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Pile on pressure
in pensions fight

he recent strike and national

demo in Aylesbury showed
the strength of FBU members
across England.
Thousands of firefighters marched
through Aylesbury while many others
were on picket lines.
These actions sent a clear message
that firefighters are still prepared to
fight on pensions and wont stand by
while EC member Ricky Matthews
is victimised for taking part in legal
strike action.

offensive against Ricky.

Of course the FBU should legally
challenge the sacking. But we also
neeed an escalation of strike action.
Only a serious escalation of
strikes has the power to beat the
government if the legal challenge
to defend Ricky Matthews and the
parliamentary debate doesnt stop the
attack on pensions.



The political pressure has forced the

Tories into a debate on firefighters
pension regulations.
This is a tribute to all those FBU
members who were prepared to do
the hard work and lobby their MPs.
Now the union is calling on
firefighters to get to Parliament on
Monday 15 December, from 2pm to
continue the lobbying there.
But if things dont go the right way
on Monday then the FBUS fight is
at a critical point.
Many firefighters are frustrated and
worried about the unions strategy. The
unions fightback has become divided
with separate deals in Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland.
When action has been called,
the response from members is
magnificent. But each time we seem

Get organised!
There have now been two
successful Fightback meetings
of FBU activists who want the
fight over pensions stepped up.
If you agree and would like to get
involved, please contact Yusuf:
07854 998 519

Part of the Aylesbury protest Photo: Alan Kenny

to be gaining momentum, action is

suspended for more talks.
The strikes in early November
should have been the launch-pad for
a campaign to crack the governments


Some areas made a call for eight

days of strikes. Eight days could have
stretched any scabbing operation
beyond breaking point.
But for a month the union called
no further action. This was even more
worrying after the sacking of Ricky
The lack of response to the initial
lock-out in Buckinghamshire only
encouraged management to go on the

Strikes are the only practical way

forward. Tory chancellor George
Osbornes Autumn Statement was
confirmation that theyve only just
started the cuts. They now want at
least 55 billion more! That means
the attacks will keep coming thick
and fast.
We cant rely on a Labour
government to come to our rescue
Its really positive that Labour
were pushed to back the debate
in parliament. But Ed Milibands
party is committed to stick to Tory
spending plans, even if they are
elected (and there are no guarantees).
The FBU has the power to win this
fight. The Tories are not invincible.
Firefighters have support from
across the trade union movement
and from the public. But to win we
need an escalating programme of
strike action.

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Firefighters 11/12/14

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