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WIM - Creative Partnership Archived

From Myself to Frame:

72 and 75 looks great, could make some interesting structures out of those.
These look great, can really see some of them being structures. I love 79, that would make an
interesting structure as it has some really nice form
The red lighting is looking really nice!
It's looking cool so far, the lighting is really nice!
It's looking cool with the mental ray render, the bump and texture maps look great.

From Myself to Mailin:

I really like 13 from this, the colours are great. Maybe try adding some depth to your next lot of
thumbnails, these feel a bit flat. (I'm also guilty of this.)
23 looks great, I like the use of an aerial composition. The colours are quite nice as well.
Love the direction 35 is going in. Look forward to seeing more of these.
I love the direction 4 is going in, so bold and colourful.
I really like 3, the brush strokes are very visible!
Looks like its coming along nicely, I would probably put the UV map up to 2048, perhaps more as its
a foreground element.
The bump maps look quite nice on the two foreground buildings, I think you could tone down the
one at the back to make it a little more subtle.

From Frame to Myself:

Cool stuff Brah! Interesting use of textures, especially the second one - reminds me of the indie
game "Godus" :D
Your final scene is awesome! very joyful to look at!

From Mailin to Myself:

Wow that is lots of impressive work so far, I particularly like 60, I think going with the sailor stripes is
a very good idea, and you should probably start on your colours now :) 52 is a very nice one, if you

"zoom in" you could have one of the more outer buildings as the foreground and build the rest of
the city on that, should work out well!
They are great, my favourite colour combination is 82, rainbows ;-) I think 89 has a lot of potential
as well, it could turn into a hillside or be a carpet rug or a cloak. 95 is just bonkers and I love it,
maybe they can turn into exotic room plants?
Hmmm pretty good, a few typos here and there but I'm sure I have them as well and some word
repetitions, but altogether it sounds like a city anyone should visit someday to be part of the
wonderful experience you describe! I especially like how no building is like the other and I can't wait
to see you concept and production art :)
I agree with both Ella and Kayliegh, the road needs to change and I also think that a city where every
single building is different wouldn't have straight roads that quarter your city into districts, I think
you need something quirkier, have zig-zag lines, dead ends, or just curvy roads. But don't get me
wrong, I love your buildings and the mood you're creating with them is phantastic :)
looks really great, I love how you put the whole shot at an angle and the buildings look very nice and
individual! :)
All your models are coming along very nicely, I like how you have translated them into Maya by not
going for perfectly every detail being the same but the feeling and the homeliness (cosiness of a
home) is the same in your concept art and in your models, well done!

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