NX Routing - Quick Start Guide

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NX Routing

NX Routing
Quick Start Guide

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NX Routing


Table of Contents:
Table of Contents:
1.1 RCP
1.2 Ports
1.3 Path
1.4 Stock
1.5 Overstock
2.1 Fluids Role (only at ECO EN F and SM EN FT)
2.2 Creating a Routing Path
2.3 Stock and Overstock
2.3.1 Stock
2.3.2 Overstock
3.1 Place Part
3.1.1 Select Pipe Specification
3.1.2 Selecting Parts
3.1.3 Place
3.1.4 Create Elbow
3.2 Placing order of Path and Parts
3.3 Build of an Assembly Structure
3.4 Import Pipe list FPMD (Fluids Project Master Data)
3.4.1 Initial Fill
3.4.2 Insert Single Pipe
3.4.3 Add Parts to SAP
3.5 Modify Path
3.5.1 Transform Path
3.5.2 Trim (Workaround)
3.5.3 Subdivide Segment
3.5.4 Simplify Path
4.1 Creating a PCF for stress calculation
4.2 ISOMETRIE Erzeugung
5.1 Placing non Routing Parts
5.2 Disconnect Part
5.3 Heal Path


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NX Routing

1 Terms and Definition

1.1 RCP
The RCP or Routing Control Point is the point at the start or end of each path segment

1.2 Ports
Ports are arrows which mark open ends of Pipelines and are used as connecting points. They are also
used as marker whether the parts are connected right or not. Ports disappear if they are connected.




1.3 Path
The Path is the centreline between the RCPs.

1.4 Stock
The stock is the pipe attached to the path.

1.5 Overstock
The overstock is the insulation for the pipe.

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NX Routing

2 Basics
2.1 Fluids Role (only at ECO EN F and SM EN FT)
If you start working with NX-Routing its recommended to load the
prepared Role.

To load the Role, click

-> select the role (see graphic) ->

Warning appears:

-> click ok.

Make sure you Quit NX with File -> Exit after loading the Role. Otherwise changes wont get saved.

2.2 Creating a Routing Path

The fastest way is to use Create linear Path

-> Place Dynamik

-> Axis Parallel it is possible to draw a path parallel or normal to another path or an edge.
And its possible to select the endpoint of an edge or path to use the assumptive intersection as
endpoint of the new path.
To connect two paths or points Heal Path
can be used. (see 5.3) Its recommended to use it if the
two Objects to be linked are close to each other. Heal Path is a fast solution and also very accurate.
(Highly recommended too use for faster working!!!)
Always use exact angles, elsewise there will be issues during placing parts.

2.3 Stock and Overstock

2.3.1 Stock
To assign a stock, at first the preferences (see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden
werden.) have to be set up.

To place a stock click

then select the Path, on which stock shall be placed. Chosen stock

-> Specify -> Routing Part Library -> Rodiks Pipes-> chose DN -> ok

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NX Routing

2.3.2 Overstock
3 To place a stock click

then select the Path, on witch overstock shall be aplyed. Chosen overstock
-> Specify -> Routing Part Library -> Insulation-> chose thickness -> ok

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NX Routing

3.1 Place Part

3.1.1 Select Pipe Specification


-> select Project and Pipe Specification.

3.1.2 Selecting Parts


Place Part and select part in the Routing Part Library.

To Place Special Parts (Parts not in Library) see 5.1

3.1.3 Place
Set Reference Set to Fluids_Routing. Place in Path

To place select RCP (see 1.1) -> select Placement Solution ->
Part angel can be changed with Port Rotation -> confirm
The Part is placed correct, if no Ports are visible (see 1.2). Place Part to Part

To place, select Port of existing Part, if there is no Port, select RCP.
Attention: Rotating Eccentric Reductions will only be possible, if it is placed on a Port!

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NX Routing

3.1.4 Create Elbow

With the command

, a fence can be drawn to select corners in Part on witch Bends, Elbows and
Mitres are placed according to Pipe Specification.

With the command

, Elbows can be removed. Also it is possible to repair broken Bends*.

*Broken Bends are Bends which lost the associate to the lines they connect. If the RCP in the Corner of
the Bend is Empty, the Bend is broken. (the standard RCP at a corner looks like the one below)

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NX Routing

3.2 Placing order of Path and Parts

Its advisable to start with Parts, directly connected to TOP and Connecting Points
Attention: - Remove Bows before Transform Path (see 3.5.1) and place them again afterwards.

Eccentric Reductions are always to be placed immediately, for offset in centreline!

3.3 Build of an Assembly Structure

Create FT-Assy.
Beneath the FT-Assy Pipes may be placed immediately or more Subassemblies may be added for
different areas in the project.
To create Pipes use the Pipelist (see 3.4 Pipe list), afterwards Pipes may be moved to different

To Place a copy of a Pipe, put a copy as Subassembly in the existing

For Example, see image on the right: the pipe I3-NI-012 in Filter 1 is
also a part of pipe I3-NI-032 in Filter 2.

Alternatively copy as can be used to create a second version of the

Pipe that can be changed separately. In case the new pipe already
exists, the pipe, created with the Pipe list tool, has to be deleted from

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NX Routing

3.4 Import Pipe list FPMD (Fluids Project Master Data)

- Fill in Excel sheet

- Click

3.4.1 Initial Fill

For the first import of the Pipe list to NX use Init Fill. Therefor you have to choose your Pipe list/FPMD

and click Init Fill -> continue with 3.4.3

3.4.2 Insert Single Pipe

Fill in the F_ID (in FPMD 1_PLH) of the Pipe you want to Import -> click
-> Repeat if more pipes shall be added -> continue with 3.4.3

3.4.3 Add Parts to SAP

- Mark created parts in the Assembly Navigator and click

- Click Back once, if only one Part is displayed in CAD-Manager. (Except there is only one Part)
- Mark all -> Create Document
- (change wrong SCS, if necessary)
- Save -> UG Check Characteristics -> Save

-> Back

- In NX -> Save and Check In

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NX Routing

3.5 Modify Path

3.5.1 Transform Path
With Transform Path it is possible to move one or more RCPs and Parts.
Bends must be removed, before using Transform Path.

To keep length or angles of the Path, they can be fixed by constraints. But be aware that a large number
of constraints can influence the performance of Routing.
No constraints should be deactivated during modifications of the Path.

3.5.2 Trim (Workaround)

To trim a Path segment to another Create
Linear Path -> Axis Parallel can be used.
Therefor create a second line and unify them
with Simplify Path (see 3.5.4)
Or create Path with over-length and use
Subdivide Segment -> Through Point to
create an RCP and delete supernatant path

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NX Routing

3.5.3 Subdivide Segment

Is used to split up path segments and to create a additional RCP on a path segment.
The easiest way is to use At Point, this gives you 3 options how to define the
location of the subdividing Point. (see graphic)
Arc Length gives the ability to dig in the length starting at a corner for
Through Point makes it possible to select the subdividing point per click. It is
possible to select either a point on the line, or a line to use the intersection
% Arc Length divines the subdividing point by dig in percentage of the whole
The Type Equal Segments makes it possible to divide the segment in multiple parts of equal length.

3.5.4 Simplify Path

Select multiple segments which share one direction to unify them and remove all RCPs except on the
Only works if the path segments have the same orientation.

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NX Routing

4 PCF and ISO

4.1 Creating a PCF for stress calculation
Make the assembly, the PCF should be generated of, Displayed Part.
Set all Reference-Sets to Fluids_Routing.


Transmit PCF-Files to Isogen Server ->

click Yes ->

click No

After finishing the PCF generation, it is automatically saved in C:\TMP as PCF_ALL.pcf.

Rename PCF and copy to project folder.

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NX Routing

4.2 ISOMETRIE Erzeugung

Create Non-Master Document (for Example ISO001) -> create Component Group of all Pipes for ISO ->
open component group -> Button

Transmit PCF-Files to Isogen Server ->

click No ->

click Yes ->

dig in ISO and click ok.

(This may take a while)
A Folder will be opened automatically, in which the generated files are located.

Save Data in new folder on the project directory.

In the non-master doc: Drafting -> Create new Drawing (via WinSAPdwgUtil) -> use Import Part to
import a .prt files (not the usm000~.prt) -> repeat for all Pipes
It is recommended to create an Overview on DRW-1 and start with the ISOs on DRW-2.

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NX Routing

5 Tips and Tricks

5.1 Placing non Routing Parts
Insert non Routing part via ECTR at any location (but not on End Position)

Click Place Part

Instead of selecting a routing part from library, select the non-routing part by clicking on it.
-> ok ->
Now it is possible to place the part like a routing part.
If necessary Trim the stock by hand.
Placing non Routing parts may cause issues in Transforming Path, in this case look in 5.2

5.2 Disconnect Part

With Disconnect Part, parts may be removed from the Routing Path without deleting them.


move part ->

check box for Disconnect Part ->

select move -> select part to move -> moving the part will delete all constraints
and connections to the Routing Path.

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NX Routing

5.3 Heal Path

For start and endpoint select either RCP, Path, Port, Point or Axis.
Select Stock.
In Settings -> Method it is possible to select the order of Axis or
direct or Intersection. As preview for the path to be created, an
orange line will appear.

direct: the Path will take the direct way between

the two points

intersection: the Path will be created normal or

parallel to the selected Axis

XC YC ZC: the Path follows the Axis of the

WCS in chosen order. (for Example: from start
point itll go in X then in Y then in Z to the

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NX Routing

6 Keyword Register

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