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Career Summary

Having 7.2 Years of IT industry experience with good understanding of Web based
applications, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle
(STLC) concepts.
Experienced in Scrum model in agile methodology.
Extended work experience to develop and execute software test plan, test cases and test
specifications for manual testing.
Experienced in testing and support of Web-based applications in .NET, JAVA and PHP
Expertise in writing/executing the test cases in QC.
Expertise in creating scripts in SeleniumRC, Web Driver by using Java.
Knowledge in various frameworks like TestNG, JUnit, Modular, Data Driven, Keyword
Driven, and Hybrid Frameworks.
Prepared and updated Daily Status Reports to Team Lead.
Expertise in Black box, Smoke, Functional, Integration, System, Regression testing, ReTesting, UI Testing, User Acceptance Testing and Back end Testing.
Possess excellent skills in Bug Reporting using JIRA and QC.
Involved in Sprint planning, Story point estimation, Sprint demo and daily standup
Experience in interacting with business analysts, developers, technical support and help
them in base line the requirement specifications.
Ability to learn Domain Knowledge related to the application in a short period of time.
Very Good Communication, Strong Analytical and problem solving skills.

Area of Knowledge & Expertise

Operating Systems

: Windows 98/2000/2003/XP/7


: SQL Server, Oracle


: core JAVA, SQL


: Selenium, Web driver, QC, Manual testing

Bachelor of Electronics & Communication Engineering from JNTU, Hyderabad in 2007.
Work Experience
Currently working as a Sr. Test Engineer in Accenture, Mumbai(Payroll of ASAP-Y
Solutions) from May, 2014 to till date.
Worked as a Sr. Test Engineer for EnSoftek Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, From
Aug, 2007 to May, 2014.
Professional Experience

Project 1: TSpace
May, 2014 Till date.
Role: Sr. Test Engineer
Client: AT & T
Tspace is a webbased application it is like a social networking site for the organizations and the
employers to share the knowledge and work. This can be accessed by all the organizations.
TSpace application categorized into different modules those are - communities, forums, Blogs,
Files and Checking the business Tags and Network Lists.
Understanding the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
Involved in writing and executing the manual test cases in rally.
Designed Test Cases using Functional Requirement Specification
Gone through the manual test cases to implement the automation scripts
Involved in Verification and validation of test cases and test scripts of application.
Rigorously performed Manual Testing, Automation testing, Regression Testing, Re-Testing
and Functional Testing.
Written selenium web driver scripts in java environment.
Reviewed the Selenium Web Driver Scripts developed by the team members.
Created reusable Scripts and Functions in Selenium.
Involved in bug tracking and Reporting using Rally.
Interacted with developers and various members of team to discuss and resolve defects and
their priorities.
Environment: Manual Testing, Rally, Automation Testing, Selenium Web driver, JUnit, eclipse.
Project 2: DrCloudEMR
Nov, 2011 May, 2014.
Role: Sr. Test Engineer
Client: EnSoftek
DrCloudEMR is a web based health care product. DrCloudEMR Solution provides quality
Electronic Medical Records system for healthcare practices of all sizes. It is a role based
application. DrCloudEMR has integrated modules for eBilling Insurance companies for prompt

payments. It also has modules to store and track patient documents in a safe and secure manner
while being HIPAA compliant. This application is also been integrated with the third party tool
for speech dictation, receive/send fax, centralized patient medical records at DrFIRST.
Understanding the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
Involved in writing and executing the manual test cases in QC.
Designed Test Cases using Functional Requirement Specification
Going through the functional specifications while testing to make sure that developers have
coded according to functional specifications.
Involved in Verification and validation of test cases and test scripts of PHP application.
Rigorously performed Manual Testing, Automation testing, Regression Testing, Re-Testing
and Functional Testing.
Written selenium scripts in java environment.
Reviewed the Selenium Scripts developed by the team members.
Created reusable Scripts and Functions in Selenium.
Involved in bug tracking and Reporting using JIRA.
Interacted with developers and various members of team to discuss and resolve defects and
their priorities.
Environment: Manual Testing, JIRA, Automation Testing, Selenium, Web driver, JUnit, eclipse,
PHP, MySql.
Project 3: EPTS
Nov, 2010 Oct, 2011
Role: Test Engineer
Client: CMI
Employees Performance Tracking System is a web application developed for CMI Management
Inc. to track the Employees performance. It is a role based application, where Admin has the
provision to add master data to the system, Project manager has the provision to add project,
tasks and assign resources, Team has a provision to update their daily work details, Quality team
has a provision to update their test results, and Management/Client has provision to track the
project performance using the predefined reports and graphical interface provided as a
Developed Test Cases to assist in the execution of functional, Regression Testing,
Integration Testing and User Acceptance testing;
Provide guidance on quality issues that affect the integrity of the data or the system;
Prepared and executed Test Cases with different Test Sets for different objectives based
on the Functional requirements;
Executed Integration Scripts for all the specified Roles basing on the Image that has been
Involved in bug tracking and Reporting using Bug reporting sheet.
Environment: Manual Testing, ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server
Project 4:
Role: Jr. Test Engineer
Client: HurdleBuster

Jul, 2010 Oct, 2010 is a job site that, unlike any other, is free to hiring companies and allows
candidates to send applications directly to hiring managers. Any person with contact info of the
hiring manager for a job can post details of the job and then receive a portion of the small fee
candidates pay to use the service. Hiring managers not only have the opportunity to verify and
correct job information submitted by people, but they can also add screening questions to prevent
reception of unqualified applications.
It has functionality of updating the different roles with the details on actions/statuses via email.
This application is integrated with PayPal for money transactions.
Understanding the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
Involved in writing and executing the manual test cases in excel sheet.
Designed Test Cases using Functional Requirement Specification
Rigorously performed System Testing, Regression Testing, Re-Testing, Functional
Testing and UAT.
Involved in bug tracking and Reporting using bug reporting sheet.

Environment: Manual Testing, ASP.NET, C#, Sql Server

Project 5: ZMS
Aug, 2007 Jun, 2010.
Role: Test Engineer
Client: FuelQuest
Fuel Quest is a solution provider to the fuel industries and federal government for tax filers in
US. ZMS is a web application for Tax Filers. Application provides Setup & Access control,
Returns Filing and MIS reports.
Analyzed and Understand the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS). If any spec
issues found during Analysis, Escalated to Team Lead for Spec Correction.
Prepared Test cases in MS-Excel and uploaded same in QC.
Involved in executing Manual Test Cases.
Conducted Testing in Client Environment as a UAT Tester.
Involved in Bug tracking and reporting through JIRA.
Rigorously performed Manual Testing, Regression Testing, Re-Testing, Functional Testing
and UAT.
Based on requirement written SQL queries to validate the actual and expected results.
SQL queries were used to retrieve the data from back end table.
Back end testing was done to verify and validate data using SQL Server and Oracle.
Reported Daily Status to Team Lead.
Interacted with developers and various members of team to discuss and resolve defects and
their priorities.
Environment: Manual Testing, QC, JIRA, UAT, .Net Framework, ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server,
Oracle 10g

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