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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2014

COP 20 and CMP 10
Lima, 1 December 12 December 2014

Daily Programme
Plenary meetings
Conference of the Parties (COP)
Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP)
(Open meeting)
5th meeting of the COP
5th meeting of the CMP


(webcast link)

Plenary Lima

Joint High-level Segment

[COP agenda item 18 and CMP agenda item 17]

6th meeting of the COP

6th meeting of the CMP


(webcast link)

Plenary Lima

Joint High-level Segment

[COP agenda item 18 and CMP agenda item 17]
Click here for the full COP agenda and all corresponding documents.
Click here for the full CMP agenda and all corresponding documents.

Participants are kindly reminded to consult the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes. In order to reduce
paper consumption, participants are kindly requested to retain copies of documents throughout the sessions.
Download the updated UNFCCC 'Negotiator' iPhone and iPad applications!
Scan the QR Code to download todays Daily Programme from <>.

Please recycle


Informal stocktaking meetings

(Open meeting)

Presidents informal stocktaking plenary

Plenary Cusco

Contact Groups, informal consultations, workshops and other meetings of

the Convention and Protocol bodies

Informal consultations on climate finance items 12 (a-b)

(Parties and observer States only)

C20 - Mantaro


Informal consultations on Linkages between the Technology Mechanism

and the Financial Mechanism of the Convention
(Parties, observer States and staff from UNEP, CTCN, GEF, and GCF

C14 - Puno


Informal consultations on climate finance items 12 (c-e)

(Parties and observer States only)

C20 - Mantaro


Informal consultations on climate finance items 12 (a-b)

(Parties and observer States only)

C20 - Mantaro


Contact group on issues relating to the joint implementation

(Open to Parties and observers)

C6 - Huaraz


Informal consultations on issues relating to the clean development

(Open to Parties and observers)

C6 - Huaraz


Contact group on issues relating to the clean development mechanism

(Open to Parties and observers)

C6 - Huaraz


Contact group on the report of the Adaptation Fund Board

(Open to Parties and observers)

C7 - Tarma



ADP contact group on item 3 - focus on draft decision on advancing the

Durban Platform for Enhanced Action:

Paragraphs 1323 and Annex II (Open to Parties and observers)

C3 - Paita

Paragraphs 2436 (Open to Parties and observers)

B2 - Piura

* To resume upon conclusion of the Presidents informal stocktaking plenary

Additional information on ADP meetings is available at <>.


High-level Ministerial Dialogue on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action

Plenary Cusco
Open to all participants
The Conference of the Parties, at its nineteenth session (decision 1/CP.19), called upon Parties to
intensify their high-level engagement on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action through an insession ministerial dialogue to be held in conjunction with the current COP. This will be an
opportunity for Ministers to provide strategic direction to set the foundations for the 2015 agreement
and accelerate action now.
The Ministerial Dialogue will be opened and facilitated by H.E. Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal,
President of COP-20.
For further information please click here.

Momentum for Change:

Showcase event to recognize and celebrate the 2014 Lighthouse Activities
Room G1 Chavn
Open to all participants
Don't miss this exciting and uplifting evening event, featuring UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, r21 Founder and Director Charly Alberti and a
musical performance by Novalima. An Oscar-like celebration of the 2014 Lighthouse Activities with
inspiring videos, photography and an award ceremony.

List of participants
The provisional list of registered participants is available for download on the UNFCCC website:
FCCC/CP/2014/MISC.1 (Part 1)
FCCC/CP/2014/MISC.1 (Part 2)
Any corrections should be given to Ms. Vera-Lynn Watson (Registration Counter) by noon, at the latest, on
Wednesday, 10 December 2014.

Groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies

(Closed meetings)
A full schedule of daily meetings of groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies was published on
the Daily Programme for day 1 of the conference (available on the UNFCCC website). Participants are kindly
requested to retain their copies of that document, and to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates.

Delegation of Peru on behalf of Independent Association of Latin

America and the Caribbean

C25 - Putumayo


Meetings of observer organizations

(Closed meetings)
A full schedule of daily meetings of groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies was published on
the Daily Programme for day 1 of the conference (available on the UNFCCC website). Participants are kindly
requested to retain their copies of that document, and to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates.

Interfaith climate coordination

C24 - Pachitea


Amazon Environmental Institute: Foro internacional de pueblos

indigenas per cambio climatico

B5 - Trujillo

Press briefings
The live daily schedule of press briefings is available here. Participants are kindly requested to consult the
CCTV monitors for changes or updates.


Election of officers of bodies under the Convention and the Protocol

Update of nominations received by the secretariat
(as at 9 December 2014)
Please consult the UNFCCC elections website for latest information on election procedures and daily updates of
election nominations and election results.

Status report on consideration of agenda items as at 9 December 2014

The status report information is published exclusively on the in-session web pages of the Convention
and protocol bodies. Please use the links to the corresponding web pages below.

Status report of COP agenda items

Status report of CMP agenda items

Status report of SBI agenda items

Status report of SBSTA agenda items

Status report of ADP agenda items

Special announcements
Rio Conventions
Calendar 2015

The Rio Conventions Calendar will be distributed to all participants in the Climate
Change TV Studio in Hall G.

How to keep track

of what is going on

All conference participants are invited to regularly consult the information resources
offered by the secretariat to keep participants informed on what is happening during
the sessions. Key information resources are listed below, including direct links to
relevant secretariat web pages:
Conference programme
Sessions overview schedule of key events during the sessions
Daily schedule of meetings and special announcements on the conference
CCTV screens and at

-6How to keep track

of what is going on

Information on the progress of negotiations and elections

Daily status reports on the consideration of agenda items under all bodies,
(available through links in the Daily Programme and on the web pages of the
Live and on-demand webcast of plenary meetings and other events available
at (go to Virtual Participation on the conference webpage)
Negotiation updates on developments during the high-level segment of the
sessions, in particular in relation to ministerial consultations, Presidency
informal stock-taking meetings and other significant developments in
negotiations (go to Negotiation Updates on the conference webpage at
Information on the election and membership of the bodies of the Convention
and the Kyoto Protocol
Information on document services
Other events, including side events, exhibits and workshops
Ministerial dialogues and high-level events
Side events, exhibits and workshops
Other information channels
The Navigator App for iPhone and iPad users including information on
logistics, documents, agendas and meeting information;
The secretariat Facebook and Flickr pages, as well as YouTube and Twitter
channels (@UN_ClimateTalks, and @CFigueres. Notifications of in-session
documents: @UNFCCCDocuments)

Please note that the information in this section will not be reprinted during the sessions. This information is
available in the Information for Participants (IFP) brochure and the Side Events and Exhibits (SEE) brochure.

Medical and

First-aid professionals will be available at all times at the conference venue. A range
of high-quality medical facilities are available in Lima.
First aid is located on the ground floor close to the plenary halls in Zone E and the
main meeting rooms in Zone C.
For other emergencies, please contact United Nations security staff (wearing a
United Nations uniform) deployed around the premises. You may call the following
emergency numbers for assistance:
Emergency Services (Police, Fire Service, Ambulance)
Tel: 105
UN Security Control
Tel: 01 615 0464
(wait for the recorded message in Spanish and then dial extension 5035).


Participants should ensure that they wear their conference badge in full view at all
times, as the security officers may request them to verify their identity. This may lead
to some inconvenience, but it is expected that participants will appreciate the need for
such arrangements.

-7Security / Lost and

Found Office

Participants are reminded not to leave personal belongings in meeting rooms. Lost and
found items may be reported and handed in at the UN Security/ Lost and Found Office
located in Zone B, next to the Information Desk. For security reasons, unattended
items found anywhere on the conference premises will be removed by Security.


A complimentary transport service will be provided between official conference

shuttle hubs and the conference venue (and vice versa). Full shuttle services will be
provided until Saturday, 13 December 2014.
When using the service for the first time, please bring a copy of the acknowledgement
letter from the online registration system (ORS) so that you can be identified as a
participant. After receiving your badge, it will be the only identification you will need
to present when boarding a shuttle.
Comprehensive information on the shuttle hub concept, along with the routes and hub
<>. This site also
includes phone numbers of commercial taxi companies recommended by the host
If you require a taxi, please enquire with the Transportation Counter, located on the
left-hand side when entering the venue, right behind the security check area. A taxi
drop-off area will be created close to the entrance gate number 4.
In addition, a complimentary transport service will be provided between the
conference venue and the climate fair Voices for Climate.

Prayer and
Meditation room
Web Coverage and
daily reports of the
COP 20/CMP 10

The Prayer and Meditation Room is located on the first floor in Zone B (walk up the
staircase next to the Information Counter).
The following organizations kindly provide daily web coverage, daily reports and a
summary and analysis of the COP 20/CMP 10 meetings on their webpages:
- ECO (by CAN). Click here for ECO content for mobile devices;
- ENB (by IISD);
- Outreach (by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future);
- TWN (by TWN).
The CAN International App is available in the Apple iTunes App Store.

Key contacts
A list of key contacts was published on the Daily Programme for day 1 of the conference and is available in the
Information for Participants (IFP) brochure.

Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing. The
secretariat would like to note that the scheduling of events remains dependent upon the demands of the
negotiating process.

Side events and exhibits

The schedule of side events and a list of the exhibits is available in electronic form only. Participants are kindly
requested to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates. Side events and exhibits are located in
Zone G.


Interviews at the Climate Change Studio

The schedule of interviews at the Climate Change Studio during the session is available at <>.
Participants are kindly requested to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates.
For the booking of interview slots, kindly fill out the application form and return to Ms. Anne Jona at:

UNFCCC and related events





Momentum for Change: Urban Poor


Join us to learn how urban poor communities around the world are addressing
climate change, while creating jobs and improving lives at the same time. This
event features concrete examples of on-the-ground climate action.

G8 - Wari

Education and Communication as Cornerstones for Effective

Climate Action
This joint event by the UN Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and
Public Awareness in collaboration with partner organizations will showcase how
education and communication are at the core of climate change solutions by
advancing knowledge on effective mitigation and adaptation actions.


H.E. Mr. Marcin Korolec, COP 19/CMP 9 President and Secretary of State,
Mr. Paul Watkinson, Head of Delegation and member of the COP 21/CMP 11
Incoming Presidency Team, France
Ms. Clare Nullis, WMO
Ms. Julia Heiss, UNESCO
Mr. Reuben Sessa, FAO
Ms. Amanda Katili Niode, National Focal Point for Article 6 of the UNFCCC,
Ms. Rixa Schwarz, Centre for Environment Education India

G 5 - Machu

Ms. Claudel Ptrin-Desrosiers, International Federation of Medical Students'
For more information on this event, please click here.



Keeping Under a 2 degree C Rise-Latest Pathways to Success

UNFCCC will host leading scientists, key
UN agencies and experts on bridging the
pre 2020 ambition gap and setting the
stage for climate neutrality in the second
half of the century.
Sustainable Cities to Address Global
Environmental Benefits
Cities are emerging as a practical entry
point to address critical mega-trends
impacting the environment. The GEF
supports sustainable cities with its
Integrated Approach Pilot initiative. This
event explores innovative and integrated
action to foster sustainable cities, and the
role of partnerships

Secretariat of the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC)
Mr. Nick Nuttal
+49 228 8151400

G 4 - Sipan

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Ms. Xiaomei Tan
+1 202 4737448
G 3 - Paracas


Other and Outside events

Information on other and outside events and activities is available electronically at <>.

Forthcoming events
Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing.




Lima Climate Action High-Level Meeting

Open to all participants
Pre-2020 climate action requires, as a priority, the fulfillment of existing
obligations under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol. Additionally, State
and non-state actors should continue to identify, scale-up and assess new
opportunities with high mitigation potential.
11 Dec

The government of Peru, as COP 20 Presidency, is committed to support the

needed acceleration of climate action and give recognition to all actors in their
role to combat climate change.
As part of a series of activities, Peru will convene an innovative high level
dialogue between parties, UNFCCC bodies and non-state actors in order to:

Promote engagement and support by Global Leaders to strengthen pre2020 climate action as a strong foundation for the post-2020 Climate

Encourage the implementation of existing climate commitments by

parties and other commitments made by non-state actors.
The draft agenda can be found here.

Published by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany


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