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EC2021- Medical Electronics Study Materials for all 5 units

a) Resting Potential
b) Action Potential
May/June 2009, Nov/Dec 2008
1.2)Define Conduction Velocity Apr/May 2008, Nov/Dec 2008, May/June 2007
1.3)State all or none law in respect of cell bio potential.
Apr/May 2008
1.4)Name the electrodes used for recording EMG and ECG. Nov/Dec 2012
1.5)List the lead systems used in ECG recording.
Apr/May 2010
1.6)What is PCG?
May/June- 2012, Nov/Dec 2012
1.7)Compare the signal characteristics of ECG and PCG. Nov/Dec 2011
1.8)What is EOG?
Nov/Dec 2011
1.9)Draw typical ECG waveform. Nov/Dec 2009, May/June 2007
1.10What are the peak amplitude and frequency response for ECG, EEG and EMG.
1.11) Write down the Nernst equation ? (Nov/Dec 07 )
1.12) What is Phonocardiogram ? (Nov/Dec 07 )

1.1)What is the specific usage of a SIGNAL AVERAGER ? (May/ June 2006)

1.14)What is EARLY RECEPTOR POTENTIAL (ERP) ? (May/ June 2006)
1.15)Write down the Nernst Equation ? (APRIL/MAY 2005)
1.16)What are the factors that influence the flow of ions across the membrane ? (APR/MAY 2005)
1.17).Draw an action potential waveform and label the amplitude and give the time scale for nerve cells
and heart muscle.( April /May 2004)
1.18). What is PCG ? What is its diagnostic use ? ( April /May 2004)
1.19)Mention the important bands of frequencies in EEG and their importance. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
1.20)What are the electrodes used for recording EMG ? ( Nov.Dec.2003)

1.1) Discuss in detail the origin of bioelectric potentials with necessary diagrams. (Nov/Dec 07 )

1.2)Draw an Electrocardiogram, labeling the critical features. Include typical

time intervals for a normal person(Nov/Dec 07 )

amplitudes and

1.3)With neat diagrams explain the 12 lead system in ECG measurement (Nov/Dec 07 )
1.4). Draw the waveform of the ACTION POTENTIAL and explain :
(i) Depolarization

(ii) Repolarization

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EC2021- Medical Electronics Study Materials for all 5 units

(iii) Resting Potential

(iv) Absolute Refractory period

(v) Relative Refractory Period (vi) Propagation Rate

(vii) all-or-nothing law and

(viii) net height of the action. (May/ June 2006)

1.5) Draw the waveform of the ACTION POTENTIAL and describe Resting Potential ,
Depolarization, Repolarization, action potential, Absolute Refractory period and Relative
Refractory Period (APR/MAY 2005)
1.6)Write down Goldman Equation and write the constants indicate. (APR/MAY 2005)
1.7)Draw a typical single channel ECG machine and give justification for the inclusion of each circuit
block of the machine. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
1.8)Write about standard lead system for ECG recording. Also draw a typical ECG waveform and mark
the various complexes of ECG and give their durations. ( April /May 2004)
1.9)Write briefly about the recording devices for EMG.

( April /May 2004)

1.10) Draw the equivalent circuit of a pair of electrodes in electrolytic contact with a human being to
measure bio-potential. Name the components.
1.11).Draw a typical 8 channel EEG machine and discuss about its function. (12)


1. Define
c) Resting Potential
d) Action Potential

May/June 2009, Nov/Dec

Resting potential is defined as the electrical potential of an excitable cell relative to its
surroundings when not stimulated or involved in passage of an impulse. It ranges from -60mV to
Action potential is defined as the change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an
impulse along the membrane of a cell.

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2. Define Conduction Velocity

Apr/May 2008, Nov/Dec 2008, May/June

Conduction velocity is defined as the rate at which an action potential moves down a fiber or is
propagated from cell to cell. It is also called as Nerve conduction rate.
3. Write down the Nernst equation of action potential.
An equation relating the potential across the membrane and the two concentrations of the ion is
called Nernst equation.
C1 f1

C 2 f2
gas constant(8.315 x 107 ergs/mole/degree Kelvin)
absolute Temperature, degrees Kelvin
valence of the ion (the number of electrons added or removed to ionize the atom)
Faraday constant (96,500 coulombs)
C1, C2 two concentrations of the ion on the two sides of the membrane
f1, f2 respective activity coefficients of the ion on the two sides of the membrane
4. What is meant by sodium pump?
Sodium pump is an active process in which sodium ions are quickly transported to the outside of
the cell and the cell again becomes polarized and assumes its resting potential.

5. State all or none law in respect of cell bio potential.

Apr/May 2008

Regardless of the method by which a cell is excited or the intensity of the stimulus, the action
potential is always the same for any given cell.
6. List the types of bioelectric potentials.
Bio electric potential related to
ElectroCardioGram (ECG)
ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG)
ElectroMyoGram (EMG)
Eye (Retina)
ElectroRetinoGram (ERG)
Eye (Cornea - Retina)
ElectroOculoGram (EOG)
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7. Define electrode and list its types.

The devices that convert ionic potential into electronic potential are called as electrode.
The types of electrode are
a) Micro electrode
b) Depth and needle electrode
c) Surface electrode
8. What are perfectly polarized and perfectly non polarized electrodes?
Electrodes in which no net transfer of charge occurs across the metal electrolyte interface is
called perfectly polarized electrode.
Electrodes in which unhindered exchange of charge occurs across the metal electrolyte interface
is called perfectly non polarized electrode.
9. What are the types of electrodes used in bipolar measurement? May/June- 2012
The types of electrodes used in bipolar measurement are
a) Limb electrodes
b) Floating Electrodes
c) Skin electrodes
10. Name the electrodes used for recording EMG and ECG.
Electrodes used for recording EMG are
a) Needle electrodes
b) Surface electrodes
Electrodes used for recording ECG are
d) Limb electrodes
e) Floating Electrodes
f) Pregelled disposable electrodes
g) Pasteless electrodes



11. State the importance of biological amplifiers.

Apr/May 2010

Bio signals such as ECG, EMG, EEG, EOG have low amplitude and low frequency. So,
amplifier is used to boost the amplitude level of bio signals.
12. What are the requirements for bio-amplifiers?
Bio amplifiers must have
a) High input impedance
b) Isolation and protection circuit
c) High voltage gain
d) Constant gain throughout required bandwidth
e) Low output impedance
f) High CMRR
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13. What are the basic components of biomedical systems?
The basic components are
a) Patient
b) Transducer
c) Signal processing equipment
d) Display
e) Control unit
f) Stimulus
14. List the lead systems used in ECG recording.
The lead systems used in ECG recording are
a) Bipolar Limb leads or Standard leads
b) Augmented unipolar limb leads
c) Chest leads or precordial leads

Apr/May 2010

15. What is evoked potential?

The external stimuli are detected by the sense organs which cause changes in the electrical
activity of the brain. Due to this, potential is developed in the brain as the response to external
stimului like light, sound etc. It is called as evoked potential.
16. What is PCG?
May/June- 2012, Nov/Dec -2012
A Phonocardiogram or PCG is a graphic display of the sounds generated by the heart and picked
up by a microphone at the surface of the body. Frequency response required is 5 to 2000 Hz. It
is measured by special transducer or microphone.
17. Compare the signal characteristics of ECG and PCG. Nov/Dec-2011

ECG wave occurrence

QRS Complex
End of T wave
Beginning of P wave

PCG wave occurrence

1 heart sound
2nd heart sound
3rd heart sound

18. What is EOG?

Electrooculogram is the measure of the variations in the corneal retinal potential as affected by
the position and movement of eye. The EOG potentials are picked up by small surface electrodes
placed on the skin near the eye.

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19. State the importance of PCG signals.
May/June 2009
The importance of PCG signals are
a) Different types of heart sounds are measured.
b) Additional sounds are heard between normal heart sound due to vibration setup
in the blood inside the heart by sudden closure of valves.
c) The presence of higher frequencies (mumurs) in the phonocardiogram indicates a
possible hear disorder such as Aortic stenosis, Mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis
20. Define latency as related to EMG.

Nov/Dec 2008

Latency is defined as the elapsed time between the stimulating impulse and the muscle action
potential. In other words it is the time delay between stimulus and response

21. Draw typical ECG waveform.

QRS Complex

Nov/Dec 2009, May/June 2007

Amplitude (mV)
0.1 0.5

Duration (sec)
0.12 0.22 (P R interval)
0.07 0.1
0.05 0.15 (S T segment)

22. What are the important bands of frequencies in EEG and state their importance.
Nov/Dec 2004
Frequency (Hz)

0.5 4

These wave occur in deep sleep in premature babies and

in very serious organic brain disease.



These wave occurs during emotional stress in some

adults particularly during disappointment and frustration

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8 13

Beta( )

13- 22

They found in the normal persons when they are awake

in a quiet, resting state. During sleep they disappear.
It is observed when the person is alert active, busy, or
anxious thinking, active concentration

23. What are the peak amplitude and frequency response for ECG, EEG and EMG.
Bioelectric potential

activity of heart

0.1 to 4mV

ElectroEncephaloGram Records
activity of

2 to 200V


50V to


0.05 to
Used to measure
120 Hz
heart rate,
arrhythmia and
0.1 to 100 Used to analysis
evoked potential,
certain patterns,
5 to 2000
Used as indicator
of muscle action
for measuring




2.1) What are the typical values of blood pressure and pulse rate of an adult? (Nov/Dec.2012)
2.2) What are systolic and diastolic pressures?
( Nov/Dec 2011)
2.3) What is the reason for decrease of cardiac output?
2.4) Define Cardiac Output.
2.5) State the principle behind the indicator dilution method.
2.6)What is residual volume?
( May /June 2007)
2.7) What is electrophoresis?
(April / May 2010)
2.8) What are the applications of flame photometer?
( Nov/Dec2009)
2.9) How is auto analyzer useful in medical field?
( April /May 2010)
2.10)What are korotkoff sounds?
( Nov/Dec 2008)
2.11) Name the four physical principles based on which blood flow meters are constructed?
(Nov/Dec 07 )
2.12) Define Mean Arterial Pressure ? (Nov/Dec 07)
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.1) What is a BRANCHO SPIROMETER ? (May/ June 2006)
2.14) Name two types of electronic temperature-sensing devices used in biomedical applications.
(May/ June 2006)
2.15) Write down the demerits of indirect method of blood pressure measurement . (APRIL/MAY 2005)
2.16) What are Cardiac output and phonocardiogram ? (APRIL/MAY 2005)
2.17) What are the demerits of electromagnetic blood flow meter ? ( April /May 2004)
2.18) Name any two methods of respiration rate measurement . ( April /May 2004)
2.19) What is flame photometer? ( Nov.Dec.2003)
2.20) What is Cardiac output? Mention the methods of measurement of cardiac output.( Nov.Dec.2003)

2.21)What are the two methods of pulse measurement?

2.1) What is a coulter counter ? Explain its operation. Mention the drawbacks of the system.
( Nov.Dec.2003)
2.2) Explain how the pH of blood is measured. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
.)Define the term Cardiac Output . How is cardiac output measured by dye dilution technique?
Explain. ( April /May 2004)
2.4).Describe , with neat diagrams, the operation of a blood cell counter working on the principle of
conductivity. list the drawbacks of the system. ( April /May 2004)
2.5) Give a pictorial representation of Long Volumes and capacities indicate and explain the following :
i)Tidal Volume (ii) Insipiratory reserve volume (iii) Expiratory Reserve Volume (iv) Residual
Volume (v) Vital Capacity (vi) Total Lung capacity (vii)Inspiratory capacity
(viii)Functional residual capacity. (APR/MAY 2005)
2.6) List out the physical principles based on which blood flow meters are working. (APR/MAY 2005)
2.7)Draw the block diagram of ultrasonic blood flow meters and explain the method of measuring the
velocity of blood flow. (APR/MAY 2005)
2.8) Compare DIRECT measurements and INDIRECT measurements of BLOOD
PRESSURE .( May/ June 2006)
2.9)Name the physical principles based on which the blood flow meters are used.
2.10)Write down the application of ELECTROPHORESIS and explain the BASIC principles
involved .

(May/ June 2006)

2.11)Explain :
(i) ultrasonic Blood flow meter (Doppler type) (May/ June 2006)
(ii) Plethysmograph. (May/ June 2006)

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2.12) Draw the block diagram of ultrasonic blood flow meter. Explain the method of
measuring the velocity of blood flow using (i) transit time principle (ii) Doppler Effect
(Nov/Dec 07 )
2.13)Describe a procedure for the measurement of pH in blood . (Nov/Dec 07 )
2.14)Explain the principle and the working of Electrophoresis apparatus (Nov/Dec 07 )










What are the typical values of blood pressure and pulse rate of an adult?
Systolic (maximum) blood pressure in the normal adult is in the range of 95 to145 mm
Hg, with 120 mm Hg being average. Diastolic (lowest pressure between beats) blood
pressure ranges from60 to 90 mm Hg, 80 mm Hg being average.
What are systolic and diastolic pressures?
The hearts pumping cycle is divided into two major parts systole and diastole. Systole is
defined as the period of contraction of the heart muscles specifically the ventricular
muscle at which time blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Systolic
pressure is 120 mm Hg(average value). Diastole is the period of dilation of the heart
cavities as they fill with blood. Diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg (average value).
What is the reason for decrease of cardiac output?
The reason for decrease of cardiac output may be due to low blood pressure, reduced
tissue oxygenation, poor renal function, shock and acidosis.
Define Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per
minute. In case of adults during each beat, the amount of blood pumped ranges from 70
to 100 ml. for normal adults the cardiac output is about 4- 6 liters/ minute.
State the principle behind the indicator dilution method.
The indicator dilution method is based on the principle that a known amount of dye or
radio isotope as an indicator is introduced with respect to time at the measurement site, so
the volume flow of blood can be estimated.
What is residual volume?
( May /June
Residual volume is the volume of gas remaining in the lungs at the end of maximum
Define Tidal Volume
Tidal volume is also called as normal depth volume of breathing or is the volume of gas
inspired or expired during each normal quiet respiration cycle.
What is total lung capacity?
The total lung capacity is the amount of gas contained in the lungs at the end of maximal

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9. Define Vital Capacity
The vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of gas that can be expelled from the
lungs after a maximal inspiration.
10. What is electrophoresis?
(April / May 2010)
Electrophoresis is a method for separating and analyzing macromolecular substances such as
plasma proteins. The method is based on the fact that, the molecules carry electric charges and
therefore migrate in a electric field.
11. How is cardiac output is used?
Using implanted electromagnetic fine probe on the aorta, find the cardiac output per minute
directly can be found by multiplying the stroke volume with the heart beat rate per minute.
12. What are the uses of gas analyzers?
Gas analyzers are used to determine the quantitative composition of inspired and expired gas to
assess the lung function.
13. What are the uses of blood flow meters?
Blood flow meters are used to monitor the blood flow in various blood vessels and to measure
cardiac output.
14. What are the applications of flame photometer?
Flame photometer is used to analyze urine or blood in order to determine the concentration of
potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca) and lithium (Li).
15. What are blood cells?
The blood cells have important functions in our body. The red blood cell is used for the transport
of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The white blood cells are part of the bodys defense against
infections and foreign substances. The platelet is involved in the clotting of blood.
16. What is the purpose PO2 electrode is used?
PO2 electrode is used to determine the oxygen tension in the blood. It is a piece of platinum wire
embedded in an insulating glass holder with the end of wire exposed to the electrolyte into which
the oxygen from the solution under measurement is allowed to diffuse through the membrane.
17. How is auto analyzer useful in medical field?
( April /May
Auto analyzer is used to measure blood chemistry and display that on a graphic recorder.
18. What are korotkoff sounds?
In the Blood pressure (BP) measurement, when the systolic pressure exceeds the cuff pressure,
then the doctor can hear some crashing, snapping sounds through the stethoscope. These sounds
are called as korotkoff sounds.
19. What is cardiac output? What are the methods of measurement of cardiac output?
( Nov/ Dec
Cardiac output is the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per minute. For normal
adult, the cardiac output is 4- 6 litres/min. The cardiac output is measured by using three
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methods. They are Ficks Method, Indicator dilation method, Measurement of cardiac output by
impedance change.
20. What are the two methods of pulse measurement?
The methods used for measuring pulse are transmittance and reflectance methods.










What are the typical values of blood pressure and pulse rate of an adult?
Systolic (maximum) blood pressure in the normal adult is in the range of 95 to145 mm
Hg, with 120 mm Hg being average. Diastolic (lowest pressure between beats) blood
pressure ranges from60 to 90 mm Hg, 80 mm Hg being average.
What are systolic and diastolic pressures?
The hearts pumping cycle is divided into two major parts systole and diastole. Systole is
defined as the period of contraction of the heart muscles specifically the ventricular
muscle at which time blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Systolic
pressure is 120 mm Hg(average value). Diastole is the period of dilation of the heart
cavities as they fill with blood. Diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg (average value).
What is the reason for decrease of cardiac output?
The reason for decrease of cardiac output may be due to low blood pressure, reduced
tissue oxygenation, poor renal function, shock and acidosis.
Define Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per
minute. In case of adults during each beat, the amount of blood pumped ranges from 70
to 100 ml. for normal adults the cardiac output is about 4- 6 liters/ minute.
State the principle behind the indicator dilution method.
The indicator dilution method is based on the principle that a known amount of dye or
radio isotope as an indicator is introduced with respect to time at the measurement site, so
the volume flow of blood can be estimated.
What is residual volume?
( May /June
Residual volume is the volume of gas remaining in the lungs at the end of maximum
Define Tidal Volume
Tidal volume is also called as normal depth volume of breathing or is the volume of gas
inspired or expired during each normal quiet respiration cycle.
What is total lung capacity?
The total lung capacity is the amount of gas contained in the lungs at the end of maximal

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9. Define Vital Capacity
The vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of gas that can be expelled from the
lungs after a maximal inspiration.
10. What is electrophoresis?
(April / May 2010)
Electrophoresis is a method for separating and analyzing macromolecular substances such as
plasma proteins. The method is based on the fact that, the molecules carry electric charges and
therefore migrate in a electric field.
11. How is cardiac output is used?
Using implanted electromagnetic fine probe on the aorta, find the cardiac output per minute
directly can be found by multiplying the stroke volume with the heart beat rate per minute.
12. What are the uses of gas analyzers?
Gas analyzers are used to determine the quantitative composition of inspired and expired gas to
assess the lung function.
13. What are the uses of blood flow meters?
Blood flow meters are used to monitor the blood flow in various blood vessels and to measure
cardiac output.
14. What are the applications of flame photometer?
Flame photometer is used to analyze urine or blood in order to determine the concentration of
potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca) and lithium (Li).
15. What are blood cells?
The blood cells have important functions in our body. The red blood cell is used for the transport
of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The white blood cells are part of the bodys defense against
infections and foreign substances. The platelet is involved in the clotting of blood.
16. What is the purpose PO2 electrode is used?
PO2 electrode is used to determine the oxygen tension in the blood. It is a piece of platinum wire
embedded in an insulating glass holder with the end of wire exposed to the electrolyte into which
the oxygen from the solution under measurement is allowed to diffuse through the membrane.
17. How is auto analyzer useful in medical field?
( April /May
Auto analyzer is used to measure blood chemistry and display that on a graphic recorder.
18. What are korotkoff sounds?
In the Blood pressure (BP) measurement, when the systolic pressure exceeds the cuff pressure,
then the doctor can hear some crashing, snapping sounds through the stethoscope. These sounds
are called as korotkoff sounds.
19. What is cardiac output? What are the methods of measurement of cardiac output?
( Nov/ Dec
Cardiac output is the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per minute. For normal
adult, the cardiac output is 4- 6 litres/min. The cardiac output is measured by using three
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methods. They are Ficks Method, Indicator dilation method, Measurement of cardiac output by
impedance change.
20. What are the two methods of pulse measurement?
The methods used for measuring pulse are transmittance and reflectance methods.










What are the typical values of blood pressure and pulse rate of an adult?
Systolic (maximum) blood pressure in the normal adult is in the range of 95 to145 mm
Hg, with 120 mm Hg being average. Diastolic (lowest pressure between beats) blood
pressure ranges from60 to 90 mm Hg, 80 mm Hg being average.
What are systolic and diastolic pressures?
The hearts pumping cycle is divided into two major parts systole and diastole. Systole is
defined as the period of contraction of the heart muscles specifically the ventricular
muscle at which time blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Systolic
pressure is 120 mm Hg(average value). Diastole is the period of dilation of the heart
cavities as they fill with blood. Diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg (average value).
What is the reason for decrease of cardiac output?
The reason for decrease of cardiac output may be due to low blood pressure, reduced
tissue oxygenation, poor renal function, shock and acidosis.
Define Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per
minute. In case of adults during each beat, the amount of blood pumped ranges from 70
to 100 ml. for normal adults the cardiac output is about 4- 6 liters/ minute.
State the principle behind the indicator dilution method.
The indicator dilution method is based on the principle that a known amount of dye or
radio isotope as an indicator is introduced with respect to time at the measurement site, so
the volume flow of blood can be estimated.
What is residual volume?
( May /June 2007)
Residual volume is the volume of gas remaining in the lungs at the end of maximum
Define Tidal Volume
Tidal volume is also called as normal depth volume of breathing or is the volume of gas
inspired or expired during each normal quiet respiration cycle.
What is total lung capacity?
The total lung capacity is the amount of gas contained in the lungs at the end of maximal

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9. Define Vital Capacity
The vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of gas that can be expelled from the
lungs after a maximal inspiration.
10. What is electrophoresis?
(April / May 2010)
Electrophoresis is a method for separating and analyzing macromolecular substances such as
plasma proteins. The method is based on the fact that, the molecules carry electric charges and
therefore migrate in a electric field.
11. How is cardiac output is used?
Using implanted electromagnetic fine probe on the aorta, find the cardiac output per minute
directly can be found by multiplying the stroke volume with the heart beat rate per minute.
12. What are the uses of gas analyzers?
Gas analyzers are used to determine the quantitative composition of inspired and expired gas to
assess the lung function.
13. What are the uses of blood flow meters?
Blood flow meters are used to monitor the blood flow in various blood vessels and to measure
cardiac output.
14. What are the applications of flame photometer?
( Nov/Dec2009)
Flame photometer is used to analyze urine or blood in order to determine the concentration of
potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca) and lithium (Li).
15. What are blood cells?
The blood cells have important functions in our body. The red blood cell is used for the transport
of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The white blood cells are part of the bodys defense against
infections and foreign substances. The platelet is involved in the clotting of blood.
16. What is the purpose PO2 electrode is used?
PO2 electrode is used to determine the oxygen tension in the blood. It is a piece of platinum wire
embedded in an insulating glass holder with the end of wire exposed to the electrolyte into which
the oxygen from the solution under measurement is allowed to diffuse through the membrane.
17. How is auto analyzer useful in medical field?
April /May 2010)
Auto analyzer is used to measure blood chemistry and display that on a graphic recorder.
18. What are korotkoff sounds?
( Nov/Dec 2008)
In the Blood pressure (BP) measurement, when the systolic pressure exceeds the cuff pressure,
then the doctor can hear some crashing, snapping sounds through the stethoscope. These sounds
are called as korotkoff sounds.
19. What is cardiac output? What are the methods of measurement of cardiac output?
( Nov/ Dec 2004).
Cardiac output is the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per minute. For normal
adult, the cardiac output is 4- 6 litres/min. The cardiac output is measured by using three

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methods. They are Ficks Method, Indicator dilation method, Measurement of cardiac output by
impedance change.
20. What are the two methods of pulse measurement?
The methods used for measuring pulse are transmittance and reflectance methods.



3.1) Distinguish between Internal and External pacemakers.

[M/J 2007], [N/D 2008]
3.2)What are the batteries used for implantable pacemaker?
[N/D 2012]
3.3)What is meant by fibrillation?
[M/J 2009][A/M 2010]
3.4)Calculate the energy stored in 16F capacitor of a DC defibrillator that is charged to a
potential of 5000 Vdc.
3.5)Draw the defibrillator output waveform and indicate the output energy level. [M/J 2012]
3.6)Draw the block diagram of a Bio-Telemetry system. [N/D 2008]
3.7)What are the advantages of biotelemetry system? [M/J 2007] [M/J 2009]
3.8)Specify the frequencies used for biotelemetry.[N/D 2012]
3.9)What is a radio-pill? [N/D 2009][A/M 2010][M/J 2012]
3.10)What is principle of telestimulation? [A/M 2008]
3.11)Classify Pacing modes. (Nov/Dec 07 )
3.12)What is Defibrillator ? State its use. (Nov/Dec 07 )
.1)Why should a patient susceptible to Ventricular fibrillation be watched continuously ?
(May/ June 2006)
3.14) Name three types of Exchangers used in HEMODIALYSIS system. (May/ June 2006)
3.15) Give two important features that demand internal pacemaker usage. (APRIL/MAY 2005)
3.16) Write down the advantage of (a) double modulation (b) Pulse Width Modulation in wireless
telemetry system. (APRIL/MAY 2005).
3.17) List the parameters to be monitored during dialysis. ( April /May 2004)
3.18) Define threshold of hearing. ( April /May 2004).
3.19) List the parameters to be monitored when the heart lung machine is connected to a patient.
( Nov.Dec.2003)
3.20Name the different hearing losses. Which of these effects is being minimized by hearing aid.
( Nov.Dec.2003)

3.1) With respect to the Defibrillator draw the following waveform :(Nov/Dec 07 )
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(1) DC fibrillator discharge waveform
(2) Dual peak monophasic defibrillator discharge waveform
(3) Truncated defibrillator discharge waveform .
3.2) Draw the basic circuit diagram of a capacitive discharge type of cardiac
defibrillator and explain the working principle

(Nov/Dec 07 )

3.3)What is Bio Telemetry ? Explain the working of single channel ECG telemetry system.
(Nov/Dec 07 )
3.4) W.r.t. DEFIBRILLATOR draw the following waveforms : (May/ June 2006)
(1) DC fibrillator discharge waveform
(2) Dual peak monophasic defibrillator discharge waveform
(3) Truncated defibrillator discharge waveform
(4) Write the technical properties of Electrodes used in Defibrillator.
3.5) (i) What are the basic requirements to be taken care for any implantable circuit ?
(ii) W.r.t Dialyser Perforamance what are CLEARANCE, PRIMING
(May/ June 2006)
3.6 i) Draw the basic circuit diagram of a capacitive discharge type of cardiac defibrillator and explain
the working principle. (APR/MAY 2005)
ii) List out the advantages of Rectangular Wave Defibrillators. (APR/MAY 2005)
3.7) Explain in detail about Pacing modes and pulse generators. (APR/MAY 2005)
3.8) What is Fibrillation ? With a neat diagram, discuss about the equipment used to correct this. What are
the precautions to be followed when such an equipment is used in the hospital? ( Nov.Dec.2003)
3.9) What is a Triggred type pacemaker ? Expalin .Also discuss about its merits and demerits compared to
other types of pacemakers. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
3.10). Write briefly about the power sources used for implantable tykpe of pacemaker . ( Nov.Dec.2003)
3.11).What is meant by Demand Pacemaker ? How is it different from other types of pacemakers ? State
the merits and demerits of this pacemaker.. ( April /May 2004)
3.12). How is atrial defibrillation arrested? Explain with neat diagrams of the setup used.
( April /May 2004)
3.13)What is meant by Demand Pacemaker ? How is it different from other types of pacemakers ? State
the merits and demerits of this pacemaker.. ( April /May 2004)

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3.14)How is atrial defibrillation arrested? Explain with neat diagrams of the setup used.
( April /May 2004)



Give two important factors that demand internal pace makers usage. [A/M2005]
The two important factors that demand internal pace makers usage are
(i). Type and nature of the electrode used
(ii). Nature of the cardiac problems.
(iii). Mode of operation of the pacemaker system.

Distinguish between Internal and External pacemakers. [M/J 2007]

[N/D 2008]

Internal Pacemakers

External Pacemakers

The pacemaker is a surgically

implanted when if the skin near the
chest or abdomen, with its outputs
leads is connected directly to the heart

The pacemaker is placed outside the

body. It may be in the form of wrist
watch or in the pocket, from that one
terminal will go in the heart through the

It requires open chest minor surgery It does not require open chest surgery
to place the pacemaker

It is used

There is no safety for the pacemaker, There is 100% safety for circuit from
particularly in case of child carrying the external disturbances.
the pacemaker



heart It is used for permanent heart regularity

3 Classify Pacing modes[N/D 2007]

Based on the modes of operation of the pacemakers, they can be classified into five types.
They are:
i) Ventricular asynchronous pacemaker(fixed rate pacemaker)
ii) Ventricular synchronous pacemaker.
iii) Ventri defibrillator inhibited pacemaker (demand pacemaker)
iv) Atrial synchronous pacemaker.
v) Atrial sequential ventricular inhibited pacemaker.
4 What are the batteries used for implantable pacemaker?[N/D 2012]
The batteries used for implantable pacemakers are
(i).Mercury cell, (ii).Lithium cells, (iii). Nuclear cell
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What types of electrodes are used in a defibrillator? [A/M 2005]

The electrodes used in a defibrillator are
(i)Internal electrodes - Spoon shaped
(ii)External electrodes Paddle shapped

What are the three types of exchangers used in HEMODIALYSIS system? [M/J
The three types of exchangers used in HEMODIALYSIS systems are
i)Parallel Flow dialyzer,
(ii).Coil Hemodialyser,
(iii). Hollow Fiber Hemodialyser

What is meant by fibrillation?[M/J 2009][A/M 2010]

The condition at which this necessary synchronism is lost is known as fibrillation.

During fibrillation the normal rhythmic contractions of either atria or the ventricles are
replaced by rapid irregular twitching of the muscular wall

Calculate the energy stored in 16F capacitor of a DC defibrillator that is charged

to a potential of 5000 Vdc.
Given Data:
C = 16F
V= 5000
E= (1/2) CV2
=(1/2) 16 10-6 25 106
=200 Joules

Draw the defibrillator output waveform and indicate the output energy level. [M/J

10 What is the modulation techniques used for biotelemetry? Mention the reason for
adopting that modulation scheme.[N/D 2004]
The two different modulation techniques used for biotelemetry are
i)Double Modulation
ii)Pulse Width Modulation
The reason for adopting such a scheme
i)Double modulation gives
a) better
The purpose behind this double modulation, it gives better interference free
performance in transmission, and this enables the reception of low frequency biological
signals. The sub modulators can be a FM (frequency modulation) system, or a PWM
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(pulse width modulation) system or a final modulator is practically always an FM
11 Draw the block diagram of a Bio-Telemetry system. [N/D 2008]



Amplifier &


12 What are the advantages of biotelemetry system? [M/J 2007] [M/J 2009]
Output unit
The advantages of biotelemetry systems are (Video
Tape recorder,
(i). It is used to record the biosignals over long
periods and while the
Patient is engaged in his normal activities.
(ii). The medical attendant or computer can easily diagonise the nature of
Disease by seeing the telemeter biosignals without attending patient
(iii). Patient is not disturbed during recording.
(iv). For recording on animals, particularly for research, the biotelemetry is
greatly used.
13 Specify the frequencies used for biotelemetry.[N/D 2012]
Wireless telemetry system uses modulating systems for transmitting biomedical
signals. Two modulators are used here. A lower frequency sub-carrier is employed in
addition to very- high frequency (VHF). This transmits the signal from the transmitter.
14 What is a radio-pill? [N/D 2009][A/M 2010][M/J 2012]
The radio pill is capable of measuring various parameters that are available in the
tract. With the help of radio pill type devices, it is possible for us to measure or sense
temperature, pH, enzyme activity, and oxygen tesion values. These measurements can be
made in associated with transducers. Pressure can be sensed by using variable inductance,
temperature can be measured by using temperature-sensitive transducer.
15 What is principle of telestimulation? [A/M 2008]
Telestimulation is the measurement of biological signals over long distance.


4.1)State different types of radiation generated from radio isotopes.

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May/June 2012

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4.2)What is meant by ionizing radiation?

Nov/Dec 2012, Nov/Dec 2011

4.3)In what way X-ray equipments are useful for diagnostic purpose?
4.4)Distinguish between hard X-ray and soft X-ray.
4.5)What is angiography?

Apr/May 2010

Nov/Dec 2009

Nov/Dec 2008

4.6)State few radio isotopes used for diagnostic purpose. Apr/May 2010, May/June 2009, Nov/Dec 2011
4.7)Differentiate between radiography and fluoroscopy. May/June 2007, Nov/Dec 2008
4.8)List out safety precaution to be taken while handling radio isotopes.
Nov/Dec 2009, Apr/May 2008
4.9)Name two equipments used in radiation therapy.
4.10)What is radiation therapy?

May/June 2007

Apr/May 2008

4.11) What is Angiography ? (Nov/Dec 07 )

4.12)State the principle by which body organs could be visualized by radioisotope
methods(Nov/Dec 07 )
4.1)Define let go current level. (May/ June 2006)
4.14) What is the basic difference between coherent fiber bundles and non-coherent bundles?
(May/ June 2006)
4.15) Name the types of scanning modes used in modern instrumentation. (APRIL/MAY 2005)
4.16) What are the types of Lasers used for therapeutic purposes. (APRIL/MAY 2005)
4.17) Define Micro shock and Macro shock.

( April /May 2004)

4.18) What is the principle of Cryogenic technique? Give any two medical applications of the same.
( April /May 2004)
4.19)Mention the scheme of modulation techniques used for biotelemetry. Also mention the reason for
such scheme ( Nov.Dec.2003)
4.20)What is the frequency of operation of ultrasound diathermy ?What is the reason for this frequency
selection ? ( Nov.Dec.2003)

4.1) Explain in detail an X-ray Image Intensifier with appropriate diagram (Nov/Dec 07 )
4.2)Discuss in detail the Scintillation detectors for gamma radiations with necessary diagrams
(Nov/Dec 07 )
4.3)With a neat block diagram explain the instrumentation system for radioisotope procedures.
(Nov/Dec 07 )
4.4)Write short notes on Fluroscopy. (Nov/Dec 07 )
4.5) Write down the salient features of Frequency Selection with respect to Biotelemetry.
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(May/ June 2006)
4.6) Draw the block diagram of a single channel telemetry system suitable for ECG
Transmission (May/ June 2006)
4.7) Write down the salient features of Microwave Diathermy . (May/ June 2006)
4.8) With the help of a suitable figure, explain Phrinic Nerve stimulator. (May/ June 2006)
4.9) List out the needs for Biotelemetry system. (APR/MAY 2005)
4.10) Draw the block diagram of a typical biotelemetry transmitter and a receiver. (APR/MAY 2005)
4.11) What are the advantages of Diathermy? (APR/MAY 2005)
4.12) Explain the Microwave Diathermy with a block diagram Representation. (APR/MAY 2005)
4.13)Write in detail about short wave diathermy. What are its applications. ? ( Nov.Dec.2003)
4.14)What is a Radio Pill ?Describe briefly. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
4.15)Discuss about intensity duration curve What is its use.?

( Nov.Dec.2003)


1. State the different types of radiation generated from radio isotopes.
Different types of radiation generated from radio isotopes are
Alpha Emission
Beta Emission
Gamma Emission
2. What is meant by ionizing radiation?
Nov/Dec 2012, Nov/Dec
The rays coming out from x rays or radioactive materials has the characteristics of ionizing the
gases through which it travels. This is known as ionizing radiation.
3. What is the need for ionizing radiation?
May/June 2009
The ability of ionizing radiation to penetrate materials that are opaque to visible light is utilized
in numerous techniques in medical diagnosis. The ionizing effects of radiation are also used for
the treatment of certain diseases, such as cancer. It is used in imaging as an aid to diagnose or as
a screening tool.
4. List the characteristics of X-ray.
Characteristics of X-ray are
They travel in a straight line with the speed of light in vacuum.
They expose photographic films.
They ionize gases
They penetrate matter.
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They cause emissions of electron from metals
They are not deviated by electric or magnetic fields.
5. In what way X-ray equipments are useful for diagnostic purpose? (Apr/May 2010)
X-ray equipments are useful for diagnostic purpose such as,
For detecting fractures in bones.
In Angiography X-ray is mainly used, to study blockage in blood vessel.
In fluoroscopy, it creates a moving x-ray image.
It is used to study the digestive and endocrine systems with the help of
contrast medium.
6. Distinguish between hard X-ray and soft X-ray.
Nov/Dec 2009
S. no
Soft X-rays
Hard X-rays
Low penetrating power
High penetrating power
They have long wavelength
They have short wavelength
Low frequency
High frequency
Mainly used for diagnostic purpose, such
Mainly used for therapeutic purpose,
as detecting fractures and the presence of
such as treating certain types of skin
foreign matter like bullet in human body.
disease and cancer.
7. What is angiography?
Nov/Dec 2008
Angiography is a medical imaging technique in which an X ray picture is taken to visualize the
inner opening of blood filled structures, including arteries, veins and the heart chambers. An Xray contrast medium is injected into the blood vessel and an X-ray called an angiogram is taken.
8. What is a betatron? What is its application?
Nov/Dec 2012
Betatron is a device which produces high energy X-ray beams and electron beams of varying
energies. It is a circular induction accelerator used for electron acceleration. The energy
produced by it is as high as 45 MeV.
Applications of betatron are
It is used in treating tumors in trunk and pelvis.
It is used in radio therapy for cancer treatment.
9. List few radio isotopes used for diagnostic purpose.
Apr/May 2010, May/June 2009, Nov/Dec 2011
Radio isotopes used for diagnostic purpose are
Iodine - 123
: Used for diagnosis of thyroid function
Bismuth - 213
: Used for targeted alpha therapy especially cancers
: Used for external beam radio therapy
Copper - 64
: Used for genetic disease
10. List out safety precaution to be taken while handling radio isotopes.
Nov/Dec 2009, Apr/May 2008
Safety precaution to be taken while handling radio isotopes are
Radioactive materials should be kept in thick walled lead containers so that
radiation cannot penetrate them.
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Lead aprons and lead gloves should be worn.

All radioactive samples should be handled by a special remote control process
using robots.
11. How radio isotopes are used for therapy?
Apr/May 2011
Radio isotopes are used to identify the tumor location, detect any urinary tract obstruction, in
diagnosis of coronary heart disease and for giving external beam therapy.
12. What is radiation therapy?
Apr/May 2008
Certain diseases and tumors can be treated by ionizing effect of x-rays. The use of radiation for
the treatment of disease is called as radiation therapy. In dermatology soft x-rays are used for the
treatment of skin diseases. Hard x-rays are used in treatment of deep seated tumors.
13. Name two equipments used in radiation therapy.
Equipments used in radiation therapy are
Cobalt 60 machine
Medical linear accelerator machine

May/June 2007

14. Distinguish between radiography and fluoroscopy.May/June 2007, Nov/Dec 2008

developed by
photosensitive film
photoelectric effect and fluoresence.
Patient is not exposed to x-rays
Patient is exposed to x-ray during the
during examination of the x-ray
examination of the x-ray image
The image can be obtained for
Immediately image can be seen and
exqamination can be finished with a
examination cannot be made before
short time.
developing the film
Movement of organs cannot be
Movement of organs can be observed



5.1)Define Micro Shock. [M/J 2007]
5.2)What are the advantages of performing surgery using LASER? [A/M 2008][N/D 2009]
5.3) Define Macro Shock. [N/D 2009]
5.4)What are the applications of laser in medicine?
5.5)What is meant by diathermy? [A/M 2010]
5.6)List the applications of Endoscope.
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5.7)What is the use of laparoscope?
5.8)What is the purpose of using resuscitation unit?
5.9)What are the two methods of shortwave diathermy?
5.10)What are the devices used to protect against electrical hazards?
5.11) Distinguish between Micro shock and macro shock . (Nov/Dec 07 )
5.12) What is Diathermy? List its types (Nov/Dec 07 )
5.1) Define let go current level. (May/ June 2006), [A/M 2008]
5.14). Draw the waveforms generated in a medical stimulator. ( April /May 2004)
5.15).What is a Radio pill ? ( April /May 2004)
5.14).What is the basic difference between coherent fiber bundles and non-coherent bundles
(May/ June 2006)
5.15) Name the types of scanning modes used in modern instrumentation. (APRIL/MAY 2005)
5.16) What are the types of Lasers used for therapeutic purposes . (APRIL/MAY 2005)
5.19.) What is medical thermography ? Mention its applications. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
5.20) Mention the types of Lasers used in medical field . ( Nov.Dec.2003).
5.1) Discuss in detail the different applications of Lasers in medicine (Nov/Dec 07 )

5.2) Explain the physiological effects of current at 50Hz (Nov/Dec 07 )

5.3)With reference to Electrical safety explain (Nov/Dec 07 )
1) Ground Fault Circuit Interpreter
2) Protection by low voltage
5.4) (a) Explain : .

(May/ June 2006)

(i) Macro shock Hazards and

(ii) Micro shock Hazards
5.5) Write down the typical applications of bio-telemetry.

(May/ June 2006)

5.6) Explain the basic concepts (including the modulation types )of radio transmission used in
5.7)With reference to Electrical safety explain : (APR/MAY 2005)
i) Physiological effects of electricity.
ii) Ventricular fibrillation
iii) Isolated power systems

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iv) Macro shock hazards.
5.8)List out the characteristics of different types of LASERS used in Biomedical field with particular
reference to types of beam and the fields of applications. (APR/MAY 2005)
5.9) What is Cryogenic Technique ?How is it useful in the hospital ? Expalin. What are the
precautions to be followed during application ? ( Nov.Dec.2003)
5.10) What are the methods by which the electrical safety of the patient in the hospital is ensured ?
Discuss in detail. ( Nov.Dec.2003)
5.11) Discuss about the applications of high frequency generator as a surgical knife. What are the
hazards associated with this. (April/ May 2004)


1. What is medical thermography? Mention its applications. [N/D 2004] [N/D 2005]
Thermography is the process of recording true thermal image of the surfaces of objects under
study. It displays images representing the thermal radiation of skin areas. Thermogram contain
both qualitative and quantitative information relevant to the image itself and to temperature.
Medical applications of thermography
ii) Inflammation
iii) Diseases of peripheral vessels
iv) Orthopedic diseases
2. List the types of lasers used in medical field [N/D 2004]
The types of lasers used in medical fields are
i). Pulsed Nd-YaG laser
ii). Continuous laser. Co 2 laser
iii). Continuous wave organ ion laser
3. Define - Let-go current [M/J 2006] [A/M 2008]
Let go current is the minimum current to produce muscular contraction.
For menabout 16mA
For Womenabout 10.5 mA
4. Define Micro Shock[M/J 2007]
A physiological response to a current alied to the surface of the heart that results
in unnecessary stimulation like muscle contractions or tissue injury is called as
5. What are the advantages of performing surgery using LASER? [A/M 2008][N/D
The advantages of performing surgery using LASER are
i)Highly sterile
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ii) Non-contact surgery
iii)Highly localized and precise
iv)prompt surgery
v)short period of surgical time
6. Define Macro Shock [N/D 2009]
A physiological response to a current applied to the surface of the body that
produces unwanted stimulation like tissue injury or muscle contractions is called as
macro shock.
7. What are the applications of laser in medicine?
Laser is used in ophthalmology (eye problem), Gynecology (fertility), Plastic surgery,
skin cancer etc.
8. What is meant by diathermy? [A/M 2010]
Diathermy is the treatment process by which, cutting coagulation of tissues are
9. List the types of diathermy.
The types of diathermy are
i)Short wave diathermy
ii)Microwave diathermy
iii)Ultrasonic diathermy
iv)Surgical diathermy
10. What are the types of thermography?
The types of thermography are
i). Infrared thermography
ii) Liquid crystal thermography
iii). Microwave thermography
11. What are the different types of current that are used for medical applications?
The different types of current are Threshold current, pain current, let-go current, paralysis
current, fibrillation and defibrillation current.
12. Define - Endoscopes and mention some of its types.
Endoscope is a tubular optical instrument to inspect or view the body cavities which are
not visible to the naked eye normally.
Types of endoscopes are cardioscope, bronchoscope, laparoscope, otoscope, gastroscope
13. What are the devices used to protect against electrical hazards?
i).Ground fault interrupt
ii). Isolation transformer

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14. What are the two methods of shortwave diathermy?
The two methods of shortwave diathermy are
i)Capacitive method
ii) Inductive method
15. What is the purpose of using resuscitation unit?
Resuscitation unit is generally used in intensive care unit (ICU). In modern hospitals the
resuscitation units are in the form of a mobile trolley.
16. List the applications of Endoscope.
Endoscopes are used in hospitals for examination, treatment of disease and surgery.
17. What is the use of laparoscope?
The laparoscope is used for analyzing abdominal related diseases and to perform
operations in the abdominal region.

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The human body is the most deeply studied and frequently portrayed object in the
history. Despite its familiarity, it is instinctively absorbing and eternally fascinating.
The number of humans in the world is racing towards seven billion. More than 5
babies are born every minute, while 150,000 people die daily. With the population increasing by
almost three humans per second. Each of these people lives, thinks, worries, and day dreams
with and within the most complex and marvelous of possessions- a human body. An enduring
feature of this body and its behavior is self-curiosity. We continually look inside ourselves in
enormous and ever-increasing detail in order to comprehend the action within.

Levels of organization:
The body is viewed to be a series of integrated systems. Each system carries out one
major role or task. In the cardiovascular system, for example the heart pumps blood through
vessels, to supply every body part with essential oxygen and nutrients. The systems are in turn
composed of main parts known as organs. The stomach, intestines and liver are the organs of
digestive system. Moving through further levels in the hierarchy the organs consist of tissues and
tissues made up of cells.
Cells are often called the microscopic building blocks of the body. However they are
active and dynamic, they continually grow and specialize function die and replenish themselves
by the millions every second. The whole body contains 200 different kinds. Science in
increasingly able to deliver deeper than cells to the organelles within them and onwards and
inwards to the ultimate components of ordinary matter molecules and atoms.

The study of the bodys structure and how it cells, tissues and organs are assembled is
known as human anatomy. In reality, the inside of the body is a crowded place. Tissues and
organs push and press against one another. There is no free space, and no stillness either. Body
parts shift continually in relation to each other. We move about, breathe, pump blood shift
digestive matter and eat. For example, swallowed food does not simply fall down inside the
gullet {oesophagus}. The gullet is normally pressed flat by internal chest pressure so that food
must be forced down into the stomach by waves of muscular contraction.

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The anatomical drawing of a large factory or orifice would show the arrangement of
rooms, location of machinery and furniture, and service ducts for electricity water and service
ducts for electricity, water and air-conditioning. For a rounded understanding we need to see the
premises in action, with people goods and information on the move. Similarly human anatomy is
combined with its twin; physiology focuses on the dynamic chemical minutiae at atomic ionic
and molecular level. It investigates the working of such processes as enzyme action, hormone
stimulation, DNA synthesis and how the body stores and uses energy from food. As researchers
stare harder and more physiological secrets are unlocked. Much of this work is directed at
preventing, treating or alleviating disease and allows us to appreciate the latest wonder drug or
take a meditation

Health and illness:

Medical science amasses mountains of evidence every year for the best ways to stay
healthy and avoid disease. At present an individuals genetic inheritance which is a matter of
chance in the given starting point for maintaining healthy and wellbeing. In coming years
treatments such as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis {PGN} carried out as part of assisted
reproductive techniques such as In vitro-fertilization {IVF} and gene therapy could remove or
negate some of these elements. Many aspects of upbringing have a major impact on health.
Factors such as diet, whether it is rich, bringing with it the risk of obesity or too poor leading to
malnutrition particularly affect children as their bodies are still developing. The body can be
affected by different types of disorder such as infection by a virus or bacteria. Injuries resulting
from an accident or long-term repetitive activities, inherited faulty genes or exposure to toxins in
the environment.

Body Cell:
Everyone is made up of Billions of cells, which are the basic structural units of the body.
Bones, muscles, nerves, skin, blood and all other tissues are formed from different types of cells.
Each cell has a specific function but works with other types of cells. Each cell has a specific
function but works with other types of cells to perform the enormous number of tasks needed to
sustain life. Most body cells have a similar basic structure. Each cell has an outer layer (called
cell membrane) and contains a fluid material (cytoplasm). Within the cytoplasm are many
specialized structures(organelles). The most important organelle is the nucleus which contains
vital generic material and acts as the cells control centre.
The structure of DNAs is like spiral ladder DNA contains all the vital generic
information and instruction codes necessary for the maintenance and continuation of life.

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The skeleton is a mobile frame work made up of 201 bones, approximately half of which
are in the hands and feet. Although individual bones are rigid, the skeleton as a whole is
remarkably flexible and allows the human body a huge range of movement. The Skelton serves
as an anchorage for the skeletal muscles and as protective cage for the bodys internal organs.
Female bones are usually smaller and higher than male bones, and the female pelvis is shallower
and has wider cavity.

In a new born body, the head accounts for one quarter of total body length, by adulthood,
the proportion has reduced to one eighth contained in the head are the bodys main sense organs,
eyes, ears, olfactory nerves that defect smells, and the taste buds of the tongue. Signal from these
organs pass to the bodys great coordination centre. The brain housed in the protective bony
dome of the skull. Hair on the head insulates against heat loss, and adult males also grow thick
facial hair. The face has three important openings two nostrils through which air passes and the
mouth which takes in the nourishment and helps from speech. Although all heads are basically
similar, differences in the size, shape and color of features produce an infinite variety of

Body organs:
All the body organs except for the brain are enclosed within the trunk or torso(the body
apart from the head and limbs). The trunk also contains two large cavities separated by a
muscular sheet called the diaphragm. The upper cavity contains the stomach, intestines, liver and
pancreas which all play a role in digesting the food. Also within the trunk are the kidneys and
bleeder, which are part of the urinary system, and the reproductive organism which hold the
seeds of new human life. Modern imaging techniques such as contrast X-rays and different types
of scans make it possible to see and study body organs without eh need to cut through their
protective covering of skin, fat, muscle and bone

Bones and joints:

Bones form the bodys hard, strong skeletal framework. Each bone has a held compact
exterior surrounding a spongy, lighter interior. The long bones of the arms and legs, such as the
femur (thick bone) hale a central cavity containing bone marrow,. Bones are composed chiefly of
calcium, phosphorous and a fibrous substance known as collagen. Bones must at joints, which
are of several different types. For example, the hip is ball and socket joint that allows the femur a
wide range of movement, whereas finger joints are simple hinge joints that allow only bending
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and straightening. Joints are held in place by bands of tissue called ligaments. Movement of joint
is facilitated b the smooth hyaline cartilage that covers the bone ends and by the synovial
membrane that lines and lubricates the joint.

There are three main types of muscles skeletal muscle (also called voluntary muscle
because it can be consciously controlled); smooth muscle (also called involuntary muscle
because it is not under voluntary control) and specialized muscle tissue of the heart. Humans
have more than 600 skeletal muscles which differ in size and shape according to the jobs they do.
Skeletal muscles are attached directly or indirectly (via tendons) to bones and work in opposing
pairs (one muscle in the pair contracts while the other relaxes) to produce body movements as
diverse as making threading a needle and an array of facial expression. Smooth muscles occur in
the wall of internal body organs and perform actions such as forcing food through the intestines,
contracting the uterus (womb) In child birth and pumping blood through blood vessels some
other muscle in the body.
The muscle fibers contract and dilate (expand) to alter pupil size.
Interacting layer of muscle allow great mobility
Opposing muscle layers transport semi-digested food.

Movement of the forearm:

Controlled movement of the limbs relies on coordinated relaxation and contraction of
opposing muscles. To raise the forearm, the biceps (two-rooted muscle) contracts and shortens
while the triceps (three-rooted muscle) relaxes, the reverse occurs when the forearm is lowered.

Muscles 2:
Muscles of facial expression:
A single expression is the result of movement of many muscles.

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The human hand is an extremely versatile root, capable of delicate manipulation as well
as powerful gripping actions. The arrangement of its 27 small bones, moved by 37 skeletal
muscles that are connected to the bones by tendons, allows a wide range of movements. Out
ability to bring the tips of out thumbs and fingers together combined with the extra ordinary
sensitivity of our fingertips due to their rich supply of nerve endings, makes out hands uniquely

The feet and toes are essential elements in body movement. They bear and propel the
weight of the body during walking and running and also help to maintain balance during changes
of body position. Each foot has 26 bones, more than 100 ligaments and 33 muscles some of
which are attached to the lower leg. The heel pad and the arch of the foot act as shock absorbers,
providing and cushion against the joints that occur with every step.

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Physiological system
2.1.Information Processing
The human body is alive with information. Being a complex, dynamic mechanism, its interacting
and interdependent parts require control and co-ordination. This is done by passing information
between them. Two body systems are responsible for command-control and data management
The nervous and the endocrine systems.
Information processing involves inputs evaluation and decision making followed by
outputs. The body has inputs from the various senses such as sight and hearing. Its brain is CPU
(Central Processing Unit) whose outputs control the physical action of muscles and chemical
responses of glands. Both nerves and hormones are involved in data management.

2.1.1.Electrical and chemical pathways

The language of the nervous system is tiny electrical impulses. They are small and fast each
just one-tenth of a volt in strength and lasting hardly one-thousandth of a second and numerous.
Every second millions pass through the networks of long pale, string like pathways called
nerves. Informations from the senses flow to the brain as electrical impulse. Here it is shifted,
analyzed and evaluated causing millions more signals to pass around and within the brain
between numerous, complex areas. Decisions are reached and command messages are produced
in the form of electrical impulses. The brains electrical output travels along motor nerves to the
muscles to stimulate and co-ordinate their contraction for movements. Different information
carriers-hormones-instruct the endocrine glands on the timing and quantity of secretion required
for the desired effect. More than 50 hormones circulate in the blood stream. The specific
molecular structure of each hormone stimulates only cells with suitable receptors on their
surface, instructing the cells to carry out certain procedures. In general nerves work fast within
fraction of a second. Most hormones function over longer times within minutes, days or even
months. Long-lasting effects as in growth of hormones are continuously secreted over many
years, as individual dose would last only few days.

2.2.Body Clock Input

The body has built-in rhythms of activity. People in experimental timeless surroundings
(of constant light, temperature food availability and other conditions) still tend to sleep, wake ,
eat , become alert and move about in a roughly 24 hours style. A small part of the brain known as
the suprachiasmatic nucleus located just above the place where the visual or optic nerves meet, is
the body clock. It is continually adjusted by external cues such as light levels and temperature
fluctuations and our mental acknowledgement of clock times. In turn, it feeds information to
many brain parts that deal with cyclical activities such as hormone release, tissue repair, body
temperature control, urine production and digestive matter. In this way, the natural rhythms of
the body are co-ordinate.

2.2.1.The Importance of Input

As can be seen by the workings of the body clock, feeding information into the brains processing
center relies on more than the five senses. The continuing environmental adjustment of the body
clock is one example of more subtle and complex sensory input within the body, There are
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thousands of micro receptors that continually monitor variables, for example oxygen, waste
carbon dioxide and blood glucose. These data feed to automatic or subconscious parts of the
brain, which make decision that, do not register in the conscious mind. In this way a huge
amount of information processing occurs, of which we are hardly ever aware.

2.3.Nerves and Neurons

The brain has over 100 billion nerve cells or neurons, and the body contains millions
more. Bundle of nerve fibers projecting from the neurons from body-wide networks of nerves.
Neurons are highly specialized in their structure, function and the way they link together to
Like all other cells, typical neurons have a main cell body with a nucleus. But a neuron
also has a long wire. Process that read out to transmit messages to other neurons at junction
called synapse. These processes are of two kinds. Dendrites receive messages from other neurons
or from nerve-like cells in sense organs and conduct them towards the cell body of neurons.
Axons convey messages away from the cell body to other neurons or to muscle or gland cells.
Dendrite tend to be short and have many branches, while axons are usually longs and branchless
along their length. Neurons in the brain and spinal cord are protected and nurtured by supporting
nerve cells known as glial cells.

2.3.1.Types of Neurons
The shapes and sizes of the bodies of neuron cells vary greatly as do the type, number
and length of their projections. Neurons are classified according to the number of process that
extends from the cell body. Bipolar neurons are the original neuronal design in the embryo, but
adulthood, they are found in only a few locations, such as the eyes retina and the olfactory nerve
in the nose. Most neurons in the brain and spinal cord are multipolar, unipolar neurons are
present mainly in the sensory nerves of the peripheral nervous system.
Unipolar Neuron: - A single short process, an axon extends from the cell body and splits into
Bipolar Neuron: - The cell body is located between two processes-an axon and a dendrite.
Multipolar Neuron: -These have three or more processes several dendrites and one axon.

Nerve cells or neurons are excitable. When stimulated, they undergo chemical changes
that produce tiny traveling waves of electricity.- nerve signals or impulses. These pass to other
neurons, eliciting similar response from them.
Throughout the nervous system, information is conveyed as tiny electrical signals called
nerve impulses or action potentials. These impulses are the same all over the body about 100
milli volts in strength and lasting just 1 millisecond. The information carried depends on their
position in the nervous system, and their frequency from one impulse every few seconds to
several hundreds per second. Typically when a neuron receives enough pulses from other
neurons it fires one of its own as wavelike movements of ions (electrically changed particles)
impulses jump from one neuron to another at junctions known as synapses.


The nerve impulse is based chiefly on movement of positively charged sodium and
potassium ions through the neurons cell membrane. Impulses travel at speeds between 1 and
120 m/s. depending on the type of nerve. Movement is much faster in sheathed
(myelinated),axons in which the action potential jumps along successively myelin-coated
sections from one node to the next.
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2.4.1.Nerve Impulse
Nerve cells or neurons are excitable. When stimulated they undergo chemical changes that
produce tiny travelling waves of electricity nerve signals or impulses. These pass to other
neurons, exciting similar responses from them.
Throughout the nervous system, information is conveyed as tiny electrical signals called
nerve impulses or action potentials. These impulses are the same all over the body about 100
millivolts (0.1 volts) in strength and lasting just 1 millisecond. The information carried depends
on their position in the nervous system and their frequency from one impulse every few seconds
to several hundreds from other neurons it fires one of its own, as wave-like movements of ions
(electrically changed particles) .Impulses jump from one neuron to another at junctions known
as synapses.
2.4.2.Crossing the gap between neurons
When and electrical impulse arrives at the junction (synapse) it triggers the release of chemicals
called neurotransmitters. They cross the incredibly thin gap (synaptic cleft) between the
membranes of presynaptic (sending) and postsynaptic neurons (receiving). They either trigger a
new impulse in the receiving neuron or actively inhibit in from firing.
2.4.3.Resting Potential
With no impulse, there are more positively charged ions, particularly sodium ions outside the cell
membrane and more negative ions inside. This produces an electrical resting potential of -70
millivolts. The membrane is polarized, with the inside negative.
During this phase (depolarization) positive sodium ions rush in through ion rush in through ion
channels in a patch of neuron membrane. The membrane is first depolarized then its polarity is
reversed to become slightly positive, resulting in an action potential of +30 millivolts on the

Positively charged potassium ions flow in the opposite direction, restoring the charge membrane
and the next and so on. The impulse moves along the membrane as a wave of depolarization and

2.4.6.Excitement and Inhibition

When neurotransmitters on their receptors sites they can either excite or inhibit the receiving
cell. Both responses are equally valuable in relaying messages through the nervous systems. To
excite a receiving cell, positive sodium ions flow into it, depolarizing the membrane in a similar
way to a nerve impulse. The depolarizing effect spreads through the membrane for a few
milliseconds, fading as it does so. If further signals enter the cell, they may become strong
enough to file a new nerve impulse. To inhibit the cell, negatively charged particles rush into the
cell. The negative effect spreads through the cell membrane and prevents its excitement. of Neurons: - Projection of neurons: collect nerve impulses from other neurons
or sensory nerve endings. - Main part of neuron, containing the nucleus and cell. fibril node: - Also called node of ranvier, portion of axon not covered by
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EC2021- Medical Electronics Study Materials for all 5 units cell: Sheet-like cell that grows around a portion of axon (fiber) to form
the myelin sheath. Sheath: Also called neurilemma or Schwann sheath; spiraling structure of
fatty myelin that helps to speed an impulse and prevent it fading or leaking.
Main nerve fiber of the neuron conveys impulses away from the cell body. Specialized micro tube that works as a conveyer
belt to bring synaptic vesicles from the cell body to the axon terminal. Knob: Enlarged end of axon terminal. Channel Protein: Complex protein embedded in cell membrane; when
enough ions flood through the channel they cause a response in the receiving cell. - Sits in membrane channel into which neurotransmitter molecules slot,
altering the shape of the channel to admit charged ions. Cleft: - Fluid-Filled gap between the sending and receiving neuron just 25
nanometers wide. - Thinnest element of the flexible, supporting scaffolding found in
most cells.
Presynaptic Membrane: Membrane of sending cells axon.
Postsynaptic Membrane: Membrane of receiving cells dendrite.

2.5.Respiratory system

Respiratory system a pneumatic systeman air pump (diaphragm ) alternately creates negative and positive pressures in a sealed
chamber (thoriac cavity) and causes air to be sucked into and forced out of a pair of
elastic bags (lungs).
The respiratory system supplies the oxygen needed by the body cells and carries off their
carbon dioxide waste.
Inhaled air passes via the trachea (windpipe) through two narrower tubes, the bronchi to
the lungs.
chambers called alveoli
Each lung comprises many fine, branching tubes called bronchioles that end in tiny

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Lungs -outside environment through a passage way comprising nasal cavities, pharynx,
larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.
Oxygen is taken into the blood from the incoming air and carbon dioxide is transferred
from the blood to the air
Thus, the blood circulation forms link in the supply of oxygen to the tissues and in the
removal of gaseous waste products of metabolism.
Gases cross the thin alveolar walls to and from a network of tiny blood vessels.
Intrercostal (rib) muscles and the muscular diaphragm below the lungs operate the lungs
like bellows, drawing air in and forcing it out at regular intervals.

2.6.Urinary system

The urinary system filters waste products from the blood and removes them from the
body via a system of tubes.
Blood is filtered in the two kidneys which are fist-sized. Bean-shaped organs.
The renal arteries carry blood to the kidneys.
The renal veins remove blood after filtering
Each kidney contains about one million tiny units called nephrons.
Each nephron is made up of tubule and a filtering unit called glomerulus, which consists
of a collection of tiny blood vessels surrounded by the hollow Bowmans capsule.
The filtering process produces a watery fluid that leaves the kidney as urine.
The urine is carried via two tubes called ureters to the bladder where it is stored until its
release from the body through another tube called urethra.

2.7.Nervous system

The nervous system -control and communication network.

Rapid communications between various parts, the effective integrated activity of different
organs and tissues and coordinated contraction of muscle are almost entirely dependent
upon the nervous system.
The brain consists of three parts, namely the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the brain stem.
The cerebrum consists of two hemispheres right and left.
Each hemisphere is sub divided into two lobes.
Frontal lobe and temporal lobe In the left hemisphere
Parietal and occipital lobe in the right hemisphere.
The outer layer of the brain is called the cerebral cortex.
All sensory inputs from various parts of the body eventually reach the cortex.
Various areas are responsible for hearing, sight, touch and control of the voluntary
muscles of the body.
The cerebellum acts as a physiological microcomputer which intercepts various sensory
and motor nerves to smooth out the muscle motions which could be otherwise jerky.
It also consists of two hemispheres which regulate the coordination of muscular
movements elicited by the cerebrum.
The cerebellum also enables a person to maintain his balance
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2.7.3.Brain stem
Brain stem- connects the spinal cord to the center of the brain just below the cerebral
Essential parts
medulla oblongata
The pons
Diencephalon thalamus, hypothalamus.
2.7.4.spinal cord:
The spinal cord is a downward continuation of medulla oblongata
The cord consists of white matter on the surface and gray matter inside.
The cord containing motor and sensory fibres running between the brain and the body
and reflex action
Billions of specialized cells neurons are functionally active as signal transmitters
Fundamental property of neuron- is the ability to transmit electrical signals, called
nerve impulses in response to the changes in their environment
A typical neuron consists of a nucleated cell body and has several processes or branches.
The size and distribution of these branches vary greatly at different sites in cells with
different functions, but two main kinds are the axon and the dendrite.

2.8.Endocrine system

The endocrine system works by using harmones which are carried through circulatory
The harmones are generated in the endocrine glands.
The principal endocrine gland is PITUTIARY which governs several other endocrine
The pitutiary is controlled by hypothalamus.
The thyroid gland secretes thyroxin which increases the metabolism in the body.
The deficiency of thyroid gland secretes thyroxin which increases the metabolism of
the body.
The adrenal gland secretes corticoids and they regulates the metabolism of glucose.
A deficiency of insulin results in increase glucose in the blood which leads the
condition called diabetes.


The ear is the organ of hearing and balance.

The outer ear consists of a flap called the auricle or pinna and the auditory canal.
The main functional parts-the middle and inner ears are enclosed within the skull.
The middle ear consist of three tiny bones known as auditory ossicles and the eustachian
tube, which links the ear to the back of the nose.

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The inner ear consist of the spiral-shaped cochlea and also the semicircular canals and the
vestibule which are the organs of balance.
Sound waves entering the ear travel through the auditory canal to the tympanic
membrane (ear drum) where they are converted to vibrations that are transmitted via the
ossicles to the cochlea.
Here the vibrations are converted by millions of microscopic hairs into electrical nerve
signal to be interpreted by the brain.


The eye is the organ of sight.

Two eyeballs, protected within bony sockets called orbits and on the outside by the
eyelids, eyebrows, and tear film are directly connected to the brain by the optic
Each eye is moved by six muscles.
Which are attached around the eyeball.
Light rays entering the eye through the pupil are focused by the cornea and lens to
form the image on the retina.
The retina contains millions of light-sensitive cells, called rods and cones which
convert image into a pattern of nerve impulses These impulses are transmitted along
the optic nerve to the brain.
Information from the two optic nerves is processed in the brain to produce a single
coordinated image.

2.11.Body cells

Every one is made up of billions of cellsWhich are the structural units of the body.bones,
muscles, nerves, skin blood, and all other body tissues are formed from different types of
cells.Each cell has an outer layer (cell membrane) and contains fluid
material(cytoplasm)Within the cytoplasm many specialized structures called
organelles.The most important is the nucleus which contains vital genetic material.The
structure of DNA is like a spiral ladder.DNA contains genetic information and instruction
codes necessary for maintenance and continuation of life.In DNA we have four basic
They are - adenine, guanine, thymine and cytocine.Nucleus is centrally located.It is
separated from surrounding fluids by cell membrane.Protoplasm is present in the
cell.This protoplasm is composed by water, electrolytes, protein, lipids and
The principal fluid medium of the cell is water.Its concentration is about 70-85
percent.Water serves as solvent for various chemicals to produce chemical reactions.The
inorganic chemicals for chemical reactions are provided by electrolytes.In the electrolytes
we have sodium ions, potassium ions, phosphate ions, sulphate ions, bicarbonate ions and
a small quantity of proteins.Proteins- structural proteins, globular proteins.Lipids are
composed of different types of phospho lipids and cholesterol.Carbohydrates play a
major role in the nutrition of the cell. They are stored in the cells in the form of glycogen

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which supplies energy needs for the cells. Ribosomes are also present in the
cystol.Lysosomes are vesicular organelles.
They provide an intracellular digestive system that allows the cell to digest and thereby
remove unwanted substances and damaged foreign structures such as bacteria. The
mitochondria organelles are called power house of the cell. The cell extract significant
amounts of energy from the nutrients and oxygen by means of mitochondria. Nucleolus is
present inside the nucleus. The size of the cell is in the range of 5-10 micrometer.

2.11.1.Transport of ions through cell membrane

Fluid is present inside the cell and outside the cell. This fluid is called intracellular fluid
and extra cellular fluid respectively. The extra cellular fluids contain large amount of
sodium ions and small amount of potassium ions. But in the intra cellular fluid it is vice
The concentration of phosphates and proteins are more in intracellular fluid.
Concentration of chloride ions are more in extra cellular fluid. a lipid bilayer is present in
the cell membrane. This consists of large number of protein molecules are present in the
cell membrane.
The cell membrane constitutes a barrier for the movement of the water soluble substances
between the extra cellular and intracellular fluid organs. With the help of diffusion
process transport of substances take place. This type of transport is called passive
transport. Ions like sodium potassium, calcium, chloride and most amino acids are
actively transported through cell membrane..
The active transport can be subdivided into two types according to the source of energy used to
cause the transport. They are primary active transport and secondary active transport.

Blood and its types

3.1.Fluid Body
Roughly (2/3)rd of the body is composed of water and the various essential substances
dissolved within it. These fluids have innumerable vital roles within many body systems. They
are found in cells, around the bodys tissue and most obviously in blood and lymph.
Most body parts are largely composed of water. Tissues are 70-80% fluid which means that
organs such as the brain and intestines are typically three quarters water. Blood plasma is over
90% water while bones contain almost 25%. Fat has 10-50% water composition.

3.2.Fluid Compartments

The bodys different fluids can be grouped into physiological categories that are known
as compartments. There are two major fluid compartments intracellular and extra cellular.
Intracellular fluid (also known as cytoplasm) is found within the bodys cells. Extracellular fluid

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accounts for all other fluids in the body. Its sub compartments are interstitial fluid, which
occupies the spaces between cells and tissues; blood plasma and lymph. The fluids found in
bones, joints and dense connective tissue; and Trans cellular fluid which includes saliva and
other digestive juices, mucus, sweat and urine.

3.3.Function of fluids
Water is excellent solvent. Thousands of substances that are dissolved in it are used in the
bodys biochemical reactions. These reactions are the very basis of life. Water is also an
effective transport system. It moves around the body distributing nutrients and collecting and
delivering waste materials. Fluids spread heat from active parts of the body, such as exercising
muscles, to cooler areas and in doing so they aid I thermoregulation. The body uses fluid as
shock absorbers to cushion sensitive areas such as brains, the eyes and the spinal cord. Fluid also
works as lubricants within the body, so that tissues and organs slip past each other with minimal
friction. Small amount of specific fluids that specialize in this role include the pleural fluid
around the lungs, the pericardial fluid around the heart and the synovial fluids inside joints.

3.4.Blood and Lymph

The blood and lymph circulatory system are closely linked because they are constantly swapping
fluids. Blood plasma, the fluid in which blood cells are suspended, transports red blood cells
(which carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide) around the body. Blood plasma leaks from
capillaries into the tissues around them, becoming interstitial fluid. Most of this leaked fluid is
reabsorbed into the blood, but some of it is drawn into the capillaries of the lymphatic system
where it is used as lymph fluid. This transports white blood cells (which produce antibodies to
fight infection and disease) around the body. After flowing through the lymphatic system, lymph
drains back into the blood system, once again to be used as blood plasma.

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Blood Plasma: The pressure
produced by the hearts
pumping squeezes blood
plasma through capillary walls

Lymph: Lymph vessels collect

and circulate the fluid then
route it back into the blood

Blood plasma
and lymph
cycle:Blood plasma
leaks out from
capillaries to
interstitial fluid.

Interstitial Fluid: The fluid now

under little pressure flows
randomly and slowly around
cells and tissues.

Some of this drains into lymph

vessels and becomes lymph fluid.
Eventually this fluid is returned to
blood circulation as lymphatic
vessels empty into large veins.

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3.5.Balance and Recycling
The average adult body consists about 40 liters 170 pints of water. Every day water is lost form
the body in the form of urine, sweat, water vapor from the lungs and in feces. Water is used up
and also produced by the body in biochemical reactions, for example glands producing saliva
and digestive juices. To maintain a healthy balance of fluids, we need to drink at least 2 liters (3
pints) of water per day. But If were not for the bodys amazing water conservation and
recycling measures (such as recycling blood plasma as lymph and vice versa) we would need to
consume at least 100 times more water than the recommended amount every day

3.6.Components of blood plasma

Blood cells are transported by blood plasma a liquid that accounts for about 55% of blood
volume and is itself about 90% water, it contains many important substances.
Plasma Proteins: Such as albumins (stop water leaking into tissues) fibrinogen (involved
blood clotting) and globulins (such as antibodies).
Electrolytes: Mainly mineral salts that form ions when dissolved principally sodium
chloride, potassium, calcium and phosphate.
Like insulin and glucagon (regulate blood glucose levels) thyroid
hormones (control rate of cell metabolism) and sex hormones.
Such as glucose (for energy) amino acids and lipids, such as cholesterol
and triglycerides (for cellular components and energy).
Waste: Such as Carbon dioxide, lactic acids, creatine and uric acid. These are transported
out of the blood circulation by the kidneys.

3.6.1.Blood and Blood Vessels

Blood is collection of specialized cells suspended in straw colored liquid called plasma.
Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to body cells, collects waste, distributes hormones, spreads
heat around the body to control temperature and plays a part in fighting infection and healing

3.6.2.What is Blood?
Blood forms about 1/10th of the body weight of an adult amounting to 5 liters in volume.
Roughly 50-55% of blood plasma consists of the liquid-only portion in which cellular
components are distributed. Plasma is 90% water containing dissolved substances such as
glucose (blood sugar) hormones, enzymes and also waste products such as urea and lactic acid.
Plasma also contains proteins such as albumins, fibrinogens (important in blood clotting) and
globular proteins or globulins. Alpha and beta globulins help to transport lipids, which are fatty
substances such as cholesterol. Gamma globulins are mostly the disease fighting substances
known as antibodies. The remaining 45-50% of blood is made up of three types of specialized
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cells. Red cells or erythrocytes carry oxygen; various white cells known as leucocytes are part of
the defense system; and cellular fragments (platelets or thrombocytes) are involved in the
process of clotting.

3.6.3.Parts of Blood
Blood is made up of liquid portion (plasma) red blood cells, a small band of platelets and white
blood cells.
Red Blood Cell Structure:
A biconcave disc with no nucleus or discrete nibble inner structure, each red blood cell
contains 300 millions hemoglobin molecules.
Role of Hemoglobin:
Hemoglobin is composed of hem, an iron-rich pigment and globins, ribbon-like protein
chains. Oxygen in the lungs latches onto hem to make oxyhemoglobin. In this conjoined form,
oxygen travels through the blood stream to all parts of the body.

3.7.Blood Groups
Every individual belongs to one of four blood groups which are determined by markers or
red blood cells known as antigens (agglutinogens). The antigens may be either A, B, both (AB)
or neither (O) and blood groups are named correspondingly. Plasma contains different antibodies
(isohemoagglustinins). For example, a person with blood group A has plasma containing B
antibodies. If mixed with type B blood with A antibodies in its plasma) A antibodies clump
(agglutinate) with A antigens. This is the reason why blood types must be matched to transfuse
blood safely from donor to recipient.

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Blood Group A
A Antigen; B - Antibody

Blood Group B
A - Antibody; B - Antigen

Blood Group AB
A & B Antigen with neither
A or B in Plasma

Blood Group O
Lack of A & B antigen but plasma
contains both A & B antibodies.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart towards organs and tissues. Apart from the
pulmonary arteries, all arteries carry oxygenated blood. Their thick walls and muscular and
elastic layers can withstand the high pressure that occurs when the heart contracts. An artery
narrows when the heart relaxes, helping to push blood onwards. The largest artery is aorta.

A vein is more flexible than an artery and its walls are considerably thinner. The blood
inside a vein is under relatively low pressure and as a result, it flows slowly and smoothly. Many
larger veins particularly the long veins in the legs contain valves that are formed from pouch
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like pockets of single cell lining tissue (endothelium). These prevent blood flowing back down
the legs; a job helped by muscles around the veins that contract during movement. The two main
veins returning from the upper and lower halves of the body are known as the superior and
inferior vena cava.

The smallest and most numerous of the blood vessels capillaries convey blood between arteries
and veins. Many capillaries enter tissue to form a capillary bed, the area where oxygen and other
nutrients are released. Capillary bed connects small arteries (arterioles) to veins (venules).

3.8.Cellular Respiration
Glucose (blood sugar) is the bodys main energy source. Cellular respiration occurs in
every body cell when oxygen reacts with glucose to free its energy in chemical form. The end
products are carbon dioxide and water, which is known as metabolic water and amounts to about
300ml daily throughout the body. The whole process is called aerobic (oxygen requiring) cellular
or internal respiration.

3.8.Respiration Reaction
Cells take up oxygen to drive the key respiration reaction that release energy from glucose.

3.8.1.Gas Exchange in Blood

The body cannot store oxygen and needs continuing supplies. It also constantly produces carbon
dioxide as a waste product. Gas exchange swaps oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and
Oxygen gas is physically drawn into the body by expanding lungs (above right) when it reaches
the microscopic blind ends of the lungs airways, the gas dissolves into the fluid thing the air
spaces (alveoli, top, left). It then passes into blood stream, which distributes oxygen to each body
cell. Inside cells, the chemical changes known as cellular respiration use oxygen to break apart
glucose for energy. Toxic carbon dioxide is a by product of the process, but gas exchange
discharges it into the air. In both lungs and body tissues, gases pass by diffusion (the process of
flowing from region of high to low density).
Oxygen in air dissolves into fluid lining the alveolus and diffuses through alveolar wall
and blood capillary wall.
Oxygen enters blood plasma inside capillary.
Oxygen quickly bonds to hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Carbon dioxide diffuses out of blood plasma and enters air in the alveolus (air-space).
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Bright red, oxygenated blood leaves heart along the aorta (the bodys main artery) and
circulates through a network of arteries to the bodys tissues.
Oxygenated blood is carried through the tissues in capillaries thinner than hair.
Arriving red blood cells are rich in oxygen, which is bound to hemoglobin in the body of
each cell.
Oxygen leaves the hemoglobin within the red blood cells, diffuses across the blood
capillary walls and into tissue cells.
Carbon dioxide diffuses out of tissue cell, across wall of blood capillary and into blood

3.8.3. Exchange in the Lungs

When fresh, oxygen-rich air reaches the alveoli the tiny dead end air spaces in the lungs it must
pass through several layers to reach the red cells in the blood. But these layers are so thin that the
total distance is 0.001mm.

3.8.4.Exchange in the Body Tissues

Oxygen levels are higher in the blood than in surrounding tissues. The difference in levels forces
oxygen to break its bonds to the hemoglobin in red blood cells and diffuse out of the blood into
the adjacent cells. The reverse applies to carbon dioxide, which diffuse from the tissue into blood

3.9.Blood Pressure
The heart is a dynamic, untiring, precisely adjustable double-pump that forces blood around the
bodys immense network of blood vessels, perhaps more than three billion times during lifetime.
The hearts power comes from its two lower chambers (ventricles) which have thick muscular
walls. That contact to squeeze blood out into the arteries. The upper chamber (arterial) have
thinner walls and function partly as passive reservoirs for blood oozing in from the main veins.
Each heartbeat has two phases. In the first phase (diastole) the heart relaxes and refills with
blood; during the second stage (systole) it contracts, forcing the blood out. The whole cycle takes
on average less than second. During vigorous activity or stress, both beating rate and the volume
of blood pumped out of the heart increases greatly.

3.9.1.Relaxation (Late Diastole)

During this phase of the heart beat sequence, the muscular walls of the heart relax the
arterial chambers balloon slightly as they fill with blood coming under quite low pressure from
the main veins. Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the right atrium, while oxygenated
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blood from the lungs enters the left atrium. Some of the blood in the atria flows down into the
ventricles. By the end of this phase, the ventricles are filled to 80% of capacity.

3.9.2.Contraction of the Atria (Atrial Systole)

The hearts natural pacemaker, known as the sinoatrial node, is located in the upper part of
the right atrium. It fires electrical impulses, much like those generated by nerves, which set off
the contraction phase. Some impulse spread through the atrial walls and stimulate their cardiac
muscle to contract. This squeezes blood inside the atrioventricular (tricuspid and mitral) valves
into the ventricles whose walls remain relaxed.

3.9.3.Contraction of the ventricles (Ventricular Systole)

During this most active and powerful stage of the heartbeat, the thick cardiac muscle in
the ventricle walls contracts stimulated by electrical impulses relayed by the atrio-ventricular
node, this cause a rise in ventricular pressure, which opens the aortic and pulmonary valves at the
exits of the ventricles. Blood is force out into the main arteries, making the atrio-ventricular
valves snap shut.

3.9.4.Relaxation (Early Diastole)

The walls of the ventricle begin to relax, causing ventricular pressure to reduce. The pressure of
the recently ejected blood in the main arteries is now high. So both the aortic and pulmonary
valves close. This prevents back-flow into the ventricles as ventricular pressure on the atrio
ventricular valves relaxes, the valves open. This reduces pressure in the atria, allowing blood to
enter once again from the main veins.

3.9.5.Control of heart rate

Without control, the heart would beat at its natural intrinsic rate of about 100 times per
minute. However, a region known as the cardio regulatory center in the medulla of the brain stem
sends electrical impulses along nerves (especially the cranial vagus nerve) to set an average
resting rate of about 70 beats per minute. During activity or stress, the sympathetic cardiac nerve
signals, controlled by the hypothalamus, convey over riding signals to speed up the heart rate.
The rate is also influenced by hormones such as adrenaline.

Sino Atrial Node

The Sino atrial node is inactive during most of the diastole. As systole approaches, it
begins to send out a wave of electrical impulses which will co-ordinate the heartbeat.

Electrical Impulses
Electrical impulses spread over surface of both atria, stimulating them to contract.

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Electrical Impulses spread
Impulses travelling through atrial muscles make them contract within 0.1 seconds. Some signals
pass faster along conducting fibers to the atrio-ventricular node.

Atrio-ventricular Signals Fire

The Atrio-ventricular node fast-tracks impulses along conducting fibers within the septum
(dividing wall) to the lower ventricles and up through ventricle muscle.

Electrical Impulse Fade

Impulses spread through the ventricular walls back towards the atria within 0.2 seconds of
leaving the sinoatrial node which then fires again to continue the cycle.

Blood cell counters

Changes in the normal functioning of an organism are often accompanied by changes in
the blood cell count. The determination of the number and size of blood cells per unit
volume provides valuable information for accurate diagnosis. Blood consists of
corpuscles suspended in a fluid called plasma in the proportion of 45 parts of corpuscles
(cells) of plasma.
The percentage of cells in the blood is called the haematocrit value or packed
cell volume (PCV). The majority of the corpuscles in blood are red blood cells
(erythrocytes) others being white blood cells (leucocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes)
Erythrocytes (RBC) have no nucleus. But it has a membrane and is filled with a
solution containing an iron-containing protein hemoglobin. They are responsible for
carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbondioxide from the tissues to the
lungs. Anaemia (reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood) can develop
from a change in the number caused by bone marrow dysfunction resulting in the poor
production rate of RBCs.
Leucocytes (WBC) are spherical cells having nucleus. There are normally 5000 10,000 white cells per cubic mm of blood. But their number varies during the day. They
alive for seven to fourteen days and there is a rapid turnovers with constant destruction
and replacement.
Thrombocytes (platelets) are usually tiny, round oblong or irregularly shaped
cells of the blood with an average diameter of approximately 2 microns. They play an

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important role in the blood coagulation process. There are usually 250,000 750,000
platelets in every cubic mm of blood. They are colorless and have no nucleus.
By spinning blood in a centrifuge, the blood cells can be sedimented. The blood
plasma with the blood cells removed is a slightly viscous, yellowish liquid that contains
large amounts of dissolved proteins. One of the proteins fibrinogen, participates in the
process of blood clotting and forms thin fibers called fibrin. The plasma from which the
fibrinogen has been removed by precipitation is called blood serum.
Blood clotting can be inhibited by the injection of heparin, a natural
anticoagulant extracted from the liver and lungs of cattle.
A count of the blood cells, an inspection of the size and shape, or a chemical
analysis of the blood serum can, therefore provide important information for the
diagnosis of diseases similarly other body fluids, smears and small samplesof live tissue,
obtained by a biopsy are studied through the techniques of bacteriology, serology and
histology to obtain clues for diagnosis of diseases.

Mean cell volume(MCV):

It is calculated from the packed cell volume (PCV) and the number of red cells
present per litre of blood. It is indicated in f/l (femolitres 1 f/l = 10-15)
Mean cell haemoglobin (MCH):
It is calculated from the HB and red cell count (it is expressed in picograms)
Mean cell haemoglobin concentration(MCHC):
It can be calculated if PCV Hb per dl are known.
Mean platelet volume(MPV):
It is the ratio of the integrated platelet volume to the platelet count and is
expressed in femolitres.
It is the percentage of the total specimen volume occupied by the platelets.
Red cell distribution width (RDW):
It is a numerical expression of the width of the size distribution of red cells.
Platelet distribution width (PDW):
This index is related to the size range covered by those platelets lying between the
sixteenth and eighty fourth percentile.

4.2.Tests on blood cell:

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When whole blood is centrifuged, the blood cells sediment and form a packed
volume at the bottom of the test tube. Most of this column consists of the red blood cells,
with the other cells forming a thin buffy layer on the top of the red cells. The volume of
the packed red cells is called the hematocrit. This is expressed as a percentage of the
total blood volume.
The hematocrit can be determined by aspirating a blood sample into a capillary
tube and closing one end of the tube with a plastic sealing material. The tube is then spun
for 3 to 5 minutes in a special high-speed centrifuge to separate the blood cells from the
plasma. Because the capillary tube has a uniform diameter, the blood and cell volumes
can be compared by measuring the lengths of the columns. This is usually done with a
simple nomogram.

The red blood cells have a much higher electrical resistivity than the blood plasma in
which they are suspended and so the resistivity of the blood shows a high correlation with
the hematocrit.

Manual blood cell counts are performed by using microscope. For this, the blood is first
diluted 1 :100 or 1:200 for counting of red blood cells (RBC) and 1:10 or 1:20 for white
blood cell count (WBC). For counting WBC, a diluents is used that dissolves the RBCs,
whereas for counting RBCs, an isotonic diluent preserves these cells. The diluted blood is
then brought into a counting chamber of 0.1mm deep, which is divided by marking lines
into a number of squares, when magnified about 500 times, the cells in a certain number
of squares can be counted.
Today simple RBC and WBC counts are normally performed by automatic or
semiautomatic blood cell counters. The most commonly used devices of this kind are
based on the conductivity(coulter) method, which makes use of the fact that blood cells
have a much lower electrical conductivity than the solution in which they are suspended.
Such a counter contains a beaker with the diluted blood. A closed glass tube that contains
a very small orifice is placed inside the diluted blood. The conductance between the
solution in the glass tube and the solution in the beaker is measured with two electrodes.
The result is a pulse at the output of the conductance meter, the amplitude of which is
proportional to the volume of the cell.

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1. First Contact
2. Second Contact
3. Suction Pump
4. Electrodes
( Platinum)


Threshold unit

Pulse gate
BLOCK gives
start stop signal to

Conductivity Method (Coulter Method)

A threshold circuit lets only those pulses pass that exceed a certain amplitude
gate. The first contact and closes when it reaches the second contact. Thus counting the
number of cells contained in a given volume, of the solution passing through the orifice.
A count is completed in less than 20 seconds. With counts of upto 100,000 the result is
statistically accurate. Care must be taken to keep the aperture from clogging. From these
measurements, the mean cell volume, the mean cell hematocrit and mean cell hematocrit
concentration are calculated and the corresponding results are taken out on a preprinted
report form.

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Blood cell counter (Dark field microscope method):

The diluted blood flows through a thin cuvette. The cuvette is illuminated by a
cone-shaped light beam obtained from a lamp, through a ring aperture. And an optical
system. The cuvette is imaged on the cathode of a phototube by means of lens and an
aperture. normally no light reaches the photo tube until a blood cell passes through the
cuvette and reflects a flash of light on the phototube.


Blood gas analyzers are used to measure the pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2)
and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) of the body fluids with special reference to the human
blood. A sudden change in the pH and pCO2 could result in cardiac arrhythmias , ventricular
hypotension and even death.
4.2.2.Acid- base balance:
The normal pH of the extra cellular fluid lies in the range of 7.35 to 7.45 indicating that
the body fluid is slightly alkaline. When the p H below 7.35, it indicates acidosis. When the p H
exceeds 7.45, the body is considered to be alkalosis. With the help of three physiological
mechanisms as
Excretion into urine by kidneys
Buffering by chemical means
it is possible for us to analyze the deviation of pH of the blood.
The blood and tissue fluids contain chemical buffers, which react with added acids and
bases and minimize the resultant change in hydrogen ions.
The respiratory system can adjust sudden changes in carbon dioxide, tension back to
normal levels in just a few minutes. Carbon dioxide can be removed by increased breathing and
therefore hydrogen concentration of the blood can be effectively modified. The kidney requires
many hours to readjust hydrogen ion concentration by excreting highly acidic or alkaline urine to
enable body conditions to return towards normal condition.
Arterial blood has a pH of approximately 7.40. Venous blood acquires carbon dioxide
forms carbonic acid and hydrogen ions, the venous blood p H falls to approximately 7.36. this pH
drop of 0.04 units occurs when the CO2 enters the tissue capillaries. When CO2 diffuses from
pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli, the blood pH rises 0.04 units to bring the normal atrial
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value of 7.40. it is difficult to measure the pH of fluids inside the tissue cells, but from estimates
based on CO2 and HCO3 ion concentration, intracellular pH probably ranges from 7.0 to 7.2.
The three important chemical factors regulating alveolar ventilation are the arterial
concentration of CO2, H+ and O2. Carbon dioxide tension in the blood stream and cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) is the major chemical factor regulating alveolar ventilation.
4.2.3.Gas exchange and distribution:
Once air is in the lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide must be exchanged between the air
and the blood in the lungs and between the blood and the cells in the body tissues. These gases
must be transported between the lungs and the tissue by the blood.
The mixing of gases within the lungs ventilation of the alveoli and the exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide between air and blood in the lungs takes place through a process
called diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of gas molecules from a point of higher pressure to
a point of lower pressure to equalize the pressure difference. This process can occur when the
gas is unequally distributed in a chamber on two sides of membrane permeable to that gas.
Measurements required for determining the amount of diffusion involve the partial
pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide, pO2, pCO2, respectively.
Methods for analyzing pO2, pCO2
Chemical analysis method
Diffusing capacity using CO infrared analyzer
Gas chromatograph.

4.2.4.Chemical analysis methods

These analyzers are developed by Haldane and modified by Scholander.
In this analyzer, a gas sample of approximately 0.5ml is introduced into a reaction
chamber by use of a transfer pipet at the upper end of the reaction chamber capillary. An
indicator droplet in this capillary allows the sample to be balanced against a trapped volume of
air in the thermo-barometer. Absorbing fluids for CO2 and O2 can be transferred in from side
arms without causing any change in the total volume of the system. The micrometer is adjusted
so as to put mercury into the system in place of the gases being absorbed. The volume of the
absorbed gases is read from the micropipette barrel calibration. Chromatograph:
The quantities of various gases in the expired air can also be determined by means of a
gas chromatograph, an instrument in which the gases are separated as the air passes through a
column containing various substances that interact with the gases. The reactions cause different
gases to pass through the column at different times. The quantity of each gas is measured as it
emerges. To identify the gases in the expired air other than oxygen nitrogen or CO 2, a mass
spectrometer is used in conjunction with the gas chromatograph. The mass spectrometer
identifies the ions according to their mass/charge ratio.

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With the help of this analyzer, it is possible to measure O 2,CO2,pH and bicarbonate in
arterial blood. If we try to measure the diffusion of oxygen from the aleovli, into the blood, it is
usually assumed that all alveoli have an equal concentration of oxygen. Actually this condition
does not exist because of the unequal distribution of ventilation in the lung, hence the terms
diffusing capacity or transfer factor (rather than diffusion) is used to describe the transfer of
oxygen from the alveoli into the pulmonary capillary blood.
Carbon mono oxide (CO) resembles oxygen in its solubility and molecular weight and
also combines with hemoglobin reversibly. Its affinity for hemoglobin is about 200 to 300 times
that of oxygen. Carbonmonooxide can thus be used as a tracer gas in measuring the diffusion
capacity of the lung. It passes from the alveolar gas into the alveolar walls, then into the plasma
from which it enters the red blood cells where it combines with hemoglobin
1 / TF = 1/ Dm + 1/Vc
Where TF = diffusing capacity for the lung for CO.
Dm = diffusing capacity for alveolar membrane
Vc = volume of blood in the capillaries.
= reaction rate of CO with oxyhemoglobin.
TF, the diffusing capacity for the whole lung in normal adults ranges from 20 to 38 ml/min/mm
HG during exercise, and decreases with anemia or low hemoglobin.
In the single-breath method, the last 75 to 100 ml of the expired air is collected so that
enough end-tidal air containing CO is available for the measurement. CO in the blood is
negligible, for it combines with the hemoglobin I the red blood cells and exerts no significant
back pressure. The commonly used carbon mono oxide analyzer utilizes an infrared energy
source, a beam chopper, sample and reference cells, plus a detector and amplifier. A milli
ammeter or a digital meter may be used for display. Two infrared beams are each measured by a
differential infrared detector. The output signal is proportional to the amount of monitored gas in
the sample cell. The signal is amplified and presented to the output display meter or to a

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Study of the Lungs, Temperature, pulse, Cardiac

output, Blood flow meters
4.3.Respiratory system
The respiratory system in close conjunction with circulatory system is responsible for
supplying all blood cells with essential oxygen and removing potentially harmful carbon dioxide
from the body. The mouth and nose channel air from outside the body through a system of tubes
of diminishing size that eventually reach the two lungs situated on either side of the heart within
chest cavity.
Air enters the body mainly through the nostrils (but sometimes through the mouth) . the
nostrils lead into the nasal cavity which opens up within the skull and joins with the pharynx
(part of the throat) towards the rear. The pharynx is a short-funnel shaped tube that extends
partway down the neck. The first part of the pharynx conveys only air, but lower down, food and
liquids also travel through. The larynx, home to vocal cords, joins the pharynx to the wind pipe.
(trachea). A loose flap of cartilage the epiglottis, lies just above the larynx and blocks it off
during swallowing to prevent food and liquids entering the trachea. The trachea splits into two
air ways called primary bronchi, one of which enters the right lung and the other the left lung.
Each brounchus divides further into secondary and teritiary bronchi and eventually into tiny
bronchioles. The continuous branching is referred to as the bronchial tree. Deep within the paired
cone-shaped lungs exchange of gases takes place.

4.3.1.Parts of Lung :
Nasal cavity:
Main route for air to and from the lungs, lined with a sticky mucus covered membrane
that traps dust particles and germs; divided into two by central plate of cartilage (nasal septum)
fuzzy looking patches (olfactory epithelia)in roof of cavity are the sensory organs of smell.
Nose hairs:
Situated inside entrance of nostrils help in filter large particles of dust and debries.
Cartilage flap that tilts over entrance to larynx when swabling to prevent food and drink
and saliva entering trachea.

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Short cartiginous tube joining pharynx with trachea together with vocal cards within the
larynx, it has a vital role in speech production.
Twelve pairs of ribs curve around chest and protect lungs and heart from physical
Intracostal muscles:
Double layer of muscles between each pairs of ribs; external layer lifts ribs up and out
during contraction enlarging the lungs to that air is breathed in; inner layer does the opposite
forcing air out.
Right lung:
Slightly larger than the left lung, averaging 55 -60 percent of total lung volume.
Pleural cavity:
Space occupied by the lings; lined

with lubricated double layer of pleural membranes.

Pleural membrane:
Sac composed of two thin membrane layer encloses each lung; fluid secreted by one of
the membranes allows them to slide smoothly over each other during breathing.
Dome-shaped muscle that divides chest and abdomen and together with inter costal
muscles from bodys main breathing muscle; during contraction it flattens and increases size of
chest cavity.
Allows the passage of air only.
Permits passage of foods and fluids.
Pulmonary artery:
Thick-walled vessel that transports deoxygenated blood lungs from right side of heart.
Pulmonary vein:

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Vessel carrying bright red oxygenated blood from each lung to left side of heart for
supply to the rest of the body.

Primary bronchus:
One of the five branches of the primay bronchus each one supplies a defined segment of
the lung, bronchus further divides into air ways of diminishing diameter called tertiary bronchi.
Lobes of Left lung:
Has only two lobes, to make room for heart (right lung is tri-lobed)
Miniscule terminals of the bronchi; gas exchange occurs in tiny sacs (alveoli) at their
Heart :
Nested in the pericardial cavity.
Pericardial cavity:
Formed mainly by a scoop like shape in the left lung.
The lungs microscopic air sacs, alveoli are elastic thin walled structures arranged in
clumps at the ends of respiratory bronchioles. They resemble bunches of grapes, although the
alveoli are partly merged with each other. White blood cells known as macrophages are always
present on their surfaces, where they in digest and destroy air borne irritants such as bacteria,
chemicals and dust.
Around the alveoli are networks of capillaries. Oxygen passes from the air in the alveoli
into the blood by diffusion through the alveolar and capillary walls. Carbon di oxide diffuses
from blood into the alveoli. There are more than 00 million alveoli in both lungs.

Breathing and vocalization:

The movements of breathing also known as bodily respiration, bring fresh air containing
oxygen deep into the lungs and then remove stale air containing the waste product carbon di

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The physical movement of air into and out of the lungs is generated by differences in
pressure within the lungs compared to the surrounding atmospheric pressure. The pressure
differences are produced by forcefully expanding the chest and lungs by muscular action and
then passively allowing them to return to their former size. The rate and depth of breathing can
be consciously modified. However the underlying need to breathe is controlled by ares within the
brain stem, where responses to regulate the breathing muscles (of which we are usually not
aware) occur according to the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. movement:
The abdominal contents are flattened by the diaphragm muscle during inhalation and then
rise up during exhalation. Inhalation:
The chief muscles used in respiration at rest are the diaphragm at the base of the chest
and the external intercostal between the ribs. For forceful inhalation, additional muscles assist in
moving the ribs and sternum to expand the chest further and stretch the lungs even more. and pressure:

Breathing alters the volume of the chest (thoracic activity). The lungs suck onto the inner
chest wall, so that as the cavity expands, they also become larger. The main expanding forces are
provided by the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. At rest, the diaphragm carries out most of
the work. 0.5 liters of air the tidal volume-shifts in and out with each breath 912 to 1 times
every minute) rate and volume increases automatically if the body needs more oxygen as during
exercise. Then forced inspiration can suck in an extra liters and forced expiration expels almost
as much leading to a total air shift or vital capacity, of more than .5 liters in a large healthy adult.
The breathing rate can be ripple producing a total air exchange more than times greater than at
rest. in:
The diaphragm contracts to become less dome like while the ribs swing upward and
outward with a bucket handle action to raise the sternum.
4.3.2..5Breathing out:
The diaphragm relaxes and the elastic stretched lungs recoil to become smaller again,
allowing the sternum and ribs to move down and inward.s
Negative pressure:

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As lung volume increases, air pressure within decreases. Atmospheric pressure outside
the body is now higher and air is drawn down the airways and into the lungs in effect air is
sucked in.

Positive pressure:
As lung volume diminishes, when exhaling, the air is compressed, raising its pressure
within the lungs. So the air is pushed back along the airways and out of the mouth.

Respiratory Reflexes:
The two important respiratory reflexes are coughing and sneezing. Both aim to blow
out excess mucus, dust irritants and obstructions- coughing from lower pharynx, larynx, trachea
and lung air ways and sneezing from nasal chambers and naso-pharynx. In both cases, a deep
inhalation is followed by sudden contraction of the muscles involved in forceful exhalation. For
a cough, the lower pharynx, epiglottis and larynx close so that air pressure builds up in the lungs
and is released explosively, rattling the vocal cords. In a sneeze, the tongue closes off the mouth
to force air up and out through the nose.
Flow-Volume loop showing successful FVC maneuver. Positive Values represent
expiration, negative values represent inspiration. The trace moves clockwise for expiration
followed by inspiration. (Note the FEV1, FEV1/2 and FEV3 values are arbitrary in this graph
and just shown for illustrative purposes, they must be recorded as part of the experiment).

Spirometry (meaning the measuring of breath) is the most common of the Pulmonary
Function Tests (PFTs), measuring lung function, specifically the measurement of the amount
(volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is an important
tool used for generating pneumotachograph to assessing conditions such as asthma, pulmonary
fibrosis, and COPD.

4.4.1.Spirometry testing
The spirometry test is performed using a device called a spirometer, which comes in several
different varieties. Most spirometers display the following graphs:
a volume-time curve, showing volume (liters) along the Y-axis and time (seconds) along the Xaxis
a flow-volume loop, which graphically depicts the rate of airflow on the Y-axis and the total
volume inspired or expired on the X-axis
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The most commonly used guidelines for spirometric testing and interpretation are set by the
American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS).
The basic FVC test varies slightly depending on the equipment used.
Generally, the patient is asked to take the deepest breath they can, and then exhale into the sensor
as hard as possible, for as long as possible. It is sometimes directly followed by a rapid
inhalation (inspiration), in particular when assessing possible upper airway obstruction.
Sometimes, the test will be preceded by a period of quiet breathing in and out from the sensor
(tidal volume), or the rapid breath in (forced inspiratory part) will come before the forced
During the test, soft nose clips may be used to prevent air escaping through the nose. Filter
mouthpieces may be used to prevent the spread of microorganisms, particularly for inspiratory
Limitations of test
The maneuver is highly dependent on patient cooperation and effort, and is normally repeated at
least three times to ensure reproducibility. Since results are dependent on patient cooperation,
FEV1 and FVC can only be underestimated, never overestimated.
Due to the patient cooperation required, spirometry can only be used on children old enough to
comprehend and follow the instructions given (typically about 4-5 years old), and only on
patients who are able to understand and follow instructions - thus, this test is not suitable for
patients who are unconscious, heavily sedated, or have limitations that would interfere with
vigorous respiratory efforts. Other types of lung function tests are available for infants and
unconscious persons.
Related tests
Spirometer can also be part of a bronchial challenge test, used to determine bronchial hyper
responsiveness to either rigorous exercise, inhalation of cold/dry air, or with a pharmaceutical
agent such as methacholine or histamine.
Sometimes, to assess the reversibility of a particular condition, a bronchodilator is administered
before performing another round of tests for comparison. This is commonly referred to as a
reversibility test, or a post bronchodilator test (Post BD), and is an important part in diagnosing
asthma versus COPD.
Explanation of common test values in FVC tests Abbreviation
Name Description
FVC Forced Vital Capacity This is the total amount of air that you can forcibly blow out after
full inspiration, measured in liters.
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FEV1 Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second
This is the amount of air that you can
forcibly blow out in one second, measured in litres. Along with FVC it is considered one of the
primary indicators of lung function.
This is the ratio of FEV 1 to FVC. In healthy adults this should be
approximately 75 - 80%.
PEF Peak Expiratory Flow This is the speed of the air moving out of your lungs at the
beginning of the expiration, measured in liters per second.
FEF 25-75% or 25-50%
Forced Expiratory Flow 25-75% or 25-50% this is the average
flow (or speed) of air coming out of the lung during the middle portion of the expiration (also
sometimes referred to as the MMEF, for maximal mid-expiratory flow).
FIF 25-75% or 25-50%
Forced Inspiratory Flow 25%-75% or 25%-50%
this is similar
to FEF 25%-75% or 25%-50% except the measurement is taken during inspiration.
FET Forced Expiratory Time
This measures the length of the expiration in seconds.
SVC Slow Vital capacity
Tidal Volume During the respiratory cycle, a specific volume of air is drawn into and
then expired out of the lungs. This volume is tidal volume.
MVV Maximum Voluntary Ventilation
a measure of the maximum amount of air that can
be inhaled and exhaled in one minute, measured in liters/minute.

Note that functional residual capacity (FRC) cannot be measured via spirometry, but it can be
measured with a plethysmograph.
Results are usually given in both raw data (liters, liters per second) and percent predicted - the
test result as a percent of the "predicted values" for the patients of similar characteristics (height,
age, sex, and sometimes race and weight). The interpretation of the results can vary depending
on the physician and the source of the predicted values. Generally speaking, results nearest to
100% predicted are the most normal, and results over 80% are often considered normal.
However, review by a doctor is necessary for accurate diagnosis of any individual situation.

4.5.Temperature Measurements:
Body temperature is one of the oldest known indicators of the general well being of a
person. Techniques and instruments for the measurement of temperature have been common
place in home. Two basic types of temperature measurements can be obtained from the human
body. Systematic and skin surface measurements. Both provides valuable diagnostic information
although the systematic temperature measurement is much more commonly used.

4.5.1.Temperature Regulation:
One of the skins functions is to contribute to thermo regulation maintenance of a
constant body temperature. It does this in three main ways: Widening and narrowing of blood
vessels, sweating and hair adjustments, if the body becomes hot, blood vessels in the dermis
widen (vasodilate) to allow extra blood flow so more warmth can be lost from the surface. The
skin may look flushed, and sweat oozes from sweat glands and evaporates , drawing away body
heat. If the body is cold, the peripheral blood vessels (vasoconstrict) to minimize heat loss and
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sweating is reduced. Tiny body hairs are pulled upright by the erector pili muscles to trap air as
an insulating.
Feeling cold ( Hair stands more upright)
Tiny body hairs, raised by the contraction of the erector pili muscles, create small
mounds known as goose pimples at their bases, the peripheral blood vessels constrict and sweat
reduce their activity.
Feeling Hot (Hair Lies Flatter)
Tiny body hairs lie flatter as the erector pili muscles relax, and the small mounds at their
bases disappear. Dermal blood vessels dilate , increasing blood flow and the sweat glands raise
their o/p.
Ultraviolet Defences:
The suns rays include a spectrum of colour wavelength including infra red or IR rays (
the warming component) and ultraviolet, UV rays. Both UV-A and UV-B wavelengths are
invisible to human eyes, but exposure to the latter in particular is linked to forms of skin cancer.
Skins self-defence is its dark colouring substance or pigment, melanin. This forms a screen in
the upper epidermis that shields the actively multiplying cells in the base of the epidermis.
Melanin Production:
Melanocytes are melanin- producing cells in the base of the epidermis, They make parcels of
melanin granules melanosomes which pass inti surrounding cells.
Skin Pigmentation:
Skin colour depends on the type and quantity of two main melanin pigments-reddish
pheomelanin and brown-black eumelanin. Darker skin has layer melanocytes with more
melanosomes which break down to give even pigmentation through skin cells. Lighter skin has
smaller melanocytes and grouped melanosomes. Exposure to UV light stimulates melanocytes so
the skin becomes darker or tanned.

4.6.Systematic Temperature:
It is the temperature of the internal regions of the body. This temperature is maintained through a
carefully controlled balace between the heat generated by the active tissues of the body mainly
the muscles and the liver and the heat lost by the body to the environment. Measurement of
systemic temperature is accomplished by temperature sensing devices placed in the mouth, under
the arm pits or in the rectum. The normal oral (mouth) temperature of a healthy person is about
31 C . The under arm temperature is about 1 degree lower, whereas the rectal temperature is
about 1 degree higher than the oral reading.

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Systemic temperature is not affected by the ambient temperature, even if the latter drops
to as low as - 18 C (0 F ) or rises to over 38 C (100 F ) . This balance is upset only when the
metabolism of the body cannot produce heat as rapidly as it is lost or when the metabolism of the
body cannot produce heat as it is lost or when the body cannot rid itself of heat fast enough.
The temperature control center for the body is located deep within the brain . Here the
temperature of the blood is monitored and its control functions are coordinated. In warm,
ambient temperatures cooling of the body is aided by production of perspiration due to secretion
of the sweat glands and by increased circulation of the blood near the surface. In this manner, the
body acts as a radiator. If the external temperature becomes too low, the body conserves heat by
reducing blood flow near the surface to the minimum required for maintenance of the cells. At
the same time metabolism is increased. If these measures are insufficient , additional heat is
produced by increasing the tone of skeletal muscles and sometimes by involuntary contraction of
skeletal muscles(shivering) and of the arrector muscles in the skin (gooseflesh).
In addition to the central thermostat for the body, temperature sensors at the surface of
the skin permit some degree of local control in the event a certain part of the body is exposed to
local heat or cold. Cooling or heating is accomplished by control of the surface blood flow in the
region affected.
Derivation from the temperature control is a rise in temperature. This is known as fever,.
This fever can be experienced with cerrain types of infection. If the heat elimination mechanism
gets affected means, we will get fever. The body temperature increases due to the thermostat in
the brain were suddenly turned up. Because of this, additional metabolism occurred, this will
accelerate the chemical reactions of the body. The increase in temperature can be analysed
through the skin. The skin is often pale and dry shivering usually takes place and the skin
muscles react to coolness. Finally as the body temperature is lowered to normal increased
sweating (breaking of the fever) is observed as the means by which the additional body heat is
eliminated. Surface or skin temperature is also a result of balance. The skin temperature is a
function of the surface circulation in a local area and the cooling of that area by conduction,
radiation convection and evaporation.

4.6.1.Measurement of systemic Body Temperature:

The internal or systemic body temperature is a good indicator of the health of a person,
measurement of this temperature is considered one of the vital signs of medicine. It is not
necessary to get an accurate measurement for temperature analysis , but the method which we
adopt for measuring temperature must be easy to perform.
Mercury thermometer is the device which is used for measuring temperature, this the
standard method of measurement. This type of thermometer is inexpensive, an accurate
measurement can be obtained from this thermometer. Electronic thermometers are available as
replacement for mercury thermometers with disposable tips, these electronic thermometers
require much less time for a reading and are much easier to read than the conventional
For obtaining continuous recording of the temperature or whenever greater accuracy is
needed then, this can be obtained with the help of electronic thermometers.

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Thermocouple and thermistor are the two types of electronic temperature sensing devices
used in thermocouple, a junction of two dissimilar metals that produce an o/p voltage nearly
proportional to the temperature at that junction with respect to a reference junction.
Thermistor a semiconductor element whose resistance varies with temperature.
Thermistors are used more frequently than thermocouples. This preference is primarily because
of the greater sensitivity of the thermistor in the temperature range of interest and the
requirement for a reference junction for the thermocouple.
Thermistors are variable resistance devices formed into disks, beads , rods or other
desired shapes. They are manufactured from mixtures of oxides (sometimes sulphates or
silicates) of various elements such as nickel, copper, magnesium, manganese, cobalt,titanium and
aluminium. After the mixture is compressed into shape, it is sintered at a high temperature into a
solid mass. The result is a resistor with large temperature coefficient. The relationship between
resistance change and temperature change is nonlinear. The resistance, Rt1 of a thermistor at a
1 1
given temperature T1 can be determined by Rt1 Rt 0e the non linear characteristics of
T1 T0
the thermistor can be overcome by the instrumentation circuit in which the resistance is
measured often incorporates special linearizing circuits. Some of the other problems occur when
we use
thermistors, as the danger of error due to self heating, the possibility of hysterisis and the
changing of characteristics because of aging. If the power dissipation of the thermistor can be
kept to about a milliwatt, the error should not be excessive, even when temperature differences
as small as 0.01 C are sought. Self heating effect can be reduced by limiting the amount of
current used in measuring the resistance of the thermistor.

Skin Temperature Measurements:

The systemic temperature remains constant throughout the body, skin temperatures can
vary several degrees from one point to another. The range is usually from about 30 to
35 C (85to95 c) . The purpose of using skin temperature measurements is to detect or locate
defects in the circulatory system by showing differences in the pattern from one side of the body
to the other.
Skin temperature measurements from specific locations on the body are frequently made
by using small flat thermistor probes taped in the skin. The simultaneous readings from a number
of these probes provide a means of measuring changes in the spatial characteristics of the
circulatory pattern over a time interval or with a given stimulus.
The human skin also emits infrared radiation. With the help of infrared thermometer, it is
possible to measure the infrared radiation. For measuring this infrared radiation, the patient has
to be allowed to remain in a room at about 21 C (70 F ) without clothing over the area to be
measured. Infrared thermometers can be used to detect the areas of poor circulation and other
sources of coolness. They can also be used to locate breast cancer other unseen sources of heat.
An extension of this method of skin temperature measurement is the thermograph. A
thermograph is a device in which an infrared thermometer is incorporated into a scanner so that
the entire surface of a body or some portions of the body is scanned in much the same way that a
television camera scans an image, but the process is little bit slower. The scanner scans the body
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the infrared energy is measured and used to modulate the intensity of a light beam that produces
a map of the infrared energy on photographic paper. This presentation is known as thermogram.
The advantage of this method is that relatively warm and cool areas are immediately evident.

4.7.Measurement of pulse:
When the heart muscles contracts, blood is ejected from the ventricles and a pulse of
pressured is transmitted through the circulatory system. A vessel-wall displacement is caused by
vessels when the pressure pulse is traveling. The pulse can be measured at various points of the
peripheral circulatory system. We can analyze the pulse rate if we keep the finger tip over the
radial artery in the wrist or some other location where an artery seems just below the skin. The
timing and wave shape of the pressure pulse are diagnostically important because they provide
correct information.
The pulse gives the measure of pulse wave velocity and can be reduced and compared
with the ECG signal. The pulse wave travels at 5 to 15 m/s depending on the size and rigidity of
the arterial walls, the larger and more rigid the artery walls, the greater the velocity. The velocity
is 10-15 times faster than blood flow and is relatively independent of it.
The methods used for the detection of volume(pulse) changes due to blood flow are:
optical changes (changes in density)
Electrical impedence changes
Strain gauge or microphone (mechanical)
The most common used method to measure plusatile blood volume changes is by the
photoelectric method . Two methods are common : Reflectance method and transmittance
In the transmittance method, a light emitting diode (LED) and photoresistor are mounted
in an enclosure that fits over the tip of the patients finger. Light is transmitted through the finger
tips of the subjects finger and the resistance of the photoresistor is determined by the amount of
light reaching it. With each contraction of the heat, blood is forced to the extremities and the
amount of blood in the finger increases. This alters the optical density with the result that the
light transmissions through the finger reduce and the resistance of the photo resistor increases
accordingly. The photo resistor is connected as part of the voltage divider circuit and produces a
voltage that varies with the amount of blood in the finger. This voltage that closely follows the
pressure pulse and its waveshape can be displayed on an oscilloscope or recorded on a strip
An electric impedance method measures the impedance change between two electrodes
caused by the changes in blood volume between them. The change in impedance (0.1 ohm) may
be small as compared to the total impedance (several hundred ohms) . An alternating current is
applied between electrodes that are attached to the body. With this set the impedance can be
measured. An alternating signal (10- 100khz) is used (rather than dc) in order to polarization of
the electrodes.
The mechanical method involves the use of a strain gauge connected to a rubber-band
placed around a limb or finger. Expansion in the band due to change in blood volume causes a

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change in resistance of the strain gauge. In some other technique, a sensitive crystal microphone
is placed on the skins surface to puck-up the pulsation.
A piezo electric crystal can also be used to detect the pulse wave at certain places of the
peripheral system, where considerable displacement of the tissue layer above the artery is
involved. A piezo electric crystal is clamped in a hermetically sealed capsule subject to
displacement stresses. The displacement can be transmitted to the crystal through a soft rubber
diaphragm. The crystal can be connected to an ECG recorder for recording the pressure pulse

4.8.Cardiac output:
The blood flow at any point in the circulatory system is the volume of blood that passes
that point during a unit of time. It is normally measured in millimeters per minute or liters per
minute. Blood flow is highest in the pulmonary artery and the aorta, where these blood vessels
leave the heart. The flow at these points called cardiac output is between 3.5 and 5 litres/min in a
normal adult at rest. On the other hand in the capillaries blood flow can be slow , that the travel
of individual blood cells can be observed under a microscope.
With the help of cardiac output or the blood flow in a given vessel, it is possible for us to
calculate so many other variables. The cardiac output divided by the number of heart beats per
minute gives the amount of blood that is ejected during each heart beat, it is known as stroke
volume. If the total amount of blood circulation is known and this stroke volume is divided by
the cardiac output, the mean circulation time is obtained. From the blood flow through a vessel ,
divided by the cross sectional area of the vessel, the mean velocity of the blood at the point of
measurement can be calculated.
In the arteries, blood flow is pulsatile. In fact, in some blood vessels, a reversal of the
flow can occur during certain parts of the heart beat cycle. Because of the elasticity of their walls
the blood vessels tend to smooth out the pulsations of blood flow and blood pressure. Both
pressure and flow are greatest in the aorta where the blood serves the heart.
Blood flow is a function of the blood pressure and flow resistance of the blood vessels in
the same way as electrical current flow depends on voltage and resistance. The flow resistance of
the capillary bed can vary ever a wide range. The body reduces the blood flow through the skin
by means of vasoconstriction (narrowing) of the capillaries . This symptoms occur whenever a
body is exposed to low temperatures or under the influence of certain drugs (eg: nicotine)
Vasodilation (widening) of the capillaries occur when heat excitement or local
inflammation among other things, this increases the blood flow locally. Wide variations that are
possible in the flow resistance, the determination of blood pressure along is not sufficient to
access the status of the circulatory system.
The velocity of blood flowing through a vessel is not constant throughout the cross
section of the vessel but is a function of the distances from the wall surface. A thin layer of blood
actually adheres to the wall, resulting in zero velocity at this place, whereas the highest velocity
occurs at the centre of the vessel. Some blood flow meters do not actually measure the blood
flow but measures the mean velocity of the blood.
The laminar flow of blood has been changed to turbulent flow pattern , when the local
blood velocity exceeds a certain limit, it is difficult to determine the flow rate.

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Based on the flow of blood to all parts of the organs, the body has to be functioned
properly. If there is a reduction of blood occurs by a narrowing of the blood vessels, the function
of that organ can be severely limited. When the blood flow in a certain vessel is completely
obstructed (by a blood clot or thrombus) the tissue in the area supplied by this vessel may die.
Such an obstruction in a blood vessel of the brain is one of the causes of a cerebrovascular
accident (CVA) or stroke. An obstruction of part of the coronary arteries that supply blood for
the heart muscle is called a myocardial ( or coronary) infarct or heart attack, whereas merely a
reduced flow in the coronary vessels can cause a severe chest pain called angina pectoris . A
blood clot in a vessel in the lung is called an lubolism. Blood clots can also afflict the circulation
in the lower extremities (Thrombosis)

4.9.Blood Flow Meter:

An adequate blood supply is necessary for all organs of the body infact an impaired
supply of blood is the cause of various diseases. The ability to measure blood flow in the vessel
that supplies a particular organ would therefore be of great help in diagnosing such diseases. The
rate of flow of a liquid or gas in a pipe is expressed as the volume of the substance that passes
through the pipe in a given unit of a time. Flow rate are therefore usually expressed in liters per
minute or millimeters per minute. (cm3 / min)
Methods used in industry for flow measurements of other liquids, like the turbine
flowmeter and the rotatometer are not very suitable for the measurement of blood flow because
they require cutting the blood vessel. These methods also expose the blood to sharp edges, which
are conductive to blood clot formation. Practically all blood flow meters currently used in
clinical and research applications are based on one of the following physical principles:
Electromagnetic induction.
Ultrasound transmission or reflection
Thermal convection
Radiographic principles
Indicator (dye or thermal) dilution.
Commonly used flowmeters such as orifile or turbine flowmeters are unsuitable for measuring
blood flow because hey require cutting the vessel and can cause formation of clots.

4.9.1.Magnetic and ultrasonic blood flow meters:

Velocity of the blood stream. These techniques measure the require that a transducer
surround, an excised blood vessel, they are mainly used during surgery. When compare to
indicator-dilution methods, this electromagnetic flow meter has a greater capability. It is possible
for us to use electromagnetic flow meters for any conductive liquid such as saline or blood.
Plethysmograph actually indicates volume changes in body segments, can be used to
measure the flow of blood in the limbs.

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Electromagnetic Blood flow meters:

The most commonly used instrument for the measurement of blood flow is of the
electromagnetic type. The blood flow can be measured in intact blood vessels without
cannulation. The blood vessel has to be exposed so that the electromagnetic flow meter measures
instantaneous pulsatile flow of blood.
The operating principle underlying all electromagnetic type flowmeters is based on
Faradays Law of Electromagnetic induction The law of electromagnetic induction states that
when a conductor is moved at right angles through a magnetic field in a direction at right angles
both to the magnetic field and its length, an emf is induced in the conductor.
The electric generator generates electricity by induction. Here copper wire move through
a magnetic field, cutting the lines of magnetic flux and inducing an emf in the wire.
In the flow meters an electromagnetic assembly provides the magnetic field placed at
right angles to the blood vessel in which the blood flow is measured. The flow meter depends on
the movement of blood, which has a conductance similar to that of saline. The blood stream
which is a conductor cuts the magnetic field and voltage is induced in the blood stream. The
induced voltage is picked up by two electrodes incorporated in the magnetic assembly. The
magnitude of the voltage picked up is
directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, the diameter of the blood vessel and
the velocity of the blood flow i.e., e = CHVd
Where e = induced voltage
H=strength of the magnetic field
V= velocity of blood flow
d=diameter of blood vessel
C=constant of proportionality
If the strength of the magnetic field and the diameter of the blood vessel remain
unchanged, then the induced voltage will be a linear function of the blood flow velocity.
Therefore, e = C1 V where C1 is a constant and equal to CHd
Flow rate Q through the tube Q = VA
Therefore V = Q/A
A is the cross sectional area of the tube.
e C1 C2Q
The induced voltage picked up by the electrodes is amplified and displayed/recorded on a
suitable system. The system is calibrated in terms of volume flow as a function of the induced
voltage. The diameter of the blood vessel is held constant by the circumference of the hole in the
probe that surrounds it.
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Flowmeter, consists of a generator of alternating current a probe assembly, a
demodulator, a dc amplifier and a suitable recording device. The shape of the energizing current
waveform for the electromagnet may be sinusoidal or square.
Factors that cause error in electromagnetic flow meter:
1. Regions of high velocity generate higher incremental emfs than regions of low
velocity. So circulating currents flow in the transverse plane. These currents cause
varying drops in resistance within the conductive blood and surrounding tissues.
2. The ratio of the conductivity of the wall of the blood vessel so that of the blood varies
with the hematocrit (percentage of volume to blood volume). So the shunting effects
of the wall cause the variable error.
3. Fluid outside the wall of the vessel has the greater conductivity than the wall. So it
shunts the flow signal.
The magnetic flux density is not uniform in the transverse plane; this accentuates the
problem of circulating current.
The magnetic flux density is not uniform along the axis, which causes circulating current
to flow in the axial direction.

4.9.2.Ultrasonic Blood Flow meter:

With the help of ultrasonic energy it is possible for us to measure the velocity of flowing
There are basically two types of ultrasonic blood flow velocity meters. The first type is
the transit time velocity meters and the second is the Doppler-shift type.
In transit time ultrasonic flow meter, a pulsed beam is directed through a blood vessel at a
shallow angle and its transit time is then measured. The transit time is shortened when the blood
flows in the direction of energy transmission. If the blood flows in the opposite direction of
energy transmission, the transit time is prolonged.
Popularly used ultrasonic blood flow metals are based on the Doppler principle. An oscillator
operating at a frequency of several megahertz, excites a piezoelectric transducer (made by
barium titanate). This transducer is coupled to the wall of an exposed blood vessel and sends an
ultrasonic beam with a frequency F into the flowing blood. A small part of the transmitted
energy is scattered back and is received by a second transducer arranged opposite the first one.
Scattering occurs mainly as a result of the moving blood cells, the reflected signal has a different
frequency due to Doppler Effect. Its frequency is either F FD or F FD , depending on the
direction of flow. The Doppler component FD is directly proportional to the velocity of the
flowing blood. A fraction of the transmitted ultrasonic energy however reached the second
transducer directly with the frequency being unchanged. After amplification of the composite
signal, the Doppler frequency can be obtained at the output of a detector as the difference
between the direct and the scattered signal components. The Doppler frequency is typically in
the low audio frequency range. Because of the velocity profile of the blood, the Doppler signal is

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not a pure sinewave, but has more the form of marrow-band noise. Doppler frequency can be
calibrated directly in flow-rate units.

4.9.3. Blood Flow measurement by indicator Dilution Method:

The indicator or dye dilution methods are the only methods of blood flow measurements
that really measure the blood flow and not the blood velocity. Any substance can be used as a
indicator if it mixes readily with blood and its concentration in the blood can be easily
determined after mixing. The substance must be stable but should not be retained by the body. It
must have no toxic side effects.
An indocyanine dye, cardiogreen used in an isotonic solution was long favored as a
indicator. Its concentration was determined by measuring the light absorption with a
densitometer (calorimeter) . Radio isotopes (Radio iodited serum albumen) have also been
employed for this purpose.
Blood flow measurements by Thermal convection:
A hot object in a colder-flowing medium is cooled by thermal convection. The rate of
cooling is proportional to the rate of the flow of the medium. This principle is used to measure
gas flow has also been applied to the measurement of blood velocity. In one application, an
electric heater is placed between two thermocouples or thermistors that are located some distance
apart along the axis of the vessel. Temperature difference between the upstream and the down
stream sensor is a measure of the blood velocity.
Blood flow determination by Radiographic method:
Blood is not generally visible on an x-ray image because it has about the same radio
density as the surrounding tissue. But with the help of a injection of a contrast medium into a
blood vessel (eg: an iodated organic compound) it is possible for us to make the blood to be
visible by x-ray image (either photographic) or on a videorape recording the process of the
contrast medium can be followed obstructions can be detected and the blood flow in certain
blood vessels can be estimated.

Colorimeter :

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A colorimeter, an instrument used in colorimetry, measures the absorbance of particular
wavelengths of light by a specific solution. This device, invented by Jan Szczepanik, is most
commonly used to determine the concentration of a known solute in a given solution by the
application of the Beer-Lambert law, which states that the concentration of a solute is
proportional to the absorbance.
Composition of blood serum is determined by specialized chemical techniqus. The
different components of biological substances can be determined by measuring how they either
absorb or emit visible light. Colorimeter uses light absorption to determine blood proteins and
irn levels. In order to enhance the color of these substances in blood serum, it is necessary to mix
it with reagents. The basic principle behind these colorimeters is that, many chemical cmpounds
in slution appears coloured with saturation of the color depending on the concentration of the
compund. By analyzing the transmitted light through the sample or emitted light by the sample.
The concentration of the substance can be determined as
I1 = transmitted light intensity.
Io = incident light intensity.
A = - Log (I1/ Io)
Or A = log (1/T)
Thus A = CL.
= absorbitivity which depends on the absorbing substance and optical wavelength at
which measurement is performed.
C= concentration of the absorbing substance
L = path length of the cuvette.

The essential parts of a colorimeter are:

a light source (often an ordinary low-voltage filament lamp)

an adjustable aperture
a set of colored filters
a cuvette to hold the working solution
a detector (usually a photoresistor} to measure the transmitted light
a meter to display the output from the detector

In addition, there may be:

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a voltage regulator, to protect the instrument from fluctuations in mains voltage.

a second light path, cuvette and detector. This enables comparison between the working
solution and a "blank", consisting of pure solvent, to improve accuracy.

By measuring the optical density or absorbance A, the concentration of a given substance in a

sample can be determined. Colorimeter can be filter photometer or spectrophotometer. When an
interference filter is used to select a given wavelength, it is called filter photometer. When a
diffraction grating or prism is used as a monochromatic to get different spectral components or
wavelengths of interest in colorimeter, then it is called spectrophotometer. This
spectrophotometer allows the determination of absorption of samples at various wavelengths.
Fluorescence is an optical phenomenon in which the light kof shorter wavelength is incident
kon a sample absorbs and reemits light on a longer wavelength. The concentration of such
chemicals can be determined by fluorometers and spectrofluorometers are used to select the
emission wavelength respectively.
Filter photometer:
Fig shows the schematic diagram of a simple filter photometer which is used to measure
transmittance. Light from a halogen lamp incident on filter F. it transmits only suitable
wavelength range at which the measurement is performed. The divergent of transmitted light is
converted into two parallel beams buy an optical arrangement. One beam falls on a reference
selenium photoelectric cell CR, and other beam falls on a sample selenium photoelectric cell Cs
after passing through sample in the cuvette. Without output from photoelectric cells are the same.
When the sample is placed in the light path, the output of the sample cell is reduced and hence
the potentiometer is adjusted by the full deflection in the galvanometer G. since the
potentiometer is calibrated in terms of transmittance, we can determine the concentration of a
given substance in the sample. Generally potentiometers are calibrated in terms of concentration
of a given substance in the sample. Generally potentiometers are calibrated in terms of
concentration directly using a standard known concentration.

Changeable optics filters are used in the colorimeter to select the wavelength of light which the
solute absorbs the most, in order to maximize accuracy. The usual wavelength range is from 400
to 700 nanometres (nm). If it is necessary to operate in the ultraviolet range (below 400 nm)
then some modifications to the colorimeter are needed. In modern colorimeters the filament
lamp and filters may be replaced by several light-emitting diodes of different colors.

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In a manual colorimeter the cuvettes are inserted and removed by hand. An automated
colorimeter (as used in an AutoAnalyzer) is fitted with a flowcell through which solution flows
The output from a colorimeter may be displayed by an analogue or digital meter and may be
shown as transmittance (a linear scale from 0-100%) or as absorbance (a logarithmic scale
from zero to infinity). The useful range of the absorbance scale is from 0-2 but it is desirable to
keep within the range 0-1 because, above 1, the results become unreliable due to scattering of
In addition, the output may be sent to a chart recorder, data logger, or computer.
Graphic design
In graphic design, colorimeters are used to generate color profiles for equipment in the
workflow. Accurate color profiles are important to ensure that screen displays match the final
printed products.

Flame photometer:
A flame photometer is used to analyze urine or blood in order to determine the
concentration of potassium (K) sodium (Na) calcium(Ca) lithium (Li). Sometimes lithium is used
as a calibration substance in the analysis of the other three substances. A known amount of
lithium is added to the sample and the emitted light intensity of the sample under analysis is
measured relative to that of the lithium. By this way, any error due to varying flame temperature
is eliminated.
The sample whose concentration is to be analyzed is taken in a beaker. This sample is
sprayed into fine droplets using an atomizer. This fine droplets are passed through oxygen or air
past opening in it.

Electroporesis Introduction:

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Devices based on electrophoresis principles are used in clinical laboratory to measure
quantities of the various types of proteins in plasma, urine and CSF; to separate enzymes into
their component isoenzymes to identify antibodies, and to serve in a variety of other applications.
Electrophoresis is the most known electrokinetic phenomena. It was discovered by
Reuss in 1809 . He observed that clay particles dispersed in water migrate under
influence of an applied electric field. Generally, electrophoresis is the motion of
dispersed particles relative to a fluid under the influence of an electric field that is
space uniform. Alternatively, similar motion in a space non-uniform electric field is
called dielectrophoresis.

Electrophoresis occurs because particles dispersed in a fluid almost always carry an electric
surface charge. An electric field exerts electrostatic Coulomb force on the particles through
these charges.
Another force is electrostatic as well. It is known from double layer theory that all surface
charges in fluids are screened with a diffuse layer. This diffuse layer has the same absolute
charge value, but with opposite sign from the surface charge. The electric field induces force on
the diffuse layer, as well as on the surface charge. The total value of this force equals to the
first mentioned force, but it is oppositely directed. However, only part of this force is applied to
the particle. It is actually applied to the ions in the diffuse layer. These ions are at some distance
from the particle surface. They transfer part of this electrostatic force to the particle surface
through viscous stress. This part of the force that is applied to the particle body is called
electrophoretic retardation force.
Basic Principles:

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Electrophoresis may in general be defined as the movement of solid phase with respect to
a liquid movement of solid phase with respect to a liquid (the buffer solution) the main functions
of the buffer solution are to carry the current and t keep the PH of the solution constant during
migration. The buffer solution is supported by a solid solition called medium. In th\is technique,
the sample is applied to the medium and under the effect of the electric field, groups of particles
that are similar in charge, size and shape migrate at similar rates. This results in migration of the
particles in the field.
Magnitude of charge:
The mobility of the given particle is directly related to the net magnitude of the particles
charge. Mobility is defined as the distance in centimeters a particle moves in unit time per unit
field strength, expressed as voltage drop per centimeter.
Ionic strength of the buffer:
The more concentrated the buffer, the slower the rate of migration of the particles. This is
because the greater the properties of buffer ions present,the greater the proportion of the current
they carry. It is also due to interaction between the buffer ions and the particles.
The distance of migration is directly related to the time the electrophresis takes. Other factors
that influence migration include electrophoresis chromatography,particle shape.
There are many applications of electrophoresis for measurements and various operations with
Electrophoresis is used for studying properties of dispersed particles.
Gel electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis is an application of electrophoresis in molecular biology. Biological
macromolecules usually proteins, DNA, or RNA are loaded on a gel and separated on the
basis of their electrophoretic mobility. (The gel greatly retards the mobility of all molecules
Electrophoretic displays
Electrophoretic displays (EPD's) are a class of information display that form images by
electrophoretic motion of charged, colored pigment particles.

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Electrophoretic fingerprinting:
Electrophoresis is also used in the process of DNA fingerprinting. Certain DNA segments that
vary vastly among humans are cut at recognition sites by restriction enzymes (restriction
endonuclease). After the resulting DNA fragments are run through electrophoresis, the distance
between bands are measured and recorded as the DNA "fingerprint."
Electrophoretic deposition:
Coatings, such as paint or ceramics, can be applied by electrophoretic deposition. The
technique can even be used for 3-D printing.

4.12. pCO2 (Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide) reflects the amount of carbon
dioxide gas dissolved in the blood.
Indirectly, the pCO2 reflects the exchange of this gas through the lungs to the outside
air. Two factors each have a significant impact on the pCO2. The first is how rapidly
and deeply the individual is breathing:

Someone who is hyperventilating will "blow off" more CO2, leading to lower
pCO2 levels
Someone who is holding their breath will retain CO2, leading to increased
pCO2 levels

The second is the lungs capacity for freely exchanging CO2 across the alveolar

With pulmonary edema, there is an extra layer of fluid in the alveoli that
interferes with the lungs' ability to get rid of CO2. This leads to a rise in pCO2.
With an acute asthmatic attack, even though the alveoli are functioning
normally, there may be enough upper and middle airway obstruction to block
alveolar ventilation, leading to CO2 retention.

Increased pCO2 is caused by:

Pulmonary edema
Obstructive lung disease

Decreased pCO2 is caused by:


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Pulmonary Embolism (This leads to hyperventilation, a more important
consideration than the embolized/infarcted areas of the lung that do not
function properly. In cases of massive pulmonary embolism, the infarcted or
non-functioning areas of the lung assume greater significance and the pCO2
may increase.)

4.12.1.Measurement of PCO2
The measurement of PCO2 is based on the fact that the relationship between log PCO 2 and pH is
linear over the range of 10 to 90 mm Hg which includes essentially all the values of clinical
interest. This result can be established by examining some fundamental chemical relationships
among H+, H2CO3, and PCO2. The first three quantities are related by the equilibrium equation

H2O + CO2


H+ + HCO3- ------------

In addition, the relationship between PCO2 and the concentration of the CO2 dissolved in the
blood, [CO2] is given by
[CO2] = a(PCO2) ------------------------------------------(2)
Where a = 0.0301 mmol/liter per mm Hg PCO2. The mass relationship corresponding to eq(1)

k' =


Next we use the fact that [H2CO3] is proportional to [CO2] to obtain the result



where k represents the combined values of k' and the proportionality constant between [H2CO3]
and [CO2] using eq(2) we obtain the following result



next taking the base-10 logarithm of eq(5) and rearranging, we obtain

log[H+] + log[HCO3-] log k log a log PCO2 = 0 ---------------------(6)
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using the definition of pH yields
pH = log[HCO3-] - log a log PCO2 --------------------------------------(7)
this shows that pH has a linear dependence on the negative of log PCO 2. The assembly includes
two chambers, one for the specimen and a second containing a pH electrode. In contrast to the
basic pH measurement device in which the pH electrode is placed in the specimen. In this case
the pH electrode is bathed by a buffer solution of bicarbonate and NaCl.
The two chambers are separated by a semi permeable membrane, usually made of Teflon or
silicone rubber. This membrane allows dissolvedCO2 to pass through but blocks the passage of
charged particles, in particular H+ HCO3-. When the specimen is placed in its chamber, Co2
diffuses across the membrane to establish the same concentration in both chambers. If there is a
net movement of CO2 into (or out of) the chamber containing the buffer,[H +] increases (or
decreases), and the pH meter detects this change, because the relationship between pH and the
negative log PCO2 is only a proportional one, it is necessary to calibrate the instrument before
each use with two gases of known PCO2. Fig.1. shows PCO2 electrode

Fig. 1.PCO2 Electrode


H+ +

HCO3- +
H+ +

For blood
Or calibrating



AgCl Ag0






Sample Chamber

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Fig. 1.PO2 Electrode






For blood
Or calibrating




AgCl Ag0

Sample Chamber


Base Excess or Base Deficit

Whenever there is an accumulation of metabolically-produced acids, the body
attempts to neutralize those acids to maintain a constant acid-base balance.
This neutralizing is achieved by using up various "buffering" compounds in the blood
stream, to bind the acids, disallowing them from contributing to more acidity.
About half of these buffering compounds come from HCO3, and the other half from
plasma and red blood cell proteins and phosphates.
The words "base deficit" and "base excess" are equivalent and are generally used
interchangeably. The only difference is that base deficit is expressed as a positive
number and base excess is expressed as a negative number.
A "Base Deficit" of 10 means that 10 mEqu/L of buffer has been used up to neutralize
metabolic acids (like lactic acid). Another way to say the same thing would be the
"Base Excess is minus 10."
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More Negative Values of Base Excess may Indicate:

Lactic Acidosis
Ingestion of acids
Cardiopulmonary collapse

More Positive Values of Base Excess may Indicate:

Loss of buffer base

Ingestion of alkali


When a cell membrane moves molecules or ions uphill against a concentration gradient, then the
process is known as active transport. The transport of the substances through the cell membrane
occurs by diffusion is called passive transport. The diffusion and drift processes give rise to
membrane potential.
The interface of metallic ions in solution (or) with their associated metal results in an electrode
potential. The voltage developed at an electrode- electrolyte interface is designated as half- cell
potential or electrode potential. In the case of a metal- solution interface electrode potential
results from the difference in the rates between two opposing processes. They are passage of ions
from the metal into the solution, combination of metallic ions in solution with electrons in the
metal to form atoms of the metal.
Various ions seek balance between the inside and outside of the cell by diffusion and drift
process give rise to membrane potential. The membrane potential caused by the different
concentration of ions is called the resting potential of the cell. Resting potential is defined as the
electrical potential of an excitable cell relative to its surroundings when not stimulated or
involved in passage of an impulse. It ranges from -60mV to -100mV
The nerve and muscle cells permit the entry of potassium and chloride ions it blocks the entry of
sodium ions. The permeability of sodium ions is about 2 x 10-8 cm/s and for potassium and
chloride ions is 4 x 10-6 cm/s
Action potential is defined as the change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an
impulse along the membrane of a cell.
The various ions seek a balance between the inside and outside of the cell by diffusion and drift.
When the cell is in resting state, then it is said to be polarized. The process of changing from the
resting potential state to the action potential state is called depolarization.

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When the cell fires however, the outside of the cell becomes momentarily negative with respect
to the interior. A short time later, the cell regains the normal state in which the inside is again
negative with respect to outside. The discharging and recharging of the cell is known as
depolarization and repolarization.
Regardless of the method of excitation of cells or the intensity of the stimulus, this is assumed to
greater than the threshold of stimulus. The action potential is always- the same for any given cell.
This is known as all- or nothing law.
Absolute refractory period is the time duration of the cell non response to further stimuli. It is
about 1 millisecond in nerve cell. Following the absolute refractory period there is a brief period
of time during which another action potential can be triggered but a much stronger stimulation is
required. This period is called relative refractory period.
The rate at which an action potential moves down a fiber of a nerve cell or is propagated from
cell to cell is called the propagation rate or conduction velocity. The conduction velocity varies
in nerves depending on the type and diameter of the fiber and is from 20 n/s to 140 m/s. But in
heart muscle, it is very slower ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 m/s.

Due to the difference in permeability the concentration of sodium ions inside the cell becomes
much lower than the outside the cell. Since the sodium ions are positive, the outside of the cell is
more positive than inside. The concentration of potassium and chloride ions is negative on the
inside and positive on the outside.
An equation relating the potential across the membrane and the two concentrations of the ion is
called Nernst equation.
C1 f1

C 2 f2
gas constant(8.315 x 107 ergs/mole/degree Kelvin)
absolute Temperature, degrees Kelvin
valence of the ion (the number of electrons added or removed to ionize the atom)
Faraday constant (96,500 coulombs)
C1, C2 two concentrations of the ion on the two sides of the membrane
f1, f2 respective activity coefficients of the ion on the two sides of the membrane
The approximate value of the resting potential for living cell is 70mV. The resting potential
ranges from -60 to -100nV.
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The characteristics of resting potential are .
The value of the resting potential is maintained as a constant until some kind of
disturbance occurs.
It is strongly depending on the temperature.
Since the permabilities of the different cell types vary, the corresponding resting
potentials vary.
Bio electric potential related to
Eye (Retina)
Eye (Cornea - Retina)
Bioelectric potential

ElectroCardioGram (ECG)
ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG)
ElectroMyoGram (EMG)
ElectroRetinoGram (ERG)
ElectroOculoGram (EOG)


Frequency Observation
0.05 to
Used to measure
120 Hz
activity of heart
ElectroEncephaloGram Records
2 to 200V 0.1 to 100 Used to analysis
evoked potential,
certain patterns,
to 5 to 2000 Used as indicator
of muscle action

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0.1 to 4mV

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4.14. Pacemaker
Pacemaker is an electrical pulse generator for starting /maintaining the normal heart beat.
The output of the pacemaker is either externally to the chest or internally to the heart
muscle. In the case of cardiac stand still, the use of the pacemaker is temporary just
long enough to start a normal heart rhythm. In the cases requiring long term pacing, the
pacemaker is surgically implanted in the body and its electrodes are in direct contact with
the heart. The contraction of heart (cardiac) muscle in all animals with hearts is initiated
by electrical impulses. The rate at which these impulses fire controls the heart rate. The
cells that create these rhythmical impulses are called pacemaker cells, and they directly
control the heart rate. The normal heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute.
A higher rate than this ( above 100 beats per minute) is called Tachycardia. slower
rate(Below 60 beats per minute) than this is called Bradycardia .


Definition of Pacemaker
A small battery powered device, implanted into a patient Paces the heart when normal
rhythm is slow, when there is a heart block not allowing the ventricles to contract when the SA
node fires, or any arrhythmia causing a slow rate.
Determining Pacemaker Types

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In humans, and occasionally in other animals, a mechanical device called an artificial

pacemaker (or simply "pacemaker") may be used after damage to the body's intrinsic conduction
system to produce these impulses synthetically. The pacemaker is located in the wall of the right
Cardiac Pacemaker

The sinoatrial node (SA node) is a group of cells positioned on the wall of the right atrium,
near the entrance of the superior venacava. These cells are modified cardiomyocyte. They
possess rudimentary contractile filaments, but contract relatively weakly.
Primary Pacemaker
Cells in the SA node spontaneously depolarize, resulting in contraction, approximately 100 times
per minute. This native rate is constantly modified by the activity of sympathetic
and parasympathetic nerve fibers, so that the average resting cardiac rate in adult humans is
about 70 beats per minute. Because the sinoatrial node is responsible for the rest of the heart's
electrical activity, it is sometimes called the primary pacemaker.
Secondary Pacemaker
If the SA node does not function, a group of cells further down the heart will become the ectopic
pacemaker of the heart. These cells form the atrioventricular node(or AV node), which is an area
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between the left atrium and the right ventricle, within the atrial septum. The cells of the AV node
normally discharge at about 40-60 beats per minute, and are called the secondary pacemaker.
Pacemaker Potential
The pacemaker potential (also called the pacemaker current) is the slow, positive increase in
voltage across the cells membrane (the membrane potential) that occurs between the end of
one action potential and the beginning of the next action potential. This increase in membrane
potential is what causes the cell membrane, which typically maintains a resting membrane
potential of -70 mV, to reach the threshold potential and consequently fire the next action
potential; thus, the pacemaker potential is what drives the self-generated rhythmic firing
(automaticity) of pacemaker cells, and the rate of change (i.e., the slope) of the pacemaker
potential is what determines the timing of the next action potential and thus the intrinsic firing
rate of the cell.

In a healthy sinoatrial node (SAN, a complex tissue within the right atrium containing pacemaker
cells that normally determine the intrinsic firing rate for the entire heart), the pacemaker potential
is the main determinant of the heart rate. Because the pacemaker potential represents the noncontracting time between heart beats ( diastole), it is also called the diastolic depolarization. The
amount of net inward current required to move the cell membrane potential during the
pacemaker phase is extremely small, in the order of few pAs, but this net flux arises from time to
time changing contribution of several currents that flow with different voltage and time
Artificial Cardiac Pacemaker
A pacemaker (or artificial pacemaker, so as not to be confused with the heart's natural
pacemaker) is a medical device that uses electrical impulses, delivered by electrodes contracting
the heart muscles, to regulate the beating of the heart. The primary purpose of a pacemaker is to
maintain an adequate heart rate, either because the heart's natural pacemaker is not fast enough,
or there is a block in the heart electrical conduction system. Modern pacemakers are externally
programmable and allow the cardiologist to select the optimum pacing modes for individual
patients. Some combine a pacemaker and defibrillator in a single implantable device. Others

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have multiple electrodes stimulating differing positions within the heart to improve
synchronization of the lower chambers (ventricles) of the heart.

Pacemaker Pulses
These Pulses should have the pulse to space ratio 1:10000.

It should be negatively going pulses to avoid the ionization of the muscles.

The pulse voltage is made variable to allow adjustments in the energy delivered by the
pacemaker to the heart during each pulse.

Methods of stimulation
External stimulation
Internal stimulation

External stimulation is employed to restart the normal rhythm of the heart in the case of cardiac
standstill. Internal stimulation is employed in cases requiring long term pacing because of
permanent damage that prevents normal self triggering of the heart.
External Stimulation
It is employed to restart the normal rhythm of the heart in the case of cardiac stand still.
Stand still can occur during openheart surgery or whenever there is a sudden physical shock or
Internal Stimulation
Internal stimulation is employed in cases requiring long term pacing because of permanent
damage that prevents normal self triggering of the heart.
Comparision between external pacemaker and internal pacemaker.
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External pacemaker
It does not necessitate open heart surgery

Internal pacemaker
The pacemaker is surgically implanted
The skin near the chest or abdomen with its It requires open chest minor surgery to
output leads are connected directly to he place the circuit
heart muscle
These are used for temporary heart These are used for permanent heart
irregularities. There is no safety or damages. There is cent percent safety for
circuit from external disturbances
Electrodes for Stimulation
Bipolar and unipolar electrodes are used.

In the bipolar electrode, there are stimulating electrode and contact electrode which
serves as a return path for current to the pacemaker.
In the unipolar electrode, there is only stimulating electrode.

The return path for current to the pacemaker is made through the body fluids.

Modes of operation of pacemaker

Ventricular asynchronous pacemaker ( Fixed rate pacemaker)
Ventricular synchronous pacemaker

Ventricular inhibited pacemaker ( Demand pacemaker)

Atrial synchronous pacemaker.

Atrial sequential ventricular inhibited pacemaker.

Ventricular asynchronous pacemaker
It can be used in atrium or ventricle. It has simplest mechanism and longest battery life.
This pacemaker is suitable for patients with either a stable, total AV block, a slow atrial rate or
atrial arrhythmia. This produces a stimulus at a fixed rate irrespective of the behavior of heart
rhythm. There may be competition between the natural heart beats and pacemaker beats.It is
possible that such an event can be dangerous because if the pacemaker impulse reaches the heart
during a certain vulnerable period, the ventricular fibrillation may occur.

Advantages and disadvantages of ventricular synchronous pacemaker.

To arrest the ventricular fibrillation, this circuit can be used.
If the R wave occurs with its normal value in amplitude and frequency, then it would not
work. Therefore the power consumption is reduced, and there is no chance of getting side
effects due to competition between natural and artificial pacemaker pulses.

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Atrial and ventricular are not synchronized.

I the olden type when the pacemaker is attached with the patients, the circuit is more
sensitive to external electromagnetic interferences such as electric shavers, microwave
ovens, ignition systems.

Ventricular synchronous Pacemaker

Patients with only short periods of AV block or bundle block can be supplied with a ventricular
synchronized pacemaker.This type of pacemaker does not compete with normal heart activity

Working of Ventricular Synchronous Pacemaker

Using the sensing electrode, the heart rate is detected and is given to the timing circuit in the
pacemaker. If the detected heart rate is below a certain minimum level, the fixed rate pacemaker
is turned on to pace the heart. The lead used to detect the R wave is now used to stimulate the
heart. If the natural contraction occurs, the asynchronous pacers timing circuit is reset so that it
will time its next pulse to detect the heart beat
Advantages of ventricular synchronous pacemaker:
To arrest the ventricular fibrillation, this circuit can be used.
If the R wave occurs with its normal value in amplitude and frequency, then it would not
work. Therefore the power consumption is reduced, and there is no chance of getting side
effects due to competition between natural and artificial pacemaker pulses.
Disadvantages of ventricular synchronous pacemaker:
Atrial and ventricular are not synchronized.
I the olden type when the pacemaker is attached with the patients, the circuit is more
sensitive to external electromagnetic interferences such as electric shavers, microwave
ovens, ignition systems.
Ventricular inhibited Pacemaker (Demand Pacemaker)
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The R- Wave inhibited pacemaker also allows the heart to pace at its normal rhythm when it is
able to . However if the R- wave is missing for a preset period of time, the pacer will supply the
stimulus. Therefore if the heart rate is below a predetermined minimum, pacemaker will turn on
and provide the heart a stimulus. For this reason it is called demand pacemaker.

The sensing electrode pickup R wave. The refractory circuit provides a period of time following
an output pulse or a signals. The sensing circuit detects the R wave and resets the oscillator. The
reversion circuit allows the amplifier to detect the R- wave in low level signal to noise ratio. In
the absence of R wave, it allows the oscillator in the timing circuit to deliver pulses at its preset
rate. The timing circuit consists of an RC network, a reference voltage source and a comparator
which determines the basic pulse rate of the pulse generator. The output of the timing circuit is
fed into pulse delivered to the heart. Then the output of the pulse width circuit is fed into the rate
limiting circuit which limits the racing rate to a maximum of 120 pulses per minute.

Atrial synchronous pacemaker

This type of pacing is used for young patients with a mostly stable block. Atrial pacing as a
temporary pacing is used in stress testing and coronary artery diseases. It is used to terminate
atrial flutter and in the evaluation of various conduction mechanisms. The atrial activity is picked
up by a sensing electrode placed in a tissue close to the dorsal wall of the atrium. The detected P
wave is amplified and a delay of 0.12 second is provided by the AV delay circuit. This is
necessary corresponding to the actual delay in conducting the P wave to the AV node in the
heart. The signal is then used to trigger the resetable multivibrator and the output of the
multivibrator is given to the amplifier which produces the desired stimulus to be applied to the

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5.1.Electrical conduction system of the heart

The EKG complex.

P=P wave,
PR=PR interval,
QRS=QRS complex,
QT=QT interval,
ST=ST segment,
T=T wave

The normal electrical conduction in the heart allows the impulse that is generated by the
Sinoatrial node (SA node) of the Heart to be propagated to (and stimulate) the
myocardium (muscle of the heart).
After myocardium is stimulated, it contracts.
It is the ordered stimulation of the myocardium that allows efficient contraction of the
heart, thereby allowing blood to be pumped throughout the body.

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5.2.SA node:

5.2.1P wave
Under normal conditions, electrical activity is spontaneously generated by the SA node,
the physiological pacemaker.
This electrical impulse is propagated throughout the right and left atria, stimulating the
myocardium of the atria to contract.
The conduction of the electrical impulse throughout the atria is seen on the ECG as the P
As the electrical activity is spreading throughout the atria,
it travels via specialized pathways, known as internodal tracts,
from the SA node to the AVnode.

The P wave is the electrical signature of the current that causes atrial depolarization.
Both the left and right atria contract simultaneously. Its relationship to QRS complexes
determines the presence of a heart block.
Irregular or absent P waves may indicate arrhythmia.
The shape of the P waves may indicate atrial problems.

5.2.3.AV node/Bundles: PR interval

The AV node functions as a critical delay in the conduction system.

Without this delay, the atria and ventricles would contract at the same time, and blood
wouldn't flow effectively from the atria to the ventricles.
The delay in the AV node forms much of the PR segment on the ECG.
And part of atrial repolization be represented by PR segment.

5.3.Bundle of His
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The distal portion of the AV node is known as the Bundle of His .

The Bundle of His splits into two branches in the interventricular septum, the left bundle
branch and the right bundle branch.
The left bundle branch activates the left ventricle, while the right bundle branch activates
the right ventricle.
The left bundle branch is short, splitting into the left anterior fascicle and the left
posterior fascicle.
The left posterior fascicle is relatively short and broad, with dual blood supply, making it
particularly resistant to ischemic damage.

5.4.Purkinje fibers/ventricular myocardium: QRS complex

The two bundle branches taper out to produce numerous Purkinjie fibers,
which stimulate individual groups of myocardial cells to contract.
The spread of electrical activity through the ventricular myocardium produces the QRS
Complex on the ECG.
The QRS complex corresponds to the current that causes contraction of the left and right
which is much more forceful than that of the atria and involves more muscle mass,
thus resulting in a greater ECG deflection.
The Q wave, when present,
represents the small horizontal (left to right) current as the action potential travels
through the interventricular septum.
Very wide and deep Q waves do not have a septal origin, but indicate myocardial
infraction that involves the full depth of the myocardium and has left a scar.

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Abnormalities in the QRS complex

Bundle branch block (when wide), ventricular origin of tachycardia, ventricular

hyperthrophy or other ventricular abnormalities.
The complexes are often small in pericarditis or pericardial effusion

5.5.R and S wave

The R and S waves indicate the spread of the action potential along the ventricular
myocardium itself.

5.6.ST Segment

The ST segment connects the QRS complex and the T wave.

ST segment elevation or ST segment depression) may indicate coronary ischemia or
myocardial infraction.

5.7.Ventricular repolarization: T wave

The last event of the cycle is the repolarization of the Ventricles.

In most leads, the T wave is positive.

An impulse (action potential) that originates from the SA node at a rate of 60 - 100
beats/minute (bpm) is known as normal sinus rhythm.
If SA nodal impulses occur at a rate less than 60 bpm, the heart rhythm is known as sinus
If SA nodal impulse occur at a rate exceeding 100 bpm, the consequent rapid heart rate is
sinus tachycardia.
These conditions are not necessarily bad symptoms, however.
Trained athletes, for example, usually show heart rates slower than 60bpm when not

5.8.ECG waveforms Lead III

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It is the gold standard for the evaluation of cardiac arrhythmias .

The 12 lead ECG stands at the center of risk stratification for patients with suspected
acute myocardial infraction .
It can be useful for detecting electrolyte disturbances (e.g. potassium or calcium).
Allows the detection of conduction abnormalities (e.g. right and left bundle branch
As a screening tool for ischemic heart disease during an cardiac stress test.
Can suggest non-cardiac disease (e.g. pulmonary embolism or hypothermia).

5.10.Normal ECG

The baseline voltage of the electrocardiogram is known as the isoelectric line.

A typical ECG tracing of a normal heartbeat consists of a P wave, a QRS complex and a
T wave.
A small U wave is normally visible in 50 to 75% of ECGs.

5.10.1.ECG lead configurations

Surface electrodes are used with jelly as electrolyte between skin and electrodes.
The potentials generated in the heart are conducted to the body surface.
The potential distribution changes in a regular and complex manner during each cardiac
To record electrocardiograms standard electrode positions must be selected.
four types of electrode systems are there. They are:

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Bipolar limb leads (or) standard leads.

Augumented unipolar limb leads.
Chest leads (or) precordial leads.
Frank lead system (or) corrected orthogonal leads.
The baseline voltage of the electrocardiogram is known as the isoelectric line.
A typical ECG tracing of a normal heartbeat consists of a P wave, a QRS complex and a
T wave.
A small U wave is normally visible in 50 to 75% of ECGs.

5.10.2.Bipolar limb leads

In standard leads the potentials are tapped from four locations of our body.
They are
Right arm
Left arm
Right leg
Left leg.
Usually right leg electrode is acting as ground reference electrode.

Gives voltage VI, the voltage drop from left

arm(LA) to right arm (RA).

Electrode from
Output VI
Electrode from RA

Ground electrode RL

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Einthoven triangle.
Lead I

Right arm

Left arm Cardiac vector
Lead III

Lead II

Left leg

The closed path RA to LA to LL and back to RA is called Einthoven triangle.

The ECG is measured from any one of the three limb leads is a time variant single
dimensional component of that vector.
According to kirchoffs voltage law ,
the R wave amplitude of lead II is equal to the sum of the R wave amplitudes of leads I
and leadIII

5.10.3.Augmented unipolar limb leads

Unipolar limb lead system is introduced by Wilson.

Here ECG is recorded between a single exploratory electrode and the central
terminal.The central terminal has a potential corresponding to the center of the body.Two
equal and large resistors are connected to a pair of limb electrodes and the center of this
resistive network acts as central terminal. The remaining limb electrode acts as the
exploratory electrode. By means of augmented ECG lead connections, a small increase in
the ECG voltage can be realized.
The augmented lead connections are
Augmented voltage right arm (aVR)
Augmented voltage left arm (aVL)
Augmented voltage foot (aVF)

5.10.4.Unipolar chest leads

In case of unipolar chest leads, the exploratory electrode is obtained from one of the chest
electrodes.The chest electrodes are placed are placed on the six different points on the
chest closed to the heart.

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V1 : fourth intercostal space at right sternal Margin.

V2: fourth intercostal space at left sternal
V3: midway between V2 and V4.
V4: fifth intercostal space at mid-clavicular line
V5: same level as V4 on anaterior axillary line
V6: same level as V4. On mid-axillary line.

Color codes for ECG leads

The ECG potentials are measured with color coded leads according to the convention:
White right arm
Black left arm.
Green right leg.
Red left leg.
Brown - chest

5.10.4.Frank lead system

The corrected orthogonal leads system (or ) frank lead system is used in vector
cardiography. Here we can get informations from above said 12 leads.


If PQ segment has prolonged condition I.e. extended f normal condition means

Result :First degree AV block

If QRS complex is widened I.e. QRS interval extended from the normal condition means
Result : Bundle block.

If ST segment is elevated means Result : Myocardial infraction.

If train of pulses occurs instead of PQRST waves means Result : Ventricular fibrillation
which may lead to death if it is not properly corrected by defibrillator.


I degree AV block: due to prolonged conduction time.

II degree AV block : Due to conduction of few pulses instead of all from atrium
III degree AV block: Due to asynchronous action of atrium and ventricle
Adams-stokes attack: Due to sudden attack of total block.
Bundle block: due to improper conduction of the stimulus to the ventricle.

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Atrial fibrillation: Due to fast beating rate (300-500 beats/minute) of the atrium. Here
ventricles beat very slowly.s
Ventricular fibrillation: due to fast beating rate of the ventricles. No pumping of the
blood to different parts of the body.

5.13.Heart Transplantation

5.13.1.allo graft
Heart transplantation or cardiac transplantation, is a surgical transplant procedure
performed on patients with end-stage heart failure or severe coronary artery disease.
The most common procedure is to take a working heart from a recently deceased organ
donor (allo graft) and implant it into the patient.
The patient's own heart may either be removed (orthotopic procedure) or, less commonly,
left in to support the donor heart (heterotopic procedure).
It is also possible to take a heart from another species (xenograft), or implant a manmade artificial one,
although the success of these two procedures has been less successful in comparison to
the far more commonly performed allograft
In order for a patient to be recommended for a heart transplant they will generally have
advanced, irreversible heart failure with a severely limited life expectancy.
Other possible treatments, including medication, for their condition should have been
considered or attempted prior to recommendation.

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5.14.Causes of heart failure

Congential heart disease
Coronary artery disease
Heart valve disease
Life-threatening arrhythmias.

5.15.Patient cable and defibrillator protection circuit:

The patient cable connects the different leads from limbs and chest to the defibrillator
protection circuit.. it consists of buffer amplifiers and over voltage protection circuit. The leads
are connected with the buffer amplifiers such that one buffer amplifier for each patient lead. By
this meanss the input impedance is increased and the effects arising from the variations in the
electrode impedance are reduced.further the over voltage protection circuit is necessary to avoid
any damage to the bioamplifiers in the recorder. The over voltage of the order of 1000V may
occur when the electrocardiograph is used during surgery in conjunction with radio frequency
diathermy units for cutting and coagulation or during the treatment pf ventricular fibrillation
using defibrillators. This over voltage protection circuit consists of a network kof resistors and
neon lamps which fire when a pulse from a defibrillator is present. During firing of the neon
lamp, there is no input to the preamplifier of the recorder.
After the defibrillator protection circuit, there is lead selector switch which is used to feed
the input voltage from the appropriate electrode to the preamplifier.
A push button allows the insertion of a standardization voltage of 1mV to the
preamplifier. This enables the technician to observe the output on the display unit and adjust the
scale so that a known deflection corresponds to a 1mV input signal. Changing the setting of the
lead selector switch introduces an artifact on the recorded trace. But by means of a special
contact on the lead selector switch the amplifier is momentarily turned off during the change of
setting of the lead selector switch and after the passage of the artifact the amplifier is turned on.
From the lead selector swithc the ECG signal goes to bio-amplifier.
The bio-amplifier consists of a preamplifier and power amplifier. The sensitivity or the
gain of the amplifier can be varied. Folllowed by the preamplifier, there is a power amplifier
which is used to drive the recorder. Pen motors in the recorder requires suffficient electrical
power to activate the recording or display. therefore power amplifiers are required with high
power gain. Generally transistor circuits are favourable because a relatively large surface area is
necessary to dissipate the heat genertd in the circuit due to passage of high current.
Power amplifier circuit used to drive ECG chart recorder stylus. It is push pull type.
Furtehr it is provided with crossover distortion compenstation and offset control. It consists of
two silicon power transistors such that the emitters of the transistors are joined together and
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connected with a load resistor RL.when VB is sufficiently positive, transistor Q1 is forward
biased and conducts while Q2 is reverse biased and remains off.
Output power POUT =V2OUT / RL.
To avoid the crossover distortion in a pushpull amplifier, an ideal noninverting amplifier is
inserted at the input. Since the input impedance of the noninverting amplifier approaches
infinity, the power gain also approaches infinity. The crossover distortion is eliminated because
the feedback resistance., Rf is so large and hence it raises the gain in a linear manner and in turn
raises the output voltage. The offset control is provided by the resistance R 2 and is used to
position the output stylus pen. Gain adjustment is provided with the resistance Ro.
Since the electrode impedances are not equal, a differential amplifier does not completely
reject the common mode signals. The common mode signals can be reduced to a minimum level
by means of adding an auxiliary amplifier between the driven right leg lead and the ECG unit.
By this way, the right leg is not connected to ground but it is connected to the output of the
auxiliary amplifier. If the body common mode voltage is different from zero, a summing network
produces the sum of all common mode voltages from all other electrodes and feeds that sum of
the voltages as input to inverting terminal of the auxiliary amplifier. Meanwhile its noninverting
terminal is grounded. The output of the auxiliary amplifier is connected to the right leg.
Therefore it drives the body to zero common voltage. Thus the common mode rejection ratio of
the overall system is increased. Further in the right leg electrode the current flow is reduced.
The isolated power supply is used to give power to the bio-amplifier and by means of
that, the electrical safety for the patient is increased.
The output unit is a cathode ray oscilloscope. Or a paper chart recorder. In case of paper
chart recorder, the power amplifier or pen amplifier supplies the required power to drive pen
motor that records the ECG trace on the wax coated heart sensitive paper. A position control on
the pen amplifier is used to position the pen at the center on the recording paper. The stylus pen
is heated electrically and the temperature of the stylus pen can be adjusted with a stylus heat
control. There is a marker stylus which is actuated by a push button and allows the technician to
mark a coded indication of the lead being recorded. The paper speed is about 25 mm/s or 50
mm/s. the faster speed of 50 mm/s is provided to allow better resolution of the QRS complex at
very high heart rates.

The power switch of the recorder has three positions. In the on position the powet to the
amplifier is turned on; but the paper drive is not running. In order to start the paper drive the
switch must be placed in the RUN position. In the off position, the ECG unit is in switched off

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An echocardiogram. Image shows that the human heart has four chambers. Apical view - left
side of the heart to the right. Right side-up - heart's apex at bottom. The trace in the lower left
shows the cardiac cycle and the red mark the time in the cardiac cycle that the image was

An abnormal echocardiogram. Image shows a mid-muscular ventricular septal defect. The trace
in the lower left shows the cardiac cycle and the red mark the time in the cardiac cycle that the
image was captured. Colours are used to represent the velocity of the blood.

The echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. Using standard ultrasound techniques, twodimensional slices of the heart can be imaged. The latest ultrasound systems now employ 3D
real-time imaging.
In addition to creating two-dimensional pictures of the cardiovascular system, the
echocardiogram can also produce accurate assessment of the velocity of blood and cardiac tissue
at any arbitrary point using Pulsed or Continuous wave Doppler ultrasound. This allows
assessment of cardiac valve areas and function, any abnormal communications between the left
and right side of the heart, any leaking of blood through the valves (valvular regurgitation), and
calculation of the cardiac output as well as the ejection fraction.
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Echocardiography was the first medical application of ultrasound. Echocardiography was also
the first application of intravenous contrast-enhanced ultrasound. This technique injects gasfilled microbubbles into the venous system to improve tissue and blood delineation. Contrast is
also currently being evaluated for its effectiveness in evaluating myocardial perfusion. It can also
be used with Doppler ultrasound to improve flow-related measurements.
Echocardiography is usually performed by cardiologists or cardiac sonographers

5.16.1.Transthoracic echocardiogram
The standard echocardiogram is also known as a transthoracic echocardiogram, or TTE.
In this case, the echocardiography transducer (or probe) is placed on the chest wall (or thorax) of
the subject, and images are taken through the chest wall. This is a non-invasive, highly accurate
and quick assessment of the overall health of the heart. A cardiologist can quickly assess a
patient's heart valves and degree of heart muscle contraction (an indicator of the ejection

The TTE is commonly used to help diagnose endocarditis. Diagnostic findings by the
Echocardiogram include definitive evidence of vegetation or thrombus on valves or other
endocardiac structures, abscesses, or disruption of a prosthetic heart valve.
The TTE is highly accurate for identifying vegetations, but the accuracy can be reduced in up to
20% of adults because of obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chest-wall deformities,
or otherwise technically difficult patients. Transesophageal echocardiography, if available, may
be more accurate than TTE because it excludes the variables previously mentioned and allows
closer visualization of common sites for vegetations and other abnormalities. Transesophageal
echocardiography also affords better visualization of prosthetic heart valves.

Transesophageal echocardiogram
Another way to perform an echocardiogram is to insert a specialised scope containing an
echocardiography transducer (TEE probe) into the patient's esophagus, and record pictures from
there. This is known as a transesophageal echocardiogram, or TEE (TOE in the United
Kingdom). The advantages of TEE over TTE are usually clearer images. The transducer is closer
to the heart and doesn't have the ribs and lungs to deflect the ultrasound beam. Some structures
are better imaged with the TEE. These structures include the aorta, the pulmonary artery, the
valves of the heart, and the left and right atria. While TTE can be performed easily and without
pain for the patient, TEE may require light sedation and a local anesthetic lubricant for the
esophagus. Children are anesthetized. Unlike the TTE, the TEE is considered an invasive
In some centers, sedation is used to ease the discomfort to the individual. The use of local
anesthetic agents and sedation can decrease the gag reflex, making the ultrasound probe easier to
pass into the esophagus. The transducer and cable are then coated in a lubricant, placed in the
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patients mouth, and then passed down the patient's throat. The individual is instructed to
swallow while the probe is being passed down, to prevent it from going into the trachea.
Although the placement of the thumb-wide transducer is uncomfortable, there are very few
complaints of gagging from the patient once the transducer is in the correct location.

6.Study of the brain

6.1.Fields of study
Neuroscience seeks to understand the nervous system, including the brain, from a biological and
computational perspective. Psychology seeks to understand behavior and the brain. The terms
neurology and psychiatry usually refer to medical applications of neuroscience and psychology
respectively. Cognitive science seeks to unify neuroscience and psychology with other fields that
concern themselves with the brain, such as computer science (artificial intelligence and similar
fields) and philosophy.
6.1.1.Methods of observation
Each method for observing activity in the brain has its advantages and drawbacks.
Electrophysiology allows scientists to record the electrical activity of individual neurons or
groups of neurons.
By placing electrodes on the scalp one can record the summed electrical activity of the cortex in
a technique known as electroencephalography (EEG). EEG measures the mass changes in
electrical current from the cerebral cortex, but can only detect changes over large areas of the
brain with very little sub-cortical activity.The abbreviation of electroencephalograph is called
EEG. It deals with the recording and study of electrical activity of the brain. EEGs are recorded
by means of electrode attracted to the skull of a patient the brain waves can be picked up and
recorded. Graded potentials are variations around the average value of the resting potential. Thus
the EEG potentials originate within the dendrite.
Apart from measuring the electric field around the skull it is possible to measure the magnetic
field directly in a technique known as magnetoencephalography (MEG). This technique has the
same temporal resolution as EEG but much better spatial resolution, although admitedly not as
good as fMRI. The main advantage over fMRI is a direct relationship between neural activation
and measurement.
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6.1.5.fMRI and PET
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures changes in blood flow in the brain, but
the activity of neurons is not directly measured, nor can it be distinguished whether this activity
is inhibitory or excitatory. fMRI is a noninvasive, indirect method for measuring neural activity
that is based on BOLD; Blood Oxygen Level Dependent changes. The changes in blood flow
that occurs in capillary beds in specific regions of the brain are thought to represent various
neuronal activities. Similarly, a positron emission tomography (PET), is able to monitor glucose
metabolism in different areas within the brain which can be correlated to the level of activity in
that region.
6.1.6.Other methods
Attempts have also been made to directly "read" the brain, which has been accomplished in a
rudimentary manner through a brain-computer interface. Brain activity can be detected by
implanted electrodes, raising the possibility of direct mind-computer interface. The reverse
method has been successfully demonstrated.
6.1.7.Other matters
Computer scientists have produced simulated neural networks loosely based on the
structure of neuron connections in the brain. Artificial intelligence seeks to replicate brain
functionalthough not necessarily brain mechanismsbut as yet has been met with limited
Creating algorithms to mimic a biological brain is very difficult because the brain is not a static
arrangement of circuits, but a network of vastly interconnected neurons that are constantly
changing their connectivity and sensitivity. More recent work in both neuroscience and artificial
intelligence models the brain using the mathematical tools of chaos theory and dynamical
systems. Current research has also focused on recreating the neural structure of the brain with the
aim of producing human-like cognition and artificial intelligence.

6.2.ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG)

The recorded representation of bioelectric potential generated by neuronal

activity of the brain is called electroencephalogram(EEG). With the help of electrodes
attached to the skull of a patient, the brain waves can be picked up and recorded. EEG wave
form has a very complex pattern, which is much more difficult to recognize than the ECG.
The brain waves are the summation of neuronal depolarization in the brain. Due to stimuli
from the five senses as well as from the thought process on the surface of the brain, these
voltages are about 10 mV. Due to propagation through skull bone, they are attenuated to
levels from 1v to 100v,which are picked up by EEG electrodes. They are in the frequency
range from 0.5 to 3000hz.. These potentials vary with respect to position of electrode on the
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surface of skull. The waveform varies greatly with the location of the measuring electrodes
on the surface of the scalp. EEG potentials measured at the surface of the scalp, actually
represent the combined effect of potentials from a fairly wide region of the cerebral cortex
and from the various points beneath. During recording the electrodes are placed around the
frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobe of the lobes, the EEG waveforms is generally
affected by the mental activity of a person.
Evoked potentials are the potentials developed in the brain as the responses to external stimuli
like light, sound etc. the external stimuli is detected by the sense organs, which cause changes in
the electrical activity of the brain. Nowadays the term event related potential has been used
instead of evoked potential.

6.2.1.Brain Waves:
Wide variation among individuals and the lack of repeatability in a given person
from one person to another make the establishment of specific relationships. But some
characteristics EEG waveforms can be related to epileptic seizures and sleep. The EEG
waveforms obtained with the help of intensity and patterns of this electrical activity due to
overall level of excitation of the brain. This includes various activities of a person when in
alert condition, sleepy condition, tension condition etc.
Normally the brain waves are irregular, no general patterns can be discerned in the
EEG. But during abnormal conditions we can obtain the specific wave form.
The normal Brain waves that occur in the human being can be classified into Alpha,
Beta, delta and theta waves.

Brain waves
Delta wave
Theta wave
Alpha wave
Beta wave

below 3 hz
from 3 hz to about 8hz .
from about 8hz to about 13hz .
above 13hz .

Activity types

One second of EEG signal

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Historically four major types of continuous rhythmic sinusoidal EEG activity are recognized
(alpha, beta, delta and theta). There is no precise agreement on the frequency ranges for each

Delta is the frequency range up to 4 Hz and is often associated with the very young and
certain encephalopathies and underlying lesions. It is seen in stage 3 and 4 sleep.

Delta waves.

Theta is the frequency range from 4 Hz to 8 Hz and is associated with drowsiness,

childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. This EEG frequency can sometimes be
produced by hyperventilation. Theta waves can be seen during hypnagogic states such as
trances, hypnosis, deep day dreams, lucid dreaming and light sleep and the preconscious
state just upon waking, and just before falling asleep.

Theta waves.

Alpha (Berger's wave) is the frequency range from 8 Hz to 12 Hz. It is characteristic of

a relaxed, alert state of consciousness. Alpha rhythms are best detected with the eyes
closed. Alpha attenuates with drowsiness and open eyes, and is best seen over the
occipital (visual) cortex. An alpha-like normal variant called mu is sometimes seen over
the motor cortex (central scalp) and attenuates with movement, or rather with the
intention to move.

Alpha waves.
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sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) is a middle frequency (about 1216 Hz) associated with
physical stillness and body presence.
Beta is the frequency range above 12 Hz. Low amplitude beta with multiple and varying
frequencies is often associated with active, busy or anxious thinking and active
concentration. Rhythmic beta with a dominant set of frequencies is associated with
various pathologies and drug effects, especially benzodiazepines.

Beta waves.

Gamma is the frequency range approximately 26100 Hz. Gamma rhythms appear to be
involved in higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and

Gamma waves.
Rhythmic slow activity in wakefulness is common in young children, but is abnormal in
adults. In addition to the above types of rhythmic activity, individual transient waveforms such
as sharp waves, spikes, spike-and-wave complexes occur in epilepsy, and other types of
transients occur during sleep.
In the transition from wakefulness, through Stage I sleep (drowsiness), Stage II (light) sleep, to
Stage III and IV (deep) sleep, first the alpha becomes intermittent and attenuated, then
disappears. Stage II sleep is marked by brief bursts of highly rhythmic beta activity (sleep
spindles) and K complexes (transient slow waves associated with spindles, often triggered by an
auditory stimulus). Stage III and IV are characterized by slow wave activity. After a period of
deep sleep, the sleeper cycles back to stage II sleep and/or rapid eye movement (REM) sleep,
associated with dreaming. These cycles may occur many times during the night.
EEG under general anesthesia depends on the type of anesthetic employed. With halogenated
anesthetics and intravenous agents such as propofol, a rapid (alpha or low beta), nonreactive
EEG pattern is seen over most of the scalp, especially anteriorly; in some older terminology this
was known as a WAR (widespread anterior rapid) pattern, contrasted with a WAIS (widespread
slow) pattern associated with high doses of opiates. Anesthetic effects on EEG signals are
beginning to be understood at the level of drug actions on different kinds of synapses and the
circuits that allow synchronized neuronal activity
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In medicine, a coma (from the Greek - koma, meaning deep sleep) is a profound state of
unconsciousness. A comatose patient cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to pain or
light, does not have sleep-wake cycles, and does not take voluntary actions. Coma may result
from a variety of conditions, including intoxication, metabolic abnormalities, central nervous
system diseases, acute neurologic injuries such as stroke, and hypoxia. It may also be
deliberately induced by pharmaceutical agents in order to preserve higher brain function
following another form of brain trauma.
The difference between coma and stupor is that a patient with coma cannot give a suitable
response to either noxious or verbal stimuli, whereas a patient in a stupor can give a crude
response, such as screaming, to an unpleasant stimulus.
Some psychiatric diseases appear similar to coma. Some forms of schizophrenia, catatonia, and
extremely severe major depression are responsible for behaviour that appears comatose.
Coma is also to be distinguished from the persistent vegetative state which may follow it. This is
a condition in which the individual has lost cognitive neurological function and awareness of the
environment but does have noncognitive function and a preserved sleep-wake cycle.
Spontaneous movements may occur and the eyes may open in response to external stimuli, but
the patient does not speak or obey commands. Patients in a vegetative state may appear
somewhat normal and may occasionally grimace, cry, or laugh.
Likewise, coma is not the same as brain death, which is the irreversible cessation of all brain
activity. One can be in a coma but still exhibit spontaneous respiration; one who is brain-dead,
by definition, cannot.
Coma is different from sleep; sleep is always reversible.

6.4.Distinctive phases of coma

Within coma itself, there are several categories that describe the severity of impairment.
Contrary to popular belief, a patient in a comatose state does not always lay still and quiet. They
may talk, walk, and perform other functions that may sometimes appear to be conscious acts, yet
are not.
Two scales of measurement frequently used in TBI diagnosis to determine the phase of
coma are the Glasgow Coma Scale and the Ranchos Los Amigos Scale. The GCS is a simple 15point scale used by medical professionals to assess severity of neurologic trauma, and establish a
prognosis. The RLAS is a more complex scale that describes up to eight separate levels of coma,
and is often used in the first few weeks or months of coma while the patient is under closer
observation, and when shifts between levels are more frequent.
There are several levels of coma, through which patients may or may not progress. As
coma deepens, responsiveness of the brain lessens, normal reflexes are lost, and the patient no
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longer responds to pain. The chances of recovery depend on the severity of the underlying cause.
A deeper coma alone does not necessarily mean a slimmer chance of recovery, because some
people in deep coma recover well while others in a so-called milder coma sometimes fail to
The outcome for coma and vegetative state depends on the cause, location, severity and
extent of neurological damage: outcomes range from recovery to death. People may emerge from
a coma with a combination of physical, intellectual and psychological difficulties that need
special attention. Recovery usually occurs gradually, with patients acquiring more and more
ability to respond. Some patients never progress beyond very basic responses, but many recover
full awareness. Gaining consciousness again is not instant: in the first days, patients are only
awake for a few minutes, and duration of time awake gradually increases.
Comas generally last a few days to a few weeks, and rarely last more than 2 to 5 weeks.
After this time, some patients gradually come out of the coma, some progress to a vegetative
state, and others die. Many patients who have gone into a vegetative state go on to regain a
degree of awareness. Others may remain in a vegetative state for years or even decades.
Predicted chances of recovery are variable due to different techniques used to measure the extent
of neurological damage. All the predictions are statistical rates with some level of chance for
recovery present: a person with a low chance of recovery may still awaken. Time is the best
general predictor of a chance for recovery, with the chances for recovery after 4 months of brain
damage induced coma being low (less than 15%), and full recovery being very low.
The most common cause of death for a person in a vegetative state is secondary infection such as
pneumonia which can occur in patients who lie still for extended periods.

Electromyography is the science of recording and interpreting the electrical activity of the
muscles action potentials. Meanwhile the recording of the peripheral nerves action potentials is
called electroneurography. The electrical activity of the under lying muscle can be measured by
placing surface electrodes on the skin. To determine whether the muscle is contracting or not, or
displaying on the CRO and loud speaker the action potentials spontaneously present in a muscle
or induced by voluntary contraction as a means of detecting the nature and location of the motor
unit lesions. So to record the action potentials of individual motor units, the needle electrode is
inserted into the muscle. The EMG indicates the amount of activity of a given muscle or a group
of muscles and not an individual nerve fiber.
The action potentials occur both positive and negative polarities at a given pair of
electrodes, so they may add or cancel each other. Thus EMG appears, very much like a random
noise waveform. The contraction of a muscle produces action potentials. Where there is
stimulation to a nerve fiber, all the muscle fiber contract simultaneously developing action
potentials. In a relaxed muscle, there is no action potential. EMG is usually recorded by using
surface electrodes or more often needle electrodes inserted directly into the muscle. The surface
electrodes pick-up the potentials produced by the contracting muscle fibers. The signal can then
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be amplified and displayed on the screen of an audio amplifier connected to the loud speaker.
The oscilloscope displays EMG waveforms. The tape recorder is included in the system to
facillate play-back and study of the EMG sound waveforms at a later convenient time. the
waveform can also be photographed from the CRT screen by using a synchronized camera.


Tape recorder



Block diagram of typical set up for EMG recording

The surface electrodes or needle electrodes pickup the potentials produced by the
contracting muscle fibers. The surface electrodes are from Ag-Agcl and are in disc shape. The
surface of the skin is cleaned and electrode paste is applied. The electrodes are kept in place by
means of elastic bands. By that way, the contact impedance is reduced below 10kiloohms. There
are two types of conventional electrodes: bipolar and unipolar type electrodes. In the case of
bipolar electrode, the potential difference between two surface electrodes resting on the skin is
measured. In case of unipolar electrode, the reference surface electrode is placed on the skin and
the needle electrode which acts as active electrode, is inserted into the muscle. Because of small
contact area, these unipolar electrodes have high impedances ranging from 0.5 to 100mega ohms.
With needle electrodes, it is possible to pickup action potentials from the selected nerves or
muscles and individual motor units. In the case of coaxial electrode which consists of an
insulated wire threaded through a hyperdermic needle with a oblique tip for easy penetration, the
surrounding steel jacket acts as reference and the metallic wire acts as exploring electrode. The
needle is inserted into the muscle further to record the action potentials for a single nerve
microelectrodes are used.
The amplitude of the EMG signals depends upon the type and placement of
electrodes used and the degree of muscular exertions. That is the surface electrode pick up many
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overlapping spikes and produces an average voltage from various muscles and motor units. The
needle electrodes pick up the voltage from a single nerve fiber. Generally EMG signals range
from 0.1 to 0.5 mv. They may contain frequency components from 20 Hz to 10 KHz., which are
in the audio range, but using low pass filter, the electromyography restricts this frequency range
fro 20 Hz to 200 Hz for clinical purposes. The normal frequency of EMG is about 60 Hz.
Therefore the slow speed strip chart recorders are not useful and the signals are displayed on a
cathode ray oscilloscope and photographic recordings are made. Normally there are two cathode
ray tubes, one for viewing and other one for recording. A light sensitive paper moves over the
recording cathode ray tube and the image is produces on that paper. After developing it, one can
see the visible image. For continuous recording, the paper speed is about 5 to 25 cm/second. For
short duration it is about 50 to 400 cm/second. The paper width is about 10 cm. treading a
needle, and an array of facial expressions. Smooth muscles occur in the walls of internal body
organs and perform actions such as food through the intestines contracting the uterus (Womb) in
child birth and pumping blood through blood vessels.

The recording and interpreting the electrical activity of eye is called electroretinography.
All sense organs are connected to the brain but the eye has a special relationship as the retina is
an extension of the cerebral cortex. Potentials within the eye may be recorded relatively easily
because of its exposed position. The cornea is about 20mv positive relative to the fundus of the
eye. The fundus is the back of the interior of the eye ball. If the illumination of the retina is
changed, the potential changes slightly in a complex manner. The recording of these changes is
called retinogram. A silver- silver chloride electrode on a contact lens and a distinct electrode on
the cheek are used to record the eye potential changes.
Electrode placement:
The bipolar recording technique is used. The exploring electrode is placed on a saline
filed contact lens. The contact lens is placed on a saline filled contact lens. The contact lens is
tightly attached to the eye. During eye movement there is no slip of contact lens by using
negative pressure (between the corneal cavity and the cornea) attachment techniques. The
common contact lenses used for corrections or cosmetic purposes ride on a tear film over the
cornea, do not follow eye movements well and are unsuitable for recording purposes. Therefore
specially made contact lenses used to record the action potentials of eye during flash of light
incident on eye.

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Recording Techniques:
When light falls on the retina, the absorption of photons by photo pigments localized in
the outer segment of the retinas photoreceptors is taking place. This causes the breakdown or
bleaching of photo pigments which results in the liberation of ions that cause a change in the
membrane potential. This in turn results in the development of action potential that is transmitted
down the optic nerve. This action potential is picked up the electrodes and are fed to the bio
amplifier and then to the recorder. The recording set up is similar to the ECG recorder.
Electroretinogram waveform

1 Sec

1 mV

Light on
Figure shows the typical eletroretinogram. Before the flash of light is incident on eye, there is a
constant d.c. horizontal line in the recorder. In response to a 2 seconds flash of light, a
retinogram is developed. Probably the curve originates from the pigment layer beyond photo
receptors (extra retinal).
The first part A of the response to a brief flash of light is due to the early receptor
potential (ERP) generated by the incident light which induces changes in the photo pigment
molecules. The second component part B with a delay of 1 to 5 milliseconds is due to later
receptor potential (LRP) produced by syruptic ending of the photoreceptors. This is the
maximum output of the receptors. The part C wave recorded with the off response of ERP and
In the earlier recording of the eye potentials, the corneal electrodes were not used. Instead
the rotation of the contact lens was measure by means of a mirror (on contact lens) which reflects
the incident light on a moving photographic film or photo cell. After developing the
photographic film, we can see the image and from that we can get some informations about the
eye potentials. In the case of photocells, the output from the photocell was amplified and then
given to the recorder. There was also a nonoptical method for measuring contact lens rotation.
Two sets of magnetic coils, normal in the space and oscillating in phase quadrature at 4.8kHz
create crossed magnetic fields which excite two small search coils embedded in the contact lens.
Rotations of the eye cause induced voltages of few millivolts, which can give information about
the eye potential.

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The diseases which affect the steady potential of the eye.
The effects of certain drugs on the eye movement system can be determined.
The state of semicircular canalizes analyzed by EOG.
Diagnosis of the neurological disorders may be possible.
The level of anesthesia can be indicated by characteristic eye movements.

7.1 Introduction :
7.1.1 Wireless telemetry:
Wireless telemetry gives analysis of the physiological data of man or animal under
normal conditions and in natural surroundings without any discomfort or obstruction to the
person or animal
Biotelemetry is the branch of biomedical instrumentation that deals with the measuring
physiological variables to a method of transmission of resulting data. Telemetry is most
convenient during transportation within the hospital area as well for the continuous monitoring
of patients sent to other wards or clinics for check-up or therapy.
Biotelemetry is the measurement of biological parameters over a distance. The means of
transmitting the data from the point of generation to the point of reception can take many forms.
Measurements can be applied to two categories.
Biological variables such as EEG, ECG and EMG.
Physiological variables that require transducers such as
gastrointestinal pressure, blood flow and temperatures.



In first category, a signal is obtained directly in electrical form, whereas the second category
requires a type of excitation. The physiological parameters are eventually measured as variations
of resistance, inductance or capacitance. The differential signals obtained from these variations
can be calibrated to represent pressure, flow, temperature and so on.
The analog signal that is obtained from the electrodes (the signal may be in the form of
voltage, current etc) is converted into a form or code capable of being transmitted at the
transmitter end with the help of transmitter set up.
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The transmitter end comprises of transducer that converts physical signals into analog
electrical signal. That electrical signal has to be amplified with the help of preamplifier set up.
The amplified signal has been modulated with the help of modulator and encoder, this processed
signal is transmitted through the multiplexer circuit.
At the receiver end the signal is converted back into its original form. The receiver end
comprises of demultiplexer, decoder, and demodulator circuit.
The demultiplexer circuit demultiplexes the received signal. Now this demultiplexed
signal is passed through the decoder and demodulator. Finally the original signal is retrieved
back for analyzing purpose.
Currently the most widespread use of biotelemetry for biotelemetric potentials is in the
form of the electrocardiogram. A simple set up is sufficient in the transmitting end. That set up
comprises of only electrodes and amplification circuit that is needed to prepare the signal for
7.1.2 Telemedicine:
It is the application of telecommunications and computer technology to deliver health
care from one location to another. This telemedicine uses the modern information technology to
deliver timely health services to those in need by the electronic methods. The patient may be
present at the remote location. In that location, the specialized doctors are not there means, we
can give protection to the life of the patient with the help of this telemedicine. Nowadays for
investigation purpose only, we are using this telemedicine. In future with the help of this set up
and robot, the doctor can able to do operation for the needed patient who is present in remote

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Components of biotelemetry system





Block Diagram of a Biotelemetry transmitter

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Chart Recorder
or Oscilloscope

Tape Recorder

Receiver Storage Display units

7.2 Modulation systems:

Wireless telemetry system uses modulating systems for transmitting biomedical signals.
Two modulators are used here. A lower frequency sub-carrier is employed in addition to veryhigh frequency (VHF). This transmits the signal from the transmitter. The purpose behind this
double modulation , it gives better interference free performance in transmission, and this
enables the reception of low frequency biological signals. The submodulators can be a FM
(frequency modulation) system, or a PWM (pulse width modulation) system or a final
modulator is practically always an FM system.
7.2 Frequency modulation ( FM ):
In FM systems, the signal can be trasnsmitted by varying the instantaneous frequency in
connection with the signal to be modulated on the wave. Here the amplitude of the signal t(plus
carrier wave) is constant. The rate at which the instantaneous frequency varies is the modulating
frequency. The magnitude to which the carrier frequency varies away from the centre frequency
is called frequency deviation. This is proportional to the modulating signal. Generally FM
signal is produced by controlling the frequency of an oscillator by the amplitude of the
modulating voltage. The frequency of oscillations for most oscillators depend on a particular
value of capacitance.

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In the above diagram, the tuned oscillator serves as a frequency modulator. The diode used here
is a varactor diode. The varactor diode is operating in a reverse biased mode, because of this;
the varactor diode gives a depletion layer capacitance to the tank circuit.
This capacitance is a function of the reverse biased voltage across the diode and therefore
produces an FM wave with modulating signal applied.

7.2.1 Pulse width Modulation (PWM):

PWM method has an advantage of being less perspective to distortion and noise. Figure
shows a typical pulse width modulator, transistor q1 and Q2 from free running multivibrator.
Transistors Q3 and Q4 provide constant current sources for charging the timing capacitors
C1 and C and driving transistors Q1 and Q. when Q1 is off and Q is on , capacitor C21
chrges through R1 to the amplitude of the modulating voltage e m . the other side of this capacitor
is connected to the base voltage of Q2 drops from approximately zero to em. transistor Q2 will
remain off until the base voltage charges to zero volt. Since the charging current is constant at I,
the time required to charge C2 and restore the circuit to the initial stage is
T2 = (C2/I ).em
Similarly, the time that the circuit remains in the original stage is
T1 = ( C1/I ).em

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Variation of Pulse width with amplitude

W= Pulse width generated by the multi-vibrator

P= Variable pulse width, in accordance with input signal
Q = off Period, which also gets varied.

7.2.2 Choice of radio carrier frequency:

In every country, there are regulations governing the use of only certain frequency and
bandwidth for medical telemetry. Therefore, the permission to operate a particular telemetry
system needs to be obtained from the postal department of the country concerned. The
transmitter is typically of 50 ohms, which can give a transmission range of about 1.5 Km in the
open flat country. The range will be less in built-up areas. In USA, two frequency bands have
been designated for short range medical telemetry work by the FCC ( federal communication
commision). The lower frequency band of 174-216 MHz, coincides with the VHF television
broad cast band(channels 7-13) therefore the output of the telemetry transmitter must be limited
to avoid interference with TV sets. In higher frequency band of 450-470 MHz, greater
transmitter power is allowed but an FCC license has to be obtained for operating the system.
Radio waves can travel through most of non-conducting material such as air, wood and
plaster with relative ease. But these radio waves are hindered, blocked or reflected by most
conductive material and by concrete. This is due to the presence of reinforced steel in the
concrete buildings. Because of this phenomenon, transmission may be lost or be of poor quality
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when a patient with a telemetry transmitter moves in an environment with a concrete wall or
behind a structure. Reception may also get affected by radio frequency reception or null spots.
One of the important problems can be minimized by the careful selection of transmitter
frequencies by the use of suitable antenna system and by the equipment design.
Based on the output power and frequency obtained, it is possible for us to decide the
range of the radio system. Care should be taken for designing the receiver and antenna. Only the
transmitted signal from the remote location can be analyzed properly otherwise it is difficult for
the doctor to give proper medicine.

The transmitter:
The commonly used FM transmitter is shown below. This circuit can be used for medical
telemetry also. The circuit comprises of a transistor, feedback circuit, and a tank circuit. The
transisytor used here is a grounded base colpitts R.F. oscillator with L1, C1, C2 as the tank circuit.
Transmitter circuit diagram:


A capacitive divider circuit is plced in the collector circuit, that is formed with the

help of C1 and C2. inductor L1 functions both as a tuning coil and a transmitting antenna.
With the help of this set up, a positive feedback is provided to the amplifier circuit. We can able
to set the transmission frequency to a precise level. This can be done by adjusting the trim
capacitor C2. with this set up, we can able to set the frequencyrange of 88 to 188 MHz.
Frequency modulation can be achieved by variation in the operating point of the transistor,
which in turn varies its collector capacitance, thus changing the resonant frequency of the
tranistor circuit. The operating point can be changed by the sub-carrier input. Thus the
transmitter,s output consists of an RF signal, tuned in the FM broad cast band and frequency
modulated by the sub-carrier oscillator (SCO), which in turn is frequency modulated by the
physiological signals of interest.

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The Receiver:
The receiver can be a common broadcast receiver with a sensitivity of 1 microvolt. The
output of the hf unit of the receiver is fed to the sub cab-modulator HF unit of the receiver is fed
to the sub-modulator to extract the modulating signal. In a FM/FM system, the sub-modulator
first converst the FM signal into an AM signal. This is followed by an AM detector, which
demodulates the newly created AM waveform. With this arrangement, the output is linear with
frequency deviation only for small frequency deviations. Other types of detectors can be used to
improve the linearity. Two major problems that has been faced in biotelemetry at the system
interfaces. The first problem is the interface between the biological system and the electrical
The second problem is the interface between transmitter and receiver.

7.3.Radio Pill
The earliest biotelemetry units was the endoradiosonde, developed by Mackay and
Jacobson. The pressure sensing electrode is a radio pill less than 1 volume. This radio pill
can be swallowed by the patient. Radio pill now travels through the gasterointestinal tract on the
way of passing into the gastrointentinal tract, the radio pill is capable of measuring various
parameters that are available in the tract. With the help of radio pill type devices, it is possible
for us to measure or sense temperature, pH, enzyme activity, and oxygen tesion values. These
measurements can be made in associated with transducers. Pressure can be sensed by using
variable inductance, temperature can be measured by using temperature-sensitive transducer.


Stimulators are the devices which are used to stimulate innervated muscles denervated
muscles and nerves. further these are used for the treatment of paralysis with totally or partially
denervated muscles, for the treatment of pain. muscular spasm and peripheral circulatory
disturbances. this technique is called electrotherapy which uses low volt, low frequency impulse

There is normally a potential difference of about 100mv across a nerve membrane. if this
potential is reversed for more than about 20 milliseconds, the nerves will be stimulated and an
action potential will be propagated along the nerve fiber.
the nervous system is the body's internal, electrochemical, communication network. its
main poarts are the brain and spinal cord from the central nervous system (CNS) the body's chief
controlling and coordinating centres. Billions of long neurons, many grouped as nerves, make up
the peripheral nervous system, transmitting nerve impulses between the CNS and other regions
of the body. Each neurons has threee parts: a cell body, branching dendrites that receive
chemical signals from other neurons, and a tube -like axon that conveys these signals as
electrical impulses.
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Types of neurons:
Three types of neurons are there. they are Multipolar, unipolar, bipolar.
Types of nerve ending:
free nerve ending, Meissner's corpuscle. Merkel's disc. Ruffini corpuscle, Pacinian

Accu-means needle, puncture- means making a highly concentrated presssure over the
skin, in order to relief the pain over the partiular area of the skin. This kind of treatment is
popular in CHINA from 2600B.C. onwards. in accupuncture, care should be taken for the
patient, not for the diseases. iin our body electric energy is there. It is possible for us to adjust the
electric energy in proper way. 12 paths are there in our body. in these 12 paths 900 needle points
are there. in these points, with the help of stainless steel needle we are puncturing our body. by
doing like this we can increase or decrease the electric energy in our body. In olden days people
had used this acupuncture in place of anasthesia. With the help of these acupunctre we can stop
the poain information, which passes to our brain. In our heart there are no nerves. so if we are
acupuncturing our heart means, we dont feel no pain. With the help of this accupunctur , we can
stimulate our nerves. nowadays with the help of electric current these nerves are stimulated.





Various types of waveforms are used for stimulation of nerves and muscles to carry out
treatment of various diseases.
(i) Galvanic current:
galvanic current is a constant or direct current. the maximum amount of current passed
through the body is about 0.3 to 0.5 mA/cm2 of electrode surface. the duration of the passage of
current is about 10 to 20 minutes. The passage of current creates the movement of ions. it is used
for the preliminary treatment of atonic paralysis and for the disturbance of blood flow in the
(ii) Interrupted galvanic current:
Interrupted galvanic current pulses are a series of negative going rectangular pulses. the
pulse duration is about 100 milliseconds with a repetition rate is between 12 per minute and 70
per minute. A silghtly different form of interrupted galvanic pulses is the triangular wavepulses.
fig shows the unidirectional interrupted galvanic pulses which create ionization of the skin of the
patient and produce discomfort and inflammation. it is overcome by the application of a positive
current in between the negative pulses proportional to the time interval.

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(iii) Faradic current:
Faradic current pulses are usually between 50 per second in duration with a triangular
waveform as shown in fig (b). The repetition rate is invariably 50 per second. Faradic current can
produce muscular contractions. There is no ion movement due to the passage of faradic current.
This is used primarily for the treatment of muscle weakness. There are two types of faradic
current pulses , plain faddism is a train of faradic pulses of unvarying amplitude. These are rarely
used. Surged faradism is a series of surges of pulses shown in fig (c). Thus the amplitude of the
pulses applied to the patient increases in a slow manner and the number of surges per minute is
known as contraction rate. these faradic pulses are mainly used in the treatment of functional
paralysis and spasm. the muscular contraction occurs for each surge which gradually increases in
intensity from zero to maximum at the desired rate for muscular contraction, and relaxation of
muscles occurs when the surge ceases. Each surge has duration of 1500ms and approximately 70
impulses. its repetition rate is about 2 to 3 seconds.
(iv) Exponential current:
Fig(d) shows the exponential pulses used for the treatment of severe paralysis. By this
kind of pulses, the surrounding healthy muscles even in the immediate neighborhood of the
diseases be varied to provide selective stimulation.

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy:
Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy, x-ray therapy, or irradiation) is the
use of a certain type of energy (called ionizing radiation) to kill cancer cells and shrink
tumors. Radiation therapy injures or destroys cells in the area being treated (the target
tissue) by damaging their genetic material, making it impossible for these cells to
continue to grow and divide. Although radiation damages both cancer cells and normal
cells, most normal cells can recover from the effects of radiation and function properly.
The goal of radiation therapy is to damage as many cancer cells as possible, while
limiting harm to nearby healthy tissue.

Uses of radiation therapy:

Radiation therapy may be used to treat almost every type of solid tumor, including
cancers of the brain, breast, cervix, larynx, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin, spine, stomach,
uterus, or soft tissue sarcomas. Radiation can also be used to treat leukemia and
lymphoma (cancers of the blood-forming cells and lymphatic system, respectively).
Radiation dose to each site depends on a number of factors, including the type of cancer
and whether there are tissues and organs nearby that may be damaged by radiation.
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For some types of cancer, radiation may be given to areas that do not have evidence of
cancer. This is done to prevent cancer cells from growing in the area receiving the
radiation. This technique is called prophylactic radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy also can be given to help reduce symptoms such as pain from cancer
that has spread to the bones or other parts of the body. This is called palliative radiation

Difference between external radiation therapy and internal radiation therapy:

Radiation may come from a machine outside the body (external radiation), may
be placed inside the body (internal radiation), or may use unsealed radioactive materials
that go throughout the body (systemic radiation therapy). The type of radiation to be
given depends on the type of cancer, its location, how far into the body the radiation will
need to go, the patients general health and medical history, whether the patient will have
other types of cancer treatment, and other factors.
Most people who receive radiation therapy for cancer have external radiation. Some
patients have both external and internal or systemic radiation therapy, either one after the
other or at the same time.

External radiation therapy usually is given on an outpatient basis; most patients

do not need to stay in the hospital. External radiation therapy is used to treat most
types of cancer, including cancer of the bladder, brain, breast, cervix, larynx, lung,
prostate, and vagina. In addition, external radiation may be used to relieve pain or
ease other problems when cancer spreads to other parts of the body from the primary

Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is a form of external radiation

that is given during surgery. IORT is used to treat localized cancers that cannot
be completely removed or that have a high risk of recurring (coming back) in
nearby tissues. After all or most of the cancer is removed, one large, highenergy dose of radiation is aimed directly at the tumor site during surgery
(nearby healthy tissue is protected with special shields). The patient stays in the
hospital to recover from the surgery. IORT may be used in the treatment of
thyroid and colorectal cancers, gynecological cancers, cancer of the small
intestine, and cancer of the pancreas. It is also being studied in clinical trials
(research studies) to treat some types of brain tumors and pelvic sarcomas in

Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) is external radiation given to the

brain when the primary cancer (for example, small cell lung cancer) has a high
risk of spreading to the brain.
Internal radiation therapy (also called brachytherapy) uses radiation that is
placed very close to or inside the tumor. The radiation source is usually sealed in a
small holder called an implant. Implants may be in the form of thin wires, plastic
tubes called catheters, ribbons, capsules, or seeds. The implant is put directly into
the body. Internal radiation therapy may require a hospital stay.

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Internal radiation is usually delivered in one of two ways, each of which is
described below. Both methods use sealed implants.

Interstitial radiation therapy is inserted into tissue at or near the tumor

site. It is used to treat tumors of the head and neck, prostate, cervix, ovary,
breast, and perianal and pelvic regions. Some women treated with external
radiation for breast cancer receive a booster dose of radiation that may use
interstitial radiation or external radiation.

Intracavitary or intraluminal radiation therapy is inserted into the

body with an applicator. It is commonly used in the treatment of uterine cancer.
Researchers are also studying these types of internal radiation therapy for other
cancers, including breast, bronchial, cervical, gallbladder, oral, rectal, tracheal,
uterine, and vaginal.
Systemic radiation therapy uses radioactive materials such as iodine 131 and
strontium 89. The materials may be taken by mouth or injected into the body.
Systemic radiation therapy is sometimes used to treat cancer of the thyroid and adult
non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Researchers are investigating agents to treat other types of

Cancer patients receiving radiation therapy are often concerned that the treatment will
make them radioactive. The answer to this question depends on the type of radiation
therapy being given.
External radiation therapy will not make the patient radioactive. Patients do not need to
avoid being around other people because of the treatment.
Internal radiation therapy (interstitial, intracavitary, or intraluminal) that involves sealed
implants emits radioactivity, so a stay in the hospital may be needed. Certain precautions
are taken to protect hospital staff and visitors. The sealed sources deliver most of their
radiation mainly around the area of the implant, so while the area around the implant is
radioactive, the patients whole body is not radioactive.
Systemic radiation therapy uses unsealed radioactive materials that travel throughout the
body. Some of this radioactive material will leave the body through saliva, sweat, and
urine before the radioactivity decays, making these fluids radioactive. Therefore, certain
precautions are sometimes used for people who come in close contact with the patient.
The patients doctor or nurse will provide information if these special precautions are

Dosage of radiation:
The amount of radiation absorbed by the tissues is called the radiation dose (or
dosage). Before 1985, dose was measured in a unit called a rad (radiation absorbed

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dose). Now the unit is called a gray (abbreviated as Gy). One Gy is equal to 100 rads; one
centigray (abbreviated as cGy) is the same as 1 rad.
Different tissues can tolerate various amounts of radiation (measured in centigrays). For
example, the liver can receive a total dose of 3,000 cGy, while the kidneys can tolerate
only 1,800 cGy. The total dose of radiation is usually divided into smaller doses (called
fractions) that are given daily over a specific time period. This maximizes the destruction
of cancer cells while minimizing the damage to healthy tissue.
The doctor works with a figure called the therapeutic ratio. This ratio compares the
damage to the cancer cells with the damage to healthy cells. Techniques are available to
increase the damage to cancer cells without doing greater harm to healthy tissues.

Sources of energy for external radiation therapy:

The energy (source of radiation) used in external radiation therapy may come from the

X-rays or gamma rays, which are both forms of electromagnetic radiation.

Although they are produced in different ways, both use photons (packets of energy).

X-rays are created by machines called linear accelerators. Depending on

the amount of energy the x-rays have, they can be used to destroy cancer cells
on the surface of the body (lower energy) or deeper into tissues and organs
(higher energy). Compared with other types of radiation, x-rays can deliver
radiation to a relatively large area.

Gamma rays are produced when isotopes of certain elements (such as

iridium and cobalt 60) release radiation energy as they break down. Each
element breaks down at a specific rate and each gives off a different amount of
energy, which affects how deeply it can penetrate into the body. (Gamma rays
produced by the breakdown of cobalt 60 are used in the treatment called the
gamma knife,)

Particle beams use fast-moving subatomic particles instead of photons.

This type of radiation may be called particle beam radiation therapy or
particulate radiation. Particle beams are created by linear accelerators,
synchrotrons, and cyclotrons, which produce and accelerate the particles
required for this type of radiation therapy. Particle beam therapy uses
electrons, which are produced by an x-ray tube (this may be called
electron-beam radiation); neutrons, which are produced by radioactive
elements and special equipment; heavy ions (such as protons and helium);
and pi-mesons (also called pions), which are small, negatively charged
particles produced by an accelerator and a system of magnets. Unlike x-

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rays and gamma rays, some particle beams can penetrate only a short
distance into tissue. Therefore, they are often used to treat cancers located
on the surface of or just below the skin.
Proton beam therapy is a type of particle beam radiation therapy.
Protons deposit their energy over a very small area, which is called the Bragg
peak. The Bragg peak can be used to target high doses of proton beam therapy
to a tumor while doing less damage to normal tissues in front of and behind the
tumor. Proton beam therapy is available at only a few facilities in the United
States. Its use is generally reserved for cancers that are difficult or dangerous to
treat with surgery (such as a chondrosarcoma at the base of the skull), or it is
combined with other types of radiation. Proton beam therapy is also being used
in clinical trials for intraocular melanoma (melanoma that begins in the eye),
retinoblastoma (an eye cancer that most often occurs in children under age 5),
rhabdomyosarcoma (a tumor of the muscle tissue), some cancers of the head
and neck, and cancers of the prostate, brain, and lung.

The sources of energy for internal radiation.

The energy (source of radiation) used in internal radiation comes from the radioactive
isotope in radioactive iodine (iodine 125 or iodine 131), and from strontium 89,
phosphorous, palladium, cesium, iridium, phosphate, or cobalt. Other sources are being
Stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy
Stereotactic (or stereotaxic) radiosurgery uses a large dose of radiation to
destroy tumor tissue in the brain. The procedure does not involve actual surgery. The
patients head is placed in a special frame, which is attached to the patient skull. The
frame is used to aim high-dose radiation beams directly at the tumor inside the patients
head. The dose and area receiving the radiation are coordinated very precisely. Most
nearby tissues are not damaged by this procedure.
Stereotactic radiosurgery can be done in one of three ways. The most common technique
uses a linear accelerator to administer high-energy photon radiation to the tumor (called
linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery). The gamma knife, the second most common
technique, uses cobalt 60 to deliver radiation. The third technique uses heavy charged
particle beams (such as protons and helium ions) to deliver stereotactic radiation to the
Stereotactic radiosurgery is mostly used in the treatment of small benign and malignant
brain tumors (including meningiomas, acoustic neuromas, and pituitary cancer). It can
also be used to treat other conditions (for example, Parkinson disease and epilepsy). In
addition, stereotactic radiosurgery can be used to treat metastatic brain tumors (cancer
that has spread to the brain from another part of the body) either alone or along with
whole-brain radiation therapy. (Whole-brain radiation therapy is a form of external
radiation therapy that treats the entire brain with radiation).
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Stereotactic radiotherapy uses essentially the same approach as stereotactic
radiosurgery to deliver radiation to the target tissue. However, stereotactic radiotherapy
uses multiple small fractions of radiation as opposed to one large dose. Giving multiple
smaller doses may improve outcomes and minimize side effects. Stereotactic
radiotherapy is used to treat tumors in the brain as well as other parts of the body.
Clinical trials are under way to study the effectiveness of stereotactic radiosurgery and
stereotactic radiotherapy alone and in combination with other types of radiation therapy.

Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy. Traditionally,

the planning of radiation treatments has been done in two dimensions
(width and height). Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy
uses computer technology to allow doctors to more precisely target a
tumor with radiation beams (using width, height, and depth). Many
radiation oncologists use this technique. A 3D image of a tumor can be
obtained using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), or single photon emission
computed tomography (SPECT). Using information from the image,
special computer programs design radiation beams that conform to the
shape of the tumor. Because the healthy tissue surrounding the tumor is
largely spared by this technique, higher doses of radiation can be used to
treat the cancer. Improved outcomes with 3D conformal radiation therapy
have been reported for nasopharyngeal, prostate, lung, liver, and brain
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). IMRT is a new type of 3D
conformal radiation therapy that uses radiation beams (usually x-rays) of varying
intensities to deliver different doses of radiation to small areas of tissue at the same
time. The technology allows for the delivery of higher doses of radiation within the
tumor and lower doses to nearby healthy tissue. Some techniques deliver a higher
dose of radiation to the patient each day, potentially shortening the overall treatment
time and improving the success of the treatment. IMRT may also lead to fewer side
effects during treatment.
The radiation is delivered by a linear accelerator that is equipped with a multileaf
collimator (a collimator helps to shape or sculpt the beams of radiation). The
equipment can be rotated around the patient so that radiation beams can be sent from
the best angles. The beams conform as closely as possible to the shape of the tumor.
Because IMRT equipment is highly specialized, not every radiation oncology center
uses IMRT.
This new technology has been used to treat tumors in the brain, head and neck,
nasopharynx, breast, liver, lung, prostate, and uterus. However, IMRT is not
appropriate or necessary for every patient or tumor type. Long-term results
following treatment with IMRT are becoming available.

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Low-LET and high-LET radiation.

Linear energy transfer (LET) describes the rate at which a type of radiation deposits
energy as it passes through tissue. Higher levels of deposited energy cause more cells to
be killed by a given dose of radiation therapy. Different types of radiation have different
levels of LET. For example, x-rays, gamma rays, and electrons are known as low-LET
radiation. Neutrons, heavy ions, and pions are classified as high-LET radiation.
Most high-LET radiation is investigational treatment. The cost of the equipment and the
amount of specialized training needed to perform high-LET radiation therapy restrict its
use to only a few facilities in the United States.

Radiation treatment for the patient:

Many health care providers help to plan and deliver radiation treatment to the patient.
The radiation therapy team includes the radiation oncologist, a doctor who specializes in
using radiation to treat cancer; the dosimetrist, who determines the proper radiation dose;
the radiation physicist, who makes sure that the machine delivers the right amount of
radiation to the correct site in the body; and the radiation therapist, who gives the
radiation treatment. Often, radiation treatment is only one part of the patients total
therapy. Combined modality therapy, the use of radiation with drug therapy, is commonly
The radiation oncologist also works with the medical or pediatric oncologist, surgeon,
radiologist (a doctor who specializes in creating and interpreting pictures of areas inside
the body), pathologist (a doctor who identifies diseases by studying cells and tissues
under a microscope), and others to plan the patients total course of therapy. A close
working relationship between the radiation oncologist, medical or pediatric oncologist,
surgeon, radiologist, and pathologist is important in planning the total therapy.
Importance of treatment planning.
Because there are so many types of radiation and many ways to deliver it,
treatment planning is a very important first step for every patient who will have radiation
therapy. Before radiation therapy is given, the patients radiation therapy team determines
the amount and type of radiation the patient will receive.
If the patient will have external radiation, the radiation oncologist uses a process called
simulation to define where to aim the radiation. During simulation, the patient lies very
still on an examining table while the radiation therapist uses a special x-ray machine to
define the treatment port or fieldthe exact place on the body where the radiation will be
aimed. Most patients have more than one treatment port. Simulation may also involve CT
scans or other imaging studies to help the radiation therapist plan how to direct the
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radiation. The simulation may result in some changes to the treatment plan so that the
greatest possible amount of healthy tissue can be spared from receiving radiation.
The areas to receive radiation are marked with either a temporary or permanent marker,
tiny dots or a tattoo showing where the radiation should be aimed. These marks are also
used to determine the exact site of the initial treatments if the patient should need
radiation treatment later.
Depending on the type of radiation treatment, the radiation therapist may make body
molds or other devices that keep the patient from moving during treatment. These are
usually made from foam, plastic, or plaster. In some cases, the therapist will also make
shields that cannot be penetrated by radiation to protect organs and tissues near the
treatment field.
When the simulation is complete, the radiation therapy team meets to decide how much
radiation is needed (the dose of radiation), how it should be delivered, and how many
treatments the patient should have.
Radiosensitizers and Radioprotectors
Radiosensitizers and radioprotectors are chemicals that modify a cells response
to radiation. Radiosensitizers are drugs that make cancer cells more sensitive to the
effects of radiation therapy. Several compounds are under study as radio sensitizers. In
addition, some anticancer drugs, such as 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin, make cancer cells
more sensitive to radiation therapy.
Radioprotectors (also called radioprotectants) are drugs that protect normal
(noncancerous) cells from the damage caused by radiation therapy. These agents promote
the repair of normal cells that are exposed to radiation. Amifostine (trade name Ethyol)
is the only drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a
radioprotector. It helps to reduce the dry mouth that can occur if the parotid glands
(which help to produce saliva and are located near the ear) receive a large dose of
radiation. Additional studies are under way to determine whether amifostine is effective
when used with radiation therapy to treat other types of cancer. Other compounds are also
under study as radioprotectors.

Uses of radio pharmaceuticals:

Radiopharmaceuticals, also known as radionucleotides, are radioactive drugs used
to treat cancer, including thyroid cancer, cancer that recurs in the chest walls and pain
caused by the spread of cancer to the bone (bone metastases). The most commonly used
radiopharmaceuticals are samarium 15 (Quadramet) and strontium 89 (Metastron).
These drugs are approved by the FDA to relieve pain caused by bone metastases. Both
agents are given intravenously (by injection into a vein), usually on an outpatient basis;
sometimes they are given in addition to external beam radiation. Other types of

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radiopharmaceuticals, such as phosphorous 32, rhodium 186, and gallium nitrate, are not
used as frequently. Still other radiopharmaceuticals are under investigation.

New approaches to radiation therapy:

Hyperthermia, the use of heat, is being studied in conjunction with radiation
therapy. Researchers have found that the combination of heat and radiation can increase
the response of some tumors.
Researchers are also studying the use of radio labeled bodies to deliver doses of radiation
directly to the cancer site (radio-immunotherapy). Antibodies are highly specific proteins
that are made by the body in response to the presence of antigens (substances recognized
as foreign by the immune system). Some tumor cells contain specific antigens that trigger
the production of tumor-specific antibodies. Large quantities of these antibodies can be
made in the laboratory and attached to radioactive substances (a process known as
radiolabeling). Once injected into the body, the antibodies seek out cancer cells, which
are destroyed by the radiation. This approach can minimize the risk of radiation damage
to healthy cells.
The success of this technique depends on identifying appropriate radioactive substances
and determining the safe and effective dose of radiation that can be delivered in this way.
Two radioimmunotherapy treatments, ibritumomab tiuxetan (Zevalin) and tositumomab
and iodine 131 tositumomab (Bexxar), have been approved for advanced adult nonHodgkins lymphoma (NHL). Clinical trials of radioimmunotherapy are under way with a
number of cancers, including leukemia, NHL, colorectal cancer, and cancers of the liver,
lung, brain, prostate, thyroid, breast, ovary, and pancreas.

Need for the Thermography:
Thermograph has a number of distinct advantages over other imaging systems. It is
completely non- invasive, there is no contact between the patient and system as with echography,
and there is no radiation hazard as with x-rays. A thermograph is a real-time system, changes can
be followed as fast as at a rate if one study per second.
Classification of thermography:
Based on detection of the thermal radiation from the skin sreas, we can classify the
thermograph into three methods. They are

Infrared thermograph

Liquid crystal thermograph

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Microwave themograph.

Thermo gram:
Thermo gram is a record of the infrared heat waves that are emitted by the body. it gives a visual
display of the hot and cold areas of the whole body. The technique of obtaining a thermo gram is
known as thermograph.

Thermographic equipment:
Thermographic equipment incorporate scanning systems which enable the infrared radiation
emitted from the surface of the skin with in the field of view to be focused on to an infrared
detector. The equipment used in the thermography basically consists of two units. A special
infrared camera that scans the object and a display unit for displaying the thermal picture on the
NETD is nothing but Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD). It is the figure
of merit for the thermographic imaging system. This is usually called minimum resolution.
Resolution of the thermographic system:
The thermal and spatial resolution of a thermographic system is determined by the optical
parameters, detector performance. Preamplifiers noise, the signal processing system, the picture
presentation and evaluation systems. Thermo gram:
Problem of medical thermography:
For comparing the results of successive thermo graphic examinations, it is essential that
the results are standardized and quantified. In the earlier thermographic equipment the
thermograph was recorded on a photographic film from which it was limited by the long
scanning time. a practical solution to this problem is the use of isotherms. Differences between
the various gray tones are determined accurately by means of a thermal band or isotherm. In
modern thermographic equipment, temperature measurement is improved by providing two
simultaneous isotherm functions.

Analog analysis medicalThermo graphy:

With thermo vision 780M, there are many possibilities of analog analysis of the gray tone images
including the following (i) isotherm function (ii) lever analysis (iii) sample are a selector and
thermal profile analysis.
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Digital analysis of medical Thermography:
In medical fields where complex image patterns are regular occurrence, computers offer new
opportunities for more efficient and objective reasons. First, it can be used to determine
numerous parameters from the image itself, highest and average temperature or differences
between none region and another or area as various temperature contours or geometric centroids
or skewness and so on.
SOFIA is a general image processing program which can be used in nearly all
applications written in FORTRAN IV, it is specially designed to operate with digital data in
OSCAR (Off-line: system for computer Access and Recording)


The light emitted from an ordinary light source is incoherent, because the
radiation emitted from different atoms do not have definite phase relationship with each other.
For interference of light coherent sources are required. Two independent sources cannot act as
coherent sources. For experimental purposes, from a single source, two coherent sources are
obtained. In recent years certain highly coherent sources were developed namely LASER. The
word LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The
difference between ordinary light and LASER beam is pictorially depicted as follows:

Characteristics of LASER:
The LASER beam is
1. Monochromatic
2. Highly coherent with waves exactly in phase with each other.
3. Doesnt diverge.
4. Extremely intense.
Spontaneous and Stimulated radiation:
An atom may undergo transition between two energy states E 1 and E2 if it emits or
absorbs a photon of the appropriate energy E1-E2 =h .
In a system of thermal equilibrium the number of atoms in the ground state(N 1) is
greater than the number of atoms in the excited state(N 2).This is called Normal population.
Consider a sample of free atoms, some of which are in the ground state with energy E1 and some
in the excited state with energy E 2. If the photons of energy E1-E2 =h are incident on the sample,
the photons can interact with the atoms in the ground state and are taken to excited state. This is
called Stimulated or Induced absorption. The process by which the atoms in the ground state are
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taken to the excited state is known as pumping. If the atoms are taken to the higher energy levels
with the help of light it is called Optical pumping. If the atoms in the ground state are pumped to
the excited state by means of external agency, the number of atoms in the excited state(N 2)
becomes greater than the number of atoms in the ground state(N 1) then this condition is called
population inversion. The lifetime of the atoms in the excited state is normally 10 -8 seconds.
Some of the excited energy levels have greater life times for atoms (10 -3 seconds). These levels
are called as Metastable state.
If the excited energy level is an ordinary level the excited atoms return to a lower or
ground energy state immediately without the help off any external energy. During this transition
a photon of energy E1-E2 =h is emitted. This is called spontaneous emission. If the excited state
is a metastable state, the atoms stray for some time in these level and then are brought to a lower
level by the help of the photons of energy E 1-E2 =h . During this process a photon of energy E1E2 =h is emitted. This is known as Stimulated radiation and the photon produced is called as
stimulated photon or secondary photon. The secondary photon is always in phase with the
stimulating photon. These photons in turn stimulate further emission of photons and hence this
results in a chain reaction. This is called laser action and by this action all the emitted photons
having same energy and same frequency and also in phase with each other. Hence a highly
monochromatic and perfectly coherent intense radiation is obtained.
Conditions to achieve LASER action:
There must be inverted population.
The excited state must be a metastable state.
The emitted photon must stimulate further emission.
This is achieved by the use of the reflecting mirrors at the ends of the system.
Absorbing Energy
Consider the illustration from the previous page. Although more modern views of the atom do
not depict discrete orbits for the electrons, it can be useful to think of these orbits as the
different energy levels of the atom. In other words, if we apply some heat to an atom, we might
expect that some of the electrons in the lower-energy orbitals would transition to higher-energy
orbitals farther away from the nucleus.

An atom absorbs energy in the form of heat, light, or
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electricity. Electrons may move from a lower-energy
orbit to a higher-energy orbit.
This is a highly simplified view of things, but it actually reflects the core idea of how atoms
work in terms of lasers.
Once an electron moves to a higher-energy orbit, it eventually wants to return to the ground state.
When it does, it releases its energy as a photon -- a particle of light. You see atoms releasing
energy as photons all the time. For example, when the heating element in a toaster turns bright
red, the red color is caused by atoms, excited by heat, releasing red photons. When you see a
picture on a TV screen, what you are seeing is phosphor atoms, excited by high-speed electrons,
emitting different colors of light. Anything that produces light -- fluorescent lights, gas lanterns,
incandescent bulbs -- does it through the action of electrons changing orbits and releasing
The Basics of an Atom
There are only about 100 different kinds of atoms in the entire universe. Everything we
see is made up of these 100 atoms in an unlimited number of combinations. How these atoms are
arranged and bonded together determines whether the atoms make up a cup of water, a piece of
metal, or the fizz that comes out of your soda can!
Atoms are constantly in motion. They continuously vibrate, move and rotate. Even the atoms that
make up the chairs that we sit in are moving around. Solids are actually in motion! Atoms can be
in different states of excitation. In other words, they can have different energies. If we apply a
lot of energy to an atom, it can leave what is called the ground-state energy level and go to an
excited level. The level of excitation depends on the amount of energy that is applied to the atom
via heat, light, or electricity.

The Laser/Atom Connection

A laser is a device that controls the way that energized atoms release photons. "Laser" is an
acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, which describes very
succinctly how a laser works.
Although there are many types of lasers, all have certain essential features. In a laser, the lasing
medium is pumped to get the atoms into an excited state. Typically, very intense flashes of
light or electrical discharges pump the lasing medium and create a large collection of excitedstate atoms (atoms with higher-energy electrons). It is necessary to have a large collection of
atoms in the excited state for the laser to work efficiently. In general, the atoms are excited to a
level that is two or three levels above the ground state. This increases the degree of population
inversion. The population inversion is the number of atoms in the excited state versus the
number in ground state.
Once the lasing medium is pumped, it contains a collection of atoms with some electrons sitting
in excited levels. The excited electrons have energies greater than the more relaxed electrons.
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Just as the electron absorbed some amount of energy to reach this excited level, it can also
release this energy. As the figure below illustrates, the electron can simply relax, and in turn rid
itself of some energy. This emitted energy comes in the form of photons (light energy). The
photon emitted has a very specific wavelength (color) that depends on the state of the electron's
energy when the photon is released. Two identical atoms with electrons in identical states will
release photons with

The Ruby laser was first developed by T.Maiman in 1960. It consists of a single
crystal of ruby rod of dimensions 10cm and 0.8cm. A ruby is a crystal of aluminium oxide Al 2O3
in which some of aluminium ions (Al3+) are replaced by chromium ions (Cr3+). The opposite
ends of the ruby rod are made flat and parallel, one end is fully silvered and the other end is
partially silvered. The ruby rod is surrounded by a helical Xenon flash tube which provides the
pumping light to raise the chromium ions to upper energy level. In the Xenon flash tube each
flash lasts several milliseconds and in each flash a few thousand joules of energy is consumed.
In normal state most of the chromium ions are in the ground state E 1. When the ruby rod is
irradiated by a flash of light 5500 radiation (green colour) photons are absorbed by the
chromium ions which are pumped to the excited state E 3. The excited ion gives up part of its
energy to the crystal lattice and decay without giving any radiation to the metastable state E 2.
Since the state E2 has a much longer lifetime (10 -3 seconds) the number of ions on this state goes
on increasing. Thus population inversion is achieved between the states
E2 and E1. When the excited ion from the metastable state E 2 drops down spontaneously to the
ground state E1 it emits a photon of wavelength 6943.
This photon travels through the ruby rod and is reflected back and forth by the silvered ends until
it stimulates other excited ion and causes it to emit a fresh photon in phase with stimulating
photon. Thus the reflections will amount to the additional stimulated emission, the so-called
Amplification by Stimulated emission. This stimulated emission is the LASER transition. Finally
a pulse of red light of wavelength 6943 emerges through the partially silvered end of the
Ruby Lasers
A ruby laser consists of a flash tube (like you would have on a camera), a ruby rod and two
mirrors (one half-silvered). The ruby rod is the lasing medium and the flash tube pumps it.

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1. The laser in its non-lasing state

2. The flash tube fires and injects light into the ruby rod.
The light excites atoms in the ruby.

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3. Some of these atoms emit photons.

4. Some of these photons run in a direction parallel to the

ruby's axis, so they bounce back and forth off the
mirrors. As they pass through the crystal, they stimulate
emission in other atoms.

5. Monochromatic, single-phase, columnated light leaves

the ruby through the half-silvered mirror -- laser light!
Helium Neon LASER:
A continuous and intense laser beam can be produced with the help of gas lasers.
A simplified diagram showing basic features of a He-Ne gas laser is as follows:

He-Ne laser system consists of a quartz discharge tube containing helium and
neon in the ratio of 1:4 at a total pressure about 1mm of Hg. One end of the tube is fitted with a
perfectly reflecting mirror and the other end with partially reflecting mirror. A powerful radio
frequency generator is used to produce discharge in the gas, so that the helium atoms are excited
to a higher energy level.

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When an electric discharge passes through the gas, the electron in the discharge tube
collide with He and Ne atoms and excite them to metastable states of energy 20.61eV and
20.66eV respectively above the ground level. Some of the excited helium atoms transfer their
energy to unexcited Ne atoms by collision. Thus He atom helps in achieving a population
inversion in Ne atoms. When an excited Ne atom drops down spontaneously from the metastable
state at 20.66eV to lower energy state at 18.7eV it emits a 6328
Photon in the visible region. This photon traveling through the mixture of the gas is reflected
back and forth by the reflector ends, until it stimulates an excited neon atom and causes it to emit
a fresh 6328 photon I phase with the stimulating photon. This stimulated transition from
20.66eV to 18.7eV is the laser transition. The o/p radiation atoms drop down from the 1837eV to
lower state E1 through spontaneous emission emitting incoherent light. From this level E 1 the Ne
atoms are brought to the ground state through collision with the walls of the tube. Hence the final
transition is radiationless.
Laser Light
Laser light is very different from normal light. Laser light has the following properties:

The light released is monochromatic. It contains one specific wavelength of light (one
specific color). The wavelength of light is determined by the amount of energy released
when the electron drops to a lower orbit.
The light released is coherent. It is organized -- each photon moves in step with the
others. This means that all of the photons have wave fronts that launch in unison.
The light is very directional. A laser light has a very tight beam and is very strong and
concentrated. A flashlight, on the other hand, releases light in many directions, and the
light is very weak and diffuse.

To make these three properties occur takes something called stimulated emission. This does not
occur in your ordinary flashlight -- in a flashlight, all of the atoms release their photons
randomly. In stimulated emission, photon emission is organized.
The photon that any atom releases has a certain wavelength that is dependent on the energy
difference between the excited state and the ground state. If this photon (possessing a certain
energy and phase) should encounter another atom that has an electron in the same excited state,
stimulated emission can occur. The first photon can stimulate or induce atomic emission such
that the subsequent emitted photon (from the second atom) vibrates with the same frequency and
direction as the incoming photon.
The other key to a laser is a pair of mirrors, one at each end of the lasing medium. Photons, with
a very specific wavelength and phase, reflect off the mirrors to travel back and forth through the
lasing medium. In the process, they stimulate other electrons to make the downward energy jump
and can cause the emission of more photons of the same wavelength and phase. A cascade effect
occurs, and soon we have propagated many, many photons of the same wavelength and phase.
The mirror at one end of the laser is "half-silvered," meaning it reflects some light and lets some
light through. The light that makes it through is the laser light.

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You can see all of these components in the figures on the following page, which illustrate how a
simple ruby laser works.

Types of Lasers
There are many different types of lasers. The laser medium can be a solid, gas, liquid or
semiconductor. Lasers are commonly designated by the type of lasing material employed:

Solid-state lasers have lasing material distributed in a solid matrix (such as the ruby or
neodymium:yttrium-aluminum garnet "Yag" lasers). The neodymium-Yag laser emits
infrared light at 1,064 nanometers (nm). A nanometer is 1x10 -9 meters.
Gas lasers (helium and helium-neon, HeNe, are the most common gas lasers) have a
primary output of visible red light. CO2 lasers emit energy in the far-infrared, and are
used for cutting hard materials.
Excimer lasers (the name is derived from the terms excited and dimers) use reactive
gases, such as chlorine and fluorine, mixed with inert gases such as argon, krypton or
xenon. When electrically stimulated, a pseudo molecule (dimer) is produced. When lased,
the dimer produces light in the ultraviolet range.
Dye lasers use complex organic dyes, such as rhodamine 6G, in liquid solution or
suspension as lasing media. They are tunable over a broad range of wavelengths.
Semiconductor lasers, sometimes called diode lasers, are not solid-state lasers. These
electronic devices are generally very small and use low power. They may be built into
larger arrays, such as the writing source in some laser printers or CD players.

A ruby laser (depicted earlier) is a solid-state laser and emits at a wavelength of 694 nm. Other
lasing mediums can be selected based on the desired emission wavelength (see table below),
power needed, and pulse duration. Some lasers are very powerful, such as the CO2 laser, which
can cut through steel. The reason that the CO2 laser is so dangerous is because it emits laser light
in the infrared and microwave region of the spectrum. Infrared radiation is heat, and this laser
basically melts through whatever it is focused upon.
Other lasers, such as diode lasers, are very weak and are used in todays pocket laser pointers.
These lasers typically emit a red beam of light that has a wavelength between 630 nm and 680
nm. Lasers are utilized in industry and research to do many things, including using intense laser
light to excite other molecules to observe what happens to them.
Here are some typical lasers and their emission wavelengths:
Laser Type

Wavelength (nm)

Argon fluoride (UV)


Krypton fluoride (UV)


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Xenon chloride (UV)


Nitrogen (UV)


Argon (blue)


Argon (green)


Helium neon (green)


Helium neon (red)


Rhodamine 6G dye (tunable)


Ruby (CrAlO3) (red)


Nd:Yag (NIR)


Carbon dioxide (FIR)


Medical Applications of LASER:

Micro surgery has become possible due to narrow spread angle of the laser beam.
It can be used in the treatment of kidney stone, tumour, cutting and sealing small blood
vessels in brain surgery and retina detachment.
The laser beam is used in endoscopy.
It can also be used for the treatment of human and animal cancer.
The term MASER stands for Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission
of Radiation. The working of maser is similar to that of laser. The maser action is based on the
principle of Population Inversion followed by Stimulated emission. In maser the emitted photon
during the transition from the metastable state belongs to the microwave frequencies. The
paramagnetic ions are used as maser materials. Practical maser materials are often chromium or
gadolium ions doped as impurities in ionic crystals. Ammonia gas is also a maser material.
Maser provides a very strong tool for analysis in molecular spectroscopy.

Laser surgery, pioneered by Russia, is surgery using a laser (instead of a scalpel)

to cut tissue.

Examples include the use of a laser scalpel in otherwise conventional surgery, and soft
tissue laser surgery, in which the laser beam vaporizes soft tissues with high water
content. Laser resurfacing is a technique in which molecular bonds of a material are
dissolved by a laser. Laser surgery is commonly used on the eye. Techniques used
include LASIK, which is used to correct near and far-sightedness in vision, and

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phorefractive keratectomy, a procedure which permanently reshapes the cornea using
an excimer laser to remove a small amount of tissue.
Types of surgical lasers include carbon-dioxide, argon, Nd:YAG, and KTP.
Eye surgery
Various types of laser surgery are used to treat refractive error:
LASIK,in which a knife is used to cut a flap in the cornea, and a laser is used to reshape
the layers underneath, to treat refractive error
INTRALASIK, a variant in which
the flap is also cut with a laser
Photorefractive keratectomy(PRK, LASEK), in which the cornea is reshaped without
first cutting a flap Laser thermal keratoplasty, in which a ring of concentric burns is
made in the cornea, which cause its surface to steepen, allowing better near vision

Laproscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery (MIS), bandaid surgery,
or keyhole surgery, is a modern surgical technique in which operations in
the abdomen are performed through small incisions (usually 0.51.5 cm) as opposed to
the larger incisions needed in laparotomy.Keyhole surgery makes use of images
displayed on TV monitors to magnify the surgical elements. Laparoscopic surgery
includes operations within the abdominal or pelvic cavities, whereas keyhole surgery
performed on the thoracic or chest cavity is called thoracoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic
and thoracoscopic surgery belong to the broader field of endoscopy. The key element in
laparoscopic surgery is the use of a laparoscope. There are two types: (1) a telescopic
rod lens system, that is usually connected to a video camera (single chip or three chip), or
(2) a digital laparoscope where the charge coupled device is placed at the end of the
laparoscope, eliminating the rod lens system.

Diathermy therapy is generally contra-indicated for pacemaker patients.the operation of a
pulse generator subject to the intense fields of energy involved in diathermy cannot be predicted;
reversion to fixed rate pacing is likely, to copmplete inhibition is possible. Although damage to
either pulse generator circuitry or cardiac tissue is highly improbable, it cannot be positively
ruled out. If diathermy therapy must be used, it should be applied away from the immediate
vicinity of the pulse generator/ lead system.
Operation theatre equipment are very useful both diagnostically and therapeutically. they
are mainly useful for monitoring and treatment purposes. during operation or intensive care or
intensive treatment, the patient's condition is followed carefully by repeated measurement of
many variables, like blood flow velocvity, cardiac output, blood pressure. PH value and so
on.The above variables are also measured and monitored by operation theatre equipment.
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High frequency currents apart from their usefulness for therapeutic applications can also
be used in the operating rooms for surgical purposes involving cutting and coagulation. The
frequency of currents used in surgical diathermy units is in the range of 1-3MHz in contrast with
much higher frequencies employed in shortwave therapeutic diathermy machines.The evolving
steam bubbles in the tissues at the cutting action is obtained. Similarly during the passage of the
high frequency current through the tissue, the tissue is heated locally. so that the tissue is melted
instantaneously and sealing of the capillary and other blood vessels is taking place. Then the
coagulation of the tissues takes place. The use of high frequency current is to avoid the intense
muscle activity and the electrocution hazard occurs if low frequencies are used.

Surgical diathermy machines depend for their action, the heating effect of electric
current. When high frequency current flows through the sharp edge of a wire loop or point of a
needle into the tissue. There is a high contraction of current at this point. The tissue is heated to
such an extent that cells immediately under the electrode are torn apart by the boiling of the cell
fluid. The indifferent electrode establishes a large area contact with the patient and the RF
current is therefore dispersed so that very little cheat is developed at this electrode. This type of
tissue separation forms the basis of electrosurgical cutting.
Honig (1975) worked out detailed derivation of the significant parameters affecting the
distribution of electro surgical RF power in tissue. He analyzed how electrosurgical RF power is
localized in the vicinity of the cutting electrode. It was shown that the combination of fine wire
electrodes high RF voltage and high cutting speeds are necessary for the confinement of tissue
destruction in electro surgery. These parameters are of great value in micro surgery since
localization of electrosurgical effects would also be accompanied by coagulation and
homeostasis. His analysis supported the supposition that evolving steam bubbles in the tissues at
the surgical tip continuously rupture the tissue and are responsible for cutting mechanism.

Electrosurgical coagulation of the tissue is caused by the high frequency current flowing
through the tissue and heating it locally so that it coagulates from inside. The coagulation process
is accompanied by a grayish-white discoloration of the tissue that the edge of the electrode. In
contrast to a thermocauter, better coagulation can be achieved by high frequency currents
because it does not cause superficial burning.

The term fulguration refers to a superficial tissue destruction without affecting deep-seated
tissues. This is obtained by passing sparks from the needle or ball electrode of small diameter to
the tissue. When electrode is held near the tissue without toughing it, spark is produced. This
spark is capable of burning the unwanted portions.
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The needle point electrodes are stack into the tissue and kept steadily while passing
electric current. This creates a high local increase in heat and drying of tissues is taking place.
This is called desiccation.
When the electrode is kept above the skin, an electrical arc is sent. The developed heat
produces wedge shaped narrow cutting of the tissue on the surface. By increasing the current
level, deeper level cutting of the tissues takes place. Normally continuous RF current is used for
The concurrent use of continuous RF current for cutting and a RF wave burst for
coagulation is called Hemostasis mode.
Electrical Shock

8.1 Introduction:
Electric shock is a traumatic state caused by the passage of electric current can flow
through the human body either accidentally or intentionally. The kind and amount of damage
depends on the intensity, type and duration of the current, the point where the electricity first
touched the body and the path it took through the body. Burns may be superficial or very deep
with widespread tissue death. Severe shock may cause muscle contractions, respiratory paralysis,
unconsciousness and cardiac arrest. A high voltage electric shock may cause sudden muscle
spasm that may through the victim away from the power source with extreme force, resulting in
further injuries, such as fracture. Lightening causes injuries similar to those sustained from a
high voltage electric shock. Electrical currents are administered intentionally in the following
For measurement of respiration rate by impedance method, a small current at high
frequency is made to flow between the electrodes applied on the surface of the body.
High currents are also passed through the body for therapeutic and surgical purposes.
When recording signals like ECG, and EEG, the amplifiers used in the preamplifier stage
may deliver small currents themselves to the patient. These are due to bias currents.
Accidental transmission of electrical current takes place because of defect in the
equipment; excessive leakage and simultaneous use of other equipment on the patient
which may produce potentials on the patient circuit.

8.2 Electric shock hazards:

It is a common experience that the hazards due to electric shock are also
associated with equipment other than that used in hospitals. However, the equipments used in
medical practice have to operate in special environments. Which differ I certain respects from
others. Some such special situations are as follows:
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A patient may not be usually able to react in the normal way. He/she is either ill,
unconscious anaesthetized or strapped on the operating table. He/she may not be able to
withdraw him/herself from the electrified object, when feeling tingling in his/her skin,
before any danger of electrocution occurs.
The patient or the operator may not realize that a potential hazard exists. This is because
potential differences are small and high frequency and ionizing radiations are not directly
Considerable neutral protection and barrier to electric current is provided by human skin.
In certain applications of electro medical equipment, the natural resistance of the skin
may be passed. Such situations arise when the tests are carried out on the subject with a
catheter in his/her heart or an large blood vessels.
Electro medical equipment, example : pacemakers may be used either temporarily or
permanently to support or replace functions of some organs of the human body. The
interruption in the power supply or failure of the permanent injuries or even prove fatal
for the patient.
Medical instruments are quite often used in conjunction with several other instruments
and equipment. These combinations of high power equipment and extremely sensitive
low signal equipment. Each of these devices may be safe in itself, but can become
dangerous when used in conjunction with others.
Environmental conditions in the hospitals particularly in the operating theatres cause
explosion or fire hazards due to the presence of anesthetic agents, humidity and cleaning
agents etc.

8.3 Effects due to 50 Hz current passage:

This electric shock can cause unwanted cellular depolarization. This is associated with
muscular contraction, or it may cause cell vaporization and tissue injury. The effect of
commercial frequency currents on the human body should be considered. This assists in
establishing allowable leakage currents for electrical appliances and electric hand tools. Most of
the electrical accidents involve a current pathway through victim from one upper limb to the feet
or to the opposite upper limb. At commercial frequencies, the body acts as a volume conductor.
For commercial frequencies (50 Hz 60 Hz) specific physiological effects due to passage of
current through the body are listed below:

Type of current range (mA)

Physiological effect
Tingling sensation5-8
Intense or painful sensation

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Let go 8-20
Threshold of involuntary muscle contraction paralysis >20.
Respiratory paralysis and heart fibrillation 80-1000, ventricular and heart defibrillation 1,000 to
10,000 sustained myocardial contraction, temporary respiratory paralysis and possible tissue
Let-go current is the minimum current to produce muscular contraction. For men it is
about 16 mA and for women it is about 10.5 mA.

8.4 Microshock and Macroshock:

8.4.1 Macroshock:
A physiological response to a current applied to the surface of the body that produces
unwanted or unnecessary stimulation like muscle contractions or tissue injury is called macro
shock. All hospital patients and medical attendants are exposed from defective electric devices
and bio-medical equipment.

8.4.2 Microshock:
A physiological response to a current applied to a surface of the heart that results in
unwanted stimulation like muscle contractions or tissue injury is called microshock. Micro
shock is most often caused when currents in excess of 10 microamperes, flow through an
insulated catheter to the heart. The catheter may be an insulated, conductive-fluid filled tube, or a
solid wire pacemaker cable. The micro shock results because the current density at the heart
become high in the situation depicted there, in which the catheter touches the heart.

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