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ROLL NO: 1301155


The centurys heart-beat depends on its speed. By virtue of sports, it acquires
speediness and potentiality. Energetic members only can save those qualities by
promoting sports. Peace and tranquility are keenly sought in every sphere today. Fabric
of relation is strengthened by its energetic members. Sports, only can do this. Evenly,
paralyzed society may also get rapidness. The importance of sports should be realized
and it should be introduced in every corner of the country in scientific ways.
Value and importance of sports:
The great virtue of sports teaches everybody to acquire the will to win. If anyone knows
how to acquire any will, he will succeed in every aspect of life. Life is full of struggle that
has been started since the creation of the world. However, a constant and prominent
fight must help the fighter to overcome every difficulty against any obstacle. The willing
power of a sportsman must be increased by winning of game. Comparatively, a week
willed man resigns himself after one defeat. A week willed man in considered as
member of cowards. But, a true sports man is considered as a member of cowards. But,
a true sports man who is defeated must strengthen his nerve. He always remembers
that failure is the pillar of success. So, great efforts with strong determination help him
to win any game. The true sportsman is conscious about his team spirit that strengthens
the willing power of team. Unity in action and genuine effort offer them victory.
Moreover, unity in action inspires unity of purpose. The fabric of understanding
amongst them fellows proceed to them in goal that very great lesson has been learnt
from sports.
Game of life which everybody is playing from dawn to dusk with sporting spirit is
strengthening harmony of society. Without sports a good society can never be
constructed by its members. Spirit of endurance and fellowship, willingness to scarify
these various qualities which are of great value only can help us to rebuild an ideal
society. Society as a whole depends on benefit of its members, who maintain the law
and order of the same society. But sometimes anti-social elements hamper the normal
life. If sports are penetrated into the deep-root of society then people will build their
characters on that qualitative basis, not doing any shameful act. Anti-social culture will
be stopped because there shall be no time for practice of it. However to build up a

strong-sound and enthusiastic country sport is too essential to implement in every level
of our society. Educationists may criticize about such implementation because such
implementation may hamper the educational environment of country. But it is seen that
more developed country environment of country. But it is seen that more developed
country has its status in its sports, field, international level competition always signifies
the theme.
Participation in sports ensures not only good health but also fresh mind, freeness,
freedom. A lazy book worms cannot succeed in life; of course he can succeed in
educational field. Regular participation in sports provides energies. Now it is the matter
of observance that free hand exercise and Yoga have taken place into the daily life of
human. Physical fitness no doubt is important to every person whether he is a student
or worker or intellectual. It is to be pointed out that in India the wave of sports has
strengthened the young mentality. However, sociologists concede the importance of
sports which may be gained in many ways, but everybody has to take part. Play ground
can strong the plinth of society. International friendship-tie will surely be tight by the
promotion of sports, as the mandate of various international competitions always utter.
The very structure of society shall be strong. Pernicious and harmful works cannot be
able to take suitable place to occur any baleful work

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