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List of Programs for ISC Batch 2013 -2015



Program to check whether a number is a Smith Number or not.

Program to obtain a Palindrome number from a non Palindrome number.
Program to generate Cowson Matrix.
Program to generate a Magic Square Matrix of Odd Dimensions.
Program to generate Pascals Triangle.
Program to multiply two matrices.
Program to convert Decimal to Binary.
Program to convert Binary to Decimal.
Program to generate all four digit Vampire Numbers.
Program to illustrate Insertion Sort upon Strings.
Program to print the lucky numbers up to N.
Program to generate prime numbers from 2 to N using Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm.
To print the union and Intersection of 2 sets.
To print a number as the sum of consecutive natural numbers.
To enlist all the anagrams in a sentence.
A program to accept a string in upper case and print the largest sequence of consecutive letters
present in it.
To check whether a user input matrix is by-symmetric or not.
To print and count all the uniq1ue digit numbers in a particular range.
Menu driven recursive program to
Calculate Factorial
Multiply two numbers
Perform Ordinary Division
Perform Modular division
Find the value of a^b
Sum of digits of a multidigit number
Recursive program to print Fibonacci Series
Recursive program to print Tribonacci Series
Recursive program to calculate Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers
Recursive program to perform Binary Search
Recursive program to check a number is Magic No. or not
Recursive program to reverse a string
Recursive program to convert a decimal number to any base.
To design a user defined class to represent two dimensional Cartesian coordinates and perform
some basic operations using objects of the same.
To design a user defined class to represent Fractions and perform some basic operations using
objects of the same.
To find sum of the following series using objects of the class Fraction
N terms

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30) To design a user defined class to represent Complex Numbers and perform some basic operations
using objects of the same.
31) To design a class to represent Stack data structure using Array
32) To match the occurrences of parenthesis in an infix expression using stack data structure.
33) To design a class to represent Queue data structure using Array
34) To accept a number from the user and check if it is Cyclic Number or not.
35) Masking of a pattern in a user input matrix
36) Recursive program on Tower of Hanoi
37) Recursive program to print all the anagrams of a user input word.
38) Program to illustrate the Concept of Inheritance(Customer Details & Bill)
39) Program to illustrate the concept of Inheritance(Customer & Charge)
40) Program to illustrate the concept of Inheritance(Perimeter & Area)
41) Program to illustrate the concept of Inheritance (Worker & Wages)
42) Program to illustrate the concept of Inheritance (Library & Compute)
43) Program to illustrate the concept of Inheritance (Employee & Salary)
44) Program to illustrate the concept of Inheritance (Record & Rank)
45) Program to design Abstract Class shape.
46) Program to design Dynamic stack and Fixed Stack using Interface.
47) A program on Interface (SI & CI)
48) Program to implement integer circular queue using arrays.
49) Program to implement integer dequeue using arrays.
50) Merging of sorted lists to produce a sorted list without any repetitions
51) Program to perform Merge sort
52) Program to perform Quick sort
53) A recursive program to generate a series
54) A recursive program to generate a number triangle.
55) To find the lowest base at which a user input decimal number represents a palindromic sequence.
56) To find the missing digit in an ISBN number.
57) To check the validity of a user input password based on repeating sequences.
58) A menu driven program to perform basic operations on a Linked List
59) Stack using Linked List
60) Queue Using Linked List
61) A program to illustrate File operations in Java

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