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TEST: 0001 Section: End-User site

Test Date Page / Option Steps - Instructions

Default.aspx Home/Top Menu

Default.aspx Home/Main Logo

Default.aspx Home/Main Logo
Default.aspx Home/Price convertion

2009-11-14 Default.aspx Home/Price convertion/Button
Default.aspx Home/Search


Default.aspx Home/Advance Search


default.aspx Home/Main Image (big image on the top)


2009-11-14 Home/Product offer

2009-11-14 Home/Top 5 Rated

2009-11-14 Home/Product Tabs

2009-11-14 Home/Category images

2009-11-14 Home/Product Subcategories


2009-11-14 Home/botton menu bar



2009-11-14 ShoppingCart.aspx Shopping Cart







2009-11-14 Shopping Cart/log in

2009-11-14 Shopping Cart/log in/New Account Registration

2009-11-14 AccountRegistration.aspx
2009-11-14 AccountRegistration.aspx Shopping Cart/log in/New Account Registration

2009-11-14 ComboDeals.aspx Combo Deals

2009-11-14 ProductList.aspx?cat=5& Categories Top menu bar
2009-11-14 ProductList.aspx?cat=4&scat=36&Categories Top menu bar/subcategories/Laptops /


Select product from subcategory or any other

2009-11-14 ProductDetails.aspx place
Select product from subcategory or any other
2009-11-14 ProductDetails.aspx place

2009-11-14 CustomerBuild.aspx Clic on a category

2009-11-14 CustomerBuild.aspx Clic on a category

2009-11-14 CustomerBuild.aspx Clic on a category

2009-11-15 CustomerBuild.aspx Select products


ser site Website: Mall Digital

Steps - Instructions Expected results

View top menu as unlogged user

The Logo should have the appropriate size and look

When clicking in the Logo image it should take me to the Home

rtion The list should list the currencies to be used in the website (US
dollaras and "Nuevos Soles") (Peruvian currency)

rtion/Button The button name should be "Convertir"

The search option should work properly.

search icon should be located properly

earch Advance Search function should work properly

Should be in the same position as it appears on the

age (big image on the top)
design provided.

Should be a functional bar where the user is able to

click and see the characteristics of the displayed
offer products
Should be a functional bar where the user is able to
click and see the characteristics of the displayed
ated products
As the name says there shold be 5 products shown
in this part.
The font should be smaller (the same one as in the
Tabs mock up design)

The category images should be consistent and they

y images go within a gray border (as in the mock up design)
The categories area should have a fixed size so
that it looks consistent.
The layout should be consistent. The spaces
between the subcategories should resemble the
Subcategories ones in the mock up desing.
The option that the user can use to see "More+"
subcategories should be align like in the mock up

When a category has no subcategories it should not

be shown
At the end of the subcategories panel there is only
one small space that divides this part with the
botton menu bar (like in the mock up design)
There is no blank space at the end of the page (like
menu bar in the mock up design)

The botton menu bar should contain the pertaining


The layout should resemble the mock up design

The header checkbox should check all checkboxes

and work properly.

After selecting products and checkout. If it is a new

user he would be given the option to sign up as a
/log in new customer.
the layout should be the correct layout wiht the
/log in/New Account Registration specified requirements.
The buttons should be correct
/log in/New Account Registration The registration page should work properly

Combo Deals
p menu bar Please refer to image
p menu bar/subcategories/Laptops / This page should have the correct layout

The page should show all the requirements.

from subcategory or any other

View Product detail page layout as mockup design
from subcategory or any other
View Product detail page layout as mockup design

gory -
gory -

gory Price should be shown with 2 decimals

s -
Priority Links

Real results
The options actually shown within the top menu show the options that only high img01
an already logged on user could see (My account, order status)

Right now the Logo is shown within a red border and it seems to have been high img02
cut on the upper side. It would be a good idea to make it bigger so that it fits
better within the space provided.

Nothing happens when we click on the Logo

The only value on the list is price conversion which doesn't work high

The button name is button high img04
The search option does not work properly. If the user enters a product and high
press "enter" tha it takes him to an almost empty page (the image shows the
page that appears after the users presses "enter")
If the user, instead of pressing enter clicks on the "icon" it shows an error high
page. (The image shows the error page that appears after the users clicks on
the icon). img06
The layout for the search icon is not correct. Please refer to image and high
compare with the design provided by you. The icon should be closer to the
search field and there is a small field below it that should not be there. Also,
It is too close to the "advance search" option

When user clicks on the "Advance Search" option it takes him to an error high
page (The image shows the error page that appears after the users clicks
that option). img08
It seems to have been moved a bit down so the dividing line high
is missing under the image (please see image and compare
to correct design) img09
It actually shows a plain image where user cannot select any
of the products displayed. high img10

It actually shows a plain image where user cannot select any

of the products displayed.
high img11

There are photos of 6 products medium img12

The font has been changed and all the text has been
changed to big caps medium img13

The category images have different sizes and there is no

gray border medium img14
The categorie's area does not have the same size so the
page looks inconsistent. Please refer to image img15

The spaces between the subcathegories are bigger than in

the mock up design medium img16
The option "More+" is not align and it looks disorganized.
Also when you click on this option it throws an error. medium img17
there are two categories that have no subcategories. besides
there are images missing that do not look well on the web
page. medium img18

There are two blank spaces between the subcategories

panel and the botton menu bar medium img19
There is a blank space at the end of the page that should not
be there. Kindly refer to image. medium img20

The third column on the botton menu bar apparently makes

no sense. Perhaps it would be better to remove this column high img21
The last item on the last column within the botton menu bar
should be deleted (Admin) high img22

The layout is completely different to the mock up disign. The

only thing that should be ommited from the mock up design
is the "Calculate shipping" section. high img23
The buttons have no style as opossed to other button within
the site high img24
Once the user selects a product, the display page for the
view cart page is different as in the mock up design. high img25
When a user selects one product. He is taken to the
shopping cart site. However, there is no button that would
allow him to continue shopping as in the mock up desing. high

The header checkbox does not work. It does not check the
checkboxes of the items in the shopping cart. Therefore, any
application made to these does not work either. high img26

Even if I have no products selected within the shopping cart

if I click on the "check out button" it takes me to the "agree
for terms" page. Instead, there should be a message that
should say something like "No tienes productos en tu carrito
de compras" (You have no products in your shopping cart. high
When there are no items selected and the user clicks on the
"shopping cart" option, The selected page should open and
display a message that says "Su carrito de compras está
vacío" (your shopping cart is empty). high

The layout is not correct. The "Create New Account" button

has no style. high img27
Incorrect layout. Please mark the obligatory fields with an
asterisk high img28
The buttons have no style and do not fit. high img29
The registration page does not work properly. Please
test and review. Check that it works according to the
requirements. Ergo, the login page does not work either.
We can not continue testing this option. We are
wondering if you have considered the "promotion code"
within the checkout page after a sucessful registration. HIGH

Please eliminate the "Specials" option. Right now the page

shows only one combo. If there were more than one combo
they shoulg go one below the other. The "BUY THIS
COMBO" button has no design, How could we create this
kind of products within the Administrator page? high
Please refer to image high img30
The layout looks bigger and the products are not aligned. Pl high img31

Below the subcategories there should be another option with

filters so that the user can look for products according to
specifications. Please see the requirements document. high img32

The current design is not according to the mockup design:

-There is no way to see users comments (even if there is
none a message should be show).
-There is no way to see which other products customer
-There is no way to see related products.
-There is no way to see comboproducts, if it is not part of a
combo product a message should appear
Can not add the product to wishlist, an error message
Price is incorrect, the price is 23 the discount is 3 and the
effective price is 34, it is loading selling price 2 instead of
substract 3 of 23 high Img33

The top section is not shown correctly High Img34

The cancel button and the select button in the modal popup
haven't any style class assigned medium -
User has no way to see the product detail medium -
The price is shown with 4 decimals, it should be show with 2
decimals medium -
The add button hasn't any style class assigned, can not
complete test because login errors medium -
Observation type





































This categories are not created

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