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SharePoint Solutions

Document Management
Matter Centric Document
Management in MS SharePoint
Contentworker adds a robust set of matter centric document management features
to SharePoint based environments which increases SharePoint usability, adoption
and ensures compliance.
New documents are created in the system

Contentworker Document Management Provides an essential

set of user tools that complements the SharePoint platform in
any document and email intensive environment.

from predened document templates,

document uploads or drag and drop into
selected matter folders.
Easy to administrate

The Contentworker application completes

inheriting metadata associated with its

Contentworkers web based interface is

the document management user functio-

parent folder. This makes the saving process

easy to deploy, update and administer.

nality needs for document and email centric

quick and simple for the user while promo-

Customization tools allow for the functio-

SharePoint based environments such as

ting a secure and structured solution where

nality to be tailored to your users needs.

legal, corporate and government. Content-

documents can always be easily found.

Support for SharePoint web parts allows for

worker makes it easy to save, search, nd,

use and share information regardless of

User friendly Security

unlimited third party information sources to

origin in a matter centric environment.

Automated document versioning and cen-

be easily displayed in the interface. Con-

Users benet from our simple navigation

trally dened users permission rights give

guration and administration are handled by

structure and short cuts such as recently

full organizational control over document

a separate business data layer which provi-

edited list, favorites and saved searches to

access. Document access can also be tracked

des centralized administration, providing a

easily access important information.

and reported for compliance purposes.

secure, consistent and efcient solution.

Matter templates

Manage all le types

Contentworker matter sites are created

Contentworker manages many disparate le

from matter templates with pre dened

types including documents, e-mails, images,

folders and document types. Matter temp-

PPTs and PDFs. For an even more complete

lates are centrally dened and maintained

matter centric view, Contentworker can also

to ensure that documents are consistently

connect information like calendars, tasks,

managed throughout the rm in accordance

people and webpages. Integration with

to document management policies and

email and calendars allow for deadlines and

guidelines. All documents that are saved

reminders which are useful in areas such as

into the system are automatically classied,

contract management.

Solution Highlights,

Document management
E-mail management
Matter templates
Predened metadata
Intelligent search & ltering
Document reminders
Matter tasks & calendars

North America: +1 404-378-3728 I I

+46 8 514 939 80 I I

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