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Ficus racemosa

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Ficus racemosa
Ficus - racemosa.JPG
Scientific classification
Order: Rosales
Family: Moraceae
Genus: Ficus
F. racemosa
Binomial name
Ficus racemosa
Ficus glomerata Roxb.
Ficus racemosa (syn. Ficus glomerata Roxb.) is a species of plant in the Moracea
e family. Popularly known as the Cluster Fig Tree, Indian Fig Tree or Goolar (Gu
lar) Fig, this is native to Australia, Malesia, South-East Asia and the Indian S
ubcontinent. It is unusual in that its figs grow on or close to the tree trunk,
termed cauliflory. In India the tree and its fruit are called gular in the north
and atti in the south. The fruits are a favourite staple of the common Indian m
acaque. In Kerala it is consider as one among nalpamara It serves as a food plan
t for the caterpillars of the butterfly the Two-brand Crow (Euploea sylvester) o
f northern Australia.[1]
Contents [hide]
1 In Hinduism
2 In Buddhism
3 Uses
3.1 Health Uses
3.2 International naming
4 References
5 External links
In Hinduism[edit]
In the Atharva Veda, this fig tree (Sanskrit: u?umbara or udumbara)[2] is given
prominence as a means for acquiring prosperity and vanquishing foes.[3] For inst
ance, regarding an amulet of the udumbara tree, a hymn (AV xix,31) extols:
The Lord of amulets art thou, most mighty: in thee wealth's
ruler hath engendered riches,
These gains are lodged in thee, and all great treasures. Amulet,
conquer thou: far from us banish malignity and indigence,
and hunger.
Vigour art thou, in me do thou plant vigour: riches art thou, so
do thou grant me riches.
Plenty art thou, so prosper me with plenty: House-holder, hear
a householder's petition.[4]
It has been described in the story of Raja Harischandra of the Ikshvaku dynasty,
that the crown was a branch of this Udumbura tree, set in a circlet of gold. Ad
ditionally, the Throne (simhasana) was constructed out of this wood and the roya
l personage would ascend it on his knee, chanting to the gods to ascend it with
him, which they did so, albeit unseen. The tree has been worshipped as Abode und
er which Guru Duttatreya Dutta,teaches that to teach first learn from others how
ever small or Big.there is always something to be learnt from One and to learn n
ew things one has to learn to Unlearn as per the time.The tree is seen planted i
n all the places associated with Lord Duttatreya who is seen as an icon Rishi a

sage who represents all the three of the TRINITY of hinduism-Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva,Creator,maintainer,and destroyer needed for each one to learn by unlearnin
g the obsolete.this is the plan of evolution in analogy.
In Buddhism[edit]
Clusters of gular figs on a tree trunk in India
Main article: Udumbara (Buddhism)
Both the tree and the flower are referred to as the udumbara (Sanskrit, Pali; De
vanagari: ???????) in Buddhism.[5] Udumbara can also refer to the blue lotus (Ni
la udumbara) flower. The udumbara flower appears in chapters 2 and 27 of the Lot
us Sutra, an important Mahayana Buddhist text. The Japanese word udonge (???) wa
s used by Dogen Zenji to refer to the flower of the udumbara tree in chapter 68
of the Shobogenzo ("Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma"). Dogen places the c
ontext of the udonge flower in the Flower Sermon given by Gautama Buddha on Vult
ure Peak. Udonge is also used to refer to the eggs of the lacewing insect. The e
ggs are laid in a pattern similar to a flower, and its shape is used for divinat
ion in Asian fortune telling.[6]
In Theravada Buddhism, the plant is said to have used as the tree for achieved e
nlightenment, or Bodhi by twenty sixth Lord Buddha called "Konaagama - ??????".
Pickled and halved gular figs
Lion-tailed macaque feeding on this fig
In ancient times both Hindu and Buddhist ascetics on their way to Taxila, (Origi
nal name is Taksha Sila) travelling through vast areas of Indian forests used to
consume the fruit during their travels. One challenge to vegetarians were the m
any fig wasps that one finds when opening a gular fig. One way to get rid of the
m was to break the figs into halves or quarters, discard most of the seeds and t
hen place the figs into the midday sun for an hour. Gular fruit are almost never
sold commercially because of this problem[citation needed].
The Ovambo people call the fruit of the Cluster Fig eenghwiyu and use it to dist
ill Ombike, their traditional liquor.[7]
Health Uses[edit]
The bark of Audumbar/Oudumbar tree is said to have healing power. In countries l
ike India, the bark is rubbed on a stone with water to make a paste and the past
e is applied over the skin which is afflicted by boils or mosquito bites. Allow
the paste to dry on the skin and reapply after a few hours. For people whose ski
n is especially sensitive to insect bites; this is a very simple home remedy

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