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Tuna salad rcipe
List of ingredients
1 homemade salsa
2 cans of tuna
1 pack of soda crackers
5 Tablespoons mayonnaise

How to preparing
First, mix the homemade salsa and tuna.
Then add mayonaise in the mix.
Next, mixture all.
After that, serve dishes with soda cracker.
Finally, ready to eat.

How to preparing
First cut 2 slices of bread.
Then spread mayonnise to the slices.
Next, take 1 slice of jam and 1 slice of cheese and put
them on one of the two slices of bread.
After that add jalapeo peppers and some tomatoes.
Finally cover with the other slice and enjoy it.

Paloma: hello Teo.
Teo: hello Paloma.
Paloma: have you ever come to this restaurant?
Teo: No, I havent.
Paloma: I really enjoyed the food here.
Teo: We are going to sit down at a table.
Waiter. I can bring the menu
Paloma: Teo, have you ever eaten chicken mole?
Teo: Yes I have.
Paloma: did you liked them?
Teo: Yes I did. They were delicious.
Paloma: to my never me to like.
Waiter: have decided that will eat?
Teo: I'm going to eat an order of chicken mole.
Waiter: And you miss?
Paloma: I think I'll order shrimp soup.

After eating

Teo: did you like the shrimp soup.

Paloma: yes I did. I had never eaten a shrimp soup very delicious. And you.
Did you like the chicken mole?
Teo. Yes. I did.

Paloma: - Hello. Neo! I'm jealous!
Neo:- Jealous? Whatever for?
Paloma: - Well, envious, at any rate. I hear you're planning a canoeing trip this
weekend. I want to go too!
Neo: - Well, that's right. It was a last minute thing really. Ezer called me and said he
wanted to canoe down to Miguel Hidalgo and he asked if I'd like to go with him. I said
yes. Weather permitting, of course.
Paloma: - Why can't I go as well?
Neo: - Well, he's only got two canoes. And you can't get more than one person in a
Paloma: - When are you leaving?
Neo: - We're leaving really early on Saturday morning at about seven. The canoes
are at Ezer house so we're going to load them onto the car roof-rack and then we're
going to drive down to the Lavirtud somewhere and set off for Miguel Hidalgo. We're
going to canoe for a few hours and then stop off for a drink at a pub on the way.
Paloma: - Sounds lovely!
Neo: - Well, yes, if the weather's good. Then we're carrying on to Lavirtud. We should
get there sometime early evening if all goes well. In Lavirtud there's a kind of
warehouse where we're going to leave the canoes until another time.
Paloma: - So how are you getting back then?
Neo: - Eh, I hadn't thought about that. By bus, I suppose.
Paloma: - Well, I could pick you up in my car and bring you both home. What do you
Neo: - Yes, sounds like a great idea and we could have a meal in the Trout pub in
Lavirtud before we come back. We're going to need it. I should think we'll be starving.
Paloma: - Well, you'd better call your friend and ask him, then.
Neo: - Yes. You're right. I'll do that and then I'll call you straight back.
Paloma: - OK. You see. You can't escape from me so easily!
Neo: - I can see that! Bye for now, sweetheart.
Paloma:- Goodbye, darling.

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