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LING 427 TESOL Internship

Teaching Observation and Evaluation

Onsite Supervisor
Context overview
Institution: ELIC/STP
Internship student teacher: Andrew Chambers
Number of learners in class: 13 (observed)
Date and time of class: July 25, 8:00-8:50

0 = not done

Class name or type: Adult EFL

Onsite supervisor/observer: Jennifer Shepherd
Level of learners: Intermediate
Duration of observation: 1 hour

1 = needs improvement

2 = done proficiently 3 = done excellently

NA = not applicable

Content, planning, and organization

Made clear the purpose of the
lesson from the outset


Defined relationship to earlier

lesson(s) or curriculum

Sequenced topics logically

Paced lesson appropriately

Responded adequately to
learner questions

Related the lesson to future


We are going to start with Unit 12. Everyone turn to page 115. Andrew
then asked a student to read the unit title and objectives and elicited
students ideas about the meaning of the idiom. He told students that a
knowledge of learning styles would help them to design lessons that
incorporated various learning styles. He also stated that understanding
gerunds would help students when discussing preferences.
Andrew referred back to a listening episode that mentioned student
behavior but no mention was made about the overarching unit objectives
from earlier lessons and how this lesson would build upon those language
skills. (i.e. yesterday we discussed that learning language is a skill. Now we
will learn various styles that can be used to practice this skill.)
Sequence was strong as it moved from students personal learning styles to a
sorting activity regarding activities that correspond to the various learning
styles. The answers were then reported back whole group using the 3
learning styles.
Lesson pace was appropriate. Andrew knew when students were finished
and told them to add up their results to the learning styles quiz. He also gave
a 1-minute warning to tell students they would soon need to finish their
When several students finished the sorting activity early, Andrew had them
start to put their answers on the board with visual representation so that the
time was used well.
Yes. See responded to cues of confusion for more specifics. Andrew also
circulated and assisted students with charting the results of their learning
style quiz.
Andrew said, the time is 8:50. We will continue going over our answers
after we get back from break.

Presentation and delivery

Exhibited a strong presence in
the classroom


Andrews content knowledge, clear explanation of directions, and availability
to answer students questions during independent and pair work tasks all
contributed to a strong classroom presence. My only suggestion here is that
Andrew not hesitate to ask for students attention rather than talking over

2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

LING 427 TESOL Internship

Projected voice effectively

Andrew projected his voice effectively and consistently.

Used intonation to vary

Explained ideas and gave
directions with clarity

Intonation was used to vary emphasis.

Maintained effective eye

contact with learners
Used non-verbal gestures to
enhance communication
Defined unfamiliar terms,
concepts and principles

Andrew gave a very clear explanation about the general meaning of the
idiom and how it pertained specifically to learning styles. The addition of
visual support this week helped all learners understand more when ideas
and directions were explained.
Eye contact was consistent and effective.


Presented examples to clarify

Related new ideas to familiar

Restated important ideas at

appropriate times

Used humour appropriately to

encourage interest

Andrew encouraged students, remember, if you have a vocabulary

question, just ask me and then he circulated to check in with students.
When students reported back their answers and some were incorrect,
Andrew did not hesitate to ask the class if they agreed or disagreed and then
made sure that everyone had the correct answer.
Andrew told students how to add up the results of their learning style quiz,
and then used one students results to give an example.
When students needed to practice pronunciation of gerunds, Andrew
related it to the pronunciation of genre from several lessons ago. Andrew
also gave an example of a kinesthetic learning style from the episode to
draw upon students prior knowledge.
Ideas were restated as needed. Some restatement was avoided because
Andrew did a nice job of anticipating learner questions and putting 1-2
examples or key words from the directions on the board.

Teacher-learner interactions
Created an atmosphere
conducive to learning


Maintained student attention

throughout the lesson

Used a variety of teaching


Encouraged learner-teacher
Encouraged and suitably
managed learner interaction

Responded to cues of
confusion, boredom, curiosity

Andrew has established a productive, respectful, and supportive classroom
atmosphere in which students are not nervous about participating or asking
for clarification as needed.
Students were attentive and engaged throughout the course of the lesson.
Students volunteered their ideas regularly, and if there was silence after a
question, students knew that Andrew would call on them by name.
Students worked individually to complete the learning style quiz, then they
later worked in
Andrew put key words, phrases, and ideas on the board to provide visual
support for students. Because this lesson is about learning styles, it was
designed to incorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles.
Students are very quick to ask questions or to call Andrew to their group
when clarification is needed.
Students were quick to work together and ask questions of one another. I
would encourage Andrew to not hesitate to tell students to work together if
the task is designed to be communicative. Students were told they could
work in pairs, groups, or individually which meant that students did not have
to communicate if they chose not to.
Andrew circulates around the room while learners are working and students

2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

LING 427 TESOL Internship

Gave satisfactory answers to

learners questions
Dealt effectively with behavior
requiring discipline


take advantage of this to ask questions that they may not want to ask in
front of the whole class.
Andrew clarified the meaning of demonstrate for a student with both a
restatement of the word and acted out an example.
Nothing was said when the group at the back right used Chinese to translate
his directions or when most of the classroom used Chinese when charting
the results of their learning style quiz and when moving to the correct
location within the triangle.
Students were told that if they were working in pairs or groups during the
sorting activity to speak in English, but this was said in Chinese, which sent a
contradictory message.
There were multiple examples of Andrew talking over students when giving
directions. Because he has a louder voice, students could still hear but this
indicated that they may not all be paying attention. When Andrew was ready
to move on after charting the results of the quiz, Andrew had to ask three
times, who is ready to move on? and had to ask twice, who still needs
help? I would encourage Andrew to not hesitate to implement the use of
some sort of attention signal to save time and avoid so much repetition of
direction. Later, he did say, Everyone listen for a second to get the
attention of students during the kinesthetic portion of the lesson.

Content knowledge
Presented content of obvious
value to the learners


Chose content that would

challenge the learners
Demonstrated a command of
the subject matter
Demonstrated a strong
language awareness

Content was of obvious value to the learners and the purpose of the lesson
was stated explicitly so that learners recognized the value.
Content was at an appropriate challenge level for learners.

Andrew demonstrated a strong command of the subject matter.

Andrew consistently demonstrated a strong language awareness.

Instructional materials
Designed lesson around
learning goals not materials
Chose materials appropriate to
needs and level of learners
Used instructional materials
that were accurate
Selected materials that were
interesting to the learners
Set homework tasks which
followed on from class work


Yes. The tasks of the lessons each corresponded to a learning objective.

Required curricular materials were at an appropriate level for the learners.

Instructional materials were accurate.

Materials were interesting to the learners.


Not applicable for morning sessions.

Additional or summative comments

Andrew has been diligent in addressing areas that were discussed in his first observation and as a result he has improved in
14 areas! Andrew included a strong purpose statement at the outset of his lesson, gave examples and explained ideas
clearly with visual support, included a variety of learning modes, and demonstrated strong language awareness. I would
encourage Andrew to consistently implement the use of classroom management strategies and when relating the lesson to
previous curriculum, think about how the overarching language and content objectives relate to one another, not just
2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

LING 427 TESOL Internship

isolated tasks. Overall, I am impressed with Andrews classroom presence, care for learners, and the classroom atmosphere
he has created in which all students are engaged with the content. I look forward to seeing how Andrew uses his teaching
skills in the future!

2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

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