therapy, team sports and Mastermind Groups.
The Universe is always answering YES!
Do I deserve a healthy family?

Do I deserve to have that dream job I have been
looking for?
Do I deserve that dream vacation?
Will I ever get that loving relationship?

Chapter Four:
Identify and Release Fears
The third step to Abundance is to learn how to Identify and
release your fears. The best way to help you discover what
you are afraid of is to simply ask yourself the question.
What am I afraid of and what am I feeling right now in the
moment? The good news is if you dont know the answer-just guess. You can also talk with a friend or a qualified
The technique I have developed to support my clients
through this step of the process is called Energy Business. I
have combined intuition with guided questioning to distill
down to the activating core belief or event which
contributes to locking in the highest priority fear preventing
success in the moment. Once the fear belief is released it
will never resurface. The renewed resurgence of energy a
client feels provides him/her with inspiration and
excitement to be applied toward life or career. The third part
of Energy Business is creating the Flow of Currency. In
this process we again look at the core belief system behind
a potential fear attachment to money-either keeping it or
spending it. Both beliefs are a closed ended system and do
not support the natural order of flow. This blocks the
receiving and allowing potential of abundance.

One way to release the limiting hold of the past from your
desire to live in the moment is to look at your past
situations from a non-judgmental and objective point of
view. How does one accomplish this? By looking at the
positive and negative consequences of each situation and
shifting your negative perception to one of growth or
Lets take the example of the ending of a relationship.
These situations can be painful and have lasting impact on
our self worth if we do not learn to release the old
attachments. When you can think fondly of an exrelationship and see how the ending of the situation opened
you up for additional growth, you are in a place of healing.
When taking negative consequences of an experience and
turning the negative sides into positive blessings you can
transmute the energy and nullify the fear that more negative
things will happen. You become free from your past
experiences and a welcome beacon to new life rewards.
Remember that love is the basis of all things and the
greatest gift you can give is to love yourself and be in your

Chapter Five:
Putting Action Behind What You Desire
The Law of Attraction + Action = The Law of
How to create a plan and follow it.
Visualization and creativity rule in this step. You are now
free from residual fear from the past and are ready to create
your vision for the future. It is time to create a plan and
follow it. There are many tools at your disposal to assist
you in creating this Plan of Action. This second stage of
Energy Business is where I typically help my clients cocreate a marketing plan using the internet, social media and
event planning. You will discover your own method which
works for you. I am always here to be of service.
Here is a simple list of ideas that have helped to bring
reality to a vision.
A Vision Board is a great way to show how quickly your
desires become reality. By using images you have the
opportunity to create a clearer vision of what you want

while learning about yourself and your desires in the

process. We are inspired by images and situations around us
in the media.
That is why advertising and marketing are such a popular
means of communication. Drawing upon your personal
experiences and the experiences of others will offer
additional inspiration.
A Journal of your reality can help you organize your
thoughts and place clear intention upon the reality you wish
to be a part of. Combining energy with others increases the
manifestation of your desire. That is right. You are not
Mastermind or Support Groups are a way to gain additional
energetic support and creation for your ideas and reality.
Just remember now is the perfect time to co-create your
reality. You are not alone and you deserve support. You
will get everything you ask for-practice holding space and
expecting the positive outcome. When in doubt go back to
gratitude. In order to receive what you desire you must first
be happy where you are.

Core ideas:
Energy follows Intent
There is no competition!
The Universe is Listening- Give it a Shout Out!

What does this mean to me? you might be asking. How

can I create my reality and or launch a great idea and keep it
secret? The answer is you cannot and you should not. This
is a co-creative environment, remember? This means the
more people you share your idea with the more they are able
to add their energy to its creation. Imagine having the
support of everyone on the planet sending energy toward
your desires and the manifestation of these desires. How
wonderful and simple living in the moment would be.

Always hold a state of Infinite Love in your

heart and all will fall into place effortlessly.

Chapter Six:
Allowing & Receiving
In this final step you have already accomplished identifying
what you desire, have learned to be completely grateful for
where you are and have identified and released the fears
blocking your success. You have created a vision and
actively been drawing this vision into your reality. Now
this is all of the ground work needed to receive the flow of
abundance you desire. The fun part happens when you

simply relax and allow all of your hard work to manifest.

These five steps are an outline to awakening within you the
inner knowing we all possess. By spending time with each
step-meditating, writing, exploring these concepts with
others-you will raise your vibration to be one with your
requests to the Universe. This is but a step along your
journey, so above all else be gentle with yourself and have
Authors Note:
This life is a journey you chose to be on. Do not hold
lightly your desire to be whole and one during these times.
Your time is now and you can be all that you wish, have all
you visualize and co-create all you think about. Be in
compassion and always gentle in love of self.
Stay in the Pleasant Tense. ~
Frank Tennyson-Wisdom Man & Healer
To experience these concepts in more interactive detail,
please join our membership sites at:


The Universe is Listening ~
Give it a Shout Out!
~ Love & Light ~


As a Prosperity Adviser, Heather L.

Tapia has supported 1000s of individuals
and business owners to achieve clarity and
abundance in both their personal and
professional lives. Knowing there is nothing
standing in your way to creating the exact
reality you have been dreaming about
except a lack of clarity, direction and
support, she is driven to empower all
through the Love in Business concept. As a
strong social entrepreneur, she is committed
to providing resources, tools and guidance
to support all on this journey. Heather is the
founder of Purpose for Women International,
Get Published Today! and The Abundance
Network.net. Heather is the author of The
Five Steps to Abundance: An Introduction

to Love in Business, and several other

inspiring and informative writings. She is an
avid public speaker and lecturer and radio
show host of Entrepreneurial Excellence
which highlights women in business and the
community. She has started
several companies including Abundance
Marketing Pro, Abundance Video Marketing
and Abundance PR.
You may follow her on YouTube:
twitter (http://twitter.com/HeatherLTapia),
Become a Fan on Facebook
and visit www.HeatherLTapia.com
Thank you Thank you Thank you!

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