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Normal kearning
and leading on
tagline copy, logo
lettering individually

The new logo provides a mark that is
recognizable and will
create brand recogniztion with our
traget audience. The cool
color tones reflect a dependable,
non-invasive brand personality while
also creating a sense of trust and secuirty for the audience.


Our tagline embodies the brand that is

the voice and hands for the
Baton Rouge community. The brand
wants to be top-of-mind when the
community is ready to get involved.
2BR is here to bridge the gap
between the Baton Rouge community
and the new possibilites that are out
there waiting to be discovered.



Our objective is to increase awareness to the 2BR brand among the Baton Rouge community and statewide, and in turn,
increase traffic to the 2BR website. We want to garner social media and PR buzz, while having users actively engage and
interact with the brand.


Our primary target audience is millennials in the Baton Rouge community that are looking for an alternative to the widely
publicized partying scene associated with your typical college town. These millennials are about 18 through 34 years old,
encompassing both college students and young professionals. Growing up in the digital age, they are always-on and
highly connected with social media. They typically struggle financially thanks to a tough job market, low income, and/or
student loan debt. Despite a financial struggle, millennials still tend to be highly philanthropic and enthusiastic about social
causes. They should care about us as our brand is an embodiment of their interests, providing them with a number of
opportunities to connect and express themselves as they see fit.


Our audience needs to know that 2BR is an authentic and reliable brand that is first and foremost for the community,
championing community empowerment above all, with an online presence that offers information on fun and exciting
events tailored for our audience, as well as providing a place where they can connect and actively engage with others in
the community that have similar interests.


Digital will be our primary channel to communicate with the audience through our revamped website and social media
pages. We will also actively engage in-person with our audience at events publicized by the brand, as well as letting wordof-mouth further spread brand recognition.


We will use lifestyle marketing tactics to tell the audience our message, appealing to the social values and conversation
unique to millennials in order to drive them to take action. The lifestyle marketing will be evident in our more frequent blog
posts and community events. Our tone will be one that is witty and humorous, but subtly commanding, to help motivate
them to engage and interact with the brand.


2BR finds their biggest similarity brand-wise with Bite and Booze, being not only a blog site, yet also a brand that is
a strong advocate of the Baton Rouge community as a whole. We differentiate ourselves by not being limited to one
genre as bloggers and directly appealing to the desires and lifestyle of our audience.


Our audiences involvement with the brand will be one that is highly personal and engaging. The most-buzzed about
and largest form of involvement will come in philanthropic challenges similar to the Geaux for BRoke Challenge.
Audience members participating in the challenges will be featured in daily social media posts documenting their progress. Prior to and after the challenge, user-submitted blog posts will also serve as a source of engagement, as we
choose one a week to publish to the website. Attendance and participation in various events publicized by 2BR will
also spur engagement.


Viral buzz and PR as a result of the challenge will give our message longevity and establish our brand for the ongoing
future. Regular weekly blog posts covering events for the upcoming weekend in Baton Rouge and statewide will bring
consistent traffic to the website. We will also further expand our brand by launching a radio show that will relay 2BR
event information as well as create another platform to interact with the audience in a more personal manner. The
radio show will reflect the brands tone and message through a unique persona, specific to the show, while actively
engaging the audience through live tweeting. Both the radio show and website would compliment each other while
also both presenting unique information.


The campaign will launch with a public launch party that sponsors a local charity and provides live entertainment. The
launch party will reveal our new logo and revamped website, along with having a local celebrity (whose identity will
be kept secret) announce our upcoming philanthropic challenge. Advertising for the party will begin approximately
one month before the event using the aforementioned digital and word-of-mouth channels, along with promotional
posters and email marketing. The challenge would then begin two weeks after the launch party, allowing ample time
for awareness of it to grow. The launch of the new brand will be followed by the launch of the radio show to uphold a
consistent presence with our audience.

The website will provide our audience with updated information on what is current in the community. The
Play and food sections will include daily deals from restaurants throughout Baton Rouge, 2BRs top picks
for the week and more. The Connect icon will bring you the blog forum where users can stay connected
with the 2BR brand and also submit their own personal experiences with 2BR and their community.

Mobile Site
The mobile site will allow our audience to stay connected on the go. The eats and play features will
have the same content as the website. A unique aspect of the mobile site allows for users to interact with each other and post updates on long lines, quality of the establishment and the size of the
crowds when venturing around their city.

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2BR will create a strong social
media presence through interactive
challenges that the audience can
follow through all four social
media channels the brand will
utilize. The content produced will
promote the events 2BR is engaged
with as well as promote the brand
itself. Social media will also be the
platform where the owners of 2BR
will be able to share their personal
insight and stay current with their
audience members.

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[Mr. CEO]

An essential part of the 2BR

brand is connecting to the
organizations it interacts with and
its audience members. Staying
current requires an on-the-go
business style that makes it
necessary for quick impressions.
A business card will create a
tangible connection with the
client and lead to further
interaction with the brand.


Ryan Chenevert

[Mr. CEO]


The new campaign will launch with a free
public concert on the Parade Grounds on
Louisiana State Universitys campus. The concert
will be headlined by a popular local band and will
sponsor the support of a local charity. This will
serve as the introduction to the new brand and the
execution of a philanthropic challenge. 2BR will
partner with LSU Campus Life and local charity
foundations in an effort to help sponsor the event
and further awareness.The event will be promoted
heavily through social media in the weeks leading
up to the launch. The event itself will feature the
free concert as well as various tents/booths set up
featuring contests and games to give out
prizes, such as free passes to other upcoming
social events in the Baton Rouge area. This
campaign will draw a large amount of awareness
to not only our new brand, but our great
philanthropic service as well. The partnership with
LSU Campus Life and local charities will also
provide further promotion for 2BRs
business-to-business opportunities.

2BR will also carry on with the radio show set in
motion by the 2BRokeGuys brand. The radio show
will feature Josh and Ryan discussing weekly
segments covering material both on their website,
as well as exclusive material. Topics of conversation
would include highlighting the picks of the week in
regards to the event and dining options, as well as
hosting a guest speaker each week to share their
own pick of the week. Listeners to the radio show
would also be eligible to call in and receive
exclusive content and giveaways in relation to
events publicized by 2BR.

The 2BR brand provides unique services to their
community. Once the establishment of the brand is
concrete in the local community we plan to expand
our reach across the state and eventually the
country. The movement to other cities will begin with
a social media hashtag such as #2Nola or #2NY
which will later be incorporated into blog posts. Once
our presence is established in the new cities,
website extension will be discussed.

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