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Lords spend 260,000 on champagne and blame poor for rise in foodbanks!




signalled more cuts packages that
will savage our welfare state, jobs
and pay, we were reminded of how the
other half live.
Tory Baroness Jenkin, who is on the
House of Lords committee that spent
260,000 on champagne, had the cheek
to blame the rise of foodbanks on poor
peoples inability to cook.
Meanwhile millions have seen cuts to
their hospitals and services, as benefits
and jobs are slashed and pay freezes or
pay cuts imposed.
You couldnt make it up. And for
many, this outrageous hypocrisy from the
baroness sums up a political elite who are
completely disconnected from the reality
of austerity Britain for the rest of us.
After four years of brutal Tory austerity,
and Labour failing to offer an alternative,
the question of how to stop the assault on
workers is posed sharply as the general
election looms.


Racist UKip are feeding off of peoples

despair by scapegoating migrants and
seeking to divide working class people
through racism.
Lets be clearits not migrant workers
who are to blame for the economic crisis,
its the bankers who were bailed out, and
the rich who are avoiding their tax and
continuing to get richer while were made
to pay.
Dont believe UKips lies. They have
tried to pose as an alternative to the
mainstream, with Nigel Farage presenting
himself as a real man of the people.
It couldnt be further from the truth
the man is a banker who was privately
educated at the elite Dulwich College.
UKip masquerades as a party that
represents working people.
The reality is that they represent a break
from the Tories, and think working class
people arent being attacked hard enough
by this coalition.
UKip wants to privatise the NHS, and
has thoroughly sexist and homophobic

We rescue people, not banks

say striking firefighters

We cannot allow workers to be divided

by racism and the blame game. Instead
lets make the rich pay. United, we can
stand together to oppose austerity and
fight for jobs, homes, services and a 10
minimum wage now for everyone.


When action has been called by union

leaders to stand up to austerity, workers
have responded magnificently.
Our unions have the power to mobilise
a serious fight that can force an end to
Thats why it is a shame that some
union leaders, for example in local
government, have pulled back from action
for lousy deals.

We cannot simply wait to elect a Labour

government. Ed Miliband has made
clear that Labour will continue with Tory
spending cuts and pay insults.
Striking firefighters and NHS workers,
and local disputessuch as the current
strikes by DSG Unite defence workers
who are fighting over pay and UCU
Lambeth College lecturers challenging
imposed contractsare leading the way.


We need to organise inside our unions for

demands for the general election that can,
whatever government we get, improve
working class peoples lives.
But its clear that our unions have to be
prepared to fight to make this happen.

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