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A Brief Outline of the

(Creatures of the
Chiefly ruled by the Gnomes. These exist in a plane
that is very close to the vibration level of the Earth.
Different Types:
Gnomes, dryads, hamadryads, elves, satyrs, pans,
brownies, Silvestres, goblins, and tree spirits.
Area of Work:
Tend to work with rocks, stones, gems, metals,
minerals, and plants. In humans and other animals,
they tend to work with the bones.
Ruled by:
Gob; hence, Goblins.

Most earth elementals are generally small. Some are

short and stocky (ever seen the Hobbit? :) tree spirits
tend to look like the plant in which they live.
Sometimes it is said that the spirits of poisonous
plants are frightening to look at.

Most are slow to trust, but devoted when trust is
won. Never betray an earth elemental, however;
since they can be vengeful and formidable enemies.
It is said that some like to eat a lot, and like to collect
things. Sometimes they guard treasures (like the pot
of gold).
Sometimes the gnomes live in groups, and have
families, society, culture and government; female
gnomes are called gnomides. Hamadryads live in the
plants that they take care of, and their bodies look
like their host plant; these are also known as tree
spirits. Satyrs and pans tend to live in the forests.
Astrological Associations:
The elementals of Earth are associated with
Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

Chiefly Ruled by the Sylphs. The element of air has
the highest rate of vibration.
Different Types:

Sylphs, Fairies
Area of Work:
They form snowflakes, and cast the winds. They also
work with the undines to make clouds. Sometimes it
is said that they cause dreams, and prophesies. In
the human body and other creatures, the Sylphs
work with the gasses, and the nervous system.
Ruled By:

They appear as very airy spirits, and some of them
have wings. Fairies are said to be very beautiful,
active, and very benevolent.
They have great intelligence, and see the true
natures of things. They change their mind quickly,
and are generally very happy. Sometimes you can
see the evidence of their dances in the grass in the
They tend to live a very long time, and don't have
any kind of sickness of disease. They like to live on
the tops of mountains, and their ruler lives on the top
of the highest mountain in the world. They don't like
to stay in one place very long, however, and tend to

wander around a lot.

Astrological Associations:
Most closely associated with Gemini, Libra, and

Chiefly ruled by the Salamanders. These are the
most powerful elementals of all.
Different Types:
Salamanders, Acthnici.
Areas of work:
Without the Salamanders, it is impossible to make a
fire. In the human body and other creatures, they
tend to work with the emotions, the liver, the blood
stream, and they help to regulate body heat.

Ruled by:
They appear as the ball of light in the center of a
flame. Other people said that they looked lizard-like;
appearing in the flames. Sometimes the acthnici
appeared in the masts of ships as balls of flame; this
was called St.Elmo's Fire.

Nobody really knows for sure, since it is almost

impossible to communicate with them. Probably they
are passionate, quick to anger, and highly energetic.
They do tend to be most attracted to people with
passionate natures, or quick tempers.
Not known.
Astrological Associations:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Chiefly ruled by the Undines.
Different Types:
Undines, Water sprites, mermaids, limoniades,
oreades, naiads, Nereids, potamides, sea nymphs,
and perhaps the Lady of the Lake.
Areas of work:
They cause the ocean waves and help the tides.
Some guard streams, lakes, and fountains. It is said
that every streamlet and fountain has a guardian
spirit. They also have the job of bringing beauty to
the world. They love flowers very much, and also
work to protect them. In the human body and other
creatures, the Undines work with the fluids.
Ruled by:

They are usually described as being very beautiful.

They are most graceful of all the elementals; usually
they are depicted as being female.
Their names usually derive from the body of water
which they guard. Sometimes they take on human
form and interact with humans. They tend to be very
emotional and graceful, and benevolent.
They usually live in their chosen source of water.
They sometimes live in coral reefs and caves under
the ocean. Some live in waterfalls.
Astrological Associations:
Most closely associated with Cancer, Scorpio, and

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