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the magazine from the uks leading employee benefits advisory


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summer 2013 | issue#6 |

first female chief
financial officer
is appointed
page 36

advo group
an insight into the
chinese healthcare
page 44


exclusive interview with minds chief executive,

paul farmer
page 06
60% of workers surveyed said if their employer took action to support the mental
wellbeing of all staff, they would feel more loyal | editors note

meet the team at

advo group
larry bulmer
chief executive

chris mc cracken
marketing &
colin boxall
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corp relationship
sharon harwooddavis
corp development
emma shaw
retail manager

we are bringing you an exclusive

and in-depth interview with Paul Farmer,
Chief Executive at Mind. Mind has fully
established itself as the leading mental
health charity in England and Wales

Welcome to the Summer
2013 edition of Advocate
magazine bought to you by
ADVO Group.

In this edition we are

bringing you an exclusive
and in-depth interview
with Paul Farmer, Chief Executive at Mind. Mind has
fully established itself as the leading mental health
charity in England and Wales. In our interview we get a
fascinating insight into Minds Taking Care of Business
campaign which, as Paul puts it aims to highlight
the benefits of promoting, and the costs of neglecting,
mental health in the workplace.
We are also bringing you an excellent article from
ADVOs Colin Boxall, reporting on his recent experience
as a patient in a chinese hospital and the consequential
comparison to the UKs often highly revered National
Health Service. Colin poses the hotly debated questions
of is the Chinese system better and should it be
adopted in the West?
We also look at the latest fascinating research from
Legal & General which looks at current levels of job
security. It was discovered that over three quarters,
(76%) of private sector workers say that they are
confident in their job security compared with under
three quarters, (73%) of those working in the public
sector showing a lack of confidence being prevalent in
the public sector.
In addition, we have a huge range of articles looking
at the biggest current issuers in occupational health
and human resources. For example, whether exercise
can save the economy, what type of issues cause most
employment resignations, the modern work-life balance
as its detrimental affect on our lives and much more.


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marketing manager | who we are

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Advocate magazine is produced by ADVO Group

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Advocate Magazine is produced by ADVO Group and published



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advocate spring 2013 | | 03 | contents

occupational health
Page 06

Exclusive interview with Paul Farmer, CEO, Mind

Page 12

Could exercise save the economy?

Page 14

Walking to work makes you happier

Page 16

Personal issues such as stress top lists for reasons to

leave employment

Page 18

Are smartphones giving employees information


Page 20

All work and no play is damaging family life

human resources
Page 24

Former Apprentice winner loses constructive dismissal

claim against Lord Sugar

Page 26

Exclusive interview with Jason Ransted, Managing

Director, Radcliffe & Newlands

Page 30

Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer is back in the headlines


Page 32

Legal & Generals Job Security Index shows that public

sector workers are the least confident

Page 34

Most employers still plan to hire rather than fire

according to latest research

Page 36

Microsoft appoints first female Chief Financial Officer

Page 38

Employers missing an opportunity as staff demand

greater financial security

Page 40

How financial education can improve your bottom line

Page 44

ADVO Groups Colin Boxall guest writes on his recent

visit to one of Chinas hospitals

other advo group news

Page 46

ADVO Groups Nadiya Hasan writes on increasing need

for Cash Plans

Page 48

71% of decision makers within companies agree that

dental insurance plans enhance employee wellbeing

advocate spring 2013 | | 04

08 interview with
paul farmer,
ceo, mind
rs occupational health | contents

an insight into the chinese

healthcare system
page 44

microsofts first female cfo

page 36
public sector workers
are the least confident
page 32

page 26
exclusive interview with jean crew
advocate spring 2013 | | 05 | exclusive interview with paul farmer, ceo, mind

advocate spring 2013 | | 06||exclusive

60% of workers surveyed

said if their employer took
action to support the mental
wellbeing of all staff, they
would feel more loyal
paul farmer, ceo, mind
Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales providing advice and support to empower anyone
experiencing a mental health problem. They help individuals to understand their condition and the choices available
to them through their Infoline, their Legal Advice Service and their award-winning publications and website,
certified by the Information Standard. Their network of more than 160 local Minds offer specialised support and care
based on local need.
Paul Farmer is the Chief Executive
of Mind, responsible for leading the
strategic and operational direction
of the charity. He joined in May
2006 having previously worked for
nine years as the Director of Public
Affairs at Rethink where he was
responsible for the Rethink National
Advice Service, campaigns and
communications, fundraising and
marketing, events, research and user
and carer involvement departments.
Prior to this, Paul worked as
Communications Manager for the
Samaritans. Paul has co-authored
acclaimed publications on reducing
stigma and discrimination and is also
a trustee for the Directory of Social
Change, a campaigning voluntary
organisation that provides the sector
with training and publications.
Between 2001 and 2006, Paul was
Chairman of the Mental Health
Alliance, which brings together all
the major mental health charities and
voluntary organisations to campaign
for a better Mental Health Act. Paul
was named in the Guardians The
influence 100 as one of the top
agenda setters for his outstanding
work in the mental health field and
has been shortlisted for this years

Third Sector Awards in the Most

Admired Charity Chief Executive of
the Year category. In the latest in
ADVOs exclusive interview series we
caught up with Paul to discuss mental
health in the workplace through the
charitys ongoing Taking Care of
Business campaign, tips for dealing
with stress and much more.
What does your typical day at
Mind involve?
Im usually woken up by my son
wanting to find out the football
results from the night before! Then
its a quick cycle to the station and
prepare for meetings. Typically,
I divide my time between our
campaigning and awareness raising
work, often in Westminster and
Whitehall, spending time with our
160 local Minds, and managing our
organisation of 200 staff. No two
days are the same, but the focus is
always on how we can ensure that the
voices of people with mental health
problems are heard.
What part of your role at Mind
gives you the most satisfaction?
When someone who has experienced

a mental health problem tells us

that weve made a difference to
their lives. It might be an individual
whos received help at a local Mind
or from our Information team, or
someone who will benefit from a
campaign change weve helped bring
about. Recently, the Mental Health
Discrimination Act was passed which
now means that people with mental
health problems can be jurors, MPs
and Company Directors. Thats a step
in the right direction!
What do you think are some
of most significant milestones
that Mind has reached since its
Mind has always stood up for people
with mental health problems, to
tackle the stigma and discrimination,
and to campaign for better services
for all.
In the 1940s and 50s, people with
mental health problems were literally
out of sight, out of mind, locked
away in Victorian asylums. Mind
campaigns led to the Health Minister
standing up at a Mind Conference in

advocate spring 2013 | | 55


1961 to announce the closure

programme of the asylums. This
was the first significant step in
recognizing that people with mental
health problems should be treated as
equal citizens in our society.
In the 70s and 80s, we campaigned
for better resources for those who
were let down by the early problems
with community care, and helped
secure safeguards for people who
were sectioned by law.
In the 90s, we secured additional
resources for mental health services,
and in particular to increase access to
talking treatments.
Now we see mental health as the
big health and social justice issue of
the 21st century across all aspects
of society. Our Time to Change
campaign has helped start to
break down the stigma of mental
health; businesses are increasingly
recognizing the need to address
mental health, and last year 4
MPs spoke openly about their own
experience. We are excited about the
potential of social media to support
people-our new Elefriends digital
platform ( is
already helping over 3000 people to
support each other online.
We helped the Government to adopt
the principle of parity of esteem
in health care between mental and
physical health. This means that
health services should pay as much
attention to our minds as they do to
our bodies.
But there is a long way to go. The
economic situation has had a major
impact on the countrys mental
Many of our campaigns led to
breakthroughs in prescribing
practice, government policy, and in
encouraging new understandings of
mental health and the issues faced by
service users. We now have to move
to a new level.
One of your ongoing campaigns,
Taking Care of Business, looks at
the issue of mental health in the
workplace. Please tell us some more
about this great campaign.
Minds Taking Care of Business
campaign aims to highlight the
benefits of promoting, and the costs
of neglecting, mental health in the

workplace. We have advice for both

employers and employees on creating
mentally healthy workplace, as well
as how to manage their stress levels.
In difficult times, employers may be
reluctant to invest in measures to
help keep their staff mentally healthy,
but Minds recent poll* found
around 60% of workers surveyed
said if their employer took action
to support the mental wellbeing of
all staff, they would feel more loyal,
motivated, committed and be likely to
recommend their workplace as a good
place to work.

cited a different reason for their

absence such as headache or upset
stomach, suggesting people dont
feel they can disclose they are feeling
pressured to their boss.
Were providing free resources for
businesses and signposting to further
help and support-via
uk/work-including our own Mind
Workplace service.

One of the statistics given as

part of the Taking Care of
Business campaign is that 19%
of people feel unable to speak
to their managers about feeling
Minds poll* also found that work was stressed at work? Why do
the biggest cause of stress in peoples you think so many people feel
lives, more so than debt or financial
unable to do so?
problems this demonstrates the
scale of the problem.
Minds research* also found that 90%
of people who had time off for stress

advocate spring 2013 | | 08 | exclusive interview with paul farmer, ceo, mind

In times of recession people are fearful

that if they tell their boss they are stressed
they will be demoted, dismissed or replaced

Our research confirms that there is

a culture of fear and silence around
talking about stress and mental
health in the workplace. There is still
a huge taboo its the elephant in the
room. In times of recession
people are fearful that if they tell their
boss they are stressed they will be
demoted, dismissed or replaced. Yet
stress and mental health problems
are prevalent in all organisations.
We know right now 1 in 6 workers
is experiencing stress, anxiety or
depression, so its a problem too big
to ignore. Starting a conversation
about mental health doesnt have to
be difficult, but employers should
take the first step. Its a good idea to
conduct a staff survey as this provides
insight into the mindset of individual
team members.

employers. What can employers aim

to gain from these?
Mind recently held two webinars
for managers and HR professionals
about promoting mental wellbeing
even in tough times and supporting
staff living with mental health
problems. Attendees were able to
email in their questions and concerns
to our panel who were on hand to
give their advice.

online along with a number of other

useful resources please visit mind. for more information.
Do you think that there any any
particular industries or sectors within
the jobs market that are perhaps
better or worse at recognising and
discussing stress amongst staff?

People can experience stress and

mental health problems in any line
of work and in any size organisation.
The first webinar, aimed at
Those employees expected to
managers, featured a panel of experts frequently work long hours, who have
including Stephen Bevan of The
excessive workloads and little support
Work Foundation. The second, for
from managers and colleagues may
HR professionals, featured Eugene
be more prone to bouts of stress.
Farrell of AXA PPP Healthcare and
Organisations which invest in
Jonathan Bowers of UKFast, winner measures to ensure mental wellbeing
of Employee Engagement Strategy
of their staff are more likely to have
of the Year at the 2013 UK Customer an efficient and productive workforce,
As part of the Taking Care of
Satisfaction Awards.
whereas employers in which there is
Business campaign you are providing
a culture of fear and silence around
a series of webinars for managers and Both webinars are available to view
speaking out about mental health

advocate spring 2013 | | 09 | exclusive interview with paul farmer, ceo, mind

and wellbeing means there could
be undetected problems. These
problems could spiral into crisis and
lead to bouts of sickness absence.
Mind has a bespoke consultancy
service for employers to help increase
efficiency of staff while safeguarding
their wellbeing. For a full list of the
training and consultancy services
we offer please visit
Many businesses have set great
examples and are showing that this
doesnt have to be difficult. One such
organisation is Deloitte, who have
been instrumental in setting up a
mental health champions scheme
which allows people to provide
informal, confidential peer support
to staff who may be struggling. Its
led by John Binns, a Mind Trustee
and senior partner at Deloitte, who
has been very open about his own
experiences with depression.
Do you think the workplace
will ever reach the desired
level of discussion and concern
for mental health amongst
employees or do you think the
issue will always, to an extent
at least, unfortunately be swept
under the rug?
We know that 1 in 6 workers is

experiencing anxiety, stress or

depression but too often discussing
mental health in the workplace
is a taboo. This stigma could be
heightened during this difficult
financial climate, with people
particularly fearful of losing their
jobs. Minds recent poll* found 26 per
cent of respondents found excessive
workload very or quite stressful,
and 24 per cent found job insecurity
stressful. Whilst it is clear lots of
people are feeling the pressure, few
individuals feel comfortable talking
about it. Our survey* found 42 per
cent believed stress was seen either
as a sign of weakness or that you
cant cope; and only 41 per cent felt
they could talk to their line manager
if they were feeling stressed. There
are still certain types of industry
within which it is less acceptable to
discuss mental health than others,
but we hope that this will change as
businesses come to realise the costs of
neglecting staff wellbeing.
Quite simply, we cant afford for
mental health to be ignored any
more. Its damaging our health and
its damaging the economy.
If an employee is finding
their working environment
particularly stressful, what tip
could you give them for one of

the easiest ways of improving

their situation?
My top tip is simply to take 5 minutes
to think and plan, and five minutes
to relax calmly before you start work.
Its an employers responsibility to
create the right kind of environment,
but there are a number of things staff
can and should do to help manage
their mental wellbeing at work. Other
tips include:
Plan each day, with time for work,
tasks, relaxation and leisure activities.
Identify the time of day when
you have the most energy and
concentration and do important tasks
during this time.
List tasks in order of importance,
then tackle urgent ones first.
Vary dull tasks with interesting ones,
tiring jobs with easier ones.
Dont try to do too many things at
once this increases risk of mistakes.
Once youve finished a task, take a
few moments to pause and relax.
Make sure you take a lunch break.
Have a change of scene a short
walk allows you to focus on whats
happening around you, rather than
your worries.
At the end of each day, reflect on what
youve achieved, rather than worrying
about what still needs to be done.

List tasks in order of importance,

then tackle urgent ones first

advocate spring 2013 | | 10

Develop a hobby that uses your brain

in a different way from work. It can
be a great release and a way to make
new friends.
Talking about your day with friends
helps keep things in perspective.
Smiling and laughing produces
hormones which help you relax.
If colleagues are making unrealistic
or unreasonable demands, be honest
and say no.
If you find yourself in conflict with
someone, try to find solutions which
are positive for both of you.
What kind of information can
we expect to find on the mind
blog? (
Each week Mind publishes blog posts
on a whole range of topics, relating
in some way to mental health. Blogs
help to show that people with mental
health problems are cared about,
understood and listened to. The Mind
blog can empower and strengthen.
A blog can challenge the status quo
and change attitudes. Since the blog
launched in 2009, it has been a great
platform to show that mental health
is an important issue. We usually
post guest blogs from people who
have experience of a mental health
problem their everyday stories,
their ups and their downs. Last year
Minds digital team posted more than
100 stories!

Im always so
inspired by the passion
and commitment of the
Mind runners

Parks Foundation Half

Marathon this October. Please
tell us some more about this and
are there any other ways people
can get involved to help Mind?

Mind has been chosen as a Golden

Oak partner for the Royal Parks Half
Marathon this year, and were always
on the look-out for fearless runners
to take part in one of the UKs most
Mind has a large social media
spectacular half marathons. The
following. What social sites can run takes participants on a beautiful
Mind be found on and what type tour of Londons Royal parks and
of content can we expect to find as well as soaking up the buzzing
on each?
atmosphere, most people love taking
part. This could be because theyre
You can find Mind on Twitter @
setting themselves a unique personal
Mindcharity and Facebook. Were
challenge, theyre feeling physically
on both networks every weekday
and mentally well by getting
between 10am and 5pm. Sometimes
outdoors, and theyre raising money
youll find us on twitter live tweeting and awareness for a cause close to
during TV shows or at events. We
their hearts. Ive personally taken
have more than 50,000 followers
part twice and Im always so inspired
on Twitter so come join one of the
by the passion and commitment of
largest mental health communities
the Mind runners. By taking part
in social media. On Facebook we
in the half marathon or joining us
usually share our blogs and have a
to cheer on the day, you can help
conversation around a mental health to support the one in four people
topic each day whether thats
affected by a mental health problem
cheering on our London marathoners in any one year too. To find out more
or talking about last nights TV. And
our friends post pictures of whats
happening with them too.
One of the recent blog posts on
the Mind website (www.mind.
You can follow me on @
paulfarmermind for an idea of what a to_relax) talked about proper
charity Chief Exec gets up to!
relaxation. It seems that a lot of
people are perhaps not relaxing
Mind are holding the Royal
properly by simply distracting

themselves with the TV or their

computer. What steps can
someone take towards more
effective relaxation?
Nowadays we all have busy lives
and many of us juggle multiple
commitments such as work and
family life. But its important that
we switch off and relax. Watching
TV or going online may help some
people relax, but for many it is
merely a temporary distraction
and worries may still hang over
us during or after this distraction.
It is important you find out when
you feel most relaxed. For many
people it can be cooking, taking a
bath, reading a book, exercising
or listening to music. Breathing is
important too it sounds obvious
but youd be surprised how much of
a difference breathing techniques can
make in reducing anxiety. Mind has
some handy relaxation tips on our
*Research reference: Populus
interviewed 2060 adults aged 18+ in
England and Wales, in work between
6-10 March 2013, results available
Find out how ADVO Group can
help your employees feel engaged
and happy at your place of work by
speaking to one of our expert advisors
on 0845 2578833.

advocate spring 2013 | | 11 | could exercise save the economy?

could exercise save

the economy?
Over 7 billion of savings could be achieved if each person in the UK took the governments recommended daily
amount of exercise. The findings, from a new report by healthcare charity, Nuffield Health and the London School
of Economics, suggests that in an age of austerity for both the government and the public, by simply increasing the
amount of physical activity undertaken, a positive impact could be achieved. The research shows that a staggering
seven in 10 of adults do not meet the target of 150 minutes of exercise a week. However, by doing just 12 minutes
more each day the UK could save 7 billion* in costs of associated NHS treatments, welfare and loss of earnings. On
top of this household income for those who do exercise is 6,500 a year higher.
This new report 12 minutes more,
uses the data from the annual Health
Survey for England (HSE)**. The
research highlights the huge health
benefits for those who do take part in
physical activity and the health risks
and associated costs of inactivity to
the UK population. It suggests that
by moving more people can lower
their cholesterol (by 6 per cent) and
risk of high blood pressure (by 4 per
cent), cut the risk of lifestyle related
diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes
and cardiovascular disease, while
controlling their weight. Active
people are not only 7 per cent less
likely to be obese, but they also
reduce their risk of poor mental

health by 6 per cent. Nuffield Health

calls for every person in the UK to do
an extra 12 minutes a day of physical
activity to reach the recommended
levels and benefit from improved
health and fitness, while helping to
boost productivity.

Although helping business to develop

sustainable practices is important,
it is the productivity and success
of our people that has the greatest
impact. Poor mental health can be
very isolating, support is crucial,
but wellbeing programmes and
prevention can do so much more. Our
Dr Andrew Jones, Managing Director research shows the positive impact
Corporate Wellbeing, Nuffield
of regular physical activity on many
Health, says: Health benefits for
health measures, but importantly on
active people are priceless, but
mental health. As a GP I see time and
with increased pressures both in
again people with good reasons to
the workplace and at home, as well
be more active and a genuine desire
as the struggling economy, we, as
to do it, but somehow actually doing
employers have a responsibility
more doesnt quite come to fruition.
to help our workforce to be as
Once the decision to take part in
resilient, fit and well as possible.
activity is made our research shows

advocate spring 2013 | | 12 | could exercise save the economy?

about ten sessions in a month are

completed. At Nuffield Health we
know that if someone doesnt have
a love of physical activity it can
be difficult to do enough, we offer
regular free educational events,
advice and support to find out what
works for them.

cost of an inpatient stay in an NHS

hospital 3,215 this demonstrates a
potential cost saving of 257 million
a year, if people were to get active.
Overall as income of a household
rises, the likelihood of specific health
problems goes down exercise helps
to balance the differences. The report
also suggests people living in lowincome households (<23,400) could
gain double the benefits of being
physically active thereby further
lowering their risk of psychological
distress. The data also revealed 30
per cent of respondents in the HSE
2007 would be encouraged to get
active if advised by their GP. Half
of respondents said having more
leisure time would encourage them
A fluid look at the health and financial to participate in sport or exercise
and nearly 4 in ten people (40 per
outcomes for people living in the
cent) blamed work commitments for
UK who choose to participate /or
their lack of participation. Suggesting
not, in physical activity, the data
employers and medical professionals
shows people who do not exercise
have an important role to play.
have almost 80,000 more hospital
David Mobbs, CEO, Nuffield Health,
inpatient visits a year. With the

we, as employers
have a responsibility to
help our workforce to
be as resilient, fit and
well as possible

says: The health benefits from

increased physical activity have long
been known, but this research also
shows that exercise is a cheap policy
option compared with continuing
to treat the ill health which results
from physical inactivity. It doesnt
require expensive structural changes
to the public sector or government
legislation. We dont need to nag
people into doing activities they hate.
We simply need a more exercise
friendly environment and for each
of us to think differently about how
to be more active every day. We are
calling on everyone who cares about
the health and wealth of the UK
population to join us in coming up
with ways we can all move 12 minutes
To improve the health and wellbeing
of your employees speak to ADVO
Groups expert and fully independent
advisors on 0845 2578833 or email
us at

advocate spring 2013 | | 13 |walking to work

advocate spring 2013 | | 14 | walking to work

walking to work
makes you happier
according to latest
yougov survey
To mark Walk to Work Week (May 2013) a survey conducted by YouGov for
national charity Living Streets has uncovered that walkers are amongst the
happiest commuters. British adults who commute to work were asked to rate
how happy their journey makes them feel. With the National Travel Survey
2011 finding that the average length of the commute is 8.9 miles, the charity
asked commuters who usually travel 10 miles or less to take their happy poll.
A whopping 88% of these who usually walk most of the way to work said that
the way they commute makes them happy. These walkers polled top against
all other forms of transport, including travelling by car and train.
With yesterday being the first day of
Walk to Work Week, individuals and
workplaces up and down the country
are stepping up to the challenge,
raising money for charity and logging
their collective miles. Participants are
really getting behind the week, taking
part in the Living Streets walking
feats, getting into the competitive
spirit and finding creative ways of
building walking into the working
day. With participants signing up
all the time, its not too late to get
involved. Walk to Work Week isnt
just about getting from home to the
workplace; its about making walking
part of your day. This could involve
arranging a walking meeting, a
lunchtime stroll or travelling part of
the way to work by foot.
During Walk to Work Week 2012
workers clocked up over 71,255
miles and logged 25,336 walks on
the Living Streets website. Walk to
Work Week 2013 has seen sign up
exceed last year, with 400 workplaces
registering so far and the numbers
growing daily.
Tony Armstrong, Chief Executive
of Living Streets, said Its fantastic
news that walkers are amongst the
happiest of commuters, with 88%
of those walkers who commute ten
miles or less rating top of the happy

poll. Here at Living Streets, we help

employers improve the health and
productivity of their workforce by
helping them create travel plans and
encourage their staff to get more
active. Walking can help to reduce
stress, aid motivation and improve
the general health and wellbeing of
employees. Walk to Work Week is a
brilliant opportunity to participate in
the walking feats on our website and
to give walking a go this May.

Walking can help

to reduce stress, aid
motivation and improve
the general health and
wellbeing of

To improve the health and wellbeing

of your employees speak to ADVO
Groups expert and fully independent
advisors on 0845 2578833 or email
us at

advocate spring 2013 | | 15 |personal issues top lists of reasons to leave employment

advocate spring 2013 | | 16 | workplace heart attack concerns

Personal issues like stress

tops list of reasons to leave
according to latest research
from skillsoft
A recent poll of UK CEOs has uncovered that nearly three quarters (73 per cent) of employees cite personal issues,
including stress, as the main reason for changing jobs above pay (34 per cent) and job dissatisfaction (19 per cent).
The research, commissioned by Skillsoft, also found that a lack of opportunities came near the bottom of the list, with
only 7 per cent of respondents feeling this was cause for concern and a key reason to leave a company. These findings
suggest that, in most cases, reasons for employees leaving may go beyond just pay and progression, with undisclosed
personal issues having more of an affect on happiness in a role than managers may realise.
Kevin Young, general manager,
EMEA at Skillsoft, said: Many
managers only find out an employee
is unhappy in their role and the
reasons for that on the day they leave
or hand in their notice. By this time it
is often too late to rectify the situation
and do anything to keep a valued
member of staff.

concerns, employers can feel

confident that they are giving staff
every opportunity to succeed, despite
other personal pressures they may be
under, adds Young.

By ensuring that
each employee has their
own, tailored training
Many managers
programme and an
only find out an
opportunity to voice any
employee is unhappy
concerns, employers
in their role and the
reasons for that on the can feel confident that
day they leave or hand they are giving staff
every opportunity to
in their notice
Personal reasons can include a

wealth of issues that impact upon

a persons ability to do their job
effectively. The findings highlighted
areas where companies can use
training to help staff remain happy
and motivated in their work. By
ensuring that each employee has their
own, tailored training programme
and an opportunity to voice any

Businesses are starting to recognise

the value of providing staff with
resources and training related to wellbeing, by offering help and advice on
both professional and personal issues.

found that titles about boosting selfconfidence and motivation, as well

as how to get more done in less time
were popular reads.
The UK study, conducted by Opinion
Matters on behalf of Skillsoft,
surveyed 503 CEOs of businesses
with more than 250 employees,
across 13 business sectors.
Make sure your employees are happy
and engaged by providing them
with the best possible employee
benefits package. ADVO Group offers
advice on a multitude of employee
benefit solutions including private
medical insurance, cash plans,
group life and dependents cover,
group income protection, group
critical illness cover, dental and
optical cover, health screenings,
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much more. Get in touch today with
one of ADVO groups expert and
fully indepependent advisors on
0845 2578833 or email us at info@

Indeed, in 2012 use of Skillsofts

Well-BeingEssentials book collection
on its Skillport elearning platform

advocate spring 2013 | | 17 | are smartphones giving employees information overload?

are Smartphones giving

employees information

Smartphones and social networking sites damage employees ability to network and function successfully at work
and in conferences and meetings because they scramble the brain and lead to poor decisions. This is according
to the new book from business trainer and international behaviour expert, Jamie Smart. Smart argues that the
increasing problem of employees being welded to their smartphone, emails and social media websites leave many
people exhausted through what he calls information overload. It leaves them unable to concentrate on speakers and
presentations and means they miss out on opportunities to meet contacts and network.
In his best-selling book Clarity, he
writes that many eight-year-olds
think more clearly than business
leaders and politicians. Facebook and
Twitter clog the mind with a deluge
of information, ranging from gossip
to breaking news and smartphones
allowing constant access to emails
only exacerbate the problem.
A saturated mind is the single
biggest cause of stress, lack of
confidence, bad decisions, strained
relationships, fumbled goals
and unrealised potential Smart
comments. People are paying
the price as time-scarcity and

information-saturation clogs the

mental machinery they rely on. When
your mind is clear you can focus,
concentrate, solve problems and
succeed. Leaders in every field, from
visionary entrepreneurs to Olympic
medal winners, agree that clarity is
the key to outstanding success. Just
look at small children. They can get
desperately upset about something
and then smell whats for dinner and
their head clears. They dont hang
on to stuff and look how superinnovative they are. The fact is that as
adults we interfere with that selfcleansing system and that is when
the problems arise. A survey of CEOs

advocate spring 2013 | | 18

in the US asked them when they got

their best ideas. The top answers
were on holiday, in the shower and
when driving to and from work. Their
head cleared and they started coming
up with great ideas. It is a natural
function of our system.

When your mind

is clear you can focus,
concentrate, solve
problems and
succeed | are smartphones giving employees information overload?

It could be argued that smartphones

and social media sites are part of a
wider, ever-increasing problem of
information overload which itself is
not such a recent development. As
far back as 2009, a study conducted
by scientists from the University of
San Diego, California was reported in
the Telegraph as showing that due to
email, internet as well as television
and additional media, we consume
on average 100,500 words a day
which is equivalent to twenty-three
words a second. Roger Bohn, coauthor of the study commented at
the time saying I think one thing is
clear: our attention is being chopped
into shorter intervals and that is
probably not good for thinking deeper
thoughts. One can only imagine how
much these figures have increased
from a few years ago.
However, could it be argued

that more recent technological

advancements such as smartphones
and social media, which are vilified
by Jamie Smart, are actually helping
a wider problem of information
overload. For example, managing
email inboxes is a problem that
predates social media sites or
smartphones. However, smartphones
are able to combine several email
accounts into one feed allowing us
to focus on what essentially becomes
one email account. Smartphones and
social media sites can also remind us
of important upcoming events and
calendar dates. This is turn means we
can do away with having to remember
such information ourselves and focus
our attention elsewhere. Aside form
organising data, social media sites
and smartphones can undoubtedly
help businesses develop and grow.
James Smarts main argument after
all is that it is business performance

that is detrimentally effected.

Companies promoting themselves
and events on social media sites or
gaining new leads through sites such
as LinkedIn is a well-established
business practice. It could be argued
that the conferences and meetings
that are so badly affected by social
media sites and smartphones, as
James Smart argued, would not take
place with such consistency and
successful attendance if it were not
for the very tools he criticises.
What do you think? Are smartphones
and social media websites causing
information overload for employees?
Are they part of a wider problem or
is there any problem at all? Visit our
news post on this article at http:// and leave a comment to
have your say!

advocate spring 2013| | 19 |all work and no play is damaging uk family life

advocate spring 2013 | | 20

all work and no

play is damaging uk
family life
according to latest
research from
A culture of all work and no play in the UK is damaging family life, causing
high stress levels, cutting time spent with loved ones and creating an inability
to switch off from work, according to a new study. Surveying more than 1,000
working parents throughout the UK, the study commissioned by health cash
plan provider Medicash, found that 83 per cent of working parents feel guilty
about the amount of time they spend working, with 50 per cent saying it has a
negative impact on relationships with their children, and almost half (45.9%),
saying it caused problems in their relationship with their partner and caused
them to neglect friends (25%).
Professor Cary Cooper, Distinguished
Professor of Organisational
Psychology and Health at Lancaster
University & Director of Robertson
Cooper Ltd, said: The fact that many
people feel guilty about how they
spend their time is hugely significant
it shows how important it is to
maintain work-life balance. The
evidence shows that flexible working
delivers to the business bottom line,
with employees feeling less guilty
about how they spend their time and
achieving a better balance between
work and home commitments.

caused issues with childcare, with just

over 30 per cent (30.4%) having to
organise for someone to collect the
offspring at the last minute because
they had to work, whilst 46 per cent
of parents admitted to dropping
children off at school or nursery when
they were ill because they had to work
and could not find a childsitter at
short notice.

Professor Cooper added: If we are

slaves to work, our family life seems
to suffer by default. We need the joint
responsibility to promote a healthier,
happier lifestyle; organisations must
When asked how they thought it
actively promote flexible working and
affected family life, over 50 per cent
employees need to take advantage
of respondents admitted to missing
of that opportunity work smarter,
their childs sports day, school play
not longer should be our mantra.
or parents evenings due to work
Increasingly we are seeing employees
commitments, 42.9% said they had
turning up to work ill and delivering
worked through family holidays, and little added value, presenteeism
58.8% admitted their children had
does not enhance but undermines
complained about the amount of time productivity.
they spent working.
Parents also said that work had

advocate spring 2013| | 21 | all work and no play is damaging uk family life

The study also revealed that heavy
workloads were responsible for
increased stress levels, with over
60 per cent (60.1%) of respondents
saying they found it difficult to switch
off from work when at home.
According to results, those most likely
to feel guilty about working long
hours are in professional services
(29.3%), who were also the most
likely to work on a family holiday
(56.1%), and have children complain
about their overworking (22%).
They were followed closely by those
working in finance, who were the
most likely to suffer Sunday night
blues (63.4%) and worry about work
during the weekend (46.3%).
Given the pressures on people with
increasing workloads, the demands
by clients for the completion of work
instantaneously and the ability to
interface with people 24/7 through
new technologies means that it is vital
that people find time for their family
during the weekends, family holidays
and at least 2-3 nights a week or
they and their families will suffer and
ultimately so will the organisation,
explained Professor Cooper.
Those who felt they had the
worst work / life balance lived in
Birmingham (43.3%), followed
closely by London (39%), Liverpool
(36%) and Manchester (35.6%).
Those who felt they had the best work
/ life balance lived in Glasgow (83%)
and Norwich (75%) and worked in the
arts and culture sector (69.2%). -

The UK has some of the

longest working hours in

most important aspect of our quality

of life. The fact that more than 1 in
10 feel threatened with redundancy
shows that the economy is a clear
pressure but there is a wider cultural
problem of overwork, and not just at
executive levels.

helps both workers and businesses.

The health
implications of
excessive working are
very serious and should
not be overlooked

The number of workers doing unpaid

overtime is said to have increased
by more than 1 million since records
began in 1992, when 4.2million
people regularly did unpaid overtime, The bottom line is that we need to
to 5.3million people in 2011.
be honest with ourselves about what
matters most in our life. Recent
The results of the study are very
studies have shown that over 90 per
troubling, revealing that a healthy
cent of us go to work when were
Respondents stated that the main
work life balance may be hard to
ill another example of being overly
reason they over work is because
come by in todays economy, said
tied to work to the exclusion of other
there is too much work to complete
Sue Weir, CEO of Medicash.
important aspects of life. As John
within a working day (35.2%),
Ruskin wrote in 1851 in order that
followed by so I am not considered
Pressures of increasing workloads
people may be happy in their job,
for redundancy (13.7%).
and job insecurity can be seen as
these three things are needed: they
the principle causes of a culture
must be fit for it, they must not do
The UK has some of the longest
of overworking which is creating
too much of it, and they must have
working hours in Europe, with
problems for the family unit in
a sense of success in it, Professor
average UK workers spending 1,625
Britain. The health implications of
Cooper concluded.
hours a year at work, and more than
excessive working are very serious
3 million UK employees (1 in 8)
and should not be overlooked,
Become an employer of choice by
working more than 48 hours a week.
often being associated with the
providing your employees with
development of health problems
the best possible employee benefit
A study published last year by the
like heart disease, diabetes, stress
solutions. Speak to one of ADVO
TUC estimated workers undertook
and depression, which is not only
Groups expert and fully independent
2 billion hours of unpaid overtime
damaging for personal relationships, advisors today on 0845 2578833 or
the equivalent of one million full-time
but also the UK economy, leading
email us at
to workplace absenteeism, which
amounts to 10.4 million lost working
Professor Cooper said: We all need a
days per year, costing UK businesses
certain level of financial security, but
an average of 3.7bn each year.
past a certain point its our personal
Keeping a good work-life balance
relationships which are by far the

advocate spring 2013 | | 22

discover what
makes advo
stand out
from the
speak to one of
our expert
advisors today!

call now on 0845 2578833

or email us at

For more information on Advo Group Limited, visit our website
Advo Group Limited, ADVO House, St Leonards Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 0LS is registered in England (No. 4500663) and is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority. | apprentice winner loses constructive dismissal claim

advocate spring 2013 | | 24 | apprentice winner loses constructive dismissal claim

Former Apprentice
winner loses
dismissal claim
against Lord Sugar
sugar comments on
the court case
Stella English, the winner of the 2010 series of TVs The Apprentice has
recently failed to win her claim for constructive dismissal against Lord Sugar.
Stella Engliahs claim was that she effectively was not able to take on a proper
role at Lord Sugars company dispute being on a 100,000 salary.
Judge John Warren said The
tribunal believes that the claimant
had in her mind that having won The
Apprentice the role would be much
more glamorous and that she would
be working alongside Lord Sugar as
his assistant,*.
It is believed that Stella English told
the tribunal that upon starting the job
she was provided simply with a desk
and telephone but was not provided
with any defined duties for several
months. It is also believed that Stella
English told the tribunal that her boss
at the company, Bordan Tkachuk,
told her upon her first day at the
company that there in fact was no job.
Ms English later took a new position
for Lord Sugars YouView company,
which is a provider of internet set-top
The Judge further commented The
Viglen role was specifically selected
for the claimant to expand and
build on her already acknowledged
experience and ability The
respondent (Lord Sugar) had
gone out of (his) way to ensure the
claimant was placed in a role at
YouView from which she could learn

new skills, a job which she agreed to

and which she enjoyed doing*.
Following the announcement that Ms
English had failed in her attempt to
bring the claim against Lord Sugar,
he commented There was never a
case for us to answer but her need
for money and fame meant that the
whole system was subjected to this
charade I have been cleared of a
derisory attempt to smear my name
and extract money from me The
allegations were without substance,
and I believe this case was brought
with one intention in mind the
presumption that I would not attend
the tribunal, that I would not testify
and that I would settle out of court,
sending Ms English on her way
with a tidy settlement Im afraid
she underestimated me and her
reputation is now in tatters*.
For all the latest human resource
news be sure to subscribe for free
to the ADVO Group news section at

advocate spring 2013 | | 25 | exclusive interview, jason ransted, radcliffe & newlands

advocate spring 2013 | | 26 |exclusive interview , jason randsted, radcliffe & newlands

the best way to have a robust

business is to have skills
and processes spread widely
across the firm
jason ransted,
Radcliffe & Newlands
Radcliffe & Newlands (R&N) independent mortgage brokers, financial planners and wealth managers. Originally
focused on mortgage services, R&N expanded into other areas back in 2006 to transform itself into a full service
financial advice firm. The team now boasts some of the industrys most respected wealth managers and financial
planners in the industry with expertise covering: mortgages, employee benefits, investment, sophisticated tax
planning, pension transfers, pension splitting, funding long-term care and releasing equity from your home. In the
latest in our exclusive interview series we caught up with Jason Ransted, Radcliffe & Newlands Managing Director to
discuss the effects of implementing a mortgage benefit service, the role of educational seminars and much more.
What is it that makes Radcliffe & by saying they only deal with the ultra
Newlands unique?
high net worth. Soon you will need
the wealth of a small nation in order
Ah, an easy question to start
to qualify.
proceedings! I could talk about our
mortgage benefit here but products
There are all sorts of people that can
and services can be copied. What
benefit from financial advice and
will keep us unique is our ethos its we will always try to find a way to
very hard to copy that sort of thing. A provide the right service for them at
long time ago we sat down in a room a reasonable price that allows us to
and agreed our philosophy should
make a reasonable profit.
be that no matter what your income
or wealth, if you are a client of ours
you will receive a service that is best
in its class. So if a First Time Buyer
and a multi-millionaire met at a
dinner party they could find that they
are both clients of ours. They will
probably need different services but
the quality will be the same in both
cases. You know, Mercedes make
The Radcliffe & Newlands
luxury cars as well as white vans but
website talks about how a
they do both really well.
mortgage service benefit can

There are all sorts

of people that can
benefit from financial

primary stand out point. As part of

an overall package it is something
most other employers will not
currently be adding to that total
reward. I think the fact that it is
pretty unique in the market at the
moment shows that the HR team
have made an effort to seek out
something original to add to that
Why do you think most
companies are not currently
offering a mortgage service
benefit to their staff?

Oh thats easy they dont really

know about it. We have never
advertised or made any noise about
it in public until recently. We have
always looked after some very high
profile firms but recently we have
taken on a selection of excellent
clients and expect to continue that
make an employer stand out
from the crowd. What is it about pattern throughout 2013.
this particular benefit that
makes it stand out?

Contrast that with the usual financial

advice firms pitching themselves at
certain groups usually high net
worth clients. In fact, IFAs have been
saying that for so long that now some Most companies do not have a
try to differentiate themselves further mortgage benefit at all so thats the

advocate spring 2013 | | 27 |exclusive interview , jason randsted, radcliffe & newlands

What are the benefits for staff
of having a mortgage service
benefit in place?
At its simplest I would say it makes it
easier for home movers and first time
buyers to purchase property, and
it can save money every month for
people who are remortgaging.
In a bit more detail it involves a
full explanation of the entire process
from the start, advice on negotiating
with estate agents and helps identify
how much you can borrow. Then we
recommend the right mortgage and
process all the necessary paperwork
to ensure the process runs smoothly.
We can also locate appropriate
solicitors and arrange the necessary
insurances. Later, our post offer team
will deal with solicitors, the mortgage
lender and insurances to ensure
target dates are met.
Its a lot less stressful than trying
to do it all yourself and juggle work
commitments with calls to estate
agents, solicitors and mortgage
lenders. And of course we contact
staff before the end of the mortgage
rate in order to help find the most
suitable remortgage deal.

we contact staff
before the end of the
mortgage rate in order
to help find the most
suitable remortgage

generally around other people. There

is quite a lot of time spent in meetings
Aside from mortgage service
with the team but I also meet a lot
benefits what are the other most of people in the industry to keep on
popular benefit packages you
top of the latest developments and of
How important do you think
provide and why do you think
course corporate client meetings
it is to be able to provide
that could be anywhere in the country
the educational seminars to
also keep me pretty busy.
supplement the mortgage
As you would expect we do a lot of
service benefit?
pensions and protection products
What part of your role at
Radcliffe & Newlands gives you
Staff respond exceptionally well to the
the most satisfaction?
education element. You dont realise fact that they are core benefits that
how little people know about property every firm offers. In terms of noncore things our most popular would
Probably when I see that somebody
and mortgages until you educate
in the team has become better at
them and then you really do find
out. If you have ever had an IFA put financial advice. You would be really something than me thats the point
I realise that I can stop doing it and
a pension in place for your firm only surprised how popular this is with
leave it to them while I move on to
to disappear into the distance with
the next development or focus my
their pay cheque, never to be seen
What does your typical day and efforts elsewhere. To me, it feels like
again, you will recognise the value
the best way to have a robust business
of delivery. So we offer a service but Radcliffe & Newlands involve?
is to have skills and processes spread
we also help you communicate it and
Ha ha, I hope I never have one of
widely across the firm.
are on call to help your staff on an
ongoing basis. Only by doing this
in most things that I do is that I am
extra part will staff recognise the

true value of the benefit.

advocate spring 2013 | | 28

Staff respond exceptionally well to the education

element. You dont realise how little people know about
property and mortgages until you educate them

What kind of information can

visitors to the website expect to
stumble upon in these articles?

it feels like the

best way to have a
robust business is
to have skills and
processes spread widely
across the firm

mortgage benefit all those years

ago! It had to be that way though
because all those other services like
pensions, investments, protection,
and tax planning make us better at
the corporate side and leave us less
exposed to the fickle economic ups
and downs.

What are the main changes

and milestones the company
has gone through since its

Undoubtedly continuing with the

same strategy. We are enjoying
what we do with corporate clients,
we get good feedback and people
refer us to friends so we know the
service is being appreciated. We will
also continue to develop the service
though and are always on the lookout For all of our exclusive interviews
for new developments that might
be sure to subscribe for free to the
improve things further.
ADVO Group news section at news.
The Radcliffe & Newlands
website is packed full of articles.

I guess the biggest change was

stepping outside of our mortgage
niche to become a full service
financial advice firm. Which creates
a curious circle actually since our
next biggest change has been coming
back to focus on the corporate
side where we started out with the

What are the future plans for

the company?

We tend to keep the website quite

simple you might find some simple
explanations about various financial
matters but you wont find any
complicated how to guides of the
sort that are to be found all over the
internet. There are plenty of very
popular investment and comparison
sites for that. We are much more
likely to provide news, commentary
on events and updates to our services.
We also post things about our latest
art exhibitions or charity events.
Basically things that interest us.

advocate spring 2013 | | 29 | marissa mayer is back in the headlines

yahoo! ceo, marissa mayer, is

back in the headlines again!

Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer was heavily featured in the last edition of Advocate Magazine due to her highly
controversial ban of working from home for all Yahoo! employees. The proposed ban was largely criticised due to
the fact that Mayer had her own private nursery built next to her office. Thus it was argued that Mayer was unable to
empathise with the needs of her employees to be able to work from home due to their child-care obligations.
However, her more recently proposed
changes for Yahoo! employees are
likely to be far more unanimously met
with approval within the company.
Mayer has announced that she will
be doubling paid maternity leave for
mothers within the company from
eight to sixteen weeks. In addition,
she will also be granting eight weeks

of paid leave for fathers. Further still,

it is reported that new parents within
the company will also now receive
$500 dollars as a gift to go towards
the extra financial costs of having a
baby.It has also been reported that
even employees with new pets will
get some free branded items for the

advocate spring 2013 | | 30

An emailed statement from a yahoo

representative stated Weve been
very focused on making Yahoo!
the absolute best place to work.
Over the last several months, weve
introduced new benefits like free
food to make Yahoos days easier,
new smartphones to encourage
innovation, and updated computers | marissa mayer is back in the headlines

relation to previous changes in policy.
It may simply be the case that Mayer
believes all of the changes to be right
for business regardless of their level
of their perceived level of popularity
or protest. Some have argued that the
recent changes at Yahoo have been
part of a move to align the company
more closely to the structure and
ethos found at fellow Silicon Valleybased rivals such as Facebook and
Google. It is reported that Google
offers seven weeks of paid leave
for parents who did not give birth,
while new mothers can take between
eighteen and twenty-two weeks.
Facebook also offers a significant
level of parental leave with four paid
months on offer for both parents in
additional to a comparatively huge
gift sum $4,000 to spend on new
baby goods.
Aside from the comparison to
Facebook and Google, the increase in
levels of paternity leave, in particular,
will really help the company to stand
out from the vast majority of other
companies on this issue.
It seems that Marissa Mayer has
shown that she isnt afraid to make
extremely bold decisions for the
employees of Yahoo! whether they be
popular, or at other times, seem to
cause a higher level of controversy.
However, the figures seems to
speak for themselves with regard
to her impact on the companys
performance. It is reported that
Yahoo!s stock has increased by
almost 50% between July 2012, when
Mayer joined the com pay, and the
start of April 2013. This has created
an additional value for shareholders
of 6.8 billion.

to speed productivity.

weve introduced
new benefits like
free food to make
Yahoos days easier,
new smartphones to
encourage innovation,

and updated

Make sure your employees are happy

and engaged by providing them with
the best possible employee benefits
package. ADVO Group offers advice
on a multitude of employee benefit
solutions including private medical
insurance, cash plans, group life and
dependents cover, group income
protection, group critical illness
cover, dental and optical cover, health
screenings, occupational health
sourcing and much more.

Get in touch today with one of

ADVO groups expert and fully
Its not clear what the motives are
indepependent advisors on 0845
for this latest change in policy. Could
2578833 or email us at info@
Mayer be trying to increase popularity
following the significant amount of
criticism that followed the decision to
ban employees working from home
just a few months earlier? The change
to maternity and paternity leave may,
however, have no such immediate

advocate spring 2013| | 31 | publice sector workers are the least confident

advocate spring 2013 | | 32

Legal & Generals

Job Security Index
shows that public
sector workers are
the least confident
Over three quarters, (76%) of private sector workers say that they are
confident in their job security compared with under three quarters, (73%) of
those working in the public sector according to the latest findings of Legal &
Generals Job Security Index. With job losses in the public sector expected to
rise in the run up to the next general election, this finding is maybe not that
surprising. However, the Job Security Index also shows that a higher number
of public sector workers admit they are currently at risk of redundancy, (6%)
compared to only 4% of private sector workers. Almost a quarter, (24%) of
public sector workers are not currently actively trying to secure a pay rise or
promotion in the next three months, compared to less than one in five, (19%)
of private sector workers.
The ONS employment statistics are
due out on Wednesday 15 May 2013,
for the period January 2013 to March
2013 and the Legal & General Job
Security Index has shown since its
start in January last year that it is
a good barometer of how those in
work feel about their current and
future job security. In that context,
the future three months for public
sector workers is also not looking
very promising as more of them
are worried about how they will
maintain their current standard of
living over the next three months,
with 22% saying that they are worried
compared to 19% of private sector
Mark Holweger, Director of Legal
& Generals general insurance
business, said:Legal & Generals Job
Security Index provides a picture of
workers views on their job situation
and clearly shows that public sector
workers currently appear to be
under most pressure. They are less
confident about their job security
than private sector workers, as well as
believing that they are at a higher risk

of redundancy.
Unfortunately it is not just public
sector workers that may well be under
pressure over the next three months,
as over two fifths, (21%) of all
workers said that they are worrying
about how they will maintain their
current standard of living over the
next three months. This rises to
over a quarter, (26%) for part-time
workers we surveyed, so higher than
even the public sector workers. So
its important that all workers have
a contingency plan in place which
could help with regular payments
such as mortgage or rent and bills, if
their regular source of income were to
suddenly stop.
Become an employer of choice by
providing your employees with
the best possible employee benefit
solutions. Speak to one of ADVO
Groups expert and fully independent
advisors today on 0845 2578833 or
email us at

advocate spring 2013 | | 34 | most employers still plan to hire rather than fire

Most employers still plan to

hire rather than fire
according to the Recruitment &
Employment Confederation
The latest results from the Recruitment and Employment Confederations (REC) monthly JobsOutlook survey of
600 employers show most businesses plan to build their workforces in both the short and medium terms. According
to the survey, nearly two thirds (60 per cent) of employers plan to increase their permanent workforce over the next
three months and over a third (36 per cent) said that they will maintain current levels of staffing. Only 4 per cent of
employers plan to reduce their number of employees.
Recruitment and Employment
Confederation Chief Executive Kevin
Green said: Speculation about a
possible triple dip recession has not
dissuaded employers from their plans
to hire. Our latest data shows that
most businesses intend to take on
more permanent staff and continue to
use temporary workers. Only a very
small number said that they expect to
reduce headcounts over the next few

Speculation about
a possible triple dip
recession has not
dissuaded employers
from their plans to

to maintain current temp numbers

and only 11 per cent plan a reduction.
36 per cent plan to increase the use
of agency workers in the next 4-12
months, an additional 55 per cent will
maintain current levels and just 9 per
cent plan a reduction.
JobsOutlook reports the responses
of 600 employers questioned about
their hiring intentions over the
next quarter and the next year.
Respondents are drawn from across
the public, private and non-profit
sector, and from across a range of
industries and sizes of organisation.

These findings seem to go hand-inhand with Labour Market Statistics

which were recently commented
on by the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD).
Mark Beatson, Chief Economist at
the CIPD, said the figures show
that employment is increasing again
with the number of people in jobs
Aprils JobsOutlook survey of
up by 24,000 over the quarter.
employers reports that:
However, the general picture is still
60 per cent plan to increase their
one of relatively slow progress. We
permanent workforce over the
have seen very modest reductions
next three months, 36 per cent will
maintain current levels of staffing and in unemployment and youth
unemployment this month, total
only 4 per cent plan a reduction.
hours worked have hardly changed
54 per cent plan to increase their
and earnings growth remains very
permanent headcount over the next
low in historical terms.
4-12 months, 44 per cent will keep
numbers the same and only 2 per
One apparent puzzle in the figures
cent plan a reduction.
39 per cent plan to increase the use is that the alternative measure of
employment that counts workforce
of agency workers in the next three
months, a further 50 per cent intend jobs increased by 211,000 in the

first quarter of 2013, driven by strong

increases in retail and healthcare.
This was a period when the headline
Labour Force Survey-based measure
showed relatively little growth in the
numbers of people employed. The
more positive economic indicators
seen in the last couple of months may
soon translate into faster growth in
labour demand with the rise in job
vacancies suggesting this may already
be starting to happen posing new
challenges for employers. Businesses
tell us theyve been struggling to
find the right people with the right
skills even when the labour market
has been at its most sluggish. A
stronger labour market suggests
that the competition for talent that
never went away entirely may be
about to increase in intensity once
again. Employers who want to steal
a march on their competitors will
need to be thinking hard about how
they attract, retain and develop their
workforces. With plenty of room for
productivity growth, investment in
skills and engagement may be a more
profitable and sustainable strategy
for attracting and retaining the best
people than simply increasing pay.
(As published on http://www.cipd.
For all the latest human resources
news subscribe to the ADVO Group
news section for free now at news.

advocate spring 2013 | | 35 | microsoft appoints first female chief financial officer

advocate spring 2013 | | 36 | microsoft appoints first chief financial officer

microsoft appoints first

female chief financial officer
microsoft ceo comments
Microsoft Corp has announced that Amy Hood was named Microsoft chief financial officer, succeeding outgoing CFO
Peter Klein who will remain at Microsoft through the end of June to ensure a smooth transition. Hood becomes CFO
effective immediately.
Amy brings the right talents and
experiences to the role as we continue
to strengthen our focus on devices
and services, said Steve Ballmer,
Microsofts chief executive officer.
She has been an instrumental
leader in the Microsoft Business
Division (MBD), helping lead the
transition to services with Office 365
and delivering strong financial and
operational management throughout
her time on the business.

degree in business administration

from Harvard University.
This latest appointment at Microsoft
seems to paint the same picture as
other recent articles on the ADVO
Group news section; that that
boardrooms are becoming more
diversified but at the same time
change seems to be slower than one
would hope for.

One such article reported on Ernst

Hood, 41, joined Microsoft in
& Young UK Chairman, Steve Varley
December 2002 and currently
and his comments that boardrooms
serves as CFO of MBD, overseeing
are changing albeit a struggling
all financial strategy, management
process. The article read Is this
and reporting for the $24.1 billion
just one of those areas where change
business. During her time as CFO of
comes slowly, where we have to be
MBD, Hood was also deeply involved patient? Varley asked. I hope not,
in the strategy development and
because I dont want to be patient;
overall execution of the companys
we shouldnt be measuring progress
successful acquisitions of Skype and
and success in inches, but instead
Yammer. Previously, Hood served as in miles. Acknowledging all of
chief of staff in the Server and Tools
the great work being done by great
group, then ran the strategy and
organisations such as the 30% Club
business development team in MBD
to shift the needle in the debate on
before becoming CFO of the division diversity in UK business, Varley said
in January 2010.
he believes that businesses decadeslong commitment to the principle of
Im excited to step into this role and diversity was leading to organisations
look forward to working closely again doing things differently. He cited
with our investors and shareholders, the pending launch of the UKs first
Hood said. Peter has built a worldNational Equality Standard (NES)
class finance team, and I am set up
led by Ernst & Young, this autumn as
well to continue the companys strong an example. Ernst & Young has more
discipline around costs and focus on female UK partners (17%) than any
driving shareholder value.
other Big Four accountancy firm.
Before joining Microsoft as a part
of the investor relations group, she
worked at Goldman Sachs in various
roles including investment banking
and capital markets groups. She has
a bachelors degree in economics
from Duke University and a masters

we shouldnt be
measuring progress and
success in inches, but
instead in miles

In October 2012 the firm took a

bold decision to publicly announce
targets for both female and black
and minority ethnic new partner
admissions something no other
professional services firm has
replicated in the UK. It is due to
voluntarily report on its progress in
the autumn.
Another article reported on research
from Grant Thornton International
Business Report. The article read
new research from the Grant
Thornton International Business
Report (IBR) reveals that globally,
more women are making it into
senior management roles than at
any time since 2010. However,
progress is slower in the G7 group
of developed economies, where
economic performances have been
stuttering, than in the high growth
economies of Asia and the Far East.
Grant Thornton urges businesses
in developed economies to emulate
emerging market counterparts and
reap the benefits of having more
women in senior positions. IBR data
shows that globally, 24% of senior
management roles are now filled by
women. This is up from 21% in 2012
and 20% in 2011. However, the G7
economies come bottom of the league
table with just 21% of senior roles
occupied by women. This compares
to 28% in the BRIC economies, 32%
in South East Asia and 40% in the
Baltic states.
For all the latest human resource
news be sure to subscribe for free to
the ADVO Group news section at

advocate spring 2013 | | 37 |employers missing an opportunity

advocate spring 2013 | | 38 | employers missing an opportunity

Employers missing an
opportunity as staff demand
greater financial security
in light of economic downturn
The majority of UK employees are concerned about their financial security as a result of the economic downturn,
but few firms have adapted the benefits they offer to meet the changing needs of their staff, according to research
commissioned by Unum from Populus and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The research shows that more than
three quarters (77%) of UK employees are worried about their financial security and are concerned about the impact
of the economic slowdown on their families. Furthermore, 74% of employees cannot see an end in sight to the
UK workers are therefore looking
to their employers to offer more
long-term financial security as part
of their employee benefits package.
Two thirds of staff (62%) see defined
contribution pensions as the most
important benefit, while 60% of UK
workers believe that their employer
should now offer Income Protection.

modernising their employee benefits

provision. More than half ( 51%) saw
the anticipated cost of implementing
changes as a drawback to reviewing
their benefits, while the perceived
lack of bottom line benefit (34%)
and excessive bureaucracy (29%),
were also cited as barriers for some

By contrast, soft benefits such

as gym membership are valued
only by a small minority (26%) of
UK employees. However, the EIU
research shows that more than half
of employers have not reviewed
their benefits package since 2008.
Consequently, what employees want
and what employers are offering them
have grown out of step in the wake of
the financial crisis.

Peter ODonnell, Chief Executive

Officer of Unum, comments:

The research shows that the

discrepancy is not due to any lack of
willingness from employers to look
after their staff: Over half (52%)
of employers believe they have an
obligation to look after their staff
and aim to reflect that in the benefits
packages they offer, according to the
EIU. In addition, over a third (36%)
agree that it is typically better for
their employees to obtain financial
benefits through workplace schemes,
rather than on an individual basis.
The EIU findings also reveal the
range of factors that employers
feel are holding them back from

Employers can use their benefits

much more effectively than theyre
currently doing if their staff have
been educated to fully understand
their packages, it can have a huge
impact on their brand loyalty and
engagement with their employer.
Employers need to listen to their staff
to work out what they want, and what
they need. Matching the wants and
needs of employees with what youre
providing not only helps employees,
it makes commercial sense for the
business and understanding that is
the key to a truly modern approach to

Employers can
use their benefits much
more effectively than
theyre currently

doing if their staff

have been educated
to fully understand
their packages, it can
have a huge impact on
their brand loyalty and
engagement with their

Dr Benjamin Reid, Senior Researcher,

The Work Foundation, comments:
Were seeing major changes in the
way that employees think about
their benefits, and weve found that
even those presumed to be the most
footloose and fancy-free in our society
are moving towards wanting a much
higher level of security from their
benefits. They are becoming much
more traditional in their approach to
benefits the recession has forced
them to think about their finances in
a different way.
For all the latest human resource
news be sure to subscribe for free to
the ADVO Group news section at

advocate spring 2013 | | 39 | how financial education can improve your bottom line

advocate spring 2013 | | 40

In a nutshell, sickness, absenteeism

and other health and behavioural
problems are increased by financial
stress. Financial stress can be
reduced by educating employees to
make better financial decisions and
Evidence that financial stress
can impair employee health and
There is evidence that financial
stress can influence health and even
mortality rates (Over the limit: the
association among health, race and
debt, Drentea & Lavrakas, 2000). As
well as poor health, the financially
stressed also report disagreements
with friends, family members and
co-workers; restricted social life;
and reduced job productivity
Such impairments can affect an
employees coping skills, attention
and concentration ability to the
point of decreased job attendance,
reduced workplace performance and
hamper job retention for employers.
(Financial Distress Among American
Workers, E. Thomas Garman et al,
Financial stress is not restricted
to lower paid workers
As you would expect, the more you
earn the less financial stress you
are likely to have, however those on
higher incomes can still have a high
debt to income ratio which causes

How financial
education can
improve your
bottom line

Financial stress springs from many

different causes which tend to
vary depending on how financially
stressed the individual is. For
example, those who are highly
stressed may well be concerned
about: not having enough emergency
funds; living beyond their means;
high debt levels; not saving enough
for retirement. Those who are
less stressed are more likely to be
worried about: not saving enough
for retirement; badly managed
investments; lack of protection/
insurance; estate planning. Clearly
the former have objectively far more
to worry about but all the same,
stress is still there for those on better
incomes, albeit focused on what you
might be tempted to call first world
problems. We should not forget that
self-perception is used in research
in this field because psychological
well-being is difficult to measure
objectively. | how financial education can improve your bottom line

The problem of debt
Over-indebtedness can increase
environmental health hazards
things as simple as not being able to
afford warm winter clothing or other
health promoting equipment. The
worry can also lead to an increase in
unhealthy behaviours like smoking,
weight gain, and alcohol and drug
Even if an employee is not currently
suffering financial hardship, a lack of
financial preparedness for unexpected
events (divorce, illness, death in the
family for example) can leave them
vulnerable to a pile up of new and
pre-existing stressors. This cluster of
stressor events can overcome their
resources and ability to cope, causing
hardship which can be difficult to
recover from. Better preparation
can help them to weather the storm
rather than succumb to it.
Which employees are most
likely to be under financial
There appears to be a significant
gender gap with more women than
men suffering high financial stress
levels. Perhaps more surprising is
that some reports show middleincome employees have higher
financial stress than either lowincome or high-income groups of
course this may be because they are
at that mid-career / mid-life stage
with young children to support.
Couples, who are more likely to
have dual incomes, tend to suffer
a little less than singles. But apart
from demographics, there are
situational factors. Some which can
affect all parties e.g. moving home.
Of itself a stressful activity but, if
combined with other factors such
as a particularly busy period at
work or separation from a partner,
it can be very indeed. Others, such
as approaching retirement age with
no realistic plan in place to fund a
pleasant retirement, will obviously
apply more to those of a certain age.
Financial education works

There appears to be a
significant gender gap with more
women than men suffering high
financial stress levels

We already provide financial

education to a broad range of firms
from household names in the FMCG
sector to private banks employees
at all levels can benefit. In many
cases the areas we need to include in
our educational programme are the
same but we can also design bespoke
programs to meet the specific
requirements of a company, taking
into account the issues most likely
to be faced by their employees or
the financial benefits offered by that
firm. We have the ability to cover any
financial topic, from the basics of how
to manage your budget or deal with
debt through to buying a house or
planning for retirement.

Christian has been in financial

services marketing since 1997. His
experience spans both consumer
investment products and trade

Effective financial education can

empower employees to make lasting
changes to the way they manage their
personal finances and reduce their
stress, while simultaneously reducing
employer operational costs.

Find out how ADVO Group can

impact on your businesss success by
speaking to one of our expert advisors
on 0845 2578833.

Research shows that education can

have a major impact. Adults exposed
to personal finance education in
school are more likely to save and
plan for retirement and to accumulate
greater wealth (Financial Literacy,
About the Author
Schooling, and Wealth, Berman et al,
Christian Lennon is the Marketing
Director at Radcliffe & Newlands.

advocate spring 2013 | | 42

He has responsibility for marketing

but is involved in everything at
Radcliffe & Newlands from new
product development to business
strategy and planning. He is also
responsible for developing individual
strategies to work with employers
who want to offer enhanced employee
benefits, accountants and solicitors.
For more information visit rad-new.

become an employer of choice!

speak to one of our employee benefit
advisors today on 0845 2578833

For more information on Advo Group Limited, visit our website
Advo Group Limited, ADVO House, St Leonards Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 0LS is registered in England (No. 4500663) and is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority. | why are we waiting?

Why are we waiting?

ADVO Groups Colin Boxall
guest writes on his recent
visit to one of Chinas

We are told our NHS is the envy of the world. If this is true why dont other countries copy us? This was the question
troubling me recently while sitting in a public hospital in Northern China.I found my way there after stupidly having
breakfast from a man in a cart outside the train station.Friends urged me to attend the local hospital. It was 11pm
and as not seriously ill the thought of spending the night in A&E was less attractive as dealing with illness the English
way of putting up with it and sleeping. Despite my protests I was convinced to attend A&E
This was a revelation. After arriving
just after 11pm at the nearest public
hospital (hospital number 8) I was
quickly registered and issued a health
swipe-card. A couple of minutes later
and despite being a non-emergency I
was with a Specialist who requested
blood tests. Then next door where I
put my arm through a window in the
corridor for a nurse to take blood.
The sample was passed back where
two doors down the corridor I passed
the sample through another window
at the pathology lab. They were very
apologetic that it could take 15-20
minutes for results as it was a very
busy evening. In reality it was just
over 5 minutes before I got the results

back before walking the few yards

back to the Specialists office.
I had to wait a couple of minutes
while he finished off seeing another
patient but he soon waved me in,
swiped my new hospital card to view
results. As this showed an infection
he prescribed medication via a drip.
A nurse collected me & took me to
a treatment room. This included
a dozen comfortable chairs half
occupied by other patients.
Within 20 minutes of walking into
the hospital I had seen a consultant
twice, had full diagnostics and was
receiving treatment. 2 hrs later I

advocate spring 2013 | | 44

was on my way home feeling fit and

hungry. On leaving I had to pay 212
yuan for the treatment received,
about 23. If I was Chinese I could
have claimed back 80% through the
state insurance scheme.

Within 20 minutes
of walking into the
hospital I had seen a
consultant twice, had
full diagnostics and was
receiving treatment | why are we waiting?

The hospital was modern, staff

professional and care reassuringly
The Chinese go to hospital when they
are ill. The attitude is why wait? I
am ill so I will get treatment I need
now. In the UK I wonder how long
I would have waited if I was lucky
not to be turned away from A&E as a

In the UK I wonder
how long I would have
waited if I was lucky not
to be turned away from
A&E as a timewaster

So is the Chinese system better?

Should we adopt this in the west? The

obvious plus is receiving treatment

immediately when needed but as free
at point of delivery is a political red
line in the UK no party could consider
taking this forward.
But the NHS is not free for many
of us. We pay for glasses, dental
prescriptions, why not a small
contribution to wider services?
As with prescriptions exempt the
vulnerable and low-paid but ask for
a small contribution. This would be
attractive to many if the political
connotations are removed.

In the UK we put up with so much

poor service and accept this as
normal. We are conditioned to wait
& suffer in silence. Receiving quick
treatment would remove many sick
days and kick start the economy and
the health of the nation. Can we really
continue to ignore the fact that others
may have a better solution?
Find out how ADVO Group can
impact on your businesss success by
speaking to one of our expert advisors
on 0845 2578833.

The Doctor in the Chinese hospital

paid piecemeal, more people he
sees, the more he gets paid. The
argument will be that this may lead
to poor, rushed service. However I
experienced efficiency and immediate

advocate spring 2013| | 45 | ADVO Groups Nadiya Hasan on the increasing need for Cash Plans

advocate spring 2013 | | 46 | ADVO Groups Nadiya Hasan on the increasing need for Cash Plans

the NHS Top-Up cash plan can

help take the edge off those
everyday annoyances
nadiya hasan, advo group
With financial pressure building on all aspects of the economy, national services such as the NHS are struggling
to cope with the demands of an ever increasing and ageing population not to mention funding. This is particularly
evident when considering the plight of new residents who are trying to register to a local NHS GP or Dentist. Such
are the times, the need to be mobile and follow employment opportunities is becoming a more important and
accepted aspect of everyday life. Therefore hand in hand with this rise in mobility comes more people facing the
difficulty of signing up to a local NHS GP or Dentist. If you are lucky enough to become a member there is the added
contention of dreaded waiting lists and even making an appointment.
Regardless of whether you are new
to town or have become a permanent
feature of the local community,
we would be hard pushed to find
someone who has not visited their
local NHS hospital and in turn had
to re-mortgage their home to afford
a car parking ticket. NHS car parks
have of late been a hot topic featuring
regularly on consumer television
The average charge per hour for
hospital car parks in England in
2008/9 was 1.09. Aside
from this being an unneeded burden
to many people visiting hospital on
an emergency basis, those needing
to spend long periods of time with
loved ones have the extra financial
encumbrance of car parking fees.

which allow the policyholder to claim

back costs for various benefits. Not
only are they extremely competitive
in price, the premiums paid are stable
and are not affected by claims made
hence taking away the dreaded hikes
in cost at renewal. One company in
particular; WPA, has come up with
an innovative cash plan aptly named
NHS Top Up. With premiums
starting from as little as 7.76 per
month (the cost of one cinema ticket!)
the plan is an ideal side dish to the

The policy provides cash refunds

toward services such as private GP
consultations, NHS or private Dental
check-ups, treatments and money
spent on NHS car parking. Making
a claim, similar to the plan, is just as
straight forward. For instance after
paying for a dental check up (NHS or
Of course the NHS from start to finish private) the policyholder completes
is a fantastic service and the envy of
a simple claim form, attaches the
many countries worldwide, however original receipt and finally forwards
times are changing and the need for
to WPA who then, dependant on the
products/services suited to individual level of cover chosen and acceptance,
lifestyles which compliment that
will refund the money direct to the
provided by the NHS is greater than
policyholders bank account.
The plan not only provides cover
Health insurance providers and
toward those benefits mentioned
consumers have identified this
above, but also extends to include
need hence the ever increasing
self referred therapies, optical
popularity of cash plans. A scheme
cover, specialist consultations / 2nd
first introduced in Victorian times,
opinions as well as a range of other
a cash plan provides a pot of cash
benefits. If things could not get any

better Advo Group can currently offer

2 months free of the NHS Top Up
So if you are new to the area or part of
the furniture the NHS Top Up cash
plan can help take the edge off those
everyday annoyances. Additionally
the peace of mind that you can access
primary services such a seeing a
GP or Dentist privately at a time to
suit you and without being left with
another bill, is invaluable.
NHS Top Up plan policyholder must
be aged between 18-65
Benefits payable based on level of
cover chosen
Some benefits subject to a qualifying
Premium and 2 month free offer
correct as of 13th May 2013. Subject
to change.
No cover for pre-existing conditions.
For more information on the impact
cash plans can have on your business
speak to Nadiya on 0845 2578833 or

advocate spring 2013 | | 47 | advo groups sharon harwood-davis on dental insurance

advocate spring 2013 | | 48 | advo groups sharon harwood-davis on dental insurance

71% of decision
makers within
companies agree
that dental
insurance plans
enhance employee
sharon harwooddavis,
advo group
Dental insurance is an increasing popular employee benefit which is shown
by research to be incredibly highly valued by employees. ADVO Groups
Sharon Harwood-Davis sheds a light on exactly what this employee benefit
offers and why it has become such a valued benefit for employers to offer to
their staff.
What is dental insurance?

insurance is where the insurance

company will pay for a set percentage
Dental Insurance is a low cost high
of the treatment received. This
value type of health insurance
percentage level will depend on
designed to pay a portion of the costs insurer and level of benefit selected.
associated with Dental care in the
Other factors may occur with these
UK. Generally private dentists have
types of schemes such as annual
a fee schedule, or a list of prices for
limitations or graduated percentage
the dental services or procedures they scales based on the type of procedure.
offer. The Dental insurers will also
have their own expected fee schedules Very few insurers have direct
which are generally based on Usual
arrangements with dentists whereby,
and Customary dental services (an
the dentist agrees to accept a set fee
average of fees in any given area).
schedule and therefore provide their
patients a reduced cost for services as
The most common type of dental
Network Provider. These types

advocate spring 2013 | | 49 | advo groups sharon harwood-davis on dental insurance

of schemes usually have no annual
maximum benefit limitations, and
occasionally the providers will be
able to settle the bill directly with
the dentist rather than the member
paying the dentist and recouping
costs from the insurer.
As a Company why should we
consider Dental as part of our
employee benefit package?
As detailed in Denplans Dental
survey 2012, 71% of decision makers
within companies agree that dental
insurance plans enhance employee
wellbeing, 62% of decision makers
also felt that dental schemes fit
within their company ethos and
demonstrated that they cared about
their employees.

we are able to advise

the client and secure benefits
at the most suitable level
for each client with the most
competitive price associated
sharon-harwood davis

62% of decision
makers also felt that
dental schemes fit
within their company
ethos and demonstrated
that they cared about
their employees

Some of the reasons given for

providing dental insurance to staff
31% believed that plans help
with the management of sickness
33% believe it would assist
with the attraction of new staff
37% believed that dental
insurance schemes assisted with
retention levels.

As with any benefit the key

to successful engagement
and correct usage of the
insurance stems from effective
communication/education of
linking it to a companys overall
Do Employees truly value Dental Health and Wellbeing ethos.
How do you choose the right
When implementing any benefit, it
is vital for employees to engage and
appreciate the value it brings to them
in order for any company to feel the
return on their investment. Within
the survey 55% of employees believed
a dental insurance scheme was a
tangible usable benefit.
Within those who didnt currently
have an insurance scheme, 53%
said they would appreciate it as an
addition to their current benefits,
62% saying they would consider
a voluntary dental plan if their
company was to offer it.

Choosing between Dental Insurances

can proved difficult, unlike other
insurances such as PMI, the benefits
included between different Dental
insurers vary greatly and can create
confusion when attempting to secure
best rates for the best benefits. 48%
of companies use expert broker
advice when implementing benefits
for this very reason. Through our
expert knowledge of the market,
we are able to advise the client and
secure benefits at the most suitable
level for each client with the most
competitive price associated.

advocate spring 2013 | | 50

ADVO Group pride themselves not

only on their levels of expertise
and relationships with insurers
(generating best cost) but on their
ability to provide the highest levels
of customer service to our clients,
ensuring the products implemented
are the best fit for that individual
clients needs.
To find out more about how a dental
insurance policy can help engage your
employees contact Sharon harwood
Davis now on 0845 2578833 or email
us at

speak to one of our

employee benefit
advisors today on
0845 2578833

For more information on Advo Group Limited, visit our website
Advo Group Limited, ADVO House, St Leonards Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 0LS is registered in England (No. 4500663) and is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority. | thanks for reading

thank you for reading

see you in the autumn for
the next edition of advocate
Thanks for catching up with us here at ADVO Group for this Spring edition of Advocate magazine. Advocate will
be back once again in the Autumn to provide you with the very best human resource, occupational health, employee
benefit and private medical insurance news, interviews, features and more!
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get in touch with any of them on the
contact details below.

You can also get in touch by calling us

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01622 769211. We also have three
offices across the country.

The best way to stay in touch is by

subscribing to the news section on the
ADVO Group website. You can do this
by entering your email address at
The subscription process is incredibly
simply and best of all; its absolutely

Larry Bulmer
Chief Executive

Head office:
ADVO House
St Leonards Road
ME16 0LS

If youve got a story that you think

belongs in Advocate magazine,
whether its news focusing on private
medical insurance, human resources,
occupational health or if youd like to
be interviewed then dont hesitate to
get in touch. Send your inquiries to
Just to remind you about who we are
and what we can offer, ADVO Group
is a multi award winning employee
health benefit advisory looking after
the requirements of many customers,
from small businesses right up
to multi national corporations.
Whatever your private medical
insurance or employee benefit needs,
we are here to help. We offer entirely
indepent, free and expert advice so
dont hesitate to pick up the phone
and give us a ring on
0845 2578833. You can also email us

Chris Mc Cracken
Director, Commercial
Colin Boxall
Director, Corporate
Kevin Drew
Director, Advo SIS
Yvette Butterworth
Sharon Harwood-Davis
Emma Shaw
Personal Healthcare
Gill Mateo
Operations Manager

advocate spring 2013 | | 52

London Office:
Essex Hall
1-6 Essex Street
Oxford Office:
8 Old Station Yard
OX14 3LD
You can also get in touch through any
of our social media channels. You
can find us on LinkedIn, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube and Google+.
Thanks again for reading and see you
in the winter for the next edition of
Advocate magazine.

chris fiander
marketing manager
advo group | thanks for reading

find every copy of advocate

magzine online at
Issue #5
spring 2013
Yahoo! CEO, Marissa Mayer calls an end to working from
home, ADVO Group launch healthylife, London employers
create healthier workplaces and how occupational asthma
can be prevented

Issue #4
winter 2012
Felix Baumgartners jump from the edge of space, exclusive
occupational health interviews, the top emplyers according
to LinkedIn, the research that asks is human resources a
weak link at the boardroom table?, the fifteen key moments
and milestones of 2012

Issue #3
autumn 2012
Google and Richard Bransons poll victories, a look at the
2012 London Olympic games, the major planned changes to
health and safety legislation, midfulness in the workplace,
exclusive interviews with leading occupational health
professionals and the occupations that are causing 8,000
cancer deathseach year

make sure you dont miss a copy by subscribing to our issuu channel...
its 100% free!
advocate spring 2013 | | 53

For more information on Advo Group Limited, visit our website
Advo Group Limited, ADVO House, St Leonards Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 0LS is registered in England (No. 4500663) and is
authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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