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Death, Dying & End-of-Life Care Book Review List

Please review the list and choose 3 items to explore

further; you will sign up for one book only and since your
first choice may be taken by the time you sign up-you
should have a backup plan.

Death, Dying & End-of-Life Care Book Review List
Review the list and familiarize your self with several of the books that interest you. For example, go online and look up the
books at Amazon of BN or go to the public library or a local bookstore. There are no guarantees that you will get any
particular book so please look up several. This list is not meant to be all inclusive. If you wish to read another book for this
assignment please bring it to me (or a printout of the info off of BN or Amazon. com) beforehand for approval. Only one
student can review each book (no duplication please). Please do not email me with your request. By the 3rd week of class each
of you will sign off a book to review from the list (which will be circulated during class next week and the week after) or you
will add a book that you have found to review after you run it by me for approval.
In lieu of reading and critiquing a book, you may choose to critique two poems (authors, and dates must be noted) related to
death and dying. You must provide the poems for approval first, and then submit them along with your critique.
Please print your name beside the book that you will be doing your book review on:
Albom, M. (2003). The five people you meet in heaven.
Albom, M. (2006). For one more day.



Bauby, J. (1997). The diving bell and the butterfly.

Becker, E. (1973). The denial of death.


Blackman, S. (1997). Graceful exits: How great beings die, death stories of Hindu,

Tibetan, Buddhist, and Zen Masters. _____________________________

Blackmore, S. (1993) Dying to live: Near death experiences.

Blank, R. H. & Merrick, J. C. (2005). End-of-life decision making: A cross national study. ______________________
Brook N. & Blair P. D. (2000). I wasn't ready to say goodbye: Surviving, coping

and healing after the sudden death of a loved one ________________________

Bodine, E. (1999). Echoes of the soul: The souls journey beyond light
through life, death, and life after death. ______________________________
Boerstler, R. W., Kornfeld, H. S. (1995). Life to death: Harmonizing the transition, a holistic and
meditative approach for caregivers and the dying.
Buckman, R. (1992). I don't know what to say : How to help and support someone who is dying. __________________
Callanan, M. & Kelley, P. (1992). Final gifts: Understanding the special awareness, ________________________________

needs, and communications of the dying.

Camus, A. A happy death.

Camus, A. (1988). The Stranger.


Canine, J. D. (1996). The psychosocial aspects of death and dying.


Cantor, N. L. (1993). Advance directives and the pursuit of death with dignity (Medical Ethics). __________________
Cassel, C. K. (Ed.) (1997). Approaching death : Improving care at the end of life.
Chamberlain, P. (2000). Final wishes: A cautionary tale on death, dignity,

and physician-assisted suicide.

Cobb, N. (2002). In lieu of flowers.




Coberly, M. (2003). Sacred passage: How to provide fearless, compassionate ___________________________________

Coehlo, P. The Alchemist.

care for the dying.


Coehlo, P. (2000) Veronika decides to die.


Collett , M. (1999). At home with dying: A Zen hospice approach.


Colmer, R. S. & Thomas, T. M. ( 2006). Senior's guide to end of life issues:

Living wills, funerals & cremation. ____________________________

Corr, C. A., Nabe, C. M. & Corr, D. M. (2000). Death and dying, life and living (3rd ed.). _______________________
Corrigan, K. (2008). The middle place. ____________________________
Crenshaw, D. A. (1997). Bereavement: Counseling the grieving throughout the life cycle. ________________________
Darling, D. (1995). Soul search: A scientist explores the afterlife.


Davies, B. (1995). Fading away: The experience of transition in families with terminal illness. _____________________
de Hennezel, M. Intimate death: How the dying teach us how to live. _______________________________
Didion, J. (2005). The year of magical thinking.
Fenwick, P. & Fenwick, E. (2008). The art of dying.


Ferrell, B. & Coyled, N. (2008). The nature of suffering and the goals of nursing._________________________
Fine, C. (1997). No time to say goodbye: Surviving the suicide of a loved one.__________________________
Finley, M. (1995). Whispers of love.


Fitzgerald, H. (1995). The mourning handbook.


Foos-Graber, A. (1989). Deathing: An intelligent alternative for the final moments of life. _______________________

Frankl, Viktor. Mans search for meaning.


Fried, N.J. (2007). The angel letters: Lessons that the dying can teach us about living. _________________
Furman, J. & McNabb, D. (Contributor). (1997). The dying time: Practical wisdom for the

dying and their caregivers.

Guggenheim, B. & Guggenheim, J. (1995). Hello from heaven.

Gunther, J. (1949). Death be not proud: A memoir.




Harrold, J. K. (1998). A good dying: Shaping health care for the last months of life. _________________________
Hawkins, H.A. & Ballard, J.O. (Eds.) (1995). Time to go: Three plays on death and

dying, with commentary on end-of-life issues. ___________________

Hickman, M. W. (1999). Healing after loss: Daily meditations for working through grief.__________________
Hoffman, A. (2005). The ice queen.


Jamison, K.R. (2009). Nothing was the same: A memoir.


Johnson, C. J. (1998). How different religions view death and afterlife.


Kessler, D. (2000). The needs of the dying: A guide for bringing hope, comfort and love _______________________

to lifes final chapter.

Kidd, Sue Monk. (2002). The secret life of bees.


Klein, A. (1998). The courage to laugh: Humor, hope & healing in the face of death and dying.___________________

Kluger-Bell, K. (1998). Unspeakable losses: Understanding the experience of pregnancy

loss, miscarriage, and abortion.


Kramer, K. P. (1988). The sacred art of dying: How world religions understand death. __________________________
Kubler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying.
Kubler-Ross, E. (1975). Death: The final stage of growth.


Kubler-Ross, E. (1995). Death is of vital importance: On life, death and life after death. ______________________
Kubler-Ross, E. (1998). The wheel of life: A memoir of living and dying. ___________________________________
Kubler-Ross, E. & Kessler, D. (2000). Life lessons: Two experts on death and dying teach us

about the mysteries of life and living. ________________________________

LaGrand, L. (1997). After-death communication: Final farewells.


LaGrand, L. (1999). Messages and miracles: Extraordinary experiences of the bereaved ________________________
Lattanzi-Licht, M. et al. (1998).

The hospice choice: In pursuit of a peaceful death. __________________________

Lawson, N. (2002). Final farewell: Your personal guide to end of life issues.


Lewis, C.S. A grief observed.


Linquist, U.-C. (2004). Rowing without oars, a memoir of living and dying.


Lynn, J. (ed.) (1999). Handbook for mortals: Guidance for people facing serious illness. ________________________
Martin, J. & Romanowski, P. (1997). Love beyond life: The healing power of after-death



McNees, P. (Ed.) (1998). Dying: A book of comfort.


Miller, S. & Lipsett, S. (1998). After death: How people around the world map the journey

after we die.


Monroe, M.A. The butterflys daughter.


Moody, R. A. (1975). Life after life: The investigation of a phenomenonsurvival

of bodily death.


Moody, R. A. (1999). The last laugh: A new philosophy of near-death experiences, _____________________________

apparitions and the paranormal.

Morris, M. (2004). Live like you were dying: A story about living.


Morrison, T. (1970). The Bluest Eye. _________________________

Morse, M. & Perry, P. (2000). Where God lives: The science of the paranormal and

how our brains are linked to the universe.

Nairn, R. (2004). Living, dreaming, dying: Practical wisdom from

the Tibetan book of the dead.

Olson, M. (2001). Healing the dying (2nd Ed).




Parkes, C. M. (1996). Death and bereavement across cultures.

Pausch, R. (2008). The last lecture.




The trial and death of Socrates (I suggest only the philosophically inclined pick this!)
Cooper, JM translator 3rd ed. 2001; but any translation will do).

Quill , T. E. (1994). Death and dignity : Making choices and taking charge. _________________________________
Rando, T. A. (1988). How to go on living when someone you love dies.


Ring, K. (1980). Life at death.


Ring, K. & Valarino, E. E. (1998). Lessons from the light: What we can learn from the

near-death experience.

Rinpoche, S. & Gaffney, F.


The Tibetan book of living and dying


Roach, M. (2003). Stiff: The curious lives of human cadavers. _________________________________________________

Rothman, S. M. (1995).

Living in the shadow of death: Tuberculosis and the social

experience of illness in American history.

Rowling, J. K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


Sanders, C. M. (1999). Grief: The mourning after (2nd ed.).


Schechter, H. (2009). The whole death catalogue: A lively guide to the bitter end.
Schwartz, G. E. (2002). The afterlife experiments: Breakthrough

scientific evidence of life after death.

Sebold, A. (2002). The lovely bones.



Siddons, A. R. Off season. ____________________________________________________

Singh, K. D. (2000). The grace in dying: How we are transformed spiritually as we die. _________________________

Spiro, H, M. (Ed.). (1998). Facing death: Where culture, religion, and medicine meet. _________________________
Spragg, M. (2004). An unfinished life.
Stoddard, S.


The hospice movement: A better way of caring for the dying. __________________________________

Storm, H. (2005). My Descent into Death: A Second Chance at Life.

Trozzi, M. (1999). Talking with children about loss.
Tan, A. (1995). The hundred secret senses.


Tatelbaum, J. (1980). The courage to grief: Creative living,

recovery and growth through grief.

Tolstoy, L. The death of Ivan Ilych.


Ufema, J. (2007). Insights on death and dying.

Van Liere, D. (2001). The Christmas shoes.




Webb, M. (1999). The good death : The new American search to reshape the end of life ________________________
Werth, J. L. (Ed) & (Blevins, D.( Ed) (2006). Psychosocial issues near the end of life:

A resource for professional care providers. __________________

Zerwekh, J. V. (2006). Nursing care at the end of life: Palliative care

for patients and families.


If you choose another book for this assignment please run it by me first and then write the author, publication date and title

Ibn Alawial-Haddad, I. A. (1991). The lives of man. Louisville: Fons Vitae.
Zevin, G. (2005). Elsewhere. New York, NY: Macmillan.

Lindquist, U.C. (2004) Rowing Without Oars. New York, New York. Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Camus, A., & Ward, M. (1988). The stranger. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
"Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher
John Green, Looking for Alaska
Remarque, E.M. (1961). Heaven Has No Favorites. New York: First Crest Printing.
Gootman, M. (1994) When A Friend Dies. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing Inc.
Schwalbe, Will. (2003) The End of Your Life Book Club. Alfred A. Knopf, New York
Dancing on Broken Glass, By: Ka Hancock
Rowing without oars.
Handbook for mortals
John Green, The fault in our stars

In lieu of a book, you can choose to critique two applicable poems. Please let me know what you want to do before you
choose to do it!
Select POEMS
Dickinson, Emily. Because I Could Not Stop For Death. _____________________________
Dickinson, Emily. I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died. _____________________________________
Thomas, Dylan. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. _____________________________________
Diamant, A. (1999). Saying Kaddish: How to Comfort the Dying, Bury the Dead, and Mourn as a Jew
Mattingly, C. (2011). The Paradox of Hope: Journey through a Clinical Borderland. Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press.

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