Minutes of Jan7 2010 MTG

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9 January 2010

Goh Pei Sze

Investigation Officer
Ang Mo Kio Police Division

Re: Interpol Red Notice for WANG Yuxin Mei (Singapore NRIC S1721788G)

Dear Officer Goh:

This is to document our meeting on 7 January 2010 from 9AM to 11AM regarding the Interpol
Red Notice for WANG Yuxin Mei.

- You requested the meeting due to a complaint received from WANG regarding the Red
Notice posters from the Interpol Website being displayed at Jalan Hikayat and Tagore

- The Singapore Police removed the posters at Tagore Lane on 2 January 2010.

- You asked why the Interpol posters were put up. Interpol is an international crime
fighting organization which Singapore is a strong supporter. Interpol’s website asks
citizens to report sighting of wanted fugitives to their “National Police” or the Interpol
General Secretariat.

- A Police Report (F/20090914/2084) was lodged on behalf of Andrew Ko on 14

September 2009. At that time, I was informed by Officer Mohd Azai bin Mohd Riduan
that once an Interpol Notice is out, Singapore Police can take action if notified of Wang’s

- I emailed Officer Goh on 11 December 2009 and left 3 telephone messages. All were
not replied to. I emailed again on 23 December 2009 and received the following reply:

From: Pei Sze GOH <GOH_Pei_Sze@spf.gov.sg>

> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 09:51:46
> Subject: Re: Interpol Red Notice for WANG YUXIN MEI
> The police are already liaising this matter with Interpol Washington and
> Attorney-General's Chambers. We appreciate the prompt information provided
> by your good self and acting on behalf of Mr Andrew Ko. I will revert to
> you once we have an outcome on the matter.
> In the meantime, it is not necessary to call up the police if anyone
> sighted the subject as the case is still undergoing further investigations.
> Thank you.

Y ouaskedwhenI knewthe InterpolR edN oticecam eout. It was diffusedin textform
around25 N ovem ber2009. S ingapore
is a m em berdduntryof lhterpoland shouldhave
receivedthe sam e.

Y ouaskedhow did I find the R edN oticeat the InterpolW ebsite.T hereis a search
functionfor crim inalswantedby Interpolon R edN oticesandY ellowN otices.

Y ouaskedhow m anyandwhenthe W antedposterswereprinted.A pproxim ately

30 on
o r a b o u t2 6 D e ce m b e2r0 1 0 .

Y ouaskthat I giveyou m y word notto distributeadditional

InterpolW antedposters.

Y oustatedthatthe S ingapore P oliceneedsto liaisewith Interpolin the U S and needto

confirmW angis indeedin S ingapore.T he reasonwhy I was at the A MKpolicestation
for the m eetingwith you was because W angcalledthe P oliceto lodgea com plaint about
the InterpolW antedposters.T hiscom plaintis beingactedon becausethe P olice
b e lie v eth e p e rs o nca llin gis in d e e dW a n ga n dth e re fo res h eis in S in g a p o reF. u rth e r,
W anghasfiled 3 P oliceR eportsand in S eptem ber 2009m etwith U S E m bassy officersat
a S ingapore P oliceS tation.

I wasfurtheradvisedby you thatW angis innocentuntilprovenguilty.

T h a n ky o u .

M r,K .S h a n m u g a m M r.W o n gK a nS e n g M r.C h risV o o

Ministryof L aw Ministryof H om eA ffairs S in g a p o re
P o lice

O n behalfof A ndrewK o

M r.R o n a ldK .N o b le M s .D ia n aC a rb a ja l M s .M a ryE lle nW a rlo w

G eneralS ecretary D eputyD istrictA ttorney U .S .D e p a rtm e notf J u s tice
Interpol L osA ngelesC ountyU S A W a s h in g toDn .C .U S A
L yon,F rance

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