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Mem Cogn

DOI 10.3758/s13421-014-0453-7

Metamemory monitoring and control following retrieval practice

for text
Jeri L. Little & Mark A. McDaniel

# Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2014

Abstract Test-taking is assumed to help learners diagnose

what they do and do not know, and by so doing improve the
effectiveness of their subsequent study. Previous work has
examined metamemory monitoring (e.g., predictions of future
performance) and control (e.g., restudy decisions) following
testing or retrieval practice with relatively simple materials
(e.g., word pairs). There is reason to believe, however, that
such monitoring and control decisions might be more difficult
with text materials, even after retrieval practice, owing perhaps to difficulty in accurately assessing ones performance on
the retrieval-practice test. In two experiments, participants
read texts about world regions, then engaged in retrieval
practice or rereading of the information in those texts, made
estimates about future performance, and then received an
opportunity to restudy the texts before taking a final recall
test, with self-paced restudy enabling an examination of control processes. Memory predictions were more accurate in the
retrieval-practice than in the rereading condition, and learners
in both conditions allocated restudy time on the basis of their
predictions. Additionally, restudy provided a greater benefit
following retrieval practice than following rereading. The
present study has implications for how students can use retrieval practice with text to foster subsequent learning.

J. L. Little : M. A. McDaniel
Department of Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO,
M. A. McDaniel
Center for Integrative Research in Cognition, Learning, and
Education, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA
J. L. Little (*)
Department of Psychology, Hillsdale College, 33 E. College Street,
Hillsdale, MI 49242, USA

Keywords Testing effects . Restudy . Metacognition .

Metamemory . Monitoring
Taking a test is beneficial for learningand presumably for a
variety of reasons. The notion that the processes involved in
retrieving information improve its later recall (i.e., the testing
effect) has received considerable empirical attention (see
Roediger & Karpicke, 2006a, for a review). Several indirect
benefits are also commonly assumed: Test-taking helps
learners to diagnose what they do and do not know, and this
in turn improves the effectiveness of subsequent study. These
potential benefits of testing or retrieval practice, however,
have received relatively little empirical attention, especially
as they pertain to metamemory for text passages. In the
present research, we investigated the metamemory insights
that retrieval practice for text passages may foster, how such
practice influences future study, and the extent to which it
improves the effectiveness of future study.

Metamemory indices
In theory, in order to make good study decisions, it is necessary for learners to (a) have an accurate representation of what
they do and do not know and (b) use that knowledge appropriately to inform subsequent study, known within the
metacognitive/metamemory literature as monitoring and
control, respectively (e.g., Nelson & Narens, 1994).
Monitoring is commonly measured in two ways: absolute
and relative accuracy. Absolute accuracy measures the degree
to which learners can judge how much they learned. Relative
accuracy measures the degree to which learners can judge
which information was better or less well learned. Although
both measures can inform metacognitive control (e.g., restudy
decisions), it is sensible that relative accuracy would better

Mem Cogn

inform how learners should allocate future study time among

various to-be-learned information, whereas absolute accuracy
would better inform the total amount of time learners should
allocate to future study (see, e.g., Schwartz & Efklides, 2012).
Metacognitive monitoring
Learners often fail to make accurate judgments about study
strategy effectiveness. For example, they often rely on ease of
processing (e.g., feelings of fluency) and attribute higher ratings
of learning to information that is more easily processed, even
though such easily processed information is often not better
learned (e.g., Dunlosky & Matvey, 2001; Rhodes & Castel,
2008). Conditions that necessitate deeper processing, however,
tend to improve judgment accuracy (e.g., deWinstanley &
Bjork, 2004; Thiede, Anderson, & Therriault, 2003), with some
work specifying that metacognitive accuracy depends upon
whether attention is directed toward the processing of information that will be relevant to a later test (Thomas & McDaniel,
2007). These findings have implications for differences in
metacognitive monitoring following attempted retrieval versus
rereading. Whereas trying to retrieve information involves
elaborative processing (McDaniel & Masson, 1985) that should
afford accurate monitoring, especially for a later recall test,
rereading is less likely to do so, in part, because rereading might
induce a sense of fluency (e.g., perceptual; Kolers, 1976) that
impairs ones ability to monitor accurately.
Metamemory monitoring during or after retrieval practice
or test taking has been studied with word-pair materials (e.g.,
Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992; Karpicke, 2009; King,
Zechmeister, & Shaughnessy, 1980; Koriat & Bjork, 2006;
Kornell & Rhodes, 2013; Kornell & Son, 2009; Lovelace,
1984; Soderstrom & Bjork, 2014; Tullis, Finley, & Benjamin,
2013). Retrieval practice or test opportunities often lead to
more accurate judgments of learning than do restudy opportunities, in part, because testing helps learners to diagnose
their learning (e.g., King et al., 1980). Additionally, learners
often overweigh the benefit of restudy. Specifically, they often
predict that they will remember information better if it was
restudied than if it was tested (e.g., Kornell & Son, 2009),
even though performance often shows the opposite pattern.
It is commonsensical that testing should give learners an
idea of what they know in educational contexts as well, and in
fact, students report using testing for this purpose, and to a
greater extent than for the direct benefits that testing provides
(Hartwig & Dunlosky, 2012; Kornell & Bjork, 2007). There is
reason to suspect, however, that learners would have difficulty
evaluating their memory for information in text as compared
to word pairs. In particular, we suggest that learners may have
difficulty assessing the accuracy of their retrieval-practice
performance. This suggestion follows from work by
Dunlosky, Hartwig, Rawson, and Lipko (2011), who had
learners study terms and their definitions, take a test, and then

grade their tests against a key. They found that even with a key
to grade their responses, learners overestimated the accuracy
of their responses. One difficulty in learners self-assessments
was that definitions included several idea units, and learners
often gave themselves full credit for a response when critical
idea units were missing. The implication here is that if learners
cannot accurately grade their responses when a key is provided, their likelihood of accurately judging retrieval-practice
performance without a key, let alone without their retrieval
responses, is even more unlikely (see Dunlosky, Rawson, &
Middleton, 2005). We suggest, however, that even if learners
greatly overestimate their overall memory for text, their absolute accuracy should still be better than that of learners who
reread, and retrieval practice may still provide learners with a
higher degree of relative accuracy than would rereading, as
they may have a good idea of the sections for which they
recalled the most information and the sections for which they
recalled the least.
The above expectation remains uninformed, however, as
no studies have directly investigated accuracy of metamemory
judgments as a consequence of retrieval practice versus rereading with text materials. Most related is a study in which
Roediger and Karpicke (2006b) had participants repeatedly
recall or reread a short passage and then rate their likelihood of
future recall. They found that participants gave higher ratings
in the repeated reading condition than in the repeated recall
condition (suggesting that learners underestimate the benefit
of testing relative to rereading overall); this study, however,
did not address the extent to which learners make accurate
predictions about what they know, either in terms of absolute
or relative accuracy.
Although little research has investigated metamemory with
text, much research has investigated metacomprehension with
text (i.e., predictions of future ability to answer inference
questions; e.g., Dunlosky et al., 2005; Rawson, Dunlosky, &
Thiede, 2000). Yet, none has done so in a manner that directly
contrasts retrieval practice with rereading. Most related,
Thiede and Anderson (2003; see also Anderson & Thiede,
2008) examined the effect of summarizing on
metacomprehension, demonstrating that summary generationwhich shares some commonalities with retrieval practicecan improve metacomprehension accuracy as compared
to a no-reread control; a rereading control was not used.
Rereading is an important comparison condition for both
practical and theoretical reasons, however. In fact, although
students report using testing for diagnosing learning, Kornell
and Bjork (2007) found that 76 % of students reported using
rereadingeither of whole chapters or highlighted portions
for study (see also Hartwig & Dunlosky, 2012, for similar
results). Furthermore, rereading has been shown to improve
metacomprehension (Rawson et al., 2000). Theoretically, rereading improves metacomprehension because it leads
learners to allocate relatively more resources to the situation

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model (e.g., connection between ideas contained in the text

and/or ideas in the text and prior knowledge; Kintsch, 1994)
than to the textbase (e.g., details, meaning of sentences) during a second reading than a first (in an undergraduate sample;
Stine-Morrow, Gagne, Morrow, & DeWall, 2004; though see
Callender & McDaniel, 2009, who suggest that rereading may
not improve situation model processing; and see Thiede &
Anderson, 2003, for a similar idea with regard to effects of
summarizing). Thus, in generalizing these findings to the
questions we raise in the present work, the possibility emerges
that retrieval practice may not be more beneficial than rereading in terms of metamemory accuracy.
To recapitulate, there is a paucity of evidence regarding the
extent to which retrieval practice improves learners
metamemory monitoring accuracy for subsequent recall of
text relative to students standard strategy of rereading. On
the basis of the aforementioned studies utilizing relatively
simple materials, one possibility is that retrieval practice will
improve monitoring accuracy as compared to rereading, due
to increased processing and learners ability to use their
retrieval-practice experience to estimate learning. On this
possibility, performance predictions could well be inflated in
the retrieval-practice condition (Dunlosky et al., 2011), but
they would still be sensitive to relative performance. The other
possibility, based on extrapolation from the results of
metacomprehension studies, is that retrieval practice may not
produce better monitoring accuracy than rereading because
both types of activities may increase situation-model
Metacognitive control
The second question of interest in the present work was
how retrieval practice, as compared to rereading, would
influence restudy allocation and the benefit of restudy.
When students study, they often use judgments or assumptions about what they do or do not know to decide
what to restudy (e.g., Kornell & Metcalfe, 2006;
Nelson, Dunlosky, Graf, & Nairnes, 1994). Existing
work has focused largely on what people choose to
study (Metcalfe & Kornell, 2005; but see Soderstrom
& Bjork, 2014); little work has investigated how much
time people spend restudying information, particularly
text (but see Mazzoni & Cornoldi, 1993, who used
transitive sentences). An examination of this latter situation is important because, as previously stated, students
report rereading whole chapters. Our interest pertaining
to metacognitive control in the present study was how
participants would allocate time to restudying sentences
in text passages as a function of their metamemory
judgments and their performance (i.e., during retrieval
practice) and how such restudy would influence finaltest performance.

Restudy allocation
Much research has examined restudy decisions following
metamemory judgments. Importantly, views vary regarding
how learners allocate future study (see, e.g., Metcalfe &
Kornell, 2005). Two prominent views are that (a) learners will
allocate attention toward information given the lowest judgments of learning (JOLs) or that they cannot recall (i.e., discrepancy reduction; e.g., Dunlosky & Hertzog, 1998; Dunlosky
& Thiede, 1998, Thiede et al., 2003), or (b) they will use a
combination of JOLs and likelihood of future learning, allocating the most time to the easiest unknown information or information given moderate JOL ratings (i.e., region of proximal
learning; Metcalfe & Kornell, 2005), perhaps not even allocating any study time to the most difficult items (e.g., Son &
Metcalfe, 2000; Thiede & Dunlosky, 1999; but see also Ariel,
Dunlosky, & Bailey, 2009, for agenda-based control in which
participants allocate study time on the basis of specific goals).
For the purposes of the present article, we will blend these
two views into the informed-decision hypothesis, a broader
view of Nelson and Leonesios (1988) monitoring-affectscontrol hypothesis, which here encompasses JOLs and
retrieval-practice performance as predictors of study time
allocation. This hypothesis predicts that the correlation between JOLs and restudy time and the correlation between
retrieval-practice performance and restudy time in the
retrieval-practice condition will both be negative. The notion
that restudy time will be allocated on the basis of prior retrieval experience gains some support from previous research
(Koriat & Bjork, 2006; Mazzoni & Cornoldi, 1993;
Soderstrom & Bjork, 2014). In Mazzoni and Cornoldis
Experiment 1, participants examined 40 sentences (e.g.,
The bride is drinking coffee) and made JOLs, tried to recall
the sentences in a first free-recall test, restudied the sentences
at their own pace, made a second set of JOLs, and finally took
a free-recall test. Restudy time was predicted by test performance such that unrecalled sentences were studied longer than
recalled ones. In their Experiment 4 (but not Exp. 1), restudy
time was predicted by JOLs. If the informed decision hypothesis has merit for coherent text, then in the present experiments, both JOLs and retrieval-practice performance would be
associated with restudy time decisions.
It is possible that the just-mentioned patterns might not
emerge, however. Because our sentences were contained within a coherent text (unlike Mazzoni & Cornoldi, 1993), it may
be less likely that participants would realize, upon reading a
sentence, that their memory for that sentence was low and
allocate time accordingly, especially if they had an overall
sense of fluency as a consequence of rereading the familiar
sentences within context of other familiar information (Jacoby
& Whitehouse, 1989). Related to this idea is the notion that
participants can develop an illusion of knowing. Glenberg,
Wilkinson, and Epstein (1982), for example, showed that

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participants fail to find contradictions in text even when they

rate their comprehension as high. A hypothesis based on
fluency or an illusion of knowing would predict that neither
JOLs nor retrieval-practice performance would be related to
restudy time.
If we were to find that metacognitive control is
consistent with the informed-decision hypothesis, however, a critical question that follows would be whether
restudy policies differ following retrieval practice versus
rereading. Our hypothesis was that because participants
would make JOLs for small sections of text in both
retrieval-practice and rereading conditions, to the extent
that they use JOLs to inform restudy, they would use
those judgments to inform restudy similarly in both
conditions. Metcalfe and Finn (2008) showed that study
choices were directly related to JOLs, even when those
JOLs were not representative of actual learning (see also
Koriat & Bjork, 2006; Rhodes & Castel, 2008).
Benefits of restudy
Finally, we were interested in how restudy would affect performance in the retrieval-practice condition versus in the
rereading condition. Our prediction (examined in Exp. 2)
was that restudy would be more beneficial following retrieval
practice than following rereading. Specifically, although we
expected the restudy condition to show higher performance
than a no-restudy condition in both retrieval-practice and
reread conditions, we expected the difference to be greater in
the retrieval-practice condition (e.g., following from the bifurcation model; Kornell, Bjork, & Garcia, 2011). Such a result
would be consistent with recent work demonstrating testpotentiated learning (Arnold & McDermott, 2013, with free
recall of related words) but has not, to our knowledge, been
demonstrated with retrieval practice (i.e., free recall) of text

Experiment 2 provided the clearest assessment of

metamemory monitoring and the benefit of restudy.

Experiment 1
A total of 81 participants (42 in the retrieval-practice
condition, 39 in the reread condition) from the
Washington University in St. Louis community participated individually for course credit or payment ($20 for
two 1-h sessions).
We used six passages about regions of the world (Norway,
Australia, Africa, Canada, Greenland, and Siberia), with each
passage containing one section about each of three topics:
geography, climate, and people (18 sections, average length
= 134 words, SD = 19.8). Each section contained eight facts.
Sections had an average coherence rating of .32 (SD = .12,
range = .16.65; latent semantic analysis: Landauer &
Dumais, 1997; see also Landauer, Foltz, & Laham, 1998)
and an average readability rating of 45.3 (SD = 10.55, range
= 30.864.7; FleschKincaide index: Flesch, 1948). An example of the three sections pertaining to one region (i.e.,
Norway) is presented in the Appendix. To foreshadow, readability ratings, coherence ratings, and number of words in
each section did not predict average retrieval-practice performance, JOL ratings, or final-test performance for those sections, with one exception: the correlation between LSA scores
and retrieval-practice performance was significant, r(18) =
.54, p = .02 (less coherent sections were associated with
better retrieval-practice performance).

The present experiments

In the present experiments, we examined how retrieval practice influences metamemory monitoring and control relative
to rereading text. In two experiments, participants read about
the geography, climate, and people of six regions of the world.
They then either reread the texts or engaged in retrieval
practice (i.e., free-recall test), estimated the number of facts
they would recall 48 h later for each of the 18 sections using
cue-only prompts (e.g., Norway: Climate), and restudied the
information (for every region, studied sentence by sentence, in
Exp. 1; or pertaining to only half of the regions, studied
section by section in Exp. 2). After a 48-h delay, they took a
final free-recall test.
Experiment 1 provided the clearest examination of restudy
allocation on the basis of retrieval-practice performance.

Participants had 12 min to read the passages, with each

passage presented on a computer screen for 2 min (passages
were always presented in the same order). After participants
read all of the information, they were randomly assigned to
review the information either with a free-recall test (i.e.,
retrieval-practice condition) or re-presentation (i.e., reread
condition). Across conditions, half of the participants were
randomly assigned to review information by region (i.e., in the
same order as initial study); the remainder reviewed information by topic (e.g., geography).
When reviewing by region, participants had 3 min to
review each passage (i.e., retrieve or reread, depending on
review condition), for a total of 18 min. Specifically, in the

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retrieval-practice condition, participants were given six sheets

of paper with the region designated on the top of each sheet
and the topics (i.e., Geography, Climate, People) listed below
and asked to write down as many facts as possible within the
time limit. They were told that they should not worry about
writing complete sentences. The names of the studied regions
were presented on the computer screen for 3 min each, and a
chime alerted participants when each 3-min interval elapsed.
In the reread condition, participants were given six sheets of
paper with the region designated on the top of each sheet and
with the passage below and were provided with the same
timing mechanism as were the participants in the retrievalpractice condition.
When reviewing information by topic, participants had
6 min to review information pertaining to each of the three
topics (Geography, Climate, People), for a total of 18 min.
Specifically, in the retrieval-practice condition, participants
were given three sheets of paper with the topic (e.g.,
Geography) designated on the sheet and the regions listed
below and were asked to write down as many facts as possible
within the time limit, and were also told that they should not
worry about writing complete sentences. In the reread condition, participants were given three two-sheet packets, with
each sheet designating the topic and with the sections of the
passages pertaining to that topic below. The names of the
topics were presented on the computer screen for 6 min each,
and a chime alerted participants when each 6-min interval had
After the review activity, all participants were told that each
topic section of each region had eight facts, and they were
asked to estimate the number of facts that they would be able
to recall for each of these sections when they returned in two
days. Participants were given the name of the region and the
topic (e.g., Norway: Geography) for each section, and these
cues were presented in the same order they had been in during
the review phase.
Next, all participants were told that they would have
one more chance to restudy the information; sentences
would be presented one at a time on the computer
screen, and they could spend as much or as little time
as they wanted on each sentence, moving to the next
sentence by pressing Enter. Sentences were presented in
same order as in the initial reading, and the name of the
specific section (e.g., Norway: Geography) preceded the
eight sentences for each section. The amount of time
that participants spent restudying each sentence was
recorded, with a maximum of 30 s per sentence.
The final free-recall test took place 48 h after the first
session. Participants were provided with six sheets of paper,
with a region designated on each sheet. They were given
unlimited time to write down as many facts as they could
remember in any order, but were told that they were required
to try for at least 20 min.

On both the retrieval practice and the final test, each of the 144
facts received a score of 1, .5, or 0. Scores of .5 were awarded
to responses that were correct but vague or correct excepting
an omission of an important detail (e.g., stating that a large
sandstone rock exists in the middle of Australia without
providing the name of the formation, Uluru). In cases in which
a fact contained multiple parts, and the recall of one part
would diminish the likelihood of recalling the other part
due, for example, to redundancy in information1 point was
awarded for a correct response (e.g., recalling that Africa has
over a billion people or 12 % of the Earths population would
each earn 1 point). No points were awarded for responses that
clearly contained commission errors. The scoring guide for
the Norway passage is presented as Appendix-Table 1 .
The first author scored the data for 75 % of the
participants, and a research assistant scored the data
for 50 % of the participants, with the data for 25 %
of the participants being scored by both graders.
Interrater reliability for the scoring of the overlapping
retrieval-practice and final-test assessments was substantial, = .738, p < .001. The research assistants scoring
was used for the twice-scored data, so that each scorer
would provide half of the data in the analyses.
We found no significant effects (either main effects
or interactions) of the order in which information was
reviewed during rereading or retrieval practice (i.e., by
region or by topic) on judgments of learning, rereading
time, or performance, and thus, this variable will not be
discussed further.
Recall performance
Participants recalled 29.0 (SD = 11.8) facts during retrieval
practice. On the final test, participants in the retrieval-practice
condition recalled more facts (M = 33.7, SE = 2.2) than did
participants in the restudy condition (M = 25.1, SE = 2.0),
t(79) = 2.89, p < .01, d = 0.65.
Judgments of learning Participants in the retrieval-practice
condition provided lower estimates of future recall (M =
49.6, SE = 2.9) than did participants in the reread condition
(M = 79.7, SE = 3.3), t(79) = 6.91, p < .001, d = 2.7.
Restudy time Total restudy time did not differ between the
retrieval-practice condition (M = 12.9 min, SE = 0.8) and the
reread condition (M = 12.5 min, SE = 0.9), t(78) = 0.39, p = .70.

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Because sentence and section lengths varied, we divided

the restudy time for each sentence or section by the number of
words in that sentence or section, respectively, depending on
the level of analysis. Subsequent analyses used restudy times
in terms of milliseconds per word (ms/word; Maki & Serra,

received full credit, half credit, and zero credit, respectively,

on the retrieval-practice test, demonstrating a clear linear
trend, F(1, 41) = 7.83, p2 = .16, MSE = 4,655, p < .01.
Planned pairwise comparisons suggest that facts that received
full credit received less subsequent study time than did facts
given zero credit, t(42) = 2.87, p < .01.

JOLs and restudy time We analyzed correlations between

restudy times and JOLs. All of the following correlations are expressed in terms of gamma correlations
(Goodman & Kruskal, 1954), due to the expected differences in performance and JOL ratings between the
retrieval-practice and reread groups (see Nelson, 1984),
and they were calculated on a participant-by-participant
basis and then averaged across participants.
First, we analyzed the correlations between restudy times
and JOLs. Overall, the correlations (M = .10) were significantly lower than zero, t(79) = 3.74, p < .001. The correlation
in the retrieval-practice condition (M = .13, SE = .04),
however, was not different from that in the reread condition
(M = .07, SE = .04), t(77) = 1.07, p = .29, suggesting that
although participants spent more time restudying information given lower JOLs, participants in the two conditions did not differ in the extents to which they relied
upon JOLs to guide that restudy, as determined by our
correlational measure.
Importantly, however, gamma correlations could mask
a nonlinear relationship between JOLs and restudy
timea relationship that could be consistent with a
study policy based on something other than strict discrepancy reduction (e.g., region of proximal learning;
Metcalfe & Kornell, 2005). Figure 1 plots the restudy
times in the retrieval-practice and reread conditions for
each section on the basis of the JOLs made for those
sections, and as is indicated there, learners allocated the
most time toward sections that were given moderately
lowbut not the lowestJOLs.

JOLs and final-test performance Pertaining to absolute

accuracy, participants in the retrieval-practice condition
made section-by-section predictions that more closely
resembled their actual performance (difference of 0.9
facts per section, SE = .19) than did participants in
the reread condition (difference of 3.0 facts per section,
SE = .19), t(79) = 7.95, p < .001, d = 1.77, with both
groups overestimating their future recall. Pertaining to
the relative accuracy of their judgments, correlations
between section-by-section JOLs and section-by-section
final-test performance were higher in the retrievalpractice condition (M = .45, SE = .03) than in the
reread condition (M = .23, SE = .04), t(78) = 4.27, p
< .001, d = 1.44. The interpretation of these analyses
could be challenged because learners made JOLs before
the final restudy opportunity. We consider this issue in
the next section and provide a more direct assessment
of monitoring in Experiment 2.

Retrieval-practice performance and restudy time The correlation between section-by-section retrieval-practice performance and restudy time was .06 (SE = 0.03), which was
reliably different from zero, t(41) = 2.25, p = .03, indicating
that participants spent more time studying sections that were
associated with lower initial recall. This association was marginally weaker, however, than the correlation between JOLs
and restudy time reported above, t(42) = 1.77, p = .09. More
informative for the purposes of examining retrieval-practice
performance on restudy time, we also calculated the average
restudy times (ms/word in each sentence) for each fact as a
consequence of whether it earned 0, .5, or 1 point during
retrieval practice, and we averaged those restudy times for
each participant. Participants spent averages of 330 (SE = 21),
352 (SE = 27), and 372 ms/word (SE = 23) for facts that

In Experiment 1, restudy was differentially allocated on
the basis of both JOLs and retrieval-practice performance,

Fig. 1 Average restudy time (in milliseconds/word) for each section as a

function of the judgment-of-learning (JOL) rating (i.e., the number of
items that participants thought they would be able to recall, on a scale of
08) provided for that section in the retrieval-practice and reread conditions in Experiment 1. JOL values with fewer than 12 observations were
omitted. Error bars represent 1 SE.

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supporting the informed-decision hypothesis. Specifically,

JOLs predicted restudy times for participants in both the
retrieval-practice and reread conditions, and retrievalpractice performance predicted restudy times in the
retrieval-practice condition. The observed association
between JOLs and restudy time extends a similar pattern with isolated sentences (Mazzoni & Cornoldi, 1993,
Exp. 4). The predictability of restudy time as a function
of retrieval-practice performance is consistent with that
of Soderstrom and Bjork (2014), who used pairedassociate materials.
Despite the large differences in JOL magnitudes and
accuracy between conditions, learners in the retrievalpractice and rereading conditions did not differ in the
amounts of time that they spent restudying or in the
extents to which their JOLs predicted restudy time allocation. That their total study times did not differ was
especially surprising, given the large difference in JOLs
(Schwartz & Efklides, 2012).
Pertaining to monitoring, we found some preliminary
evidence for the notion that testing improves
metamemory accuracy, in terms of both absolute and
relative accuracy. Even so, note that learners expected
performance was about twice as high as their retrievalpractice performance in the retrieval-practice condition,
suggesting that learners had inflated estimates of what
they recalled, consistent with work pertaining to
learners inability to accurately grade their definition
responses (Dunlosky et al., 2011).
More ambiguous is how to interpret the analysis
pertaining to relative accuracy because learners made
JOLs before a final restudy opportunity, which may
have dampened the relationship between JOLs and test
performance (monitoring-neutralization hypothesis;
Nelson & Leonesio, 1988). Although the correlations
here may not be entirely accurate measures of relative
metamemory accuracy because restudy followed the
JOLs, there is reason to believe that the large difference
between the correlations may still be meaningful. Some
work has suggested that the benefit of restudy would be
greater following a test than following rereading (e.g.,
bifurcation model; Kornell et al., 2011). If this is the
case, restudy might be more likely to reduce the predictive power of JOLs in the retrieval-practice condition
than in the reread condition. Such a finding should only
occur to the extent that learners allocate study toward
information given low JOLs and effectively learn that
information. Learners, however, may also learn information better (with restudy) when they know the information moderately well (and thus give it high JOLs).
Furthermore, participants may allocate attention to unlearned information that they will not then learn, the socalled labor-in-vain effect (Nelson & Leonesio, 1988).

Due to the latter possibilities, we would expect little to

no reduction in JOL predictability on final-test performance as a consequence of restudy, a prediction that we
tested in Experiment 2.

Experiment 2
The goal of Experiment 2 was to extend the major
findings of Experiment 1, as well as to test more
directly our assumption that retrieval practice fosters
better metamemory monitoring than does rereading.
For this reason, we had participants make JOLs for all
of the sections, but they only restudied information for
half of the regions. This procedure also enabled us to
test the hypothesis that restudy is more effective following retrieval practice than following rereading.
Specifically, we predicted that the difference in finaltest performance between the restudy condition and the
no-restudy condition would be greater following retrieval practice than following rereading.
To additionally extend and clarify the Experiment 1
findings, we modified the materials and procedure in
several other ways. First, a potential concern with our
analysis of restudy times in Experiment 1 is that we
transformed restudy times by dividing by the number of
words, but number of words does not alone influence
reading time. Thus, in Experiment 2 we adopted a
different approach: Participants studied the passages for
the first time at their own pace (section by section), so
that we could compare their restudy times (also section
by section) to their initial study times. Specifically, we
conducted regression analyses for each participant, with
the residuals serving as a measure of their restudy time
(see, e.g., Ferreira & Clifton, 1986, Exp. 3).
Second, we provided participants with more time during
the review phase (24 min, as compared to 18 min in Exp. 1),
and participants were allowed to recall or reread the information in any order that they chose (rather than in the two orders
that we utilized in Exp. 1). Rereading or recalling in an
unconstrained manner should provide a more conservative
test of the benefit of retrieval practice because, in the case of
Experiment 2, participants would be able to move between
regions during rereading, which should provide them with a
chance to compare and contrast the material, a process that
might foster elaborative encoding. Finally, participants typed
their responses in both conditions. The increase in time, as
well as having participants type their responses, was intended
to maximize participants ability to recall everything that they
remembered (nevertheless, performance remained about the
same as in Exp. 1).

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A total of 80 participants (40 in the retrieval-practice condition, 40 in the reread condition) from the Washington
University in St. Louis community participated individually
for course credit or payment ($20 for two 1-h sessions).
The materials from Experiment 1 were modified to control
better for coherence and readability. Specifically, for each
section, LSA ratings ranged from .25 to .35, Flesch
Kincaide readability ratings ranged from 45 to 65, and the
numbers of words ranged from 93 to 122. Readability ratings,
coherence ratings, and numbers of words in each section did
not predict average retrieval-practice performance, JOL ratings, restudy time (residuals), or final-test performance for
those sections.
Participants read the passages, self-paced, one section (e.g.,
Norway: Geography) at a time, with a maximum of 60 s per
section, and reading times were recorded. After participants
had read all of the passages once, they were randomly
assigned either to a retrieval-practice condition (i.e., freerecall test) or to a reread condition. Participants in the
retrieval-practice condition were provided with an electronic
document labeled with each region and the three topics for
each region (e.g., Geography) on the computer screen, and
they were told to type as much information as they could
remember but that they need not write in complete sentences.
They were given 24 min to do this task, and they were allowed
to recall information in any order. Participants in the reread
condition were given a six-page packet with the information
for each region printed on a single page, and they were told
that they would have 24 min to restudy the information in any
order. After the review activity, all participants made JOLs in
the same manner that was described in Experiment 1.
Next, all participants were told that they would have one
last chance to study half of the information; sections (e.g.,
Norway: Geography) would be presented one at a time on the
computer screen, and they could spend as much or as little
time as they wanted on each section, moving from one section
to the next by pressing Enter. Sections were presented in the
same order as in the initial reading (either the first or last three
passages, counterbalanced across participants), with a maximum of 75 s per section. Restudy time was recorded.
The final free-recall test took place 48 h after the first
session. Participants were provided with an electronic document with the name of each region on the computer screen.

They were given unlimited time to type as many facts as they

could remember in any order, but they were required to try for
at least 20 min.
The scoring scheme was the same as in Experiment 1. The
data for all of the participants were scored by the first author
Initial study time
Initial study time did not differ between the participants in the
retrieval-practice condition (M = 12.0 min, SE = 0.6) and
those in the reread condition (M = 12.2 min, SE = 0.7), t(78)
= 0.17, p = .87.
Recall performance
Participants recalled 31.1 (SD = 12.1) facts during retrieval
practice. On the final test, participants in the retrieval-practice
condition recalled more facts (M = 30.1, SE = 1.9) than did
participants in the reread condition (M = 22.5, SE = 2.2), t(78)
= 2.58, p = .01, d = 0.58. We found a reliable interaction,
however, between review condition (retrieval practice vs.
reread) and whether participants restudied the sections, F(1,
78) = 14.04, MSE = 0.10, p2 = .15, p < .001. Specifically,
although performance was better in the restudy than the norestudy condition, the difference between no restudy (M =
12.1, SE = 0.9) and restudy (M = 18.0, SE = 1.1) was greater in
the retrieval-practice condition, t(39) = 8.95, p < .001, d =
1.54, than in the reread condition (M = 10.0, SE = 1.2 vs. M =
12.6, SE = 1.1), t(39) = 4.35, p < .001, d = 0.69, suggesting
that restudy was more effective following retrieval practice
than following rereading.
Judgments of learning Participants in the retrieval-practice
condition provided lower estimates of future recall (M =
45.3, SE = 2.6) than did participants in the reread condition
(M = 69.1, SE = 3.6), t(72) = 5.33, p < .001, d = 1.2.
Restudy time Total restudy time (for half of the regions) did
not differ between the retrieval-practice condition (M =
6.6 min, SE = 0.4) and the reread condition (M = 5.8 min,
SE = 0.4), t(77) = 1.41, p = .16.
In the present experiment, we conducted a regression analysis for each participant based on the predictability of restudy
time on the basis of initial study time, with the standardized
residuals (i.e., deviations from initial study time) serving as

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the dependent measure of interest (see, e.g., Ferreira &

Clifton, 1986, Exp. 3). Twelve participants read the paragraphs for the full time allotted during initial study, restudy,
or both, and thus were excluded from analyses pertaining to
restudy times.
JOLs and restudy time First, we analyzed correlations between restudy time residuals and JOLs. Overall, the average
correlation between restudy-time residuals and JOLs (M =
.12) was significantly lower than zero, t(66) = 2.72, p <
.001. The correlation in the retrieval-practice condition (M =
.12, SE = .06), however, was not different from that in the
reread condition (M = .12, SE = .07), t(64) = 0.02, p = .99,
consistent with the results in Experiment 1. Figure 2 shows
restudy-time residuals as a function of JOLs.
Retrieval-practice performance and restudy time Section-bysection retrieval-practice performance, like JOLs, was related
to restudy-time residuals (M = .07, SE = .06). Although the
correlation was numerically similar to that shown in
Experiment 1, it was not different from zero in the present
experiment, t(33) = 1.10, p = .28.
JOLs and final-test performance Pertaining to absolute accuracy, participants in the retrieval-practice condition made
section-by-section predictions that more closely resembled
their actual performance (restudy, difference of 0.6 facts per
section, SE = 0.16; no restudy, M = 1.3, SE = 0.17) than did
participants in the reread condition (restudy, difference of 2.6
facts per section, SE = 0.23; no restudy, M = 3.1, SE = 0.23),
F(1, 78) = 49.60, MSE = 2.96, p2 = .39, p < .001.
Pertaining to the relative accuracy of their judgments,
correlations between section-by-section JOLs and sectionby-section final-test performance were significantly higher in
the retrieval-practice condition (restudy, M = .45, SE = .05; no
restudy, M = .47, SE = .05) than in the reread condition
(restudy, M = .20, SE = .07; no restudy, M = .23, SE = .05),
F(1, 74) = 14.84, MSE = 0.16, p2 = .17, p < .001. Neither the
presence of restudy nor the interaction between review condition and restudy was reliable, Fs < 1.

The results of Experiment 2 more clearly demonstrate that

retrieval practice improves relative metamemory monitoring
accuracy as compared to rereading. Interestingly, however,
relative metamemory accuracy (in terms of the gamma correlations between JOLs and restudy) was not reliably lower as
consequence of restudy, as compared to no restudy, in either
the retrieval-practice or the reread group. This finding suggests that restudying after one makes JOLs does not reduce the
predictive power of those JOLs, a finding that was anticipated
in the Discussion of Experiment 1 and that we will return to in
the General Discussion.
In Experiment 2, we also demonstrated that restudy was
more effective following retrieval practice than following rereading. Specifically, the difference between the no-restudy
condition and the restudy condition was greater following
retrieval practice than following rereading. At least two possibilities could explain this pattern. One is that more accurate
metamemory produced more accurate modulation of restudy
times across learned and unlearned material. Another possibility is that trying to retrieve information itself produced better
subsequent restudy of that informationthat is, test-potentiated
learning (Arnold & McDermott, 2013; Kornell, Hays, & Bjork,
2009; see Kornell et al., 2011, for discussion of the bifurcation
model). These possibilities are not mutually exclusive, and
future research will be warranted to better understand why
retrieval practice enhances restudy in this context.

General discussion
Testing is presumed to improve learning in educational contexts, in part because it gives the learner metacognitive

Although the procedure changed in several ways between
Experiments 1 and 2 (i.e., initial study and restudy occurred
section by section; initial study was self-paced; participants could
retrieve/reread information in any order, and extended time was
provided to do so; and only half of the regions were restudied),
we generally obtained the same pattern of results. Specifically,
retrieval practice was better for metamemory accuracy (and recall
performance) than was rereading, and JOLs informed restudy
time consistent with the informed-decision hypothesis.

Fig. 2 Average restudy-time residuals for each section as a function of

the judgment-of-learning (JOL) rating (i.e., the number of items that
participants thought they would be able to recall, on a scale of 08)
provided for that section in the retrieval-practice and reread conditions
in Experiment 2. JOL values with fewer than 12 observations were
omitted. Error bars represent 1 SE.

Mem Cogn

insights that guide future study (Hartwig & Dunlosky, 2012;

Kornell & Bjork, 2007; Roediger, Putnam, & Smith, 2011).
With memory for text materials, these theoretical assumptions
have remained largely untested; the present experiments, however, provide the needed support for these assumptions.
Metamemory monitoring
As compared to participants in the retrieval-practice condition,
participants in the reread condition provided higher JOLs but
had lower final-test performance (even with no differences in
restudy time), a finding that is consistent with the previous
literature (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006b). A novel contribution
of the present study is that retrieval practice improved the
accuracy, particularly the relative accuracy, of metamemory
monitoring as compared to rereading, both when either retrieval practice or rereading occurred in a rigid section-bysection review (Exp. 1) and when it occurred in a more openended review (Exp. 2). The finding of improved JOLs and
final-test performance resolution in the retrieval-practice condition, relative to the reread condition, was most clear in
Experiment 2, in which participants made JOLs for passages
that they were not able to restudy.
Participants in the retrieval-practice condition did not, however, have completely accurate metamemory: Their predictions for future recall greatly exceeded their performance
during retrieval practice, suggesting that they grossly
overestimated what they had been able to recall. We predicted
these inflated predictions on the basis of work showing that
learners cannot accurately assess their answers, even when
provided with a key (Dunlosky et al., 2011), and this finding
demonstrates the importance of investigating the influence of
retrieval practice on metamemory using text materials. With
word pairs, it is much easier for learners to assess whether
their responses are correct, although it should be noted that
even with simpler materials, JOLs that depend heavily on
retrieval processes (e.g., delayed JOLs) are not immune to
overconfidence (Finn, 2008).
We had participants make memory predictions for sections
of text. Although the JOL cues (e.g., Norway: Geography)
resembled cue-only JOLs (e.g., VIKING?, as have been used
in many delayed-JOL studies) in the sense that the target (text)
was not provided and we had participants make judgments at a
delay after encoding, our findings do not align with the typical
delayed-JOL finding; that is, retrieval-practice JOLs and
reread JOLs were not similarly accurate. Nelson and
Dunlosky (1991; see also Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992) argued
that delayed cue-only JOLs can lead to more accurate monitoring, because learners spontaneously retrieve information
from long-term memory in order to make an informed JOL
(i.e., the metamemory hypothesis). Another possibility is that
the successful covert retrievals (which were assigned high
JOLs) receive an additional opportunity for spaced practice,

whereas the unsuccessful retrievals (which were assigned low

JOLs) do not (e.g., the memory hypothesis: Kimball &
Metcalfe, 2003; Spellman & Bjork, 1992; but see Rhodes &
Tauber, 2011, for a review of delayed JOLs on metacognitive
accuracy). Critically, however, both the metamemory and
memory accounts assume that learners covertly retrieve information while making JOLs, and that this covert retrieval is
necessary for increased accuracy. Given our procedure, we
think it unlikely that learners covertly recalled all of the
information that they needed to make accurate JOLs because
each JOL corresponded to eight facts. To understand better
why JOLs are more accurate in our retrieval-practice condition
than in our reread condition in the present experiments, one
should examine how JOLs made to cue-plus-text (e.g., analogous to cuetarget JOLs) would differ in retrieval-practice
versus reread conditions or differ from the cue-only JOLs in
the present study.
Metamemory versus metacomprehension
Research exploring the benefit of retrieval practice on
metamemory has largely relied on paired associates (e.g.,
Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992; Karpicke, 2009; King et al.,
1980; Kornell & Rhodes, 2013; Kornell & Son, 2009;
Lovelace, 1984; Tullis et al., 2013). In contrast, in the present
experiments, participants were presented with a large amount
of confusable information pertaining to different regions of
the world in the form of text, and our goal was to assess the
extent to which retrieval practice would improve their memory and metamemory for details pertaining to the different
regions. Nevertheless, one possibility was that retrieval practice would still foster better metamemory than would rereading, in line with prior work that has examined metamemory
for paired associates.
We considered an alternative possibility. Appealing to the
metacomprehension literature, we developed the idea that
rereading may be similar to retrieval practice in terms of
overall metacognition, reasoning that these two types of
studying practices may, in principle, foster similar processing.
This notion stems from findings suggesting that both rereading (Stine-Morrow et al., 2004) and generative activities (e.g.,
keyword generation, Thiede et al., 2003; Thiede, Redford,
Wiley, & Griffin, 2012; self-explanation, Griffin, Wiley, &
Thiede, 2008; concept-map generation, Thiede, Griffin,
Wiley, & Anderson, 2010; and summarization, Anderson &
Thiede, 2008; Thiede & Anderson, 2003) lead learners to
devote relatively more resources to processing of the situation
model than to processing of the text base.
We did not, however, find equivalent metamemory
following retrieval practice and rereading. A way to
reconcile our results with those from the
metacomprehension literature would be to consider the
relationship between the processing that our encoding

Mem Cogn

activities afforded and the processing required by our

metacognitive measures and recall tests (e.g., Thomas &
McDaniel, 2007). First, although retrieval practice and
summarization are both generative activities, these two
activities may foster different types of processing, at
least in some circumstances. Because retrieval practice
in the present work induced learners to rely upon the
retrieval of facts owing, in part, to the nature of the
materials, it may have fostered textbase processing rather than situation-model processing. In contrast, generative activities postulated to increase reliance on
situation-model processing (i.e., concept-map generation,
self-explanation, and summarization) induce the generation of relationships between information that foster
increased comprehension, but not necessarily increased
ability to recall details. In fact, Thiede and Anderson
(2003; see also Anderson & Thiede, 2008) observed
that although delayed summarization led to improved
metacomprehension, immediate summarization did not.
They pointed to participants generation of details during immediate recall, and gist during delayed recall, as
the reason for the difference, with only gist recall
supporting metacomprehension. Second, although
metacomprehension and performance on an inferencebased test may be supported by increased situationmodel processing, metamemory and a final test where
performance depends on the recall of details, which we
utilized here, may not. Instead, metamemory judgments
and a recall-based test may be supported by increased
attention to textbase processing. The fact that rereading
did not support metamemory or recall to the extent that
retrieval practice did is consistent with the idea that
rereading may not lead to an increase in textbase processing that fosters memory for details, at least not
substantially (Callender & McDaniel, 2009).

Metacognitive control
Metcalfe and Finn (2008) suggested that people use JOLs to
inform what they choose to restudy, even when such JOLs do
not reflect learning, and we found evidence consistent with
this notion. Across the two studies, we observed that restudy
time was predicted by JOLs (M = .11, SE = .02), t(145) =
4.41, p < .001, in a manner consistent with the informed
decision hypothesis, but that JOLs were not relied upon more
in the retrieval-practice condition (M = .13, SE = .4) than in
the reread condition (M = .09, SE = .03), t(143) = 0.64, p =
.53, even though JOLs were much more accurate in the
retrieval-practice than in the reread condition. We posited,
on the basis of these data as well as of the work by Metcalfe
and Finn, that participants use their JOLs to inform future
study, regardless of how accurate those JOLs are, and that they

do so in a manner that allocates more time toward information

that is given low ratings.
The correlation between JOLs and restudy time was
smaller than one might expect on the basis of a strict
discrepancy reduction framework, and we suggest two
reasons for why this might have been the case and for
why we adopted a more generalized informed decision
framework. First, JOLs were made on a section-by-section
basis, but learners may have made more fine-grained
restudy decisions on the basis of fact knowledge. In fact,
in Experiment 1, we analyzed time per fact and found that
learners spent significantly less time on facts that they did
not recall than on facts that they did recall; thus, it is
possible that JOLs for each fact would be much more highly
predictive of restudy time, and examining this issue might be
worthwhile for future research. Second, the small correlation
may also be the result of learners using a strategy that was not
aimed strictly at discrepancy reduction. The pattern of restudy
times as a consequence of JOL ratings in Fig. 1, and to a lesser
extent in Fig. 2, suggests that learners did not allocate the most
time to the sections that were given the lowest JOLs, but
instead allocated the most time to sections given low-tomoderate JOLs, suggesting, perhaps, that learners did not find
it worthwhile to dedicate time to information in sections that
they found particularly difficult, perhaps suggestive of a
region-of-proximal-learning framework.
The use of restudy time, rather than restudy decisions, has
been uncommon in much of the previous literature on
metamemory control. For practical and theoretical reasons,
we argue that restudy time is an important measure to consider, however. Restudy time of sections of text, or even of
sentences, may offer an opportunity to examine cognitive
control in a more subtle manner than do decisions on what
to restudy. For example, although students in educational
contexts may make restudy decisions that involve the restudy
of only some information, they often report rereading full
chapters or sections of chapters (Kornell & Bjork, 2007). In
this context, it is useful to understand the extent to which they
modulate their study time on the basis of metacognitive insight or previous experience (e.g., practice test performance).
Accordingly, future work might fruitfully explore restudy time
as a measure of metacognitive control (see also Soderstrom &
Bjork, 2014).
But was restudy time allocated more effectively in the
retrieval-practice condition than in the reread condition? It is
clear from Experiment 2 that restudy was more beneficial for
later performance in the retrieval-practice condition than in the
reread condition, suggesting that participants used the restudy
session more effectively in the former than in the latter condition. A remaining question is whether such benefits are the
consequence of better-informed JOLs or of other processes
afforded by retrieval practice. If, during restudy, participants
only learned information to which they had given low JOLs,

Mem Cogn

one would expect the correlations between JOLs and final-test

performance to be lower in the restudy condition than in the
no-restudy condition. The fact that correlations were not reliably different in the two conditions, coupled with the finding
that the restudy condition performed better on the final recall
than did the no-restudy condition, suggests that even though
participants spent more time during restudy on information to
which they gave low JOLs, they did not necessarily learn
disproportionately more of that information than information
to which they gave high JOLs. In addition to the possibility
that restudy was modulated by JOLs, which were more accurate in the retrieval-practice than in the reread condition, it is
possible that restudy was improved following retrieval

practice without the effect being caused directly by the accuracy of the JOLs.
In sum, students report rereadingeither full texts or
highlighted portionsas a favored study strategy, although
they also report using retrieval-based study techniques (e.g.,
flashcards, practice tests) for monitoring purposes. We found
that for text materials, retrieval practice improved learners
ability to monitor their learning as compared to rereading, and
restudy was more effective following such practice.

Table 1 Scoring guide for Norway passage










Scandinavian Peninsula (western portion)

larger than Italy/Great Britain
mountainous/high terrain (uninhabitable)
long /rugged coastlines
fjord = narrow inlet with steep sides (glacial activity)
Longest fjord = Sognefjorden/127 miles
50,000/thousands of islands
Oslo = capital/southeast of country (Oslofjorden)
variation in topography/variation in latitude (13 deg)
= varied climate
summers mild for latitude/warming Gulf Stream
average high in capital = 70
warmest temp recorded = 96/Nesbyen
coldest temp = 61 (north)
rainfall heavy in west /88 in. average
little snow on coast/more inland
midnight sun May to late July/arctic circle
Pop = 5 million


second least dense country in Europe

80 % live in urban areas
predominantly Germanic
Sami came 10,000 years ago from Asia
Sami are indigenous/ live in far north/central
increasing #s of immigrants, foreign workers,
asylum-seekers: name 2
immigrants from Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq: name 2

To earn a full point for each fact, participants needed to recall the
information presented in the table above, with the following exceptions.
A slash mark indicates that participants would receive a full point for
recalling one piece of information. Recall of information contained within
parentheses was not necessary to earn a full point, but recalling that
information would earn half a point. For the 7th and 8th facts in the
People section, two of the three listed groups would need to be recalled
for a full point; the recall of one listed group would earn half a point. Geo,
Geography; Clim, Climate; Ppl, People

Author note J.L.L. is now at the Department of Psychology, Hillsdale

College. We thank Gabrielle Dinkin for her help with data collection and
coding of recall responses in Experiment 1. The research reported here
was supported by a Collaborative Activity Award from the James S.
McDonnell Foundations 21st Century Science Initiative in Bridging
Brain, Mind and Behavior.

Below is the passage about Norway used in Experiment 1.

Table 1 shows the scoring guide for the Norway passage.

Norway comprises the western portion of the
Scandinavian Peninsula. Norway is larger than either
Italy or Great Britain. Much of the country is dominated
by mountainous or high terrain, making much of the land
uninhabitable. The country has one of the longest and
most rugged coastlines in the world. The rugged coastline
is marked by fjords, which are long, narrow inlets with
steep sides or cliffs, created in a valley carved out by
glacial activity. The longest fjord in Norway is the
Sognefjorden (127 miles). Additionally, there are some
50,000 islands off of the coastline. The capital, Oslo, is
located in the southeast of the country, at the end of the
Norways climate shows great variation, due in part to the 13degree span in latitude and the rugged topology. Summers are
remarkably mild for the latitude; Norways (reasonably) temperate climate is the result of the warming Gulf Stream. The
average high temperature in the capital during summer is 70
degrees Fahrenheit. The warmest temperature ever recorded in
Norway was 96 degrees Fahrenheit in Nesbyen (in the south).
The winters, however, can be very cold: The coldest temperature recorded was 61 degrees in the north. Rainfall is very
heavy in the west with an average of about 88 inches yearly.
Although it doesnt snow much along the western coast, the

Mem Cogn

inland areaseven just a short distance awayreceive a lot

of snow. Interestingly, from late May to late July, the sun never
completely descends beneath the horizon in areas in Norway
that lie north of the Arctic Circle, a phenomenon known as
midnight sun.
Norway has a population of 5 million people, which is very
small for its size. It is the second least densely populated
country in Europe. Eighty percent of Norwegians live in urban
areas. Ethnically, Norwegians are predominantly Germanic.
There are also Sami communities; the Sami came to the area
more than 10,000 years ago from central Asia. The Sami are
considered an indigenous people and traditionally live in the
central and northern parts of Norway. In recent years, Norway
has become home to increasing numbers of immigrants, foreign workers, and asylum-seekers from various parts of the
world. Immigrants from outside of Europe are primarily
Pakistani, Somali, and Iraqi.

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