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World Heritage Sites in Romania

Medieval towns, fortified churches, painted monasteries, wooden masterpieces and ancient Dacian ruins
are just some of the attractions that make up Romanias exceptional cultural heritage.
25 of its beautifully preserved architectural gems have been included by UNESCO in the World Cultural
Heritage in acknowledgement of their natural, scenic and monumental appeal. A tour of these sites is a
good way to discover Romanias history, artistic wealth and popular traditions. Each and every stop on
this route will reveal a unique and stunning location.
The western half of Walachia (Southern Romania) is endowed with spectacular monasteries, thermalspring spas, and charming villages set at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. Continue your trip
along the Olt River Valley and discover Transylvanias forest-covered slopes, unspoiled landscapes,
quaint villages, and fortified churches. In northeastern Romania, make time for Bucovinas painted
monasteries, with their magnificent 15th-century frescoes, which are unique in the world. Cross the
Prislop Pass into Maramures, famous for its hand-hewn wooden architecture and its unique tall-spire
churches with double roofs.
Danube Delta
Travelers can spend three or more days exploring its passages, teaming with the highest concentration of
bird colonies in all of Europe. The maze of canals bordered by thatch, willows and oaks entangled in
lianas, offers the perfect breeding ground for countless species of birds, some of them from as far away
as China and Africa.
National Parks
Romanias national and natural parks, displaying a unique variety of landscapes, vegetation and wildlife,
protect some of the largest remaining areas of pristine forest in Europe. Grasslands, gorges, subterranean
caves, volcanic lakes, and extensive river network add to the richness of the park system. Romanias
diverse natural landscapes offer numerous choices for exciting outdoor experiences. Travelers can walk
through serene alpine meadows covered with scores of wildflowers, trek around glacial lakes, take in the
lush-green scenery while horse riding or mountain biking, climb curious rock formations, photograph
fossil traces of 15,000-year old cave-bear species, track gold eagles or other rare birds, study endangered
flora, wander in the countryside, picnic in the fields, try your hand at traditional crafts, - or just relax in
the home of a village family and sample wholesome, country fare with home made wine and plum
The Painted Monasteries Highlights
Among the most picturesque treasures of Romania are the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina (in
northeastern Romania). Their painted exterior walls are decorated with elaborate 15th and 16th century
frescoes. Founded in 1530, Humor Monastery is rather small physically, but looms large among
Bucovinas treasures with a variety of frescoes dating from 1535. The church, topped by a cross-shaped
shingled roof, is without a steeple, indicating that it was built by a court official rather than a prince. The
predominant hues of the frescoes are reddish brown with some rich blues and green infusions.

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