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american genocide

tracking police homocides of unarmed black americans

Oscar Grant
Oakland, CA

On New Years Eve, Riding the BART

Train, Grant was part of an altercation which led the train to stop. After being pulled out by local Police,
he was pinned down as officers worked
to control the situation. As tensions
rose Officer Johannes Mehserle drew is
pistol and shot Grant in the back. He
died the next morning.
Mehserles attorney argued that he
accidentally derw his pistol, as his
taser was his intention.

Plead guilty to involuntary

manslaughter. served one year

Dominique Franklin JR.

Alonzo Ashley

Denver, CO

Kendrec McDade

After responding to a call

of a man exhibiting bizarre
and aggressive behavior, officers arrived at the Denver Zoo and tased Ashley as
he was rinsing his head in a
water fountain. After being
hit with the stun gun, he
began having convulsions and
stopped breathing.

Pasadena, CA

Responding to a report of an
armed robbery, one officer
pursued McDade in his vehicle, another on foot. After
they saw McDade turn down a
dark alley, Without shining
their flashights, or issuing
a warning, McDade was shot
nine times in the back.

No Indictment Issued.

Dante Parker

Koreatown,Los Angeles, CA

Victorville, CA

Walkinmg home from a friends house

late. When officers questioned him
from their vehicle he approached
them and Manipulated his waistband.
Washington was shot twice in the
head. His parents later revealed he
was autistic and generally afraid of

Suspected on robbing a local

residence, Parker was riding
his bike when officers pursued
him and tased him. After he was
brought into custody, Parker
began sweating and breathing
heavily. He died soon after

No Indictment issued.

No Indictment issued.

In 2012,
Black teens are


more likely to be
killed by police
than White teens.

of those killed


Chicago were
Black, similar to

Facing fenoly charges,

in New York.


law enforcement

officials are


of the time.Though only


Responding to a call reporting a robbery

at a Chicago Walgreens, an officer and
Dominique Franklin Jr. began struggling
with each other. After breaking free from
the altercation, Franklin was hit with
a stun gun, and struck his head againtst
a pole. Witnesses report that the officers offered no help and an ambulance did
not show for 20 minutes. two weeks later
Franklin was pronounced dead.

of cases result in


Bronx, NY

After running from an

officer, Graham was shot in
chest while attempting to
empty bag of Marijuana into
a toilet. The officer entered Grahams Grandmothers
apartment without a warrant.

tamir rice

Cleveland, OH
Officers Timothy Loehmann and
Frank Garmback responded to a
call of a child in a park playing
with a probably fake pistol.
within seconds of arriving at the
scene, 12-year-old Rice was sht

No indicment issued.

Grand Jury still out.

Eric Garner

Staten Island, NY

No Indictment Issued

Michael Brown

Ferguson, MO

No Indictments issued.

Steven Washington

Chicago, IL

Ramarley Graham

John Crawford

Brown was stopped after officer Darren Wilson responded to a robbery call. Wilson
ordered Brown to stop walking down the middle of the
street. After an altercation,
Wilson shot unarmed Michael
Brown multiple times, killing

No Indicment issued.

Wendall Allen

Gentilly, New Orleans, LA
During a warranted police raid
searching for marijuana, police officers entered 20-year-old Allens
home. He appeared at the top of the
stairs unarmed and Officer Joshua
Colclough fired his weapon hitting
allen in his chest. Allen died within

Plead guilty of Manslaughter,

accepted 4 year sentence

Beavercreek, OH

Rekia Boyd
Chicago, IL

Off Duty Officer Dante Servin

began a verbal argument with
Boyds friend, Antonio Cross,
from his car in a west side
park. When Cross reached for
his cell phone, Servin fired
multiple rounds, one of which
hitting Boyd in the Head,
killing her.

Indictment issued, no
trial yet.

After picking up a pellet gun at

a Walmart, a store clerk called
the local police claiming that
Crawford was threatening customers with a weapon, which video
evidence clearly disproves. Officers arrived at the scene and
immediately executed crawford.

Standing outside a beautyshop,

Garner was questioned by police
officers, as he was known for selling untaxed cigarettes. Frustrated with the continued harassment,
Garner exclaimed Everytime you see
me you mess with me. Im tired of
it! An Officer then brought Garner
to the ground and placed him in a
chokehold. Despite yelling I Cant
Breathe! repeatedly, Garner died
minutes later.

No Indictment Issued.

No Indictment issued.

Victor Steen
Pensacola, FL

After being spotted by a construction

site around 2AM, 17-year-old Steen
fled on Bicycle while Officer Jerald
Ard pusued him in vehicle. After Steen
refused to stop, Ard stunned him with
a taser and drove over his body.

No Indictment issued.

This is a sample of those killed by police from 2009-2014. Unfortunately, this is no where near the complete
list; more cases have come up since work on this project began. Multiple factors contributed to the cases
chosen for this illustration. In all cases, the victim was unarmed, and the shooter was not endangered in any
sense. The cases chosen express the increased aggression by the police force against the Black populations;
these are not merely accidents, but results of anger against an already oppressed population. The term
genocide refers to the UN defintion as Any intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial, or
religious group. The justice system continues to work as protection for murderous law enforcement officials
and fail in bringing justice to the families of these slain Americans.

Statistics provided by FiveThirtyEight, ProRepublica, Operation Ghetto Storm

Created by Will Stolarski

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