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Spanish 1

Unit Activity

Unit: Who Am I?
This Unit Activity will help you meet these educational goals:
Vocabulary SkillsYou will use new and learned vocabulary in different real-world
Cultural AwarenessYou will investigate the culture and customs of other countries and
compare them to your own.
Communication SkillsYou will practice reading, writing, and listening skills to
communicate meaningfully in a new language.
21st Century SkillsYou will employ online tools for research and analysis, apply
creativity and innovation, and communicate effectively.

This is a culminating activity of the unit that you have studied, where you learned to
express information about your own or others physical appearance and personality traits.
You also learned to discuss personal likes and dislikes related to various subjects such as
food, activities, and colors, and to describe your own or others thoughts, feelings, and
opinions on various topics.
Please save this document before you begin working on the assignment. Type your
answers directly in the document.

Directions and Analysis

Task 1: Vocabulary Table and Grammar Guide
Update the vocabulary table and grammar guide that you started in the previous unit with the
new vocabulary and grammar rules that youve learned in this unit.
a. Update your Vocabulary Table here: (Insert your table from the previous unit here and
update it.)
Vocabulary Table
Spanish Word/Phrase

English Equivalent or
Context Reminder

Pronunciation Tips
like the a in father
Like the r in rabbit
Like the f in father
Like the b in bunch
Like the c in crunch




Like the a in as
Like the t in the
Like the a in as
Like the s in same
Like the c in can
Like the a in ask
Like the a in ahhh
Like the z in zebra

b. Update your Grammar Guide here: (Insert your guide from the previous unit here and
update it.)
Grammar Guide
you (informal)
Tu cortas
Tu machacas
Tu asas

Tu cocinas
Tu comes

Tu anades
Tu mides
Tu anades
Tu eres talla s
Tu usas camisa
talla s.

When to Use
When Not to Use
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
. to address an
or a younger person older person or
someone you
to address a friend to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
. to address an
or a younger person older person or
someone you
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect
to address a friend
to address an older
or a younger person person or someone
you respect

Task 2: Describe Physical Appearances

Visit any online fashion magazine site.
a. Describe in Spanish the outfits worn by any two models pictured on the site using the
vocabulary that youve learned in this unit.
b. Describe the physical appearance of the two models you chose, including their hair color,
hair length, and hair texture. Please type your response in Spanish.
c. Copy and paste the pictures of the models beneath each description.
Type your response here:
ariana lleva vestido rojo y pelo rubio sucio tambin la celebracin de una pequea per se
y el uso de maquillaje. ariana lleva vestido rojo y pelo rubio sucio tambin la celebracin
de una pequea per se y el uso de maquillaje.


b. .escribe your appearance (or that of your avatar or someone you know) in Spanish,
including height, weight, and other physical characteristics.
c. Describe a few of your likes and dislikes in Spanish.

d. Give your opinion in Spanish about a current event in a Spanish-speaking country of

your choice. You may wish to do some research about current events at Periodico
Digital, a Spanish news website in Erics host city, Puebla.
Type your response here: Un emocionado Teresa Romero da gracias a Dios y el
cuidado de la salud los trabajadores para ahorrar su vida como ella es liberada del
hospital Carlos III de Madrid despus de pasar un mes all, la mayor parte en

Task 4: Interview a Prominent Spanish Personality

Choose a politician or a celebrity from a Spanish-speaking country. If you were to
interview that person for your school magazine, what kind of questions would you ask?
Prepare a questionnaire with a list of those interview questions in Spanish. Include
questions that can be answered factually, such as, Where were you born? Which school
did you go to? Which was your first movie (if the person is an actor)? Also include
questions that seek the opinion of that person on any two topics that are of interest to you.

As you are unlikely to meet that person and conduct an actual interview, answer your
interview questions on that persons behalf. Do some research on that person to answer
as accurately as possible. You can use your imagination to answer opinion-based

Type your response here: selena gomez

Ques Cuntos aos tienes
answer : 22 aos (22 de julio, 1992)
Ques qu ciudad natal
answer: Grand Prairie, Texas
Ques cul es selenas color favorite
answer: El color favorito de Selena es verde
Ques La comida favorita de Selena
answer: Comidas favoritas de Selena Gomez
son la pizza, camarones
Ques Flor favorita de Selena Gmez answer: selenas flor favorita es una rosa
Task 5: Write a Traditional Spanish Recipe
Research the traditional foods of Spanish-speaking countries and select one popular yet
authentic dish that is associated with a particular Spanish-speaking country. Write the
recipe for that dish in Spanish.
Type your response here: Para la masa de empanadas: Combine la harina, el polvo
para hornear, el azcar y la sal en un tazn grande. Cortar en la manteca de cerdo
con una batidora de repostera o 2 cuchillos hasta que la mezcla se asemeja a la
harina de maz gruesa.

Task 6: Describe a Friend

Describe a friends likes and dislikes, and her appearance and personality traits. Record
5-6 sentences about your friend in Spanish. Use any audio recorder available on your
computer. Submit that audio file to your teacher by way of the drop box.

Mis amigos les gusta viajar e ir al skatepark . Tambin les gusta tener
siempre la pizza cuando vamos a la pista de patinaje . Siempre vamos
al cine el viernes . Mis amigos disgustos cuando la gente les en el
parque de patinaje .

Your teacher will use these criteria to evaluate your work.
Task 1: Vocabulary Table and Grammar Guide

(1 point)Beginning (2 points)Developing (3 points)Proficient

(4 points)Distinguished


Completes the vocabulary table comprehensively: includes a comprehensive list of vocabulary

terms from the unit, correctly translates the words or gives context clues in Spanish, and provides
accurate pronunciation tips

Creates a comprehensive grammar guide: correctly establishes the rules for writing Spanish,
based on lessons from the unit

Completes the vocabulary table adequately: includes many vocabulary terms from the unit,
correctly translates most words or gives context clues in Spanish, and provides adequate
pronunciation tips

Creates an adequate grammar guide: adequately establishes the rules for writing Spanish,
based on lessons from the unit

Completes the vocabulary table partially: includes some vocabulary terms from the unit, correctly
translates some words or gives context clues in Spanish, and provides some pronunciation tips

Creates a somewhat adequate grammar guide: somewhat correctly establishes the rules for
writing Spanish, based on lessons from the unit

Completes the vocabulary table partially and incorrectly: includes very few vocabulary terms
from the unit, translates words or gives context clues in Spanish with several errors, and provides very
limited pronunciation tips

Creates a grammar guide with several errors: establishes very few or incorrect rules for writing
Spanish, based on lessons from the unit

Task 2: Describe Physical Appearances


(4 points)Distinguished
(1 point)Beginning (2 points)Developing (3 points)Proficient

Chooses words that describe the outfits accurately

Gives a correct description of the models

Chooses words that describe the outfits mostly accurately

Gives a moderately correct description of the models

Chooses words that describe the outfits somewhat accurately

Gives an incorrect description of the models

Chooses words that describe the outfits inaccurately.

Gives an incorrect description of the models

Task 3: Describe People, Likes, Dislikes, and Opinions


g Beginnin
(2 points)Developing (3 points)Proficient(1 point)
(4 points)

Uses correct vocabulary to give a complete physical description

Expresses likes and dislikes accurately using the verb gustar

Writes a complete, well-thought-out opinion using as much Spanish as possible to convey

and meaningfully

Uses very
limited vocabulary
to describe physical appearance

Expresses likes and dislikes inaccurately using the verb gustar

Writes an opinion in English instead of using Spanish

Uses correct vocabulary to give a moderately complete physical description

Expresses likes and dislikes accurately using the verb gustar
Writes a complete, well-thought-out opinion using a moderate amount of Spanish to convey
information accurately and meaningfully

Uses limited vocabulary to describe physical appearance

Expresses likes and dislikes in a limited manner using the verb gustar

Writes a somewhat complete opinion using a limited amount of Spanish

Task 4: Interview a Prominent Personality

d (4 points)Distinguishe


Accurately researches and provides information about a prominent Spanish personality

Creates a well-thought-out list of questions to ask said personality using appropriate Spanish

Uses creativity to answer questions that ask for opinions on certain topics

Prepares a complete and well-thought-out list of opinions on two chosen topics, using as much
Spanish as possible to convey information accurately and meaningfully

(1 point)gBeginnin (2 points)Developing (3 points)Proficient

Accurately researches and provides information about a prominent Spanish personality

Creates a moderately well-thought-out list of questions to ask said personality using a
moderate amount of Spanish vocabulary

Uses creativity to answer questions that ask for opinions on certain topics

Prepares a moderately complete and well-thought-out list of opinions on two chosen topics,
using a moderate amount of Spanish to convey information somewhat accurately and meaningfully

Somewhat accurately researches and provides information about a prominent Spanish


Creates a reasonably well-thought-out list of questions to ask said personality using limited
Spanish vocabulary

Partially answers questions that ask for opinions on certain topics

Prepares a somewhat complete list of opinions on two chosen topics, using a limited amount
of Spanish

Somewhat accurately researches and provides incomplete information about a prominent

Spanish personality

Creates a list of questions to ask said personality using very limited Spanish vocabulary

Partially answers or fails to answer questions that ask for opinions on certain topics

Prepares only one or two opinions and on only one chosen topic, using little or no Spanish

Task 5: Write a Traditional Spanish Recipe

(4 points)Distinguished


Accurately identifies and researches a popular yet traditional dish associated with a Spanishspeaking country
Writes the recipe of the dish correctly using appropriate Spanish vocabulary

(1 point)Beginning (2 points)Developing (3 points)Proficient

Correctly identifies and researches a popular yet traditional dish associated with a Spanishspeaking country

Writes the recipe of the dish correctly using a moderate amount of Spanish vocabulary

Identifies and somewhat accurately researches a popular yet traditional dish associated with a
Spanish-speaking country

Writes the recipe of the dish somewhat correctly using limited Spanish vocabulary

Identifies a popular yet traditional dish associated with a Spanish-speaking country but
provides very little or no information about it

Writes the recipe of the dish in English using very limited Spanish vocabulary

Task 6: Describe a Friend (Audio Recorder Activity)

(4 points)Distinguished

(3 points)Proficient


Response is completely on topic

Communicates clearly in the target language; uses a variety of vocabulary; rare instances of
pronunciation or sentence structure errors that impede understanding

Response is related to the topic

Communicates clearly in the target language, uses sufficient vocabulary; a few pronunciation
or sentence structure errors that slightly impede understanding

(2 points)Developing

(1 point)Beginning

Response does not relate to the topic or is inappropriate or irrelevant

Does not communicate in the target language in a coherent manner; does not use much
vocabulary; makes many pronunciation or sentence structure errors that make the audio difficult
to understand

Response is not on topic or us too brief or low level; may be of little value (e.g., yes or no

Unclear communication in the target language; uses limited vocabulary; makes several
pronunciation or sentence structure errors that significantly impede understanding


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