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MPs Schemes for Weaker sections

From MPs 12th FYP PDF

Page 456: Madhya Pradesh Urban services for poor (MPUSP) Programme

page 461: Hath Thela & Cycle Riksha Chalak Yojna, Sinhast faire 2016 Arrangemen

476: SC welfare under 12th FYP

481: Welfare of Ghumakkar & Vimukta Jati. (Although nothing specific given on schemes
but just mugup a few schemes names from the table.)

482: ST welfare: first para for overview.

484: 12th FYP and ST welfare

494: welfare schemes for backward classes. esp.Mukhyamantri Pichhadavarg Swarojgar


506: fact that Dr. Ambedkar ITIs: To develop ITI Sehore for Schedule Caste Girls and ITI
Morena for Schedule Caste Boys.

506: fact that Aklavya ITIs: To develop Women ITI Betul for Schedule Tribe Girls and ITI Dhar
for Schedule Tribe Boys.

512: fact that Indira Gandhi Samaj Sewa Award =A reward for outstanding work in the field
of social work is being given to social workers. An amount of Rs.80.00 lakh has been
proposed for 12th Plan 2012-17

513-14: some new schemes related to women, disabled and elderly people are given.
Schemes with catchy names are important e.g. Sparsh Abhiyan, Dadhichi Puraskar yojna,
Mother Father bharan phosan yojna,

515 second para: functions of Department of Women & Child Development

517: Mangal Divas

518: Sanjha Chulah

520-21: Beti Bachao Abhiyan Yojna(New Scheme)

524: Atal Bal Arogya and Poshan Mission

527: Nirasrit Bal Grih Scheme, Bal Vikas Kendra Yojana

528: Jabali Scheme for Eradication of prostitution

529: M.P. State Legal Services Authority

543: Higher Education Loan Guarantee Scheme

547-556: These pages talk about MPs State Human Development Report (SHDR) and
performance. Atleast prepare 150 words worth content.

557-563: here youll find Census related data about MPs women and children. prepare GK
for 3 marker type question.

572-74: MPs schemes for women empowerment.

Additional:As per the new MP PSC syllabus two topics should be prepared: 1) Protection of civil
rights act 1955 (2)SC and ST prevention of atrocities act 1989. Go through the PDF file attached at
bottom of this article.
From MP Economic Survey PDF

131-139: overlaps with women empowerment schemes given in 12th FYP pdf, but still take a
look for additional points.

145- box 8.8 on SC/ST welfare schemes.

147- box 8.9 on OBC welfare schemes.

149-150: Social justice related schemes (mostly pension and marriage related.)

MP Heathcare related
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

page 411: 2nd para that shows how 11th FYP targets about healthcare couldnt be achived.

416-18: New Schemes Proposed Under 12th Five Year Plan

431: fact that Navegaon sanotorium (Chhindwara), Pithampur (Dhar) have Government
homeopathic hospitals.

435: functions of food and drug administration

437: first para. again MPs demographic related GK given

442-44: strategies for improving drinking water supply in MP

From MP Economic Survey PDF

page 113- Point 8.49: Sardar Patel scheme on free medicine.

116- Janani Express yojana and call center

113-119- Overlaps with healthcare related schemes given in MPs 12th FYP PDf but still take
a look for additional points.

MP Education related
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

362: Atal Bihari Vajpayee Lok Prashasan Sansthan (ALPS) = just functions.

369-370: MPs education targets under 12th FYP


373: provision for out of school children

374 Dakshata Samvardhan Prgramm

375-76: Girl education related schemes. (+ combine it with other schemes like CMs
Kanyadan etc and they might ask a 60 marks essay type question on MP Governments
initiatives on women empowerment).


From MP Economic Survey PDF

104-112: repeats most of Education schemes that youd see in MPs 12th FYP pdf, but still
take a look for additional points

MP: Environment Biodiversity

From MPs 12th FYP PDF

313: MP pollution control board and its functions.

317: MP disaster Management institute and its functions.

323-330: MPs environment protection schemes and awards are given. Prepare atleast 100

331: MP Biodiversity board

332: Mowgli Utsav

From MP Economic Survey PDF

Page 65 Basic facts about No. of Wildlife sancturies, parks in MP. for a possible 3 marker

MP Forest
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

Page 166-167: achievement under 11th FYP (dont mugup everything just 5 good points
worth 2 lines each.)

Page 173: Extention Forestry, Khuni Bhandara

Page 177: Omkareshwar Fund

Page 184: Madhya Pradesh Swayatta Sahkarita Adhiniyam

Page 186: objectives for and cooperative society

Important: Dispute between MP govt and Govt of Gujrat over transfer of Gir Asiatic lions to
National park of Sheopur and current SC decision on it. Go through Indianexpress / Hindu website
and prepare a note about it.
MP planning basics:
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

cb: only the list of objectives under 11th FYP

ch3: Prepare one paragraph for each of this:agriculture sector, road, energy, poverty,
highway, Employment Generation, tribals, Higher Education and rural roads

ch4: Page 64, 65. Objectives for the Twelfth Five Year Plan of MP.

Page 68 to 71, for more fodder on individual sector.

Page 77: education related targets.

ch5. Prepare first paragraph. It describe how/why MP will be awesome upcoming years in
terms of GDP growth.

ch6. page 101. flow chart (you can use it for Public Administration)

page 102 decentralized planning

MP Agro
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

ch7. page 109-110 about Major crops of MP

Page 112. First para. It gives the rank of MP in production of various crops.

Page 113-114: Tribal sub plan of MP

Page 117-118: Agri-Objectives of 12th FYP of MP

Page 119: HALDHAR YOJANA, Krishi Shakti Yojana

Page 123-126. It lists the Centrally Sponsored Schemes for agri. Just prepare 3 lines for each
scheme, and youll have enough content to handle 15-20 marks question on MP Agri.

Page 128: info on Major horticulture crops of MP

Page 129-130: Horticulture 12th FYP plan of MP

Page 138: Livestock overview. just prepare 4-5 important lines.

Page 139: list of various cattle breeds

Page 141: on how to improve livestock

Page 153-154: inland fisheries potential of MP

From MP Economic Survey PDF

Page 60 Acharya Vidhyasagar Gau savardhan Yojana

MP Rural Development
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

Page 198- theyve given a big list of various central Government schemes. Just prepare 2
lines for each (purpose /objective) and specific thing related to MP.

PAge 209: State finance commissions grant to Panchyats

Page 211: fact that National Panchayati Raj Institute is in Pachmarhi.

From MPs Economic Survey

125-130: Schemes related to MP rural Development.

MP Irrigation and Power

From MPs 12th FYP PDF

Page 215: basic overview of MP irrigation coverage.

Page 221: NARMADA VALLEY DEVELOPMENT. prepare a shortnote for 100 words.

Page 223-224: list of new projects

250: power projects under under 12th FYP: just names and locations

MP: Minerals + industrial development

From MPs 12th FYP PDF

Page 278 and 279 the tables for district and craft speciality

Page 286 M.P. Hastshilp evam Hathkargha Vikas Nigam Ltd

289: table for cluster vs district + Vishwakarma state award scheme

294: just prepare shortnote on sericulture potential in MP

297: First para. describes the Mineral wealth of MP, and ranking in mineral production n

300: 12th FYP and mining

From MP Economic Survey PDF

Page 69-72: List of SEZ and industrial clusters in MP. Mugup names and locations.

72-74: MPs industrial development policy. Prepare ~250 words

82: MPs Mineral policy

83: Mugup the first table. It gives list of important minerals and districts

MP Labour welfare
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

497: Functions of Labour commissioner

499: Major schemes for labour welfare.

From MP Economic Survey PDF

123- Minimum wages in 2012 (3 marker)

123- Labour welfare prepare 250 words note.

MP: E-governance
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

336-337: Table of Achievements about e-governance under 11th FYP

338-339: IT targets under 12th FYP. Just prepare ~150 words note.

349-350: given list of state schemes. For all good sounding names, prepare 2-3 lines. e.g.
Margin Money Yojana, Surajdhara, Nalkoop Khanan Yojana. If you cant find any info, atleast
mugup which department implements it.

353: Jal Abhiyan parishad

354: Jan Bhagidari Yojana

From MP Economic Survey PDF

93 Last para. You can cite it an example of how E-governance is used by MP

MP Tourism
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

356: MPs Tourism objectives under 12th FYP.

From MP Economic Survey PDF

79-80: MPs tourism policy and new initiatives.

+Although not given in these PDFs but you should prepare a list of notable monuments, castles,
tombs, temples of MP and who had built them.
MP Sports, culture related
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

393: MPs sport objectives under 12th FYP (waise bhi, theyve already asked about MPs
sports policy so now only 12th FYP targets remain!)

395: Yuva Abhiyan -

397: List of councils under Art & Culture Department viz. (a) Sahitya Parishad (b) Kala
Parishad (c) Adivasi Lok Kala Parishad, (d) Kalidas Academy and (e) Sindhi Academy. (If
youve time/mood, google their location for a possible 3 marker question)

398-401: targets under 12th FYP=> This mentions lists of xyz academy/univ. to be
established. so just prepare their location. dont go into details like how many crores allotted
for each.

403: Vintage Indore, Vintage Gwalior= monumental publications by Directorate of

Archaeology and Museum.

406: Swaraj Sansthan, Swaraj Pustakmala

407-410: names of various awards and organizations give, prepare 2-3 lines for each for
possible 3 marker questions.

411: GK fact that State of Madhya Pradesh came into being on 1st November 1956.
Subsequently, on 1st November 2000, ChhattisgarhState was carved out of it. + census
related data given in the first para.

MP Transport
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

303: fact that MP state aviation fleet comprises an aircraft Superking B-200,
three helicopters Bell-430, Eurocopter EC155B1 and Bell-407. + Pithampura at Indore;
Malanpur at Gwalior; Mandipdeep at Bhopal, and Maneri at Jabalpur industrial towns are

served by aerodromes. Madhya Pradesh has five airports which are maintained by Airport
Authority of India.
From MP Economic Survey PDF

94-95: MPs new Transport policy 2010

95: point no.7.31 for a possible 3-maker question about National highways in MP.

96: last para on how Pradhan Matri Gram Sadak has helped MP

Misc. things
From MPs 12th FYP PDF

447: just first para on police modernization

456: fact that MP has 377 ULBs= 14 Municipal Corporations+ 99 Municipal Councils + 264
Nagar Panchayats

457: fact that ADB is giving development assistance to address water-environment issues in
Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior and Jabalpur.

533: just prepare 100 words on prisoner welfare.

535: fact that four government presses and stationary depots which are situated at Bhopal,
Gwalior, Indore and Rewa.

589-592: tables contain list of PSUs under MP state government. go through them for a
random 3-marker.

MPs Economic Survey: Essential Topics

This survey throws a lot boring numbers, but still contains some good information of policies and
schemes of MP. Just prepare following pages:

151: JNNURM and MP

154 HRD report overlaps with 12tH FYP pdf but still go through it for additional points.

MPs Budget: Essential Topics

This should be read after youre done with MPs 12th FYP + MPs Economic survey.

The budget speech PDF is given point-wise: 1..23, so Im listing the points that are

MP geography related 3

Point #53 Narmada-Shipra Sihastha Link and its benefits

Point #80: New ITIs.

Point #112 new university in Sanchi

Point #118 fact that Archery academy will be setup in Jabalpur

Point #123 new kala kendra in Murena


MP award related 3

Agri related 3 markers



e-governance in MP

Point #12: Atal Jyoti

Point #77 fact that Gao ki beti + Pratibha Kiran schemes also available for girls

Point #86 new nursing schools.

Page 27-29: You can use the facts given here, to enhance your answer about W
source of prep. is still MPs 12th FYP but this is just to enhance the answer wit

Point #71 Mukhya Mantri Yuva Swarojgar

Point #22: Award for organic farming

Point #72 Award for SME

Point #73 Award for Handloom

Point #99 award for women

Point #9: Khet Talab, Barlam

Point #14: New MSP for Wheat

Point #37: Machhua Kalyan Board

Point #66: fact that Global investors summit was held in Indore and will help a

Point #68-69 list of industrial corridors

Point #80-83 You can cite it under vocational skill development in MP relate

Point #43-46: youll get MPs stand and policy on GST.

Point #47-56: youll get points taxation policy of MP

Point #116 new scheme to ensure the MP gets representation in Olympic 2020

Point #118 fact that Archery academy will be setup in Jabalpur

Page 40-42: just selective reading and youll get points for how E-governance h

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