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LING 427 TESOL Internship

Teaching Observation and Evaluation

Onsite Supervisor
Context overview
Institution: ELIC/STP
Internship student teacher: Caroline Chambers
Number of learners in class: 9

Class name or type: Adult learners/EFL

Onsite supervisor/observer: Jennifer Shepherd
Level of learners: Low-intermediate

Date and time of class: July 22, 8:00-8:50

Duration of observation: 1 hour


0 = not done

1 = needs improvement

2 = done proficiently

3 = done excellently

NA = not applicable

Content, planning, and organization

Made clear the purpose of the
lesson from the outset


Defined relationship to earlier

lesson(s) or curriculum

Sequenced topics logically

Paced lesson appropriately

Responded adequately to learner

Related the lesson to future


After a review of learning styles, about 20 minutes into the lesson, Caroline
stated, what we will learn with Bundle of Sticks today is how to give advice
and how to give suggestions but first I want to make sure that you understand
the fable. This tells students what they will be learning but not why it is
We are talking about our third fable today. Lets review about our first fable.
What grammar points did we learn about with our first fable? Students said
that they learned about comparing, Caroline told them that they also learned
about the past tense. For the second fable, students volunteered some ideas and
Caroline supplied other ideas.
Lesson sequence was very strong. Caroline moved from review of learning
styles, to a kinesthetic activity about yesterdays fable and then a group work
activity that required higher-level thinking skills.
Lesson pace was appropriate for the level of learners. Caroline set a timer for
the group work task but when she realized that students were not close to
being finished, she gave them an additional 3 minutes to work.
No learner questions were observed but Caroline anticipated the areas in
which students would be confused and when clarification was needed (see
responded to cues of confusion.)
Its break time but when we come back we will talk about the differences and
I can see if you understand the fable.

Presentation and delivery

Exhibited a strong presence in
the classroom


Projected voice effectively

Caroline did not hesitate to call for attention, tell students to speak in English,
and exhibited a strong classroom presence. This was portrayed in the content
knowledge that Caroline demonstrated, her interactions with students, and as
she encouraged students to speak in English.
Caroline projected her voice effectively for the duration of the lesson.

Used intonation to vary emphasis

Caroline used intonation effectively to vary emphasis.

Explained ideas and gave

directions with clarity

Caroline has made great improvement in the way that she gives directions. She
finished each train of thought without providing extraneous information for
students. When giving directions for the kinesthetic portion of the lesson,
Caroline was wise to chunk the directions into manageable pieces.

2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

LING 427 TESOL Internship

Maintained effective eye contact
with learners

Used non-verbal gestures to

enhance communication
Defined unfamiliar terms,
concepts and principles
Presented examples to clarify
Related new ideas to familiar
Restated important ideas at
appropriate times
Used humour appropriately to
encourage interest


Eye contact was effective and consistent for the majority of the lesson. My
only suggestion is that Caroline be careful when giving directions as when
using one group as the model for group work, her back was to the right hand
side of the room and these students seemed to be at a lower proficiency level
and needed to see Carolines facial expressions and non-verbal gestures.
Non-verbal gestures were used effectively when explaining key ideas and
Yes. See restated important ideas at appropriate times.

Example was provided to support the student example of listen and point.

Activities (story sequence and the role play) were explained in terms of being
kinesthetic activities (previous lesson.)
Caroline restated directions clearly and used a variety of vocabulary when it
was clear that students did not understand the word drama.


Teacher-learner interactions
Created an atmosphere
conducive to learning


Maintained student attention

throughout the lesson
Used a variety of teaching modes

Encouraged learner-teacher

Encouraged and suitably

managed learner interaction

Responded to cues of confusion,

boredom, curiosity

Gave satisfactory answers to

learners questions


Caroline began class by encouraging her students regarding how well they
taught about Chinese culture and told them thank you for their hard work. It is
very evident that Caroline recognizes the teaching experience of her teachers
as she elicited ideas about a variety of activities that learners use in their own
Students were respectful towards one another as they presented their role-plays
and it was evident that Caroline has established a safe and respectful
classroom environment for all learners.
Students were attentive and on task for the duration of the lesson.
Review of fables one and two was done orally, then Caroline put the words
auditory, visual, and kinesthetic on the board to elicit examples for each
category. Students volunteered examples individually and worked in groups to
write a skit.
When one student volunteered an idea before Caroline was finished
categorizing the last point, she did not hesitate to politely say, just one
moment Lemon and finished the previous example, then called on Lemon
While introducing a kinesthetic activity, Caroline asked, What do we usually
do when I give you the parts of the story? but no wait time was given and
Caroline answered the question herself.
While students were completing the kinesthetic task, Caroline helped to
manage learners by telling them to stand side-by-side.
Before students performed their skits for one another, she reminded students
that if they were not presenting, they should be listening and watching.
Caroline knows her students well and knew which group would need her
assistance during the group work activity. She drew up a chair and helped
these learners to get organized and complete the activity step-by-step. Once
this group began to work independently, Caroline went to check in with the
other group.
No learner questions were observed.

2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

LING 427 TESOL Internship

Dealt effectively with behavior
requiring discipline

When student began the kinesthetic activity and immediately began speaking
in Chinese, Caroline called for attention and told students to only speak in
English. She then reinforced this throughout the activity. Sorry, what did you
say? Can you say that in English? Try.
Later in the lesson, Caroline encouraged students by reminding them that they
only had 1 more week left in the program and that they should try to speak
only English for the next 5 minutes.
The only thing I would suggest is that Caroline implements the use of some
sort of attention signal rather than asking students one-by-one to listen
please when she is ready to give instructions whole-group.


Content of required curricular materials was of obvious value to the learners.

Content knowledge
Presented content of obvious
value to the learners
Chose content that would
challenge the learners
Demonstrated a command of the
subject matter
Demonstrated a strong language

Content was at an appropriate challenge level for learners.

Caroline demonstrated a strong command of the subject matter.

Caroline demonstrated a strong language awareness.

Instructional materials
Designed lesson around learning
goals not materials
Chose materials appropriate to
needs and level of learners
Used instructional materials that
were accurate
Selected materials that were
interesting to the learners
Set homework tasks which
followed on from class work


Unknown due to lesson plan being submitted after the lesson was completed.

Required curricular materials were appropriate to the needs and levels of

Instructional materials were accurate.

Materials were interesting to the learners.


Not applicable for morning sessions.

Additional or summative comments

It is obvious that Caroline has been very diligent in working on the areas that were previously discussed during her first
evaluation as she showed growth in 10 areas! Caroline exhibited a stronger classroom presence, more confidence, and
consistently demonstrated a strong language awareness. Her students demonstrated a willingness to participate and respect for
one another than has been exemplified in the way Caroline treats her students as the professional English teachers that they
are. I would encourage Caroline to make sure that she explicitly states why the content is purposeful for learners, provide wait
time when asking questions, and to be sure not to turn her back to one part of the classroom while giving directions. Overall, I
am impressed by Carolines diligent preparation, the improvements she has made in giving directions with clarity, and the
way that she manages learner to learner interactions. I wish that I could observe again in Carolines classroom as I know that
she will continue to make even more growth in the days to come!

2014 Briercrest College. Observation sheet created by David Catterick

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