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Lesson No 1: Rule

Rule no.1- All diseases are curable, according to Quran and Hadis.
Rule no. 2- Allah Talah has send all the diseases on earth,
Rule no. 3- The diseases and cure of the diseases both are sent by Allah Talah.
Means all diseases are curable.

Rule no. 4- Never say that following disease is not curable,

But say we do not know the cure and In-sha -Allah we will search the cure of it.
Because Allah Talah says I have send the diseases on earth with its cure, go and search...
Tib e nabi was and is neglected by us, since years and years,

Causes of diseases:1. Destination.

2. Sins.
3. Imtihaan from Allah Talah (aazmaaeesh)

Faulty eating habits

Not following Sunnats
From Allah Talah
To increase the Darajat ( from Allah Talah)

8. Negligence of tib e nabi

9. Etc.

Lesson No 2:
Principles of treatment of Tib e nabawi

Namaz(salah) (like chasht ki Namaz(salah) for joints)
Quran (reading,special aayats and chapters for diseases, as mentioned in Hadis)
As-taq-faar (seeking forgiveness from Allah Talah)

7. Avoid sins (leave gunah)

8. Special duaas (mentioned in masnoon Dua book)
9. Seeking Allah talahs shelter (panah)
10. Ruqkiya (reading of Quran, special known as Ruqkiya aayats) consult an Aalim for it
11. Belief on Allah Talah
12. Sunnats
13. Bloodletting (like hijama etc details will come later)
14. Sabar (to keep patience)
15. Paaki (cleanliness)
16. Fasting
17. Food (special food substances, dishes, fruits, etc)
18. Water
19. Parhez (precautions)
20. Reading Allahs name
Dear members these are principles of treatment, we know how many principles do we follow,
and doctors do not teach us about it nor the scholars teach us.
Bring the above principles in your treatment plans during illness and in-sha-allah all diseases will
be curable.

Lesson No 3:
Kind of diseases according to Islam (Tib e nabi )
1. Physical diseases
2. Psychological diseases
3. Spiritual diseases (soul diseases)

Physical diseases: - are diseases of body parts like organ, blood, bones, hair, skin etc, in it both
anatomical & physiological diseases are included.

Psychological diseases: - are, diseases of mind, (according to Islam & Quran) doubt, error in
thoughts, lust and desire are the major psychological diseases.
Also excessive liking of money, forgetfulness of Allah Talah & etc.

Spiritual diseases: - are envy, jealously, enematic feelings, ego, takabbur etc
Points:We should seek treatment for all 3 types of diseases. Unfortunately we are mostly concern about
physical diseases and health. We almost neglect the psychological and spiritual diseases
In Quran, Hadis and Sunnats we will get references of diseases and their treatment.
In Quran and Hadis treatment with herbs, water, honey etc and aayats, duaas are mentioned.
These are for us; we rely on doctors only, though doctors only know about physical and some
psychological diseases & do not know about spiritual diseases.
When will we start treatment with Quran also?
Lets not neglect any more, life is too short

Lesson No 4: Onion

Names of Onion:
It is called as Basal in Quran, Hadis & Arabic.
In Latin it is called as Allium cepa Linn.
Family is Liliaceace.
In Urdu & Hindi it is called as Piyaaz.
Quranic references of Onion:
1. Onions reference in Quran is in Sura Baqara, chapter no.2, (aayat) verse no 61. (In
references to Moosa (A.S.) & His followers, in this verse onion in directly mentioned
along with Mann & salva & many other vegetables.
Prophet guidance about onions:
1. It is mentioned in Abu Dawood (book of hadis) that Hazrat Aisha was asked about
onion (basal) & she said that the last meal which prophet Ate, had onions in it. (Narrated by
Ibn Zaid & he asked to Hazrat Aisha ) : Abu Dawood.
2. Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah says that Prophet disallowed to come in masjid
after eating vegetables like Garlic, Onion, Gandna (wild onion) because angles (farishtaas) of
Allah Talah get irritated (by its smell) & also people get irritated ( by its smell) (Narrated by
Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah ) : Muslim, Trimizi & etc.
(Means do not come in masjid immediately after eating raw garlic, onion & etc which gives bad
smell in mouth).

3. It is mentioned in Abu Dawood that Prophet allowed us to eat onion & garlic cooked in
food. (Means avoid eating them raw)
4. It is mentioned in Ibn Majah that Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab once in Friday khutba
said that if you want to eat garlic & onion, use them in cooked food.
(Means avoid eating them raw & coming in public & avoid its bad smell in breath or mouth)
(Narrated by Madaan Bin Abi Talha ) : Ibn Majah. (This is given in short).
5. Hazrat Abu Saeed Al Khudri says that prophet disallowed to eat onion,
garlic, gundan (wild onion): Tyasi.
(Raw is disliked to eat, but we can use them in cooked food.)

Important note: - Allah Talahs farishtaas (angles) like Gibrail (a.s) use to frequently came to
Prophet bringing Quranic verses & messages from Allah Talah, farishtaas dislike smell of
garlic, onions & etc in breath & mouth & there may be delay in messages to come from Allah
Talah, so may be Prophet disliked their smell in breath & mouth

Scientific benefits of onions: 1.


It strengthens the digestion

Increases semen production.
Dissolves phlegm
Cleans the stomach
Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides
Help full in jaundice, cough, and cold.
Helpful in following condition for local application, alopecia (means patchy hair fall),
warts, white spots etc (its juice should be used with salt).
8. Its smell is used in fits, nausea and vomiting.
9. Its juice should be put in nose for sinus.
10. Avoid eating raw.
11. Excessive eating of onion may cause Migraine, weak memory, flatulence & makes
complexion dark. (Especially raw).
12. For Warts take onion juice, & salt, mix both & apply on warts.
13. For Sinus put 2 to 3 drops of onion juice in nose.

1. Do not use in diarrhea.
2. Bleeding disorders, Namaz time(salah)
3. Do not use in weak sex.

Lesson No 5: Watermelon


It is called Bathikh in old Arabic.

In new Arabic Mash melon is called as Bathikh.
In new Arabic watermelon is called as Jabjab.
In Hadis watermelon is called as Bathikh.
According to scholars, Bathikh mentioned in Hadis is watermelon.

Prophet guidance about water melon: 1. Hazrat Aisha says that the respected Prophet used to eat Bathikh
(water melon) with Rutab (fresh ripen dates) (tazi paki khajur) : Trimizi, Abu Dawood.
(The above is also mentioned by Hazrat Sahal Bin Saad : Ibn Majah, Trimizi
& Muslim.
(Also mentioned by Hazrat Anas Ibn Malik : Tabrani, Al-hakim, and Abu
2. Abu Dawood adds to the above that, Prophet said watermelon breaks (neutralize)
the hotness of dates. (Means both gets neutralized).
3. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas says that Prophet once said that eat Bathikh
(watermelon) with Rehaan (Tulsi), this cleans the urinary bladder, stomach, intestines,
increases urine out-put, throws out unwanted fluid collection of the body, Shines the face,
good for vitality (sex), removes unwanted coolness from the body.: Musnad Firdous, AlRafi.
4. Many scholars say that Prophet liked water melon and grapes very much.
(Reference Tib e nabi & jadid science, by Dr. Khalid)
5. It is mentioned in Ibn Asqar that Prophet said that eating Bathikh (watermelon)
before meal (empty stomach) cleans the stomach &removes diseases. (Reference Tib e
nabi & jadid science, by Dr. Khalid)

Scientific benefits of water melon: 1.


The green colored is best, means outer green.

Increases urine output.
Reduces swell and ascities (water collection in abdomen)
Helpful in kidney stones.
If rubbed on face, wrinkles and it reduces aging.
Rich in water, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B3, minerals, sodium, potassium, sugar,
lycopene, fibers.
7. Has little protein
8. Best in typhoid, joint diseases, rheumatic diseases, skin, removes free radicals.
9. Reduces constipation, cleans the stomach.
10. Helps reducing chances of cancer.
11. Antioxidant (removes waste and free radicals out from the body)
12. Good for pregnancy
13. Best in motions and dehydration.

Please note: The word Rehaan means sweet smelling plant

In India it is Tulsi.
In different regions Rehaan are of different types.
All parts of Tulsi can be used means stem, leaves, fruit, buds, roots etc
Eat it raw or drink juice of it
Please refer lesson on Rehaan.

Lesson No 6: Anjeer

Names:It is called Teen in Quran, hadis & Arabic.

Fig in English.
In Latin it is called Ficus carica Linn.
In Persian, Urdu & Hindi it is called as Anjeer.

Quranic references: (In Sura Teen) chapter no. 95. Verse no. 1, 2, 4. Allah Talah toke oath of Teen (Anjeer), olive
and Mount Sinai, this is regarding that human has been created in the best form. (Allah tahla

Prophet guidance about Anjeer: 1. Hazrat Abu Darda says that a dish full of Teen (Anjeer) was presented to Prophet
once & Prophet said us to eat it & further said if anyone ask me that any fruit has been
sent from Jannat, so I will say this is the fruit (teen) & yes it is from Jannat & is amongst the dry
fruit of Jannat & also said eat it, & it is a cure for piles & arthritis. (Narrated by Hazrat Abu
Darda: Ibn Abu Baker Al Jauzi).
2. Hazrat Abu Zar also narrates the same above with difference in some words. (:
Musnad Firdous, Kanzool Aamaal.)

Scientific benefits of Figs: 1.


Easy to digest.
Reliefs stomach ache.
Best for pregnancy.
Good for infants (new born) suffering from hydrocephalus (collection of fluid in the
brain, and the size of head is bigger).
5. Reduces acidity.
6. Ripen whitish colored is best.
7. Cleans the liver, throat, spleen etc.
8. Good in prostrate problems.
9. Reduces cough and clears the lungs.
10. Should not be eaten excessively, it may cause lice problem.
11. Removes constipation.
12. Helps in Gums infections, tumors, cancers etc.
13. Increases urine output.
14. Best if eaten on empty stomach (dry or wet anyone).
15. Removes kidney stones.
16. Protects from poisoning.
17. Dried one is good for nerves.
18. Have vitamin B1, B2, vitamin C, carotene, vitamin A, iron, calcium, copper, malic acid,
sugar, nitrogen, vitamin K, fibers, cellulose etc.
19. Increases haemoglobin.
20. For throat infection, dip Anjeer in 40 ml water for some time and drink it before meal,
three times a day, for 3 to 5 days.
21. Increases milk production.
22. Best in measles, dengue, lungs infection
23. Can be used with other medicines.
24. Best for pregnant but only one fig a day.
25. Also can be used on skin ulcers and wounds (wet one) smash it and apply on the wound.
26. Also helpful in menstrual irregularities.

Question and answer on Anjeer.

Question: Please explain point no 10 in brief?
Answer: - The 10th point means, if anyone eats Anjeer more so due to it lice problem will be
occurring.Lice means nits
Means nits (likhe sar me)
Question: Which fig we must eat dry or fresh (wet) and can we eat one dry fig daily?
Answer: - One fig a day, three times a week, dry whitish is good.
Wet fresh one is also good.
If anybody wants to eat figs for diseases than eat daily dry one (can be eaten), because it is
available in all season.
But use whitish clean one.
If you want to eat for general health then eat 2 times a week wet or dry whichever is easily

Lesson No 7: Anaar(Pomegranate)

It is called Rumman in Hadis, Quran & Arabic.
In Hindi it is called Anaar.
In Sanskrit it is called Dadim.
In Latin it is called as Puncia Grapatum Linn.
Its family is Punicacea.

Quranic references of Anaar(Pomegranate):

Its reference in Quran is in Sura (chapter) Anam verse (aayat) no. 99 and 141.
And Sura (chapter) Rehmaan verse no. 68.

Prophets guidance about Anaar(Pomegranate):

1.Hazrat Anas once asked to the respected Prophet about Rumman (Anaar), the
respected Prophet replied that there is no Rumman (Anaar) in which there is one seed
of Jannats Anaar.: Abu Naeem (Means every Rumman (Anaar) has one seed of jannat in it),
2. Hazrat Ali says that once Prophet said that eat Rumman (Anaar) and its
internal parda (a thin membrane like), it coats the stomach. : Ibn Al-Qeem.
(The coating acts on healing of gastric ulcers & beneficial for whole guts).
3. It is mentioned in Zahbi (book of Hadis) that Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas had a
habit, whenever he found or got a grain of Anaar (Rumman) he use to eat it & use to say, there
is no Rumman (Anaar) which do not have an element of Jannat in its grain (dana) : Zahbi.

Other references in deeni books:

1. Hazrat Ibn Qayyam (r.a.) said sweet Anaar is good for digestive system and gives
2. Anaar is hot in potency and juicy.
3. Good for throat, lungs, chest and reliefs cough.
4. Its juice is laxative, increases sexual desire, but should not be used in fevers.

5. The sour one is good in stomach infections, increases urine output, stops motion,
diarrhea, vomiting etc.
6. Al Razi says that sour reduces sexual desire.

Scientific benefits of Anaar (Pomegranate):

1. There are 3 types of Anaar: sweet, sour and slight bitter.
2. The sweet one is rich in sugar, water, protein (in seeds), fibers, tannin, citric acid,
minerals, iron, phosphate, sulphur, calcium, potassium, manganese, vitamin C etc.
3. The sour one has less sugar , and more citric acid, more protein in seeds, more fats.
4. The outer skin of it has tannic acid and is good for diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding in
digestive tract.
5. Boil the skin of it, in little water for 5 minutes on low flame, than filter it, and drink it 2
to 4 times during motions.
6. Eat it on empty stomach.
7. Its skin is used to fix the color while dying.
And also used with mehendi.
8. Protects from gouts (increased in uric acid in blood and collection of it on various parts of
9. Good for digestion.
10. Strengthen the heart, lungs, liver etc.
11. Good on dengue, malaria, flu, viral infections, cold, cough, gums, mouth, reduces
12. Good for high BP, piles, colitis, anaemia, arthritis, TB etc.
13. Its flower is called as Gulnar, and good for health.
14. Its skin root is also very helpful.
15. Best for pregnant, old, ill, children, weak etc.
16. Anaar dana is good for digestion and acidity.
17. The reddish one is best.

Lesson No 8: Methi

It is called Hulba in Hadis & Arabic.
In English it is called as Fenugreek.
In Hindi & Urdu it is called as Methi.
Latin Name is Gracecue foenum.

Prophet guidance about Hulba (Methi): 1. Hazrat Kasim Bin Abdur Rehman says that Prophet once guided to seek cure
in Hulba (Methi): Ibn Al-Qeem.
2. Hazrat Zahbi narrated that Prophet once said that if you know the benefits of
Hulba (Methi), and if the price of it increases as price of gold, you will purchase it for gold
price & use it: Ibn Al-Qaeem (because it is very beneficial for health).
3. Once Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas fell ill in Makka, Prophet visited him,
and asked to call a doctor,
Al Haris Bin Kaladah was called, he came and examined Hazrat Saad , and said he is
not serious, and advised to take dates (khajur), barley (jaw) & boiled Methi water & prepare
daliya (soup like gravy) than put honey in it & give to Hazrat Saad at early morning,
garma-garam (warm)
And Hazrat Saad got well; Prophet liked the preparation advised by Al Haris
Bin Kaladah.

Scientific benefits of Methi: 1.


Good for throat infection.

Reduces swelling, cough, acidity, chronic cough, gas, piles, lungs infection,
Helpful for digestion and stomach.
Cures lice and dandruff ( on application of Methi water)
Helpful in liver and kidney diseases, menstrual problems.
Induces labour pain.
Increases urine output.

Part used: Leaves, Stems, Seeds.

Seeds are best for medicinal use.
Leaves and soft stem for cooking purpose.
Adjuvant with Methi (means other things can be used with Methi): Khajur, kalongi, anjeer, mulethi, jaw(barley), honey, kasni.

Contents: Carbohydrates, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, iron.

How to use Methi:1. Cooked as bhaji and eaten.

2. Seeds should be boiled in little water for 15 minutes, then filtered and then the water
should be drunk in Luke warm condition.
3. Gargle with warm Methi water for throat infections.
4. Soak Methi seeds in little water over night, filter and drink it at early morning empty
5. Chew the seeds properly and eat.

Lesson No 9: Kalongi

Names: 1. It is called Small Black seed, Samal fennel and Black Cumin in English
2. In Hadis it is called as Habbat & Shuneiz.
3. In Arabic it is called as Habbat.
4. In Sanskrit, it is called as Krishna Jeerak.
5. In Latin, it is called as Nigella sativa.
6. In Urdu & Hindi, it is called as Kalongi.
7. In Persian, it is called as Shuneiz.

Prophet guidance about Kalongi:

1. It is mentioned in Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah & Musnad Ahmed that Prophet said
Habbat (kalongi) have a cure for all diseases except death & Habbat are Shuneiz.
2. Prophet once said that you make yourself use Habbat regularly so that there is cure
for all diseases in it except death. This is narrated by the following:
Hazrat Saleem Bin Abdullah listened from his father Hazrat Umar; Ibn
Hazrat Aisha in Musnad Ahmed.
Hazrat Abu Huraira in Trimizi.
3. Prophet once said that Shuneiz (black seed) has cure for all diseases except death.
(Narrated by Hazrat Burada ) : Ibn Al-Sani.
4. Prophet once said that there is no diseases in which Habbat do not gives cure except
death. (Narrated by Abu Huraira: Muslim)
5. Prophet use to eat Habbat (black seeds) with honey sharbat, (means honey mixed in
water) reference Kutub Sirat, Tib e nabi & jadid science by Dr. Khalid, chapter kalonji.

Other references about Kalongi:

1. Hazrat Khalid Ibn Saad says that I & Ghalib Ibn Jabar were
travelling & Ghalib Ibn Jabar fell ill,
Than we came Madinah, & Ibn Abi Ateeq visited him, (because Ghalib Ibn Jabar was ill)
Ibn Abi Ateeq was Nephew of Hazrat Aisha & advice to use 5 or 7 seeds of
kalonji crushed & mix in little olive oil & put the preparation in both nostrils.
Ibn Abi Ateeq says that he heard Hazrat Aisha saying that Prophet said
that Habbat (black seed) have cure for every diseases except death. & Hazrat Galib Ibn
Jabar got well: Bukhari, Ibn Majah.
2. Ibn Hajar says that kalongi can be used alone,
Or with other medicines
Or with honey
Or with olive oil
Or with food
Or with medicated drinks
Or use as a nasal drops (crushed and mixes in olive oil.)
Can be used raw, chewed and taken
The above all means it can be taken in any form.
Any time, any age
But early morning empty stomach, and at 6.00 pm and at night while sleep
3. Hazrat Jabir says that Habbat (black seeds) removes obstruction of all types
in the body, expels out the waste products out of the body, strengthens the digestive
system, increases Milk secretion, menstrual cycle, urine output, if it is mixed in vinegar
&eaten it expels out worms & helpful in chronic cough.

Scientific benefits of Kalongi:

1. There are 20 types of kalonji.
2. Indian is amongst the best.
3. England, Surain, Turkish, Damascene kalongis are also best.
4. The seeds are present in the ripen fruits of kalonji.
5. Good for headache, migraine, paralysis, facial palsy, cataract, kidney stones, bladder
stones, common cold, cough, asthma, stomach disorders. Etc
6. Increases mothers milk
7. Increases sex drives
8. Regulates menstrual cycle.
9. Makes face brighter and shiny.
10. Its oil is best for asthma (it is very important in treatment of asthma.)
11. Work as an anti bacterial.
12. Increases immunity
13. Increases urination.
14. It is anti Bacterial.

Lesson No 10: Grapes

Names: It is called Anab (plural) & Inab (singular) & in Arabic and Quran.
In Hadis, it is called as Zabib.
In Hindi, Urdu, Persian it is called as Angoor.
In Sanskrit, it is called as Draksha.
In Latin, it is called as Vitis vinifera Linn.
Family is Vitaceace.

Quranic references about Grapes: There are 11 references about Grapes in Quran, in singular & plural form.
1. Chapter 2, Sura Baqara, verse no. 266
2. Chapter 6, Sura An-nam, verse no. 100.
3. Chapter 13, Sura Raad, verse no. 4.
4. Chapter 16, Sura Nahl, verse no. 11
5. Chapter 16, Sura Nahl verse no. 67.
6. Chapter 17, Sura Bani-Israel, verse no. 91.
7. Chapter 18, Sura Kahf, verse no. 32.
8. Chapter 23, Sura Muminun, verse no. 19.
9. Chapter 36, Sura Yaseen, verse no. 34.
10. Chapter 78, Sura Nabaa, verse no. 31-32.
11. Chapter 80, Sura Abasa, verse no. 28.

Prophets guidance about Grapes: 1. Hazrat Tamim Aldari once gifted some dried grapes (munakkah) to the
respected Prophet , Prophet took them in his respected hands & said eat this, it
is a healthy meal, removes tiredness, cools the anger, gives strength, makes food sweet
smelling, reduces cough, brightens the face, (Narrated by Hazrat Tamim Aldari
): Abu Naeem.
2. Prophet once said that those who take 21 dried grapes (munakkah) daily, will be
free from all diseases which give rise to inferior complex. (Narrated by Hazrat Ali
) : Abu Naeem.
3. Prophet once said that for your beneficial there are dried grapes (munakkah), this
improves the complexion, reduces phlegm, strengthens the organs, removes tiredness,

improves mood, increases good smell in breath & removes sorrow (grief). (Narrated by
Hazrat Ali ) : Abu Naeem.
4. This is mentioned in many hadis that Prophet used to soak dates or munakkah in
water & use to drink the sharbat. (But did not soaked together nor ate both together)
(Reference Tib e Nabi & jadid science by Dr. Khalid).
5. Prophet guided that never soak dates & dried grapes together: Bukhari.
6. Hazrat Ibn Abbas says that Prophet once said that eat dried grapes
(munakkah) , but remove its skin because there is diseases in its skin & cure in inner pulp
: Zahbi.
7. Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah says that Prophet, did not ate dried grapes &
dates together at one time: Abu Dawood.
The same is also narrated by Abdullah Bin Abi Qataada : An-Nisaaee.
8. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas says that Prophet use to drink grapes sharbat
(means reddish dried grapes were soaked in water for Prophet & Prophet use
to drink this water) on the same day, next day, some times on the 3rd day or use to
distribute the remaining among people or workers. : Abu Dawood.
9. Prophet denied & prohibited to drink grapes wine. (Reference & narrated by Tariq
Bin Suwayd Hijri ) : Muslim, Abu Dawood, and Trimizi.
10. Many scholars say that grapes (dried grapes) & Battikha (watermelon) was very much
favorite of Prophet. (Reference Tib e nabi & jadid science by Dr. Khalid)
How to use grapes: - Eat it as follows: 1. Eat raw ripen fruit (means fresh condition)
2. Eat dried grapes of small size or big size.
3. Eat raw both fresh fruit or dried
4. Best is soaked in water and drink the water.
5. Please wash all types of grapes before use.
6. Open the dried grapes and soak it in water with its seed
7. Seeds can be thrown or crushed with teethes and eaten or powdered and eaten.
8. Cooked with food and dishes.
9. Can be eaten with watermelon.
10. Eat on empty stomach
11. Never eat after meals.
12. Best eaten on empty stomach, early morning.
13. Do not use with khajur (dates)

Scientific benefits of grapes: 1. Reliefs fever, cough, lungs infection.

2. Good for digestion, constipation.
3. Beneficial in all diseases.
4. Removes weakness.
5. Good for skin, organs, etc

Important please note: 1.


Please wash the dried grapes, fresh grapes, before use.

Open the dried grapes and soak in water,
The seed can be removed and crushed by teeth and eaten
One can throw the seed if do not want to use.

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