Jack As Resource, Mentor and Consultant

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to Jack as Resource, Mentor and Consultant

Some Areas of Learning I Will Enjoy Exploring with You

Learn how to improve your performance at work and advance your career.
Learn how to study more effectively to pass tests and retain useful information.
Learn about your own and others' personalities and why we act the way we do.
Learn how to effectively cope with conflict and relate better to your wife or
husband, children, in-laws, friends and work or schoolmates.
Learn how differently Westerners and Chinese actually think and perceive their
Learn the Art of Living and Loving from the ancient and modern philosophers,
poets and artists, including Kongzi from Ancient China and Socrates from
Ancient Greece.

My Four Fundamental Propositions:

1. You are absolutely free to do anything, except this: you cannot justly initiate (act
out first) physical aggression, for ANY reason -- there is NO moral justification for
physically coercing another person.

2. You can't control another person -- you might be able to force them to do what
you want but in the end this will not satisfy either of you.

3. You are always trying to control yourself and your world to obtain whatever you
most value at the time in the best ways you can manage -- even when the ways you
choose are harmful to yourself or others --only YOU are responsible for the choices
you make.

4. Every freely entered into relationship, is an exchange of services/goods
from Greatest Love to having your shoes shined, where each believes he receives
more than he gives, or else the interaction would not be undertaken -- therefore,
what we are giving and taking from each other, is each other.

5 Ways I May Be of Unique Use to You

1. University of You Resource and Mentor
Let me enroll and guide you through the University of You to increase your Self-
Knowledge. I have 30+ courses--all with full sets of PPTs, Teacher Guides and
Student Workbooks, Quizzes, etc.--on a wide range of business and personal
development topics that you can take solo or with me as your Mentor. I have a large
resource library of ebooks (5,000+), articles (2,000+) which are included for no
extra cost.

2. Personal, Couple and Organizational Counselor-Consultant
I help you learn why Freedom and Responsibility should be your most important
value and goal. When I "consult", I try to create the conditions that allow you to be:
Valued as an end in yourself as well as a means to anothers end
A meaningful whole that is part of other meaningful wholes
Free to determine your actions and be responsible for the consequences
Informed of influences that involve and evolve you
Treated as an interdependent adult rather than as an independent adolescent or
dependent child
I help you understand yourself and the Human Condition by focusing on the 6 Ps of
1. Perspective How we view our world to maintain control over our lives.
2. Purpose Why we do what we do for what goals or values.
3. Personality Who we are.
4. Planning How to get to where we want to go.
5. Productivity How we can become more effective and efficient at managing
ourselves and others.
6. Provisioning What are our resources and how do we use and increase them.

3. Worker With Words
As an Editor of English, I help you express your understanding in theses, business
plans, personal statements, etc. I have many years of experience working as an
editor with undergraduate and postgraduate students and businesspersons, helping
them draft and craft theses, personal statements and business plans. My very wide
range of reading and study across many disciplines make me a deep and unique
resource for writers wanting to go beyond the usual academic conformity or
standard business models. Personal before professional, my rich human experience
is on tap, so use me!

4. Teacher of Meaningful English

Unzip those Lips! Don't worry, just talk! Simply understand and be understood. You
learn English face-to-face with me, one-on-one or in small groups. You learn topics
that are of real interest and use to you, such as building better relationships with
those you love -- and learn English at the same time. Learn to communicate in
specific kinds of English such as for marketing, finance, science, medical, etc.

5. Unique Resource Locator (URL)
Researcher of almost everything, I can help you obtain what you didn't know you
needed! I fit my name: I am a "Jack of all Trades, Master of None", that is, I know a
little about a lot, and am interested in many things. But also note: "Mastered by
None", that is, I am enslaved by no profession or any other collective. I am free to be
a Professional Amateur of the Unique You!

The Roles I Enact to Help You G.R.O.W.
Growing Through Whoa to WOW! (W.orld O.f W.onder)

G.uide I point out obstacles in your way that might be too obvious for you to see
and lend a supportive shoulder when you are dizzy with freedom; or an able hand-
up when you have fallen through your familiar net of security.

R.esourcer I provision you to have the means to stand alone and understand
yourself and others so as to make better choices that increase your own and others

O.rganizer I help you execute your own authentic order without going out of
control into the control of others.

W.indow I open opportunities to see yourself through others and others through

Education, Qualifications & Skills

2007 Center for Applied Cognitive Studies, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Qualified to administer the WorkPlace Big Five ProFile instruments

2002 Russo Institute of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training

2000 Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Bachelor of Social Science, Human Services, Aged Services (Eligible for Golden Key
National Honour Society limited to top 15% of bachelor degree students)

1997 Prepare/Enrich Australia, Brisbane, Australia

Accredited Administrator of Couple Inventory Program

1994 Personality Type Workshops Brisbane, Australia

Accredited Practitioner of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Website: www.LinkageForLife.com; Email: themesofjack@gmail.com; Mobile: (86) 1591 0600 531;

QQ: 1684 864 831; Skype: jackinchina2005

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