Morning Jolt. - . With Jim Geraghty Meanwhile, Regarding That Other Awful Claim of Assault On A College Campus - .

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Attachments cover Jim Geraghty and Rush.

Morning Jolt. . . with Jim Geraghty

Meanwhile, Regarding That Other Awful Claim of Assault on a College Campus . . .
Our Kevin Williamson, back on October 17:
*In Lena Dunhams book+, she relates a sexual encounter with an Oberlin College
Republican that is characterized in the book as a rape. Dunham herself never says that;
she has others in the book say it.
There are not a great many Republicans at Oberlin, and there was a College Republicans
president named Barry whose time at the school coincided with Dunhams. I had a
very brief conversation with him in which he declined to talk about the matter. He has
since been in contact with me to say that he has never met Dunham and had no
relationship with her.
Dunham, who by her own account conflates fact and fiction, sometimes changes names
in her stories, and sometimes she doesnt. As I write in my piece, at one point her alter
ego on Girls threatens her employer that she will one day write an essay about him and
not change his name.
If Barry is simply a name that she pulled out of a hat, then it was grossly irresponsible
to do so without checking to see whether the most prominent College Republican on
the campus happened to have the same name. The Barry I spoke with calls this the
most unfortunate coincidence of my life, and I do not have any reason to doubt him.
But it is difficult for me to believe that this is mere coincidence on Dunhams part its
not like the name is John or Bob; Barry is not even among the 100 most common
mens names. It looks like malice to me. It is at the very least the deployment of
weaponized celebrity without any concern for collateral damage.
Variety, yesterday:
The publisher of Lena Dunhams book, Not That Kind of Girl, will tweak a passage where
the star and creator of the Girls TV show describes how she was raped in college by a
Republican named Barry, an attorney for the man told The Hollywood Reporter on
Attorney Aaron Minc said he has been in contact with Dunhams lawyers at Ziffren
Brittenham in Los Angeles who assure him that future printings of the book, subtitled A
young woman tells you what shes learned, will come with a disclaimer that Barry is
not the real name of the man who raped Dunham when the two were students at
Oberlin College a decade ago.

Dunham describes Barry in her book as the campuss resident conservative who wore
cowboy boots, a mustache, hosted a radio show, worked at one of the campus libraries,
and graduated in December 2005. The description was detailed enough to cast a pall
over a former student who has had to defend himself against Dunhams accusation that
he raped her, according to Minc. His client not only fits Dunhams description, but his
first name is also Barry.
Minc says he has been asking for several weeks for Dunham to absolve his client, but
until he set up a legal fund and threatened a lawsuit he hadnt heard from her
As observed during his cell-phone-in-theaters-vigilantism, Kevin Williamson is the hero Gotham
deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Obama: Unable to Take Criticism Early, Unable to Take Criticism Now
According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama launches into profanity-laced
tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. In a C-SPAN interview, Compton also
derided the President for leading the most opaque administration of any I have covered. The
journalist, who retired in August after a 40-year career, revealed to C-SPANs Brian Lamb: I have seen in
the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced
where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals.
From Chuck Todds The Stranger, p. 37:
In the fall of 2008, Biden had defended Obamas lack of foreign policy experience to a
group of reporters. He had answered a question by saying what the Democratic
candidate lacked in experience, he made up for in vision. As far as Obama was
concerned, in saying this, Biden had agreed with the premise too much. Obama
promptly called up his running mate and privately let him know it was not Bidens job to
defend his inexperience. Biden was used to dealing with self-assured politicians -- after
all, he was one himself -- so he took the rebuke in stride. But his takeaway from the
incident that one thing Obama didnt do well was accept even the mildest of friendly
He couldnt take criticism before he took office. Now, six years in, he still cant bear to hear it.
Narrative Journalism Is Leaving Wreckage, Pain, and Tragedy in Its Wake
I appeared On the Record with Greta Van Susteren last night, discussing my contention that narrative
journalism ends up hurting the causes it claims to support. Im not so sure how well I laid out my points
in the limited time, so if you saw it, pretend I said this instead . . .
What makes narrative journalism different from, say, factual journalism is that narrative journalism is
determined to tell you a very simple, one-sided morality tale with a hero and a villain, or a victim and a

Trayvon Martin was a good kid walking home with Skittles, and George Zimmerman was Yosemite Sam.
Michael Brown was a gentle giant and Darren Wilson was a racist, trigger-happy cop.
The Rolling Stone story featured a young girl and these monsters at a fraternity alongside callous,
heartless university administrators.
And anything that gets in the way of that narrative gets ignored or downplayed. And the audience or
readership comes to believe that this is a slam dunk, that its obvious what happened.
The difference is that life isnt a one-sided narrative. At some point, that other side of the story either
comes to light or impacts events. Inside a jury room, all of those contrary pieces of evidence get aired.
Grand jurors see a very different story than the folks who watch Al Sharptons show, and thus they come
to a decision that to that audience is absolutely unthinkable.
(Is this what happened in the Garner case on Staten Island? Perhaps. But because anyone can see what
happened at the time on video, the public at large may be more skeptical of the grand jurys decision to
not indict.)
The Rolling Stone article portrayed University of Virginia administrators as unbelievably unconcerned
about a series of organized ritualistic gang rapes by fraternities. Doesnt that look a little different now?
If indeed the victims story has changed and doesnt align with available evidence, doesnt the fact that
no one has been arrested make a little more sense?
By the way, in the middle of what is indisputably a shoddy piece of journalistic work, that Rolling Stone
article raises a key question thats being echoed left, right and center, and probably deserves more
discussion: Why on earth are universities being trusted to investigate and prosecute major crimes like
Like many schools, UVA has taken to emphasizing that in matters of sexual assault, it
caters to victim choice. If students feel that we are forcing them into a criminal or
disciplinary process that they dont want to be part of, frankly, wed be concerned that
we would get fewer reports, says associate VP for student affairs Susan Davis. Which in
theory makes sense: Being forced into an unwanted choice is a sensitive point for the
victims. But in practice, that utter lack of guidance can be counterproductive to a 19year-old so traumatized as Jackie was that she was contemplating suicide. Setting aside
for a moment the absurdity of a school offering to handle the investigation and
adjudication of a felony sex crime -- something Title IX requires, but which no university
on Earth is equipped to do -- the sheer menu of choices, paired with the reassurance
that any choice is the right one, often has the end result of coddling the victim into
doing nothing.
Im sure MSNBC would tell you their narrative journalism was meant to serve the interests of the
African Americans in Ferguson . . . and then some members of that community had their businesses
looted and burned down. Rolling Stone would tell you their narrative journalism was meant to serve
the interests of young women at the University of Virginia . . . and now those women will probably
encounter even greater skepticism and doubt after reporting a sexual assault.

Who Ought to be the Person of the Year?

Right now, the leading candidate for Time magazines Person of the Year in the magazines online poll
is . . . Indian prime minister Narendra Modi. After that its the Ferguson protesters, Hong Kong
democracy protester Joshua Wong, Malala Yousafzai, and Ebola doctors and nurses.
This is why you dont leave such an important decision in the hands of online respondents. Of course,
considering the record of Time magazines editors in recent years, maybe this decision is too important
to be left in their hands.
You know whos had the biggest influence on world events this year? If youre willing to ignore the
unofficial no villains rule, how about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State? Or Vladimir
The biggest story of 2014 was the collapse of the Obama presidency on the foreign-policy and domestic
fronts, so you could justifiably pick President Obama (although they never would cite that reason). Or if
you need a person to symbolize the dramatic shift in the American political scene, how about Mitch
McConnell? Wasnt the most surprising Time cover of the year this one?

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 12/8/14

Seg#1: Throwing fuel on the flames is tearing USA fabric apart
You know I am reluctant to talk about myself, because everybody else does. Chris Wallace interviewed
me for a full 15 minutes. FoxNews (cable) Channel came to the studio and it looked like a bomb had hit
with all their equipment.
Its very rare to react to me and report what could have been better.

We did six rapid segments and it was rat-tat-tat, then Rapid Fire. Chris Wallace first asked about
protests across the nation. Do they have a valid complaint? ((Clip-Rush: The grand jury rendered a
correct decision. Protests would have happened no matter the verdict. It is tearing the country apart.
The president could do a lot to stop this. He does a great job reading Teleprompter.)) Obama was
elected to be uniting as The First Black President.
You and I knew he wasnt a uniter; but voters didnt. They bought into the myth that was created by his
own people [including media]. It has gotten worse and Obama throws fuel on the fire. The president
has a chip on his shoulder [and his boss-wife and handler also] There are people today are still
A lot of progress has been made, and nobody is saying that. The fabric of our country is being torn
apart. Ronald Reagan was the great communicator and made us feel better about our country. Now,
that is an insensitive attitude.
Who benefits from this division? Who profits, besides Al Sharpton? The Democrat Party. Who will stop
this and uplift America. It isnt even try Hands Up! Dont Shoot!
((Clip-Rush: I dont think things are rosy; we have bent over backwards for race relations. Nobody
gives credit. You would think it was 200 yrs ago. What he describes, and media, didnt happen in
Ferguson. The president takes sides to purposefully divide the country further.)) People on TV
remember most how you look: I looked great/hot! We have gone out of our way to help every victim
and grievance. It is known by everybody, and none of it is appreciated, just demands for more, with
claims that nothing has been done.
It calls for the president to bring us back to reality. Obama squandered the opportunity; people can
see. It is a teachable moment about Liberalism.
Have you ever tried to just be nice at work or in the neighborhood, and it is just thrown back into your
face? That is where our nation is going. You end up with a population down in the dumps and
depressed: it will end with defiance.
>>> We have done everything in the world, cant you be happy?
>>> The other question: Dont you want to be happy?
Seg#11: Reflect upon Reality to keep perspective
(Theme Music) We are doing what media is supposed to do, and isnt: telling the facts about what is
going on, not just editorializing. The Giver is a movie that has a young man (they all have their
memories wiped) chosen to get the memory of an olde man. He realizes the national Utopia is fake.
This country needs a dose of REALITY. This country is being blamed for not being perfect. Obama
qualifies as an ultra-Liberal, believing man needs perfecting. No matter what they get, it is never
Every problem Liberals solve is just the beginning. They care constantly enraged, unhappy, or
depressed; they try to explain it all away by claiming to be caring victims, trying the best they can.

The reality is: wars will continue and poverty will never be solved completely. Those that recognize this
and admit it are said to be insensitive. I want to get to the end of the interview with Chris Wallace,
with their Lightning Round.
#1: How worried should Republicans be w/Hillary: ((Clip-Rush: Not a worry, she cant sell a book, she
cant attract an audience.))
George W. Bush ran as another Ronald Reagan; Jeb Bush was thought to be the most conservative of
the Bush family. What is he now?
$466,642 of your tax dollars via National Academy of Health, Why do fat girls date the way they do?
They have fewer dates but are more at risk for disease. It doesnt take a dime to answer this question,
but Snerdley wants me to stop talking.
>>> Ill tell you what this is: some scientists are parasites getting $$.
Seg#12: Four million Republican voters stayed home, not Independents
Democrats have convinced Republicans that Republicans are hated. Its a trick and a lie to suggest
Republicans have to cater to Independents.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "San Jose?"
With the Christmas season underway, one of the wealthiest enclaves in California is demonstrating what
liberal compassion really looks like.
San Jose is in Silicon Valley, home of Americas prosperous tech industry. Until last week, San Jose was
also where you could find The Jungle one of the largest homeless camps in the country. One of the
hundreds of homeless there, a former tech employee, told the media that The Jungle had even
developed its own economy.
But authorities decided theyd had enough. Hundreds of homeless were not welcome in Silicon Valley.
So last Monday, officials went there, and posted huge yellow eviction notices. They warned that the
homeless, their non-homes, and all their stuff would be forcibly removed if they didnt vacate.
72 hours later, the liberals who run San Jose made good on their promise. The cops were sent into The
Jungle to clear out the 200 or so homeless people still hanging around. Advocates complained there was
nowhere for the homeless to go, no provisions had been made. They were kicked out anyway.
Ironically, San Jose had already spent over $4 million on previous efforts to clear out the homeless. But
they returned. Maybe this time theyll get the message. Theyre not wanted. Theyre too close to the
wealthy liberals who donated millions to Obamas campaigns. It doesn't look good.

Message to The Jungles homeless: the only thing libs want to know is: Do you know the way from San
Jose? If not, they will show you! You have to pay for it, though.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"There was no 'chokehold death,' and it may well be that whoever is anchoring at CNN really doesn't
know it. It could well be that they do such a good job of lying they convince themselves."
"I am convinced this government shutdown thing is simply an excuse, because the Republicans -- for
whatever reason -- don't want to stop Obama on immigration."
"I knew a couple immigrants that were gonna be naturalized, and what happens is at the ceremony
they're given an oath, and it's a "repeat after me" kind of thing. They knew it. They were so excited, they
could recite it from memory, because it meant so much to them. Those people are the ones that are in
line and getting in at a trickle rate."
"In 2010, the Democrats got shellacked. In 2014, the Democrats got shellacked again. It is so bad for the
Democrats that you got Tom Harkin and Chuck-U Schumer now publicly admitting Obamacare was a
mistake. Henry 'Nostrilitis' Waxman is quitting."
"The nervousness of callers derives from self-consciousness people have. Instead of just losing
themselves and getting outside themselves, they start thinking, 'Okay, how am I gonna sound? Does my
voice sound good?' Once you start thinking about yourself, then you're not who you are."
"The Democrat Party, I maintain to you, is in a state of disarray that could be exploited if the
Republicans had the ability to think and act like winners."
"As you all know, of those who regularly listen to this program, I am not a big fan of television. I've had
my own TV show. I know that television has a lot of impact. However, this program has a larger audience
than most, if not all."
"You know all these people that want cameras on the cops, body cameras? They're the first people to
object to all the cameras on the stoplights. They're the first people to object to cameras watching
"We're almost to the point now where the Sharptons and Jacksons of the world may as well come out
and say, 'Crime is legal as a form of getting even for what happened at the founding'."
"When I was a kid and we got to December 5th, I couldn't contain myself. I was so excited. I started
counting down the days."
Most Popular Segments

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Trent Lott Blames Your Beloved Host for Killing Amnesty in 2007

Another Black Liberal Questions Obama's Authenticity

FYI: I cant find a simple transcript of the brief 15-min interview on FoxNews, and so I guess it is up to
me to provide you one. First, my assessment: Chris Wallace did a great job of making Rush Limbaugh
look great. He had his gotcha questions lined up, and Rushs mind was overwhelmingly prepared to
answer. Rush knew the other tricks interviewers employ, like complimenting him on his tie, but he
stayed with the Conservative-American message.
Question 1, What about current protesting? Rush answers: There is a grievance politic that is tearing
the country apart. Grand jury rendered a correct verdict. It is ripping our fabric apart. President, when
he wants to, can inspire, and it is called for here. The grievance is made up. Police do not purposefully
get it wrong.
((Clips of Obama and De Blasio: They are not treating people equally, and as president I am here to
solve that.)) Things are not rosy but their speech is absurd. Progress is not recognized. The president
promotes division mischaracterizes: There was no Hands Up; Dont Shoot! It didnt happen. The
president taking sides is reprehensible and hurtful.
Question 2: Eric Garner was not given a choke hold, listening to police experts and those that train
police, it may have been carotid resistance, but not a choke hold. But that misses the point: cops were
told to clamp down on black market cigarettes to collect tax revenue. An American died from Big
Government collecting tax on selling a single cigarette, it is absurd.
Question 3: Eric Holder ((Clip)) Look, Eric Holder uses the phrase occupying force and I am not putting
words in their mouths, they are sayi9ng this. We need to start the healing while people are profiting.
Race relations have gotten worse. Criticizing Obama is called racism.
Question 4: Govt shutdown? They shutdown 10-15% and welfare checks go out. Democrats have been
shellacked and Obama approval is in the 30%. People are BEGGING Republicans to stop Obama. It
didnt hurt them. The only thing that happened was for Obama to shut down the WW II Memorial to
vets and open it to Amnesty protestors.
You keep talking polls to me and the two elections were the biggest polls. It is a trick, Republicans
want what Obama wants on Immigration. Romney agrees, Jeb Bush wants it, the Chamber of
Commerce wants open borders. Republicans are using Shutdown not as an excuse, We cant act and
the American people are being let down. They want Obama stopped and Republicans arent listening.
Lightning Round:
Q1, Hillary: She cant sell a book, cant draw an audience; magic-hype is over.
Q2 Obama, manchild who doesnt care about the country: Everything I told you in 2009 has been
validated. It all been on purpose, his strategy, working for Obama and he is well into it, Chris. Nobody is
stopping him, and everything he wants is pretty much getting done.
Q3 Jeb Bush and who do you like?: Thats a loaded question because if I mention some I would leave
some out and make them mad. Look, the Republican Party is totally absorbed in this Total Immigration

thing, and Jeb Bush is our there claiming the only way he can [win] is to run against the base in the
primaries. Republicans have demonstrated they know how to lose the Whitehouse. It is time to change
direction [or they will continue to lose].
Q4 on Rush Revere and the American Revolution: I want to reach young people to tell them of
Americas exceptionalism. I want them to know the truth and love America. There is a smart-aleck
time-traveling horse and we can to any time we need to and make it real, not just memorizing names
and dates. This American Revolution book [plus audio book] is not political, dedicated to the military
with kids with parents deployed. Our founding was great. The reaction of readers is beyond

Tuesday, 12/9/14
From Rushs site, the transcript w/ FoxNews Chris Wallace:
Opening: Some days you just feel smothered by the Left.
Segment#1: Happy Jonathan Gruber Day!
Jonathan Gruber testifies about deceiving about Obamacare, and DbM dwarfs this by how stinking this
country was when George W Bush was president. We tortured Jihadists by [putting wet washcloths on
their face upside down] wateboarded.
Gruber is nothing like the braggart that he was. He is as quiet as a warehouse mouse. I wasnt the
architect after he bragged that he was. Elijah Cummings is the lead in the interrogation and is not mad
about what Gruber did, but rather that he bragged about it.
Obama welcomes the unrest because it allows to expand govt control, move in and grant the protestors
whatever they demand.
I was shaken this morning and almost unable to do the show. I required a pep-talk from my chef. Mona
Charen criticized me for what I said on TV. She said I was wrong about The Shutdown and how
Republicans use it for an excuse to go along with Obama-Amnesty.
Her point is that Republicans will be blamed in any event.
Remember the scandal a few months ago? It was reported that the CIA was investigating certain
Democrat staffers: How did they get hold of highly classified documents, and could make it public?
DiFi was concerned. Diane Feinstein is reading it verbatim on the Senate floor now. We denied them
sleep for 100 hours [playing jazz to them.]
I remember Leslie Stall interviewing one of the force, admitting techniques that were successful, include
Sheik Mohammad and she said, No, we dont torture. Jose Rodriquez, said, Yes, we do; yes, we do.
Liberals want us to prove that we are good people.

Its a physiological thing for Liberals, the torture. You would think it happened this week. These people
have an obsession and must think these techniques were used before the Bush Adm throughout the
world. In places, despicable things happen and there is no moral equivalence. We are a reprobate
I, frankly, am tired of Democrats telling the world we are more rotten.
They arrive at the view not in reality of the world.
>>> Their goal is to rip Republicans and do so on Jonathan Gruber Day.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "No Warning?"
Olivia, 61, is one of the six million who got insurance under Obamacare last year. The insurance
company she ended up with assigned her to a primary care doctor. AP reports that last month, Olivia
tried to see her doctor, and learned that this doctor was never part of Obamacare. The doctors office
has been trying, to no avail, to get their name off the Obamacare list of providers.
So, Olivia was assigned a new primary care doctor. But when she tried calling the new doctor to make an
appointment, she never got a call back.
Olivia isnt alone. This is happening a lot. A recent study by The Physicians Foundation found that 81% of
doctors report their practices are overextended or operating at full capacity. And 44% of them said they
plan to reduce the number of patients they see, stop seeing new patients, work part-time hours, or just
While this is happening in order to live within Obamacare cost-control mandates, insurance companies
are limiting the number of doctors in their plans. And the number of new doctors coming out of medical
school are nowhere near enough to keep up with the demand. [Wave of Newly Insured Patients Stresses
Primary Care Doctor Shortage.]
Put all this together and you have a perfect storm in the making. Doctor shortages are growing. Patient
time waiting to see doctors is increasing. And fewer are entering the profession. Too bad nobody
warned America this would happen under Obamacare!
Oh, wait. Somebody did. Who was it...? Ah, gee. I can't remember... somebody did.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"The truth is revealing itself, and people are seeing that no matter what progress is made, it's never
enough, it's not good enough, and it's a great teachable moment about liberalism, because that is
liberalism. It's never enough no matter what happens."
"The whole notion of grievance politics is destructive in the first place because those bandying about
and announcing their grievance, yelling about it and making demands are never satisfied no matter what

"How terrible is it that an American is dead and what started it all was the fact that he was selling illegal
cigarettes on a sidewalk in New York City."
"You know, they say Bill Clinton was the first black president. He's also the first white Bill Cosby."
"The people that vote Republican are tired of the Republican Party not listening."
"What is a poll? It's nothing but an expression of public opinion at the time. It's not etched in stone. It's
not one of the Ten Commandments. Public opinion can change. If you make an effort, you can change
public opinion."
"There's never any lasting damage from a government shut down, including political, because the
Republicans, after being blamed for shutting down the government last December came back 10
months later and won a huge landslide in the House and the Senate and in governorships."
"Individual candidates running for the Senate and so forth ran almost exclusively against Obama and
Obamacare, and they won big. And now there's not a single Southerner in the Senate. The South has
been totally shut out from the Democrat Party. They are in a shambles."
"The Democrat Party, in a political sense, in terms of public favor, they are falling apart. Now, that's not
to say that their agenda's failing. Two different things. They still have the White House, and they have a
president who's willing to advance his agenda outside the Constitution. Don't misunderstand me. That's
why the American people want all of this stopped."
"Seventy percent of the national debt occurred in the last six years, and they still claim they're out of
money. They still claim they're not getting enough money. It just difficult to comprehend all of this."
"Are we really going to interpret the November elections as a mandate from the American people for
the Republican Party to stand aside and let Obama do what he's gonna do? Is that what that election
meant? Because that's what they're telling us."
"When the Republicans are in control, the Democrats want as much chaos as they can manufacture."
"Ladies and gentlemen, you know that I am very reluctant to talk about myself. Since most everybody
else does, I try to mollify the Stick-to-the-Issues Crowd and just stick to the issues. But today I'm the
issues. Today I am the news with my appearance on Fox News Sunday yesterday morning, a full 15
minutes uninterrupted."
"I had my own TV show, and for every comment I got about whatever I said, there were five or six about
my tie or some other aspect of my appearance. Television is just that."
"The lasting memory people have of television is what things look like, and I looked hot yesterday. And
you aren't getting that as part of this replay here on the radio. So you just have to imagine it. But it was
"It's impossible to make everybody the same, but that's what liberalism strives to do. Equality of
outcome. And the only way you can even get close to that is by making people as poor as you can or as

"Every liberal program, from Lyndon Johnson forward, has been an abject failure in terms of achieving
its desired end result."
"I'm going to tell you, folks, what this country needs right now is a dose of realism. This country needs a
dose of reality, because there's too much living on the come. There are too many false promises and
false premises that are being advanced out there. And this country's being blamed for not being
"Every problem that liberals solve usually is just the beginning of a whole set of new problems."
"My memory, sometimes even I marvel at it."
"The Republicans are afraid that if they criticize Obama, the American people are going to hate them -that if they shut down the government, even after winning landslide elections, the American people are
going to be hate them and call 'em out."
"You remember the days where people said, 'No, no, I refuse to play the victim; I am not going to play
the victim'? It was an attitude that was scorned to be a victim. Today, it's a badge of honor to be a
"To prepare yourself every day to talk about the latest in politics, the latest in culture, and sometimes
even the latest in sports is to immerse yourself in story after story after story of malcontent, discontent,
distraction, unhappiness. There doesn't seem to be a lot of joy in a whole lot of places."
"If there's any criticism of Barack Obama, why, it is considered to be an attack and is considered to be an
attack rooted in racism. All of this is designed to shut down any opposition, legitimate or otherwise. It's
designed to shut down disagreement, shut down debate."
"I am 63 years old, and for all of my adult life, the same people have been whining and complaining
about the same things. It's only gotten more intense. The level of dissatisfaction has risen no matter the
efforts that have been made to address these grievances or complaints."
"This country is over 230 years old, and this past weekend we've had to listen to people all over the
place act as though not one thing has even been tried to deal with this root racism plaguing America,
and that simply isn't the case."
"The New York Times writes a very descriptive story on the plight of a little family as they deal with job
losses and a string of events that keep them from getting even one step ahead. These people are living
without a safety net. They're portrayed as walking the financial tight rope every day. They live one
meager paycheck to paycheck -- and, of course, in this story as well, nowhere is the name Barack
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Quick Hits Page

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De Blasio Throws Cops Under the Bus

Another Black Liberal Questions Obama's Authenticity
Wait 'Til Millennials Find Out About Hillary

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