TO ALL RELIGIONS You Need To Repent, Whether The Pope Likes It or Not Worse Things Are Coming in 2014!

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Yahwehs Last Days Anointed Witness, Yisrayl Hawkins, is greatly concerned about the

direction in which todays world is headed. As well as being editor in chief of The Prophetic
Word magazine and writing a monthly newsletter, he is the author of many enlightening books
which reflect a lifetime of study of both the Inspired Holy Scriptures and world events. He
has met with numerous world leaders and attended many United Nations summit meetings,
promoting Yahwehs Message of Peace. He also gives weekly sermons and radio addresses.
He can be contacted through either of his websites: or

Yisrayl Hawkins



You Need To Repent, Whether The Pope Likes It Or Not

Worse Things Are Coming In 2014!
Past and present history of the
roman catholic church has tied all
nations into daily sins. Sin of any
kind, no matter how small or how
large, causes curses. I want to give
you two Scriptures. Even if you
dont believe me, please read them.
I will prove to you the validity of
these Scriptures and why we need
to act now to stop the curses.
Isayah 24:1-6
1 Before Yahwehs very Eyes, the
earth is made empty and it is made
waste; the face of it is perverted and its
inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people,
so with the priest; as with the servant,
so with his owner; as with the maid, so
with her mistress; as with the buyer, so
with the seller; as with the lender, so
with the borrower; as with him who
takes usury, so with him who gives
usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied
and utterly plundered, for it has come
to pass that this Judgment has been
4 The earth mourns and fades away,

the world mourns and fades away,

and the haughty people of the earth
5 The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants of it, because they have
transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell
therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and

slow of heart to believe all that the
Prophets have spoken!

Now think about this: Isayah, the

Prophet of Yahweh, wrote this
Prophecy around 712 BCE. This
Prophecy contains information
about nuclear bombs that were invented only in this generationmy
generation. Notice what Yahwehs
Prophet says concerning the devastation of this power that will burn
the earth.

Isayah 24:6, 18-20

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell
therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.
18 And it will come to pass, that he
who flees from the noise of the fear will
fall into the pit; and he who comes up
from the midst of the pit will be caught
in the snare; for the windows from on
high are open, and the foundations of
the earth are shaken.
19 The earth is utterly broken down,
the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is
shaken exceedingly.
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a
drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The
transgression in it will be heavy upon it;
it will fall, and not rise again.

Again, this Prophecy was written

around 712 BCE. The Manhattan
Project (building of the atomic
bomb) began 1934. Thats 2646
years before this knowledge was
made available to mankind; that is,
computer knowledge that would en-

The House of Yahweh PO Box 2498, Abilene, TX 79604 . (325) 672-5420 . (325) 893-5899 . (800) 613-9494 . .

able mankind to build and use these

weapons of nuclear destruction. The
only power invented since mankind
was created that would burn the
earth, shake the earth, make it reel
to and fro, and even sway or sink
like a tent is the weapon of mass
destruction - the nuclear bomb.
It is not within the power of
mankind to foretell future events;
yet, Isayah was inspired to do so by
a Higher Power. Yes, Scripture says
only a Higher Power could accurately foretell this Prophecy 2646 years
before the Manhattan Project began,
which brought about the nuclear
bomb in this generation, starting in
II Kepha 1:21
For the Prophecy did not come in
former times by the will of man, but
Holy men of Yahweh spoke as they were
moved by Spirit Holy.

You can deny these facts and you

can stubbornly refuse to do anything
to stop what is coming, as a result
of sin. But the facts stand strong,
showing that the Creator, Yahweh,
has the Great Wisdom to foretell
what reaction will come from an
action. Curses are caused, as the
Creator, Yahweh, shows.
Proverbs 26:2

As a fluttering sparrow, or a flying

swallow will alight, so a curse causeless
will not come.

The Manhattan Project required

greater knowledge than that
available before 1934. The Savior,
Yahshua, was also inspired to
speak of the time periodthe Last
Generationin which the nuclear
bomb would be invented and used.
He said it would be seen and used
in the same generation along with
the things He showed would take
place in Mattithyah 24:7-34.
Yahshuas Name was removed from
the Inspired Writings of the twelve
Disciples and replaced with the
names of two gods. The following
information is from Nexus Maga-

zine, Volume 14, Number 4.

The First Council of Nicaea and
the missing records
Thus, the first ecclesiastical gathering
in history was summoned and is today
known as the Council of Nicaea. It was a
bizarre event that provided many details
of early clerical thinking and presents a
clear picture of the intellectual climate
prevailing at the time. It was at this
gathering that Christianity was born and
the ramifications of decisions made at
the time are difficult to calculate. About
four years prior to chairing the Council,
Constantine had been initiated into the
religious order of Sol Invictus, one of the
two thriving cults that regarded the Sun
as the one and only Supreme God (the
other was Mithraism). Because of his
Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to
convene the first of three sittings on the
summer solstice, 21 June 325 (Catholic
Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. i, p. 792),
and it was held in a hall of Osiuss palace (Ecclesiastical History Bishop Louis
Dupin, Paris, 1986, vol. i, p. 598).

From his extensive research into
Church councils, Dr Watson concluded
that the clergy at the Council of Nicaea
were all under the power of the devil and
the convention was composed of the
lowest rabble and patronised the vilest
abominations (An Apology for Christianity, op. cit.). It was that infantile body
of men who were responsible for the
commencement of a new religion and the
theological creation of Jesus Christ.

Constantines intention at Nicaea
was to create an entirely new God for
his empire who would unite all religious
factions under one deity. Presbyters were
asked to debate and decide who their new
God would be. the names of 53 gods
were tabled for discussion. As yet, no God
had been selected by the council, and so
they balloted in order to determine that
matter... For one year and five months the
balloting lasted... (Gods Book of Eskra,
Prof. S.L. MacGuires translation, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii, paragraphs 36,

At the end of that time, Constantine
returned to the gathering to discover that
the presbyters had not agreed on a new
deity but had balloted down to a short list
of five prospects: Caesar, Krishna, Mithra,
Horus and Zeus (Historia Ecclesiastica,
Eusebius, c. 325). Constantine was the
ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately
decided upon a new God for them. To
involve British factions, he ruled that the
name of the Druid God, Hesus, be joined

with the Eastern Saviour-God, Krishna

(Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus
Hesus Krishna would be the official name
of the new Roman God. A vote was taken
and it was with a majority show of hands
(161 votes to 157) that both divinities
become one God. Following long-standing
heathen custom, Constantine used the
official gathering and the Roman apotheosis decree to legally deify two deities as
one, and did so by democratic consent. A
new God was proclaimed and officially
ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii Nicaeni, 1618). That purely political act of
deification effectively and legally placed
Hesus and Krishna among the Roman
gods as one individual composite. That
abstraction lent Earthly existence to
amalgamated doctrines of the Empires
new religion; and because there was no
letter J in alphabets until around the
sixteenth century, the name subsequently
evolved into Jesus Christ.

In the Catechism of the Catholic

Church we find the following:
209 Out of respect for the holiness of God, the
people of Israel do not pronounce his name. In
the reading of Sacred Scripture, the revealed
name (YHWH) is replaced by the divine title
LORD (in Hebrew Adonai, in Greek Kyrios). It is under this title that the divinity of
Jesus will be acclaimed: Jesus is LORD.
446 In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the ineffable Hebrew name YHWH,
by which God revealed himself to Moses,59 is
rendered as Kyrios, Lord. From then on,
Lord becomes the more usual name by
which to indicate the divinity of Israels God.
The New Testament uses this full sense of the
title Lord both for the Father and - what is
new - for Jesus, who is thereby recognized
as God Himself.60

The Savior, Yahshua, Whose Name

means Yahweh will save His People
from their sins, tells more concerning the nuclear bombwhat it will
do and the generation in which it
would be used. He says it will be
used in this present, prophesied
generation. Notice His reply when
asked about this present generation.
Mattithyah 24:3

Now as He sat on the Mount of

Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these
things be? What will be the sign of Your
coming and The End of the Ages?

You dont need to guess. You will

see all these things in this present
generation, Yahshua said. All these
things are here!
Mattithyah 24:7, 21-22, 29, 33-34

7 For nation will rise against nation,

and kingdom against kingdom, and
there will be famines, and pestilences;
disease epidemics, and earthquakes;
environmental disasters, in place after
21 For then will be Great Tribulation,
such as has not come to pass since the
beginning of the world to this timeno,
nor ever will be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but
for the Elects sake, those days will be
29 Immediately, but after the Great
Tribulation of those days will the sun be
darkened, and the moon will not give
her light, and the stars will fall from
heaven, and the powers of the heavens
will be shaken.
33 In the same way, when you see
all these things, know that His coming
and The End of the Ages are near, at
the very door.
34 Truly I say to you: That generation
will not pass away, until all these things
are fulfilled.

Mattithyah 24:3 shows this is The

End generation, also seen in verse
34, in which activities take place
that will actively prove to mankind
what sin brings. When Yahwehs
Righteousness, which brings absolute Peace, Joy, Love and Eternal
Life, was rejected, mankind set
up God worship that deceived the
people into believing that they could
follow the evil, rebellious babylonish system of confusion and still be
given Eternal Life. Yahweh agreed
to let them go their own way, which
all the world now follows, to show
them what sin brings. This takes
place in a set time period, and we
are in the last, proving generation
(Mattithyah 24:34).
Mattithyah 24:33-34
33 In the same way, when you see
all these things, know that His coming
and The End of the Ages are near, at
the very door.
34 Truly I say to you: That generation
will not pass away, until all these things
are fulfilled.

Yahshua was speaking of the same

time period described by Yahwehs
Prophet Isayah. Notice:
Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahwehs very Eyes, the

earth is made empty and it is made
waste; the face of it is perverted and its
inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people,
so with the priest; as with the servant,
so with his owner; as with the maid, so
with her mistress; as with the buyer, so
with the seller; as with the lender, so
with the borrower; as with him who
takes usury, so with him who gives
usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied
and utterly plundered, for it has come
to pass that this Judgment has been
4 The earth mourns and fades away,
the world mourns and fades away,
and the haughty people of the earth
5 The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants of it, because they have
transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell
therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.
18 And it will come to pass, that he
who flees from the noise of the fear will
fall into the pit; and he who comes up
from the midst of the pit will be caught
in the snare; for the windows from on
high are open, and the foundations of
the earth are shaken.
19 The earth is utterly broken down,
the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is
shaken exceedingly.
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a
drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The
transgression in it will be heavy upon it;
it will fall, and not rise again.

The Great Prophet Malakyah refers

to this great burning period. He
shows that those who practice sin
will destroy themselves, by fighting
and war, with great burning.
Malakyah 4:1
For, behold, the day comes that will
burn like an oven; and all the proud,
yes, and all who do wickedly, will be
stubblethe day that comes will burn
them up, says Father Yahweh; and it
will leave them neither root nor branch.

knowledge increases
It is an historical fact that mankind
was not given technology until the
time period given by the Prophets,
shown to be this last generation.
Carefully read the following excerpts.
Leo Szilard - Patenting the
Atomic Bomb
Hungarian physicist, Leo Szilard was the
first person to conceive of the nuclear
chain reaction and the atomic bomb. He
was noted for his contributions to the
fields of thermodynamics, biophysics,
nuclear physics, and the development of
atomic energy.
Leo Szilard was part of the group of scientists that invented the atomic bomb as
part of the Manhattan Project.

Leo Szilard - Nuclear Chain Reaction

On July 4, 1934 Leo Szilard filed the first
patent application for the method of producing a nuclear chain reaction aka nuclear explosion. His British patent included
a description of a neutron induced chain
reactions to create explosions, and the
concept of critical mass. The patent was
given to the British War Office as part of
the war effort.

The Manhattan Project

In 1938, word spread that the Germans
had discovered fission.Many people
thought that Hitler would attempt to
create an atomic bomb, but Hitler had
killed all of the intelligent Jewish scientists in the concentration camps. Some
scientists moved to the United States to
seek freedom and Albert Einstein was
one of them. He urged President Franklin Roosevelt to create an atomic bomb
before the Germans. Roosevelt agreed
and the project became codenamed The
Manhattan Project.
This project took place from 1942
to 1945.The first involvement with the
government was when G.B. Pegram
from Columbia University set up a
meeting between Enrico Fermi and the

Navy Department in early 1939.In mid

1939, Albert Einstein was encouraged
by other scientists to show President
Roosevelt his fission chain reaction, and
in February 1940, 6,000 dollars was
set aside to start research.A United
States physicist,Robert Oppenheimer
and General Leslie R. Groves were in
charge of this project. In 1942, the Corps
of Engineers Manhattan District was
assigned to construct manufacturing
facilities where the project could be carried out.Overall, The Manhattan Project
employed 130,000 workers and cost the
United States almost 2 billion dollars.
The first bomb ever tested was an implosion-type bomb at the Trinity test.It
took place at Alamogordo Bombing and
Gunnery Range on July 16, 1945.After
the war, the Manhattan Project invented
new weapons, supported research of radiology and paved a path for the nuclear
navy. In January 1947, the United States
Atomic Energy Commission took control.

51f. The Manhattan Project

In late 1941, the American effort to design
and build an ATOMIC BOMB received its
code name the MANHATTAN PROJECT.
By the summer of 1945, Oppenheimer
was ready to test the first bomb. On
July 16, 1945, at TRINITY SITE near
ALAMOGORDO, NEW MEXICO, scientists of the Manhattan Project readied
themselves to watch the detonation of the
worlds first atomic bomb. The device was
affixed to a 100-foot tower and discharged
just before dawn. No one was properly
prepared for the result.
A blinding flash visible for 200 miles lit
up the morning sky. A mushroom cloud
reached 40,000 feet, blowing out windows of civilian homes up to 100 miles
away. When the cloud returned to earth it
created a half-mile wide crater metamorphosing sand into glass. A bogus cover-up
story was quickly released, explaining
that a huge ammunition dump had
just exploded in the desert. Soon word
reached President Truman in Potsdam,
Germany that the project was successful.
The world had entered the nuclear age.

Thats what Prophecy says toothe

world has entered the nuclear age.
Mattithyah 24:3, 34

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of

Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these
things be? What will be the sign of Your
coming and The End of the Ages?
34 Truly I say to you: That generation
will not pass away, until all these things
are fulfilled.

Was the internet invented in

1934? The scientist whose
televised book foretold the
world wide web seven decades
Notice the date1934. Continue
with article.
By Daily Mail Reporter
A scientist in the 1930s may have been decades ahead of his time when he suggested
combining a telephone connection with a
TV screen.

While many have difficulty remembering
the world without the internet, it was nothing
more than imagination in 1934, when Paul
Otlet described what would become the
information superhighway.

TechNewsDaily reported that during
a discussion of the world wide webs past,
present and future at the World Science
Festival in New York City on Saturday, Otlets
name came up.

Otlet, a Belgian scientist and author who
is already regarded as the father of information science, was on to something when he
published his Treaties on Documentation.

Decades before the iPad, the Kindle,
or even the computer screen, Otlet was
devising a plan to combine television with
the phone to send and spread information
from published works.

In his Treaties on Documentation, Otlet
referenced what would become the computer when he wrote: Here the workspace is no
longer cluttered with any books.

In their place, a screen and a telephone
within reach From there the page to be
read in order to know the answer to the

question asked by telephone is made to

appear on the screen.

He went on to suggest that dividing a
computer screen could show multiple books
at once, a possible reference to opening a
few browser windows or tabs at once.

More than 30 years later, Otlets writings
were first put into practice.

Yahshua brought the Prophecy of

the end generation and the nuclear
bomb around 26 CE. He was speaking of a generation that did not begin until 1934. That was 1905 years
before the generation He spoke of
actually began. In this Prophecy,
Yahshua said that True Love would
grow cold in this generation. He also
shows us the reason.
Mattithyah 24:12
And because iniquity will abound,
the love of the many will grow cold.

According to the Greek dictionary

in Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, the word iniquity is word
#458 from word #459, and means:
not subject to the Laws; that is,
doing away with the Laws.

The Apostles show that True Love is

that which is practiced by obedience
to Yahwehs Laws of Righteousness.
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses
also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive
you; he who practices Righteousness
is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the
devil, for the devil has sinned from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of
Yahweh was manifested; that He might
destroy the works of the devil.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh
and the children of the devil are
manifest. Whoever does not practice
Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and
he does not love his neighbor!

Did you notice the last part of verse

10? The roman catholic church and
all other religions in this generation,
actually teach iniquity. They teach
that Yahwehs Laws were done
away with, which they were, by the
popes, just as prophesied by Daniyl,
the Prophet of Yahweh.
Daniyl 7:21-26
21 I beheld, and the same horn made
war with the Saints, and prevailed
against them;
22 Until the Ancient of Days came,
and Judgment was given to the Saints
of Yahweh; and the time came that the
Saints possessed the kingdoms.
23 This is what he said; The fourth

beast will be the fourth kingdom upon

earth, which will be different from all
other kingdoms, and will devour the
whole earth, and will tread it down,
and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this
kingdom are ten kings that will arise;
and another will rise after them; and he
will be different from the first ones, and
he will subdue three kings.
25 And he will speak great words
against Yahweh, and will wear out;
mentally attack to cause to fall away,
the Saints of Yahweh, and think to
change times; Yahwehs Feast Days,
and Laws; and they will be given into
his hand until a time, and times, and
the dividing of time.
26 But the Judgment will sit, and
they will take away his government, to
consume and to destroy it completely.

Verse 26 shows the nuclear destruction that is prophesied for the roman
catholic church and the nations she
Revelation 17:15

And he said to me: The waters which

you saw, where the whore sits, are
peoples, and multitudes, and nations,
and languages.

And through his policy,

he will also cause craft;
deceit and fraud, to
succeed in his hand; and
he will magnify himself in
his heart, and by peace
will destroy many...
Daniyl 8:25

theres still time

Yahwehs Feast

Passover &
Unleavened Bread

leading the nations into

The roman catholic church has always fought against the Scriptures.
They passed laws which forbid
the people from owning the Holy
Scriptures and from keeping the
Fourth Commandment, which is
to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath
(Saturday) Holy.
The consumption shown in
Daniyl 7:26 is also shown in the
Book of Revelation. This Book
shows the roman catholic church
that sits on the seven hills is about
to be consumed.
Revelation 17:9
And here is the mind which has
wisdom: The seven heads are seven
mountains on which the woman sits.

Comptons Pictured Encyclopedia,

1948, Volume 12, page 144, tells us
about the city of seven hills.
...the City of Seven Hills. ...the Capitoline, Palatine, Aventine, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, and Caelian hills. ...the
seat of the papacy, the head of the great
Roman Catholic Church.

Revelation 17:18

And the woman whom you saw, is

that great city which reigns over the
kings of the earth.

The roman catholic church and the

pope called Francis are still teaching, and having their subjects teach,
sin in all homes by hollywood sodomites via television, and all other
forms of media. They also teach

disobedience through the supreme

court of America that pushes all
the evil laws that were forced and
enforced during all the crusades in
which millions of people were murdered for trying to practice Righteousness. Notice the prophesied
consumption of the catholic church.
Isayah 65:1-7

1 I am sought by those who did not

ask for Me; I am found by those who
did not seek Me. I said: Here I am, here
I am, to a nation that was not called
with My Name.
2 I have spread out My Hands all the
day to a rebellious people, who walk in
a way which is not right, after their own
thoughts; devices;
3 A people who continually act defiantly against Me to My Face; who offer
sacrifices to the dead, and offer their
children to deadly sexually transmitted
4 Who assemble and spend the night
keeping memorials for the dead, who
eat swines flesh, and the broth of
abominable things is in their vessels,
5 Who say; Stand by yourself! Do
not come near me, for I am holier than
you! These are a stench in My Nostrils.
They are why I have an ever burning
zeal concerning them.
6 Behold, it is written before Me; I
will not keep silent, for they have their
reward for their committing acts of
adultery, fornication, and sodomy, yea
even, they have their reward, which
is in their nakedness which they have
shamefully exposed
7 You and your f ath er s h ave
transgressed My Laws together, says
Yahweh. You have burned incense
upon the mountains, and blasphemed
Me upon the hills. Therefore, your

reward for what you have done will be

measured into your nakedness which
you have shamefully exposed.

Isayah 66:17

They who sanctify themselves, and

purify themselves in the gardens, following after the priest in the midst of
those who eat swines flesh, that which
is offered to gods (elohim) and the
rodentwill be consumed together:
says Yahweh.

Consumed together? Yes, in the

same nuclear burning.
Malakyah 4:1-4

1 For, behold, the day comes that will

burn like an oven; and all the proud,
yes, and all who do wickedly, will be
stubblethe day that comes will burn
them up, says Father Yahweh; and it
will leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But for you who reverence My
Name, the Light of Righteousness will
arise with healing in its wings; and you
will go out, leaping like calves released
from the stall.
3 And the wicked will be trodden
down; for they will be ashes under the
soles of your feet in the day that this
will be done, says Yahweh our Father.
4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My
Servant, which I commanded through
him in Horeb for all Israyl, with the
Statutes and Judgments.

If there are still yet questions about

who this religion is that is leading
the world into sin and wars, read on.
Revelation 17:1-6

1 And there came one of the seven

Malakim who had the seven bowls, and
talked with me, saying to me: Come, I
will show you the sentence of the great
whore that sits upon many waters,

2 With whom the kings of the earth

have committed fornication; practiced
idolatry: Godworship (the worship of
elohim), and the inhabitants of the
earth have been made drunk with the
wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the Spirit
into the midst of Godworshipers (worshipers of elohim); and I saw a woman
sitting on a scarlet colored beast, full
of names of blasphemy, having seven
heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in
purple and scarlet color, and decked
with gold, and precious stones, and
pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of
her fornication.
5 And upon her head was a name
written: Mystery Babylon the great,
the mother of the harlots and of the
abominations of the earth.
6 And I saw the woman drunk with
the blood of the Saints, and with the
blood of the martyrs of Yahshua. And
when I saw her, I wondered with great

Revelation 17:9, 18

9 And here is the mind which has

wisdom: The seven heads are seven
mountains on which the woman sits.
18 And the woman whom you saw,
is that great city which reigns over the
kings of the earth.

Yes, this great city does sit on seven

hills and she is the leader of the
kings of the earth in this generation.
Revelation 18:1-5, 8
1 And after these things I saw another Malak come down from heaven,
having Great Authority; and the earth

was enlightened with His Glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong
voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every
foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
and hateful bird.
3 For all nations have drunk of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the
merchants of the earth have grown
rich through the abundance of her
4 And I heard another voice from
heaven, saying: Come out of her, My
people, so that you do not partake in
her sins, and so that you do not receive
of her plagues,
5 For her sins have reached unto
heaven, and Yahweh has remembered
her iniquities!
8 Therefore, her plagues will come
in one daydeath, and mourning, and
famine; and she will be utterly burned
with fire; for strong is Father Yahweh
Who judges her.

Remember, the roman catholic

church is universal; that is, they
worship all Gods. Each hill, on
which this city sits, is named after a
God. Their memorials to the dead is
called halloween. Her sins are heavy
upon the earth.
Isayah 24:5-6, 20
5 The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants of it, because they have
transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has de-

voured the earth, and they who dwell

therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a
drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The
transgression in it will be heavy upon it;
it will fall, and not rise again.

Isayah 24:1-6

1 Before Yahwehs very Eyes, the

earth is made empty and it is made
waste; the face of it is perverted and its
inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people,
so with the priest; as with the servant,
so with his owner; as with the maid, so
with her mistress; as with the buyer, so
with the seller; as with the lender, so
with the borrower; as with him who
takes usury, so with him who gives
usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied
and utterly plundered, for it has come
to pass that this Judgment has been
4 The earth mourns and fades away,
the world mourns and fades away,
and the haughty people of the earth
5 The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants of it, because they have
transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell
therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and

slow of heart to believe all that the
Prophets have spoken!


The very fact that ALL

Yahwehs Feasts and His
Laws of Righteousness in
this present, prophesied
generation prove the
Prophecies True and reliable.
I have proved that sexual sins have
caused the cursed, upset weather
patterns taking place throughout
the whole world. Sexual parasites
are bringing death to the air we
breath, the firmament we rely on
for rain and even the oceans from
which comes
The lakes are drying up. The cattle
supply is diminishing, as are crops.

Drying Lakes and Rivers

In a new era of conditions dangerously
affected by global warming, the worlds
waters are rapidly running dry, creating crisis for wild habitats and human
civilizations. The following are some of
the seas, rivers, lakes, and underground
water reserves we have lost or are losing,
impacting the livelihoods of hundreds of
millions people, animals, farming, lives,
electricity, and threatening with CO2 and
methane release, exacerbating climate
Worlds major rivers drying one-third are
gone or going.

Groundwater wells for 3 billion people
are drying up.

Top 10 global river systems drying, ebbing

Chinas Salween River, Europes
Danube, South Americas la Plata, North
American Rio Grande, Indias Ganges,
Pakistans Indus, Africas Nile and Lake
Victoria, Australias Murray Darling,
Southeast Asias Mekong-Lancang, Chinas Yangtze
The following is a list of some of the most
vital and largest bodies of water which are
dying or completely gone.
AFRICA: Rivers from Mt. Kenya; Most
lakes in Kenya; Africas largest lake, Lake
Victoria; Africas 4th largest lake, Lake
Chad; Worlds longest, Nile River; Worlds
3rd longest, Niger River; Rivers and
streams in Kaoma, Zambia; Tanzanias
Lake Natron; Tanzanias Lake Manyara
and Canada: Lakes Michigan-Huron,
Superior-St. Clair; Emergency water supply from Great Lakes jeopardized; Arctic
ponds on Canadas Ellesmere Island; San
Gabriel River, California; Canyon Lake,Texas; 10,000 plus lakes in Alaska; Colorado
River; Largest US reservoir, Lake Mead;
James River, Virginia; Elephant Butte and
Caballo Reservoirs; Upper Colorado River
Basin; Thurmond Lake, South Carolina;
Brule, Popple, Pine and Menominee Rivers, Wisconsin; Lake Mendocino reservoir
in northern California; Folsom Lake reservoir, California; Water bodies near Tampa
Bay, Florida, USA; Ogallala Aquifer, USA;
Mexicos Lerma-Chapala-Santiago River
Basin; Rio Grande (Rio Norte) River
Glacial Lake Tempano; Chiles Cachet

Lake; Iguazu Falls, UNESCO heritage site

in Argentina and Brazil; Bolivias Lake
Poop; Paraguays River water losses
lead to declared emergency state; Perus
aquifer drained too fast; Uruguays four
main reservoirs critically low
EUROPE: River Greta in Teesdale, UK
dried; Britains Mersey and Severn Rivers down; Many rivers, lakes estuaries
and aquifers in England and Wales, low;
Germanys Elbe River; Germanys Rhine
River; Hungarys Lake Balaton (Europes
largest freshwater lake); Cyprus Kourris
Reservoir gone, must ship water from
Greece; Northern Greeces Lake Koroneia;
Over 1,000 large lakes in Siberia, Russia
dried up, likely having drained into to
permafrost melting beneath; Turkeys 2nd
largest lake, Lake Tuz, now a desert; Turkeys lakes and wetlands in Konya Basin
dried up; Many of Turkeys large lakes;
Turkeys Lake Kozanl; Turkeys Lake
Cavuscu; Turkeys Lake Meke; Turkeys
largest, River Kzlrmak

Shivering cattle means more

expensive beef
January 14, 2014 11:43 am
Bloomberg News

CHICAGO As temperatures dipped to

a record minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit,
the crew at Dean Wangs ranch in Baker,
Mont., increased alfalfa-hay rations to
give his cattle more energy during the
arctic blast.
Cattle are requiring more feed in
order to just maintain their body temperature, instead of putting that extra energy

into gaining weight, said Wang, 46, who

has about 850 cows that will calve this
spring and 550 young cattle. This year,
everyone started feeding a little earlier
than what they would have liked, because
of the heavy snow and the cold.

The deep freeze that swept across the
United States last compounding
stress on a shrinking domestic beef industry already struggling with high costs
and weather shocks. the cold slowed
the growth of livestock and extended a
rally in Chicago cattle futures to a record,
signaling higher beef costs

The U.S. cattle herd contracted for six
straight years to the smallest since 1952,
government data show. A record drought
in 2011 destroyed pastures in Texas, the
top producing state, followed the next year
by a surge in feed-grain prices during the
worst Midwest dry spell since the 1930s.
Fewer cattle will mean production in the
$85 billion beef industry drops to a 20year low in 2014, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture said.

Whole world at risk from

simultaneous droughts,
famines, epidemics: scientists

Research published by US National Academy of Sciences warns climate change

impacts could be worse than thought
Nafeez Ahmed
Tuesday 17 December 2013
An international scientific research project known as the Inter-Sectoral Impact
Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP),
run by 30 teams from 12 countries, has
attempted to understand the severity and
scale of global impacts of climate change.
The project compares model projections
on water scarcity, crop yields, disease,
floods among other issues to see how they
could interact.

Europe, North America at risk

One paper whose lead author is Franziska

Piontek of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research explores impacts
related to water, agriculture, ecosystems,
and malaria at different levels of global
The study concludes that:

... uncertainty arising from the impact

models is considerable, and larger than
that from the climate models. In a low
probability-high impact worst-case assessment, almost the whole inhabited
world is at risk for multisectoral pressures.
The uncertainties in the model are large
enough that they may mask the risk of
a worst case scenario of multisectoral
hotspots, where impacts affecting water, agriculture, ecosystems, and health
overlap in ways that could affect all the
worlds inhabited areas.
In the worst-case analysis, Almost
the entire global population is exposed
to multisectoral pressure at global mean
temperatures of around 4C higher, with
roughly 18% of the global population
projected to experience severe pressure
in all four sectors. The affected regions are
in Europe, North America, and south-east

Chronic water scarcity

Other papers point to significant risks

that are much more likely on a business-as-usual emissions trajectory.
A study led by Jacob Schewe of
Potsdam finds that the combination of
unmitigated climate change and further
population growth will expose a significant fraction of the world population to
chronic or absolute water scarcity.
About 2.7C above preindustrial temperatures:

... will confront an additional approximate 15% of the global population with
a severe decrease in water resources and
will increase the number of people living
under absolute water scarcity (<500m3
per capita per year) by another 40%
(according to some models, more than
100%) compared with the effect of population growth alone.
The Mediterranean, the Middle East, the
southern United States and southern China, for example, could see a pronounced
decrease of available water, while southern India, western China, and parts of
eastern Africa could see an increase.

Agricultural collapse

Water scarcity in turn will have a dramatic

impact on agriculture. Another study in
the PNAS collection combining climate,

agricultural and hydrological models

warns that freshwater shortages could
double climate changes debilitation of
global food crop yields.
Other findings of the range of studies
show that increases in river flooding are
expected in more than half of the areas
investigated, and that the frequency of
drought may increase by more than 20%
in some regions.

Children and animals are born sick

and dying with everything you can
imagine, even cancer of the brain
as well as other organs. The cause
of this defilement is shown by
Yahwehs Prophets. We have 100%
proof of this.

Gone with the wind!

I know Pope Francis is telling you
that it will all get better. Just allow
him to kiss a few more babies and
brag about his sins and the sins
of the roman catholic church and
the diseases they are creating and
spreading, and the problems will
all vanish. But Yahshua Messiah,
the High Priest over The House
of Yahweh, says the curses will
get even worse. This generation
is prophesied to bring the worse
curses ever in mans history. Its
not a matter of whether or not
theyre coming, theyre already here
and will grow worse each day until
nuclear wars end them with the
prophesied massive burning.
Mattithyah 24:21-22, 29, 33-34
21 For then will be Great Tribulation,
such as has not come to pass since the
beginning of the world to this timeno,
nor ever will be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but
for the Elects sake, those days will be
29 Immediately, but after the Great
Tribulation of those days will the sun be
darkened, and the moon will not give
her light, and the stars will fall from
heaven, and the powers of the heavens
will be shaken.
33 In the same way, when you see
all these things, know that His coming

and The End of the Ages are near, at

the very door.
34 Truly I say to you: That generation
will not pass away, until all these things
are fulfilled.

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahwehs very Eyes, the

earth is made empty and it is made
waste; the face of it is perverted and its
inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people,
so with the priest; as with the servant,
so with his owner; as with the maid, so
with her mistress; as with the buyer, so
with the seller; as with the lender, so
with the borrower; as with him who
takes usury, so with him who gives
usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied
and utterly plundered, for it has come
to pass that this Judgment has been
4 The earth mourns and fades away,
the world mourns and fades away,
and the haughty people of the earth
5 The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants of it, because they have
transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell
therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.
18 And it will come to pass, that he
who flees from the noise of the fear will
fall into the pit; and he who comes up
from the midst of the pit will be caught
in the snare; for the windows from on
high are open, and the foundations of
the earth are shaken.
19 The earth is utterly broken down,
the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is
shaken exceedingly.
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a
drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The
transgression in it will be heavy upon it;
it will fall, and not rise again.

And whoever will call with

the Name of Yahweh will be
delivered. For The House
of Yahweh; those who keep
Yahwehs Laws through the
Priest who teaches peace,
there will be deliverance, as
Yahweh has said, among the
remnant who has escaped of
those whom Yahweh calls.
Yahyl 2:32


need to
The Savior said it in:
Yahchanan 5:14

Afterward, Yahshua found him in

the sacred precincts of The House of
Yahweh, and said to him: Behold, you
are healed. Sin no more, or a worse
thing will come upon you.

The Apostles said it in:

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted,

that your sins may be blotted out; that
times of refreshing may come from the
Presence of Yahweh.

There is no way that anyone will

be able to survive what is coming
unless they repent and come to the
Protected Place that Yahweh has
Mattithyah 6:33

But seek you first the Kingdom of

Yahweh and His Righteousness, and
all these things will be added to you.

Deuteronomy 12:5

But you are to seek the Habitation of

your Father; The House of Yahweh
the place which Yahweh your Father
shall choose out of all your tribes to
establish His Nameand there you
must go.

The next Appointed Feast is

tentatively scheduled to begin
with Yahshuas Memorial on April
13, 2014 at sunset through April

21, 2014. You need to get your

application in soon. Also start now
to get your visa. Keep us informed
of your progress. They dont want to
let you escape from their bondage,
so let me know right away if you
are turned down in your country.
I will be praying for those who are
trying to keep their Appointment
with Yahweh.

Pope Francis, LET MY PEOPLE
GO so they can keep a Feast unto
Exodus 5:1
Afterward Mosheh and Aaron went
to Pharaoh, and said; This is what
Yahweh Almighty, Father of Israyl, says:
Let My People go, so they may hold a
Feast to Me in the wilderness.

Leviticus 23:5-8

5 On the Fourteenth of the First

Moon, between the two evenings,
Yahwehs Passover Sacrifice is to be
6 And on the Fifteenth Day of the
same Moon is the Feast of Unleavened
Bread to Yahweh; seven days you must
eat unleavened bread.
7 On the first day you shall gather to
sanctify the Name of Yahweh, showing
your loyalty to Him by doing Righteous
works; therefore, doing the Work of
Yahweh on it.
8 And you shall zealously offer yourselves to Yahweh in service for seven

days. On the Seventh Day you shall

gather to sanctify the Name of Yahweh,
showing your loyalty to Him by doing
Righteous works; therefore doing the
Work of Yahweh.

In these Last Days, in this Last

Yeremyah 23:7-8

7 Therefore behold, the days come,

says Yahweh, that they will no longer
say; As surely as Yahweh lives Who
brought up the children of Israyl out
of the land of Egypt;
8 But they will say; As surely as
Yahweh lives Who brought up and led
the seed of the house of Israyl into the
Protected Place at Abel, and from all
countries where they had been driven;
and they will dwell in their own land.

Pope Francis, let My People go!

Repent and sin no more or worse
things are headed your way!
May Yahweh bless your understanding.
Love, True Love

Yisrayl Hawkins



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