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Ive had the privilege of working with _________ for little more than 18 months
now and in that time I have known ________ to be a well-grounded and down to
earth business partner and colleague. He is a calculated risk taker, pragmatic
leader and realist who seems to grasp ideas holistically whilst still taking note
to the more acute details. I found this to be incredibly valuable in working with
him, as it allows him (and for those who work with him) the ability to explore
and understand nearly all possible perspectives to an idea and its numerous
applications. He is an hard worker and value creator in the truest sense.


______ has built a strong (and deserved) reputation as someone with vision,
diligence and honour someone who gets things done! I have no hesitation
in recommending ______ and know that he will always give of his best in any


_______ is a personable individual that gets on well with those around him. He is
focused and dedicated to producing his very best at all times. He has shown that
he is able to deal with uncertainty and dislocation and I recommend him highly
he will not let you down!


______ creative thinking, expertise, positive can-do attitude and drive as _________
professional made her an absolute pleasure to work with. She continually
delivered results, went above and beyond in providing exceptional service and
support, and showed genuine integrity and respect as a service provider. _______ is
enthusiastic, personable and a brilliant networker. Her strengths in staying across
issues, pro-actively offering solutions and ideas and being adept at all aspects of
communications make her a valuable contributor to any situation or team.


______ consistently delivered great results when facilitating our _______________. He

was able to manage a diverse group of customer facing teams selling into _______
top companies and through the program and deliver great results. I strongly
recommend _______ for anyone looking to ________.

LinkedIn Recommendations| 1


_________ is a dedicated, ambitious, result driven leader and thoughtful individual.

If you ever need someone to deliver under pressure, no slip-ups, just results,
________ is your woman! She great in dealing with difficult situations and a fantastic
problem solver. I recommend her to anyone looking to ________.


_________ always brought his keen analytical skill to the table and was an excellent
leader and doer in any team situation. His many years as a senior business
practitioner were evident in the way he approached tasks and achieved his


I found __________ to be hugely supportive during the __________. __________ has

strong __________ skills, but just as importantly, an ability to communicate this in a
manner that makes sense and a compelling case to all business stakeholders.


Whilst working with ________ he has provided great leadership and showed
initiative to drive continuous improvement across the team and organisation. He
has exceptional client relationship skills and shows strong ___________. I am happy
to recommend _______ and would be glad to work with him again.


I have had the pleasure of doing business with ________ over the past _______ , and
he continues to impress me with his knowledge in ___________, ___________, not to
mention his excellent service. _________is dependable and has integrity; Anyone
would benefit by employing his services. We have worked on many projects
together and Im looking forward to our continued business relationship.


_______ is always easy to communicate with and is a great person to work with. He
makes sure to follow up, is timely and tries to develop the best solution for both


It is my pleasure to recommend ________ as a top notch ____________ professional.

I hired _______ at _______ to _________ the ________ of _______. It was evident from the
beginning, that ________ was not only well versed in _______, but also had strong
ties and understanding of the ___________. I found ________ to be an ethical, hard
working manager that I trust fully.


______ is a bright and very hard working professional. He puts 110% percent into
his work and produces amazing results. I would whole heartedly recommend him
as he is a very good resource to work with an amazing communicator.


______ is a true dedicated professional. She is a pleasure to deal with and has
always been courteous to myself and the other members of the Team. _____ is
very patient and has a wonderful ability to articulate the most difficult processes.
I enjoyed working with _________ and would be very happy to work alongside her
again should the opportunity arise.
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LinkedIn Recommendations| 2

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