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My name is Constanta, I'm 20 years old and also I'm from Orhei. As a majority of people from orhei, I like my country as it is. Of
course there a lot of things to improve, but the most important thing is that every change should came from everyone. I understand
that very well, and for that, my main goal is to use my energy for self-improving. In General, I'm a positive person. I like positive
persons as well. I also like everything beautiful, it means music, art, dancing etc.
As every person in our-days I have some hobbies: Dancing, Drawing and Singing.
Finally I want to say that one of the most important things I have it's smile. A little smile can do a lot of good things. I hope that
sometime my smile will save the world.
Hello my dear friend!
I didn't see you for a long time. I really miss you very much. Today, after lessons i decided to write you a letter. I'll start with my
lessons How you know, I graduated for college very well, after that I applied at State pedagogical University Ion Creanga, and I was
admitted. I am very happy because studies are free (paid from state buget). After I came in Chisinau, my life changed a little bit. I
have a lot of new friends at university. Chisinau is very active city in comparison with Orhei. There are a lot of activities like theaters,
cinemas and other interesting activities like oratorical clubs opened for everyone. Here I have a lot of opportunities, I should just
choose the most important for me, but now, the most important thing for me is university.
These are the most important things about me during last half year. How about you? I will wait for your answer as soon as possible.
I really miss you!!! Your best friend, Constanta.

Autumn. Autumn is the season of results for someones, but not for me. As a student, I see the Autumn as a season of
hopes or investment. Every year I start a new studying year in Autumn. In this season I was in the first class at school,
also started College and the University. This is a gold season for me as a student and for other people who gather the
results in this period. Winter. Winter is season of wishes and gifts. This is one of the most beautiful seasons. When I
was a child, people around me tried to made me happy, giving me a lot of surprises. Now, I understand that I also like
to make happy people around me. This season also freeze everything except our hearts of course. I think that winter
can freeze and kill just our wickedness. Spring is the season of love and live. Everything became green. It's a new start
for everything including relationships between people. In this season nature love to create, to create the most
beautiful thing on this planet green landscapes. When the nature revives, people have a lot of positive energy. They
want to give love, they want to work for great results. Summer is the most productive season, but people chose to rest
in this season because summer has the greatest weather. As a student, I enjoy this season because it's time for rest. In
this season I gather energy for Autumn. For me summer is a season that gives me a lot of memories. I don't preffer just
one season, because all of them have their charm. I think that if we didn't have the winter, we'll not love summer
anymore. That means that Moldova have the greatest clime in the world where are all 4 seasons.

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