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Internal Assessment Test I - key

DATE: 09-08-2012

TOTAL: 50marks
TIME: 1 hrs

PART - A (5 X 2=10 MARKS)


Compare Open Loop and Closed Loop System

Open Loop
Relatively simple
low cost with generally good
Inaccurate since there is no correction for error.

Closed Loop
Complicated Design
more costly
Relatively accurate in matching the actual to the
required values

2. Sketch the basic elements of Mechatronics system.

3. What is sequential control system and Give some Examples.

It is used when control is such that the actions are strictly ordered in time.
Eg: Automatic washing machine; Engine Management System

4. Classify sensors.
Displacement, Position and Proximity; Velocity, Motion, Force, Fluid Pressure, Liquid Flow,
Liquid Level, Temperature, Light Sensors
5. Define SeeBeck Effect.
When 2 disimilar metals are joined to form a loop & 2 unequal temperatures are interposed
at the junctions then emf is developed at the two points.


1 A). Explain about open loop and closed loop control system
Open loop control system:
Consider an electric fire - a device to heat a room .By operating the switch the electric fire is ON and
thereby changes the room temperature. The output is that the change in temperature but not in constant state, as
there is no feed back to check the actual value of temperature.
Merits: simple, low cost, good reliability
Demerits: inaccurate since there is no correction for error

Closed loop control system:

For the same example here we use a thermometer to check the actual room temperature value and thereby
we can maintain a constant room temperature.
Merits: accurate
Demerits: more complex ,costly, great chance of breakdown

B) Explain any two Temperature sensors with neat sketch
Resistance Temperature Detectors(RTD)




A) i) Explain the static and dynamic characteristics of a Transducer


The performance of transducers can be defined by using the following terms:

1. Range and span
2. Error
3. Accuracy
4. Sensitivity
5. Hysteresis error
6. Non linearity error
7. Repeatability/Reproducibility
8. Reliability
9. Stability
10. Dead band/time
11. Resolution
12. Backlash
13. Output impedance

ii) Explain Linear Variable Differential Transformer and Hall Effect Sensor
with neat sketch



Hall effect: Hall effect is defined as when a beam of charged particles passes
through magnetic field, the beam is deflected from its straight line path due to the
forces acting on the particles.

B) Sketch and Label the following
i) Linear Potentiometer

ii) Bourdon Pressure Tube

iii) Strain Gauge Load cell


iv)Tactile Sensor

3. A) i) What is an optical encoder?. Explain the types with neat sketch


A digital optical encoder is a device that converts motion into a sequence of digital pulses.
By counting or decoding these bits and the pulses can be converted into relative or absolute position
Encoders are in Rotary, linear configurations.
The Rotary encoders are in two forms.
1. Absolute encoder 2. Incremental encoder.

ii) Explain Eddy current sensor with neat sketch


B) Sketch and Label the Block diagram and schematic diagram for the following system
i) Automatic Shaft Speed Control System

ii) Automatic Washing Machine System


iii) Automatic Tank Level Control

Controlled variable - the water level in the tank

Reference value - initial setting of the float and lever position
Comparison clement - the lever
Error signal - the difference between the actual and initial
settings of the lever positions
Control unit - the pivoted lever
Correction unit - the flap opening or closing the water supply
Process - the water level in the tank
Measuring device - the floating ball and lever


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