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September 2014

Christine in Honduras
December 2014

Denyi and me
PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390

Hello! Family and Friends,

As the Christmas season draws near, I can't help but think of how thankful I am for this past year. So
many things have happened and it has been one of my hardest years here in Honduras, but I have
seen God's faithfulness shining through it all. The Lord keeps me going day after day. He reminds
me of His love, His faithfulness, and that He rejoices over me with singing. Our God is so good to us
that even in the hard times He does not forsake us. He feels our pain and walks with us. I am
reminded not just of Jesus birth, but of His amazing life here on earth, performing miracles,
teaching His disciples, loving people and challenging them to sin no more. His life is such an
example to us and the way we should live.
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love,
just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant
offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2
The closer Christmas gets, the more
our dear friends, now widows, are
wishing their husbands were coming
home as promised. They had planned
to return from the sea around December 20th. Please pray for Wendy,
Mariela, Delmis, Delmis (yes, there are
twosame name, different communities!) and
Paola as they mourn the loss of their
husbands. I am studying the Bible
with two of the widows and a few
other young ladies. The commitment
is difficult in this rainy season. I have
to cross the river every week and
have walked through knee-deep
current and ridden my motorcycle in
pouring rain, but the Lord is working
and so, it is worth it. He, through His
Holy Spirit, is teaching them and I
see little seeds of growth taking root
in their hearts.
Me with Irina, her sister, Nidia and two daughters, Sara and Dalia


Email me!

Check out my blog!


...for the widows of the

...for funds to purchase two
new lab machines
...for Deynis mission
...for strength to press on
toward the goal


for a our Saturday Bible

...that our church is praying
for the nations
...for Jesus, the author and
perfector of our faith
...for your hospitality,
friendship and support


The Frontiers mission sending base that I am involved with here has a
vision to see Hondurans go to the Muslim world to reach people for Christ.
The Lord has really laid it on my heart to pray for unreached people groups
throughout the world. At church, we are praying for an unreached people
group every week. I think it has opened our eyes to needs outside the little
village in Honduras. A missionary friend, Deyni, who will go to Mauritania
during April-June of next year, came and shared last week. Her dream was
always to go to Africa. She will work in a hospital with a missionary doctor
and reach out to Islamic people there. She is raising support now and has
asked our church to help. What an amazing privilege for us. Please pray for
Deyni, for her funding to come in, for her language and culture preparation,
and for the logistics of preparing and going.
I encourage you this Christmas season to, fix your eyes on Jesus, the
author and perfecter of your faith. Hebrews 12:2
and keep, pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of
God in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 3:14
Knowing Jesus, Loving Jesus, and Becoming
more like Jesus is our goal.

An arterial blood gas



A machine for thyroid

A vehicle


Gloria, Tomas, Irina, Erin (visitor to the lab this summer), Sandy and me

...for a vehicle for me

Joshue with teddy bear from me

Send checks to:

CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390
Donate online at
Please note Infectious Mission (my support fund),
or IM-Lab (for lab machines) or IM-Car on your donation.

Thank you!!

brother, Hilber and little sister, Dilcia with Osiris, at the Children's Center

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