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Dr Ljiljana Jovkovi


Fakultet za poslovno industrijski menadment

Beograd, 2014.

Dr Ljiljana Jovkovi


Akademik prof. dr Branislav oki
Prof. dr Naum Dimitrijevi

Fakultet za poslovno industrijski menadment Beograd

Za izdavaa:
Prof. dr Milija Bogavac

Doc. dr Sandra urovi
Kompjuterska priprema:
Aleksandar Lomas

Tira: 200 primeraka

Beograd, 2014.

Dr LJILJANA JOVKOVI je dugogodinji profesor engleskog jezi-

ka u funkciji struke na visokokolskim ustanovama - fakultetima, viim
i visokim kolama. Diplomirala je anglistiku na Filolokom fakultetu u
Beogradu 1973. godine; magistrirala (primenjenu lingvistiku, leksikografi-
ju - oblast ekonomske terminologije) i doktorirala (primenjenu lingvistiku
- oblast nastave engleskog jezika i sintakse) 1976. godine na Dravnom
univerzitetu Floride u SAD.
Dr Jovkovi sada predaje poslovni engleski jezik na Beogradskoj
poslovnoj koli - Visokoj koli strukovnih studija. Bila je gostujui pro-
fesor na Dravnom univerzitetu Floride, Ekonomskom fakultetu u Niu
(vanredni profesor Univerziteta u Niu), Visokoj poslovnoj koli u Novom
Sadu, Fakultetu za trgovinu i bankarstvo i Fakultetu za strane jezike BK
Univerziteta u Beogradu, Filolokom fakultetu Slobomir P. univerzitetu,
Pedagokom fakultetu u Bjeljini, Fakultetu likovih umetnosti u Beogradu i
jo nekoliko viih kola i fakulteta.
U toku svog dugogodinjeg pedagokog rada obavljala je vie stru-
nih funkcija: vrila dunost dekana Filolokog fakulteta na Slobomir P.
univerzitetu i Fakultetu za strane jezike (BK); ef Katedre za strane jezi-
ke Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu; ef Katedre za pravo, sociologiju i
strane jezike Beogradske poslovne kole, itd.
Objavila je vie strunih i naunih priloga i nekoliko zasebnih izda-
nja terminolokih renika, prirunika i udbenika iz oblasti poslovnog en-
gleskog jezika. Uestvovala je na veem broju naunih i strunih skupova
u zemlji i inostranstvu iz oblasti primenjene lingvistike.
Dr Jovkovi se intenzivno bavila i prevoenjem. Prevela je vei
broj knjiga iz oblasti ekonomije.



(CONTENT) SADRAJ ........................................................................................... 5

PREDGOVOR ........................................................................................................... 9
UNIT 1. ..................................................................................................................... 11
The Simple Present Tense, The Present Continuous Tense; The Article;
There is/are; Word Building -re
UNIT 2. ..................................................................................................................... 17
UNIT 3. ..................................................................................................................... 21
Adjectives, Two-word verbs; Word Building - er
UNIT 4. ..................................................................................................................... 25
The Simple Past Tense; Used to
UNIT 5. ..................................................................................................................... 31
Past Continuous Tense; Imperative; Numerals; Word Building - ment..32
TEST 1 ..................................................................................................................... 37
UNIT 6. ..................................................................................................................... 39
Modal verbs can, may, must, ought to; Conjunctions
UNIT 7. ..................................................................................................................... 45
The Present Perfect Tense; Position of adverbs; Word Building-ful
UNIT 8. ..................................................................................................................... 51
The Present Perfect Continuous


UNIT 9. ..................................................................................................................... 57
Relative pronouns; Conjunctions; Word Building - un
UNIT 10 .................................................................................................................... 65
The Past Perfect Simple; Two-word verbs
TEST 2 ..................................................................................................................... 71
UNIT 11 .................................................................................................................... 73
The Past Perfect Continuous; Causative have; Word Building - ness
UNIT 12 .................................................................................................................... 79
The Future Simple Tense; Pronouns; personal, possessive, reflexive
UNIT 13 .................................................................................................................... 85
The Future Continuous Tense; Much - Many; Word Building - less
UNIT 14 .................................................................................................................... 89
The Gerund; no - not - any
UNIT 15 .................................................................................................................... 95
Some - Any; Going to, for a future action;
Unless; Word Building - al, -ial
TEST 3 ................................................................................................................... 101
Every Day (exercise) 1 ...................................................................................... 107
The simple present tense (exercise) 2 .................................................................. 108
Third person singular (exercise) 3 ....................................................................... 108
Questions and negatives (exercise) 4 ................................................................... 109
Do and does in questions (exercise) 5 .................................................................. 110
Dont and doesnt in negatives (exercise) 6 ......................................................... 110
Right Now (exercise) 7 ......................................................................................... 111


Present tense negative forms (exercise) 8 ............................................................ 112

Present tense question forms (exercise) 9 ........................................................... 112
Simple present vs. continuous present (exercise) 10 .......................................... 113
A Trip to New York (exercise) 11 ..................................................................... 115
A Trip to New York (cont.) (exercise) 12 ......................................................... 116
Questions, A Trip to New York (exercise) 13 .................................................... 117
Indirect objects (exercise) 14 ................................................................................ 118
Review: the present tenses (exercise) 15 ............................................................. 119
Short answers to questions (exercise) 16 ............................................................. 120
William Howard Holt (exercise) 17 ................................................................. 121
Questions about Mr. Holts life (exercise) 18 ...................................................... 122
Questions about your English class (exercise) 19 ............................................... 123
Questions about your life (exercise) 20 ............................................................... 124
Using question words (1) (exercise) 21 ................................................................ 125
Writing questions with why (exercise) 22 ........................................................... 125
The Executives Day (exercise) 23 ................................................................... 126
Questions, The Executives day (exercise) 24 ................................................. 126
Who, whom, whose, what, which (exercise) 25 ................................................... 127
Questions with how (exercise) 26 ......................................................................... 128
Adjectives with how (exercise) 27 ........................................................................ 128
Much and many with how (exercise) 28 .............................................................. 128
Using question words (2) (exercise) 29 ................................................................ 129
Using question words (3) (exercise) 30 ................................................................ 130
Asking for information (1) (exercise) 31 ............................................................. 131
Asking for information (2) (exercise) 32 ............................................................. 132
Negative questions (exercise) 33 ........................................................................... 133
Negative questions with why (exercise) 34 .......................................................... 133
The perfect present tense (1) (exercise) 35 .......................................................... 134
The perfect present tense (2) (exercise) 36 .......................................................... 134
Asking questions (exercise) 37 ............................................................................. 135
Making negatives (exercise) 38 ............................................................................ 135
Review: negatives (exercise) 39 ............................................................................ 136
Using irregular verbs (exercise) 40 ...................................................................... 137


Perfect present vs. simple past (exercise) 41 ....................................................... 138

The present tenses (exercise) 42 ........................................................................... 139
Verbs with allied prepositions (exercise) 43 ........................................................ 140
Adjectives with allied prepositions (exercise) 44 ................................................ 141
Using contractions (exercise) 45 ........................................................................... 142
Word order: frequency word (exercise) 46 ......................................................... 143
GRAMMAR FILE ................................................................................................ 145
IRREGULAR VERBS .......................................................................................... 177
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 181
VOCABULARY .................................................................................................... 185
LITERATURE ...................................................................................................... 199
ANSWERS MASTERING ENGLISH I ............................................................. 201



Ud`benik engleskog jezika BUSINESS ENGLISH I pisan je prema Nastavnom

planu i programu Beogradske poslovne kole - Visoke kole strukovnih studija. Ova dva
dokumenta su odredila izbor i obim jezi~ke gra|e. Rad sa studentima pomenute {kole,
nastavno iskustvo autora Ud`benika ste~eno na vi{im {kolama i fakultetima tj. u in-
stitucijama u kojima se predaje engleski jezik u funkciji struke, kao i najnovija literatura
iz Metodike nastave stranih jezika, sve zajedno, uticali su na koncepciju Ud`benika i
njenu realizaciju. Kako studenti dolaze na fakultet ili vi{u {kolu iz raznih sredina to je
njihovo znanje, sasvim razumljivo, razli~itog nivoa. Ova ~injenica je tako|e uticala na
na~in obrade jezi~ke materije i njenu prezentaciju.
Ud`benik ima 30 ve}ih nastavnih jedinica ili lekcija (Units) i svaka jedinica se
sastoji od slede}ih delova.
Glavni tekst u kome se obra|uje odre|ena stru~na tema, npr. Vo|enje poslov-
nog sastanka, Ve{tinja pregovaranja, Osiguranje robe u transportu, Sklapanje ugovo-
ra, Vo|enje konferencije poslovnih ljudi, Menad`ment, Marketing, Bankarski sistemi,
Ponude, Porezi i takse, Porud`bine itd.
Bele{ke uz tekst. Svi tekstovi su propra}eni leksi~ko frazeolo{kim bele{kama,
sa`etim obja{njenjima tzv. sitnijih gramati~kih jedinica, upozorenja za izgovor izvesnih
fonolo{ki slo`enijih re~i. Cilj ovih bele{ki je pru`anje pomo}i studentu u razumevanju
teksta i asimilaciji nove materije.
Gramatika. Deo svake lekcije ~ini i gramati~ka gra|a, bez koje nema efikasne
jezi~ke nastave. Razume se, cilj obnavljanja, utvr|ivanja i obrade nove gramati~ke gra|e
nije nikako gramatiziranje, u~enje gramatike per se, {to bi vodilo u~enju o jeziku, a ne
jezika, ve} sticanje osnove za razvijanje komunikacijske sposobnosti, odnosno funk-
cionalne upotrebe engleskog jezika u datim situacijama, u na{em slu~aju u poslovnim
kontaktima. Bez vladanja odre|enim jezi~kim oblicima (npr. pasivom, glagolskim vre-
menima, itd.) nema prave komunikacije. Vi{egodi{nje nastavno iskustvo u radu sa stu-
dentima koji u~e engleski jezik u funkciji struke, navelo nas je na izdvajanje celokupne
gramati~ke gra|e u zasebni deo Grammar File.
Razlozi za unekoliko neuobi~ajeno mesto za gramatiku su slede}i: Nastavnik
}e na jednom ili dva ~asa objasniti, ako je to uop{te potrebno, odre|ene gramati~ke
specifi~nosti. Student }e u svom samostalnom radu po potrebi konusltovati pomenuti
fajl. Na ovaj na~in }e se vreme na ~asu mo}i usmeriti na komunikacijski deo rada, rad
na tekstu i sl.
Jezi~ke ve`be. U ovom delu Ud`benika ima samo nekoliko ve`bi u kojima se od
studenta o~ekuje da prevede odredjeni broj re~enica i to sa srpskog na engleski. Cilj
ovih ve`bi nije nastava prevodjenja ve} usvajanje date gramati~ke forme. Izbor jezi~kih
ve`bi je velik i mo`e se podeliti na manipulativne, polukomunikativne i komunikativne
ve`be. Sva tri stepena uve`bavanja imaju svoje mesto u savremenoj nastavi jezika. Ovo
isti~emo jer se do nedavno insistiralo samo na komunikativnim ve`bama, koje uzete


same bez one druge dve kategorije ve`bi, ne vode sposobnosti komunikacije na stranom

Dijalozi i fraze. U svim lekcijama ima kra}ih ili du`ih dijaloga, u kojima je prete`no
tzv. op{ti engleski, koji je, tako|e, neophodan svakom poslovnom ~oveku. U stvari,
stru~ni jezik po~iva na op{tem jeziku. [to je ovaj potonji bolji to }e i stru~ni jezik biti
isto tako bolji i potpuniji.
Ekonomski termini ~ine kraj svake lekcije. Na ovom mestu autor je uneo izbor
najva`nijih termina iz oblasti ekonomije. Svaki termin je preveden na srpski, a dato je i
obja{njenje termina na engleskom jeziku.
U nastavi engleskog jezika ~iji cilj je razvijanje komunikativne sposobnosti poseb-
no na poslovnom nivou, veoma va`no mesto zauzima nastava pismenog izra`avanja. Na
na~in pismenog izra`avanja uti~e kultura datog naroda, a uz nju i odre|ene specifi~nosti,
na primer izbor re~i (ne samo termina) ve} re~i op{teg jezika, na~in izlaganja sadr`aja,
u slu`benoj korespondenciji, oblik pisma itd. Imaju}i sve ovo u vidu, autor je posle
tridesete lekcije dao uzorke slu`benih dopisa ili pisama i uz svako pismo uputstvo kako
se sastavlja data vrsta pismenog saop{tenja, npr. podse}anje kupca na otplatu zajma ili
duga, zahtev za isplatu, obja{njenje za ka{njenje isporuke, storniranje kredita, molba za
odobravanje kredita itd. Svaki od ovih uzoraka slu`bene korespondencije propra}en je i
odgovaraju}im obja{njenjem (za{to dato pismo mora da sadr`i odre}ene podatke i za{to
se oni iznose na izvestan, ustaljen na~in).
Najva`niji deo nastavnog procesa, koji je decenijama bio zapostavljen, ~ini u~enje,
a ne podu~avanje, {to prirodno, ne umanjuje ulogu nastavnika. Naime, aktivnost nas-
tavnika, podu~avanje, zavisi od samostalnog rada studenta ili u~enika. U jednom sa`etom
uvodnom tekstu nije mogu}e ulaziti u pitanje obuke u u~enju stranog jezika (teaching
how to learn, learning to learn a language). Smatramo, ipak da je neophodno ukazati na
zna~aj permanentnog samostalnog rada studenata uop{te, u svakom u~enju, a posebno
kad je re~ o stranom jeziku. Ovo podrazumeva, pre svega, postojanje svesti o zna~aju
znanja stranog jezika u dana{njem svetu, posebno u poslovnom svetu. Valjano znanje
stranog jezika postalo je danas uslov za pre`ivljavanje. Ako se navedeno prihvati kao
~injenica koju nije neophodno obja{njavati, onda se od studenta o~ekuje da bude, koliko
god je to mogu}e, u stalnom kontaktu s jezikom koji u~i; u na{im uslovima `ivota i rada
to zna~i svakodnevni kontakt s knjigom, odnosno ud`benikom i drugom priru~nom lit-
Imaju}i u vidu ~injenicu da je u~enje produktivnije ako ga prati objektivno merenje
uspeha, posle svake pete lekcije uneli smo po jedan test dostignu}a s vi{e~lanim izborom
odgovora. Predmet testiranja je gramatika obra|ena u prethodnim lekcijama.
Uz navedeni zna~aj samostalnog rada studenta, recimo na kraju, da }e se pun uspeh
ostvariti u plodotvornom spajanju napora u kolektivnom radu u grupi (nastava stranog
jezika je razvijanje sposobnosti komuniciranja na jednom novom jeziku) s rezultatima
individualnog rada svakog studenta.
Beograd, 2011.





There has never been any question about the future of managers and management.
They are as necessary to nationalized industry and state-controlled corporations as to
private firms. Under any industrial system, organizers are necessary. Today, managerial
prestige is high and rising. Some workpeople thought that nationalization meant the end
of all bosses - but they have now discovered how wrong they were.
The public may often read complaints in newspapers about the effect that British
management is not good enough. But it cannot fail to read that efforts are being made
to improve management like any other profession such as medicine, architecture, or
teaching. The Labor government first gave state support to training for management in
Britain, and sought to increase the supply of managers for industry. Professional man-
agement is now solidly established. Its role in society, whether capitalistic, socialistic or
mixed, is as settled as that of the civil service.
Businessmen are something different. They direct, they control, they decide policy,
and they have power. They found, inherit, own, buy, sell, and expand businesses - and
they may bankrupt them. They are the employers of the managers, as much as they are
the employers of workpeople. They are the men at the top.

under - ispod, ovde: under any industrial system
as... as poredjenje jednakosti, ... it is as necessary to you as to us to je potrebno
koliko za vas toliko i za nas
to be right biti u pravu. You are quite right.



to be wrong ne buti u pravu He is wrong. On nije u pravu.

complain /k mplein/ - `aliti se
complaint /k mpleint/ - `alba
efforts are being made - ~ine se napori.
A new bridge is being built. - Gradi se novi most.
Data are being processed. - Podaci se obradjuju.
data /deit / - podaci
whether... or bilo (da).. ili. ... whether capitalistic or socialistic
found /faund/ osnovati They founded a new corporation.
found /faund/ pro{lo vreme i pro{i particip od glagola find.
as much as... isto toliko koliko: They are the employers as much as they are workers
prestige /presti: /
managerial /m n d iri l/
medicine /medisn/

See: Grammar File Unit 1

The Simple Present Tense, The Present Continuous Tense; The Article;
There is/are; Word Building -re


1. Complete the following sentences with a, an, the, if necessary:



There ___ is woman with ___ cat in ___ street.

My friend is ___ student, he hopes to become ___ economist.
I dont have ___ computer.
Who were you talking with on ___ phone?
___ building at ___ end of this street is ___ museum.
We all work in ___ same company.
We phone London once ___ week.
I make long-distance calls in ___ evening.
Jim brought back ___ letters he had signed.
___ less you spend on ___ cigarettes ___ better it is for your health.
Ill meet you in ___ entrance hall.
Its cold here, will you close ___ window?
We never have ___ meat for dinner.
Pass ___ salt, please.
We were in ___ great hurry.
___ water is made of ___ oxygen and ___ hydrogen.
___ only solution was to sell the car.
What is ___ capital of ___ Sweden?


19. Is there ___ exhibition in ___ National Gallery?

20. Yesterday was ___ worst day, we didnt sell ___ single car.
Right - wrong
The Labour government gave state support to training for management in England.

Businessmen are not the men at the top._____________________

2. Businessmen are not the employers of the managers. ___________________
3. Professional management is now solidly established. ___________________
4. Workers decide policy. _____________________
5. Managerial prestige is low today. ___________________
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense:
You (look) very worried. What you (think) about?
I never (write) to them. I always (send) them e-mails.
2. I (hear) that you have bought a new car.
3. How much longer you (stay) in London? Only one more day. I (leave) tomorrow
4. night. I (go) to France for ten days.

And you (come) back to London after that or you (go) home?
5. It (depend) on my father. But if he (agree) to let me go on studying here Ill
6. certainly come back. And I (expect) he will agree.

Answer the following questions

Are managers necessary in private firms as well as in state controlled firms?

Is managerial prestige high in Yugoslavia?
What was it like ten years ago?




Make questions
The public may often read complaints in newspapers.
Under any industrial system, organisers are necessary.
Professional management is now solidly established.
The Labour government first gave state support to training for management in
The government sought to increase the supply of managers for industry.
Fill in the missing article if necessary.
There were about _____ thousand people at _____ conference.
______ Sava is the longest river in the former Yugoslavia.
______ Smiths never buy meat. Its too expensive for them.
Edinburgh is _____most beautiful city in ______ United Kingdom.
Their company imports ______ steel and ______ copper.
________ gentleman would like to see you. Shall I let him in?



Lets meet in front of _________ National Museum.

What time do you usually go to _______ bed?
______ glass they imported from Sweden is excellent, but very expensive.
What time does your son come from _______ school?
Vienna lies on _____ right bank of ________ Danube.
Have you read ________ book I lent you?
Can you see people standing on ________ corner?
Johns brother is _______ economist.
There is a good film _____ at _____ Union. Shall we go?
We always have ______ breakfast at seven.
Would you like some milk? No, thank you I dont like ______ milk.
Stephany is ______ best secretary.
Lets go to _____ Hague.
______ Browns live now in _____ United States of America.

7. Complete the following sentences. See the example:


When I (see) him I (give) him your message.

When I see him Ill give him your message.
She (phone) as soon as she (arrive) in Paris.
He (not do) anything until he (hear) from us.
I (lend) you the money provided you (pay) me back next week.
Unless we (hurry), we (be) late.
I (look after) your things while you be away.

Dialogue (Checking in)

May I help you?
I have a reservation for tonight. James Reed.
Just a moment, please. Let me check.
A single room with bath.
Yes, thats right. Room 622. On the sixth floor. Just sign the register here,

check - proveriti
check in - prijaviti se u hotelu
check out - napustiti hotel; odjaviti se u hotelu
a single room - jednokrevetna soba
Neki brojevi, npr. broj sobe a hotelu, broj dokumenta i sl. ~ita se na slede}i na~in:
622 six twenty-two ili 1412 fourteen twelve, 1244 twelve forty-four.



Economic Terms

dobro, blago; (pl. assets) sredstva, imovina, aktiva.

anything of value that is owned.
ASSETS AND LIABILITIES - aktiva i pasiva. things owned and owed, respectively.

reklama, reklamiranje, objavljivanje. any paid form

of presentation of goods, services, or ideas to a group
under open sponsorship of an advertiser





Finding the Right Man

The young man thinking of going into
big business needs look no further than the
advertisement pages of the newspaper. Most of
the big firms now realize the need to recruit talent
for management; though only a few are looking
for top businessmen.
In their drive to attract graduates, the leading
companies have for some years been taking a half
or a whole page in such papers as the Guardian or
the Times, to set forth the advantages to be got by
a keen young man from joining the company. He
is told:
For young men who want an exciting and
varied career. The Future Is Here.
We need you because, in a large organization
like ours, we must never stand still. Todays
Outstanding Career Opportunity. A future as big
as you are big enough to make it.
A progressive organization operating in a continually expanding world market, the
Company offers opportunities to responsible young people who are seeking a worthwhile
If you feel you would be interested in working with the team that achieved these
successes for Great Britain, write to us.
It is noticeable that the companies give no definite indication of salaries in their
advertisements. What the companies stress is the prestige of their name and the prospects
that their type of firm or industry offers. The aircraft industry has high prestige, indeed
glamour, while oil, especially international oil, is almost like going into the civil service.
The manufacturer of consumer goods is lower in prestige.

further / f :
/ dalje
farther / fa:
/ dalje - komparativ od far
few - malo (i nedovoljno)
a few - malo ( i dovoljno)
ista razlika postoji i s recju a little i little



We have only a few men in that branch.

Imamo samo nekoliko (i to je dovoljno da se posao obavi)
Lets have a little wine
as... as poredjenje jednakih osobina London is as expensive as Tokyo
big enough - dovojno velik
enough stoji uvek posle prideva ili priloga: good enough, fast enough, careful
enough, soon enough
be interested in - biti zainteresovan za, interesovati se za
Are you interested in sports?
consumer goods - roba {iroke potro{nje
goods wagon - teretni vagon; sinonim freight car
Obratite pa`nju na izgovor re~i:
varied /ve rid/
career /k ri /
worthwhile /w : wail/
prestige /presti: /
glamour /glm /

See: Grammar File Unit 2



1. Add the articles where necessary:


What does John do? Hes ___ engineer.

Is he ___ self-employed man?
Which paper do you usually read, ___ Times or ___ Evening Star?
Wheres the secretary? Shes in ___ town.
How do you go to ___ work?
Bill Gates is ___ richest man in computer business.
We import mainly ___ wood and ___ steel.
___ steel we import is ___ best.
Forget about ___ honesty in this kind of business.
Mr Thomson is ___ old customer and honest man.

2. What goes together?

1. recruit
2. top
3. attract
4. seeking
5. consumer
6. expand


a) a worthwhile career _______________

b) market ________________________
c) success ________________________
d) a company _____________________
e) opportunity _____________________
f) talent __________________________


7. join
g) graduates ______________________
8. achieve
h) businessman ____________________
9. offer
i) goods __________________________
Make questions. Decide what questions were that led to each of these answers
and write them down. Heres an example:







Im a receptionist.
What do you do?
Yes, thanks. I had a very good flight.
Id like to see Mr. Perez, if hes in the office.
On my last visit I spoke to Ms. Meier.
It was my boss who recommended this hotel to me.
I think Id like to see round the factory after lunch.
No, my husband is travelling with me. Im meeting him later.
Well probably be staying till Friday morning.
No, this is his first visit - he has never been here before.

Each of the sentences below contains a genitive using of. If it is grammatically

correct to do so, change it to a construction with an apostrophe.
The results of the pharmaceutical group ICN are encouraging.
Turnover for the first two quarters has shown a 20 percent rise.
The workforce of the company will benefit.
All the pay packets of the employees will include a bonus.
A meeting of the shareholders scheduled for the end of September will be a
cheerful affair.
The Chairman of the Board celebrates ten years in that role.
Profits for each year of his tenure have increased well above the industry aver-
Make sentences with the following words:
They men the are the at top.
Businessmen have they power direct they and control have.
Management Professional now solidly is established.
workers Some discovered have how now wrong they were...
thought nationalisation all Some workers thought end of bosses
the meant.
been There has managers any never about question the future
Discuss the following topics:
Prestige jobs in Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia as an importer



Yugoslavia as an exporter
Language problems in exporting
Marketing new products in Yugoslavia

Dialogue: Making a request

I wonder if you could do me a favour?
What is it?
Would you have a look at my car? It keeps stalling.
Ill take a look, but I cant guarantee anything. Im not much of a me-
to do a favour - u~initi uslugu.
to have a look - pogledati, baciti pogled
Obratite pa`nju na izgovor re~i guarantee /gr nti:/ - garantovati
Im not much of a mechanic. - Nisam ba{ neki mehani~ar.
stall /st :l/ - stati, ugasiti (npr. kola).

Useful phrases: Giving opinions

I think/reckon we should...
It seems to me that...
The way I see it...

Economic Terms

investiciona sredstva.
economic goods used in the production of other goods
(raw material, buildings, machinery, etc.).
razmena, trampa.
the direct exchange of one commodity or service for an-
other without the use of money.
carinska deklaracija
a written account of goods entered at the custom house,
whether imported or intended for exportation.





Finding the Right Man

Some companies consider
that their management trainee
schemes are useful as a bait to
catch able recruits. These schemes
do give the graduate who is unused
to industry a chance to look round
before committing himself to a
particular job. But such schemes
have run into the difficulty that
graduates of any worth quickly
get bored going from department
to department without a job to do.
University education, say
some businessmen - especially
if they own firms in declining industries - spoils young men, destroys their simple
enthusiasm for, say, the product, and makes them too sophisticated to be loyal to the
Among the traits mentioned as essential for the young man applying for his first
job in an industrial empire are: drive; decisiveness; determination; push; analytical
ability; an inquiring mind; ability to get on with colleagues - this last is highly prized by
businessmen - the dependable, combinable type, as Andrew Carnegie put it. Above
all they want good mixers, and, of course, drive. These are the alpha and omega of
desirable traits for entering management, if not for going into business. There is wide
agreement that academic distinction is less important than personality.


they give - they do give: glagol do uz neki drugi glagol izra`ava poja~avanje: they
do give - oni zaista daju. You do look nice today. Oh, she does talk a lot, doesnt she. Do
sit down!
run - tr~ati; u tekstu: nai}i ... they ran into a difficulty;
to run a shop (hotel, business) Who runs this business? Who is in charge? - voditi.
wide agreement - op{ta saglasnost



college /k lid /
colleague /k li:g/
scheme /ski:m/
trainee /treini:/
Carnegie /ka:negi/

See: Grammar File Unit 3

Adjectives, Two-word verbs; Word Building er


1. Fill in a, an, the where necessary:


Can you tell me ___ way to ____ railway station?

Washington is ___ capital of the United States.
Is there cinema nearby? Yes, ___ Rex is just round the corner.
Is there ___taxi nearby? No, there is not, but there is one past ___ park.
Where is ___ National Museum?
Where is your warehouse? It is near ___ Danube.
What did you order from Sweden, ___ steel or ___ copper?
___ Aluminium we have is of ___best quality.
Mary is ___ best secretary we have ever had.
Where do you live? I live in ___ village.
What does David do? - He is ___ engineer. - Oh, really, I thought he was ___ doctor.
No, his brother is ___ doctor.

2. Fill in the missing prepositions:


David wrote a book _________local taxes.

John graduated __________the University of London.
Phil was given an award ________ his service in the Far East.
Most of us have the ambition to own a small piece _____land and a house.
Their country is rich ________ copper and gold.
Apart _________ being rich he is also very clever.
I didnt get used _________ it.
I do not want to be disturbed _________ anybody.
We didnt use our computers because _________ a virus.
What shall we do if our competitors break ________ our computers.

3. What goes together

1. a bait
2. give


a) mind __________________________
b) distinction ______________________


3. wide
c) with colleagues __________________
4. academic
d) oneself _________________________
5. an inquiring
e) to catch ________________________
6. analytical
f) traits ___________________________
7. commiting
g) a chance _______________________
8. industrial
h) mind __________________________
9. desirable
i) agreement_______________________
10. get on
j) empire. ________________________
Rephrase the following sentences as in the example:
Bobs brother is old. (Philip) Yes, he is older than Philip.

Our company is very big. (NCC)

1. This is an interesting story. (mine)
2. This is a good film. (I saw last night)
3. David is a successful businessman. (his younger brother)
4. Sue is a pretty girl. (her sister)
5. This car is bad. (than we expected)
Use the correct form of the adjectives:
He is (tough) of them all.
The Trade Department is (good) organised than the rest of the company.
2. Their last year profits were (bad) ever achieved.
3. Nowadays, the company has got (little) profit than a year before.
4. (long) they stay in the market (successful) they will turn at the end.

Dialogue: Making plans

The automobile show opens next week.
Are you planning to go?
Id like to go. Im thinking of buying a new car next year.
Im free on Saturday morning.
So am I. About ten?
Yes, thats fine.
Obratite pa`nju na uzlaznu intonaciju.

U svakodnevnom neformalnom, govoru, Englezi koriste, kad god je mogu}e, tzv.

skra}ene oblike, Im, Id, Thats fine.
I am not free today. Neither am I. (ni ja)
So am I. I ja. (i ja sam slobodan.) He cant speak Spanish. Neither can I.
I like coffee. So do I. She doesnt like tea. Neither do I.
She can speak French. So can John. Bob couldnt come. Neither could I.



Dialogue: How to get there?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the Convention Secretarys office is?
Dr. Adams:
Sure. Go down the hall, turn right, and its the first door on your left.
Thank you. But - what did she say? Turn right and Ill find the door on
Dr Adams:
the left. Oh, here it is. James McGovern, Convention Secretary.

Useful phrases: Agreement

I quite agree.
Precisely! Exactly!
(I think youre) right!
I see what you mean.

Economic Terms
tr`i{te kapitala.
the market for long-term investment, funds such as
stocks and bonds.
novac valuta; nov~ani sistem jedne zemlje; novac u
opticaju; sredstvo razmene.
whatever is used as a medium of exchange, including
bank deposits.
svota koja je proknji`ena kao dug, na strani duguje;
knji`enje duga na neki ra~un.
an entry on the left or debit side of an account in dou-
ble-entry bookkeeping.





A few days ago, David Hall

saw the following advertisement
in the newspaper:
The Hall Group wish to
recruit a young man aged 23/4 with
a Technical college or University
Degree to train for production
management with a view to
becoming Assistant Manager of
one of our Biscuit factories in 3 to
4 years time.
The successful candidate
will be given a short overall
induction into the Group, and will
then spend at least 18 months to 2 years in the Work Study Department.
Initial salary will be $ 1.000 p.a. plus Profit Sharing. The Company also operates
pensions and sick pay schemes.
Please apply in writing to: J. R. Brown, Management Development Officer, Hall
House, Gladstone Road, Croydon, Surrey.
He filled in an application, attached therein his CV and the References and sent it out.
Few days later he got a phone call and was asked to come for an interview. It seemed that
the employer liked what he had put in his application, so he wanted to meet the candidate.
David Hall was ready, so he remembered all the facts he needed to know, like:
1. What business or organization is the interview at?
2. Who is the interviewer and his position?
3. When is the interview?
4. Where does the interview take place?
So, with these ideas in mind, David Hall came to Mr. Browns secretary.
Good morning. Can I help you?
I wonder if I could see Mr. Brown?
Have you an appointment?
Yes - for eleven oclock.
What name please?
David Hall.
Ah, yes. Would you like to sit down for a moment, Mr. Hall?


Thank you. (She phones through to Mr. Brown.)
Mr. Hall is here to see you.
Oh, yes. Good. Send him in, please.
Secretary (to Hall): Would you come this way, please?

advertisment skra}eno ad. I must put an ad in the local paper.
aged 25 - star 25 g. John is twenty-five.
Obratite pa`nju izmedju desetica i jedinica stavlja se crtica - twenty-one,
thirty-two, forty-three, fifty-four itd.
view - pogled, u tekstu izgled: with a view to becoming Manager - s izgledom da
postane menad`er We had a very good view. (pogled)
initial salary /ini
l/ - plata, salary - obi~no mese~na plata
wage /weid / - plata, obi~no sedmi~na
fee / fi: / - honorar za usluge (lekaru, nastavniku, advokatu i sl.), tzv. profesionalne
in writing - pismeno
CV (curriculum vitae) - biografija
therein / e in/ - u tome
ask /a:sk/ pitati, (za)moliti, ask somebody for a favour; pozvati: John asked Mary
to dinner; tra`iti (kao cenu): You are asking too much.
take place - desiti se, de{avati se
wonder /w nd / - pitati se, ~uditi se. U odredjenim situacijama u~tivo pitanje
po~inje sa wonder if... I wonder if I could see Mr Smith?
this way - ovuda: This way, please. Izvolite ovuda. Umesto Come this way, please.
U~tiviji oblik istog pitanja je Would you come this way, please?

See: Grammar File Unit 4

The Simple Past Tense; Used to



Rephrase the following sentences. See the example:

We exported a lot of goods to Austria... We used to export a lot of goods to

1. Once we got together once a month.
2. I worked part time at that company.
3. We went to summer conference in England.
4. When David was here he checked everything.
5. I didnt play American footbal when I was in L.A.



2. Make questions

Last Sunday he saw an ad in the newspaper.

He filled in an application, attached therein his CV and sent the letter.
Soon he got a reply, asking him to come for an interview with the manager.
Ill be taking my finals next September.
You are driving at my ability to get on well with people.
The company is looking for prospective buyers placing regular sizeable orders
You will be hearing from us soon.
The successful candidate will be given a short overall induction into the Group.
The company has offered good opportunities for promotion for the right man.
He is studying economics, his major being finances.

3. Prevedite slede}e re~enice na engleski jezik


Sastanak je bio pre mesec dana.

Video sam Filipa pre pola sata.
Prodali smo 10 automobila pre Bo`i}a.
To se desilo davno, pre februara
Mislim da sam klju~eve izgubio pre tri dana.
Videli smo se pre njegovog dolaska u na{u firmu.
Oti{li su na sajam pre nekoliko dana.
Pozovi me pre nego {to ode{.
Upoznali smo se pre 10 godina.
Oni su kupili nova kola pre zime.
Ugovor je potpisan pre nekoliko dana.
U Lidsu sam radio pre 10 godina.

4. Answer the following questions:


When did you see Bob? (yesterday)

Who came to our firm? (Jim)
Why did you sell your car? (old)
Where did you meet Mr Richards? (London)
Who called you from L.A.?
Who was the interviewer? (Mr Smith)
What did you want? (a new job)
Did you drive to Belgrade? (Yes)
How long did it take you? (8 hours)
How much did you pay them? (100 DM)
Did you understand Mr Jones? (Yes...)
What did you decide? (stay in L.A.)
Where did you see the advertisment? (in the paper)
Did anybody call you? (Yes, David)
What did you buy there? (Some presents)


5. Make your own sentences, using the following words:

priority goal exposition efforts decision making long-term policy

performance habit time-consuming

6. Fill in the blanks with one of the articles if necessary (a, an, the).

Havent you got __ few more travellers checks?

Where is the __ nearest exchange office?
Do you know __ exchange rate?
__ current exchange rate is about 30 dinars to Deutsch mark.
What kind of currency do you need if you travel to __ United States?
Youll need lot of money if you are going to __ Britain.
If you want __ service, you must go to another hotel.
Id like to buy __ new car.
Do you have __ credit card?
Do you know __ name of __ company that sold us this?

7. Put the following sentences in the right order.


Have you an appointment?

Good morning.
Can I help you?
David Hall.
I wonder if I could see Mr Jones.
What name please?
Thank you. Yes?
Yes, for eleven oclock.
Mr Hall is here to see you.
Would you come this way, please?
Oh, yes.
Good. Send him in, please.
Ah, yes.
Would you like to sit down for a moment, Mr Hall?


Dialogue: Asking for permission


Would it be all right if I changed the programme?

Why, dont you like watching footdall?
Yes, but theres a programme Id like to watch.
Can you wait just five minutes? The game will be over soon.
All right.

be over - zavr{iti se The class is over. ^as je gotov.

Useful phrases: Questioning relevancy

Thats not really the point.
Im not sure how relevant that is.
Were losing sight of the main point.
Im not sure about that.

Economic Terms
manjak, deficit, suma za koju su prihodi manji od
a debit-balance in the surplus account; the excess of li-
abilities and capital stock over assets.
diskont, eskont, dobijanje kamata, rabat, skonto, gu-
bitak na te~aju.
a reduction of a principal amount; often this principal
amount is the face value or list price.
the profits which a corporation, upon the order of its
directors, pays to its stockholders.





Mr. Cecil N. Keats, the well-known American management consultant and writer
gives an interview on the position of an effective executive and his main tasks.
This is how he starts his statement:
Well, Id say that his first job is to get the right things done - in other
words hes expected to be effective.

Do you think its possible to learn to be effective?

Yes, I do. You see, effectiveness is a kind of habit. Call it a habit of
mind if you like.

Could you enlarge on that a bit please?

Right. First, the executive needs to know where his time goes, and

then make sure hes using what little time he can really call his own as
usefully as possible.

Yes, I can see that. Board meetings, wining and dining guests and so
on must be great time consumers.

They are. Then the executive has got to be interested in results. His
first question must always be, What results are expected of me?'

And whats the next ingredient in your recipe for the effective

He must build on strength, not weakness. He shouldnt worry about


what his firm cant do. His job is to make sure its doing what it can do
as well as possible.

Isnt it important too to concentrate on certain areas rather than spread

his efforts too widely?

Thats certainly true. An executives got to select a few major goals

and give them priority all along the line.

You havent said anything about decision making yet.








No, Ive left that till last, though its certainly not the least in
importance. Decision making is a choosing process, involving a number
of interdependent steps that help us arrive at solutions to problems
in a rational manner. It relates to planning, organizing, leading and
controlling. For instance - strategic planning decides on long - term
objectives and the best strategies to achieve them. Decisions are also
required for the acquisition of manpower and for the incentives which
will suit best the organization concerned to motivate people at work.
Similarly, we have to decide on how to control performance once we
have made our decisions. The big thing is, an executive shouldnt
hurry his decisions.
I suppose he has to be constantly making decisions?
He shouldnt need to. He should in fact need to make only few
decisions, but they must be fundamental ones.
So the main principle seems to be, do as little as possible as well as
Very neat indeed. I must remember that.
Well, thank you very much Mr. Keats for your very clear exposition.

give an interview on: Jim gave an interview on management.
He is expected to be effective. Od njega se o~ekuje da bude efikasan.
first - prvo
the first - prvi
enlarge - uve}ati, pro{iriti; enlarge on... pri~ati, re}i ne{to op{irnije
make sure - znati sasvim pouzdano, obezbediti, biti siguran.
wining and dining /waini
nd daini / - ~astiti obilno: Too much wining and din-
ing, is making John fat.
have got to be - morati biti: Youve got to be interested in business.
recipe / res pi:/ - recept
area /e ri / - oblast (obratite pa`nju na izgovor)
least / li:st / - superlativ od little - najmanje
help + glagol: Will you help me translate this latter.
decide on - Strategic planning decides on long-term objectives. We have to decide
on how to control...
to do as little/much/well as possible - ~initi {to je mogu}e manje, vi{e,bolje.

See: Grammar File Unit 5

Past Continuous Tense; Imperative; Numerals; Word Building ment




1. Fill in the missing words:


Do you think it _______ possible to learn be effective?

You see, effectiveness is ________ kind of habit.
Call it a habit of mind ________ you like.
Could you enlarge _________ this ________ bit, please?
Then the executive has got to be interested ____________ results.
His job is to make sure its doing what it can do as well _____ possible.
You havent said ________ about decision making yet.
Decision making is ______choosing process, involving ______ number of steps.
We have to decide _______ how to control performance.
He should in _______ make only few decisions, but they must be fundamental.

2. Put the following sentences together:

a) to be interested in results.
1. Do you think it is possible
b) to get the right things done
2. The executive needs to know
c) for the effective executive?
3. He should worry about
d) decides on long-term objectives.
4. We have to decide on
e) a few major goals.
5. He should in fact
f) what his firm cant do.
6. An executives got to select
7.Whats the next ingredient in your recipe g) make only few decisions.
h) how to control performance.
8. The executive has got
i) to learn to be effective.
9. Your first job is
j) where his time goes.
10. Strategic planning
Complete the following sentences by choosing a suitable form of the verb in
brackets. Use either the past simple or the past continuous tense.



We (review) safety procedures when the accident (happen).

While we (clean) the tanks, the chemicals (pollute) the river.
The plant (operate) at full capacity before the explosion (happen).
We turn off the supply, because the pipe (leak).
As the equipment (get old) we (decide) to replace it.
When the fire (start) she (wear) protective clothing.
While the company (investigate) the accident, the government (introduce) new
Complete the following sentences using the imperative.

If you dont like poetry _______ (not read) it.

If you see John ______ (not tell) him what happend at the conference.
2. If you look after your health _______ (not eat) fast food.


4. If youd like to meet Jill _____ (come) with me.
5. Its getting late, _____ (go) home.
6. Its getting cold here _______ (turn on) the heater.

5. Fill in a, an, the where necessery:


_______ both projects have been signed.

Have you received ______ catalogue with our latest prices?
______ goods you ordered will be delivered next week.
Mr Brown is in charge of _____ warehouse.
While I was in _____ United States I visited ______ Los Angeles.
Why didnt you accept _____ goods sent to you last week.
___ most workers have had some experince in this business before joining us.
I admit that half of ______ problem was my fault.


Use the correct tenses


This time yesterday I (type) in my office).

David (break) his leg while he (play) basketball.
When the boss (come) in, all of us (stop) talking.
I (meet) my new girl friend while (travel) in England.
I (wake ) up to find that it (rain).
As I was driving down the road I (see) Fred.
Somebody (knock) on the door while we (play) cards.
My wife (clean) the rooms while I (listening) to the radio.

Dialogue: Asking for information

Excuse me, could you tell me where the guided tours start?
The tours start at the information desk. Theres a tour every half hour.
And could you tell me the time? My watch has stopped.
Its twenty past ten. The guide will be here in ten minutes.

to tell the time- re}i koliko je sati Can you tell me the time? Mo`ete li mi re}i
koliko je sati?
Id like- voleo bih Id like to go with you. Hed like to stay here.

Useful phrases: Diplomatic rejection

I take/see your point, but...
OK. But what if...

I agree with what you say about X, but...

Yes, but have you thought about...



Economic Terms
rad; radnik, radnici; radni~ka klasa.
in economic theory, the human effort or activity that is
directed toward production (a factor of production);
worker, workers; the whole working class.
radni~ki sindikat, sindikat.
an organization consisting of employees, generally
called union; it acts in interests of the employees.
ekonomija, politi~ka ekonomija, ekonomska nauka.
the study of mans attempt to maximize satisfaction us-
ing available scarce resources.
ekonomija, privreda, {tednja.
control and management of the money, goods and of the
resources of a society; also pertains to a nations eco-
nomic system as a whole.




1. Dont forget your umbrella! It _____

a) rained
b) has rained
c) raining
d) is raining.

2. What did you buy yesterday? I _____

several books.
a) I have bought
b) will buy
c) am buying
d) bought

3. Where ____ your next summer holiday?

4. What _____ this afternoon?

a) are you going to spend

b) were you spending
c) do you spend
d) have you spent

a) do you do
b) are you doing
c) you are doing
d) you do

5. Our competitor _____the prices of

a) rose
b) has risen
c) raised
d) rises

6. We _____ about the prices when the

manager came in.
a) complained
b) have complained
c) were complaining
d) were complained

7. When I phoned him, he _____ his re-

a) was preparing
b) was prepared
c) has been preparing
d) should prepare

8. What is Jim ____ now?

9. ___ to your office when John saw you

this morning?
a) Are you going
b) Have you gone
c) Do you go
d) Were you going

10. ___ file you are looking for is on the

a) A
c) An
d) The

11. What do you import? We import _____

a) the
c) a
d) an

12. Who is ___ best computer operator in

your company?
a) the
b) a
c) -
d) an

a) writes
b) writing
c) wrote
d) will write



13. What does Mary do? She is _____ sec-

a) a
b) the
c) a
d) an

14. ____ glass you bought Sweden is very

b) A
c) An
d) The

15. Where are Mary and Jim? They are at

the _____
a) doctor
b) doctors
c) doctors
d) doctors

16. Listen ______ what John is telling you.

17. Jack arrived _____ London on Sunday.

18: Wait for me, please. Ill be back

______ a minute.
a) by
b) for
c) on
d) in

a) in
b) to
c) over
d) into

a) at
b) by
c) to
d) -

19. The cassette _____ I got from you is

very popular.
a) what
b) whose
c) whom
d) that

20. Look _____ this invoice. Something is

wrong here.
a) in
b) after
c) by
d) at

21. When I was young I _____ play foot-

a) will
b) was playing
c) used to
d) play

22. Paula played her part in the film

a) perfectly
b) perfect

23. There were only seven ____ in the of-

a) woman
b) womans
c) women
d) womens

24. Can you give me some _____ on this?

a) information
b) informations
c) informations
d) informations

25. _______ colour is Jims bag?

a) How much
b) How
c) Whose
d) What





The effective meeting

The meeting, the report or the presentation are the typical work situations of the
executive. They are his specific, everyday tools. They also make great demands on his
Effective executives ask themselves: 'Why are we having this meeting: do we want
a decision, do we want to inform, or do we want to make clear to ourselves what we
should be doing? They will insist that the purpose be thought through and spelled out
before a meeting is called, a report asked for, or a presentation organized. They insist that
the meeting serve the contributions to which they have committed themselves.
The effective man always states at the outset of the meeting the specific purpose and
contribution it is to achieve. He does not allow a meeting called to inform to degenerate
into a discussion in which everyone has bright ideas. But a meeting called by him to
stimulate thinking and ideas does not simply become a presentation on the part of one of
the members, but is run to challenge and stimulate everybody in the room. He always,
at the end of his meetings, goes back to the opening statement and relates the final
conclusions to the original intent.



Marmalade for Export?

Millers Marmalade Ltd is contemplating going into the export market.
Mr. David Miller the Managing Director, has called in his Works Manager, Mr.
Peter Green, and his Chief Accountant, Mrs. Jill Stephenson, to discuss the matter.











Good morning. Im not going to make any speeches - we all know

what were here for, and what Id like to hear are your ideas - purely
off the record - about the whole question. Peter?
Well, I must admit Im still a bit doubtful about this business. Exporting
is always a tricky affair - costs a lot to get started, and you have to rely
on outsiders - agents and so on - a lot. Wouldnt we be better to stick
to the home market which we know and leave this export game to the
other chaps?
Hmm. You know, as I see it, there are big changes ahead - the coun-
trys going to be part of the EU sooner or later - and any expanding
firm that doesnt already have some experience and foothold in the
export business is bound to be at a disadvantage. Jill, how do you feel
about this?
Id like to say a word about the money side, Mr. Miller. First, the
Government is offering tax concessions to exporting firms. And
second, I think Mr. Green would agree that our potential capacity is
already outgrowing the home market. The point is, can we afford to
run at half speed?
Quite. So the idea is, we use the export market to take up the overflow
from the home market.
If I could just comment on Mrs. Stephensons first point for a moment.
Weve seen these Government concessions before -theyre never very
big and the politicians countdown on them just as soon as theyre short
of money.
Youve got a point there. No good relying on official backing. This is
a question weve got to decide ourselves .
It seems to me our first job is to find out just what its likely to cost us
to get started, and what kind of return we can expect over, say, the next
two or three years.
No harm in that. Im not saying Im against exporting per se, but -
Good. Well, thats about as far as we can go for now. Jill, perhaps for
the moment we can put you in charge of the 'export research project -
I think thats what theyd call it, isnt it? Meanwhile, perhaps its time
for a cup of coffee. Oh, by the way Peter, about that new machinery
youve ordered for B plant....


think through - promisliti: This purpose should be thought through.
at the outset - na po~etku (at the beginning)
call a meeting - sazvati sastanak
to run a meeting - voditi sastanak
to be doubtful about something - sumnjati u ne{to, imati rezerve
Wouldnt we be better to... - Zar nam ne bi bilo bolje da... Upitno-odre~ni oblik
Dont you like to drive ? - Zar ne voli{ da vozi{?
ahead (off) - ispred, ispred nekog: They are ahead of us. Oni su pred nama (ispred
nas). There are big changes ahead.
sooner or later - pre ili posle
be bound to - sigurno }e biti: He is bound to come
feel about something - imati ose}aj o ne~emu, misliti o ne~emu: How do you feel
about this? [ta misli{ o ovome?
first - prvo; the first - prvi: First, the Government is offering...
comment on: Whats your comment on Jills proposal?
be short of - oskudevati, nemati: He is short of money. Are we short of petrol?
have to, have got to izra`ava obavezu: Ive got to go now. I havent got to work
over - preko, u toku izvesnog perioda: over the weekend, over next two years.

See: Grammar File Unit 6

Modal verbs can, may, must, ought to; Conjunctions


1. Prevedite slede}e re~enice na engleski jezik:


Ko }e morati da ide na ovu konferenciju?

Da li mora{ da potpi{e{ menicu? (bond)
[ta si morala da uradi{ na po{ti?
Kad mora{ do}i ku}i?
Ko je morao da se vrati u kancelariju?
Za{to mora{ da pere{ kola danas?
Ko je morao da plati ra~un? (bill)
Nisam morao da idem na sastanak, ali sam hteo.
Ko }e morati da ide s engleskom delegacijom?
Niko ne}e morati da ide s njima.


.2. Complete the following sentences - can, cant, may, must or neednt.

You ____ hurry, the train is leaving in the afternoon.

We _______ do much now, its almost 5 oclock.
If you are free tonight, we ___ go out.
They ___ be at the airport two hours before the plane leaves.
__ I take another sandwich ?
You - pay for it now, you ___ do it later.
___ I ask you something?
Mary ___ drive well, she drives too fast.
This is something you ___ see in Boston.
They ___ bring the report on Tuesday, they ___ do it on Friday.

3. Put the following sentences into the future tense. See the example:


Ana cannot speak English. Ana will be able to speak English next year.
I cant tell you the price. (tomorrow)
They cant take us to the airport this morning. (tomorrow)
I cant answer your question right now. (in a few minutes)
He cant use the computer. (in a month)
She cant translate these documents today. (next week)
She cant drive. (in two weeks)
We cant ship the goods this week. (in two months)
John cant give us the information we need. (tomorrow)

4. Write ten sentences like the following ones.

although - Although we all tried our best, we lost the game.

while - Mr Smith came to see you while you were out.
since - Since we have no money we cant buy a new car.
though -Though John didnt feel well, he went to work.

5. What goes together

1. effective
2. call
3. make
4. bright
5. bound
6. stimulate
7. a tricky
8. make
9. export
10. short


a) ideas
b) thinking
c) to be
d) affair
e) and clear
f) a speech
g) market
h) executive
i) a meeting
j) of money



6. Translate the following sentences:


Da li }e{ mo}i da dodje{ na sastanak?

Da li ste mogli da razumete predavanje?
D`ek nije mogao da dodje u London.
Nismo mogli da snizimo cenu.
Nisu mogli da nam daju popust.
Da li }ete mo}i da napi{ete odgovor do sutra?
Da li mogu da posudim va{a kola?
Da li biste mogli da mi pomognete?

7. Complete the following sentences with a modal form from below.


Didnt need to must mustnt had to neednt

She is late. She had another meeting this morning, but it ___finished by now.
The goods are faulty so we ______pay for them.
The production costs are too high. We _____ reduce them.
The system is dangerous. We _________ continue using it.
The valve broke so we _________ replace it.
The supervisor says we ____ report any leakage. Last year we ___ report small

8. Complete the following sentences with may have, must have or cant have. More

than one answer may be possible.


Where is David? I dont know. He ___ home. (go)

How are the builders getting on? They ___ by now. (finish) Ill go and see.
The garden is all wet. lt ___ in the night. (rain)
He___ all his money. I gave him ten pounds only yesterday! (spend)
I ___ a new job. Ill know for certain tomorrow. (find)
The cars got a big dent in the side. Jack ___ an accident. (have)
7. Theyre not at home. They ___ away for the weekend. (go)
Who phoned? She didnt give her name. It ___ Lucy. (be)

9. Complete the answers using MAY or MIGHT. Use a negative form if appro-
Q. Do you think this is a high risk product?
A. Yes, it _________ damage our reputation.
Q. Do you think we need to explain the project to the press?
A. If we dont, the public __________ misunderstand our intentions.
Q. What are we going to do?
A. Well have an open day when everyone ____ visit the factory.
Q. Why do you want to explain everything about the product?
A. If we dont, we ______ get the support we want.
Q. Did you tell the press they were not invited?


A. No, I said they _______ come.
Q. Do you think the newspapers will write about this problem?
A. I dont know. They ______ or they ________.

10. Translate into English:

Mogu li da uzmem va{ katalog? Naravno da mo`ete.
Da li su oni mogli da stignu na vreme da uhvate avion? Ne, nisu, jer nisu mogli
da dobiju taksi.
Da li bi ona mogla da ide u kupovinu popodne? Da, mogla bi, ako zavr{i kucanje

Da li }ete mo}i da prisustvujete sastanku sutra? @ao mi je, ali ne}u mo}i.
On ne mo`e biti odgovoran za kupovinu opreme.

Asking for permission
Do you mind if I use your telephone?
No, not at all.
I have to tell my friend I wont be able to get away next weekend.
Is he expecting you?
Yes, we planned to go skiing together.
Do you mind...? Imate li protiv...? Da li smem...?
not at all - ni najmanje
to go skiing (to go swimming) - i}i na skijanje, na plivanje

Useful phrases: Making suggestions

What about...? Lets...
Why dont we ? I suggest...
It might be a good idea to...

Economic Terms
berza rada.
institution and process through which employment and
wages are distributed; the area within which workers
compete for jobs and employer compete for workers.
zakon tra`nje.
the inverse relationship between prices and quantities
demanded; the lower the price of a goods the greater
will be the amount demanded.
zakon ponude.
the positive relationship between prices and quantities





Ever-increasing numbers of executives take part in various kinds of meetings

where the main language is English. In order to participate successfully, the foreign
businessman needs not only to have a good grounding in commercial English, but also
to be familiar with conference terminology. This article gives a number of the basic
expressions needed for formal meetings.
Large meetings are usually called conferences. Such meetings are often held at
regular intervals, though they may also be called for a special purpose. The delegates
at conferences are often required to serve on committees, which are set up while the
conference is in session. Delegates may also be asked to serve in an advisory capacity.

Preparing a Conference
A firm which acts as host for a conference will send out letters of invitation to
delegates. If those invited cannot accept the invitation, they will write to say that they
are unable to attend the meeting. The invitation will state the date when, and the place
where, the meeting will be held. Often forms are sent out for delegates to fill in, or



Officers must be named for the conference, a programme of work drawn up and staff
recruited. Those taking part will probably be paid an accommodation and subsistence
allowance, and their travel expenses will be paid by their firm.
Before the conference it is important that rules of procedure are decided upon.
A provisional agenda will be fixed, and a time-table drawn up. Documents should be
in order. Official documents - such as contracts - are divided into chapters, sections,
subsections or paragraphs, and subparagraphs. They may be provided with footnotes and
appendices. Documents are first drawn up, then reproduced for distribution.

Officers of the Conference

The officers of a conference include a Chairman, probably a Vice-Chairman, and
a Secretary who among other tasks keeps the minutes at meetings. The host firm of
the conference may provide a typewriting service, mimeographing facilities, and an
information desk near the conference hall.
When the conference is in session, the Chairman will open the meeting. He may
declare the discussion open, or he may call upon a certain speaker who has been asked
to make a speech. While others are speaking, it is the Chairmans duty to keep the
meeting in order, he may for instance need to request delegates to keep to the point under
discussion, or invite speakers to be brief. The Chairmans ruling on a point of order is
normally accepted as final.

The Debate
Those wishing to speak may put their names on the list of speakers, or indicate their
desire to intervene in a debate by saying to the Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I ask to speak.
A speaker may address the meeting from his place, or go up to the rostrum. A delegate
may express agreement with the previous speaker, or raise an objection to what another
speaker has said. This objection may be sustained or overruled by the Chairman.
During the debate a number of motions may be put forward. Before these can
be voted upon, they must be seconded. Delegates may vote for or against a motion or
abstain from voting. For a motion to be adopted it must be supported by the requisite
majority. If everyone is in favor of the motion, it is carried unanimously, and a resolution
is passed. Voting may be carried out by secret ballot, or the Chairman may simply say,
Please, signify by show of hands. Voting is performed in the same way for a candidate
who agrees to stand for election to a particular office at the conference.
At the end of a session, the Chairman closes the debate, and adjourns the meeting.
At the end of the conference, he will probably make a closing speech, and some delegate
will propose a vote of thanks for the host firm.



ever-increasing - stalno rastu}i
take part - uzeti u~e{}e
in order to - u cilju, da ...
to be familiar with - biti upoznat, informisan
at conference - na konferenciji
committee / k miti / komitet, komisija (obratite pa`nju na akcenat)
set up - formirati, ustanoviti, osnovati
in session - u zasedanju, The conference is in session.
act as a host-imati ulogu doma}ina; host /h ust/
decide upon - dogovoriti se: rules of procedure are decided upon
draw up - sastaviti: a timetable was drawn up
to keep the minutes - voditi zapisnik
call upon - pozvati, prozvati
keep to the point under discussion dr`ati se teme (ta~ke) o kojoj se diskutuje
ruling - odluka
I ask to speak - `elim re~
put forward predlo`iti
stand for election - kandidovati se
at the end - na kraju

See: Grammar File Unit 7

The Present Perfect Tense; Position of adverbs; Word Building-ful


1. Answer:

How long have you worked in Belgrade?

Have you ever been in New York?
How long has your friend studied here?
What have you bought this morning?
How long has your friend been a student?
Have you seen my secretary today?
Who has read the play Hamlet?
Who has parked Bills car in front of the house?

2. Prevedite slede}e re~enice na engleski jezik:


Mi uvek dolazimo na posao u devet sati.

Moja sekretarica nikad ne pravi gre{ke.
Da li si ikad video ovakva kola? (sada{nji perfekt)
Mi ponekad kupujemo ~elik iz [vedske.



Mi retko letujemo u Londonu.

Ponekad u~estvujemo na konferenciji u Rimu.
Ona je uvek u pravu.
D`on i njegova sekretarica ponekad putuju u inostranstvo.
Na{i partneri nisu nikad bili u pravu, (sada{nji perfekt)
U Kairu nikad nije bilo hladno.

3. Translate the following sentences.


Poznajem ga vi{e od deset godina.

Otkad ~eka{ ovde?
Otkad poznaje{ D`ona?
Koliko dugo `ivite u Londonu?
@ivim u Beogradu 5 godina.
Kad sam u{ao u kancelariju svi su pri~ali.
^ekam te od 3 sata.
^itao je izve{taj celo posle podne.

4. What goes together

a) intervene _________________________________
1. adjourn
b) an objection _______________________________
2. stand for
c) speech _________________________________
3. pass
d) a motion _________________________________
4. desire
e) the rostrum ________________________________
5. a closing
f) a vote _________________________________
6. close
g) election _________________________________
7. sustain
h) a resolution _______________________________
8. put forward
i) debate _________________________________
9. propose
j) meeting _________________________________
10. go up to
Fill in the missing prepositions.
When did John arrive? He arrived _____eleven oclock.
Ill be back____ten minutes.
2. Thousands customers came _____ the fair.
3. Well meet you _____ the airport.
4. You must apologise _____ Mr Smith for coming late.
5. Philip went to New York _______ business.
6. Why arent you listening ______ me?
7. Do you have lunch _____ home?
8. Do you work ______ night?
9. Dont be late _____ the meeting.



What goes together?

a) statement _________________________________
1. serve
b) documents ________________________________
2. attend
c) the matter _________________________________
3. name
d) the point _________________________________
4. rules
e) a congress ________________________________
5. official
f) on committee ______________________________
6. keep to
g) of procedures ______________________________
7. adjourn
h) officers of the conference ____________________
8. discuss
i) the meeting ________________________________
9. opening
j) translator _________________________________
10. official

Dialogue: Giving advice

If I were you, Id get some exercise.
I know. Ive put on some weight.
Lets go to the pool tomorrow afternoon. It wont be too crowded around two

Thats a good idea. Ill meet you there.

If I were you. Kad bih bio na tvome mestu. If I were in London. Kad bih bio u
Londonu. If we were rich. Kad bismo bili bogati.
to put on weight - ugojiti se.
idea /aidi / - ideja, obratite pa`nju na akcenat
advice /advais/ savet;
advise /advaiz/ savetovati. Obratite pa`nju na pravopis i izgovor.

Useful phrases: Asking for repetition

Im sorry, what did you say?
Could you repeat, please?
Sorry, could you say that again?
Could you speak up a little, please?

Economic Terms
FACTORS OF PRODUCTION - faktori proizvodnje
the economic resources which go into the production of
a goods.
fond, izvor sredstava; sredstva ostavljena za posebnu
svrhu; pl. nov~ana sredstva, gotovina.
dobra; roba.
all material things capable of satisfying human wants.





David Drake is attending a conference at Brighton. The theme of the conference is

'Translation for the Business World'.
and gentlemen, now that we have heard the main speakers, I
declare the discussion open.

Mr. Chairman, I ask for the floor.

Yes, Mr. Wood.
Mr. Chairman, I just wish to say that in my capacity of export manager

in a large U.S. corporation exporting all over the world, I have found
that it is always best where possible to use one's own translators.

Mr. Chairman, I ask to speak.

Yes, Mrs. - err -
Miss Doyle. Mr. Chairman, I'm sure what the last speaker says is very

true, but my experience as a translator is that very few companies, at

any rate in this country, are willing to take on translators as permanent

staff at a decent salary. I remember in 1956-or was it '57? - trying to

get a job of this kind, and I must have applied to half a dozen firms,
but none of them showed the slightest -

Thank you, but Im afraid were straying a little from the point under

discussion. If I may just remind the meeting, our subject today is How
can we train good translators'?

Mr. Chairman, I _______

Yes. Mr. - err - Drake , isnt it?
That's right. Mr. Chairman, I must confess that I'm rather new in this

field, but it has struck me that a commercial translator must need a

good deal of commercial experience, which he - or she - is unlikely to

get unless he works in a commercial firm.

Right. That's just my point. I ...

Mr. Wood, I must remind you that all remarks should be addressed to
the Chair.

I apologize Mr. Chairman. - May I go on?

Yes, but please be brief - there are several other delegates who have
indicated that they wish to speak.

Thank you. Well, Mr. Chairman, as I was about to say, I believe that
a business translator should have both a sound linguistic and business
training in the first place, and he should then be permanently employed
by the corporation for whom he translates.








Mr. Drake...
Mr. Chairman, I should like to ask whether any research work has
been done to discover what in fact is the background of the translators
used at present, and to what extent they are on the permanent staff of
the firms that use them?
Can anyone help us on this point? - No? - Well, this seems to be a
question which should be resolved before we can go into our subject
more deeply. Perhaps we should form a committee to look into it.
I propose that Miss Doyle should be on the committee.
I second that.
Any more proposals? - Well, could I suggest that perhaps Mr. Wood
and Mr. Drake might serve on the committee also?
I second Mr. Wood.
I second Mr. Drake .
Mr. Chairman. I appreciate the honor, but I regret that I have to leave
the conference tomorrow, so I am obliged reluctantly to refuse to serve
on the committee.
I think our committee should consist of at least three members, so
could I please have another nomination.
I propose Mr. Hoover.
Thank you. If there are no further nominations, it will be unnecessary
to take a vote. And now I see it is just five oclock, so I declare the
meeting adjourned until tomorrow at 10 a. m.

attend / tend / - attend a conference - prisustvovati konferenciji
that - u tekstu po{to ... now that we have heard the main speaker, sad po{to smo...
to ask for the floor - tra`iti re~
all over the world {irom sveta
to ask to speak - tra`iti re~
at any rate - u svakom slu~aju; rate - porez na imovinu; rate of exchange - kurs
razmene (novca)
none - not any, not one: There arent any left. There are none left (not one).
strike ( struck, struck) - udariti, ovde u tekstu, izazvati utisak, sinuti npr. It strikes
me that... ~ini mi se da
which he, or she, is... u savremenom engleskom jeziku govornici (ili pisci) sve
~e{}e, da ne bi povredili `ene (pripadnice jednog zanimanja) pribegavaju nezgrapnom
on/ona nekad u pisanju (s)he.
unless - ako ne
address - uputiti ...all remarks should be addressed to...
stray / strei / - skrenuti s teme, udaljiti se



be about to - upravo se spremiti za ne{to: He was about to say something. On se

upravo spremio (hteo) da ka`e ne{to.
take a vote -glasati
Committee / k miti / komitet, komisija
adjourne / d
:n/ prekinuti odlo`iti, npr. sednicu ili sastank

See: Grammar File Unit 8

The Present Perfect Continuous


1. Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Simple or the Present

Perfect Continuous Tense.


Tom (not be) here for a long time.

Could you repeat your question, please? I (not listen) to you.
His colleagues (wait) for me since 12 oclock.
How many letters the secretary (write) today?
My colleague (learn) French since last January.
I am sorry Im late. How long you (wait)?
Jim (not read) any book for several months.
The boss just (come) in.

2. Put the following beginnings and ends together.

a) The children have been looking at them.
1. She looks very tired.
b) No, I have been eating the whole day.
2. Your fingers are all white,
c) Yes, Ive been painting the windows.
3. Why is your hair wet?
d) Ive been talking with Jill and she just goes on and on.
4. Arent you hungry?
e) Yes, Ive been swimming.
5. You are very late.
f) She has been gardening the whole morning.
6. Why are my books all over
the room?
Put in the present perfect continuous or simple:
I (learn) English for six years.
He (learn) most of the irregular verbs.
2. Jim and Mary (do) Christmas shopping all day.
3. How long (you wait)?
4. David (go) out every night this week.
5. This building (stand) here for over l00 years.
6. I (clean) the car. Doesnt it look nice.



How long you (have) that cold?

I (wait) long enough. Im going.
I (know) Julia since university.
I (not sleep) for two nights.

4. Discus the following topics:


Running a conference.
The package sells the product.
The qualities of a good business executive.
The boss I would like.
Presentation of a new product.

5. Complete the following extract by choosing the correct form of either the past
simple or the present perfect simple.
Last year our company (report) a small increase in profits. This year we (see) con-
tinued improvement and our turnover (rise) by 20%. This is very good news in a difficult
world market. In fact internationally, the market (fall). Naturally, our cost (go up) and
so the rise in profits is not so great. It is true that our domestic performance (be helped)
by collapse of our main competitors, Messrs. COLINS, which ( go out of business) in
Answer the following questions using the Present Perfect Tense.
What significant changes have taken place in your life since you have got your first

What are some interesting experiences you have had while you have been working
2. as an economist?

What are some things you have not yet done in your business life but would like
3. to do?

Who are some of the people you have met and what are some of the interesting
4. tasks you have had in the past couple of months?

What are some of the places you have visited on your business trips?



7. Put the following sentences together:

1. We are straying a little a) should be addressed to the chairman
2. I should like to ask b) I declare the discussion open.
3. I appreciate the honour c) which should be reached before to-

4. I am obliged reluctantly d) so I declare the meeting adjourned
until ten.

5. If there are no further nominations e) from our point under discussion

6. I see it is just five oclock f) but I regret that I have to leave the

7. This seems to be a question g) whether any research has been done.

8. I must have applied to half a dozen h) to refuse to serve on the committee.
conference. firms,
9. Now that we have heard the main i) it will be unnecessary to take a vote.
j) but none of them showed the slight-
10. I am reminding you that all re-
est interest.

Dialogue: Registering at a convention

Linda Foster: I wanted to register. Is this the right desk?
Which category are you in?
Im just attending the conference.
Linda Foster:
Right. Thats here. Category participant. Great. Did you pre-regis-

Yes, a couple of months ago. The names Foster, initial L.

Linda Foster:
Hold on. Is that L for Linda or Lucy?
Linda Foster:
Oh, I have your envelope. You are from C.B.M. in Chicago, right?
Linda Foster:

Linda Foster:

Heres your I.D. pass, the envelope contains your convention planner,
a plan of the convention center and the conference handbook.
Thank you.

attend / tend / - prisustvovati

participant / p :tisip nt / - u~esnik
initial / ini
l / - inicijal, po~etni, po~etno slovo
envelope / env l up / - koverat
contain / k ntein / - sadr`avati



Useful phrases: Asking for repetition again

Sorry I still dont understand.

Im affraid youll have to speak more slowly.

Could you say that last bit again?
Im sorry. Youre going to have to speak even louder.

Economic Terms
zarada, dobit.
1. something received as compensation for labour or the
use of capital; 2. the balance of revenue for a specific
period that remains after deduction of expenses (profit ).
zakup, kirija; ugovor o zakupu; zakupiti; uzimanje
pod zakup; iznajmljivanje.
a contract for the possession of land, apartment, ma-
chinery, patents, copyrights, etc. for a limited time in
return for a periodic payment.
razrezati porez (taksu itd) ubirati porez; svota ubranog
poreza; propisati porez.
to collect by legal process or by authority (tax, tribute,
fine, etc.)
zajam, pozajmica.
the sum of money lent by the lender to the borrower;
also other property whose use but not ownership is
transferred by the owner to the user.
prihod, dohodak.
1. in accounting, in general, the receipts ( earnings of an
enterprise, of an individual); 2. in economics, income
individually speaking is the payment received by a fac-
tor of production; collectively, it is the total of these





There are four ways of transporting

goods: by roads and rail (land transport), by
air and by sea. Which methods will be used
depend on destination, volume of consi-
gnment, required speed, kind of goods, cost
and safety.
But, let Mr. Simon Shaw, an expert for
the transport matters, explain his views on
the subject.












Id like to know, Mr. Shaw, whether you think airfreight is taking over
from other methods of transporting goods.
Its certainly becoming more and more popular, but on the other hand
the need for all kinds of transport is also growing.
I suppose the main advantage of airfreight is speed.
Yes, although there is one snag there - air space is in such demand that
it often has to be booked a very long time in advance.
So in some cases it may be easier to send the goods by sea.
Easier and cheaper.
What other factors should be considered when sending goods
Its an advantage to have an airfield or a good port near the final
destination of the goods.
What constitutes a good port?
Well, for instance the harbor should be easy of access and should offer
good mooring-space.
And then youll need good facilities and equipment for loading and
discharging cargoes I imagine.
Yes, there must be an adequate supply of dockers, machinery like
cranes, sheds for storing goods and so on.
Yes, I can understand warehousing must be a major problem. Then
I suppose there are various organizational tasks that must be looked
Yes, a good port must have forwarding facilities and ship-brokers to
arrange for the chartering of boats.
Modern shipping is certainly a complex business. But we havent said









anything about land transport yet.

No. Well, road and rail transport are of course generally complementary
services to transport by sea and air.
What about big trucks that go from country to country in Europe?
Youre quite right. I was forgetting those.
Theyre very versatile, arent they?
Yes - for instance they often run these trucks right on to car ferries
without removing the load at all.
Ive heard the railways are feeling the pressure badly from road
haulage competition.
Yes. One reason is that road transport is so much more flexible.
Now Mr. Shaw, is there anything about the future of long-distance
freighting youd like to mention?
Only this, that I believe the containerization explosion will continue to
expand rapidly for some years to come.
Thank you very much Mr. Shaw.

by road, rail, sea, air - drumom, `eleznicom, morem, avionom
depend on uz glagol depend ide i predlog on npr. It depends on the weather. Zavisi
od vremena. It depends on John. What does it depend on? Od ~ega to zavisi?
let - dopustiti: Let Mr Baker explain his views. Neka g. Beiker objasni svoj stav.
Let him say it. Neka on kaze. Let him do it.
Id - I would (Id) like to know. Voleo bih da znam.
take over / teik uv / - preuzeti
look after - paziti, ~uvati, pobrinuti se za
look for - tra`iti: What are you looking for? [ta tra`i{?
look at - gledati: What is he looking at?
Look out! - Pazi! Look out, theres a car coming.
what about... - {ta je s? What about trucks... ? A {ta je s kamionima?
long distance - medjugradski; a longdistance telephone call - medjugradski tel.
longdistance traffic - medjugradski saobra}aj.



freight /freit/
access / kses /
versatile / v :s tail /
haulage / h
lid /

See: Grammar File Unit 9

Relative pronouns; Conjunctions; Word Building un


1. lnsert that, who, whom, which, whose, where necessary:


The bomb, ___ was dropped on Hiroshima, ended the war.

The girl ___ is talking with John is my secretary.
The car ___ you saw yesterday belongs to the President of our company.
Where is the man _____ application has been accepted.
My boss, _____ has just come back from Shefield, brought all the plans.
The computers ____ you bought last week,broke down.
The man, _____ you have just met, is in charge of production department.,
Have you found the manual ____ you lost last week?
Dont blame me for everything _____ goes wrong.
What was the name of the man _____ car was stolen.
Anyone ________ wants this job must send his/her C.V.
We ordered the spare parts _____ John had recommended.

2. Join these pairs of sentences using the following conjunctions


If, because, either... or, but, although, both... and

Do that again. Youll get into trouble.
Ill ring you up. Ill send you a message.
They didnt buy the house. It was very expensive.
Bill went to Cairo. Mery went to Cairo.
They bought a new car. It was expensive.
He is very rich. He doesnt waste money.

3. What goes together:

a) his views _________________________________
1. road
b) services _________________________________
2. long distance
c) facilities and equipment ____________________
3. organisational
d) cargoes _________________________________
4. explain
e) factors _________________________________
5. complementary
f) destination ________________________________
6. adequate



7. discharge
g) task
h) freighting ________________________________
8. consider
i) speed _________________________________
9. final
j) haulage _________________________________
10. required
Complete the following sentences with relative pronouns:
Dont blame my secretary for everything ____ goes wrong.
Anyone ______ is interested in computers, please come inside.
2. Has John found the invoice ______ he lost.
3. A businessman is someone ____ buys and sells things.
4. John bought the car ___ I recommended.
5. The man _____ I met on the train was an artist.
6. The offer _______ we got from John was not very attractive.
7. This is the man _______ offer was accepted.
8. This is the man ____ you wanted to meet.
9. _______ did you give the message to?
Insert:at, by, in, into, of, off, on, to, under, with, for
Are you going ___ bus or ___ car?
How do you go ___ work? It depends ___ the weather. ___ wet days I go ___ un-
2. derground; ___ fine weather I go ___ foot.

According to Tom, it is impossible to live ___ New York ___ on less than 10.000
3. a Year.

Are you ___ your own (alone)? No, Im ____ a friend ___ mine.
4. Can John have a day ____?
5. Im tired ___ working ___ the suburbs.
6. He was accused ____ selling stolen goods.
7. ____ mistake I opened Johns letter.
8. When are you coming back? ____ Monday.
9. Dont be late the meetings begins ___ 10.
10. Stephen was ill ___ a week.
11. Are you ___ in hurry?
12. The area was divided ____ four sections.
13. Boys _____ 18 are not supposed to start before 8 a.m.
Make sentences using the following words
Now heard that we heard the discussion I main speakers
open have.

on the committee Mr Brown Perhaps might serve

2. the meeting until adjourned I tomorrow declare .
3. I you with agree all dont but sorry Im at.
4. He would to know any like research work done been has




I must addressed should

to the Chair be.
Discuss the following topics






What kind of risk does a shipment run, abroad and in Yugoslavia?

The applications of the computer.
2. Why use a computer.
Make sentences of your own, using the following words:
levy decrease percentage exception value added tax

income turnover add define municipal loan

depend on progressive tax payment previous increase




Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:

proforma invoice retail document freight cargo inquiry quotation
overseas discount forward supplier bill of lading
purchase sale forward

After receiving their inquiry, we sent them a q_______.

We have just received an i_______ for the goods we want.
Another word for buy is p______.
A bill of lading (B/L) and a letter of credit (L/C) are both d______.
Please inform us when the cargo arrives at its d_________.
We sent a p_______ before making up an order.
Our agent will f_______ the goods to you when they arrive.
It is important to include the d_________ of each package on all the forms.
Ive just heard that f______ charges are going up.
That firm is our sole s______ of those components.
They have added 15% for the s_______ charge.
When will you be able to d_______ the goods to us?
The r____ price is 30% higher than the wholesale price.
Doing business on the phone with companies o_____ is very costly.
Before we can accept your order, we require a d_____ of 5% of the total
Complete the following sentences using who, which, that
1. Where is the man ____ is in charge of the warehouse?
2. This is the money _____ you owe us.
3. This is the company ______ goods nobody buys.
4. Mary is the secretary _____ got proper training.
5. Where is the man _______ I saw this morning?


10. Join the following sentences with who or which
See the example:This is the switch which isnt working
He lives next door.
1. Do you know the shop
He stole my car.
2. I know somebody
He deals with exports.
3. I want some dishes
Its not working.
4. I was at school with the man
It needs to be eaten.
5. Id like to speak to the person
It sells good coffee.
6. Shes got freindly with a boy
7. The police have not found the man They last for years.
8. Theres some cheese in the fridge She could mend that chair.
They go into the microwave.
9. Weve got some light bulbs
He is driving that taxi.
10. This is the switch

Dialogue: Introduction
Jessica: Michael! Come in! Id like you to meet Josh Crosby.
How do you do, Michael?
Michael: Im very well, thank you. Its nice to meet you.
Jessica: Josh is our company lawyer. Hes taking care of the contracts.
Michael: I see.
I hear youre from Canada.
Michael: Thats right.
Josh: How long will you be staying in the States?
Michael: Oh, about three months.
How do you like it here so far?
Michael: Its great. Really enjoying it.
Well, if youll excuse me, I have to go.
Michael: Thanks, nice meeting you, too.
Hope to see you again sometime.

Useful phrases: Interrupting/moving on

If I could just intrreupt you...

Lets move on to the second point now.

Shall we move on to the next point now?



Economic Terms
l. obaveza, jemstvo, odgovornost. 2. dugovi
1. a debt or obligation stated in terms of money; 2. (pl.
liabilities) the claims of creditors; the assets of an indi-
vidual or business subject to payment of these claims.
kreditno pismo, akreditiv.
a letter authorizing the extension of credit or the ad-
vance of money to the bearer, who is usually named in
the letter; the credit or advance to be charged to the per-
son issuing the letter.
( kod menica ili ra~una ) dospevanje, dospevanje za
pla}anje, dan kad se mora platiti.
as applied to securities and commercial papers, the date
when payment of the principal is due.
datum dospevanja, datum zastarevanja, rok isplate.




Manufacturer, Wholesaler, retailer

This time there are three people sitting

at the panel, who will discuss the relations
among manufacturers, wholesalers and
They are Mr. Philip Cadbury,
representing the manufacturer, Mr. Richard
Cumming from the wholesale business, and
Tom Cross, a retailer. Mr. Cadbury, do you
think the manufacturer would be better off
without the middleman?








Well, Miss Dylan, this is something every manufacturer has to think

of at some time, but I think he generally finds in the final analysis he
saves himself a whole lot of expense and trouble by getting someone
else to look after his distribution problems. There are some exceptions
of course, like manufacturers of heavy machinery and office equipment
for example.
Will he really save himself expense?
Not always - in the case of a big manufacturer operating a mail
order business for instance he may save by having his own mailing
department. But in the case of goods sold in shops, most firms have
found it pays to get someone else to do the retailing.
You havent said anything about the wholesaler. Lets ask our retailer,
Mr. Cross, whether he thinks the wholesaler could be done away
From my personal point of view, the big advantage is that the wholesaler
can keep much bigger stocks than Id want to have on my hands.
Perhaps I could add a word to defend my position as a wholesaler.
One big service we do give is in helping both manufacturer and retailer
with our store of information - knowledge of the trade, experience in
forecasting market trends, changes in fashion and taste - things like
I suppose the wholesalers also useful to the retailer in finding sources
of supply?
Yes, and to the manufacturer in finding new outlets for his products.
Then we mustnt forget that wholesalers sometimes help the retailer
with special credit terms.








I dont think weve mentioned that the wholesaler also bears a

considerable risk when market prices change.
But he may stand to gain by this.
No one takes a risk unless they think theres a chance of winning, do
Thats a thought. - Another thing we havent brought up is that
the wholesalers often look after the cost and problems of publicity
Thats true. But whats even more important is that, by the orders he
places with the manufacturer, the wholesaler largely guides production,
because the manufacturers likely to base his production planning at
least to some extent on the wholesale orders hes getting.
Id like to mention that most manufacturers wouldnt want the kind of
small orders we smaller retailers put in. Its the wholesaler that takes
the big order from the manufacturer, breaks bulk and lets each retailer
have his small share of the order.
Well, on the whole it looks as if the present set-up is likely to continue
for some time at least.

be better off - biti bolje We shall be better off if we dont buy from BBI.
have to = must. Postoji mala razlika izmedju must i have to; have to se upotre-
bljava kad obaveza dolazi spolja, obavezu neko drugi name}e. Do you have to be there
at ten?
himself povratna zamenica za tre}e lice jednine sebe, se.
someone else - neko drugi
it pays - isplati se It doesnt pay to ... ne isplati se... Crime doesnt pay. (zlo~in)
point of view - gledi{te From my point of view it doesnt pay...
bring up - pokrenuti, izneti John brought up an interesting question (problem).
both... and - i .....i helping both manufecturers and retailers
must - morati I must do it now. Moram to da uradim sad. I need not do it now. Ne
moram da uradim sad. I must not do it. Ne smem.
Thats a thought. To je dobra ideja (misao).

See: Grammar File Unit 10

The Past Perfect Simple; Two-word verbs




1. Put in the Simple Past Tense and the Past Perfect Simple, see the example:


I (be) sorry that I (not buy) that car.

I was sorry that I had not bought that car.
The conference (already start) when I (came).
It (be) a firm that I (never hear) of.
All the people we (invite) turned up, and some that we (not invite).
Because he (not check) the oil for so long, the car (break) down.
Nobody (come) to the meeting because Ann (forget) to tell people about it.
Mary couldnt find the book that I (lend) her.
They (never find) where they (invest) the money.
After he (try) on two jackets he (decide) he liked the first one best.

2. Join the beginnings and ends to make sensible sentences:

a) Paul came in and offered to help.

2. After they had signed the contract
After they had received the

b) he went to a caf for a cup of




c) all of them went to a restaurant.


d) they went to the bank and depos-
1. all the drawers
ited it there.


5. Susan (say) she (see) John on Sunday.
6. The manager (be) upset because Stephen (not telephone).
7. When I (get) to the office I realized I (leave) the key at home.
8. After I (send) the letter I (realize) that the address (be) wrong.
9. The secretary (cannot) find the documents that George (send) to us.
10. We (finish) the report before the inspector (arrive).
Everybody in the office (ask) me what (happen) at the meeting.
The result of our talks (be) much better than we (expect).
Everybody (be) very happy that the contract (be sign).
They (find out) too late that the IBB (go bankrupt).


4. Put the following sentences together

1. You havent said anything a) unless they think theres a chance of


2. He thinks the wholesaler b) he may be better off buying direct

from the factory,

3. I suppose the wholesaler is also c) in finding sources of supply.


4. No-one takes the risk d) for eliminating the wholesaler.

5. The wholesalers often look after e) is likely to continue for some time.
6. They can keep much bigger f) than Id want to have on my hands.

7. Perhaps I could add a word g) the cost of publicity campaigns.

8. It looks as if the present set-up h) about the wholesaler.
9. How about some of the reasons i) to defend my position as a wholesaler.
10. If the retailer is willing to buy j) could be done away with.
large quantities

5. What goes together:

a) a question _________________________________
1. less liable
b) increase _________________________________
2. look into
c) campaign _________________________________
3. freight
d) the matter _________________________________
4. substantial
e) it right _________________________________
5. take up
f) secretary _________________________________
6. faithful
g) of payment ________________________________
7. you wont
h) to damage ________________________________
8. youve got
i) mentioning ________________________________
9. marketing
j) costs _________________________________
10. terms
6. Make questions
Mr Smith thinks the manufacturers would be better off without the middleman.
He will really save himself expense.
Most firms have found it pays to get someone else to do the retailing.
They suppose the wholesalers are useful in finding sources of supply.
The wholesaler often looks after cost and problems of publicity.



Dialogue: On the Phone

Hello, could I speak to Philip McIntosh?
Just a moment, please.
Hello, Philip.
Listen, somethings come up and Im afraid were going to have to
change the day of our meeting.

No problem. When would you like to fix it for?

I was wondering if you could make the Thursday of the same week,
thats the thirty-first.

Thats fine. The afternoon would suit me best, if thats OK with you.
Yes, it is. See you then on Thursday.

come up - iskrsnuti
fix - odrediti, utvrditi; popraviti
suit /sju:t / odgovarati
wonder /w nd / pitati se; u razgovoru Britanci ~esto, kao znak u~tivosti, po~inju
pitanje s ovim glagolom (I wonder if we could meet at 10?).

Useful phrases: Countering interruptions

Sorry, if I could just finish what Im saying...
Before we move on, could we just...?
Sorry, just one more thing...



Economic Terms
dru{tvo, kompanija, udru`enje.
an association of persons organized for the purpose for
carrying on some commercial or industrial activity; it
may be a corporation, partnership, individual propri-
etorship, or state proprietorship.
korporacija, udru`enje, akcionarsko dru{tvo, poslovna
a volontary organization of persons, either individuals
or legal entities legally bound together to form a busi-
ness enterprise; it is regarded as an artificial person by
dru{tvo koje poseduje akcije drugih kompanija i tako
upravlja njima ili vr{i kontrolu.
a corporation that owns the majority of stock of the oth-
er corporations for purposes of control.
spajanje pripajanje preduze}a; organizacija koja je
nastala takvim spajanjem
the absorption by one business enterprise of the assets
and liabilities of another enterprise which may have
produced similar or dissimilar products, the absorbed
enterprise being dissolved.
posao; preduze}e, kompanija, trgovinsko preduze}e;
du}an, prodavnica.
1. any activity concerned with the production or ex-
change of goods or the rendering of financial or other
services to the public for profit. 2. an economic enter-
prise organized for profit.




1. ____ many cars on the parking lot?

a) Are there
b) Have there
c) Is it
d) Are they

2. _____. We dont have much time.

a) Lets go
b) Lets go
c) Letting
d) Let

3. This is a very interesting story. ______

a) Do you read
b) Were you reading
c) Have you read
d) You did read

4. _____ to London?

5. What did you drink at the party last

night? I _____ only Coke.
a) drunk
b) drink
c) drank
d) fed

6. A man is standing by your car. What

_____ there?
a) is he doing
b) does he do
c) did he do
d) doing

7. Who has _____ my English book? I

need it now.
a) taken
b) took
c) take
d) thought

8. I am getting tired. I _____ since nine

a) drove
b) am driven
c) was driving
d) have been driving

9. My friend is used to _____ out in any

kind of weather.
a) go
b) be going
c) have gone
d) going

10. While Jim was watching television, his

friend______ an English book.
a) reads
b) was reading
c) has read
d) is reading

11. Jim _______ to Ottawa several times in

a) has been
b) was going
c) went
d) goes

12. We will wait here until she ______

a) Did you ever

b) Were you ever
c) Are you ever
d) Have you ever been

a) will return
b) is returning
c) returns
d) will have returned



13. What were you doing when I called

you? I _____ television.
a) watched
b) had watched
c) will watch
d) was watching

14. When we got to the office, they _____

working for more than ten hours.
a) had been
b) have been
c) are
d) were being

15. John asked Mary when ____ home.

16. They really apologised for ____ us

know earlier
a) not being let
b) not to let
c) not let
d) not letting
18. Five years ago at this time of year I
____ in Los Angeles.
a) was living
b) have lived
c) live
d) have been living

a) she was going

b) was she going
c) she is going
d) has she gone

17. They wont move until they _____ a

new building.
a) find
b) will find
c) found
d) are found

19. I could see that he _______

a) excited
b) was excited
c) has excited
d) has exciting

20. We have ____ books in our library.

a) a lot of
b) great deal
c) great many
d) a lot

21. I get ____ colds in summer than in win- 22. ____ them are wholesalers.
a) The most of
a) little
b) The most
b) less
c) Most
c) few
d) Most of

d) fewer
23. They needed some oil for their car, but
there was _____ left.
a) any
b) none
c) some
d) a little
25. Can you multiply 27 ____ 30?
a) with
b) by
c) against
d) of


24. The dog _____ John was playing with

ran away.
a) who
b) what
c) -
d) whose




Before agreeing on a sales contract, the importer and the exporter have to discuss
an important issue: the terms of Shipment. The exporter charges different prices accord-
ing to the services he offers the importer. The price may include, except for the cost of
goods themselves:
- the cost of transport
- the cost of insurance
It may be either the importers or the exporters responsibility to pay for transport
and insurance. That is why the terms of shipment directly affect the price of goods.
It is important that both the importer and the exporter know exactly what each of
the shipping terms means. In order to avoid ambiguities, both parties should be familiar
with INCOTERMS, a set of international rules published by the International Chamber
of Commerce. They give a full and precise description of the main terms used in foreign

Terms of Sale
Below are the most frequently used standard terms, with comments on how they
affect insurance arrangements.
Ex Warehouse (or Ex Works, etc.): Buyer responsible for all charges to destination
and has to arrange insurance to cover the goods from the time they leave the warehouse
at the place of shipment until their arrival at final destination.



FAS (Free Alongside Ship): Seller responsible for all charges up to alongside ship.
Buyer is responsible for all charges incurred thereafter. Seller should insure to point
alongside ship, buyer insures from that point to final destination.
FOB (Free on Board): Seller responsible for all charges incurred and all loss and
damage until goods placed on board the vessel or other named carrier. Buyer responsible
thereafter. Seller should insure goods to point FOB; buyer must insure from there to
CF (Cost and Freight): Seller responsible for charges incurred up to port of final
destination, but responsible for loss or damage only until he delivers goods to custody of
ship owner at port of shipment or point FOB. Seller should have his own insurance up to
this point. Buyer insures goods from this point to final destination.
CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight): Same as CF, except that seller provides insurance
on the goods on terms current in the trade up to final destination.
EST (Ex Ships Tackle, or Ex Ship): Similar to CIF in many respects, but seller is
responsible for loss and damage until he delivers goods on dock at port of destination.
Seller has to insure goods up to this point.
Note: In FAS, FOB and C & F sales, it is normal practice for buyers insurance to
cover the goods from the warehouse of the supplier.

agree on - slo`iti se: They agreed on a sales contract.
either... or - ili.... ili: either come in or go out
pay for - platiti (za) ili bez predloga: pay for transport.
party (parties) - strana (u pregovorima): both parties should come to the confer-

be familiar - biti upoznat: We are familiar with technical terms.
comments on
incur (incurred) - navu}i na sebe, te{ko}u, dug i sl.
thereafter - posle (toga, ve} pomenutog)
either /ai
ambiguities / mbigju:itiz /
precise /prisaiz/
incur /ink :/

Ex Warehouse / Ex Works franko stovari{te / franko fabrika

FAS ( Free Alongisde Ship) franko uz bok broda
FOB ( Free on Board) franko brod u ugovorenoj luci otpreme
CF (Cost and Freight) bez osiguranja
CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) samo s osiguranjem i vozarinom
EST ( Ex Ships Tackle ili Ex Ship)



See: Grammar File Unit 11

The Past Perfect Continuous; Causative have; Word Building ness


Join A and B using the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets:

1. I felt very cold
2. I (play) tennis so
3. Their .hair was wet because
4: I (not feel) well for weeks before
5. They(travel)all day so
6. They (drive) for about half an



hour when they realized they were lost.

they were very tired
I finally went to see the doctor.
I (stand) outside for over two hours.
they (swim) outside in the sea.
I was feeling hot and sticky,

2. Supply the Past Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets:

How long ... Jill (stand) in the line before Peter came.
Our partners (plan) our trip for a long time, so we were disappointed when their
workers went on strike.
They (ring) us about the conference every day last week.
We (discuss) what to do when the manager entered the room.
Their company went bankrupt. They (lose) money for quite a long time.
The fire (burn) on all day, and the conference room was warm.
How long... you (work) when we interrupted you?
Susan couldnt speak English well although she (take) lessons for three years.
Write four sentences describing events affecting your work/studies, in which a
past tense is contrasted with a past perfect tense. See the example:
I had been working in marketing before I joined my present company.
Use the prompts below to write sentences which include a past perfect tense
contrasted with a simple past tense. Use positive, negative and interrogative
forms. See the example:

Speak to/ agency/ when they/ change / the agreement

We had spoken to the agency when they changed the agreement.
We hadnt spoken to the agency when they changed the agreement.
Had we spoken to the agency when they changed the agreement?

plane/leave/ when/they/reach/ airport

she/already/sign/contract/when you/call
you/send/report/before we notice/mistake


5. Put the verbs into correct tense

I (not see) him for more than a week.

They (come) here a month ago.
I (buy) like it a month ago.
John (get) a new job a week ago.
I (not speak) French for four year.
She (not speak) to me for over a month.
Since when (you know) my boss?
How long (live) you here?
Jim (buy) a new car a month ago.
I (not be) here for years.

6. What goes together

1. discuss
2. charge
3. avoid
4. arrange
5. insure
6. final
7. provide
8. port
9. responsible
10. exporters

a) goods
b) responsibility ______________________________
c) for loss and damage _________________________
d) ambiguity _________________________________
e) destination ________________________________
f) of destination ______________________________
g) terms _________________________________
h) insurance _________________________________
i) a meeting _________________________________
j) prices _________________________________

Dialogue: On the Phone

Julia Frost:
Is this Julia Frost?
Anna Bland:
Julia Frost:
Hi, this is Anna Bland.
Anna Bland:
Julia Frost:
I said this is Anna Bland.
Anna Bland:
Julia Frost:
Anna Bland. Cant you hear me?
Anna Bland:
Not very well. Its a bad line.
Julia Frost:
Anna Bland. Thats B for big, L for London, A for America, N for
Anna Bland:
Norman, D for down.

Oh,Bland. Anna Bland from KL Computers.

Julia Frost:
Thats right. Im flying into Chicago from L.A. tomorrow. Could you
Anna Bland:
meet me at the Standard Club, at eleven-thirty?

Yeah, sure, Anna.Eleven-thirty at the Standard Club. Ill look forward

Julia Frost:


to seeing you.


Anna Bland:
Julia Frost:

OK Ill see you tomorrow. Bye.


How do you spell your name ?

^uli ste sigurno re~ spelovati (to spell) koja se te{ko prevodi na srpski jezik
-izgovarati slovo po slovo; u engleskom jeziku se ~esto koristi npr. How do you spell
this word? Kako se pi{e ova re~? Could you spell your name? Kad ~ujete ovo poslednje
pitanje, va{ sagovornik o~ekuje od vas da mu ka`ete svoje prezime slovo po slovo, npr.
MITI] em, ai, ti: ai si:- Podse}amo vas da dve ta~ke ukazuju na du`inu samoglasnika.
Drugim re~ima, svako englesko slovo ima i svoje ime, kao {to se u nas ~uje za slovo c /
ce/ tako i Englezi imaju svoje nazive za slova. Nau~ite ih dobro i uve`bavajte, prvo na
svome imenu i prezimenu, zatim na nazivima svoje firme i sl.

Useful phrases: Asking for clarification

Im not 100% clear on that.
So you are saying we should do?
So you dont think so?
What do you mean by?

Economic Terms
1. trgovinski ugovor, tarifni ugovor 2. ugovor o radu
(izmedju sindikata i poslodavca)
1. an international agreement involving conditions of
trade. 2. a contract between a labour union and an em-
ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES - raspodela sredstava, podela sredstava, dodela
the distribution of resources among different uses and
BALANCE OF PAYMENTS - platni bilans.
in the case of any particular country, the difference be-
tween the total payments made to foreign countries and
the total receipts from foreign countries during a given
bilans (kao dokument).
a statement of a firms financial position on a particular
day of the year. (It provides a complete picture of its as-
sets, its liabilities and its net worth.).





Norman Brown has invited an old friend, Jack Cronin, for drink in a pub after
office hours. Cronin is in marine insurance.




Hello, Jack. Youre looking very well. What are you having?
Half of bitter will do me.
Two halves of bitter please.
There you are, dear.
Thank you. Well, cheers.
Cheers. Ah, thats better. Now, whats on your mind David?
Well, I know you shouldnt mix business and pleasure, but as you
know were going in for exporting in a pretty big way these days,
and I thought it might be a good idea to do a bit of homework on
All right. Where shall we start?
In the first place, I wanted to ask you whether its in the exporters
interest to insure the goods himself.
Yes, Id say it certainly is. After all, if youre sending goods abroad
youve got a financial interest in those goods right up to the time the
buyer pays for them. And if they happen to get damaged on the way, the
buyer may be unwilling to cough up - or he may not even be able to.
















How do you mean?

Well, for instance the buyers insurance might be inadequate, so he
mightnt get enough money to make up his loss.
Can the exporter always insure the goods himself?
There may be cases where a country requires incoming shipments
to be insured locally, but you can get round that by buying special
contingency insurance.
How does that work?
It makes up for shortages in claims paid by the importers insurance.
I see. Now, weve been taking 'Open Cover insurance. Is that a good
Oh, definitely. You see, Open Cover gives you automatic protection
on all your shipments. You get fixed conditions and fixed rates, and a
maximum limit of protection for a shipment on any one vessel.
So you know where you are with it.
Right. You know what your exact insurance costs are going to be, so
its easier to quote your price too.
Yes, thats handy. How about having another one?
All right - same again for me, please.
Same again, please.
Bitter was it? There you are.
What I cant understand is the jargon you chaps use. What was
that paragraph I noticed in a policy - something like, 'Touching the
adventures and perils which we the assurers are contented to bear and - '
' - and do take upon us in this voyage: they are of the seas, men of war,
fire, enemies, pirates, thieves, jettisons.
Yes, that sort of stuff. Hows a layman like me expected to know what
all that means?
Well, perils of the sea means unusual situations - nowadays that means
storms and unusually heavy seas, running aground - things like that.
Sounds pretty grim, doesnt it? But what about the things you cant get
insured for?
The basic principle of insurance is that we cover risks. And that
means things that may happen, not things that must happen. I mean, if
fragile glassware isnt packed properly, itll break - thats normal. So
we dont insure against that sort of thing.
Yes, thats fair enough. There was one more thing, if youve got time.
All right, but make it snappy, Ive got a train to catch in ten minutes
O.K. I just wanted to ask, how much should one insure for?
As you know, a fixed value is agreed on when the policy is written.
Insurable value is calculated as cost price plus freight and all charges,




and an allowance for expected profit - say 10%.

Well, thanks a lot Jack.
Hope Ive been some help. Heavens, look at the time. I must be off.
Thanks for the beer.
Too bad you havent got time for another. Regards to the wife. 'Bye.

office hours - radno vreme
there you are - izvolite
Whats on your mind?- [ta ima{ na umu?
up to the time - do vremena (trenutka)..
If they happen to get damaged,... - ako se slu~ajno o{tete
make up loss - nadoknaditi gubitak.
you can get round it... - to mo`es da re{i{...
run aground - nasukati se (brod)
heavy seas - nepogoda na moru; burno more
fair enough, good enough, early enough, obratite pa`nju na pridev enough koji je
na drugom mestu, (posle priloga ili prideva) a na prvom na srpskom - dovoljno dobro,
dovoljno rano...
make it snappy - skrati, po`uri
I must be off. - Moram da idem.

See: Grammar File Unit 12

The Future Simple Tense; Pronouns; personal, possessive, reflexive


1. Use the right reflexive pronouns.


John was not careful last night and he hurt _____.

You must learn to depend upon _______.
All the boys proved _______ in the game.
Ana made these cakes. Help _______ to some more.
We must look after ________.
They had no help. They did it all by _______.

2. Complete the following sentences with the possessive pronouns


He is a cousin of ________.
You must know Mary. She was a neighbour of ___________.
The coat she took is not ____________.
Which cards shall we play ________ or ________?
He is a good friend of ____________



6. Im going to London with my friend Sheila and a friend of _________

7. By a mistake they took our car and left ________ in front of our house.
8. Whose book have you taken, mine or _________?

Complete the following sentences using a/an and one if necessary.


_____ man I met at the conference told me _____ rather unusual story.
Ive told you ___ hundred times not to do it!
Youve been ___ great help to me. ___ day I will repay you.
There was _____ woman there. The rest were men.
___ car is no good; we need at least ____ dozen.
____ Friend of mine lent me ____ very useful manual.
You are making ___ mistake after another. Have you ___ hangover, or some-

8. Most of the staff had been in London for only _____ very short time, but __ man
had been there ____ year and ___ half so he knew ___ little more than the rest.

9. My car broke down near ____ bus stop. There was __ man there waiting for__ bus

so I, asked him for __ advice.

Complete the following sentences with the right preposition:


Who is going to benefit _____ the German market?

You should submit a copy of the Bill of lading _____ the bank.
The meeting was scheduled _____ ten oclock.
He cannot comment _____ the manager work.
You have to comply _____ our regulations.
Customers always blame producers _____ a rise in the prices.
All of us must cooperate ______ each other.
The members of the board must coordinate their work ____ the managers and
9. Our company is capable ______ doing a much better job.
10. If you suffer any damage, the company will compensate you ____ that.

Dialogue: Telephone Call - Changing Flights

A telephone call to the British Airways office in Athens.

BA assistant:

Tom Baker:

BA assistant:
Tom Baker:
BA assistant:
Tom Baker:


British Airways. Reservations. Betty Simpson speaking. How can I

help you?
Hi. I have a ticket for a flight to London and I need to change it. My
name is Tom Baker. Thats B-A-K-E-R.
Sorry. Can I have your flight number first, please?
Oh, yes. Its BA seven five one two to London.
BA seven five one two. OK. And the date?
Well, I have a booking for May sixth, but I really want to be in London
on May sixth, so I want to fly the day before.


BA assistant:
Tom Baker:
BA assistant:
Tom Baker:
BA assistant:
Tom Baker:
BA assistant:

Sorry could you repeat the dates, please?

I want to change my flight from May sixth to May fifth.
I see. OK. Can I have your name again, please?
Yes. Its Tom Baker.
Could you spell that, please?
Thats fine, Mr Baker. Hold on, please. Ill check availability for that.

booking /buki / - rezervacija

hold on - ostanite na vezi, pri~ekajte
availability / veil biliti / - raspolo`ivost
Ill check availability - Proveri}u da li ima mesta.

Useful phrases: Clarifying

What I said/meant was...
What Im trying to say is...
The point Im making is...
In other words, what I mean is...

Economic Terms
obveznica, priznanica.
a written promise to pay the holder a sum of money at a
certain time at stated rate of interest and usually to repay
at maturity the face value. a debt due in less than one
year from date of issue is usually called a note.
deonice, akcije
same as stocks.
1. akcija, hartija od vrednosti koja svedo~i o vlasni{tvu
interesa neke korporacije. 2. stovari{te, skladi{te, za-
the certificate of ownership interests in a corporation
(share). an accumulation of raw materials, semifinished
goods or goods ready for sale.
berza, mesto za trgovinu hartijama od vrednosti,
dru{tvo za trgovinu hartijama od vrednosti.
a place where stocks and bonds are bought and sold
through brokers under definite rules and at regular
hours; also, organization constituting the exchange.





There has been a great deal of research into the art of negotiation, and, in particular,
into what makes a 'good' negotiator.
One point most researchers seem to agree on is that good negotiators try to create
a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation. They make an effort to establish
a good rapport with their opposite number, so that there will be a willingness - on both
sides - to make concessions, if this should prove necessary.
Good negotiators generally wish to reach an agreement which meets the interests
of both sides. They therefore tend to take a long term view, ensuring that the agreement
will improve, or at least not harm, their relationship with the other party. On the other
hand, a poor negotiator tends to look for immediate gains, forgetting that the real benefits
of a deal may come much later.
Skillful negotiators are flexible. They do not lock themselves into a position so
that they will lose face if they have to compromise. They have a range of objectives, thus
allowing themselves to make concessions, for example, I aim to buy this machine for
$2,000 and not I must buy it for $2,000. Poor negotiators have limited objectives, and
may not even work out a fall-back position.
Successful negotiators do not want a negotiation to break down. If problems arise,
they suggest ways of resolving them. The best negotiators are persuasive, articulate
people, who select a few key arguments and repeat them. This suggests that tenacity is
an important quality.
Finally, it is essential to be a good listener and to check frequently that everything
has been understood by both parties.



a great deal (of) + singular, a large number (of) + plural se ~esto u formalnom
jeziku upotrebljava umesto much i many. They spent a great deal of time in France. Jim
found a large number of mistakes in their accounts.
to agree on: They didnt agree on that point.
opposite number - druga strana u razgovoru, pregovoru i sl.
reach an agreement - posti}i dogovor
on the other hand - s druge strane
to give a hand - pomo}i. Could you give me a hand, please?
poor - slab, lo{: poor negotiator - lo{ pregovara~
to lose face - izgubiti ugled, osramotiti se
break down - propasti: The negotiations broke down.

See: Grammar File Unit 13t

The Future Continuous Tense; Much Many; Word Building - less


1. Put the following sentences into the Future Continuous Tense. See the



This time next week he (work) in London.

This time next week he will be working in London.
I dont know what I (do) at five oclock.
When I get to my office, I hope my secretary (finish) her work.
In June I (fly) to New York.
If you come by seven oclock, they still (wait).
When I come to my office, my staff (wait) for me.
What will you (do) when the Director comes.
Next year we (work) in new offices.
I (rest) tomorrow afternoon, I am very tired.

2. Ask questions beginning with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY, see the example:
Id like some coffee. How much coffee would you like?
6. He'd like to buy some of these engines.
1. I'd like some wine.
7. They'd like some cheese.
2. I'd like some cigarettes.
8. I'd like some fish.
3. I'd like some bread.
9. She'd like to visit some friends.
4. I'd like to order some wood.
10. John would like some meat.
5. We'd like to buy some steel.



3. Fill in MUCH or MANY


Were there ___ people at the conference?

____ people think like you.
____ of them left before the end of the lecture.
You must study ____ harder.
How does she feel today? Oh, she is _____ better today.
How ____ times do I have to tell you that?
There is _____ pollution in our area.
How ____ picture post cards did you send from London?
We must hurry up, we dont have ______ time.
How did you enjoy the conference? Oh, I enjoyed it very ______

4. Add a little, little, a few, few:


Put _____ sugar in your tea.

Im sorry John shows ___ interest in his work. He may lose his job.
This text is very difficult. I had to look up quite ___ words in the dictionary.
Im afraid there are very ___ grants for students at this faculty.
Only ____ families can afford such big houses.
There are still ___ copies left. You can take one.
Hurry up, there is _____ time to spare.
Im sorry shes got only ____ friends.
Do you feel ____ better today?
A ___ learning is a dangerous thing. (A. Pope)
I only need _____ minutes to get ready.
Could you possibly give me _____ help?
Men of ___ words are the best men. (W. Shakespeare)
Never before have we had so ___ time to do so much. (F. Roosevelt)
A country having a _____ inflation is like a woman being a little pregnant. (L.

5. Put the following sentences into the Future Simple Tense:


I must reply to their letter.

They must attend the conference in London.
John must open the conference on Monday morning.
Must we ensure the goods?
Who must sign the contract?
Somebody must react to this.

6. Put the following sentences into the Past Simple Tense:

1. We must hurry up.
2. He has to answer immediately.
3. Do I have to do it here?


4. You must study it very carefully.
5. We have to ship this on Tuesday.
1. Someone must bring it back by Sunday.

Dialogue: Arrangements
Hello, is this Mr. Carter?
Yes, John Carter speaking.
This is Mary Adams of QLT Inc. Id like to discuss the IBM contract.
Yes, of course. When can you come and see me?
Is four oclock on Monday OK?
Four oclock on Monday. Let me see. No, Im sorry. Im interviewing a new
secretary then.

Well, could I come at nine oclock on Friday?

Yes. Thatll be fine. Ill see you then. Thanks for calling.
Thank you, Mr. Carter. Ill see you on Friday at your office. Bye.

Useful phrases: Asking for confirmation

Do you understand what I mean?
Do you follow me?

Does that seem to make sense with you?

Do you agree with me?

Economic Terms
vi{ak, ostatak, suficit.
in a corporate business enterprise, surplus is the sum of
the assets less the sum of liabilities and capital stock.
carina, tarifa.
customs duty on importation or exportation of goods. a
schedule of fixed rates of charges of a common carrier
in transportation (e.g. railroad).
taksa, porez, carina.
a compulsory payment to the government by persons,
corporations and other organizations for the govern-
ments general support and for maitenance of public
oslobadjanje poreza.
freedom from the charge of taxes such as is granted
educational, charitable, religious, and other non-profit





Planning. Make sure you prepare properly. The less you prepare, the more you will
be at a disadvantage and the less likely you will be to achieve a satisfactory outcome.
Research. Try to find out as much as you can about your opposite number and
his or her business. Use the resources of a business library and/or talk to your business
Objectives. Try to take a long-term view and decide on a range of objectives so
that you can be more flexible and offer more alternatives during the negotiation itself.
Remember you are looking for a win-win situation of benefit to both parties, thus paving
the way for further deals in the future.
Limits. Decide what your sticking paint(s) must be and why. Knowing your
negotiating limits and their reasons will help you negotiate more confidently and
Strategy. Plan your negotiating strategy carefully, taking into consideration the
personality and position of your opposite number, as well as your own strengths and

Rapport. Try to establish a good rapport with your opposite number from the
moment you first meet, whether or not you already know each other. Some general
'social talk' is a good ice-breaker and bridge-builder in this respect.
Parameters. Confirm the subject/purpose of your negotiation early on and try to
establish areas of common ground and areas of likely conflict before you move on to the
bargaining/trading stage.
Listen! Listening attentively at every stage of your negotiation will help to avoid
misunderstanding and create a spirit of cooperation.
Attitude. Be constructive not destructive - treat your opposite number with respect,
sensitivity and tact, and try to avoid an atmosphere of conflict. This will create a feeling
of harmony and goodwill, which should encourage a willingness to compromise and
ultimately lead to a productive negotiation.
Approach. Keep your objectives in mind - and try to keep a clear head. This will
help you to concentrate on your key points. Try to resist the temptation to introduce new
arguments all the time. Use the minimum number of reasons to persuade your opposite
number, coming back to them as often as necessary.



Flexibility. Be prepared to consider a range of alternatives and try to make creative

suggestions for resolving any problems. Be prepared to make concessions and to
compromise, if necessary, to avoid deadlock - but dont be pushed beyond your sticking
Review. Summarise and review your progress at regular intervals during the
negotiation. This will give both parties a chance to check understanding - and, if
necessary, clarify/rectify any misunderstandings.
Agreement. When you have reached agreement, close the deal firmly and clearly.
Confirm exactly what you have agreed - and any aspects/matters that need further
Confirmation. Write a follow-up letter to confirm in writing the points agreed
during your negotiation and clarify any outstanding pattern.

Simplicity. Keep your language simple and clear. Take your time and use short
words and sentences that you are comfortable with - there is no point complicating a
difficult task with difficult language.
Clarity. Dont be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you dont understand.
It is vital to avoid any misunderstandings that might jeopardize the success of your

make sure - proveriti
the .... the {, npr. The harder you work the more you earn. The more dan-
gerous it is, the more I like it.
as much as you can - {to vi{e mo`ete
opposite number - druga strana u razgovorima ili pregovorima
a long-term programme - dugoro~ni program
during the negotiation itself - za vreme samog pregovaranja
party - strana u pregovorima
knowing, taking... sada{nji particip, prevodi se kao znaju}i, uzimaju}i... Knowing
your limits... Taking into consideration... Znaju}i svoje granice, Uzimaju}i u obzir...
as well as - takodje: Are John and Mary coming as well? Jim is an exporter as well
as importer.
rapport /rp :/ - veza, odnos sa ljudima
each other - jedan drugi, jedno drugo, ako su samo dvoje u pitanju. She and John
looked at each other.
one another - jedan drugog, kad ih ima vi{e od dvoje: They were looking at one
common - zajedni~ki: We established areas of common ground.
keep in mind - imati na umu



when you have reached agreement- po{to postignete dogovor

in writing - napismeno, pismeno
take your time - nemojte `uriti
jeopardize / d ep daiz / - ugroziti, dovesti u opasnost

See: Grammar File Unit 14

The Gerund; no not - any


1. Rephrase the following sentences. See the example:


Dont try to get in touch with them. Its no use.

Its no use getting in touch with them.
John always criticises his staff. John cant help it.
I wont go to this conference. Im not interested in it.
Copy these letters for me, please. Would you mind?
Dont buy cotton from them. Theres no point.
Im going to sign this contract. Im looking forward to it.

2. Complete the following sentences using Gerund:


John suggested _______ this contract.

I cant imagine Peter ________ such a bad car.
At weekends I enjoy ________ at home and ________ TV.
Does Milans job involve ________ abroad?
Our company regrets now not _______ that contract with FIAT.

3. Insert the right prepositions:


I saw David standing ___ the queue.

Id like to post this ___ a friend in Yugoslavia. Will he have to pay duty ___ it?
We arrived ___ Manchester _____nine oclock p.m. ____ a foggy day.
As she was getting ____ the car she dropped her bag.
We were ____ a great hurry but Ann insisted _____ stopping to look at a dress.
The car stopped ______ the traffic lights.
The car skidded _____ the tree, luckily nobody was injured.
Martin was charged ____ driving while ____ the influence _____ alcohol.
I always buy a newspaper ___ my way ____ the station and read it __ the train.
Dont leave that box ___ the corridor. It will be ___ everyones way.

4. Use the appropriate prepositions and verb forms (Gerund and/or Infinitive):
1. I am interested in ___ a new job. (find)
2. Please excuse me ___ (be late) to the meeting.
3. Would you kindly ___ (open) the door ?



___ (go) into big business for the first time makes people ____
(feel) proud.
The Chairman put off ___ (discuss) the subject till the next morning.
The Human Resources Department deals ___ (hire) and ___ (fire) the staff.
There is no use ___ (complaining) about low salary.
___ (expand) world market is constant challenge ___ (require) a lot of efforts (be
made) by all companies.
9. They stopped ___ (place orders) with us.
10. Before ___ (commit) to your new job, please ___ (complete) all your previous
Rephrase the following sentences using NO instead of NOT ANY
There are not any customers today. There are no customers today.

I havent made any mistakes.

1. John hasnt any spare time.
2. There isnt any coffee left.
3. There arent any cars on the parking lot.
4. John didnt have any friends in LA.
5. We did not have any money.
6. There werent any letters for you.
7. They didnt ask any questions.
8. There are not any customers today.
9. There werent any one in the office.

Dialogue: At the Business service in the Studios Inn Hotel

Pardon me, Id like some help, please.
Yes, maam. What can I do for you?
I want some photocopying done.
Thats no problem. What do you need?
Id like ten copies of these documents.
How many pages are there?
Fifteen. Id like them printed on both sides, collated and stapled.
Are you sure you want them stapled? We have some presentation bind-
ers if youd like.

May I see them?

We have them in grey, white and blue. Theyre $ 2.50 each.
Thats fine. Ill take the blue ones. When will they be ready? I have a
meeting at eleven.

Theyll be ready in half an hour.

Thats great. Can you charge them to my room account? Im in 567.
Room 567. Just a moment... Thats Mrs. Gunton.


Yes, thats right. Thank you. How much will that be?


collate / k 'leit / - slo`iti po redu (stranica)

staple /steipl/ - priheftati
binder / baind / - korice
I want some photocopying done. Htela bih da mi se ne{to fotokopira.
in half an hour - za pola sata
... charge them to my room account. Stavite to na moj ra~un.

Useful phrases: Confirming

Yes, I see what you are getting at.
Yes, perfectly.
Yes and no, it seems a bit of contradiction to me.
I go along with you when you say X, but not with Y.

Economic Terms
obi~ne akcije.
the capital stock of a corporation which gives the holder
an unlimited interest in the corporation earnings and as-
sets after prior claims have been met; common stock
represents the holders ownership in the corporation
trgovina, razmena, promet.
business activity concerned with buying, selling, and
transportation of goods and services, particularly on a
large scale.
1. razmena, zamena; razmena strane valute; strana
valuta. 2. berza.
1. the acceptance of one thing for another, one prod-
uct or service given in return (for another). 2. a market
place for securities and commodities.





The businessman concerned with contracts will normally learn about their contents,
and the precise but intricate mode of expression that is common to them and to all legal
documents, in his own language. Thus, when he comes to tackle a contract written in
English, his main difficulties will be understanding the meaning of the language, or
choosing the appropriate expressions when drawing up an English-language agreement
This article sets out to give a selection of the vocabulary commonly found in
contracts. It is largely drawn from the General Conditions concerning contracts prepared
by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Formation of the contract

The parties to the contract should state when the contract is considered to become
binding. A clause should be included stating something like this:
The Contract shall be deemed to have been entered into when, upon receipt of an
order, the Vendor has sent an acceptance in writing within the time-limit (if any) fixed
by the Purchaser.
It may be necessary to add that where an export or import licence of a foreign
exchange control authorization is required for the performance of the contract, the party
responsible for obtaining the licence or authorization should make sure to obtain it in
good time.

Terms of Delivery
The delivery period should be stated. It will often run from the date of the formation
of the contract, or the date of the receipt by the Vendor of such payment in advance of
delivery as is stipulated. On expiry of the delivery period provided for in the contract,
the Vendor may be entitled to an additional period of grace.
There will probably be a clause concerning delay in delivery, granting a reasonable
extension of the delivery period. Should the Vendor fail to deliver the goods after the
period of grace, the Purchaser is normally entitled to terminate the contract by notice
in writing to the Vendor. The Purchaser will then be entitled to recover any payment
he has made in respect of undelivered goods, and to reject goods delivered which are



Questions of Payment
The manner of payment and the time at which it should be made must naturally
be agreed upon. The time may, for instance, be thirty days after notification from the
Vendor that the goods have been placed at the Purchaser's disposal.
If there is delay in payment, the Vendor may postpone the fulfillment of his own
obligations until payment is made, or recover interest on the sum due. 6% is a common
rate in such cases.

The contract will generally contain a guarantee, according to which the Vendor may
undertake to remedy any defect resulting from faulty design, materials or workmanship.
Certain limitations to the Vendors liability for defects will be stated.
If, when the goods are inspected, it is found that they do not conform with the
contract, the Purchaser will be entitled to reject the goods.

Since it may sometimes be difficult for the parties to the contracts to settle by
agreement some dispute arising out of or in connection with the contract, it is necessary
to state an arbitrator who can settle such disputes out of court. Unless otherwise agreed,
contracts are commonly governed by the law of the Vendors country.

Some general points

Other matters to be considered when drawing up a contract are packing, inspection
and tests. In the case of plant and heavy machinery, there will be drawings and descriptive
documents, and such questions as working conditions and safety regulations while
erecting the plant.


concern / k ns :n / 1. brinuti se (za): The growing concern over the shortage of

2. zainteresovanost, interes za ne{to: The businessman concerened with con-
thus - prema tome, ovako, na taj na~in: A rise in incomes will create increased
purchasing power, thus stimulating demands for goods and services. Ova re~ se upotre-
bljava prete`no u pisanom jeziku i u formalnom govoru.
himself - on sm, li~no: John drew up the contract himself. He himself did it.
shall - ovaj oblik se danas retko sre}e u savremenom engleskom jeziku. Obi~no se
nalazi u nekim zvani~nim dokumentima, ugovorima i sl.
within - unutra, unutar, za vreme ili u toku izvesnog vremenskog perioda, npr.



within the time limit fixed by the Purchaser. We must keep within our budget.
run - (u tekstu) te}i: The delivery period will run from the date...
on expiry - po isteku: on expiry of the delivery period...
to be entitled / ntaitld/ - imati pravo na... the vendor may be entitled to a grace
concerning /k ns :ni / - u vezi s: John wrote a letter concerning the delivery.
in writing - pismeno, na pismeno
to recover /rik v / - dobiti natrag, nadoknaditi (tro{kove i sl).
unless / nles/ - ako nije... unless otherwise agreed - ako nije druk~ije dogov-
settle disputes /setl dispju:ts/ - re{iti spor
expiry /ikspai ri/
receipt /risi:t/
faulty /f lti/
required /rikwai d/

See: Grammar File Unit 15

Some Any; Going to, for a future action; Unless; Word Building al, -ial


1. Insert some or any making appropriate compounds if necessary - some -

something, any - anybody and the like.


There is ____ petrol in the tank.

Im afraid there isnt ______ coffee left. Will you bring ________?
Is ________ there one here who speaks Spanish?
I saw hardly ____ one I knew at the conference in Rome.
Are there _____ letters for me? Yes, there are.
I put my letters down ______ where and now I cant find them.
When would you like to come to our company? _____ day would suit me.
I cant find the annual report _____ where.
Have you ______ idea who could do this?
Id like to buy _______ books but I havent _____ money.
_____ one I know told me _____ details about that scandal.
Would you like ____ thing to drink? Theres very good wine in the fridge.


2. Make sentences. See the example:


Max/spend a week walking in Scotland.

Max is going to spend a week walking in Scotland.
Jill/study economics in London.
This summer Mary/stay with her friend in L.A.
Max/spend learning to drive the summer.
One day she says she/be a secretary.
Then they/decorate their office.
But first, they/visit their partners.

3. Put in any, some, anyone, someone.


Are there ____ letters for John?

Dont let ___ in. Im too busy to see ____ body.
When would you like to come? ___ day would suit me.
I didnt think John could do it but he managed ___ how.
They wanted ___ stamps but there werent ____ in the machine.
Im afraid there isnt ___ coffee left; could you get ____?
Shed like to buy ___ new clothes but she hasnt ___ money.
I cant find my glasses ___ where.
If you arent doing ___ thing tomorrow, lets play tennis.
Is there ___ working in this office?
John lives ___ where in America.

4. Answer the following questions


What are you going to do this afternoon?

Are you planning to go to the Confernce in Amsterdam?
Who is going to New York next week.
Where are you moving from this building?
Is the Russian delegation coming this week?
Who is going to chair the conference?
Who is going to call our partner in Budapest?
Who is going to pay for this?

5. Join these pairs of sentences using the following conjunctions:



if, unless, because, either ... or, but, although, both .....and,
Youll get into trouble. Do that again.
Ill ring you up. Ill send you a message.
They didnt bug the house. It was very expensive.
Bill went to Cairo. Mary went to Cairo.
They bought a new car. It was expensive.
He is very rich. He doesnt waste money.


Dialogue: Jim Davies is flying to Denver. Hes at the check-in-desk now.

Check-in-clerk: Your ticket, please.
There you go.

Check-in-clerk Flight UA 766 to Denver. Then you are going on to Aspen, on flight
RT 005?
Thats right.
Check-in-ckerk: Do you have any baggage to check, Mr Davies?
Yes, I do. Just one piece.
Check-in--clerk: And did you pack it yourself, Mr. Davies?
Yes, I did.
Check-in-clerk: Are any of the articles on this list in your bag?
Um... no.
Check-in-clerk: Would you like me to tag this bag through to Aspen? Then you wont
have to pick it up in Denver?
That would be great. Thanks.
Check-in-clerk: Do you have any seating preference, Mr Davies?
An aisle seat. Extra legroom, if possible.
Chek-in-clerk: Yes, I have a seat next to the emergency exit. Heres your boarding
pass. Youll have to report to the Transfer Desk in Denver for a seat
assignment on your connecting flight.
Thank you.
Check-in-clerk: Youre welcome. Have a good flight.

Useful phrases: Summarizing/pausing for time

So if I could just summarize what weve said...
Now where was I?
What was I saying?
Sorry, Ill just have to think about that.
Could we come back to that later?



Economic Terms

~ista vrednost, aktiva manje pasiva.

deducting income taxes from operating profit gives the
net profit, also called after-tax profit.
posrednik, senzal.
a person who acts as an intermediary between two or
more persons engaged in a business transaction of some
kind (e.g. buying or selling of stock, bonds, commodi-
ties, etc.)
dr`avna godi{nja renta; anuitet (kod dr`avnih papira);
godi{nji interes.
an allowance or income received in one or more pay-
ments annually, typically from life insurance compa-
nies, retirement systems and others.
CLAIM potra`ivanje od kupca, zahtev; reklamacija na (claim
for...) potra`ivanje, polaganje prava. an authoritative
request; a demand of a right; a privilege to something;
right; statement.
CLEARING AGREEMENT - medjunarodni klirin{ki sporazum.
an agreement between two or more nations to buy or sell
goods among themselves according to specified rates of
exchange; payments are made in the buyers home cur-
rency, balance being settled, at stipulated period, among
the central banks of these nations.




1. When you get to the end of the street

you ___ the post office.
a) had seen
b) were seen
c) will see
d) are seeing

2. Jill ___ me all about her new work.

a) talked
b) told
c) spoke
d) said

3. Jane _____ about a colleague of hers.

4. Unfortunately we shall _____ wait for

a) ought to
b) have to
c) have got to
d) must

a) has been complaining

b) was complained
c) has complained
d) had been complaining

5. Will they let us ____ home earlier?

a) going
b) to be going
c) to go
d) go

6. She does not feel well. She _____

down all afternoon.
a) has laid
b) has lied
c) has been lying
d) had been laying

7. We ought _____ a map if we dont want

to get lost.
a) take
b) taken
c) to take
d) being taken

8. What _____ this time next month?

9. ______ the car tomorrow? If not can I

borrow it?
a) Will you be using
b) Do you use
c) Will you be used
d) Will you have used

10. I dont like ______ in the office late.

a) if he comes
b) his coming
c) when he comes
d) if he comes

11. She didnt go out last night because he

____ work overtime.
a) has to
b) has got to
c) is to
d) had to

12. Does the computer work now? Have

you had ______?
a) it being repaired
c) repaired
d) it repaired
e) repaired it

a) do you do
b) are you done
c) will you be doing
d) can you been doing


13. Why dont you have your car ____?
a) repainted
b) being repainted
c) repainted it
d) repaint

14. We _____ for more than an hour when

our foreign partner arrived.
a) had been dicussing
b) discussed
c) have been discussing
d) will have dicussed

15. I enjoy _______ these things for my

a) to do
b) doing
c) to have done
d) in doing

16. We needed some more petrol, but there

was _____ left.
a) a little
b) any
c) none
d) some

17. Could you give me ____ writing paper,

a) great deal
b) little
c) some
d) any

18. The Guntons have got a new car. Before

we buy one, Id like to see ____.
a) their
b) theirs
c) theirs
d) they

19. Our company has ____ cars.

20. I asked who has taken my typewriter

but, _____ would admit that.
a) nobody
b) someone
c) somebody
d) anybody

a) great deal
b) great many
c) a lot
d) a lot of

21. See to it that the letter is delivered ___

a) by
b) on
c) with
d) on

22. Lets wait for John ____ 10 oclock,

and if he doesnt come, we can leave.
a) after
b) since
c) until
d) by

23. Do you know _____ car is it?

24. The situation is so bad that we can do

___ about it.
a) few
b) a few
c) little
d) a little

a) of which
b) whose
c) of whom
d) whom



25. He will ruin everything _____ someone 26. Why do you always have to complain
stops him.
____ the traffic?
a) from
a) if
b) of
b) though
c) on
c) because
d) with
d) unless

27. My reports are never good _______ Im 28. I think that there is only ______ wood
always in a hurry.
and cement left in the warehouse.
a) until
a) a little
b) in order
b) a few
c) so that
c) less
d) because
d) little
29. We entered _____ the coference room at 30. I think we should apply _____ the sec-
the same time.
retary first.
a) in
a) at
b) on
b) to
c) -
c) for
d) to
d) by
31. Could you cash the cheque ____ I have
made out?
a) -
b) what
c) whom
d) whose

32. Have you seen John _____?

a) later
b) the latest
c) later
d) lately

33. Are ____ Swiss famous for watches and 34. I think you must try to be on ___ top.
a) a
a) the
b) an
b) a
c) -
c) an
d) the
d) -

35. What does Jim do? I think he is ____

a) the
b) a
c) -
d) an

36. I dont like to play __ chess.

a) the
b) -
c) an
d) a

37. The best known museum in Belgrade is

___ National Museum.
a) -
b) the
c) an
d) a

38. Do you know when ____ breakfast is

a) the
b) a
c) an
d) -





Read this story. Study the verbs carefully.

James Johnson is my name. I work in the main office of a big company. Twenty people
work in that office every day. Mr. Wilson is my boss. He works very hard. Almost every-
one works hard. Of course, a few people dont work hard.

Mr. Wilson has a private office. he also has a secretary. Miss Stewart is his secretary. She
helps Mr. Wilson. She doesnt help me. I dont have a private office. But I have my own
secretary. My secretary is Mary Peters.

Mr. Wilson meets all of the important visitors. I donut meet visitors. Miss Stewart doesnt
meet visitors either. Mr. Wilson talks to visitors. I occasionally talk to visitors too. But I
donut usually talk to visitors.

Mr. Wilson writes many letters every day. he sends many letters to customers. I write
letters too. I send letters to other companies. but I donut send letters to customers.

I often study statistics. The I write reports for Mr. Wilson. he studies the reports care-
fully. I get the statistics from my assistants. I have two assistants, Smith and Green.
They help me very much. They donut write letters. They collect information from other
people. Then they give the information to my secretary. She collects information from
other people too. Then she gives the information to me.

My secretary doesnt write reports. But she writes many letters for me. She also opens
my mail. She reads the mail carefully. She give me the important letters. She doesnt
give me the other letters. I read the important letters too. Then I answer the letters. My
secretary answers the other letters.



Use the simple present tense of each verb. Write the verb in the blank space.

(work) 1
(work) 2
(work) 3
(work) 4
(have) 5
(have) 6
(write) 7
(write) 8
(study) 9
(study) 10
(read) 11
(read) 12
(collect) 13
(collect) 14

I work in the main office.

Mr. Wilson works very hard.
Almost everyone.................. very hard.
We...................... from 9:00 a.m. t 5:00 p.m.
Mr. Wilson.................. a private office. own secretary.
Miss Peters................... letters for me.
I.................. reports for Mr. Wilson.
Mr. Wilson............. the reports.
I............... the information carefully.
My secretary............. all of the mail.
I............. only the important letters.
Smith and Green......... information.
Miss Peters........ information too.

Change the word I to be or she. Notice the examples.



I go to the office every day.

He goes to the office every day.
I write many letters every day.
She writes many letters every day
I read all of the important letters.
I study the reports very carefully.
I have a private secretary too.
I usually work in the main office.
I meet all of the important visitors.
I get the information from Miss Peters.
I always give the reports to Mr. Wilson.
I answer all of the important letters.
I send letters to many other companies.
I talk to Smith and Brown every day.



Answer these questions about the story Every Day. Answer the questions with a full sentence.


Does Mr. Johnson work for a big company?

Yes, Mr. Johnson works for a big company.
Do the two men work in the same room?
No, the two men donut work in the same room.
Does Mr. Johnson have a private office?
Do the two men have secretaries?
Does Miss Stewart help Mr. Johnson?
Does she help Mr. Wilson or Mr. Johnson?
Do Mr. Wilson and Mr. Johnson work hard?
Does Mr. Wilson meet the important visitors?
Does Mr. Johnson talk to the visitors too?
Do Mr. Wilson and Mr. Johnson write many letters?
Do the two secretaries write letters too?
Does Mr. Johnson send letters to customers?
Do Mr. Wilson and Mr. Johnson write reports?
Does Mr. Johnson study the reports carefully?
Does Mr. Johnson study the statistics carefully?
Does Mr. Johnson have two assistants?
Do Smith and Green give the information to Johnson?
Do they give the information to his secretary?
Does Miss Peters give the information to her boss?
Does she give the information to Wilson or Johnson?
Does Miss Peters write reports every day?
Do Smith and Green write reports too?
Does Mr. Johnson open the mail every day?
Does Miss Peters open all of the mail?
Do Smith and Green open the mail too?
Does Mr. Johnson read all of the mail?
Does Mr. Johnson answer all of the letters?
Does Mr. Johnson answer only the important letters?



Write do or does in the blank space in each sentence.

1 Do the students study hard every day?

Does Mr. Brown go to his office every day?
............. you want cream and sugar in your coffee?
............. the children go to bed very early?
............. that girl come from south America?
............. you know that Italian student?
............. Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?
............. your English lessons seem very difficult?
............. you have a good English dictionary?
............. Mr. Moore teach English or history?
............. the Johnsons watch television every night?
............. Johnson and Wilson work in the same office?
............. you write reports for your boss every day?
............. those two women understand that lesson?


Write dont or doesnt in the blank space in each sentence.



We................ listen to the radio every night.

Mr. Johnson............... have a private office.
The boys................. study at the library every day.
These exercises........ seem very difficult.
It................ rain very much in June and July.
The men............... eat at that cafeteria every day.
Miss Peters................ write reports for her boss.
The Wilsons............ watch television every night.
Smith and Green..................teach English at this school.
That tall man.............. work for this company.
The people.......... speak English very well.
Mrs. Moore............. go to the store every day.
Miss Graniero........... enjoy that history class.


Read this story. Study the verbs carefully.

My name is James Johnson. I am the office manager of the Ajax Company. I am in the
office of the company now. I am sitting at my desk right now.

I am working on a report for Mr. Wilson. he is mw boss. Miss Peters is helping me with
the report. She is my secretary. She is sitting beside my desk. But she isnt writing in her
notebook. I am not dictating to her at this moment. We are not working. We are resting
for a few minutes. I am looking around the office right now.

Mr. Wilson isnt working in his office. I see four people at the end of the room. Mr. Wil-
son is with the people. He is taking the people through our office. He is telling the people
about our methods. They are listening to Mr. Wilson carefully.

Miss Stewart is wearing a blue dress today. She is sitting at her desk. She is talking over
the telephone. She is writing in her notebook at the same time. Someone is giving impor-
tant information to her over the telephone right now.

There are twenty people in the room. Everyone is working hard right now. Three or four
people are writing letters. Some people are studying important papers. Smith and Green
are not here right now. They are not writing reports. They are collecting information for

I hear some noise in the hall. There are three workers there. The three men are fixing
the floor in the hall. They are talking and laughing. They are also hitting the floor with



Write dont, doesnt, isnt, arent, or am not in the blank space in each sentence.


He isnt listening to the radio right now.

He doesnt listen to the radio every evening.
We..................................watching a television program now.
We......................... watching television every day
They......................... study their lessons after class.
They.......................... studying their lessons right now.
It............................raining very hard right at the moment.
It.............................rain very much during the summer.
Mr. Johnson..........................eating his lunch now.
Mr. Johnson........................ always eat at that place.
I............................... see any students in that room.
I............................... hear anyone in the hall now.
They............................. like milk with their meals.
They............................. have enough money for a new car.


Write do, does, is, are, or am in the blank space in each sentence.



................ you learn the new words in each lesson?
................ you learning the new words right now?
................ Mr. Johnson work for the Ajax Company?
................ Mr. Johnson working on a report right now?
................ she usually sit in the third row?
................ she sitting in the fourth row today?
................ you read many books every year?
................ you reading an interesting book now?
................ the students need help with their lessons?
......... this lesson seem very difficult to you?
................ you remember the name of that book?
................ you understand all of the words very well?



Use the correct tense of the verb in each sentence. Chose between the simple present tense and
the continuous present tense.

He (work) hard every day. 1

He (talk) to Tom now. 2

He works hard every day.

He is talking to Tom now.

Miss Stewart (look) at the newspaper now.

The children (sleep) for two hours every afternoon.
Those two fellows (fix) the car right now.
That French girl (spear) English very well.
Uncle Walter (eat) dinner with us every Sunday.
My friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much.
John and Frank (write) letters at this moment.
Mr. Johnson (work) thirty-five hours a week.
My sister (need) some money for her books.
It (rain) very much in the United States.
Mr. Brown (pay) his bills once a month.
The student (look up) that new word right now.
Mr. Moore (teach) English from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Moore (begin) the new lesson right now.
I (owe) my friend two dollars and fifty cents.
Smith (watch) a baseball game every Saturday.
Miss Peters (talk) to Mr. Johnson right now.
Pierre (know) all of the new words very well now.
We always (do) our English lessons carefully.
We (do) exercise thirteen right at the moment.
The sun (get) very hot during the afternoon.
Alice and Mary (put away) the dinner dishes right now.
Mr. Harris (read) an interesting book about Lincoln.
The Moores of en (attend) our Tuesday night meetings.
Mr. Berg (talk) to his teacher about that mistake.
I frequently (do) my homework on the bus.
I (do) the next to last sentence right now.
The teacher (dose) the door at nine oclock sharp.




Read this story. Study the use of the verbs carefully

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are going to take a trip from California to New York.
They will leave California on Sunday. They are going to go by air. They will arrive at the
airport at 2:00 Sunday afternoon. The plane will leave for New York at 2:30. Therefore,
they will arrive in New York that night. They are going to stay at a hotel near Times
They will get up early on Monday. They will eat breakfast and leave the hotel be-
fore nine oclock. They are going to walk through the area between 34th Street and 42nd
Street. They will start at Pennsylvania Station at 34th Street. Then they will go to Macys
and Gimbels, two of New Yorks largest department stores, on sixth Avenue. They will
also visit the tallest building in the world, the Empire State Building (1472 ft.). They are
going to go up to the top of the building. They will see all of New York city form there.
Then they are going to walk to the Metropolitan Opera house and the famous New York
Public Library. They are going to go to bed early that night. They will be very tired.
They are going to walk to First Avenue and 42nd Street on Tuesday. But on the
way, theyre going to stop at Grand Central Station. Then they will go to the beautiful
United Nations building along the East River. They will go on a guided tour through
the buildings. Next they will walk down the street to the New York University-Bellevue
Medical Center between 34th Street and 30th Street. Then they will return to their hotel.
Theyre going to eat dinner with some old friends that evening.

GUIDE TO MAP ON PAGE 32: 1 Times Square. 2 the Port Authority Bus Terminal. 3 Pennsylva-
nia Station. 4 the U.S. General Post Office. 5 the Empire State Building. 6 the Metropolitan Opera
House. 7 the New York Public Library. 8 Grand Central Station. 9 the Chrysler Building. 10 the
United Nations. 11 the New York University - Bellevue Medical Center. 12 the East Side Airlines
Terminal. 13 the Queens Midtown Tunnel. 14 Rockefeller Center, 15 Radio City music hall.
16 the Museum of modern Art. 17 the Whitney Museum. 18 St. Patricks Cathedral. 19 Temple
Emanu-El. 20 the Frick Museum. 21 Hunter College. 22 New York Hospital of Cornell Medical
Center. 23 Madison Square Garden. 24 the New York Coliseum. 25 the Central park Zoo. 26 the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. 27 the Hayden Planetarium. 28 the Museum of Natural History. 29
Carnegie Hall. 30 the Queensboro Bridge. 31 the Williamsburg Bridge. 32 the Manhattan Bridge.
33 the Brooklyn Bridge. 34 Peter Cooper Village. 35 Stuyvesant Town. 36 Greenwich Village. 37
Washington Square. 38 New York University (downtown section). 39 the Bowery. 40 Chinatown,
41 the Fulton Fish Market, 42. City Hall. 43 the New York Stock Exchange. 44 Battery Park. 45
the Battery Tunnel to Brooklyn, 46 the Ferry to Staten Island, 47 the Ferry to Ellis Island, 48 the
Ferry to the Statue of Liberty, 49 the Holland Tunnel. 50 the Lincoln Tunnel. 51 Cathedral of St.
John the Divine. 52 Columbia University. 53 Riverside Church. 54 Grants Tomb. 55 the Interna-
tional House. 56 City College of New York (C.C.N.Y.). 57 Lewisohn Stadium.



They are going to walk along Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue on Wednesday.
Mrs. Anderson is going to buy presents for her relatives in some of the Fifth Avenue
stores. After that, they will go west to the theater district between 40th Street and 46th
Street. They are going to attend a popular Broadway play that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will see the area north of 46th Street on Thursday. They
will spend several hours at Rockefeller Center. They will see the Radio City Music Hall
there too. In this same general area, they will also visit the Museum of Modern Art, the
Whitney Museum, the Temple Emanu-El, St. Patricks Cathedral, and Hunter College.
Finally, they will go crosstown to Madison Square Garden and the New York Coliseum
at Columbus Circle.
They are going to visit the zoo in Central Park on Friday. Their other stops on
that day will be at the Metropolitan museum of Art, the Museum of Natural History, and
the Hayden planetarium. They are going to attend a concert at Carnegie hall that eve-
They are going to drive through downtown New York on Saturday. They will
see several large bridges along the East River. They will go through Greenwich Village.
At nearby, Washington Square, they are going to visit the downtown section of New
York University, one of the largest universities in the world. After that, they will visit the
Bowery, Chinatown, City Hall, Wall Street and Battery Park. They will finish heir day
with a trip to the Statue of Liberty on Bedloe Island by ferry boat.
The Andersons are going to visit Columbia University at 116th Street and Broad-
way on Sunday. They will also see the Cathedral of St. john the Divine, the Riverside
Church, Grants Tomb, and the International House all in the same general area. They
will meet students and visitors from all over the world at the International House. Later
in the day, they are going to drive to C.C.N.Y., Lewisohn Stadium, the Polo Grounds,
Yankee Stadium, and the Cloisters at 198th Street. They will end their day at the world
famous Bronx Zoo.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are going to return to California by train. In this way,
they will see much more of the county. They will get back to Los Angeles on Wednes-
day. Of course, they are going to describe their wonderful trip to all of their friends.



Give a complete answer for each of the following questions.

1 Are Mr. and Mrs. Anderson going to take a trip?

2 Will they leave California on Saturday or Sunday?
3 Are they going to go to New York by train or by air?
4 Will the plane leave for New York by train or by air?
5 Are they going to stay at a hotel on Park Avenue?
6 Are they going to eat breakfast and leave the hotel early?
7 Will they have much trouble with directions in New York?
8 Are they going to see the Empire State Building?
9 Will they go to the zoo in Central park on Monday?
10 Are they going to visit the New York public Library?
11 Will they be very tired at the end of their first day?
12 Are they going to go to bed very late on Monday night?
13 Will they go through the United Nations Buildings?
14 Are the Andersons going to go to their hotel after that?
15 Are they going to eat dinner with friends on Tuesday night?
16 Will they stay at their hotel on the following day?
17 Are they going to go to the downtown section on Wednesday?
18 Are they going to walk along Park and Fifth on Wednesday?
19 Is Mrs. Anderson going to buy presents for her relatives?
20 Will the Andersons attend a Broadway play that night?
21 Are they going to spend time at Rockefeller Center too?
22 Will they visit any museums in this same area?
23 Are they going to visit the zoo in Central park on Friday?
24 Are they going to drive through downtown New York?
25 Will they see Columbia University or New York University?
26 Are they going to drive through Greenwich Village too?
27 Will the Andersons return to California on Saturday?
28 Are they going to see the downtown section on Sunday?
29 Are the Andersons going to visit the International house?
30 Will the Andersons describe their trip to all of their friends?
31 Are they going to return to California by plane?
32 Will they get back to Los Angeles on Wednesday?
33 Are the Andersons going to go to New York Next year?





Change the position of the word or words in italics (the indirect object) and omit the word to.
Study the first two examples carefully.

Fred gave me the money.

Fred gave the money to me. 1
I wrote Mr. Holt a letter.
I wrote a letter to Mr. holt. 2
The agent sold the house to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson.
We gave a birthday present to Martha yesterday.
Mr. Johnson sent a letter to the Jiffy Company.
Did the boy throw the baseball to his friend?
Tom handed the books and envelopes to me.
Miss Wilson sent some beautiful flowers to us.
Mrs. Baker wrote a letter to her son last Friday.
Please give your paper to me right now.
Our friends sent the package to us the next day.
The teacher told an interesting story to the students.
I showed all of the photographs to my friends.
Professor Moore gave some excellent advice to all of us.


Change the position of the word or words in italics (the indirect object) and add the word to.
Study the first two examples carefully.

I told the story to him.

I told him the story. 1
We wrote a letter to them.
We wrote them a letter. 2
Dr. Davis gave Charles the tickets.
Did the manager offer that fellow the job?
Mr. Meyer told us the story of his narrow escape.
Louise and Betty sent Mary a birthday gift last week.
Did Mr. Kennedy lend his brother the money/
Mrs. Garcia told us an interesting story last night.
Are you going to write George a letter soon?
Please lend me your pen and pencil for a few minutes.
My wife sent them the package last Thursday or Friday.
The Bakers read us all of those interesting letters.
Are you going to show the people your photographs tonight?
Mr. and Mrs. Brown mailed us a lovely gift from Mexico.


Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Use only the simple present
tense (examples: he works, they study) or the continuous present tens (examples: he is working,
they are studying).

I often (leave) town over the weekend.

Miss Peters (use) the telephone now.
The children always (go) to bed early.
Mrs. Johnson (prepare) dinner now.
Look! That boy (run) into the house.
Miss Melnick (understand) those words.
The students (finish) their papers now.
I (need) some money for my textbooks.
The guests (watch) that television program now.
We (review) the use of the tenses in English this week.
Yes, Marjorie (want) some cake and coffee.
I (go) to bed around eleven oclock during the week.
We never (go) to the library in the evening.
Mr. Harris (teach) English form 2:00 to 5:00 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (fly) to California every winter.
Daniel Soto (work) thirty-eight hours a week.
I (bear) the sound of a motor outside!
Our English class always (start) at 8:30 p.m.
I (read) an interesting book about the Civil War.
Mr. Smiths secretary (sit) at another desk today.
The weather (get) very hot here in July and August.
Mr. Rockwell (pay) his bills at the end of every month
Mr. Rockwell (pay) his bills at the end of every month.
That tall fellow in my class (come) from Greece.
Professor Moore (write) another book about English.
It (rain) very much in this region in the spring.
Frank (have) a bad cold. he (take) some medicine for it.
That department store (have) a big sale on shoes today.
Listen! I (think) someone (knock) at the front door.
I (see) the airplane now. It (come) in this direction.
Mr. Berg always (do) his English lessons very carefully.
the students (do) Exercise 69 on page 41 right now.




Give short answers to these questions. Use personal pronouns (you, it, they, etc.) or there in the
short answer. Use contractions only for short answers with no.


1 Is Mrs. Smith in the other room?

2 Does the man like strong coffee?
3 Will you be ready before three oclock?
4 Is there going to be a meeting tonight?
5 Is the alarm clock ringing right now?
6 Are the students ready for the test?
7 Do these students work very hard/
8 Were the last two lessons difficult?
9 Do you want a cheese sandwich?
10 Was there a book on Mr. Crowells desk/
11 Did Mrs. Burkes sister go with you?
12 Will Marjorie answer the phone for us?
13 Did the men move the furniture?
14 Are you going to study German?
15 Were there many people at the concert?
16 Do you know the answer to that question?
17 Does the bus stop at the next corner?
18 Will Dr. Duncans speech be interesting?
19 Did that woman find her purse?
20 Was there a chair in the other room?
21 Will the Browns travel to Spain by boat?
22 Is the weather warm in the spring?
23 Are you working on your assignment?
24 Does Mr. Berg study every night?
25 Will this be enough money for everything?
26 Were there enough sandwiches on the plate?
27 Do your friends like the United States?
28 Did the women attend the meeting too?
29 Are the children sleeping right now?
30 Was this a very difficult assignment?



Yes, she is.

No, he doesnt.
No, I wont
Yes, there is.
No, it isnt.
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
No, ...................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
No, ....................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................
Yes, ...................
No, ....................


William Howard Holt was born in Chicago in 1946. He lived there with his par-
ents until 1952. Then his parents moved to Detroit. He and hi two brothers finished ele-
mentary school in Detroit. He finished in 1980. His father started a business in New York
the next year. Therefore, he attended high school in that city. he went to Bryant High
School for four years. He received his diploma in 1964. Unfortunately, he didnt have
enough money for a university education. his first job was
in the office of a shoe company. He worked there for two
years. he was the assistant bookkeeper. He married Miss
Marie Stoddard in 1965. In 1966, he became a salesman
for a metal products company. He didnt enjoy that job at
all. Therefore, he quit the job six months later. He and his
wife moved to Florida that year, and he found a job. He
started his own business in Miami in 1968. Unfortunately,
his business failed after only six months. He lost almost
$2000. Then he was sales manager for a small container
corporation for six years. Between 1967 and 1974, Mr.
Holt and his wife had four children. The first child was born in 1967, and the last child
was born in 1973. In 1976, Mr. holt started another business. He called his business the
Jiffy Box Company. His business was very successful, and he made a lot of money. he
and his wife traveled to Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, and other South American
countries several times between 1982 and 1984. He learned Spanish very well during
that time. Their oldest son, Thomas, went to Purdue University in 986. Mr. holt retired
from active business life in 1950. After that, he and his wife moved to Europe for four
years. Their daughter Marjorie lived in Europe with them for a year. She learned French
in only six months. Their other two sons graduated from the University of Wisconsin in
1993 and 1994. Thomas got married in 199. and has two children now. Marjorie is still
going to school. She is working for an advanced degree at Michigan State University.
Mr. Holt is going to school now too. He is going to a university because he wants to
complete his education. he started two years ago. He will finish his university degree two
years from now.




Answer the following questions about the story on the previous page.

1 Where was William Howard Holt born? 2 When was he born? 3 How long did he
live in Chicago? 4 Where did he finish elementary school? 5 When did he finish
elementary school? 6 Where did he go in 1961? 7 In what city did he go to high
school? 8 Why did he attend high school in New York? 9 What high school did he
attend? 10 When did he receive his diploma? 11 Why didnt he go to a university?
12 Where was his first job? 13 How long did he work for the shoe company? 14
What was his position in that company? 15 Whom did he marry? 16 What was
his wifes maiden name? 17 What did he marry her? 18 What did he do after that?
19 What kind of company did he work for? 20 What did he do for that company?
21 How did he like his job as a salesman? 22 How many months did he work as
a salesman? 23 Where did he move after that? 24 What state did he and his wife
move to? 25 When did he start his own business? 26 Where did he start his own
business? 27 When did his business fail? 28 How much money did he lose? 29
What kind of company did he work for next? 30 How long did he work for that
company? 31 When was the Holts first child born? 32 When were their other
children born? 33 How many children do the Holts have in all? 34 What did Mr.
Holt do in 1936? 35 What did he name his business? 36 How did his business do?
37 What countries did the Holts visit in South America? 38 When did they go
there? 39 When did Mr. Holt learn Spanish? 40 Where did Thomas go in 1986? 41
When did Mr. Holt retire from active business life? 42 Where did the Holts move
then? 43 When did the Holts move to Europe? 44 Who went to Europe with them?
45 Where were the other children? 46 How long did Marjorie live in Europe with
them? 47 What language did Marjorie learn: 48 How long did it take her? 49 When
did their two other sons graduate from the University of Wisconsin? 50 When did
Thomas get married? 51 How many children do Thomas and his wife have now?
52 Where is Marjorie going to school? 53 What is Mr. Holt doing at present? 54
When will he finish his university degree?




Answer these questions about your English class. Read the questions carefully. Notice the posi-
tion of all the words in the question. Compare the position of the words in the question with the
position of the words in your answer.

1 Why are you studying English? 2 Why did you choose this school? 3 When did
you start your English course? 4 How long ago did you start your class in English?
5 At what school are you studying English now? 6 Where did you study English
before this? 7 How many years did you study English before this? 8 What is your
teachers name? 9 Who is your teacher? 10 How do you like your English class? 11
What is the name of your textbook? 12 At what time does your English class begin?
13 How long does your English class last? 14 How long is each class period? 15
What do you do during the first ten minutes? 16 What are you doing right now? 17
What is your teacher talking about right now? 18 At what time is your class over?
19 How many classes do you attend each week? 20 What lesson are you studying
this week? 21 When do you usually study your homework? 22 How much time do
you spend on your homework? 23 Whom do you study your lessons with? 24 With
whom do you practice pronunciation? 25 How many sentences do you write every
day? 26 What did your teacher talk about yesterday? 27 What is your teacher going
to talk about tomorrow? 28 How many hours are you going to study at home next
week? 29 How often do you speak English outside of this class? 30 When is your
teacher going to give an examination? 31 Which lesson was the most difficult for
you? 32 What things give you the most trouble? 33 Why do these things give you
trouble? 34 How many new words did you learn yesterday? 35 How many English
words do you know in all? 36 How many exercises are there in this book? 37 How
many pages are there in this book? 38 How many mistakes did you make on the
last exercise? 39 How often does your teacher dictate sentences to your? 40 How
often does your teacher give you a vocabulary test? 41 How many exercises does
your teacher assign each week? 42 How often do you write letters in English? 43
Which exercise are you writing right now? 44 At what time did you get to school
today? 45 How did you get to school today? 46 How do you usually get to school?
47 Who sits beside you in your classroom?




Answer these questions about your life. Read the questions carefully. Notice the use of the ques-
tion word (when, why, how, many, how long, etc.)

1 When were you born? 2 How old are you now? 3 In what city were you born?
4 What country do you come from? 5 What is your native language? 6 Where did
you go to elementary school? 7 What other schools did you go to? 8 How long
did you study English in your country? 9 How big is your family? 10 Where do
the other members of your family live? 11 How many brothers and sisters do you
have? 12 How long did you attend your last school? 13 What subjects did you
study? 14 What was your favorite subject? 15 When did you get married? 16 What
is your wifes (husbands) name? 17 How many children do you have? 18 Why did
you leave your country? 19 when did you arrive in the United States? 20 Where
did you live during World War II? 21 At what school are you studying English? 22
Why did you choose this school? 23 How well do you speak and write English?
24 How long are you going to stay in this country? 25 How long are you going to
study English? 26 Where do you live? 27 What is your address? 28 Who is your
best friend? 29 With whom do you live? 30 Which city do you prefer, this city or
your hometown? 31 What is your profession at this moment? 32 What do you plan
to do in the future? 33 Why do you want to do that? 34 Where do you usually go
over the weekend? 35 What do you usually do on Saturday and Sunday? 36 What
did you do last weekend? 37 What are you going to do next weekend? 38 what is
your favorite sport? 39 What is your hobby? 40 How much time do you spend on
your hobby each week? 41 In which bank do you keep your money? 42 How many
friends do you have in this city? 43 How many of the students in your English
class do you know? 44 When did you have your last vacation? 45 When are you
going to take your next vacation? 46 Where are you going to go on your vacation?
47 What are you going to do after this semester? 48 At what time do you usually
get up in the morning? 49 At what time do you get up on Saturday and Sunday? 50
What kind of breakfast do you usually eat? 51 At what time do you usually leave
home? 52 How do you usually get to work (or school)? 53 Where do you generally
eat lunch?




Choose where, when, or why for each question. read the short answer at the right. then choose
the appropriate question word.



1 did you put your books?

2 did you speak to Mr. Adams?
3 do you need the money now?
4 will they arrive at the airport?
5 did that accident happen?
6 are you going to go home now?
7 do you keep your car?
8 did you go to the library?
9 does summer start in this country?
10 were you late for class today?
11 will you spend your vacation?
12 are you going to tell them the news?
13 is there a telephone in this building?
14 are you taking a course in English?


On the desk.
Two days ago.
To buy a suit.
About ten oclock.
At the intersection.
Because its late.
In our garage.
To get a book.
On June 21.
I missed my bus.
In New England.
Tomorrow night.
Beside the elevator.
I need practice.


(a) Change each statement to a simple question. (b) Change the simple question to a question
with the word why. Study the first example.


Martha went downtown after school today.

(a) Did Martha go downtown after school today?
(b) Why did Martha go downtown after school today?
John borrowed a dictionary from his friend.
The Andersons are going to travel by train.
Mr. Slater sold his house in North plains.
Those two men were late for work today.
Mr. Moore usually comes to school by bus.
That student spoke to the teacher after class.
They sent the letters to the wrong address.
Your friend took those two books back to the library.
Marjorie called her sister and told her the news.
Mr. Meyer will be absent from his English class tomorrow.
bill gets off the bus there and transfers to another one.
Im going to leave my house early tomorrow morning.




Read this schedule carefully. Then answer the questions in the next exercise. For additional
practice, change all of the verbs in the schedule to the past tense.

He gets up at 7:30 in the morning. he takes a shower at 7:45 a.m. He gets dressed at
8:00 a.m. He eats his breakfast at 8:20 a.m. He leaves for the office at 8:40 a.m. He
takes a taxi at the corner at 8:45 a.m. He gets to the office at 9:00 a.m. He dictates let-
ters to his secretary at 9:30 a.m. He reads the morning mail at 10:00 a.m. he goes out for
coffee at 10:30 a.m. he returns to the office at 11:00 a.m. He has a conference with the
other executives at 11:30 a.m. he leaves the office at 12:30 p.m. he has his lunch at the
Plaza Hotel at 1:00 p.m. He returns to his office at 1:30 p.m. He calls his secretary into
his office at 1:45 p.m. He dictates answers to the morning mail at 1:45 p.m. He meets
important visitors between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. He discusses problems with his two
assistants between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. He makes most of his important telephone
calls after 3:30 p.m. He goes over the company reports between 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
He catches a taxi in front of his office at 5:45 p.m. he gets back home at 6:00 p.m. he eats
dinner with his wife and children at 6:30 p.m. he reads the evening newspaper between
7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.



Supply the correct words for the blank spaces in each question. Note: in this type of question,
the word at is often omitted.

At what time does 1




get up in the morning?

At what time ........................................... a shower?

At what time ........................................... his breakfast?
At what time ........................................... for the office?
At what time ........................................... a taxi at the corner?
At what time ........................................... to the office?
At what time ........................................... letters to his secretary?
At what time ........................................... his lunch at the hotel?
At what time ........................................... answers to the mail?
At what time ........................................... important visitors?
At what time ........................................... his telephone calls?
At what time ........................................... the company reports?
At what time ........................................... the evening newspaper?
At what time ........................................... dinner with his family?



Study these questions and short answers carefully. Pay special attention to the order of words.
Some of the questions have statement word order. Indicate with a check the questions with
statement word order.



1 Who invited George to dinner?

2 Who (m) did the Taylors invite to dinner?
3 What did the Taylors serve for dinner?
4 What happened after dinner?
5 Who used Mr. Bergs dictionary in class?
6 Whose dictionary did Mr. Kramer use in class?
7 Whose dictionary is on my desk?
8 Which dictionary is yours? There are two.
9 What is the name of your dictionary?
10 Who is going to speak to Dr. Duncan?
11 Who (m) are you going to speak to?
12 To whom is Mr. Burke going to send a letter?
13 Who is going to send a letter to the editor?
15 What supplies the power for this motor?
16 Who supplies the electricity for this building?
17 What color did you paint your house?
18 Which color did you use the most?
19 Who sent that package to Miss Davis?
20 To whom did you send that package?
21 What did you send to Miss Davis?
22 Whose books are on that table?
23 Which is Toms, the red one or the blue one?
24 Who (m) did your friends meet at the corner?
25 With whom did your friends ride to school?
26 Who (m) did they ride downtown with?
27 Who drove them back home afterwards?
28 What kind of car does George have?
29 What model does he have?
30 Whose car is in front of your house now?

The Taylors.
Roast beef.
Nothing special
Mr. Kramer
Mr. Bergs.
The small one.
Word Guide.
I am.
Dr. Duncan.
To the editor.
A letter.
A generator.
The Electric co.
Blue and white.
I sent it.
To Miss Davis.
That package.
The red one.
Mr. Kennedy.
With Mr. Fox.
With George.
A Ford.
The new one.
Mr. Kennedys.




Study these questions with how. Notice the short answers at the right.



1 How did you do that work?

2 How is the weather today?
3 How often do you watch television?
4 How did you get here this morning?
5 How do you like the weather here?
6 How long will you stay in Detroit?
7 How many students are there here?
8 How much coffee did you drink today?


With some tools.

Quite chilly.
Twice a week.
By bus.
Very much.
Two months.
Three cups.


Use adjectives (big, cold, often, far, etc.) after how in these questions.



How ................. will your friends stay in New York City?

How ................. is your classroom (in square feet)?
How ................. s New York from San Francisco?
How ................. does it get in June, July, and August?
How ................. is the Empire State Building in New York?
How ................. do you go to concerts or lectures?
How ................. is your English teacher?
How ................. were the last two reading assignments?


Use much or many after how in each of these sentences.



How ................. students are there in your English class?

How ................. bread is there in the kitchen now?
How ................. letters do you write to your parents each week?
How ................. sugar do you want in your coffee?
How ................. cups of coffee did you drink during the day?
How ................. did you pay for your new winter overcoat?
How ................. times did you write the words on the list?
How ................. time do you spend on your homework?


Use much or many after how in each of these sentences.


1 ................. are you going now? to the library.

2 ................. English book is this? Its Pierres.
3 ................. time is it now? Its eight-fifteen.
4 ................. money do you have? Seventy-five cents.
5 ................. one did Bill take? The small one.
6 ................. was that tall boy? My friend, Frank.
7 ................. did you talk to? The chairman.
8 ................. is your brother? Twenty years old.
9 ................. flour did you buy? Two pounds.
10 ............... did you get to school? By car.
11 ............... is your sister? The thin one.
12 ............... color is her hair? Light brown.
13 ............... will she get here? Probably Monday.
14 ............... do they come here? Twice a year.
15 ............... does peculiar mean? It means strange.
16 ............... is there a bus stop? At the next comer.
17 ............... put the chair here? Roger, I think.
18 ............... are you going to buy? A pair of shoes.
19 ............... is Fred talking to now? Mr. Kennedy.
20 ............... were you in the army? Three years.
21 ............... did you meet yesterday? Bettys cousin.
22 ............... do you do that? Because I enjoy it.
23 ............... is Miami from there? A hundred miles.
24 ............... people are there here? About thirty-five.
25 ............... do you want your coffee? With cream.
26 ............... will you get to Chicago? By air.
27 ............... do you travel so much? I like it.
28 ............... will you be in Venezuela? Several months.
29 ............... is your brother? Five feet eleven.
30 ............... kind of cloth is that? Its silk.





Read the answer to the question. Then supply the appropriate question word (what, whose,
when, how much, etc.) in the blank space in each sentence.



1 ............... did you put my book?

2 ............... does school usually start?
3 ............... gave Mr. Green the money?
4 ............... did the need the money?
5 ............... books are these?
6 ............... are your friends now?
7 ............... did Smith leave for Boston?
8 ............... is going to help you tonight?
9 ............... is going to help you tonight?
10 ............... is he going to help?
11 ............... did Mr. Brown say to you?
12 ............... dictionary will you use?
13 ............... cups of coffee did you drink?
14 ............... color did you paint your house?
15 ............... gasoline do you need?
16 ............... did you go there yesterday?
17 ............... of these do you prefer?
18 ............... kind of material is that?
19 ............... did the accident happen?
20 ............... is the nickname for Robert?
21 ............... did you speak to Mr. Berg?
22 ............... did you pay for that suit?
23 ............... does that word mean?
24 ............... ago did Mr. Johnson leave?
25 ............... are your friends leaving now?
26 ............... one did you finally buy?
27 ............... do you want to get it now?
28 ............... do you like this city?
29 ............... do you call that in English?
30 ............... do you pronounce that word?


On the desk.
In September.
His sister.
To buy a ticket.
At Jims (house).
Last Friday.
Fifty-five miles.
My friend Bill.
All of us.
Nothing important.
Mr. Meyers.
Two or three.
Ten gallons.
To see Thomas.
That one.
Its wool.
At the corner.
Its Bob.
Sixty dollars.
It means easy.
A week ago.
Because its late.
The red one.
I need it.
Very well.
A Suitcase.
Like this.



Write a question about the italicized part of each sentence. Begin each question with a question
word (where, what, how much, etc.). Notice the examples.

Alice went to the movies last night. 1

Where did Alice go last night?
They will be there for two weeks. 2
How long will they be there?
Miss Peters wrote those letters. 3
Who wrote those letters?
Bills birthday is on the twelfth of August.4
There are twenty-one floors in that building. 5
John is coughing because be bas a bad cold. 6
The Browns left for home at six oclock 7
The students studied the irregular verbs. 8
That is Professor Moores briefcase 9
There were fourteen guests at the party. 10
Mr. Burke bought his new car last Saturday. 11
Detroit is seven hundred miles from there. 12
Their classes usually begin at nine oclock. 13
Im going to go because the game will be interesting.
That customer wants four packages of cigarettes.
Dorothy bought the pink dress with the blue stripes.
We call those things gadgets in English.
My friends helped me very much yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Wilson gave the annual report to Mr. Johnson.
The whole trip takes about twenty-two hours.
Were going to look for winter coats at that department store.
Those two dictionaries belong to Mr. Kramer.
Our friends stayed in California for three weeks.
The messenger gave the packages to Mr. Wilsons secretary.
Mother put the cups and saucers in the cupboard.
The word rapid means fast or quick.
The doctor will come within fifteen or twenty minutes.
The price of that car is three thousand dollars.
Dr. Duncans mother is sixty-eight years old.
There will be another meeting next Thursday or Friday.
Edward has about two thousand dollars in the bank now.
Mr. Green wrote to his brother because be needed some money




Write a question about the italicized art of each sentence. Begin each question with a question
word (who, why, how many, etc.). Notice the examples.

The Holts have four children. 1

How many children do the Holts have?
The accident happened right there. 2
Where did the accident happen?
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson are going to go to Brazil next year.
Their guests left for home because it was very late.
Our classroom is twenty-eight feet wide.
Its about twelve blocks to the post office from here.
The two men returned to the office at three oclock.
That modern chair costs forty-four dollars plus tax.
The secretary gave Mr. Green a lot of information.
The name of that book by Mark Twain is Tom Sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will return to New York by train.
The tall man on the left is Mr. Browns brother.
Those two students are talking about the last lesson.
Mr. Kennedy will leave for Baltimore after the holidays.
Miss Stewart chose the black dress with the lace.
Her sister bought three pairs of stockings yesterday.
Im looking for my briefcase and my books.
The thief got into the house through a basement window.
Those young boys broke Mr. Flynns front window.
Mr. Davis goes to Montreal two or three times a year.
The Slaters daughter looks like her grandmother.
Charles got into trouble because be didnt follow instructions.
The meaning of that word is sad or unhappy.
Mr. Smith put the reports on Mr. Johnsons desk.
The Taylors painted their house blue and white.
Charles asked his father and mother for some money.
That student has a very poor attitude toward his studies.
Miss Peters addressed the letter to the A.B.C. Company.
Its about four hundred miles to Washington, D. C.
The tunnel to Brooklyn is near the Battery Park.
Mr. Kaufmans car is in the alley behind our house.
Johns brother is going to study at the University of Washington




Change these statements to simple negative questions. Make a contraction in each question.

Study the two examples carefully.

Isnt be in his office now?1 He

Didnt they study the lesson?2
3 Martha is going to go to the movies tonight.
4 Betty wore her new spring dress to the party.
5 There are some shelves in that closet.
6 The students knew the answers to the questions.
7 Mr. Anderson never drinks coffee in the morning.
8 The Smiths will arrive in Los Angels tomorrow.
9 There is some milk in the refrigerator.
10 Professor Moore walked to school this morning.
11 Mr. Johnson will be in his office this afternoon.
12 Mr. Berg understands the instructions in the book.
13 That girl does all of her homework carefully.
14 The vice-president was at the meeting last Thursday.

is in his office

They studied the



Change these negatives to negative questions with why. Make a contraction in each question.

Study the two examples carefully.

Why wasnt be in class yesterday?1 He

wasnt in class yesterday.
Why didnt she write that letter?2 She
didnt write that letter.
3 Mr. Foster and Mr. Green werent at the meeting.
4 Mr. Smith didnt get to work on time this morning.
5 Mr. Meyer didnt go to the lecture with the other students.
6 His secretary wasnt in the office at that time
7 The Browns arent going to go to Europe this year.
8 The students didnt write the last two lessons.
9 Those boys didnt study their English assignment last night.
10 There wont be anyone in this office tomorrow.
11 George doesnt know the irregular verbs yet.
12 Frank and John didnt do their share of the work.
13 That fellow didnt tell me about his suggestion until today.

14 Your paper wasnt on my desk before class this morning.




Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Use only the perfect present
tense. Study the examples carefully.

We (visit) that museum. 1

We have visited that museum.
Bill (finish) the work 2
Bill bas finished the work.
I (travel, never) by air. 3
I have never traveled by air.
Mr. Moore (explain) those two lessons to us already.
I (live) in this city almost all of my life.
That company (hire) twenty new workers since June.
The boys (mention, already) that matter to Mr. Brown.
We (follow) the instructions in the book carefully so far.
Pierres English (improve) a great deal since July.
Betty (copy) all of the new words into her notebook.
The man (try) that method several times already.
Mr. Smith (travel, never) across the Atlantic by plane
The company (increase) its production by twenty percent
Up to now, we (study) almost every lesson in this book



Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Use only the perfect tense.
The verbs in these sentences are irregular verbs. Check tour answers carefully with the list of
irregular verbs in the appendix.



We (see) that movie. 1

We have seen that movie.
He (have) his lunch already. 2
He has had his lunch already.
I (be, never) there before. 3
I have never been there before.
Richard (take) three different courses in English.
Miss Peters (fly) in an airplane only two other times.
The two girls (do, already) the dinner dishes.
Im sorry. I (forget) the name of that new song.
Mr. and Mrs. Garcia (be) in this city for six months.
We (know) Mr. and Mrs. Smith for over twelve years.
I (fall) on these steep steps several times this week.
I think Mr. Harris (have, already) his lunch.
I (read, already) his letter and (write) a reply to him.
Carol and Martha (have) lots of practice in English so far.
We (see, already) Mr. Duncan and (speak) to him about that.

Change these statements to simple questions. Study the examples carefully.

Has Mr. Green quit his job?1 Mr.

Green has quit his job.
We have already done that lesson. Have we already done that lesson?2
3 John has already given his homework to Mr. Harris.
4 Mr. and Mrs. Burke have heard the good news.
5 Betty has copied all of the new words from the blackboard.
6 The students have already studied that lesson.
7 Your English has improved very much since September.
8 Those men have done their share of the work.
9 The director has mentioned his plan to the committee.
10 The weather has been very bad this past week.
11 Mr. and Mrs. Slater have taken good care of their car.
12 We have heard that radio program several times.
13 My friend Tom has always enjoyed that kind of work.
14 There have been some bad storms in this area recently.

Change these statements to negatives. Study the examples carefully.

Has Mr. Green quit his job?1 Mr.

Green has quit his job.
We have already done that lesson. Have we already done that lesson?2
3 John has already given his homework to Mr. Harris.
4 Mr. and Mrs. Burke have heard the good news.
5 Betty has copied all of the new words from the blackboard.
6 The students have already studied that lesson.
7 Your English has improved very much since September.
8 Those men have done their share of the work.
9 The director has mentioned his plan to the committee.
10 The weather has been very bad this past week.
11 Mr. and Mrs. Slater have taken good care of their car.
12 We have heard that radio program several times.
13 My friend Tom has always enjoyed that kind of work.
14 There have been some bad storms in this area recently.






Change the verbs in these sentences (a) to the past tense, (b) to the future tense, and (c) to the
perfect present tense. Study the examples carefully.







I spent my money.
I will spend my money.
I have spent my money.

They use that one

We study English together.
They discuss their work.
They have enough time.
I do all of the lessons.

Does he eat there? 4 (b)

Do you enjoy that work?

Does he write many letters?
Do you send many letters/
Do they explain everything?
Does she attend that class?

I dont stay there. 4 (b)

He doesnt work hard.

I dont have any energy.
He doesnt pay his bills.
We dont see that fellow.

7 He sits in that row.

8 I drive my car.
9 She hides her money.
10 We go to school.
11 he takes much time.


Did he eat there?

Will he eat there?
Has he eaten there?

18 do you have enough time?

19 Do they copy the sentences?
20 Does she have much trouble?
21 Does she do good work?
22 Do the students practice?


I didnt stay there.

I wont stay there.
I havent stayed there.


28 She doesnt use this one.

29 They dont remember it.
30 I dont do much work here.
31 He doesnt listen carefully.



Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. use only the perfect present
tense. Check your answers with the list of irregular verbs in the appendix.

Mr. Harris taught English at this school for five years.

I (write) three or four letters to that company.
The students in this class (do) those two lessons already.
I (know) Professor Moore for more than twelve years.
Richard (take) three courses in English at this school.
These steps are dangerous. I (fall) on them several times.
Mr. Kramer (be) in the United States for three years.
The janitor (shut, already) the back door.
The students (read) all of the stories in that book.
Marjorie (choose) a pretty dress for the party.
I (speak) to my boss about the problem several times.
That tree (grow) at least five feet since last year.
Miss King (spend) over eighteen hundred dollars since May.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (buy) a new house in North Plains.
The real estate agent (sell) the Smiths old house.
Charles (have) a bad cold for a whole week.
Im sorry. I (forget) the name of that book.
We (bear, already) that new song several times.
Mr. Wilson isnt here. he (go) out of town for the weekend.
Mr. Kennedy (wear) his blue suit to the office only twice.
I (sit) in this same seat since the first day of classes.
The money isnt in this drawer. someone (steal) it!
Up to now, I (understand) every lesson in the book.
We (have) absolutely no trouble with our car so far.
No one (fund) that girls purse and gloves yet.
The weather (be) very warm ever since last Thursday.
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown (have) lunch already.
I (see) the Empire State Building hundreds of times.
We (speak, already) to the director and (give) him the message.
Grandmother (fly, never) in an airplane before.
You (tear) your shirt! Theres a hole in the left sleeve.
I (read, already) the customers letter and (write) a reply to him.




Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Choose only the simple past
tense (examples: I worked, he took) or the prefect present tense (examples: I have worked, he
has taken). Notice the two examples. .

I (see) that movie already. 1 I have seen that movie already.

I (see) that movie yesterday. 2 I saw that movie yesterday.
I (read) that novel by Faulkner several times before.
I (read) that novel again during my last vacation.
Mr. Foster (study) Spanish at New York University last year.
Mr. Foster (study) French in this class since last September.
Miss Cunningham (live) in Detroit form 1940 to 1946.
Miss Cunningham (live) in New York since that time.
Our guests (have) a good time at the party last night.
Our guests (have) a good time ever since their arrival.
Dr. and Mrs. Duncan (see) the Coliseum in Rome in 1948.
Dr. Duncan (see) the Statue of Liberty hundreds of times.
The Browns (be) in Detroit twice since Christmas.
The Browns (be) in San Francisco the week before last.
My wife and I (travel) by air many times in the past.
My wife and I (travel) to Mexico by air last summer.
The students (finish, finally) that hard exercise!
The students (start) that exercise about three hours ago.
We (receive) the boys telegram at 8:00 p.m. last night.
We (send, already) them a special delivery reply.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson (visit) Paris before the last war.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson (visit) Paris many times since the war.
We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far.
We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
I (have) a little trouble with my car since then.
We (watch, never) that television program.
We (watch, never) that television program.
We (watch) an interesting program on television last night.
That tall fellow (work) for the A.B.C. company in Boston.
Mr. Shaw is mw English teacher. He (teach) here for six years.
He (finish) his Ph. D. at Yale University seven years ago.




Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Choose only the simple present
tense (example: he writes), the continuous present tense (example: be is writing), or the perfect
present tense (example: he has written)..

We (study) English in this class since last September.

My teacher (teach) English at this school for six years.
Listen! I (think) someone (knock) at the front door.
Mr. smith (pay) all of his bills at the end of the month.
I (see) the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona several times.
It (rain, usually) very much in that part of the United States.
Mr. and Mrs. Garcia (be) in New York for two months.
Those students (make) much progress since October.
My friend Frank (owe) Fred Foster fifty-five dollars.
I (be) sorry. I (forget) that fellows name already.
Mr. Johnsons secretary (sit) at a different desk today.
I (have) no trouble with my English lessons up to now.
Richard (look) forward to his vacation next June.
The tall girl in the front seat (come) from South America.
Yes, we (hear) that new song several times already.
My wife and I (live) in this city for almost nine years.
The boy (study) their lessons together every afternoon.
Thomas (have) a good time here ever since his arrival.
I (need) some more money for my books and tuition.
At present, that author (write) a historical novel.
Our present teacher (live) in this city all of his life.
Miss Fox (talk) to someone on the telephone at the moment.
My friend Felix (be) in this country for a long time.
Up to the present, George (do) good work in this class.
Those four people (be) here since eight oclock.
Daniel Soto (work) thirty-eight hours a week.
We (write) almost every exercise in this book up to now.
The weather (get, generally) quite hot in July and August.
So far, you (make) no mistakes on this exercise.
At the moment, I (read) a book about alexander the Great.
Mr. Kent (have) that job in Pasadena since June first.




Select the correct preposition for the blank space in each sentence.



When do you plan to leave.......... South America?

Mr. Adams went......... a walk.......... the park this afternoon.
Miss Peters is going to ask her boss.......... some advice.
Toms friends are laughing.......... his funny answer.
Why dont you and Fred ever listen.......... classical music?
Dont worry.......... that matter. its not very important.
Those books and papers belong.......... someone else.
We all looked.......... Dicks billfold. We finally found it.
How much did your friend pay.......... those theater tickets?
When do the Andersons expect to arrive..........New York?
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will arrive.......... the airport..........2:00 p.m.
Mr. Rossi is working.......... an article........... a national magazine.
Mrs. Burkes brother borrowed some money.......... her.
Why did Mrs. Burke lend the money.......... her brother?
I dont want to argue.......... you.......... that matter.......... his time.
Our visitors complained.......... the bad weather.......... this region.
The company insisted.......... an immediate reply.......... their letter.
Marthas sister is shopping.......... a new spring hat today.
Frank always depends.......... his brother for assistance.
This English book consists.......... two separate sections.
Have Don and Dorothy decided.......... a name for their baby yet?
Mary reminded Mr. Fox........... his appointment the next day.
Would you please substitute his name.......... mine.......... that list.
Mr. Perez is translating that book.......... Spanish.......... English.
Professor Moore glanced.......... his wrist watch quickly.
We introduced our guests.......... Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wilson.
All of the members objected.......... the chairmans suggestion.
The men will probably rely.......... you.......... some assistance.
That fellow constantly boasts.......... his influential friends.
I think you have confuse that word.......... another one.
I hope the director will cooperate.......... us.......... that matter.
We dont want to interfere.......... our visitors plans.......... any way.


Select the correct preposition for the blank space in each sentence.

1 Are you ready.......... the English examination?

2 My friend Roger is very excited.......... his new job?
3 Mr. and Mrs. Brown are proud.......... their new house?
4 Alice has been absent.......... the last two classes?
5 Why were those girls mad..........Frank and you?
6 They were mad.......... our attitude.......... their suggestion.
7 John is more interested.......... history than English.
8 Please be careful.......... this tool. Its very delicate.
9 I am very sorry.......... my mistake. I wasnt careful enough.
10 Everyone feels very sorry.......... that poor old man.
11 All of the members were pleased.......... the final result.
12 Were not accustomed.......... this very cold weather yet.
13 Everyone.......... the group was very polite.......... our guests.
14 Im angry........... Richard Jones.......... a very good reason.
15 Mr. Berg wasnt very sure.......... the answers.......... his paper.
16 We have plenty.......... time. Well get.......... school.......... time.
17 Daniel Soto and his wife are quite fond.......... strong coffee.
18 I hope you are prepared.......... a great deal...........criticism.
19 I think that young girl is afraid..........cats and dogs.
20 That author is famous.......... his novels.......... the Civil War.
21 hat restaurant.......... Tenth Street is known......... its fine food.
22 Those two pails are full..........water.......... the rain last night.
23 The police are very suspicious.......... those two fellows.
24 Im getting tired.......... that students constant excuses.
25 Your example is similar.......... mine but different.......... Freds.
26 That mans face seems very familiar.......... me.
27 Are you familiar.......... that peculiar American expression?
28 They are not aware.......... my strong feelings.......... that matter.
29 Tom and I are grateful.......... you......... all of your assistance.
30 That kind of dress is not suitable.......... certain occasions.
31 Betty is always very considerate........... other peoples feelings.
32 The quality of this shirt is not equal.......... the quality of that one.





Read each sentence aloud. If possible, use a contraction (for example: she is - shes, they did not
- they didnt, etc.) In some sentences, there are two possibilities. Contractions are not possible
in a few sentences.

1 He does not like it. 38

2 I am not a student. 39
3 She has seen it. 40
4 It will be ready for you. 41
5 She is not a teacher. 42
6 Where is the office? 43
7 I am very busy now. 44
8 They did not write it. 45
9 John was not absent. 46
10 When are you leaving? 47
11 They do not know that. 48
12 We are very unhappy. 49
13 It is very cold outside. 50
14 She was not late. 51
15 What is that? 52
16 There is a salesman here. 53
17 That is a very big house. 54
18 It did not rain very hard. 55
19 Who will do that work? 56
20 We have finished it. 57
21 It was not very good. 58



She is not here now.

Those are ours.
He will help us soon.
They have been in Cuba.
Who are those people?
We are going to go soon.
I will not have any time.
It is not ready yet.
That was interesting.
That is a suitcase.
There is not a thing here.
They have not done it.
What is this?
He does not know it.
She is not ready yet.
Whose are those?
They were not angry.
You did not come.
You have not heard it.
There are books here.
I do not see it yet.
It was not difficult.
There is a man here.
They will not be here.
It did not rain hard.
Who is that fellow?
We have not been there.
That is very good.
I have eaten already.
There was a party there.
They are not going to go.
She is not very nervous.
It is very pretty.
That is very interesting.
I was not in the room.
I am ready now.
They were not here.



Put each frequency word in the correct position in the following sentence. Study the first
examples carefully.

(always) That man is always late.1 That man is late.

(usually) Is it usually cold in the winter?2 Is it cold in the winter?
(seldom) He seldom returns before 2:30.3 He returns before 2:30.
(never) I have never seen that statue.4 I have seen that statue.
(usually) 5 William and Richard work very hard.
(often) 6 The children are very active after meals.
(seldom) 7 The food at that restaurant is good.
(usually) 8 Are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey at home in the evening?
(always) 9 Do you study your English lessons at night?
(never) 10 Dorothy and I watch television during the afternoon.
(ever) 11 Why doesnt that student write his lessons carefully?
(rarely) 12 Mr. Wilson has time to see visitors in the morning.
(usually) 13 Dont you keep your important papers in that drawer?
(ever) 14 Have you listened to that radio program?
(always) 15 The director is in his office between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
(usually) 16 Is there someone here before 9:30 a.m.?
(never) 17 We have been to the Museum of Modern Art.
(always) 18 Why do you study your lessons with Richard and Fred?
(ever) 19 Does the foreman eat lunch with the other workers?
(usually) 20 Are your english assignments difficult?
(seldom) 21 That store receives complaints from its customers.
(always) 22 Does that fellow do his share of the work?
(often) 23 Mr. Johnson dictates reports to his secretary.
(never) 24 That store closes before 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.
(usually) 25 Are you ready for breakfast by eight oclock?
(ever) 26 Why dont you speak English with your friends?
(often) 27 Mr. Hanson rides to work with Mr. Anderson.
(always) 28 My former secretary did her work very promptly.
(seldom) 29 Miss Stewart is sick or absent from work.
(never) 30 Mr. Fox smokes cigars in the office during the day.
(usually) 31 We learn many new words in our English class.
(always) 32 They have tried to follow his instructions very carefully.




Unit 1

(THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE) Sada{nje prosto vreme

Sada{nje prosto vreme (potvrdni oblik) se gradi na najjednostavniji na~in. U svim
licima jednine i mno`ine glagol ima isti oblik, osim u tre}em licu jednine, kad se dodaje
nastavak -s. Dakle: I, you, we i they speak, a he, she, it speaks. Medjutim, upitni i odre~ni
oblik ovog vremena mo`e se graditi na dva nacina.







obi~nom inverzijom: I have have I? you have have you? itd. odnosno nega-
tivni oblik I have not, you have not, he has not itd. Ovi oblici (upitni i odri~ni) se
koriste u Britaniji.
u SAD i u Kanadi upitni i odre~ni oblici grade se s pomo}nim glagolom do/does i
oni se sve vi{e ~uju i u Evropi: I have do I have? I do not have. Oba oblika, sa
do/does ili britanski na~in gradjenja bez pomo}nog glagola, su ta~ni.
Sada{nje prosto vreme se upotrebljava u slede}im slu~ajevima:
Za izra`avanje op{te poznatih ~injenica. It snows in winter. There are 52 weeks in
a year.
Za radnju koja se de{ava po nekom ustaljenom rasporedu ili navici i obi~aju: I go
to work in the morning. I dont smoke. I go to London once a year. We sell prefab-
ricated houses. They import glassware. Prilo{ke odredbe za vreme koje se obi~no
koriste s ovim glagolskim vremenom su slede}e: never, always, , sometimes, in
spring, winter itd. on Mondays, Tuesdays, itd.
Sada{nje prosto vreme se upotrebljava i u izjavama koje ne sadr`e neko konkretno
vreme, npr. They live here in Belgrade and work in Pan~evo.
Kao i sada{nje trajno vreme, i sada{nje prosto se mo`e upotrebiti za izra`avanje
izvesne planirane budu}e radnje. The plane leaves at ten.
Sada{nje prosto vreme se upotrebljava za izra`avanje budu}nosti posle
when, until, if, provided as soon as, while, na primer:
Ill phone you when I get home.
We wont go out until it stops raining.
Well go to the bank if we need money.
Ill go to the party provided you go too.



(THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE) Sada{nje trajno vreme Ovo glagolsko

vreme se gradi s pomo}nim glagolom to be u sada{njem vremenu i participom
prezenta, npr. I am going (Am I going? I am not going). Sada{nje trajno vreme se
Da opi{e radnju koja je u toku, ba{ u trenutku kad se o njoj govori. You are reading
this text. Whats your friend doing now? He is reading, too. Are you smoking now?
No Im not. I am in the classroom.
2. Sada{nje trajno vreme se upotrebljava i za radnju koja }e se desiti u tzv. bliskoj
budu}nosti. U takvim re~enicama se obi~no stavlja i odgovaraju}a odredba za
vreme, npr. tomorrow, this evening, next week i sl.; What are you doing tomorrow
morning? When will you go to London? Im going next week.
3. Ovim glagolskim vremenom izra`ava se i radnja koja nije u toku kad se o njoj gov-
ori ali jeste aktuelna, ona je u toku. Are you negotiating with your partner from
London? Pregovori su u toku, ali ne trenutno, u trenutku postavljanja pitanja. We
are negotiating with them. I am doing a very interesting research.
Ima glagola koji se ne javljaju u sada{njem trajnom vremenu, na primer: can, may,
must, need, zatim like, love, want, understand, cost, hear, see.

Glagol have se javlja u sada{njem trajnom vremenu, ali s ne{to druk~ijim zna~enjem
(ne posedovanja) npr. Im having a sandwich. What about you, Jim? No, thank you, Im
having a drink with Peter.
Kao {to znate, u engleskom jeziku ima dva ~lana - odredjeni the /
, i/ i neodred-
jeni a i an.
Oblik an se upotrebljava ispred re~i koja po~inje samoglasnikom, an eye, an
opened door. Odredjeni ~lan s izgovorom /
/ ide ispred re~i koja po~inje suglasnikom,
a ako ~1an prethodi re~i koja po~inje samoglasnikom izgovara se / i/.
Odredjeni ~lan se upotrebljava:
Ispred naziva reka: The Danube is a very long river.
Ispred naziva hotela, bioskopa pozori{ta i sl. Theres a good film on at the Ritz.
Where did you stay in London? I stayed at the Metropol.
Odredjeni ~lan ide ispred naziva novina: Do you read the Guardian?
Ispred naziva planinskih venaca : The Alps.
Ispred naziva dr`ava kao {to su: the United States, the United Kingdom.
Ispred imena samo nekoliko dr`ava i gradova, npr. the Hague, the Sudan, the
Netherlands, the Crimea (Krim).
Ispred superlativa prideva: John is the best director.
Ispred rednih brojeva: the first, the second itd.
Ispred prideva koji ozna~ava odredjenu celinu, npr. the young - mladi, the rich



10. Ispred prezimena da ozna~i celu porodicu: The Browns - Braunovi.

11. Ispred imenica koje predstavljaju jedini primerak npr. the sun, the world, the moon,
the past, the future, the present
12. Ispred gradivnih i mislenih imenica ne u op{tem ve} u odredjenom, u`em smislu
The meat you bought is very good. Nasuprot Meat is expensive. True love is rare.
nasuprot The love of that woman is strange.
13. U kontekstu u kome se zna o kome predmetu ili osobi itd. je re~, npr. Will you
close the door/window? jasno je koja vrata treba zatvoriti ili prozor; ili There is a
car in the street.The car is very big. Na ulici su (neka) kola. Kola su veoma velika.
Sagovornici znaju o kojim kolima je re~, to su ona na ulici, upravo pomenuta.
Neodredjeni ~lan se upotrebljava:
Ispred naziva zanimanja, npr. What does John do? He is a driver, a businessman.
U zna~enju ,,bilo koji, ,,koja, npr. Give me a folder. Daj mi fascikl, bilo koji,
jedan fascikl.
3. S pridevima few i little ~ije zna~enje je pozitivno, malo ali je dovoljno,
How many people do you have in your branch in London. A few, nekoliko i to nam
je dovoljno, mogu da obave posao. Few bi u ovom kontekstu zna~ilo malo i to nam je
nedovoljno. We have a little time. Imamo malo vremena, ali dovoljno da bismo zavr{imo
posao, mo`da bi samo trebalo po`uriti. We have little time. Isto malo vremena ali sagov-
ornik, mo`e se pretpostaviti, misli da je nedovoljno za ono {to bi trebalo toga trenutka
da se uradi.
4. U nekim izrazima s re~ima such, quite, what, itd. Na primer: What a mistake!
Kakva gre{ka! There were quite a few people there. Tamo je bilo mnogo ljudi.
What a beautiful car! Kakav divan automobil.
5. S brojevima kao {to su dozen (12), score (20) gross (144) hundred, thousand, mil-
ion We ordered a dozen packages.
6. U izrazima kao {to su once (twice, three times) a week, a month, a year. Jednom
nedeljno, mese~no itd.
7. Umesto broja jedan This material costs a pound a yard. John earns (makes) a thou-
sand a week. D`on zaradjuje hiljadu nedeljno (funti, dolara, dinara).
^lan se izostavlja:
U izrazima kao {to su: to go to town, work, school, church, market, prison, ex-
change. John is at work. Its late, lets go to bed. My brother goes to school. They
go to church every Sunday. (ide u {kolu, jer je u~enik, ide u crkvu jer je pobo`an,
ide na posao jer je zaposlen).
Uz nazive obroka: Dinner is at eight. ali The dinner she made was excellent.
ispred naziva godi{njih doba. I dont like summer; ali The summer of last year was
very hot.
Uz gradivne i mislene imenice u op{tem smislu. Gold is a valuable metal, ali The
gold in my ring is very soft.



THERE IS - THERE ARE ( was - were ) ( Egzistencijalno there is )

There is - ima, nalazi se; oblik za mno`inu there are; oblik za pro{lo vreme there
was, there were. Ovaj izraz stoji na po~etku re~enice, mo`e se prevesti i s postoji. There
are a lot of trucks on the parking lot. Are there any people in the hall? There was an
interesting car at the exhibition. There is nobody in the office.
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Prefix -re: consider - reconsider, (razmotriti, ponovo razmotriti), write - rewrite
(ponovo napisati), sale - resale ( ponovna prodaja), print - reprint (pre{tampati), open
- reopen, remake (ponovo napraviti, prepravka), fit - refit (ponovo opremiti), order - re-
order (ponovo poru~iti), cycle - recycle ( ponovo upotrebiti).

Napi{ite nekoliko re~enica s navedenim novim re~ima, npr. Will you reconsider
our offer?

Unit 2

NOUNS (Imenice)

Mno`ina imenica
Najve}i broj imenica gradi mno`inu dodavanjem nastavka -s na oblik jednine,
npr. car - cars, book - books. Nastavak -s se izgovara kao /s/ ili /z/: car /ka:z/ i book /
buks/. Ako se imenica zavr{ava zvu~nim suglasnikom ili samoglasnikom nastavak - s se
izgovra kao /z/ job /d
- Ako se imenica zavr{ava na ch, sh /s/, / / dodaje se nastavak - es /iz/ npr. house -
houses /hauziz/, church / t :tiz /, box - /b ksiz/, brush / br iz/.
- Ako se imenica zavr{ava na y, kome prethodi samoglasnik, dodaje se samo -s npr.
boy - boys; ako se, medjutim, imenica zavr{ava na y, kome prethodi suglasnik, ovaj se
menja u -ie, npr. factory - factories, family families,company companies.
- Ako se imenica u jednini zavr{ava na - f ili - fe dolazi do promene u pisanju npr.
knife - knives / naivz /, wife - wives /waivz/, shelf - shelves / elvz/.
- Izvesne imenice imaju tzv. nepravilnu mno`inu, npr, man - men, woman - women,
child - children, tooth - teeth, foot - feet, mouse - mice.
- Neke imenice, relativno mali broj, ima isti oblik za jedninu i mno`inu, npr. sheep
ovca, ovce, fish - riba, ribe.
- Imenica works ima samo oblik za mno`inu ako zna~i fabrika, npr. gas works-
(plinara) ili steelworks (~eli~ana).
- Imenica vesti u engleskom jeziku ima samo oblik mno`ine news /nju:z/ i uz nju
ide uvek glagol u jednini, npr. Here is the news. Bez oblika za mno`inu su I slede}e im-
enice: advice, information, knowledge, progress, furniture



U engleskom jeziku postoji samo jedan pade` za imenice i on mo`e da ima dva
oblika: a) Saksonski genitiv i b) Normanski genitiv.
a) Saksonski genitiv se gradi dodavanjem 's na imenicu, npr. friend - friend's -
moga prijatelja: This is my friend's car. Ako se imenica zavr{ava slovom s, dodaje se
samo apostrof, npr. My friends' cars. Kola mojih prijatelja.
Saksonski genitiv se upotrebljava uz imenice koje ozna~avaju ljude, izvesne
`ivotinje, zemlje, gradove i vozila. John's home, the dog's head, Europe's way to unity.
Normanski genitiv se upotrebljava za imenice koje ozna~avaju stvari npr. The
window of this shop is too big. Put it in the middle of the table.
Rod imenica
Imenice u engleskom jeziku imaju prirodni rod.
Izvestan broj imenica koje nemaju prirodni pol (mu{ki ili `enski) koriste se kao da su
`enskog roda, pa uz njih ide i odgovaraju}a zamenica (she), npr. moon, nature, peace,
boat, ship. Neke imenice mogu biti i mu{kog i `enskog roda; naime, ne zna se na koga se
misli npr. friend ozna~va prijatelja i prijateljicu, takve su i slede}e imenice: child, guest,
doctor, guide, inhabitant, neighbour, teacher, tourist, professor, enemy, dog, baby, artist,
boss, director itd.

Unit 3

ADJECTIvES (Pridevi)

Poredjenje prideva





Oblici za komparativ i superlativ u engleskom jeziku grade se na slede}i na~in:

dodavanjem nastavka - er na pridev (pridevsku osnovu ), a za superlativ nastavka
-est. Uz superlativ se koristi odredjeni ~lan (the).
positiv komparativ superlativ
old older the oldest
quick quicker the quickest
slow slower the slowest
Ako se pridev zavr{ava na suglasnik, a prethodi mu kratak samoglasnik, suglasnik
se udvaja, npr.
big bigger the biggest
hot hotter the hottest
Ako se pridev zavr{ava na slovo e dodaje se, samo nastavak - r.
large larger the largest
Ako se pridev zavr{ava na y a prethodi mu suglasnik, y se menja u ie
pretty prettier the prettiest
Vi{eslo`ni i neki dvoslo`ni pridevi grade komparativ i superlativ pomo}u oblika



more odnosno most, npr.

more expensive
the most expensive
more beautiful
the most beautiful

the most interesting

more surprised
the most surprised
6. Izvestan broj prideva ima tzv. nepravilno poredjenje:
the best
the worst
the least (va`nost ili stepen)
the least (za koli~inu)

the smallest (za fizi~ku veli~inu)

the farthest (prostorno dalek)
the furthest (dodatni, dalji)

the most
the most
Veznik than se koristi uz komparativ, npr. John has more money than Jim. Peter is
older than his sister. Peter is the best driver. He is the best of all of them. Jim is as good
as John. Mary's house is not so big as Jim's.
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
U engleskom jeziku mnoge re~i se grade dodavanjem prefiksa ili sufiksa postoje}
im re~ima (imenicama, glagolima ili pridevima), npr. usual - unusual, cover - uncov-
er (prefiks) ili help - helpful (sufiks). Povremeno }emo vam davati primere gradjenja
novih re~i pomo}u raznih prefiksa i sufiksa. Veoma produktivan sufiks je -er, npr. work
- worker, speak-speaker, deal - dealer, buy - buyer. Re~ dobijena na ovaj na~in ozna~ava
vr{ioca radnje, raditi - radnik itd.
TWO WORD vERBS (Dvo ~lani glagoli)
Sigurno ste primetili da u engleskom jeziku ima mnogo vi{e~lanih glagola, npr.
depend on (zavisiti od), apply for ili to, listen to, ask for, leave with itd. Danas vas potse}
amo na nekoliko takvih glagola.
apply to - obratiti se nekome, odnositi:
If you want, you can apply to the manager.
The new rule does not apply to you.
apply for - konkurisati za mesto, vizu
Im applying for a new job
I applied for a visa.
ask for - tra`iti, moliti
The situation is serious, we must ask for help.
Dont ask for trouble.
leave with - ostaviti kod
She left her bag with Mary.
Could I leave this file with you?



Unit 4


Pro{lo vreme se gradi veoma jednostavno, a ni upotreba nije slo`ena. Ovo glagolsko
vreme se gradi dodavanjem nastavka-(e)d na glagol u infinitivu. Ako se glagol zavr{ava
na slovo e dodaje se samo -d. Dakle: play - played, open - opened, close - closed itd.
Nastavak -ed se izgovara na tri na~ina: /t/, /d/ ili /id/. Nastavak -ed se izgovara kao /t/ ako
se glagol zavr{ava bezvu~nim suglasnikom npr. help - helped /helpt/, ako se zavr{ava
zvu~nim suglasnikom ili samoglasnikom, onda se izgovara kao /d/, npr. name - named
/neimd /, close - closed / kl uzd /; nastavak -ed se izgovara kao /id/ ako se glagol
zavr{ava na t ili d npr. want - wanted / w ntid/, decide - decided / disaidid/ . Sve ovo
va`i za pravilne glagole. Medjutim, postoje i nepravilni glagoli; oblici pro{log vremena
nepravilnih glagola u~e se svaki zasebno. Oni se moraju u~iti, memorisati, kao nove re~i,
npr.: go - went, see - saw, take -took itd.
Pogledajte listu nepravilnih glagola. Dajemo vam nekoliko ~estih nepravilnih
glagola: be - was/were, speak - spoke, buy - bought, understand - understood, have -
had, do - did, come - came, sell - sold, write - wrote, put - put.
Kad se upotrebljava pro{lo vreme (Past tense simple) u engleskom jeziku?
Upotrebljava se za radnju koja se desila (zavr{ila) u zavr{enom vremenskom periodu,
npr. yesterday, last week (year, summer); a week ago, a month ago, a year ago (pre
nedelju dana...).
When were you at the airport? I was at the airport yesterday.
Were you in London last week? No, I was in New York last week.
When were you with John? I was with John a week ago.
Where were you a week ago? I was in Paris a week ago.
Did you understand James? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.
Was Bob on a business trip last year? Yes, he was.
Did Mary speak Serbian at the conference? No, she didnt, she spoke English.
Did you understand Mary? No, I didnt. Who sold this car? John did.
Obratite pa`nju na tzv. skra}ene odgovore: Yes, I am. No, Im not.
Yes, he did. No, he didnt. Yes, she was. No, we were not. Itd.

BEFORE (pre)
before se upotrebljava za period vreme-
na, ako se ra~una PRE nekog trenutka u
I saw John before his birthday.
We met before Christmas.
It happened before the Second War.
We finished the report before the dead-

AGO (pre)
ago se upotrebljava u zna~enju pre ako
se vreme ra~una od trenutka govora
pro{losti. unazad u pro{lost
I saw John three months ago.
We met a year ago.
It happened forty years ago.
We finished the report an hour ago.
(a minute ago)



Grafik 1

Obratite pa`nju na mesto priloga AGO u re~enici, ago se stavlja na kraj: three
months ago, a year ago, forty years ago, an hour ago.
Konstrukcija sa nepotpunim glagolom USED TO + infinitiv
Nepotpuni glagol used to /ju:stu: ili ju:st / izra`ava pro{lu radnju ili stanje i uka-
zuje na ~injenicu da se ta radnja vi{e ne vr{i, odnosno da to stanje definitivno pripada
pro{losti. Na primer We used to import from England. Nekad smo uvozili iz Engleske.
(I vi{e ne uvozimo) ili As a boy I used to play football. (dakle samo kao de~ak, sad vi{e
ne igram fudbal).
Upitni oblik ove konstrukcije je kao u pravilnih glagola, npr. Did John use to do it.
(Da li je to D`on nekad ~inio?) I didnt use to play football.

Unit 5

THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Pro{lo trajno vreme)

When I got to the office, they were all discussing a new project.
We were sitting and drinking beer when the manager came in.
What were you doing yesterday afternoon? Nothing much, I was playing tennis.
I was reading a very interesting book all day yesterday.
U svim navedenim re~enicama nalaze se primeri pro{log trajnog vremena.
Mo`da ste zapazili kako se gradi? Pogledajte jos jednom pa`ljivo. U svim
re~enicama nalazi se pomo}ni glagol be (u pro{lom vremenu) i particip prezenta, koji se
pravi prostim dodavanjem nastavka -ing na glagol; speak - speaking, buy buying, they
were discussing, I was playing tennis, she was reading, they were drinking.
Gradjenje ovog vremena je veoma jednostavno. Ni upotreba nije mnogo te`a,
postoje dva glavna pravila:

Pro{lo trajno vreme se upotrebljava za izra`avanje radnje koja je trajala du`e

vremena u proslosti I was reading all day yesterday.
2. Pro{lo trajno vreme se upotrebljava za radnju koja je trajala izvesno vreme
u pro{losti, a u jednom trenutku njenog trajanja desila se jedna druga radnja ili
dogadjaj; umesto ove druge radnje mo`e biti neki trenutak, vide}ete u primeru:
We were sitting and drinking when the manager came in.
At five o'clock they were all discussing John's proposal.



IMPERATIvE MOOD (Imperativ ili zapovedni na~in)

Zapovedni na~in na engleskom jeziku gradi se, u prvom i tre}em licu jednine i
mno`ine, glagolom let, posle koga dolazi odgovaraju}i oblik zamenice ili imenica i
zatim glagol.
Let us go home.
Lets not go home.
Let me go home now

Dont do it now.
Stay here.
Let him (her,it) do it.
Let them finish the letter.

Re~ please ubla`ava zapovednost, npr. Please, dont do it. Repeat it, please.
NUMERALS (Brojevi)
O brojevima nema mnogo {ta da se ka`e, no skre}emo vam pa`nju na slede}e:
Glavni brojevi su (Cardinal numbers) one, two ... pazite: four forty; crtica izmedju de-
setica i jedinica, npr. twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three itd.
Redni brojevi ( Ordinal numbers) uz ove brojeve ide odredjeni ~lan: one - the first,
two - the second, three - the third. Ostali redni brojevi se grade dodavanjem nastavka -th
na glavni broj ten - the tenth, six - the sixth, pazite: five - the fifth.
100 - a (one) hundred, 1000 a (one) thousand, 1,000.000 a (one) million; izmedju
stotica i desetica stavlja se and 320 three hundred and twenty, 738 seven hundred and
thirty-eight. Vidi Dodatak.
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Gradjenje imenica sufiksom - ment: agree - agreement, (dogovor), manage man-
agement, equip - equipment (opremiti, oprema), advertise - advertisement (ogla{avati
- oglas) employ - employment (zaposliti -zaposlenje), invest -investment (ulo`iti - ula-
ganje), achieve - achievement (posti}i - dostignu}e, uspeh), announce - announcement
(objaviti - ogla{avanje, objava).
Da li ste sami na{li, u tekstovima Ud`benika, neke re~i koje su na~injene dodavan-
jem prefiksa ili sufiksa? Pa`ljivim ~itanjem tekstova i tra`enjem ovakvih re~i, ponavlja}
ete i neke re~i koje ste, mo`da zaboravili.

Unit 6

MODAL vERB CAN (Modalni glagol CAN)

Modalni glagol can nema nastavak -s u tre}em licu jednine, kao ni ostali modalni
glagoli. Ovim glagolom se izra`ava:
1. Sposobnost John can drive. Can you speak English?
2. Dozvola u neformalnom govoru ili razgovornom stilu. Can I use your car? Can I
come to your department?
3. Glagolom can se mo`e izraziti i neka budu}a radnja npr. We can play football to-
morrow. The goods can be lost on the way.



U odredjenim kontekstima negativni oblik glagola can mo`e da izrazi nemogu}

nost. That cant be true.
Modalni glagol can nema budu}eg vremena, naime umesto can koristi se oblik be
able to, npr. David will be able to finish this tomorrow.
Tom has been able to do such things when he was very young. Pro{lo vreme glagola
can glasi could, pa potonja re~enica mo`e da glasi: He could do that when he was very
young. Could you understand my lecture? I could not hear every word.
Oblik could se upotrebljava i u izvesnim re~enicama kojim izra`avamo tzv.
u~tivo pitanje, npr. Could you help me please? Could you park over there, please?
Could I borrow your pencil? Ovim glagolom se izra`ava i neostvarena mogu}nost
u pro{losti We could have lost all the goods. They could have missed the bus.

MODAL vERB MAY (Modalni glagol MAY)

Modalni glagol may izra`ava dozvolu, na primer:
1. May I ask you a question? May I leave?
May mo`e da izrazi i mogucnost u sada{njosti, This may be too much. This may be
too difficult for you.
Sli~no glagolu can i may mo`e da izra`ava mogu}nost da se ne{to ne doga|a ili
doga|a. John may not be in the office now. It may be cold tomorrow.
Pomo}u infinitiv perfekta glagola may izra`ava mogu}nost u pro{losti, npr. John
may have come yesterday. They may have arrived home.
Pro{lo vreme glagola may glasi might. Ovim oblikom se izra`ava manja mogu}
nost nego glagolom may. He may have arrived. Mo`da je do{ao (Mo`e biti da je do{ao.)
He might have arrived, zna~i isto ali je verovatno}a manja.
MODAL vERB MUST (Modalni glagol MUST)
Must je tako|e jedan od tzv. modalnih ili nepotpunih glagola. Nepotpuni su zato
{to budu}e i pro{lo vreme grade uz pomo} drugih glagola. Must nema u tre}em licu jed-
nine nastavak -s, kao ostali glagoli. He must go to the office. Jedna od specifi~nosti ovog
glagola je ~injenica da na poseban na~in pravi odri~ni oblik: I must go (Moram da idem).
I need not go (Ne moram da idem). I must not go, zna~i ne smem da idem. Must you go
now? No, I need not go now.
Budu}e i pro{lo vreme glagola must se gradi pomo}u glagola have.
I must go to the office.
I had to go to the office. Morao sam da idem u kancelariju.
I shall have to go to the office. Mora}u da idem u kancelaruju.
Upitni i odri~ni oblici glase: Did you have to go?- odnosno Will you have to go?
No, I didnt have to go. No, I wont have to go (will not).
Glagol must slu`i i za izno{enje ja~e pretpostavke.
Look at this big and beautiful house. It belongs to John. John must be a rich man.
Ista re~enica za pro{lost (Mora da je bio bogat ili sigurno je bio... glasi He must
have been rich. Andrew Carnegie must have been a very rich man.



Modalnim, nepotpunim, glagolom must se izra`ava obaveza. Its very late, I must go
now. Obaveza se mo`e iskazati i glagolom have to npr. Im afraid I have to go now. Glagolom
must se izra`ava i savet, npr. If you want to catch the last train, you must hurry up.
Ovim modalnim glagolom izra`ava se obaveza i uvek ide s re~com to, odnosno
sledi ga glagol u infinitivu sa to. You ought to go now. Ovaj oblik (ought to) koristi se za
sada{nje, pro{lo i budu}e vreme. Dakle: You ought to go now. (sada{njost) You ought to
be at work tomorrow, (buducnost ) i You ought to have been at work. (proslost).
Ought to izra`ava:
unekoliko bla`u nego must.
2. Logi~nu pretpostavku. She ought to be at work now. Its 10 oclock.

Kao i ostali modalni glagoli (can, may, must ) i ought to s infinitivom perfekta izra`ava
pro{lu, obi~no neostvarenu radnju. We ought to have parked somewhere else. (Trebalo
je da parkiramo negde drugde.)
Podsetimo se - veznici su nepromenljive re~i koje vezuju re~i, grupe re~i ili
re~enice. Mnoge veznike sigurno znate i upotrebljavate - na primer and, but, or, after,
since, because, that:

John started the car and left. The house is not expensive but it is too small for John.
Buy it or leave it. They will send us the goods after we have paid it. They havent called
us since they left Belgrade. We didnt buy the car because it was too expensive. He said
that he would pay the bill later.

Sve ove veznike sigurno znate, tj. razumete, no da li ih koristite u govoru i pisanju?
U ovoj lekciji }emo uvesti i nekoliko veznika koji se koriste u parovima, npr. both.. and,
neither... nor; either... or; whether... or i not only but also.

Evo nekoliko primera:

Both the manager and his secretary left for London.

She is neither in her office nor at home.
Either come in or go out.
I dont know whether to go to London or to Paris.
Susan is not only a good secretary but also hardworking and pretty.



Unit 7

THE PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Sada{nji perfekt prosti

A: Do you live in London?
B: Yes, I do.
A: How long have you lived here?
B: Ive lived here since 1990.
A: Then Youve lived here for more than ten years.
B: Thats right.
U ovom kratkom razgovoru izmedju Ane i Boba, podse}amo vas na jo{ jedno
glagolsko vreme - sada{nji perfekt. Ovo vreme se gradi pomo}nim glagolom have u
sada{njem vremenu i pro{lim participom (Past participle): I have been here for ten years.
Particip pro{li pravilnih glagola je isti kao i Past tense (podse}amo vas i na ovo) - gradi
se dodavanjem (e)d na glagol u infinitivu, dakle: play - played, open - opened, close -
closed, advise - advised itd. Particip pro{li nepravilnih glagola mora se u~iti zasebno za
svaki glagol. Pogledajte listu nepravilnih glagola. Pomo}ni glagol have se skra}uje, pa
imamo Ive, weve, youve. Have you read this contract? Yes, I have. ili Yes, Ive read
it. Who has seen Bob? I havent seen him here. How long have you been without a job?
Have you ever lived in New York? How long have they studied English? How long has
she been married?

Kad se upotrebljava ovo glagolsko vreme?

1. Sada{nji perfekt se upotrebljava za radnju koja se desila u vremenskom periodu

koji jo{ uvek traje, npr.: today, this morning (ako jutro jo{ traje u ~asu govorenja)

this week (year, month, century), I havent seen Bob today.

2. S ada{nji perfekt se upotrebljava za radnju koja se desila u vremenskom periodu

koji se ne navodi ili kad je va`no da se istakne ~injenica da se ne{to desilo (ili
se nije desilo), a vremenski period nije bitan, npr.: Have you read this contract?
Va`no je da znamo da li je ugovor pro~itan, a ne kad: Have you seen the film Gone
with the Wind?

Ponovite oblike nepravilnih glagola u pro{lom vremenu (Past tense) i, pro{li par-
ticip slede}ih glagola; ponovite i nau~ite (memori{ite): buy, sell, see, come, go, be, take,
speak, do, tell, say, leave, put, set. Neki od nepravilnih glagola imaju, isti oblik u infini-
tivu, pro{lom vremenu i pro{lom participu, npr. set, put, cut, shut. Since ovde zna~i od,
npr. I have been here since 1990. Since when have you been here?
Za vremenski period upotrebljava se re~ for - I have been here for ten years.
Pro~itajte (vrlo pa`ljivo) slede}e primere.
I have lived here since last year. (od jednog trenutka a pro{losti)
Bob has studied English for two years. (period od dve godine)
She has not played tennis for several weeks. (period od nekoliko nedelja)
I have known Bob since 1989. ( od jednog trenutka u pro{losti)





since = od, od jednog trenutka u pro{losti

do sad, do trenutka kad se govori, npr.
I have been here since 1991.
He hasnt seen Ann since last summer.
He hasnt written since Christmas.
I have been here since 11 oclock.

for = period vremena koji je trajao do

trenutka govora, obi~no se ne prevodi,
I have been here for eight hours.
I havent seen her for three months.
John hasnt written for a year.
I have lived in Belgrade for 10 years.

THE POSITION OF ADvERBS (Mesto priloga u re~enici)

I was born in Belgrade in1980.
Prilog za mesto dolazi uvek ispred priloga za vreme - in Belgrade in 1980.
I often go to the cinema.
They never smoke.
We sometimes buy from IBM.
Prilozi za neodredjeno vreme i za u~estalost stoje ispred glavnog glagola ili iz-
medju pomo}nog i glavnog glagola:
I have often seen him in London
Have you ever been to Los Angeles?
Navedeni prilozi slede pomo}ne i modalne glagole: John is usually right. I can
never wake up early.
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Dodavanjem sufiksa - ful na imenicu dobijamo odgovaraju}e prideve: care - care-
ful, (pa`ljiv), use - useful (koristan), colour - colourful (`ivopisan), help (helpful) (koris-
tan), success - successful (uspe{an), dread -dreadful (stra{an).
Sastavite nekoliko re~enica s dobijenim pridevima, na primer:
John is a very successful businessman.

Unit 8

THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Sada{nji trajni perfekt)

Sada{nji trajni perfekt se gradi, kao i sva ostala trajna glagolska vremena, kad
se sada{njem perfektu pomo}nog glagola to be doda particip prezenta. I have been +
-ing = I have been waiting. He has been driving. We have been talking. How long have
you been waiting here? I have been waiting here since 8 oclock. (Koliko dugo ~eka{
ovde?) (^ekam od osam sati). Prime}ujete da se re~enice u sada{njem trajnom perfektu
prevode sada{njim vremenom. Za{to? Prevode se sada{njim vremenom jer se sada{nji
trajni perfekt upotrebljava za radnju koja je po~ela u jednom trenutku u pro{losti, trajala
je izvesno vreme i sad, dok se o njoj govori, traje jo{ uvek. Evo jo{ nekoliko primera:



I have been learning English for two years.

Who is that woman over there? She has been standing there for two hours.
Why dont you answer the phone. It has been ringing for 10 minutes.
What have you been doing since I left you.
It has been snowing for 24 hours.

Unit 9

RELATIvE PRONOUNS (Relativne zamenice)

Relativne zamenice upu}uju, odnose se (otud i naziv odnosne zamenice) na
neposredno prethodnu imenicu ili re~enicu. Relativne zamenice su: who, whom, which,
whose, that, what.
WHO i WHOM odnose se samo na ljude: The girl who (whom) you saw in my of-
fice is our secertary. Whom se koristi u formalnom stilu, u svakodnevnom govoru ~uje
se samo who. The man who (whom) you met is our manager.
WHOSE ova relativna zamenica ima prisvojno zna~enje This is the man whose car
we drove yesterday. Ova relativna zamenica mo`e se upotrebiti za lica, i stvari. This is
the book whose author is unknown.
WHICH se odnosi samo na stvari i `ivotinje, npr. This is our new office which we
bought last month. This is my friends dog which he found in a park.
THAT se odnosi na ljude, stvari i `ivotinje, npr. The man that (who) you spoke -to
is our main buyer. The book that (which) is on the table is mine. The dog that we bought
ran away.
WHAT u zna~enju ono {to, ne odnosi se na prethodno izneti pojam, osobu i sl. ve}
na ne{to uop{teno (kao subjekat re~enice) npr. What is good for one person is not always
good for anoter.
Relativne zamenice se mogu izostaviti ako su u tzv. objekatskom pade`u, npr.
The man whom you saw in the corridor is our manager.
The man you saw in the corridor is our manager.
This is the question which I did not answer.
This is the question I did not answer.
Postoje dve vrste relativnih re~enica (klauza) u kojima se javljaju relativne zamen-
ice - restriktivne i nerestriktivne re~enice.
Restriktivne re~enice su bitne za smisao cele re{enice pa se stoga ne mogu izostav-
ljati, npr. The office which we bought is not in Belgrade. Which we bought ne mo`e se
izostaviti jer je to bitno za zna~enje cele re~enice. Medjutim, nerestriktivne re~enice
se mogu izostaviti jer nisu bitne za zna~enje cele re~enice na primer, My car, which
you saw this morning, is very old. My car is very old, ~ini jednu logi~nu celinu, misao
je potpuna i izostavljeni deo ne upotpunjava informaciju o mojim kolima, pa se mo`e
izostaviti; zato se, kao zasebna celina, stavlja izmedju zapeta.



Relative clauses
The machine which produced this print has been withdrawn.
The INJ300, which produced reasonable copy quality, has been replaced by the
John Smith, who heads the Administration department, will meet you on your next
The only person who can give you the information is out of the office at the mo-
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Prefiks -un employment - unemployment, usual - unusual, interesting - uninter-
esting, popular - unpopular, pleasant - unpleasant, necessary - unnecessary, important
- unimportant, used - unused, common - uncommon, certain - uncertain, able - unable,
determined - undetermined, likely - unlikely, load -unload.
Napi{ite nekoliko re~enica s navedenim re~ima, npr. Unemployment is a serious
social problem.

Unit 10

THE PAST PEFECT SIMPLE (Pluskvamperfekt)

Ovo glagolsko vreme, koje je u upotrebi mnogo redje nego ona koja smo do sad
obradjivali i uve`bavali, gradi se veoma jednostavno, kao {to je i upotreba jednostavna.
Had + pro{li particip (gone, seen, bought, played), na primer:
She told me that she had worked in California.
Lako je zaklju~iti kad se ovo glagolsko vreme koristi - onda kad se jedna radnja
desila pre neke druge radnje ili trenutka u pro{losti. Rekla mi je (pre) da je radila u
Kaliforniji (radila je pre nego sto mi je o tome pri~ala). Pluskvamperfekt se, takodje,
upotrebljava u slaganju vremena, odnosno u indirektnom govoru, v. lekciju 26.
TWO WORD vERBS (Dvo~lani glagoli)
take off - uzleteti; poletanje
We are taking off at six oclock.
It was a very comfortable take off.
Why dont you take off your coat? (skinuti deo ode}e/obu}e)

interested in (to be interested in) - interesovati se za, biti zainteresovan za

What are you interested in?
Are you interested in their offer?

pick up - do}i po nekog, prihvatiti

Ill pick you up at eight.
You can pick me up at the hotel.

think of - misliti o...
What do you think of this hotel?
What do you think of this report?

turn up - poja~ati (zvuk)

Would you turn up the radio?
The volume was turned up very loud.

agree to/on
Do you agree to my plan?
All of us agreed on that point.
Ako je predlog vezan za neku upitnu re~, stavlja se na kraj re~enice, na primer:
What are you looking at?
Which company do you work for?
What are you listening to?
Who were they talking to?
What does CARE stand for?
What is this table made of?

Unit 11

THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Pluskvamperfekt trajni)

After I had been walking for three hours, I decided to have a rest.
All the roads were blocked: it had been snowing all the night.
John had to stop driving because he had been driving for hours.
U svim navedenim primerima nalazi se oblik had been posle koga sledi sada{nji
particip - to je jedno novo trajno vreme, koje se gradi uz pomo} pluskvamperfekta glago-
la be (had been) i prezent participa. Pluskvamperfekt se upotrebljava za radnju koja je
trajala izvesno vreme u pro{losti i zavr{ila se pre neke druge radnje ili trenutka, takodje u
pro{losti. Po{to sam pe{a~io (i{ao) tri sata odlu~io sam da se odmorim. Celu no} je sneg
padao pa je put bio blokiran (prvo je sneg padao celu no}), D`on je morao da stane po{to
je (pre toga) satima vozio.
CAUSATIvE HAvE (Uzro~no have)
Glagol have mo`e da ima uzro~no zna~enje tj. opisuje radnju koju je subjekt
nalo`io da neko drugi obavi umesto njega (subjekta). U ovakvoj upotrebi glagola
have koristi se konstrukcija HAVE + DIREKTNI OBJEKAT + PRO[LI PARTICIP
I had my car washed. (Dao sam da mi se kola operu.)
You must have your car checked. (Mora{ dati kola na pregled.)
Why dont you have your room painted? (Za{to ne da{ da ti se soba ofarba?)



WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)

Sufiksom - ness gradi se izvestan broj imenica, npr. serious - seriousness (ozbil-
jan, ozbiljnost), loud -loudness (glasnost), happy - happiness (sre}a), ready - readiness
(spremnost), fresh - freshness (sve`ina), weak - weakness (slabost), effective - effective-
ness (delotvoran - delotvornost).
Pa`ljivim ~itanjem obradjenih {tiva iz Ud`benika, poku{ajte da nadjete re~i koje su
gradjene pomo}u nekog sufiksa ili prefiksa.

Unit 12


Ovo glagolsko vreme se gradi pomo}nim glagolom shall i will i glagolom koji
nosi zna~enje. Shall se upotrebljava za prvo lice jednine i mno`ine, a will za ostala lica.
Budu}e vreme izra`ava radnju koja }e se desiti u neodredjeno vreme u bud}nosti, npr.
We shall meet tomorrow.
U savremenom govornom engleskom jeziku glagol will se upotrebljava za sva lica.
U pisanom jeziku i u formalnom govoru za prvo lice se upotrebljava shall.
Ako `elimo ne{to da predlo`imo ili poka`emo spremnost da ne{to (nekome)
u~inimo, upotrebi}emo oblik Shall I...? Na primer, Shall I open the window?
Budu}e vreme mo`e da izrazi i zapovest, npr. Will you type these letters! Po{to je
re~ o zapovesti, primetili ste da na kraju potonje re~enice nema upitnika. Razume se,
navedeni iskaz prati i odredjena intonacija zapovesti.
Oblik shall za drugo lice izra`ava naredbu (uz impliciranu budu}nost) npr.
You shall never do this again.
Oblici shall i will se obi~no, u govoru, skra}uju u ll npr. Ill be back in a minute.
Hell do that tomorrow.
I shall not se skra}uje u I shant, a will not u wont - He wont come next week.
PRONOUNS (zamenice)

1. Personal pronouns (Li~ne zamenice)

you he
you him her





Im an engineer. Give me that letter.

You are the boss. I shall give you the report.
She is our secretary. You can give her your telephone number.
We shall stay here till Monday. You can send us your address.
They are late again. Tell them to call me.


2. Possessive pronouns (Prisvojne zamenice)
you he
she it
yours his
hers its


you they
yours theirs.

This is not my letter, its yours.

My car is here, where is hers?
Our passports are here, where are theirs?
If this is your book, where is mine?
Kako se iz navedenih primera vidi, prisvojne zamenice stoje samostalno, nasuprot
prisvojnim pridevima koji stoje uz imenicu.
(my letter, our passports, your book itd:)
3. Reflexive pronouns (Povratne zamenice)
myslef yourself


herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Povrate zamenice se upotrebljavaju s povratnim glagolima, kad je subjekt istovre-

meno i objekat. John shaves himself every day.
Povratne zamenice se upotrebljavaju i u zna~enju li~no, npr. On li~no je do{ao
(uradio, rekao itd). John himslef told me the news.
Ova vrsta zamenica se upotrebljava i s re~ju by u zna~enju sm, bez pomo}i drugih.
Mary can do it by herself.

Unit 13


Kao sva trajna vremena, tako i budu}e trajno vreme se gradi pomo}nim glagolom
to be (u budu}em vremenu) i participom prezenta glagola koji nosi zna~enje. Dakle:
I shall be arriving. You will be studying. They will be writing.
Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom: Will he be writing? itd. Odri~ni oblik They wont
be working till late.
Budu}e trajno ili nesvr{eno vreme upotrebljava se u slede}im slu~ajevima:
1. Za radnju koja }e se s dosta verovatno}e desiti u budu}nosti, na primer.
I shall be arriving at nine.
We shall be working till late.
2. Za radnju koja }e trajati du`e vremena u budu}nosti.
I shall be working all day tomorrow.
3. Za radnju koja }e trajati u budu}nosti pre i posle neke druge radnje ili trenutka
I shall be writing letters when you come.



Oba ova prideva zna~e mnogo. Razlika izmedju njih je u upotrebi.
Pridev much se upotrebaljava s imenicama koje se ne mogu brojati, s tzv. ne-
brojivim imenicama, npr. s gradivnim i mislenim imenicama - wood, iron, steel, copper,
time, money, love. I havent much time. There isnt much coffee (tea, meat, butter, wool,
wood). Much se obi~no upotrebljava u upitnim i odri~nim re~enicama, a u potvrdnim a
lot of, lots of: We had a lot of time in London. There is a lot of coffee. Umesto a lot of
(much) koristi se i a great deal of: John has paid a great deal of money.
Pridev many se upotrebljava s brojivim imenicama, npr. There are many buildings
in this street. IBM has many offices throughout the world. There are many cars on this
parking lot. Umesto prideva many u potvrdnim re~enicama, ~e{}e se upotrebljava a lot of
Ovi pridevi zna~e malo npr. a few customers (malo kupaca) i a little time (malo
Pridev a few, few upotrebljava se s brojivim imenicama kao i pridev many, a pridev
a little, odnosno little s nebrojivim imenicama, kao pridev much
A few zna~i malo i to je u datom slu~aju dovoljno, npr. John has a few friends.
Re~ malo ne zna~i u ovoj re~enici da se D`on `ali na mali broj prijatelja, ima ih malo
ali dovoljno. Me|utim, few friends ima negativnu konotaciju, malo, ili nekoliko i to je
Isto se odnosi na a little i little (malo ali dovoljno i malo ali nedovoljno).
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Dodavanjem sufiksa -less dobija se pridev s negativnim zna~enjem (bez), npr.
use - useless (beskoristan), end - endless (beskrajan), help - helpless (bespomo}an),
fault - faultless (bez gre{ke), care - careless ( nepa`ljiv ), worth - worthless (bezvredan),
motion - motionless (nepokretan, nepomi~an ), need - needless (nepotreban).

Napi{ite nekoliko re~enica s datim re~ima, npr.They made a needless risk.

Unit 14

THE GERUND (Glagolska imenica)

Oblik glagolske imenice je veoma jednostavan - gradi se dodavanjem nastavka -ing
na infinitiv glagola buy - buying, sell - selling, import - importing. Neki glagoli menjaju
pravopis pre dodavanja nastavka -ing, npr. begin - beginning, advise - advising.

Glagolska imenica se upotrebljava kao podmet u re~enici, npr.:

Driving may be dangerous. Learning English is not so difficult. Raising prices is
not very popular. (Vo`nja, u~enje, podizanje)




Posle predloga, npr.

Thank you for helping me with the mail. Bob did the job without complaining.
Dont park here without asking for permission.
3. Posle izvesnih glagola, kao {to su npr. start, finish, stop, begin, like, love, enjoy.
They started exporting meat last year. Stop complaining. She enjoys helping every-
body. I finished writing my annual report an hour ago.


NO = NOT ANY (Odri~na pridevska zamenica no)

Odri~na pridevska zamenica ima zna~enje not any ili not a, npr. There are no cars
on the parking lot. = There arent any cars.... There is no room for all of us.

Unit 15

Neodredjene pridevske ili imeni~ke zamenice some i any javljaju se i u spojevima
sa -body, -one i -thing -somebody, someone i something, any, anyone i anything.

SOME se upotrebljava
1. U potvrdnim re~enicama u zna~enju nekoliko ili ne{to, izvesna koli~ina ne~ega,
npr. Give me some examples. We ordered some books.

2. Some se mo`e upotrebiti i u upitnim re~enicama ako se o~ekuje pozitivan odgovor

ili kad pitanje sadr`i neku izjavu. Na primer: Wont you have some coffee? Ili Why

have some people more money than others? Ako govornik misli da je neko imao

problema pita}e na slede}i na~in: Did you have some trouble? Ako ne zna da li je

sagovornik imao nekih problema ili tesko}a, onda }e isto pitanje da glasi: Did you
have any trouble?

3. Some se upotrebljava i u odre~nim re~enicama sa pozitivnim zna~enjem, na prim-

er: They never visit us without bringing me some little thing. Ako se pridev some

upotrebljava ispred nekog broja, onda ima zna~enje oko, na primer: Some fifty

people came to the meeting.

ANY se upotrebljava:
1. U potvrdnim re~enicama koje imaju zna~enje bilo koji i sl. Na primer: Take any-
thing you like. Come at any time you like.
2. U odre~nim re~enicama ili u re~enicama u kojima je negacija implicitna, npr. I
havent seen anybody today. ili If you had any sense you would act differently.
(Implicira se da data osoba nema smisla)
3. U upitnim re~enicama kad se ne o~ekuje negativan odgovor ili kad govornik nema
nikakvu predstavu kakav bi odgovor mogao da bude. You havent made any mis-
takes, have you? Have you any free time?
Sva navedena pravila o upotrebi Some i Any odnose se i na sklopove anyone, some-
body itd.



GOING TO... for a future action

Radnja u budu}nosti se mo`e izraziti, ne samo pomo}u budu}eg glagolskog
vremena (shall/will) ve} i konstrukcijom going to + dati glagol: Jim is going to study in
Lonodon. What are you going to do tomorrow? When are you going to pay the fee? Kako
vidite oblik ove konstrukcije je vrlo jednostavan. Upitni oblik se gradi tzv. inverzijom.
Are you going to...? A odri~ni oblik glasi No, I am not going to..
Upotreba: Going to konstrukcija se upotrebljava za izra`avanje neke radnje u budu}
nosti koju govornik namerava, planira, da u budu}nosti izvr{i. Going to se naro~ito
~esto upotrebljava u neformalnom, svakodnevnom razgovoru.
Veznik unless (ukoliko ne, sem ako ne) sadr`i negaciju i stoga glagol stoji u potvrd-
nom obliku. U srpskom jeziku glagol je u odri~nom obliku, na primer:
I wont do it unless he goes with me.
(NE]U to uraditi (obaviti) ukoliko on NE podje sa mnom.)
Jim wont pass the exam unless he works harder.
You wont start the car unless you turn the key.
We wont deliver the goods unless you pay in advance.
I will not go to the party unless Kate comes.
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Neki pridevi se grade dodavanjem sufiksa - al ili -ial na imenicu: industry - indus-
trial, tradition -traditional, agriculture - agricultural, globe - global, profession - profes-
Primetili ste, sigurno, i neke manje izmene u pravopisu.


WISH + Past Tense

Glagol wish s pro{lim vremenom izra`ava neostvarljivost izvesne `elje, na primer:
I wish I were in England now. Voleo bih da sam sad u Engleskoj.
I wish I could fly an airplane.
WISH + Past Perfect
Pluskvamperfekt (Past perfect) upotrebljava se s glagolom wish da izrazi neostvar-
enu `elju u pro{losti. Neostvarene `elje se mogu iskazati (mesto s glagolom wish) posle
izraza if only, Id rather, its (high) time, as if. Na primer:

I wish we had signed the contract with FIAT.

(Voleo bih da smo potpisali ugovor s FIATOM.)
I wish I had never gone there.


I wish I had accepted Johns advice.
They wish they had not bought a secondhand car.
If only I had never started smoking.
It was high time we had started writing the report.

THE PASSIvE vOICE (Pasiv - trpno stanje)

Pasiv ili trpno stanje, u engleskom jeziku se gradi uz pomo} glagola to be u vre-
menu koje nam je potrebno i participa pro{log glagola koji nosi zna~enje. Pasiv se u eng-
leskom jeziku ~e{}e upotrebljava nego u srpskom jeziku; posebno ~esta upotreba pasiva
je primetna u jeziku u funkciji struke i nauke, npr. u engleskom jeziku za ekonomiste,
poslovne ljude itd.
Evo primera pasiva u raznim glagolskim vremenima:
I am called
Sada{nje prosto vreme
I am being called
Sada{nje trajno
I was called
Pro{lo prosto vreme
I was being called
Pro{lo trajno vreme
I had been called

Pasiv se upotrebljava u slede}im slu~ajevima:

1. Ako vr{ilac radnje nije poznat, npr. My wallet has been stolen. Ukraden mi je
nov~anik. Ukrali su mi nov~anik.
2. Ako vr{ilac radnje nije va`an ili bitan, npr: Mistakes are always possible.
3. Ako ne `elimo da ka`emo ko je izvr{io izvesnu radnju, npr: I have been told...
4. Pasiv u engleskom jeziku se upotrebljava u onim slu~ajevima kad bismo na srp-
skom jeziku upotrebili povratni ili bezli~ni glagol, npr: Planes are produced in this
factory. U ovoj fabrici se proizvode avioni. He is called John. On se zove D`on.
Ako se u pasivnoj konstrukciji pominje vr{ilac radnje onda se koristi predlog by.
The letter was signed by John. All of us were surprised by his frank attitude.
A new bridge is being built (Sada{nje trajno vreme, most se upravo gradi).
Marys car was stolen last night (Pro{lo vreme).
Jim has been invited to the party. (Sada{nji perfekt).
The report will be finished tomorow. (Budu}e vreme).


FUTURE PERFECT (Budu}i perfekt)

The builder says he will have finished the house by January.
I will have finished dinner by nine oclock.
Ill have worked in this company for ten years next October.



U navedenim re~enicama su tri primera budu}eg perfekta. Uo~ili ste, sigurno, i

kako se ovo glagolsko vreme gradi - will have + pro{li particip.
Kad se upotrebljava budu}i perfekt? Budu}i perfekt se upotrebljava za radnju koja
}e biti zavr{ena u izvesnom trenutku u budu}nosti.
Well have sold all cars by December.
FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Budu}i perfekt trajni)
Budu}i perfekt trajni se gradi kao i ostala trajna vremena, uz pomo} glagola to be
u budu}em perfektu i sada{njeg participa,
I will have been + sada{nji particip
Next year l will have been studying for three years.
Ovim glagolskim vremenom iskazujemo koliko }e se izvesna radnja odvijati
(ne{to de{avati) u jednom trenutku u budu}nosti. ln June 2003 I will have been
teaching English for ten years.
WORD BUILDING (Gra|enje re~i)
Dodavanjem sufiksa -ous na imenicu dobijamo odgovaraju}i pridev, npr. poison
- poisonous, otrov - otrovan, danger - dangerous, mountain - mountainous, humor - hu-
morous, adventure - adventurous, nerve - nervous (izostavlja se slovo e) marvel - mar-
vellous (udvaja se slovo l) ~udan - ~udesan.
Napi{ite nekoliko re~enica s navedenim re~ima, npr. Driving fast may be dangerous.


ADvERBS (Prilozi)
Prilozi su re~i koje bli`e odredjuju druge vrste re~i, imenice, glagole, prideve,
druge priloge i ~itave re~enice. Po zna~enju ove vrste re~i mo`e se govoritit o prilozima
za vreme i mesto, na primer, early, at once, ago, abroad, yesterday, before, daily, up-
stairs itd. Prilozi za na~in su freely, slowly, well, usually, kindly itd.
Prilozi za stepen su: a little, about, at least, awfully, highly, only, fairly itd.
Prilozi za neodredjeno vreme su: always, never ever, often, once, every day, oc-
Prilozi se mogu, kao i pridevi, porediti. Pravila o poredjenju su ista kao i za pored-
jenje prideva. Na primer:
cheap cheaper
Kako vidite u superlativu nema odredjenog ~lana, kao u pridevima.
Izvestan broj priloga gradi komparativ i superlativ nepravilno, kao i pridevi:
bad, worse worst, little, less, least; well, better, best.



SHOULD (Trebalo bi...)

Nepotpuni glagol should izra`ava bla`u obavezu, na primer: It is late, we should go

home. It is rather cold you should take a coat.
Ovaj glagol se jo{ koristi za izra`avanje logi~ne pretpostavke, sli~no glagolu must,
na primer: They should be discussing a new contract now.
Oblik should se takodje koristi uz infinitiv perfekta u izra`avanju pro{le i neostvar-
ene i/ili ostvarenu ali nepo`eljnu radnju odnosno situaciju, na primer:
We should have signed that contract. (Trebalo je da ga potpi{emo, a nismo.)


CONDITIONAL IF CLAUSES 1 (Kondicionalne - pogodbene re~enice)

U engleskom jeziku ima nekoliko vrsta pogodbenih re~enica, obi~no se govori o tri
glavna tipa. Svaka pogodbena re~enica se sastoji od dva dela, u jednom delu (to je glav-
na re~enica ili klauza) govori se {ta }e se desiti ako se ispuni izvestan uslov, odnosno {ta
se moglo desiti da je uslov bio ispunjen. U drugom delu, to je zavisna re~enica, iskazuje
se uslov. Po~e}emo s najjednostavijim tipom kondicionalnih re~enica, tzv. realne, realne
zato {to su uslovi za ispunjavanje realni.

Sada{nje vreme
If I see John,
If you see John,
If I go to Lodon,

Budu}e vreme ili zapovedni na~in

I'll give him your telephone number.
give him my phone number.
I'll visit John.

Redosled re~enica mo`e da bude i obrnut, pa }emo dobiti slede}e:

Ill visit John if I go to London.
Theyll come to the party if you send them the invitation.
Give John my phone number if you see him.

Posle if re~enice obavezno se stavlja zarez.
U glavnoj re~enici mo`e da stoji i sada{nje vreme ako je glagol jedan od
nepotpunih glagola, npr. must, may, need ili ought to.
If you want to speak English, you must read every day.
THE ACCUSATIvE WITH INFINITIvE (Akuzativ s infinitivom)
Ova konstrukcija se sastoji od imenice i zamenice u tzv. pade`u objekta i infinitiva
glagola. U ovoj konstrukciji sre}u se glagoli koji izra`avaju molbu, obe}anje, dozvolu,
opomenu, zapovest, `elju, dopadanje ili nedopadanje, a to su glagoli promise, advise,
like, ask, warn, expect, prefer, tell, feel, wish... Najbolje je da pa`ljivo prou~ite tabelu
koja sledi i da prema njoj napi{ete nekoliko svojih primera:



Subject (+ verb)
(Pro) noun
(not) to infinitive
I wanted
not to come to London.
her to pick him up.
The director warned
the secretary
to be more careful.
to go to Los Angeles.
Id like
to sign all these papers.
Who told
the delegates
to leave the meeting.
I didnt promise
the students
to take them to England.
Ova konstrukcija se prevodi na srpski jezik tzv. li~nim glagolskim oblikom, npr. I
asked her to pick me up. Zamolio sam je da dodje po mene (kolima). The director warned
the secretary to be more careful. Direktor je upozorio sekretaricu da bude pa`ljivija.


CONDITIONAL CLAUSES 2 (Pogodbene re~enice 2)

Jedan tip pogodbenih re~enica smo ponovili, nazvali smo ga tip 1. Da se pod-
setimo, to su re~enice kojima se izra`ava verovatno}a, verovatno}a da }e se ne{to desiti,
ostvariti, ako se ispuni uslov. Na primer: If we have time, we shall go to the conference.
If you go to London, call John.
Sada{nji kondicional (tip 2) gradi se modalnim glagolom should/would i glagolom
u infinitivu; u if re~enici je pro{lo vreme: If we had time, we would go to the conference.
Redosled re~enica (klauza) i u ovom tipu (2) je dvojak: navedena re~enica mo`e da glasi
i ovako: We would go to the conference if we had more time.
Tipom 2 pogodbenih re~enica izra`ava se mogu}nost da se ne{to desi (ostvari)
ako se ispuni izvestan uslov (if). Nekad ovaj uslov mo`e da bude malo verovatan ili ~ak
nemogu}, na primer: I would gladly do it for you if I only could. Iz konteksta se zna da
mi je to, o ~emu je re~, nemogu}e.
Skre}emo vam pa`nju na oblik dva tipa pogodbenih re~enica jer postoji izvesna
simetrija u gradjenju.
I will go to the conference if I have enough time.
I would go to the conference if I had enough time.
Umesto glagola should/would u 2. kondicionalu mo`e se upotrebiti glagol could
ili might, ako to smisao zahteva. Glagolom might se izra`ava manja verovatno}a
da }e se dati uslov ispuniti. You might go to London if you had enough money.
U govoru, svakodnevnoj konverzaciji, glagoli should i would se skra}uju i
izgovaraju zajedno sa zamenicom I should = Id you would = youd.
Evo nekoliko primera kondicionala 2:
Would you buy a big car if you had a lot of money?
If we left now, would we catch the bus?
Where would you live if you could choose?
If you were in my position, what would you do?
Kako se prevode navedena dva tipa kondicionalnih re~enica?



1. If it stops raining, we shall go to the meeting. AKO ki{a prestane i}i }emo ...
2. If it stopped raining, we should go to the meeting. KAD bi ki{a prestala da pada i{li
bismo na konferenciju.


CONDITIONAL CLAUSES 3 (Pogodbene re~enice irealne)

Podsetimo se prva dva tipa kondicionalnih re~enica:
we shall go to the meeting.
If it stops 1. raining,
we would go to the meeting.
If it stopped 2. raining,
Simetri~nost oblika tre}eg tipa pogodbenih re~enica se javlja i dalje.
3. If it had stopped raining,
we would have gone to the meeting.
Dakle, u prvom tipu sada{nje vreme plus budu}e, u drugom tipu pro{lo vreme plus
would/should, a u tre}em tipu pluskvamperfekt plus would have gone.
[ta se izra`ava tre}im tipom pogodbenih re~enica? Izra`ava se nemogu}a pogodba
u pro{losti - da se ne{to desilo (da se ne{to nije desilo)... If it had stopped raining, we
would have gone to the meeting. DA je ki{a prestala da pada, oti{li bismo na konfer-
enciju. Dakle ki{a nije prestala i nismo oti{li na konferenciju. If you had finished your
report, ( da si zavr{io svoj izve{taj) we could have gone home (mogli smo oti}i ku}i).
Evo nekoliko primera tre}eg tipa pogodbenih re~enica:
If you had come on time, you would have met Miss Jones.
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
If I had had enough money, I would have lent her.
If they had started earlier, they would have caught the bus.
Obratite pa`nju na oblike kondicionalnih re~enica, njihovu simetri~nost i
prevod na srpski:
if you finish your report.
1. You will see the film
Sada{nje vreme
Budu}e vreme
AKO zavr{i{ svoj izve{taj
Vide}e{ film
if you finished your report.
2. You would see the film
Pro{lo vreme (would/should)
Sada{nji kondicional
KAD bi zavrsio svoj izvestaj. (Ukoliko)
Video bi film
3. You would have seen the film
if you had finished your report.
(would have+past particip)
Pro{li kondicional
DA si zavr{io svoj izve{taj
Video bi film

Mo`e vam se u~initi komplikovano ali nije. S malo ve`be i pa`nje usvoji}ete
navedene oblike pogodbenih re~enica.




INDIRECT SPEECH -STATEMENT (Indirektni govor iskazne re~enice)

U pretvaranju ne~ijeg iskaza, izjave, u tzv. prepri~ani tekst, dakle direktni govor u
indirektni moraju se po{tovati odredjena pravila. Prvo, uvodimo jedan novi glagol (i u
srpskom i engleskom jeziku). Ako `elite da ka`ete nekome {ta ste ~uli od D`ona re}i}
ete: D`on je rekao da `ivi u Londonu. Dakle, uveli ste glagol rekao. I live in London.
Ili: D`on: I live in London u indrektnom govoru glasi:
John said that he lived in London.
Ili: He said: I am in London. He said that he was in London. He told me that he
was in London.
Primetili ste da je D`on govorio u sada{njem vremenu. (I live), a u indirektnom
govoru lived odnosno am se transformisalo u was. U pretvaranju direktnog govora u
indirektni primenjuju se pravila o slaganju vremena:
Ako je uvodni glagol u pro{lom vremenu -
Sada{nje prosto vreme se transformi{e u pro{lo (prosto).
Sada{nje trajno vreme se transformi{e u pro{lo trajno.
Sada{nji perfekt se transformi{e u pluskvamperfekt.
Pro{lo prosto vreme se transformi{e u pluskvamperfekt.

Budu}e prosto vreme se transformi{e u would + glagol.

He said that he spoke English.
I speak English.
He said that he was speaking.
I am speaking English.
I have spoken English.
He said that he had spoken English.
I spoke English.
He said that he had spoken English.
I shall speak English'.
He said that he would speak English.

Ako je, medjutim, uvodni glagol u sada{njem vremenu, prezent perfektu, trajnom
prezentu ili u budu}em vremenu, glagol u re~enici u indirektnom govoru se NE menja.
Na primer: I speak English. He says that he speaks English. He says that he will
speak English.
Uz navedena pravila o slaganju vremena valja obratiti pa`nju i na slede}e, {to se
javlja kao identi~no u oba jezika, u srpskom i u engleskom:
John: I go to London tomorrow. He said that he went to London on the following
day (the next day).
we We go to work every day. They said that they went to work every day.
my Jim is my friend. She (He) said that Jim was his (her) friend.
Sve navedene obavezne promene su sasvim logi~ne i, kako je re~eno, slede isto
pravilo kao i u srpskom jeziku.

Evo jo{ samo nekoliko drugih izmena:











we, you





that day

me, mine, postaje


tomorrow postaje
yesterday postaje


us, our,
the next day
(the following ours
the day before your,



him, his, hers, her

them, their,theirs
them, their, theirs

He said: My book is here. He said that his book was there.
Jill said: I am going to London tomorrow. She said that she was going to
London the next day.
My friend: I am in London now. He said that he was going to London then


INDIRECT SPEECH - IMPERATIvE (Indirektni govor - Zapovedni na~in)

Indirektni govor predstavlja doslovno navodjenje ne~ijih re~i, nekog iskaza, pitan-
ja ill naredbe. Na primer, Jim said to me: Go away. Ili Mary said to her secretary:
Dont say that. Go away, i Dont say that, su primeri direktnog govora. U govoru vrlo
~esto prepri~avamo ne~ije re~i, ne navodimo ih doslovno, pa }e navedene re~enice u
indirektnom govoru glasiti ovako: Jim told me to go away. Mary told her secretary not
to say that.
Da bi se direktni govor pretvorio u indirektni, neophodno je primeniti izvesna pravi-
la. U ovoj lekciji dajemo pretvaranje zapovednih re~enica u indirektni govor. Pre svega
koristi se tzv. uvodni glagol, glagol kojim po~injemo prepri~avanje to je u slu~aju za-
povesti tell, command, request ili neki drugi glagol sa sli~nim zna~enjem zabranjivanja
ili naredjivanja, to mogu biti i glagoli suggest, ask, order, want i sl.



Pogledajte pa`ljivo novu tabelu:

ordered (Mary)


I requested her

not to

told (him)

turn around.
go away.
speak up,
learn English.
come back.

Direktni govor Indirektni govor

He told me not to touch it.
Don't touch it.
Mary, told me to switch off the TV.
Switch off the TV Mary told me.
You must stop smoking.(advise/doctor) The doctor advised me (him,her) to stop

He warned me not to touch the wire.

Dont touch the wire. (warn)
John told me to be careful.
Be careful, said John to me.


INDIRECT SPEECH - QUESTIONS (Indirektni govor pitanja)

Ve} znate da se u pretvaranju direktnog govora u indirektni moraju po{tovati odred-
jena pravila. To ste videli u lekciji 22 i 23. Danas }emo da vidimo kako se pretvaraju
direktna pitanja.

1. Uvodni glagol u indirektnom govoru je ask ili neki drugi glagol sli~nog zna~enja,

npr. enquire, wonder, want to know, na primer: Where does John live? He asked
where John lived.

2. Ako direktno pitanje po~inje upitnom re~ju, npr. who, what, ,when, where ta re~

ostaje u pitanju (indirektnom). Evo nekoliko primera:

Who will come to lunch?

He wondered who would come to lunch.

What is she doing?

He asked what she was doing.

Why did Mary go to San Francisco?

He asked why Mary had gone to San Francisco.

How will she go to San Francisco?

She wondered how she would go to San Francisco.

3. Ako direktno pitanje ne po~inje upitnom re~ju, posle uvodnog glagola se stavlja se
veznik if ili whether, na primer:
Did you see the play An Ideal Husband?
He asked me if I had seen the play An Ideal Husband.
Will it be all right?
He wondered if it would be all right.



Pretpostavljamo da ste primetili da se pravila o transformaciji glagola primenjuju

i u pitanjima kao i u izjavnim re~enicama, v. lekciju 22.


PRESENT PERFECT INFINITIvE (Infinitiv perfekta prosti)

Infinitiv perfekta prosti gradi se od infinitiva pomo}nog glagola have i pro{log par-
ticipa. Pro{li particip se gradi dodavanjem nastavka -ed za slabe glagole, a za nepravilne
glagole v. listu Nepravilnih glagola ( npr. pay - payed, open - opened see - seen, speak
- spoken). Tako imamo to have come, to have seen, to have bought. Infinitiv perfekta
se upotrebljava da izrazi radnju ili stanje koja je u pro{losti u odnosu na neku drugu
radnju ili trenutak vremena. Prevedite slede}e re~enice: obratite pa`nju na njihov oblik
i zna~enja.

He is said to have returned from London recently. (vratio se)

I would like to have seen that match. (nisam video)
You are supposed to have finished your report already. (nismo zavr{ili)
We were supposed to have been here before the Manager came. (nismo bili)
You must have seen what happened last week.
You neednt have gone there after all. ( ali jeste)
You could have come along with us. (niste po{li)

MODALS WITH THE PERFECT INFINITIvE (Modali sa infinitivom perfekta)

Ovom konstrukcijom (modalni glagol, can, may, ought to, should, would,
+ infinitiv perfekta (have + particip perfekta) izra`avamo da je ne{to moglo da se
desi u pro{losti a nije, ili da je trebalo/moralo, da se desi.
Na primer: You could have done it. (Mogli ste to u~initi, ali niste).
We could have bought it. (Mogli smo da kupimo, ali nismo).
He should have arrived home by now. (Trebalo je da stigne do sad, nije stigao).
They cant have arrived yet. (Oni nisu jo{ mogli sti}i).
He could have broken his leg. (Mogao je slomiti nogu), (nije je slomio)
She could have married anybody she wanted to. (Ona je mogla da se uda za koga
god je htela).
You neednt have written to them. (Nije bilo potrebno da im pi{ete.)
You might have invited us to the conference. (Mogli ste nas pozvati na konferen-
ciju), (ali niste).




SEQUENCE OF TENSES (Slaganje vremena)

U engleskom jeziku postoje dva glavna pravila o slaganju vremena u glavnoj i
sporednoj re~enici.
Ako je u glavnoj re~enici sada{nje vreme, u sporednoj re~enici mo`e da bude
sada{nje, budu}e ili jedno od pro{lih vremena.
He says he can speak English. She says she is in Leeds. (sada{nje+ sada{nje)
John says he will be in London. (sada{nje + budu}e)
David says he was in the United States. (sada{nje + pro{lo).
Ako je glagol u glavnoj re~enici u pro{lom vremenu, u sporednoj mora takodje da
bude u pro{lom (za izra`avanje istovremene radnje):
He said that his car was new. (pro{lo + pro{lo). Rekao je da su njegova kola nova.
Obratite pa`nju na prevod engleskog pro{log vremena, u srpskom je sada{nje.
Ako je glagol u glavnoj re~enici u pro{lom vremenu, u sporednoj re~enici se za
izra`avanje radnje koja }e se desiti u budu}nosti, (u odnosu na radnju iz glavne re~enice)
upotrebljava tzv. Future-in-the past (should/would + glagol). David said that he would
come to see us. Evo jo{ nekoliko primera:

Jim told us that he would buy our company.

He promised that he would learn English.
I thought that the weather would be good.
We believed that he would sell his old car.

Uz navedena pravila u vezi s glagolskim vremenima, primenjuju se i pravila o

promeni li~nih zamenica i nekih drugih re~i, npr. here, today i dr. v Unit 22.


PERFECT PARTICIPLE (Particip perfekta)

Ovaj bezli~ni glagolski oblik se gradi pomo}nim glagolom have (having) i pro{lim
participom, dakle having seen, having bought, having finished, having opened itd. Evo
nekoliko primera u re~enicama.

Having waited for hours, we got up and left.

Having reached our office, we saw that there was nobody there.
Having forgotten the key to the entrance, he had to go back to the office.

Particip perfekta se upotrebljava za izra`avanje radnje koja se zavr{ila pre neke

druge radnje. Particip perfekta se ~esto prevodi re~ju po{to npr. Po{to je ~ekao...



Unit 28

INDEFINITE PRONOUN ONE (Neodre|ena zamenica one)

Neodre|ena zamenica one zamenjuje brojivu imenicu onu koja joj neposredno pre-
thodi. Zamenica one se koristi da se imenica ne bi ponavljala. Na primer: Do you want
this car or that one? (that car). ili Do you want this one or that one? Iz konteksta se zna
na {ta se one odnosi, ono o ~emu je bilo re~i. Drugi sli~ni primeri, s jasnom upotebom:
This car is the best one we have. ili My car is the one parked at the end of the parking lot.
Zamenica one mo`e da se javi i u mno`ini one ones. Oblik u mno`ini upotre-
bljava se uz prideve ili pridevske zamenice i odre|eni ~lan, na primer: There are a lot of
dictionaries on the desk. Which ones does your friend need? (which dictionaries). The
most expensive dictionaries are not necessarily the ones you need.
Ova zamenica mo`e se upotebiti u op{tem zna~enju ~ovek, na primer: One can-
not have everything. (^ovek ne mo`e sve da ima.).
One ima i oblik za genitiv (drugi pade`) ones, npr. One has to do ones best.


INTERROGATIvE NEGATIvE FORMS (Upitno-odre~ni oblici)

Upitno odre~nim oblikom se izra`ava pitanje i ~udjenje ili iznenadjenje.
Upitno-odre~ni oblik se prevodi na srpski re~ju zar...; na primer Dont you go with us?
Zar ne ide{ nama? Doesnt your friend live in London. (Mislili smo, pretpostavljali, da }
e neko i}i s nama, odnosno pretpostavljali smo da ne~iji prijatelj `ivi u Lonodnu). Evo
nekoliko primera u raznim vremenima:

Didnt he sell his old car?

Dont you like to be here?
Wont you stay here?


Couldnt you do this for us?

Wouldnt you like to have such a big car?
Hasnt she been here?


irreGular VerBs

(nepraVilni GlaGoli)
All three parts are the same:
Past Tense

bet /bet/
cost /k st/
cut /k t/
hit /hit/
hurt /h :t/
let /let/
put /put/
set /set/
shut /
spread /spred/

Past Participle

bet /bet/
cost /k st/
cut /k t/
hit /hit/
hurt /h :t/
let /let/
put /put/
set /set/
shut /
spread /spred/

bet /bet/
cost /k st/
cut /k t/
hit /hit/
hurt /h :t/
let /let/
put /put/
set /set/
shut /
spread /spred/

Two parts are different:

became /bikeim/ become /bik m/

become /bik m/
brought /br :t/ brought /br :t/
bring /bri g/
burnt /b :nt/
burnt /b :nt/
burn /b :nt/
bought /b :t/
bought /b :t/
buy /bai/
caught /k :t/
caught /k :t/
catch /kt /
came /keim/
come / k m/
come /k m/
crept /krept/
crept /krept/
creep /kri:p/
dug /d g/
dug /d g/
dig /dig/
dreamt /dremt/ dreamt /dremt/
dream /dri:m/
fed /fed/
fed /fed/
feed /fi:d/
felt /felt/
felt /felt/
feel /fi:l/
fought /f :t/
fought /f :t/
fight /fait/
found /faund/
found /faund/
find /faind/
got /got/
got /got/
get /get/
hung /h
hung /h
hang /h /
had /h d/
had /h d/
have /hv/
heard /h :d/
heard /h :d/
hear /hi /
held /held/
held /held/
hold /h uld/
kept /kept/
kept /kept/
keep /ki:p/
laid /leid/
laid /leid/
lay /lei/
led /led/
led /led/
lead /li:d/


leave /li:v/
lend /lend/
light /lait/
lose /lu:z/
make /meik/
mean /mi:n/
meet /mi:t/
pay /pei/
read /ri:d/
run /r n/
say /sei/
sell /sel/
send /send/
shine / ain/
sit /sit/
sleep /sli:p/
smell /smel/
spell /spel/
spend /spend/
stand /stnd/
swing /swi /
teach /ti:t /
tell /tel/
think / i k/
win /win/

left /left/
lent /lent/
lit /lit/
lost /lost/
made /meid/
meant /ment/
met /met/
paid /peid/
read /red/
ran /rn/
said /sed/
sold /s uld/
sent /sent/
shone /
sat /st/
slept /slept/
smelt /smelt/
spelt /spelt/
spent /spent/
stood /stud/
swung /sw
taught /t :t/
told /t uld/
thought /
won /w n/

left /left/
lent /lent/
lit /lit
lost /lost/
made /meid/
meant /ment/
met /met/
paid /peid/
read /red/
run /r n/
said /sed/
sold /s uld/
sent /sent/
shone /
sat /st/
slept /slept/
smelt /smelt/
spelt /spelt/
spent /spent/
stood /stud/
swung /sw
taught /t :t/
told /t uld/
thought /
won /w n/

All three parts are different:

was /were /w z, we / been /bi:n/
be /bi:/
begun /big n/
began /bign/
begin /bigin/
bit /bit/
bitten /bitn/
bite /bait/
blown /bl un/
blew /blu:/
blow /bl u/
broken /br uk n/
broke /br uk/
break /breik/
chosen /t
chose /t
choose /t u:z/
done /d n/
did /did/
do /du:/
drew /dru:/
drawn /dr :un/
draw /dr :/
drank /dr k/
drunk /dr
drink /dri k/
drove /dr uv/
driven /drivn/
drive /draiv/
eaten /i:tn/
ate /et/
eat /i:t/
fell /fel/
fallen /f :l n/
fall /f :l/
flew /flu:/
flown /fl un/
fly /flai/
forgot /f g t/
forgotten /f g t n/
forget /f get/
froze /fr uz/
frozen /fr uzn/
freeze /fri:z/



give /giv/
go /g u/
grow /gr u/
hide /haid/
know /n u/
lie /lai/
ring /ri /
rise /raiz/
see /si:/
shake / eik/
sing /si /
speak /spi:k/
steal /sti:l/
swim /swim/
take /teik/
tear /te /
wear /we /
write /rait/

gave /geiv/
went /went/
grew /gru:/
hid /hid/
knew /nju:/
lay /lei/
rang /r /
rose /r uz/
saw /s :/
shook / uk/
sang /s /
spoke /sp uk/
stole /st ul/
swam /swm/
took /tuk/
tore /t :/
wore /w :/
wrote /r ut/

given /givn/
gone /g n/
grown /gr un/
hidden /hidn/
known /n un/
lain /lein/
rung /r
risen /rizn/
seen /si:n/
shaken / eikn/
sung /s
spoken /sp uk n/
stolen /st ul n/
swum /sw m/
taken /teik n/
torn /t :n/
worn /w :n/
written /ritn/













against all risks

air freight bill
before noon
bill of exchange
bill of lading
branch office
cost and freight
cash against documents
cash before delivery
consular invoice,
cost and insurance
certificate of insurance
cost, insurance, freight
cash on delivery
cash with order
days after date, days
after delivery
delivery order
(60) days after sight
errors and omissions
free of all average
free alongside -ship
free on board
free on rail (on
port of destination)
free on station
free on truck
free of particular
general average
general cargo
invoice, cost
and charges
letter of credit
letter of credit

protiv svih rizika

ra~un vazduhoplovnog prevoza
pre podne
konosman, teretnica
cena robe i tro{kovi prevoza
pla}anje uz predo~enje dokumenata
pla}anje pre isporuke
konzularna faktura,
cena robe i osiguranje
polisa osiguranja
cena, osiguranje i tro{kovi prevoza
pla}anje po primitku robe, pouze}e
pla}anje uz porud`binu
od dana izdavanja, od dana isporuke

nalog za isporuku
(60) dana po vidjenju
ne odgovaramo za eventualne gre{ke

oslobodjeno havarija
franko uz bok broda
franko, slobodno, oslobodjeno
franko paluba broda
franko vagon (do odredi{ne luke)

franko `elezni~ka stanica

franko kamion
oslobodjeno od delimi~ne havarije

generalna havarija
den~an, me{oviti tovar
ra~un, cena i tro{ak

neopozivo kreditno pismo

neopoziv akreditiv
ra~un, faktura
kreditno pismo, akreditiv




S/S, S.S.

motor boat
miles in the hour
open account
all correct
open policy
owners risk
particular average
per day
profit and loss
after noon
post office box
pay on delivery
post office order
next month
please turn over
running days
shipping and
forwarding agent
Sundays and holidays
short delivery,
sight draft
save our souls
total loss only
tank steamer
ultimo, last month
various dates
vice versa
with average

milja na sat
prenosiv, utu`iv
otvoren ra~un, kredit
sve u redu
generalna polisa
na vlastiti rizik
delimi~na havarija
po danu
dobitak i gubitak
posle podne
po{tanski pretinac
plativno po isporuci
po{tanska uputnica
slede}i mesec
molim okrenite
teku}i dani

nedelje i praznici
brza isporuka,
menica po vidjenju
u pomo}
totalna {teta
pro{log meseca
razli~iti datumi
obrnuto, protivno
sa {tetom
tovarni list

foul bill of lading - ne~ista teretnica, konosman

franchise - fran{iza
lay days - dani zastoja
perishable goods - pokvarljiva roba
pilferage - plja~ka
power of attorney - punomo}
proceeds - meni~ka svota
reimbursement - ot{teta, pokri}e
remittance - isplata, doznaka, dozna~en novac



British english (Br.e.) and american english (am.e.)

Engleski jezik se govori kao maternji u mnogim zamljama (u Velikoj Britaniji,

Irskoj, SAD, Kanadi, Australiji). Kao drugi govori se takodje u raznim dr`avama, npr.
u Indiji i Gani. U ove dve zemlja ima mnogo raznih maternjih jezika, a svi obrazovani
stanovnici se u medjusobnoj komunikaciji slu`e engleskim jezikom. Engleski jezik je,
takodje i medjunarodni jezik i to u vazduhoplovstvu i pomorstvu. Tako se kapetan aviona
JAT-a, pri dolasku u Beograd, mora slu`iti engleskim jezikom, a ne srpskim iako i on
i kontrolor letenja govore istim jezikom, srpskim. Na kraju, engleski jezik je sticajem
okolnosti postao i radni jezik {irom svih kontinenata tj. na mnogim stru~nim, poslovnim,
politi~kim itd. sastancima svi u~esnici se slu`e engleskim jezikom. Normalna posledica
ovakve rasprostranjenosti je postojanje jednog jezika s odredjenim razlikama u tome
jeziku. Izgovor engleskog jezika u Londonu, Edinburgu, Njujorku, Sidneju itd. se u
izvesnoj meri razlikuje, {to nikako ne ometa komunikaciju ljudi iz navedenih sredina.
Postoje i razlike u re~niku, manje u gramatici i pravopisu. Osim Br.E. i Am.E. govori se
i o Australian English, Indian English itd. Ovde dajemo izvestan broj re~i iz dve glavne
varijante engleskog jezika:

BrE (British English)

goods van
gear lever

AmE (American English)

wind shield
gear shift

Razlike u pisanju se ogledaju u re~ima kao sto su colour, neighbour, behaviour

(Br.E.) koje se u SAD pi{u color, neighbor, behavior. Drugi primeri su npr. programme -
program, centre center. Postoje i odredjene razlike na nivou izgovora, npr. ask /a:sk/,
dance /da:ns/ i u drugim sli~nim re~ima u Am.E. se izgovaraju / sk/, /d ns/ a can't /
ka:nt/ u Am.E. je /k nt/.





/ kru: d intrest/

achieve /v/
achievement /n/
acknowledgment /n/
acquire /v/
ad valorem /lat/

/ t i:v/
/ t i:v m nt/
/ kn lid m nt/
/ kwai /
/d v l r m/

adjourn /v/
advance /n/
advertise /v/
advertisement /n/
advise /v/

/ d
/ dva:ns/
/dv taiz/
/ dv :tism nt/
/ dvaiz/

affect /v/
affiliate /v/
agreable /adj/
agree /v/
agreement /n/
airfreight /n/
aisle /n/
allocate /v/
allocation /n/

amalgamation /n/

ambiguity /n/
annuity /n/

appendix /n/
applicability /n/
application /n/
apply /v/
assault /n/&/v/
assemble /v/
assess /v/

assets /n- pl/

assets and liabilities
assign /v/
assume /v/
attend /v/
attract /v/

/ fekt/
/ filieit/
/ gri bl/
/ gri:/
/ gri:m nt/
/e freit/
/ l ukeit/
/ l ukei n/

/ m lg mei n/

/ nju:iti/

/ pndiks/
/plik biliti/
/ plai/
/ s lt/
/ sembl/
/ ses/

/sets nd lai bilitiz/
/ sain/
/ sju:m/
/ tend/
/ trkt/

posti}i, ostvariti, ste}i
dostignu}e, izvr{enje, podvig,
priznavanje, potvrdjivanje
ste}i, posti}i, dobiti,pridobiti
prema vrednosti, u zavisnosti od
odgoditi, zaklju~iti (sastanak)
avans, predujam, kapara
ogla{avati,dati obave{tenje
oglas, najava
obavestiti, savetovati,
delovati na, uticati, obuzeti
usvojiti, posvojiti, udru`iti
dopadljiv, prijatan
slo`iti se, saglasiti, uskladiti
sporazum, ugovor, dogovor
prevoz robe avionom
krilo, prolaz /izmedju redova/
dodeliti, dozna~iti, rasporediti
odobravanje (sredstava),
rasporedjivanje, dozna~ivanje
spajanje, zdru`ivanje, ujedinja-
dvosmislenost, neodredjenost
godi{nja renta, prihod, godi{nja
otplata, anuitet
dodatak, prilog
primenjivost, podesnost
podno{enje molbe, primena
podneti molbu, primeniti
napad, juri{; napasti, juri{ati
sakupiti, sabrati, spojiti
proceniti, oceniti, odrediti
aktiva, imovina, sredstva
aktiva i pasiva
odrediti, propisati, dodeliti ne{to
preuzeti na sebe, predpostavljati
prisustvovati, u~estvovati
privu}i, pridobiti


attraction /n/
availability /n/
available /adj/
avalanche /n/
average /adj/
avoid /v/
award /n/&/v/

privla~nost, dra`, ~ar

korisnost, raspolo`ivost
raspolo`iv, upotrebljiv, va`e}i
lavina, bujica
prose~ni, osrednji, obi~an
izbe}i, izbegavati, uzdr`ati se
nagrada; dati, dodeliti (nagradu)

/bki /
/bl ns v peim nt/
/bl ns i:t/
/b nk t a:d iz/

potpora, os1onac
mamac, primamljivost
platni bilans
ra~unovodstveni dokumenat
bankarski tro{kovi
pogodba, pazar; pogadjati se,
cenjkati se
prepreka, brana, ograda ,
razmena, trampa;
biti u pitanju, biti stavljen na
dr`ati (odr`avati) sednicu
dopadati se, voleti, svidjati
biti obavezan, odgovoran, du`an
oti}i, krenuti
osigurati se, obezbediti se
prethodno, unapred, na vreme
korist, dobit; koristiti (se)
ponuda, tender, licitacija; ponu-
diti, licitirati
ponuda, konkurs
carinska deklaracija
konosman (skr. : B/L)
obavezuju}i, obavezan
udarac; duvanje; duvati, struja
odbor, ministarstvo, hrana;
ukrcati se /brod, avion/
ukrcavanje, ula`enje /u avion/
kupon za ulazak u avion
obveznica,priznanica, jemstvo
uzajmiti, uzeti na poslugu
granica, medja
ogranak, odsek; granati se
za{titni znak, `ig, marka
vrsta, soj, rasa; uzgajati, proiz-
trgova~ki posrednik, senzal
teret, obaveza;
posao, firma

backing /n/
bait /n/
balance of payment /n/
balance sheet /n/
bank charges /n/
bargain /n/&/v/
barrier /n/

barter /n/ & /v/

be at stake /v/

be in session
be keen on /v/
be liable /v/
be off /v/
be secured against
beforehand /adv/
benefit /n/&/v/
bid /n/ & /v/

/b ri /

/ba:t /



/bi: in se
/bi: ki:n n/
/bi: lai bl/
/bi: f/
/bi: s kju: d egeinst/
/bif hnd/

/bil v entri/
/bil v ldi /
/baindi /
/bl u/
/b :d/

bid /n-A.E./
bill of entry /n/
bill of lading/n/
binding / adj/
blow /n/&/v/
board /n/ & /v/
boarding /n/
boarding pass /n/
bond /n/
borrow /v/
boundary /n/
branch /n/&/v/
brand name /n/
breed /n/&/v/

broker /n/
burden /n/&/v/

business /n/


/ trek
/ veil bil ti/
/ veil bl/
/v la:n /
/v rid /
/ void/
/ w :d/

/b di /
/b di pa:s/
/b nd/
/b r u/
/baund ri/
/bra:nt /
/brnd neim/

/br uk /
/b :d n/



business /n/

call on /upon/ /v/

cancel /v/
capacity /n/
capital /n/
capital goods /n/
capital market /n/
capital net worth
cargo /n/
carridge /n/
cash dispenser /n/


trgovina, posao, radnja, kom-


obratiti se (kome), prizivati

poni{titi, otkazati, obustaviti
svojstvo, nosivost, sposobnost
kapital, glavnica, novac
investiciona dobra
tr`iste kapitala
neto vrednost kapitala
teret, tovar broda
prevoz robe, brodarina, podvoz
automat za podizanje novca,

cash flow /n/

priliv gotovog novca
/k fl u/
cater /v/
snabdevati /hranom/, isporu~iti
/keit /
catering /n/
dostava hrane
/keit ri /
cause /n/&/v/
uzrok, razlog, prouzrokovati,
/k :z/
pri~initi, izazvati
ovla{}eni javni knjigovodja
certified public accountant /n/ /s :tifaid p blik
izazov; izazvati, pozivati
k unt nt/
kanal, put, sredstvo; proseci
challenge /n/&/v/ /t elind /
pravo, povlastica, davanje u na-
channel /n/&/v/ /t en l/
jam, iznajmiti (brod)
charter /n/ & /v/ /t a:t :/
kontrola, pregled; ~ek

predati prtljag /aerodrom/

check / n/ & /v/ /t ek/
prijaviti se/hotel,aerodrom/
/t ek b gid / check baggage
odjaviti se /iz hotela/
/t ek in/ check-in /v/
okolnost, prilika
/t ek aut/ check-out /v/
polaganje prava, tra`enje,
circumstance /n/ /obi~no u mno`ini/ /s :k mst ns/
claim /n/ /kleim/
razvrstati, klasifikovati

klauzula, odredba, ~lan, ta~ka

classify /v/ /kl sifai/
pisarski, ~inovni~ki
clause /n/ /klo : z/
udariti se, sukobiti se
clerical /adj/ /klerikl/
udar, sukob
collide /v/ /k laid/
trgovina, razmena , promet
collision /n/ /k li
provizija, nagrada posredniku
commerce /n/ /k m :s/
provizija,taksa za posredovanje
commission /n/ /com/ /k mi n/
obavezati se, prepustiti, u~initi
commission /n/ /k mi
obaveza /finansijska/
commit /v/ /k mit/
roba, artikal
/k mitm nt/ commitment /n/ obi~na deonica (akcija)
nadmetati se, takm~iti se
commodity /n/ /k moditi/
konkurent, takmac
common stock /n/ /k m n st k/
slo`en, spojen, sintetizovan
compete /v/ /k mpi:t/
ustupiti, dopustiti, odobriti
competitor /n/ /k mpetit :/
baviti se, raditi se o ne~emu
compound /adj/ /k mpaund/
ustupak, dozvola, povlastica
concede /v/ /k nsi:d/
potvrditi, odobriti, ratifikovati
concern with /v/ /k ns :n/
concession /n/ /k nse n/

/k n f :m/ confirm /v/

/k lon/
/k ps ti/
/kpit l/
/kpit l gudz/
/kpit l ma:kit/
/kpit l net w : /
/ka:g u/
/krid /
dispens /

conform /v/

/k nf :m/

consent /n/&/v/

/k nsent/

consignee /n/

consignment /n/
consignor /n/
consumer goods /n/
contract /n/ & /v/

contract /n/&/v/

contribute /v/
contribution /n/

corporation /n/
corrective /adj/
cost of living /n/
cover /n/&/v/

/k nsaini:/


nsainm nt/
nsain /
nsju:m gudz/
n tr kt/

/k ntrkt/

/k ntribjut/
/k ntribju:


:p rei n/
st v livi /
v /

covering letter /n/

credit /n/&/v/

/k v ri

current account /n/

custody / n/
customer /n/
customs duty /n/
customs union


damage /n/ & /v/

dead-lock /n/
deal /n/&/v/

debit /n/&/v/

debt /n/
debt-equity ratio

debtor /n/

decent /adj/
decide /v/
decisiveness /n/
deem /v/
default /n/&/v/


nt kaunt/
m /
ms dju:ti/
ms ju:ni n/

/d mid /

debenture /n/


let /


/det-ekwiti rei i u/
/det /
/di:s nt/
/disaizivn s/
/dif lt/

uskladiti, prilagoditi, biti u

skladu sa
saglasnost, pristanak, odobriti,
primalac robe, posrednik, komi-
po{iljka, slanje, dozna~ivanje
po{iljalac robe
roba {iroke potro{nje
ugovor, pogodba, sporazum;
sklopiti ugovor
dogovor, sporazum; zaklju~iti
doprineti, prilo`iti, pripomo}i
doprinos, prilog,
dru{tvo, udru`enje, korporacija
ubla`uju}i, koji popravlja
tro{kovi `ivota
omot, koverat, izgovor; obuhva-
titi, pokriti, obezbediti
propratno pismo
kredit, veresija, po~ek; upisati
primanje, kreditiranje
teku}i ra~un
teku}i, va`e}i, rasprostranjen
nadzor, staranje, ~uvanje
mu{terija, kupac, klijent
carina, porez
carinska unija

{teta, od{teta; o{tetiti

zastoj, prekid pregovora
posao, nagodbe; pozabaviti se,
trgovati, postupiti
obveznica, obligacija, priznani-
zadu`iti, pisati u dug
(zadu`enje, strana dugovanja
dug, dugovanje
odnos izmedju komp. zadu`enja
deoni~arskih fondova
du`nik; /knjig: strana dugov-
anja, leva strana ra~una/
pristojan, prikladan, povoljan
odlu~iti, re{iti
odlu~nost, re{enost
suditi, ceniti, smatrati
nedostatak, otsustvo; ne izvr{iti
(du`nost, obavezu)


deficit /n/


delay /n/&/v/


delivery /n/
deny /v/
deplore /v/
depreciation /n/

depression /n/
deserve /v/
destination /n/
disclose /v/
discount /ti/&/v/
dispute /n/&/v/
distinction /n/

dividend /n/

documentary credit
downpayment /n/
downtown /n/

downturn /n/
draft /n/&/v/
draw up /v/
drive /n/

drive /v/
drive at (something)
drop /n/&/v/
drop off /v/

ear-mark /v/
earn /v/
earning /n/
economics /n- pl/
economy /n/
emphasize /v/
endorse /v/

enforce /v/
entrepreneur /n/
environment /n/

equation /n/
essential /adj/
estate /n/
estimate /v/

/diliv ri/
/dipri: iei n/

/diz :v/
/diskl uz/
/disti k

/divid nd/

/d kjumentri kredit/
/daunpeim nt/
/daun taun/

/daunt :n/
/dr p/


/dr p/
/dr p f/

/i ma:k/
/ :n/
/ :ni /
/ik n miks/
/ik n mi/
/emf saiz/
/ind :s/

/inf :s/
/ ntr pr n :/
/invai r nment/


deficit, manjak, suma za koju je

prihod manji od rashoda
ka{njenje, odlaganje; zadr`ati,
isporuka, predaja, razno{enje
poricati, negirati
`aliti, sa`aljevati
amortizacija, opadanje, opa-
danje vrednosti/
klonulost, pad priv. aktivnosti
zaslu`iti, biti zaslu`an
otkriti, obelodaniti
popust, rabat; smanjiti cenu
spor,.svadja; osporavati
razlika, odlika, razlikovanje,
posebno obele`je
dividenda, prinos od akcija /koji
se ispla}uje akcionarima kao
deo dobiti kompanije/
dokumentarni akreditiv
avans, kapara, nov~ani polog
centar grada/obi~no poslovni
padanje, pad
nacrt, skica, plan; sastaviti
sastaviti, napraviti
nagon,energi~nost, polet, en-
voziti, nagoniti, terati
ciljati (na ne{to), smerati
opadanje; opasti, sniziti se
skinuti, ispustiti, istovariti

nameniti /novac/
zaraditi, ste}i, zaslu`iti
zarada, dohodak, nagrada
ekonomija /nauka/
privreda, gazdinstvo, {tednja
ista}i, naglasiti, podvu}i
indosirati /potpisati na poledjini
~eka, menice/, odobriti, preneti
prisiliti, prinuditi
preduzima~, preduzetnik
okolina, okru`enje, `ivotna sre-
izjedna~enje, jedna~ina
su{tinski, bitan
imanje, imovina, polo`aj, posed
proceniti, oceniti, suditi


estimation /n/
evolve /v/
exchange /n/ & /v/

/estimei n/
/iv lv/
/ikst eind /

exclude /v/
exempt /adj/
expand /v/
expansion /n/
expenditure /v/
experience difficulties
exploratory /adj/
expose /v/
extend /v/

/ikspi ri ns difik ltiz/
/ikspl r t ri/
/iksp uz/
/iksp zi

face realities /v/

fail /v/
failure /n/
fair /n/
fake /adj/
fault /n/
faulty goods /n/
feature /n/
floatation /n/
flow /n/&/v/
foothold /n/
forecast /n/&/v/

foreign currency /n/

forwarding /n/
found /v/
fragile /adj/
free trade area
freight /n/
freight /n/&/v/

futures /n-pl/

/feis ri l tiz/
/feilj /
/f lt/
/f lti gudz/
/fl utei n/
/fl u/
/fu: th uld/
/f ka:st/

/f ri k r nsi/
/f :w di /
/fred ail/
/fri: treid e ri /

/fju:t es/

gain /n/&/v/
generate /v/
get on with (somebody)
get rid of /v/
glance /n/
go bankrupt


/d en reit/
/get n wi /
/get rid v/
/g u b kr pt/

procena, prora~un,mi{ljenje
razvijati se
izmena , zamena , berza, tel.
centrala; razmeniti, zameniti
iskljuciti, iskljucivati
oslobodjen, po{tedjen
pro{iriti, ra{iriti
pro{irivanje, napon, {irenje
tro{ak, izdatak, utro{ak
iskusiti te{ko}e
istra`ni, koji izvidja, istra`iva~
izlo`iti, pokazati, izneti
prezentacija, izlo`ba
produ`iti (va`nost ugovora)

suo~iti se sa stvarno{}u
propustiti, ne uspeti, podbaciti
padanje, slabljenje, neizvr{enje
sajam, izlo`ba
la`an, krivotvoran
obmana, gre{ka, oma{ka
roba se gre{kom
karakteristika, odlika
otpo~injanje komercijalnog
poduhvata; plovljenje
tok; te}i, proticati
upori{te, ~vrst polo`aj
prognoze, predvidjanje; pro-
devize, inostrana valuta
{pedicija, otpremanje robe
osnovati, uteme1jiti, zavesti
lomljiv, krhak
zona slobodne trgovine
podvoz, vozarina
zakup,najam (broda), prevoz,
vozarina, zakupiti, iznajmiti
roba /vuna,zito,itd./ kupljena po
unapred utvrdjenoj ceni, a koja
se isporu~uje kasnije

dobitak, zarada, dobit; ste}i, za-

dobiti, zaraditi
proizvoditi, stvoriti, stvarat
slagati se (s nekim)
otarasiti se, re{iti se /~ega/
pogled /letimi~an/
bankrotirati, oti}i pod ste~aj


goal /n/
goods /n- pl/
grace /n/
grace period

/g ul/
/greis pi ri d/

graduate /n/&/v/


grant /n/&/v/

gross national product

growth /n/

habit /n/
handle /n/&/v/
handling charges /n/

harm /n/
hasten /v/
haulage /n/
hire /n/ & /v/
holding company /n/

Human resources Dept.

husband /n/&/v/

implement /v/
impose /v/
in conformity with
inaccurate /adj/
income /n/
income tax /n/
incur /v/
induce /v/
induction /n/

infallible /adj/
ingredient /n/
initial /adj/
inquiry/or: enquiry /n/

insight /n/
insolvent /adj/
install /v/
insurance /n/

insured /v/
insurer /adj/&/n/


/gr s n
/gr u /

nl pr d kt/

/h ndli t a:d iz/

/h lid /
/hdkw :t z/
/hai /
/h uldi k mp ni/

/hju:m n ris siz/

/h zb nd/

/implim nt/
/imp uz/
/in k nf m ti wi /
/in kjurit/
/ink m/
/ ink m t ks/
/ink :/
/ind k

/infl bl/
/ingri:di nt/
/inkwai ri/

/ins lv nt/
/inst l/
/in u r ns/

/in u d/
/in u r /

svrha, cilj
dobra, roba, imovina
period odlo`enog roka (za pla}
diplomac (nosilac univeritetske
diplome); ste}i univerz. stepen
odobrenje, odobrena svota; odo-
briti, podariti
bruto nacionalni proizvod
rast , porast

ru~ka, dr{ka; postupati, rukovati
tro{kovi rukovanja (bankarski
manipulativni tro{kovi)
{teta, kvar, nepravda
`uriti se, pohitati
prevoz, vu~a, tegljenje
sedi{te, centrala, glavni {tab
zakupiti, unajmiti
vode}a kompanija grupe, koja
poseduje sve ili ve}inu akcija
drugih kompanija
kadrovsko odeljenje
upravnik, suprug; ~uvati, {tedeti

izvr{iti, ispuniti
nametnuti, udariti (porez)
u skladu sa, saglasno sa
neta~an, neuredan
prihod, dohodak
porez na dohodak/prihod/
izlo`iti se
navesti, pobuditi, dovesti do
nepogre{iv, pouzdan, siguran
sastojak, sastavni deo, primesa
istraga, tra`nja, raspitivanje,
sagledavanje, saznanje
neplate`an, bankrot
postaviti, namestiti, instalirati
osiguranje, svota pla}ena za
osigurati, obezbediti
osiguran; osiguranik


insurer /n/-assurer-

/in u r /

intent /n/
interest /n/
interest rate /n/

/intr st/
/intr st reit/
/int mi:di ri/

interrupt /v/
interruption /n/
introduce /v/
introduction /n/
investigate /v/
invoice /n/&/v/
irrevocable /adj/

issue /n/& /v/

issuing bank /n/

/int r pt/
/int r p
/intr dju:s/
/intr d k n/
/inv is/
/ir v k bl/

/isju:, i ju:/


jeopardize /v/
joint venture /n/

justify /v/

labor /n/
labour market /n/
labour union /n/
launch /v/

lawyer /n/

layman /n/
leakage /n/
lease /n/&/v/

lend /v/
letter of credit
levy /n/&/v/

liability /n/

liaison /n/
likelyhood /n/
liquid funds /n/
loading /n/
loan /n/&/v/


koji osigurava, obezbedilac

namera, cilj, smer
interes, kamata
kamatna stopa
posrednik; posredan,
prekinuti, spre~avati, smetati
prekid, smetanje, spre~avanje
uvesti, upoznati
uvodjenje, predstavljanje
istra`ivati, ispitivati
faktura, ra~un; fakturisati
neopoziv, neizmenjiv, nepovra-
ishod, pitanje, posledica,
zavr{etak; proiza}i, izdavati
emisiona banka

b nk/

/d ep daiz/

int vent



/l :nt

ju:nj n/

/l :j /

/leim n/
/li:kid /

v kredit/

/lai biliti/

/lieiz : /
/likwid f ndz/
/l udi /
/l un/

ugroziti, rizikovati, dovesti u

zajedni~ko ulaganje, zajedni~ka
opravdati, pravdati, osloboditi

rad, trud, napor

tr`iste rada, berza rada
radni~ki sindikat
pokrenuti, lansirati, porinuti
pravnik, pravozastupnik, ad-
curenje, propu{tanje
iznajmljivanje, davanje u zakup
iznajmiti, zakupiti, uzeti u zak-
dati na zajam, pozajmiti
ubiranje (poreza), ulog, namet-
odgovornost (ograni~ena),
veza, spona
gotov, likvidan novac
utovar, pretovar, tovar (brod)
pozajmica, zajam; dati na za-
jam, uzajmiti


look after /v/

loss /n/
lump sum /n/

/lu:k a:ft /
/l s/
/l mp s m /

make up for /v/

mandate /n/
market /n/
maturity date /n/
means /n- pl/
mediate /v/
meet goals
merge /v/
merger /n/

minutes /n- pl/

monitor /n/&/v/

moor /v/

mortgage /n/
municipal /adj/

negotiate /v/~
negotiation /n/

net worth /n/

network /n/&/v/
nomination /n/

notify /v/

objection /n/
objective /n/ &/adj/
offer /n/&/v/
outgrow /v/
outlet /n/&/v/

outline /n/
outstanding /adj/
overdraft /n/
overflow /n/
overrule /v/

/meik p f /
/m ndeit/
/m tju riti deit/
/mi:t g ulz/
/m :d /
/m :d

/m nit /

/mu: /

/m gid /
/mju:nisip l/

/nig u ieit/
/nig u iei

/net w : /

/netw :k/
/n minei

/n utifai/

/ bd ek
/ bd ektiv/
/ f /
/autgr u/

/autstndi /
/ uv dra: ft/
/ uv flou/
/ uv ru:l/

pobrinuti se za, voditi ra~una

okrugla svota, odj ednom pla}en

ovla{}enje, punomo}
tr`i{te, pijaca
datum dospe}a, datum isplate
sredstva, novac, bogatstvo
posredovati, izdejstvovati posre-
zadovoljiti, iza}i u susret
spojiti, stopiti
spajanje, (dve firme, dva ugo-
bele`iti, pratiti, posmatrati mon-
usidriti, ukotviti, privezati
hipoteka, zalog nekretnina
op{tinski, gradski

pregovaranj e, ugovaranje,
~ista vrednost /aktiva minus pa-
mre`a; umre`iti
imenovanje (za kandidata),
obavestiti, izvestiti

krajnji cilj; stvaran, pravi~an
ponuda; ponuditi, dati, `rtvovati
prerasti, pevazi}i
ispust, tr`iste, radnja /koja
prodaje robu za neku kompani-
ju/; ispustiti
skica, nacrt, kratak izvod
izdvojen, zaostao, u zaostatku
iznos bez pokri}a, prekora~enje
pretek, suvi{ak, poplava
odbaciti, odbiti, ne odobriti



party /n/
pattern /n/
pave the way
payable /adj/
penalty /n/
performance /n/
peril /n/
personal loan /n/
persuade /v/
plant /n/
plunge /n/&/v/
pollute /v/
pool /n/&/v/

/p t n/
/pei bl/
/pi:n lty/
/p f :m ns/
/p :s n l l un/
/p sweid/
/pl nd /
/p lju:t/

postpone /v/
preceding /adj/
predict /v/
prediction /n/
price-earning ratio

/p ustp un/
/prisi:di /
/prais- :ni rei i u/

printout /n/
proceeds /n - pl/
procurement /n/
profit /n/ & /v/
profit and loss account
prohibit /v/
prohibition /n/
prompt /v/
proprietor /n/
provide for /v/
public relations /n/
purchase /n/ & /v/
quotation /n/

range /n/
rapport /n/
rate /n/
rate of inflation /n/
rate of return /n/
ratio /n/
real estate /n/
receipt /n/


/print aut/
/pr si:dz/
/pr kju m nt/
/pr fit/
/pr fit nd l s kount/
/pr mpt/
/pr prai t /
/pr vaid/
/p blik rilei nz/
/p :t
/kw utei


/reind /
/rep :/
/reit f inflei
/reit v rit :n/
/rei i u/
/ri l isteit/

strana, stranka,ugovorna strana

uzorak, obrazac, kalup, mustra
utrti put, prokr~iti put
plativ,koji ima do se plati,
kazna , zakonska kazna
izvr{enje, obavljanje
opasnost, rizik
li~na pozajmica (kod banke)
uveriti, ubediti, nagovoriti
fabrika, postrojenje, uredjaj
postrojenje, uredjaj
tonjenje, pad, uvaliti
zagaditi, zaprljati
ulog, zajedni~ka zaliha;
zajedni~ki ulo`iti
odlo`iti, zapostaviti, podrediti
predskazati, prore}i
proricanje, predskazanje
cena akcije /deonice/ podeljena
sa godisnjom zaradom po de-
informacija u {tampanom obliku
sa kompjutera / teleprintera
bavljanje, nabavljanje
korist, dobit; izvu}i korist, zara-
ra~un dobitka i gubitka
zabranjivati, spre~avati, uskratiti
zabrana, prohibicija
podsticati, pokretati
vlasnik, sopstvenik
predvideti, pripremiti,snabdeti
odnosi sa javno{}u
kupovina; kupiti

ponuda, navodjenje (cena),


podru~je, oblast, doseg

odnos, veza
odnos, razmera, stopa, brzina
stopa inflacije
stope povra}aja , deo dobiti
odnos, razmera
nekretnine, nepokretna imovina
primitak, potvrda prijema, priz-


recipient /n/
reckon /v/
recover /v/

/risipi nt/
/rek n/
/rik v /

recruit /n/ & /v/


rectify /v/
redraft /v/

reliability /n/
relocate /v/
reluctant /adj/

rely /v/
remainder /n/
remedy /n/&/v/
require /v/
requirement /n/
reschedule a debt
research /n/& /v/

resort /v/
resource /n/
resource /n/
responsible /adj/
retail /n/
revenue /n/
revise /v/
revoke /v/
round /n/
route /n/
royalty /n/


/rilai biliti/
/ri:l ukeit/
/rilakt nt/

/rimeind /
/rikwai /
/rikwai m nt/
/riskedju:l det/
/ris :t /

/riz :t/
/ris s/
/ris s/
/risp ns bl/
/riv uk/
/r str m/
/r i lti/

salary /n/
sales contract /n/
sample /n/
saving account /n/
scale /n/
schedule /n//v/
scheme /n/
scope /n/

secure /v/
securities /nr pl,/

/sl ri/
/seils k ntr kt/
/s mpl/
kount /
/ edju:l/
/sk up/

/sikju /
/sikju r tiz/

ra~unati, ceniti, smatrati
povratiti, dobiti natrag, nakna-
novajlija, regrut; anga`ovati,
ispraviti, popraviti, pobolj{ati
preformulisati, napraviti novi
premestiti, postaviti
nedragovoljan, nerad, preko
osloniti se, po~ivati
ostatak, preostatak, razlika
lek, pravno sredstvo; popraviti
tra`iti, iziskivati, zahtevati
tra`enje, zahtev, iziskivanje
reprogramirati dug
istra`ivanje, traganje; istra`ivati,
pridr`avati se, pribegavati
izvor, sredstvo, snala`ljivost
sredstvo, izvor prihoda, zaliha
odgovoran, zadu`en za
prihod, primanje
ispraviti, popraviti, revidirati
opozvati, poni{titi
runda (pregovara~ka)
tantijema /naknada za aut.
prava, intelektualnu svojinu,

plata (slu`benika)
kupoprodajni ugovor
uzorak, mustra
oro~eni ra~un, {tedni ra~un
razmera, skala
spisak, red vo`nje, cenovnik;
popisati, uneti
nacrt, plan, pregled, {ema
doma{aj, prostor, polje, obim,
obezbediti, sa~uvati
hartije od vrednosi, vrednosni


security /n/
security check /n/
session /n/
set up /n/ & /v/
settle a bill
share /n/ & /v/

/sikju r ti/
/sikju riti t ek/
/set p/
/setl bil/

shareholder /n/
shares /n-pl/ fin.
shipping documents
site /n/
solicit /v/
solve /v/
soothe /v/
staff /n/
statement /n/

h uld /
/ ipi dokjum nts/
/s lisit/
/s lv/
/su: /
/sta: f/
/steitm nt/

stipulate /v/

stock /n/

stock market /n/

Stock-Exchange /n/
stocks /n- pl/
store /n/&/v/
stress /n/&/v/

structure /n/
subject to /adj/
subsidy /n/
sue /v/
summary /n/
supplier /n/
support /n/ & /v/

surplus /n/
surplus stock /n/

survey /n/&/v/

suspend /v/
sustain /v/
syndicated loan /n/

tackle /v/
take care /v/
take over /v/


/stiki point/

/st k/

/st k ma:kit/
/st k ikst eind /
/st ks/
/st :/

/str kt
/s bd ikt t /
/s bsidi/
/s m ri/
/s plai /
/s p :t/

/s :pl s/
/s :pl s st k/

/s :vei; s vei/

/s spend/
/s stein/
/sindikeitid l un/

/teik k
/teik uv /

bezbednost, sigurnost
kontrola bezbednosti putnika
zasedanje, skup
aran`man, ustrojstvo; postaviti
izmiriti ra~un
deonica, akcija, deo, udeo;
deliti, u~estvovati
akcionar, deoni~ar
akcije, dividenda
brodska dokumenta
mesto, gradili{te, teren
tra`iti, moliti
razre{iti, na}i re{enje
ubla`iti, sti{ati, umiriti
osoblje, zaposleni, kadar
izlaganje, saop{tenje, izjava,
izvod, pregled
upori{te, zastajali{te
utvrditi, ugovoriti, postaviti,
zaliha , skladi{te, osnovni kapi-
berza (za dr`avne papire)
akcije, deonice
skladi{titi, skladi{te
sklop, struktura, sastav
zavisno od, podlo`no (~emu)
subvencije, nov~ana pomo}
goniti (sudskim putem)
izvod, kratak sadr`aj, pregled
dobavlja~, isporu~ilac
podr{ka, oslonac; pomo},
podr`ati, podupreti,izdr`avati
vi{ak, ostatak, preostatak
vi{ak opreme, suvi{na oprema,
pregled, snimanje; sagledati,
odlo`iti, odgoditi, obustaviti
podr`ati, potvrditi, podupreti
sindicirani zajam /zajam grupe
banaka odobren velikoj orga-

utvrditi, uhvatiti se u ko{tac

brinuti se, voditi ra~una
preuzeti, preuzimati


take place

/teik pleis/

tariff /n/
tax /n/ & /v/
tax exemption /n/
taxation /n/

/t rif/
/t ks igzemp n/

tenacity /n/
tender /n/&/v/

tender /n-B.E./
terms /n/
thwart /v/
trait /n/
transmit /v/
trans-shipment /n/
trial /adj/&/n/
tricky /adj/
turnover /n/

unanimous /adj/
unavailable /adj/
undeniable /adj/
unit /n/
update /n/&/v/

/t nesiti/
/tend /

/tend /
/t :ms/
/ w t/
/tr nzmit/
/tra:ns ipm nt/
/trai l/
/t :n uv /

/ju:n nim s/
/ n veil bl/
/ ndinai bl/
/ pdeit/

valve /n/
variance /n/
vendor /n/
venture /n/
wage /n/
waive /v/

waiver /n/
warehouse /n/
waybill /n/

wine and dine /v/
withhold /v/
workforce /n/
working capital ratio

write off /v/

write out /cheque-A/

/ve ri ns/
/vend /
/weid /

/weiv /
/we haus/

/h ulseil/
/wain n dain/
/wi h uld/
/w :kf :s/
/w ki k pit l rei i u/

/rait f/
/rait ut t ek/

de{avati se, dogadjati se,

odr`avati se
carinska tarifa, carina
oporezovati, porez, taksa
izuze}e od poreza
oporezivanje, sistem oporezi-
upornost,odlu~nost, istrajnost
ponuda; ponuditi, napraviti po-
ponuda, tender, konkurs
uslovi, rokovi, termini
protiviti se, ometati
crta, osobenost, obele`je
preneti, ustupiti, saop{titi
pretovar, prekrcavanje
probni, probe, ogled, ispit
slo`en, zapetljan, te`ak, mu~an
obrt, promet

jednoglasan, jednodu{an
nepristupa~an, nedobavljiv
nepobitan, neosporiv,o~ito isti
jedinica (mere)
dopuna novim podacima, upot-
puniti, dodati nove informacije

promena, razlika, odstupanje
poduhvat (com), firma

plata (radnika)
odustati /od zahteva/, odbaciti,
odustajanje (od zahteva, prava)
skladi{te (robe), magacin
tovarni list, otpremnica /za
prodaja na veliko, velikoprodaja
zabavljati, ugostiti
zadr`ati, spre~iti, uzdr`ati se
radna snaga, zaposleni
teku}a aktiva podeljena sa teku}
im obavezama
otpisati /dug/
ispisati, ispuniti ~ek


















Alexander, R. 1966. New International Business English. Workbook. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge.
Beaumont, D., Granger, C. 1993. The Heinemann English Grammar With Answer
Key. Heinemann, Oxford.
Binham, P. 1973. Executive English.1,2,3. Longman. London.
Corbett, J. 1996. English for International Banking and Finance. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Dimitrijevi}, N., Radovanovi}, K., Budisavljevi},N., 1989,1990. Ud`benik
Engleskog jezika. I-II. Vojnoizdava~ki i novinski centar. Beograd.
Dimitrijevi}, N., Radovanovi}, K. 1996. English Grammar Tests. Bakar, Bor
Dimitrijevi}, N., Radovanovi}, K. 1998. Test Your English. Trebnik, Beograd
Dimitrijevi}, N., Radovanovi}, K. 2001. Your First English Tests. Plavi krug,
Edwards, M. 1985. Dictionary of Key Words. Macmillan. London & Basingstoke.
Geffner, A.B. 1982. How to Write Better Business Letters. Barrons Educational
Series. New York.
Jovkovi}, dr Lj. 2000. Mastering English Grammar and Structure. Work book.
Jovkovi}, dr Lj. 2000. English for Business Purposes, autor izdava~.
Landa, M. 2000. Privredno-poslovni re~nik. Englesko-srpski, Srpsko-engleski.
Grme~, Privredni pregled. Beograd.
Nemmers, E.E. 1970. Dictionary of Economics and Business. Littlefield, Adams.
Totowa, New Jersey.
ODriscoll, N., Scott-Barrett, F. 1995. Business Challenges. Longman. Harlow,
Sloan, H.S., Zurcher, A.J. 1970. Dictionary of Economics, Fifth edition. Barnes &
Nobl, New York.
Swan M. 1980. Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Swan, M., Walter, C. 1977. How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book.
OUP, Oxford.
Viney, P., Curtin, J. 1994. Survival English. International Communication for
Professional People. Students Book. Macmillan Heinemann. Oxford.
Wallwork, A. 1999. Business Options. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Websters Guide to Business Correspondence. Meriam Webster Inc. Springfild,





(2) 3 works 4 work 5 has 6 have 7 writes 8 write 9 studies 10 study 11 reads 12
read 13 collect 13 collects (3) 3 He (she) reads all of the important letters. 4 He (She)
studies the reports very carefully. 5 He (She) has a private secretary too. 6 He (She) usu-
ally works in the main office. 7 He (She) meets all of the important visitors, 8 He (She)
gets the information form Miss Peters. 9 He (She) always gives the reports to Mr. Wil-
son. (5) 3 Do 4 Do 5 Does 6 Do 7 Does 8 Do 9 Do 10 Does 11 Do 12 Do 13 Do 14 Do
(6) 1 dont 2 doesnt 3 dont 4 dont 5 doesnt 6 dont 7 dont 8 doesnt 9 dont 10 dont
11 doesnt 12 dont 13 doesnt 14 dont
(8) 3 arent watching 4 dont watch 5 dont study 6 arent studying 7 isnt rain-
ing 8 doesnt rain 9 isnt eating 10 doesnt always eat 11 dont see 12 dont hear 13 dont
like 14 dont have. (9) 3 do 4 Are 5 Does 6 Is 7 Does 8 Is 9 Do 10 Are 11 Do 12 Does
13 Do 14 Do (10) 3 is looking 4 sleep 5 are fixing 6 speaks 7 eats 8 enjoys 9 are writing
10 works. (14) (Part One) 3 The agent sold Mr. and Mrs. Hanson the house. 4 We gave
Martha a birthday present yesterday. 5 Mr. Johnson sent the Jiffy Company a letter. 6 Did
the boy throw his friend the baseball? (Part Two) 3 Dr. Davis gave the tickets to Charles.
4 Did the manager offer the job to that fellow? 5 Mr. Meyer told the story of his narrow
escape to us. 6 Louise and Betty sent a birthday gift to Mary last week. (15) 1 leaves 2 is
using 3 go 4 is preparing 5 is running 6 understands 7 are finishing 8 need 9 are watching
10 are reviewing 11 wants 12 go (16) 6 Yes, they are 7 No, they dont 8 Yes, they were.
9 Yes, I do. 10 No, there wasnt 11 Yes, she did. 12 Yes, she will. 13 No, they didnt. 14
No, Im not. 15 Yes, there were. (21) 1 Where 2 When 3 Why 4 When 5 Where 6 Why
7 Where 8 Why 9 When 10 Why 11 Where 12 When 13 Where 14 Why (29) 1 Where 2
Whose 3 What 4 How much 5 Which 6 Who 7 Whom (Who) 8 How old 9 How much
10 How 11 Which 12 What 13 When 14 How often 15 What 16 Where 17 Who 18 What
19 Who 20 How long 21 Whom (Who) 22 Why 23 How far 24 How many 25 How 26
How 27 Why 28 How long 29 How tall 30 What (31) 4 When is Bills Birthday? 5 How
many floors are there in that building? 6 Why is john coughing? 7 When did the Browns
leave for home? 8 What did the students study? 9 Whose briefcase is that? 10 How many
guests were there at the party last night? 11 When did Mr. Burke buy his new car? 12
How far is Detroit from there? 13 (At) what time do their classes usually begin? (When
do their classes usually begin?) 14 Why are you going to go? 15 How many packages
of cigarettes does that customer want? (35) 4 has explained 5 have lived 6 has hired 7
have already mentioned 8 have followed 9 has improved 10 has copied 11 have tried 12
has never traveled 13 has increased 14 have studied. (36) 4 has taken 5 has flown 6 have
already done 7 have forgotten 8 have been 9 have known 10 have fallen 11 has already
had 12 I have already read his letter and written a reply to him. 13 have had 14 We have
already seen. Mr. Duncan and spoken to him about that. (41) 3 have read 4 read 5 studied
6 has studied 7 lived 8 has lived 9 had 10 have had 11 saw 12 has seen 13 have been 14
were 15 have traveled 16 traveled.



(42) 1 have studied 2 has taught 3 think, is knocking 4 pays 5 have seen 6 usually
rains 7 have been 8 have made 9 owes 10 am, have forgotten 11 is sitting 12 have had 13
is looking 14 comes 15 have heard. (43) 1 for 2 for, in 3 for 4 about 5 to 6 about 7 to 8
for 9 for 10 in 11 at, at 12 on, for 13 from 14 to 15 with, about (over, on), at 16 about, in
17 on, to 18 for 19 on 20 of 21 on 22 of 23 for, on 24 from, to (into) 25 at 26 to 27 to 28
on, for 29 about (of) 3o with 31 with, in 32 with, in (44) 1 for 2 about (over) 3 of 4 from
5 at 6 about, toward 7 in 8 of (with) 9 about 10 for 11 with (over) 12 to 13 in, to 14 at, for
15 of (about), on 16 of, to, on 17 of 18 for, of 19 of 20 for, about 21 on, for 22 of, from
23 of (about) 24 of 25 to, from (than) 26 to 27 with 28 of, in (about) 29 to, for 30 for 31
of (about) 32 to (45) 1 doesnt 2 Im 3 Shes 4 Itll 5 Shes not (She isnt) 6 Wheres 7
Im 8 didnt 9 wasnt 10 - 11 dont 12 Were 13 Its 14 wasnt 15 Whats 16 Theres 17
Thats 18 didnt 19 Wholl 10 Weve 23-28 wont 30 - 32 Theres not (There isnt) 33
havent (46) 5 William and Richard usually work... 6 The children are often very active...
8 Are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey usually at home... 9 Do you always study... 10 Dorothy and I
never watch... 11 Why doesnt that student ever write... 12 Mr. Wilson rarely has time...
14 Have you ever listened... 15 The director is always in his office...



Dr LJILJANA JOVKVOVI je dugogodinji profesor engleskog jezika u

funkciji struke na visokokolskim ustanovama - fakultetima, viim i visokim kolama.
Diplomirala je anglistiku na Filolokom fakultetu u Beogradu 1973. godine; magistrirala
(primenjenu lingvistiku, leksikografiju - oblast ekonomske terminologije) i doktorirala
(primenjenu lingvistiku - oblast nastave engleskog jezika i sintakse) 1976. godine na
Dravnom univerzitetu Floride u SAD.
Dr Jovkovi sada predaje poslovni engleski jezik na Beogradskoj poslovnoj
koli - Visokoj koli strukovnih studija. Bila je gostujui profesor na Dravnom univer-
zitetu Floride, Ekonomskom fakultetu u Niu (vanredni profesor Univerziteta u Niu),
Visokoj poslovnoj koli u Novom Sadu, Fakultetu za trgovinu i bankarstvo i Fakultetu
za strane jezike BK Univerziteta u Beogradu, Filolokom fakultetu Slobomir P. univer-
zitetu, Pedagokom fakultetu u Bjeljini, Fakultetu likovih umetnosti u Beogradu i jo
nekoliko viih kola i fakulteta.
Objavila je vie strunih i naunih priloga i nekoliko zasebnih izdanja termino-
lokih renika, prirunika i udbenika iz oblasti poslovnog engleskog jezika.
Uestvovala je na veem broju naunih i strunih skupova u zemlji i inostran-
stvu iz oblasti primenjene lingvistike. Dr Jovkovi se intenzivno bavila i prevoenjem.
Prevela je vei broj knjiga iz oblasti ekonomije.

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