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(Case study of Dabka field & Nada field)


*R.P.SHARMA & *V.S.Joshi

(* M.O.Block WOB Mumbai)

It is hard to find two or more disciplines in the same industry which are as different from one another
in terms of work procedures, nomenclature and culture as Geophysics, Geology, reservoir
engineering as well as drilling. Exploration/ development planning is an integral part of reservoir
management and aims at maximizing the value of producing property. The success of any
development scheme depends, to a large extent, on the integrated model created by combining the
ideas of Geologists, Geophysicists, Reservoir Engineers and Production Engineers. Knowledge of
geophysics will play a key role in this area, just as it does in exploration, to get the exact spatial
location in seismic data, including various factors affecting drilling, the right

target depth, in right

direction. Assets have sufficient well, petrophysical, reservoir and production data, integrating with
the available seismic methods, it help in understanding the geological complexities and in turn in
enhancing production and even in extending the asset boundaries.
There are significant gains to be made by streamlining the geoscience _drilling connection.
To that effect, geoscientist are now needed to deliver a dynamic model of reservoir, rather than the
static model (reservoir images) means reservoir models that not only describe the structural and
lithological images of the reservoir, but that also conform to the fluid flow within the reservoir. As in
the Assets the geoscientists are working with reservoir engineers as well as drilling and production
team, the geoscientist can offer a more valuable contribution to the well planning process that is
understanding of the overburden pressure regime together with more accurate real time reservoir
This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this methodology through case study of producing
reservoirs in Dabka and Nada field within sub layers of Hazad and Nada sands, which are thin and
discrete in nature, by using 3-D Seismic data for micro-analysis of geological complexities including
generation of various fault pattern and hydrocarbon migration and distribution. Preparation of various
structural maps data with incorporation of

initial reservoir pressure of various wells and other

reservoir data such as fluid flow and data of injector wells is also introduces along with the nature of
log motif in various fault blocks, which confirm the nature of fault.
To enrich the thematic content of various types of analysis and integrate with current understanding
of geological features a mosaic of time and horizon slices are generated in very small time interval
and reflectors representing various geological time on individual seismic sections are flattened and
analyzed critically. The observations so obtained have been proved to be very helpful in deciphering
the fault pattern and variation along with the depth throughout the area. Even minor but important

faults were detected from this method and it reveals that the area has been subjected to polyphase
deformation due to tectonic variations.

Gajera fault plays a key role in hydrocarbon migration

towards the Dabka field as the throw of this fault varies along its length from negligible to sufficient
throw of 30 to 40 meters or even more, forming a negative inversion in western side of this fault,
where the Gajera field exists. On the other hand Dabka field is situated on the positive inversions
created by other N-S bounding faults, existing in the eastern side (foot wall side) of Gajera fault, and
all the hydrocarbon bearing wells of this area, are situated on structure or fault closures as well as on
high trends which are very clearly visible on time slices at the pay levels. Wells falling on the low
trends are devoid of hydrocarbons. Thus the time slices became the guide- line for prospect
generation in Dabka field and several locations are generated on this basis resulted in accretion of
Nada structural inversion is located west of Tankari Depression bisected by number of reverse as
well as normal faults which are seen on Seismic sections. These faults are, responsible for generation
of Nada inversion; formed during Mid-Miocene. As per fluid distribution, fault L which is separating
Nada-A and Nada-C is a reverse fault and is sealing in nature, while LN-C which is passing nearby the
well N-B seems to be non sealing and hydrocarbons might have migrated towards structurally higher
direction. The N-S bounded faults divide Nada field in four Sub-blocks Nada--A block, Nada-c block,
Nada-0G block and Nada-Nblock which are different in terms of production behavior.

In recent years seismic surveys have provided more clear sub-surface image and finer details related
to reservoir characterization. In order to control the declining trend and to improve the reservoir
performance, comprehensive review of fields were periodically undertaken by multidisciplinary team
of Ankleshwar Asset through integrated analysis of various seismic and geological and reservoir
methods on several fields which help for better exploitation . The better reservoir performance has
been governed by successful implementing and testing of new technologies.


The study area, in the South Cambay basin consists of Gajera, North Sarbhan and Dabka fields. The NS trending paleo-highs with bounding faults are considered genetically related to the basement. The
anticlinal features produce hydrocarbons mainly from Hazad sands, having hydrocarbon distribution
in multilayer sandstone reservoir. The field has deltaic deposition comprising of distributory channels
and sand bodies separated by transgressive shales



To improve modeling, understanding and drilling of new wells in thin reservoirs; an advanced
quantitative methodology is developed that integrates 2-D and 3-D post stack seismic data,
impedance logs and geologic knowledge. The approach uses well log analysis, well data like porosity,
pressure data, production behavior, effective sand thickness, seismic wavelet estimation and
calibration, instantaneous and multidimensional attribute analysis, a mosaic of time and horizon slices
at various time zones for a micro structural mapping and stratigraphic interpretation from 3-D post
stack seismic data.
Facies distribution and lateral lithological variations were analyzed on seismic attribute analysis and
study of time slices as well as horizon slices, have been proved very helpful in deciphering the fault
pattern and sand distribution. In fact, even subtle faults become discernible. Instantaneous phase
attribute applied on individual seismic sections, become very useful for explaining the various sand
bodies of Gajera and Dabka field. The sand isolith maps were prepared by integration of both well as
well as seismic data. Horizon slices helped in better understanding of sand distribution.

Well Planning
An integrated environment of geoscience and well planning exposes us to the constraints and costs
inherent in well planning as well as enabling a more informed target selection process. On the other
hand drillers can use information like pore pressure, prediction volumes and depth domain geological
models to recommend optimal well paths.
To make informed drilling decisions, it is necessary6 to integrate all data pertaining to the reservoir
and present it in a consistent manner that will be easy for every member of team to understand and
use efficiently. Information may be integrated at the seismic scale using 3-D depth and pore pressure
volumes at the reservoir scale using geological and simulation models and at the log scale using
multiple logs for each well. Pervasive 3_D visualization provides oilfield surface and subsurface
information throughout the work flow.
Using advanced well planning solutions, drilling engineering data can also be incorporated into this
integrated environment , providing the ability to visually correlate the well path with the geoscience
information available.

Study of Dabka area
In the studied area it was observed that the presence or absence of hydrocarbon was not properly
explainable with the existing model. To resolve this problem, the role played by various faults
particularly the Gajera fault was analyzed in 3-D
seismic data. Hydrocarbon trap mechanism in the
entire Dabka& N.Sarbhan area can be explained by
the behavior of Gajera fault at various places. It is
observed that the N-S bound Gajera fault is
consistent to the west of entire Dabka field, forming
the inversion along normal fault in western
direction where the Gajera field exists,

but its

throw vary along the length and this fault is

bisected by various strike-slip/ transfer faults.
Hydrocarbon is trapped at the places where the
fault shows sufficient amount of throw. G-A, G-B
and K-A is good example of this type of feature. At the place of negligible amount of the throw of this
fault, the hanging wall comes very close to the foot wall side of the fault and hydrocarbon might have
migrated to the next updip block in the eastern direction. For example the hydrocarbon that is escaped
from Gajera fault got trapped in the block of North
Sarbhan in the south, at Kural in the central and
at Dabka in the northern part. The variation of the
throw of Gajera fault is shown in fig 4 on seismic
line AA-1, AA-2, AA-3 and AA-4. The area around
these seismic lines where the throw of fault is






hydrocarbons to the north eastern direction and

another NS and transfer faults decide the further
flow of hydrocarbons on similar way. Fig 5
(BLOCK DIAGRAM) explains the hydrocarbon
accumulation in Dabka, North Sarbhan Kural and
Gajera fields. It is also observed that at few
places the hanging wall side of the Gajera fault goes up to the footwall side, forming the positive
inversion, and this place is yet to be tested for hydrocarbons.

Dabka field is a geological complex due to various tectonic movements. In Gajera & Dabka area when the
seismic sections are flattened, they showed channel like feature in Dabka area before the formation of
inverse structures. These fault controlled Paleo-channels sand bodies which on upliftment formed good
reservoirs. Further these deep seated faults might have acted like conduits for Hydrocarbon migration.
This shows Paleo channels mostly have good sand deposition and on inversion form the best hunting
ground for Hydrocarbon. The amount of throw is very important, Hydrocarbon has been observed to be
trapped wherever the throw is prominent.
This field is producing hydrocarbon mainly from DUP (Dabka upper pay) and DLP (Dabka lower pay) units
of Hazad sands During detail study of seismic data by flattening at various reflectors at different time it is
found that reactivation of normal fault has resulted in positive inversion in this area .
Two prominent structural inversions are present in Dabka field which are degenerated during Pliocene.
Structural inversions are demarcated by reverse faults along with its antithetics. The southern extension
of these prominent inversions are still unexplored, need immediate attention. In this area, Dabka lower
and Dabka upper pay may be hydrocarbon bearing. To study this area a mosaic of time slices at various
times were generated from 3-D seismic volume which has been very helpful in deciphering the fault
pattern throughout the area. Fault pattern obtained by these attributes reveals that the area has been
subjected to polyphase deformation due to tectonic variations. It is observed by seismic analysis that
some faults cut across each other or take sudden swing, showing the strike slip nature of the transfer
faults. Pay sands of Dabka area is classical example of this type of fault pattern, The fault configuration
have different orientation in the northern part of Dabka field , than southern part i.e. near Kural and North
Sarbhan field

This part is separated by a prominent transfer fault. The faults trend appears to have

contributed greatly in hydrocarbon distribution, as these are reactivated during different geological time.
These fault patterns compartmentalize the study area into a number of fault blocks, and each block have









hydrocarbon exploration and production.


Critical analysis of time slices reveals that all the producing wells are falling on structure closures or fault
closures, as well as high trends, on way to the escape
path from Gajera fault. All the wells falling on low
trends are devoid of hydrocarbons even though they
may be on structurally higher than its neighboring
wells when seen regionally. Thus the behavior of the
producing and non producing wells can be explained
very successfully by this method. Fig.3 show that the
well No. D-A1, D-A2, D-A3 and D-A4 are hydrocarbon
bearing as they are falling on structurally favorable
position while other wells falling on low trends are
devoid of hydrocarbons. A very similar trend is
observed on other slices and it is marked for future exploration as shown is fig-4. Time structure contour
map of Dabka and Gajera field along with the fault pattern, generated by integration of all the available
data is shown in fig-1.

Study of Nada area

The study area lies in the North East of Gandhar Main field, to the south west of Tankari Depression which
is kitchen area for this field.
Effective thickness maps have been prepared for sand, NMP. Effective thickness has been taken from
Formation Evaluation Report and for few wells directly from the logs (GR; CDL-CNS).

Log Motif Map of Sand NMP Nada Field

The effective thickness map of this sand (NMP) shows prominently two trends one almost N-E in
the northern part and almost N-S in the western Part of the studied area. The sand entry is from NorthEast in eastern part of the area; while from North-West in the western part near N-B and N-c block. The

sand entry direction is decided from various attribute maps obtained from 3-D seismic study. Map depict
maximum sand entry is from north east direction, in the eastern direction of Devla high, and it appears
maximum sand distribution is from this source, that is why the sand NUP is deposited only in the eastern
part of Nada field.
In this area, almost N-S trending faults may have played an important role in controlling the direction of
sand distribution which depicts when the fault configuration is superimposed on the effective sand
thickness map In the central part of Nada field i.e near the wells N-G and N-E etc the thickness is
increased to 18-16 meter as either the sand entry from both side meets here or due to piling of reworked
sediments as tidal bars, while in the upstream it is only distributary channels with moderate thickness of
4-6meter, occasionally at places more thickness due to poor nature of the sand. The sand geometry &
core data clearly shows that in Nada
area the deposits are typically of tidal
region like tidal bars, tidal channel &
tidal flats while upstream it is mostly
distributary channels.
In Nada area the sand bodies shows
almost E-W trend. In Nada & nearby
area this sand continue to appear in
two sub layers, lower layer which is
well developed toward east and west
while towards east of Nada main field
the Upper sub layer is also well
developed. This shows the main entry
from north east direction, particularly
in the case of Nada Upper Pay. Due to
wave action in Nada area the finegrained sediments shows coarsening upward sequence.
This Nada Upper sand where ever deposited on Paleo High might have winnowed better


hydrocarbon bearing. From hydrocarbon point of view the other area around east & north east of N-N
appear to be interesting for particularly Nada Upper sand.

The tracer response and salinity data indicated preferential movement from injector Nada-0E

towards Nada-G. Injection water distribution and net pore volume swept data also indicate preferential
movement due to high permeability/ conductive path.

Salinity data indicated that injection water has already broken through from injector N-J towards

N-M. However, tracer response indicates poor / low tracer counts which may be due to high dilution.
Based on the injection water distribution and net pore volume swept data, slow and steady movement of
injection water has been observed from injector Nada-N towards Nada-M.

Tracer response data in monitoring wells Nada-D and Nada-B indicates partial communicating

nature of the fault between the injector Nada-Fand monitoring wells.

To shift from exploration to production optimization as fields mature and the need to regain control over
the drilling process an improved understanding of subsurface heterogeneities and better reservoir
characterization can be initiated by the multidisciplinary team through integration of G&G work.
Attribute studies along with reservoir data analysis , study of time slices as well as horizon slice at
various time / depth, has resulted in precise mapping of the reservoir sand geometries, as well as
deciphering the fault pattern and structural trends in the study areas, and improve the stratigraphic
interpretation. Sedimentary architecture, and lithology prediction which were subsequently used to
predict new prospective areas, refine the drilling plan of exploratory and development wells .Based on
this study, recently drilled development well has enhanced the production from this old field and new
locations are generated for exploration.
The authors thank Oil & Natural Gas Corporation for granting permission to publish this work and
Director (Exploration) as well as SPG management for their support. We are also thankful to all our
colleagues for their numerous thoughtful and helpful comments.

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